Hippo 4 Reading SF 2021

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HIPPO 2021

9th International English Language Olympiad

IESOL Assessment Reading

RQF Level: Level 1
(CEFR Level: B2)

Candidate Booklet - Reading

HIPPO 4 – S10
Semi-final Round


 Do NOT turn over the page until instructed.

 This examination is made up of 3 TASKS.
 Answer all the questions.
 Remember to transfer your answers onto the answer sheet.
 Use only black or blue PEN.
 Dictionaries are NOT allowed.

Time allowed: 45 minutes Total marks available: 34

Reading Task 1

Read the article and choose the best option to complete the text – a, b, c, or d. An example
has been done for you.

A new population of blue whales found in the Indian Ocean

Scientists made the 0) _____ after picking up a new 'song' 1) _____ they were studying another
group of whales in 2017. Whales make sounds - described as a song - to communicate with
each other. Each population of whales sing in their own pattern, which helps scientists to
2) _____ one group from another.

3) _____ whales are some of the biggest mammals, they are often hard to find! Dr John Smith
is one of the scientists who first heard the new sound. A blue whale's song can be heard by
other whales over a 4) _____ of 500 miles. Dr Smith knew the song belonged to a group of
whales, but not a group he had come 5) _____ before.

Blue whale song has been studied for years, and a few species have been found 6) _____ their
songs. But Dr Smith was still really surprised to have 7) _____ a species nobody had heard of

Blue whales are found in all oceans except the Arctic Ocean, as well as in many seas. The new
whale song the scientists identified was recorded in the Arabian Sea, off the coast of Oman
and Dr Smith's team 8) _____ their findings to the International Whaling Commission in 2018.
Andy Willson led the recording operation. He said: "Before we made our recordings off the
coast of Oman, there was no acoustic data from the Arabian Sea. The identity of that
population of blue whales was 9) _____ just a guess. But now we finally have some data. Our
work shows that there is a lot more to learn about these animals. I think that it is quite 10)
_____ because the expanding maritime industries in the region pose a wide 11)_____ of threats
to whales."

Blue whales were hunted so much in the 20th century that they nearly became extinct (in
other words, disappeared completely), but since new laws which limit or 12) _____ whaling,
numbers have been slowly increasing.

GA IESOL Level 1/B2 Candidate Booklet (Reading) HIPPO Semi-final Round 2021 Page 2
Example: a) discovery b) invention c) backup d) programme

1. a) towards b) following c) during d) while

2. a) capture b) distinguish c) differ d) experiment

3. a) Therefore b) Although c) However d) Despite

4. a) length b) space c) distance d) journey

5. a) across b) up c) out d) to

6. a) since b) within c) against d) through

7. a) encountered b) renewed c) descended d) generated

8. a) denied b) reported c) commented d) emphasised

9. a) ideally b) initially c) precisely d) presumably

10. a) extensive b) unacceptable c) average d) urgent

11. a) list b) collection c) range d) scope

12. a) resist b) command c) prohibit d) interrupt

GA IESOL Level 1/B2 Candidate Booklet (Reading) HIPPO Semi-final Round 2021 Page 3
Reading Task 2

Read the text and answer the questions below. Choose the correct option, a, b, c, or d. An
example has been done for you.

Pasta is one of the world’s most accessible foods. Nearly every country has its own unique
version of this popular, inexpensive staple. In Germany they have spaetzle, in Greece, orzo, and
in Poland, they enjoy pocket-like pierogi, also made of the same ingredients and yet different.
And in America, pasta is prepared and served similarly to the way it is found in Italy – with the
exception of all-American spaghetti and meatballs. In fact, when many of us think of pasta we
think of Italian food, and most people believe that it originated there. While pasta is
traditionally considered Italian, it actually has a very long history that makes it almost
impossible to know who came up with the dish first.

Its history is difficult to trace for several reasons. The word itself translates to ‘paste’ in Italian.
Para. 2 This is a reference to the dough, made from a combination of flour and water or eggs, all simple
elements that have been around for centuries. This makes it hard to differentiate pasta from
other ancient dishes made from the same ingredients. GAP) _____, since pasta has long been a
food of the common people, it has not received as much attention as more extravagant foods.

While we do think of pasta as a culturally Italian food, it is likely the descendent of ancient
Asian noodles. A common belief about pasta is that it was brought to Italy from China by Marco
Para. 3 Polo during the 13th century. In his book, The Travels of Marco Polo, there is a GAP 1)_____ that
briefly mentions his introduction to a plant that produced flour. The Chinese used this plant to
create a meal similar to barley flour. The barley-like meal Polo mentioned was used to make
several pasta-like dishes, including one described as ‘lagana’ (lasagna). Since Polo’s original text
no longer exists, the story is likely to be inaccurate because of how many times it has been
retold. This, combined with the fact that pasta was already gaining popularity in other areas of
Italy during the 13th century, GAP 2)_____ very unlikely that Marco Polo was the first to
introduce pasta to Italy.

Noodles existed in Asia long before Polo’s trip to China. Archaeologists believe that central Asia
is most likely the first area to have produced noodles thousands of years ago. From Asia, it
travelled to the west. The way it reached Europe is unclear, though there are many theories.
Some believe that nomadic Arabs are responsible for bringing early forms of pasta to the west.
Once it reached the Mediterranean, the process was refined, and durum wheat became the
ingredient of choice for pasta flour because of its long shelf life. When durum wheat pasta is
dried, it lasts indefinitely, making it a very convenient food to store. Over time, because of how
affordable pasta is, its long shelf life, and how widely it can be used in cooking, it became firmly
rooted in the Italian culture. The warm Mediterranean climate of Italy is suited to growing fresh
vegetables and herbs, which meant that Italians could get creative with a delicious variety of
pasta sauces. Tomato-based sauces emerged as a favourite complement to pasta, and tomatoes
remain the most popular ingredient in pasta sauce today.

GA IESOL Level 1/B2 Candidate Booklet (Reading) HIPPO Semi-final Round 2021 Page 4
Early Spanish settlers were among the first to bring pasta to America. Believe it or not, it was
Para. 5 Thomas Jefferson that helped make pasta popular to start with. During an GAP) _____ stay in
France from 1784-1789, Jefferson ate what he called ‘macaroni’. Back then, the word could have
referred to any shape of pasta, even though nowadays it refers to just one shape: short, curly
tubes. He enjoyed the dish so much that he returned to America with two cases.

During the late 19th century, when a large group of immigrants relocated from Italy to America,
pasta became a common food in the States. Americans have been making spaghetti ever since.

Pasta is, for all intents and purposes, comfort food. One of its most comforting qualities is how
Para. 7 little it has changed over the centuries. It is still made with the same essential ingredients and
methods that have been preserved since ancient times. When we eat pasta, we can be assured of
the likelihood that our relatives from a long, long time ago ate something similar. Pasta, with its
long, multicultural history, is a culinary connection to our past.

Example: This text is about history of:

a) pasta.
b) Italy.
c) travel.
d) cooking.

13. Orzo, spaetzle and pierogi are mentioned to illustrate that:

a) each country has its own national dish.

b) foods similar to pasta exist in many countries.
c) different nations have different names for the same pasta.
d) pasta is more popular than those types of food.

14. People in America:

a) have taken a long time to appreciate pasta.

b) have only recently discovered spaghetti and meatballs.
c) eat even more pasta than Italians.
d) mostly eat pasta in a similar way to Italians.

15. In paragraph 2, the underlined word ‘differentiate’ means:

a) to make a difference.
b) to tell the difference.
c) to mean the difference.
d) to feel the difference.

16. In paragraph 2, the best phrase to complete the gap is:

a) However
b) Therefore
c) In addition
d) As a result

GA IESOL Level 1/B2 Candidate Booklet (Reading) HIPPO Semi-final Round 2021 Page 5
17. The claim that pasta was introduced to Italy by Marco Polo:

a) is supported in 13th century texts.

b) has no evidence to support it.
c) is quite possibly incorrect.
d) is widely believed in China.

18. In paragraph 3, the best word to fit the first gap is:

a) passage
b) position
c) guidance
d) confession

19. In paragraph 3, the best phrase to fit the second gap is:

a) makes it
b) tells it
c) shows it
d) gives it

20. Why is durum wheat a popular choice for pasta flour?

a) Because it is the cheapest type of flour.

b) Because it helps pasta stay fresh for a long time.
c) Because it was introduced by nomadic Arabs.
d) Because of how quickly it dries.

21. The author mentions warm Italian climate:

a) because it is an important part of Italian culture.

b) to encourage people to visit Italy.
c) due to its link to other foods that go with pasta.
d) as he believes it makes Italian people creative.

22. In paragraph 4, the underlined word ‘complement’ means:

a) a nice thing that you say about somebody or something.

b) something that goes well with another item or product.
c) an additional feature that is available.
d) an alternative to another item or product.

23. In paragraph 5, the best word to fit the gap is:

a) extended
b) increased
c) elongated
d) approximate

GA IESOL Level 1/B2 Candidate Booklet (Reading) HIPPO Semi-final Round 2021 Page 6
24. Where did Thomas Jefferson first come across pasta?

a) in Italy
b) in Spain
c) in America
d) in France

25. Why does the author consider pasta to be a comfort food?

a) Because it’s easy to prepare.

b) Because it’s satisfying to eat.
c) Because it provides a link to the past.
d) Because it has been perfected over centuries.

26. In paragraph 7, the underlined word ‘preserved’ means:

a) neglected
b) maintained
c) improved
d) defended

Reading Task 3
A) Read the three texts and answer the questions below by indicating which text each
question relates to: A, B, or C. An example has been done for you.

Text A Italian Classes

Our 10-week Italian courses are held at our school, which is just a short walk from the main
train station. It is just a five-minute walk from the city’s premier shopping area and lots of
fashionable cafés, restaurants, clubs and entertainment GAP 1) _____. It is also only a few
minutes’ walk from all main bus routes and the railway station.

Our Italian language courses in Leeds are fully interactive. Your teacher will be a native or
bilingual speaker, and you will start speaking Italian with confidence from the very first Italian
lesson. The classroom atmosphere is relaxed but focused, and the classroom activities are
designed to keep you engaged and motivated throughout the course.

The school itself is located in a beautiful old building, yet inside it is modern and very well
equipped. It GAP 2) _____ 11 classrooms, all with SMART boards and high speed wifi. Our
centre in Leeds is not wheelchair accessible at the current time.

GA IESOL Level 1/B2 Candidate Booklet (Reading) HIPPO Semi-final Round 2021 Page 7
Text B Spanish Classes

Hola! I’m Emma. My multi-award-winning Spanish language classes designed to engage

young learners in a very natural and intuitive way. I teach through songs, actions, games, role-
play, and stories.

It all began when I went on a school exchange trip to Madrid. I stayed with a family for a
week and realised I could hardly put a sentence together! I was determined that one day I
would be able to hold a conversation in Spanish.

Since then, I have worked as au pair for a lovely Spanish family in Galicia and then as a
teaching assistant in a rural primary school north of Valencia for a year. At university, I was
awarded a first-class degree in Teaching Languages, and worked as a primary school teacher
in Scotland.

I understand the benefits of language learning and believe it is such a fun and engaging way
for children to GAP) _____ life skills. Anyone can learn a language and I love to inspire children
to develop a passion for Spanish language and culture – as it’s amazing!

Text C French Classes

Are you wondering why our website is called FriendlyFunFrench? Friendly, because my
students get to know each other through games during the French lessons, we have meals
together talking in French and in English and we help each other. Fun, because you will play
games to learn French more efficiently. I guarantee that you will not stay sitting down for an
hour, but you will move, act, mime, play and so on. French, because you learn French with
native French tutors. I sometimes invite other French teachers or French friends to give my
students opportunities to hear different accents and bring a French atmosphere to the

Do you want to learn French online? We have designed lessons for adults, teenagers, and
children of any level. We offer online group and one-to-one French lessons. Most of my
students attend both, as it is the best way to learn efficiently. Usually, one-to-one lessons are
based on grammar, speaking, listening, reading and writing and online group French classes
give the students the opportunity to practise through GAP) _____ with other students or
native French tutors.

Every week I create and upload free online French lessons to my Blog. It gives a chance for
my students to revise everything that they have learned and review any previous French
lesson whenever they need.

GA IESOL Level 1/B2 Candidate Booklet (Reading) HIPPO Semi-final Round 2021 Page 8
Which text / school does the following?

Example Describes a school which teaches Italian. A

27. Does NOT use native speakers to teach the language. ________

28. Provides additional resources for no extra charge. ________

29. Provides a comment on the school’s exterior. ________

30. Offers classes to all age groups. ________

31. Mentions the suitability of different sizes of classes. _______

32. Describes a school suitable for younger children. ________

33. Says that the location of the school is convenient. ________

Tells you about the background of a teacher. ________

B) Now answer the following questions by choosing the correct option.

35. In Text A, the best option to complete the first gap is:

a) applications
b) contributions
c) facilities
d) arrangements

36. In Text A, the best option to complete the second gap is:

a) benefits
b) reckons
c) approves
d) boasts

37. In Text B, the underlined word ‘realised’ means the same as:

a) wound up
b) worked out
c) wrapped up
d) wore off

38. In Text B, the underlined word ‘engage’ means the same as:

a) join in
b) take part in
c) interest
d) put off

GA IESOL Level 1/B2 Candidate Booklet (Reading) HIPPO Semi-final Round 2021 Page 9
39. In Text B, the best word to complete the gap is:

a) spread
b) acquire
c) represent
d) assure

40. In Text C, the best word to complete the gap is:

a) interactions
b) commitments
c) arrangements
d) combinations

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