Shopping Text

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Do you agree or disagree that women spend more time shopping than men?

I would definitely say that women go shopping more often than men and also spend longer
looking for what they want. For a start, it is usually women who buy the groceries each week
and also clothes for the children if they have a family. Many women I know purchase most of
their husband’s clothes as well because their men hate shopping.

I think this is less the case with younger men as they are more fashion conscious and happy
to hit the shops themselves. Brand named clothes are a status symbol with the younger
generation as they like to dress to impress. Men more readily pay for expensive items, especially
the latest electronic gadgets, and aren’t too bothered about discounts.

For women, shopping is often a social activity done with friends. It’s common to go window
shopping and my sister’s idea of a fun morning is browsing the second-hand shops in town.
You never see men doing either of these things.

2) Do people generally prefer to buy products from their own or from other countries?

I think it varies very much from person to person. On the one hand, there’s an increasing number
of people who choose to buy their meat and vegetables from farm shops rather
than supermarkets. This is partly to support the local economy but also because they are
concerned that transporting produce around the world is contributing to global warming.

Unfortunately, supermarket products are often cheaper despite having travelled many miles to

the shops. For example, I live in the countryside and can see sheep out of my window and yet
it’s cheaper to buy lamb from New Zealand, 11,000 miles away, than it is to purchase local

So, on the other hand, you have people on a low budget who are forced
to buy cheaper supermarket imports even if they don’t want to.

With most goods other than food, there’s often little choice but to buy foreign imports as most
things in the shops come from abroad.

3) Why do you think some people purchase things that they do not need?

In my opinion, unnecessary purchases are made for several reasons. Firstly, many people,

especially the younger generation, like to have the latest gadgets and fashions so they quickly
discard old stuff. We have become a real throwaway society. Also, they want to have the same
products as their friends whether they need them or not.

Secondly, these days we tend to have more spare cash to buy luxuries that our parents would not
have been able to afford at our age.

Finally, I think that aggressive advertising convinces people that they need things that they don’t
and, of course, the internet encourages impulse buying as shopping online is so quick and

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