MDSAP QMS P0014.003 Training Procedurev2
MDSAP QMS P0014.003 Training Procedurev2
MDSAP QMS P0014.003 Training Procedurev2
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MDSAP QMS P0014.003
Version Date: Effective Date:
Responsible Office/Division 2016-10-22 2013-07-15
Title: Project Manager:
MDSAP QMS Training Procedure Liliane Brown, USFDA
Table of Contents
1. Purpose/Policy ............................................................................................... 1
2. Scope............................................................................................................. 1
3. Definitions/Acronyms ..................................................................................... 2
4. Authorities/Responsibilities ............................................................................ 2
5. Procedures .................................................................................................... 2
5.1 Types of Training Required .................................................................... 3
5.2 Training Methods .................................................................................... 3
5.3. Identification of Training Needs .............................................................. 4
5.4. Evaluation of Training Effectiveness ....................................................... 5
5.5. Maintenance and Retention of Training Records .................................... 5
5.6. Training Documentation.......................................................................... 5
6. Forms............................................................................................................. 6
7. Reference Documents ................................................................................... 6
8. Document History .......................................................................................... 6
Approval Sign-Off Sheet
1. Purpose/Policy
The purpose of this document is to define the Medical Device Single Audit
Program (MDSAP) Team training requirements. This procedure will assist to
assure that MDSAP Team members have the knowledge, skills and abilities to
perform their respective roles successfully by developing proficiency through
various methods of training. This document is separate from the
IMDRF/MDSAP WG/N4:2013 Competency and Training Requirements for
Auditing Organizations which may not apply to all MDSAP Team Members.
2. Scope
This procedure applies to all MDSAP Team members of each participating
Regulatory Authority (RA).
3. Definitions/Acronyms
4. Authorities/Responsibilities
RAC Secretariat: Responsible for notifying the MDSAP Team, through the
participating RA Training Representative, when new or revised procedures and
policies are released.
MDSAP Team Member: All MDSAP Team Members are responsible for
assessing their individual training needs. Team Members should document
their training and coordinate with their RA Training Representative, to ensure
that training records are current.
5. Procedures
Training Requirements
and importance of their activities and how they contribute to the achievement
of the quality objectives of the MDSAP.
5.1 Types of Training Required
All MDSAP Team Members shall become proficient with the MDSAP
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) which pertain to the Team
Member’s role. A Team Member’s proficiency with an SOP may be
demonstrated through self-certification, classroom work, other documented
learning experiences (e.g. On-The-Job Training) or through a combination
of these. Additionally, for training not available through an MDSAP course,
a Team Member must participate in an internal RA course and/or
recognized external coursework relating to their role. The Team Member’s
supervisor will evaluate their proficiency and, if a deficiency in performance
is observed, provide constructive feedback, and / or arrange specific
additional training for the Team Member.
MDSAP Team Members will undertake the majority of their MDSAP training
via a supervised or personal review of SOPs, Standards, Regulations,
Policy, Manuals, Guidance Documents and others, and then applying the
learned material to their daily work processes. This involves the MDSAP
Team Member taking the time to review and ensure understanding of the
applicable material. If the Team Member has questions regarding the
material, it is incumbent on the Team Member to seek clarification. “On the Job” Training (OJT) – MDSAP Team Member training
at the place of work while performing MDSAP assigned roles
under the close supervision of a supervisor or delegate (e.g., a
mentor). This type of training must ensure that it provides the
Team Member the knowledge or skills essential to the full and
adequate performance of the assigned role.
Training needs may also be identified more frequently (e.g. when a new
or revised procedure or policy affecting the MDSAP Team Member’s
role is released; or when the evaluation of training effectiveness
demonstrates a need for further training).
5.4. Evaluation of Training Effectiveness
The RA Training Representative is to perform an annual evaluation of
the MDSAP Training Program. The Representative may presume that
MDSAP Team Members who have participated in all required MDSAP
training are competent unless a Supervisor observes substandard
performance. The methods to be used by the RA Training
Representative for reviewing the effectiveness of training may include:
• Monitoring MDSAP Team Member performance
• Interviews with MDSAP Team Members
• Observations made by the RA Training Representative or other
members of the MDSAP Team
• Group discussions
• Input from subject matter experts
6. Forms
MDSAP QMS F0014.1 - Training Review Checklist Form
MDSAP QMS F0014.2 - Training Evaluation Form
7. Reference Documents
ISO 10015:1999(E). Quality Management - Guidelines for Training. (1999,
December 15).
International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
IMDRF/MDSAP WG/N6FINAL:2013 – Regulatory Authority Assessor
Competence and Training Requirements
8. Document History
Version 003