Modules in Mechanics of Materials List of Symbols

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Modules in Mechanics of Materials

List of Symbols

A area, free energy, Madelung constant

A transformation matrix
A plate extensional stiffness
a length, transformation matrix, crack length
aT time-temperature shifting factor
B design allowable for strength
B matrix of derivatives of interpolation functions
B plate coupling stiffness
b width, thickness
C stress optical coefficient, compliance
C viscoelastic compliance operator
c numerical constant, length, speed of light
C.V. coefficient of variation
D stiffness matrix, flexural rigidity of plate
D plate bending stiffness
d diameter, distance, grain size
E modulus of elasticity, electric field
E∗ activation energy
E viscoelastic stiffness operator
e electronic charge
eij deviatoric strain
F force
fs form factor for shear
G shear modulus
G viscoelastic shear stiffness operator
Gc critical strain energy release rate
g acceleration of gravity
GF gage factor for strain gages
H Brinell hardness
h depth of beam
I moment of inertia, stress invariant
I identity matrix
J polar moment of inertia
K bulk modulus, global stiffness matrix, stress intensity factor
K viscoelastic bulk stiffness operator
k spring stiffness, element stiffness, shear yield stress, Boltzman’s constant
L length, beam span
L matrix of differential operators
M bending moment
N crosslink or segment density, moire fringe number, interpolation function, cycles to failure
N traction per unit width on plate
NA Avogadro’s number
N viscoelastic Poisson operator
n refractive index, number of fatigue cycles
n̂ unit normal vector
P concentrated force
Pf fracture load, probability of failure
Ps probability of survival
p pressure, moire gridline spacing
Q force resultant, first moment of area
q distributed load
R radius, reaction force, strain or stress rate, gas constant, electrical resistance
R Reuter’s matrix
r radius, area reduction ratio
S entropy, moire fringe spacing, total surface energy, alternating stress
S compliance matrix
s Laplace variable, standard deviation
SCF stress concentration factor
T temperature, tensile force, stress vector, torque
Tg glass transition temperature
t time, thickness
tf time to failure
U strain energy
U∗ strain energy per unit volume
UTS ultimate tensile stress
ũ approximate displacement function
V shearing force, volume, voltage
V∗ activation volume
v velocity
W weight, work
u, v, w components of displacement
x, y, z rectangular coordinates
X standard normal variable
α, β curvilinear coordinates
αL coefficient of linear thermal expansion
γ shear strain, surface energy per unit area, weight density
δ deflection
δij Kroenecker delta
 normal strain
 strain pseudovector
ij strain tensor
T thermal strain
η viscosity
θ angle, angle of twist per unit length
κ curvature
λ extension ratio, wavelength

ν Poisson’s ratio
ρ density, electrical resistivity
Σij distortional stress
σ normal stress
σ stress pseudovector
σij stress tensor
σe endurance limit
σf failure stress
σm mean stress
σM Mises stress
σt true stresss
σY yield stresss
τ shear stress, relaxation time
φ Airy stress function
ξ dummy length or time variable
Ω configurational probability
ω angular frequency
∇ gradient operator

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