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 1bending tests
 determination of the modulus of elasticity
 statically determinate systems (beam mounted on two supports;
cantilever beam)
 statically indeterminate systems (dual-span beam)
 deformation of a beam dependent on material, geometry
(section width, height and length), type of support and length
of span
 formulation of proportional relationships for the deformation
 torsion tests
 determination of the shear modulus of various materials
 angle of twist dependent on clamping length, bar diameter
 formulation of proportional relationships for the angle of twist


The study of the deformation of bars under bending or torsion is a

fundamental aspect of materials science and mechanical engineering. Bending
and torsion are two common modes of loading that materials experience in
various engineering applications. Understanding how materials respond to
these deformations is crucial for designing structures and components that
can withstand applied loads while maintaining structural integrity.

Bending occurs when a bar or beam is subjected to forces that induce

curvatures along its length. This type of loading is prevalent in structures such
as bridges, buildings, and machine components. Torsion, on the other hand,
involves the application of a twisting moment, causing the bar to rotate about
its axis. Torsional loading is often encountered in the design of shafts,
couplings, and other mechanical elements.


1- bending
when a bar, like a beam or girder, is subjected to bending, it means that it is experiencing
forces or loads that are trying to bend it. These forces can be applied perpendicular to the
bar's length or in pairs acting on opposite sides. The cross-sectional area, which is essentially
a cut through the bar, is crucial in determining how it will resist tensile (pulling) or
compressive (pushing) loads.

However, when it comes to bending loads, it's not just about the cross-sectional area; the
shape of the bar also matters. Imagine trying to bend a flat sheet of paper versus trying to
bend a pencil. The paper will bend easily because of its shape, while the pencil, being more
rigid due to its circular cross-section, will resist bending more.

If we have an unclamped girder, which means it's not fixed at both ends, it can also undergo
deflection or bending deformation. This deflection is influenced by both the loads applied
and the characteristics of the girder, such as its length, cross-sectional shape, and material
properties. Understanding these factors is crucial in designing structures like beams and
girders to ensure they can support the loads they'll encounter while considering how much
they might bend or deflect under those loads.

For deflection with an unclamped girder:

F. L
W d=
48 . E . I

For deflection with a cantilever:

F. L
W d=
3.E. I


A cylindrical bar with length L is securely clamped at one end. If a force F is

applied, which acts on the F lever arm in a plane perpendicular to the bar axis, the
bar is subjected to torsion by the moment.
M t =F . a

The deflection of the load lever is so low as not to influence the measuring results.
The shearing strain in terms of the unit length:
The reciprocal of the coefficient of rigidity:
γ mm2
β= [ ¿
τt N

The modulus of rigidity:

G= β

Shear stress on radius r:

τ t=G . γ

Shear stress on surface areaτ t max :

τ t max = , W p is polar moment of resistance.

Angle of rotation in radian:

Mt . L
G . Ip
4 3
I p= , W p= π d
32 16


WP 100 investigates the influence of these factors on the deformation of a bar under
bending load or twisting moment. A set of test bars has been assembled so as to permit
direct comparison of measuring results. The bar under investigation is fixed to two movable
support blocks and loaded down by a weight. A dial gauge records the resulting
deformation. The support blocks include clamping chucks to hold the torsion bars and
supports for the bars in the bend test. The supports offer a range of clamping options,
enabling statically determinate or indeterminate bearing supports to be investigated. The
twisting moment is applied by a device mounted on a support block. The point of load
application to generate the bending moment is adjustable. The various elements of the
experiment are clearly laid-out and housed securely in a storage system. The complete
experimental setup is arranged on the frame.
‫هون اكتب أجزاء الجهاز تم مش ترسموو‬


bars for bending tests • material: aluminium, steel, brass, copper • height with LxW
510x20mm: h=3…10mm • width with LxH 510x5mm: w=10…30mm • length with WxH
20x4mm: l=210…510mm • LxWxH: 20x4x510mm (Al, St, brass, Cu) • LxWxH: 10x10x510mm
(aluminium) 22

torsion bars • material: aluminium, steel, brass, copper • length with Ø 10mm: 50…640mm
(aluminium) • ØxL: 10x50mm/10x340mm (aluminium, steel, copper, brass) • diameter with
L=50/340mm: Ø 5…12mm (steel) Dial gauge • 0…10mm, graduation: 0,01mm Tape measure
• graduation: 0,01m Weights • 1x 100g (hanger) • 1x 100g, 1x 400g, 1x 500g, 1x 900g
LxWxH: 1000x250x200mm Weight: approx. 18kg LxWxH: 1170x480x207mm (storage
system) Weight: approx. 12kg (storage system)


In the real world, when engineers design things like cars, they often deal with
both bending and twisting forces. For example, think about a car's drive shaft
– it has to handle the weight of the car (bending) and the spinning force from
the engine (torsion).

Understanding how materials bend and twist is super important for making
sure things are safe and work well. Imagine if a critical part of a car couldn't
handle the weight or the spinning – that could be a big problem!

So, engineers use math and computer models to figure out how materials will
bend and twist under different situations. They create designs that can handle
these forces, ensuring that structures, machines, and parts are both safe and
efficient. It's like a combination of solving puzzles and using advanced tools to
make sure everything fits together just right.

source © G.U.N.T. Gerätebau GmbH 2023

\ consulting relevant engineering textbooks,

materials science and mechanics textbooks

American Society of Mechanical Engineers

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