EASA TCDS A.353 - Moravan - Z - 26 - Series 05 20092013

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353 Moravan Aviation Page 1 of 114

Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013

European Aviation Safety Agency





Type Certificate Holder:


Letiště 1578
765 81 Otrokovice

For Models: Z 126, Z 126 T, Z 226 B, Z 226 T, Z 226 A, Z 226 M, Z 226 MS;

Z 326, Z 326 A, Z 326 M;

Z 526, Z 526 A, Z 526 F, Z 526 L, Z 526 AFS, Z 526 AFS-V,

Z 526 M

Z 726, Z 726 K

Issue 5: 20 September 2013

EASA Form NR 90 CS-23

Issue 01
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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013


AI. General
AII. Certification Basis
AIII. Technical Characteristics and Operational Limitations
AIV. Operating and Service Instructions
AV. Notes


BI. General
BII. Certification Basis
BIII. Technical Characteristics and Operational Limitations
BIV. Operating and Service Instructions
BV. Notes


CI. General
CII. Certification Basis
CIII. Technical Characteristics and Operational Limitations
CIV. Operating and Service Instructions
CV. Notes


DI. General
DII. Certification Basis
DIII. Technical Characteristics and Operational Limitations
DIV. Operating and Service Instructions
DV. Notes


EI. General
EII. Certification Basis
EIII. Technical Characteristics and Operational Limitations
EIV. Operating and Service Instructions
EV. Notes

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FI. General
FII. Certification Basis
FIII. Technical Characteristics and Operational Limitations
FIV. Operating and Service Instructions
FV. Notes


GI. General
GII. Certification Basis
GIII. Technical Characteristics and Operational Limitations
GIV. Operating and Service Instructions
GV. Notes


HI. General
HII. Certification Basis
HIII. Technical Characteristics and Operational Limitations
HIV. Operating and Service Instructions
HV. Notes


I.I. General
I.II. Certification Basis
I.III. Technical Characteristics and Operational Limitations
I.IV. Operating and Service Instructions
I.V. Notes


JI. General
JII. Certification Basis
JIII. Technical Characteristics and Operational Limitations
JIV. Operating and Service Instructions
JV. Notes


KI. General
KII. Certification Basis
KIII. Technical Characteristics and Operational Limitations
KIV. Operating and Service Instructions
KV. Notes

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LI. General
LII. Certification Basis
LIII. Technical Characteristics and Operational Limitations
LIV. Operating and Service Instructions
LV. Notes


MI. General
MII. Certification Basis
MIII. Technical Characteristics and Operational Limitations
MIV. Operating and Service Instructions
MV. Notes


NI. General
NII. Certification Basis
NIII. Technical Characteristics and Operational Limitations
NIV. Operating and Service Instructions
NV. Notes


OI. General
OII. Certification Basis
OIII. Technical Characteristics and Operational Limitations
OIV. Operating and Service Instructions
OV. Notes


PI. General
PII. Certification Basis
PIII. Technical Characteristics and Operational Limitations
PIV. Operating and Service Instructions
PV. Notes


RI. General
RII. Certification Basis
RIII. Technical Characteristics and Operational Limitations
RIV. Operating and Service Instructions
RV. Notes

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SI. General
SII. Certification Basis
SIII. Technical Characteristics and Operational Limitations
SIV. Operating and Service Instructions
SV. Notes


TI. General
TII. Certification Basis
TIII. Technical Characteristics and Operational Limitations
TIV. Operating and Service Instructions
TV. Notes


I. Acronyms
II. Type Certificate Holder Record
III. Change Record

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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013


AI. General

1. a) Type: Z 26
b) Model: Z 126

2. Airworthiness category: Aerobatic (A)

Normal (N)


3. Type Certificate Holder:
Letiště 1578
765 81 Otrokovice
Czech Republic
4. Manufacturer: Moravan, n. p.
Gottwaldov – Otrokovice
S/N: 701 – 870
5. Certification Application ---

6. CAA CZ Type Certificate August 15, 1956


7. EASA Type Certificate replaces CAA CZ Type Certificate No. 4-4445-1956.

AII. Certification Basis

1. Reference Date for

determining the applicable ---

2. (Reserved)

3. (Reserved)

4. Airworthiness Requirements: Bauvorschriften für Flugzeuge, K5

5. Requirements elected to
comply: None

6. EASA Special Conditions: None

7. EASA Exemptions: None

8. EASA Equivalent Safety None

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9. EASA Environmental ICAO Annex 16, Volume I, Chapter 10


AIII. Technical Characteristics and Operational Limitations

1. Type Design Definition: The specification list of aircraft Z 126, No. S

2. Description: The Z 126 aircraft is two-seat, low wing, single-
engine monoplane.
3. Equipment: Approved equipment list is stated in document
Maintenance Manual Z 126, Chapter 5.
4. Dimensions: Wing Span: 10.282 m
Length: 7.555 m
Height: 2.770 m
Wing Area: 14.900 m2
5. Engine:

5.1 Model: Walter Minor 4-III

5.2 Type Certificate: No. 19/4-IV A/3 ai 1946, Ministry of Transport, CZ

5.3 Limitations: Max. Continuous power

Max. Power 77 kW (105 HP)
Max. Engine speed 2 500 RPM
Max. Consumption 35 l/h
Max. Cruising power
Max. Power 59 kW (80 HP)
Max. Engine speed 2 300 RPM
Max. Consumption 26 l/h
6. Load factors: For category Aerobatic (A) +6.0 g, -3.0 g
For category Normal (N) +3.5 g, -1.0 g
7. Propellers:

7.1.1 Model: V-126

7.1.2 Type Certificate: ---

7.1.3 Number of blades: 2

7.1.4 Diameter: 2 000 mm

7.1.5 Sense of Rotation: Anticlockwise in flight direction.


7.2.1 Model: L 26.1.8100.5

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7.2.2 Type Certificate: ---

7.2.3 Number of blades: 2

7.2.4 Diameter: 2 000 mm

7.2.5 Sense of Rotation: Anticlockwise in flight direction.

8. Fluids:

8.1 Fuel: Non-ethylated aviation gasoline, with min. 72

octanes. Application of ethylated fuels is only
permitted in case the T.E.L. content does not
exceed the value of 0.06 % vol.
Recommended kinds of fuel:
LBZ 72
LBZ 78
LBE 80
Shell 80
Esso 80
8.2 Oil: For engine operation are recommended mineral
oils with min. kinematic viscosity of 20 cSt at
100°C, whose per-centual carbon residue does not
exceed the value of 0.4.
MS 20
Aero Shell W100
Aero Shell W120 (in tropical climates)
8.3 Coolant: None

9. Fluid capacities:

9.1 Fuel: Total: 80 litres

Usable: 78 litres
2 x 35 litres in main tanks
3 litres in connecting tank
7 litres in gravity tank
9.2 Oil: Minimum 7 litres – Maximum 11 litres

9.3 Coolant system None

Never exceed speed limit VNE 320 km/h IAS
10. Air Speeds:
Maximum speed limit near
the ground VH 205 km/h IAS
Maximum flaps extended
speed limit VFE 130 km/h IAS
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11. Maximum Operating 4 800 m


12. Allweather Operations

The aircraft is approved for VFR Day flights.

13. Maximum Weights: Max. Take-off and Landing weight: 765 kg

Max. Variable Load: 194 kg

14. Centre of Gravity Range: 23 % – 26.5 % M.A.C.

M.A.C. is 1 532 mm;
0 % M.A.C. is 621 mm aft reference datum.
15. Datum: The rear part of firewall; from it are measured, for
purpose of assignation of Gravity Centre, all lateral
16. Control surface deflections: Elevator deflection up 25° ± 2°
down 20° ± 2°
Elevator trim up 23° ± 2°
down 40° ± 2°
Rudder deflection left an right 30° ± 2°
Ailerons deflection up 108 mm (+5, -3) mm
down 98 mm (+5, -3) mm
Wing flaps position: retracted 0°
take-off 15°
landing 43° (+ 2°, - 3°)

17. Levelling Means: Levelling points on left and right side of airplane
fuselage to be levelled. Measurement plane to be
min. 850 mm below.
18. Minimum Flight Crew: 1 (Pilot)

19. Maximum Passenger

Seating Capacity: 2 (including crew)

20. (Reserved)

21. Baggage/Cargo
Compartments: Maximum 10 kg

22. Wheels and Tyres: The wheel K 420.00 of main gear with tyre BARUM
or MITAS 420x150-6.5 or MITAS 420x150-6.5 Tl
with tube 420x150;
The wheel K 56-1100.00 of main gear with tubeless
tyre MITAS 420x150-6.5 TL;
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The wheels K 34-990 or K 13-0000.00 of tail gear

with tyre BARUM or MITAS 260x85-4 with tube

AIV. Operating and Service Instructions

1. Flight manual:
– In Czech language Směrnice pro pilota letounu Z 126

– In English language Instruction for pilot on the use and handling

of the Z 126 Aircraft

2. Maintenance and operating manual:

– In Czech language Návod k obsluze a ošetřování letounu Z 126,
date of issue 1954

– In German language Flugzeug Z 126 Bedienungsanleitung,

date of issue 1956

3. Repair manual:
– In Czech language Opravárenská příručka Z 126, Z 226,
date of issue 1994

4. Illustrated parts catalogue:

– In Czech language Seznam náhradních součástí draku letounu Z 126
Trenér, date of issue 1954

AV. Notes:

Following Z 26 aircraft have been converted to the model Z 126 by the aircraft
S/N: 518, 524, 525, 535, 580, 591 595, 611

Following Z 126 aircraft have been converted to the models:

T 126 M S/N: 841
Z 226 S/N: 817
Z 226 B S/N: 830, 831
Z 226 T S/N: 870
Z 226 MS: S/N: 741, 750, 804, 839
by the aircraft manufacturer.
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BI. General

1. a) Type: Z 26
b) Model: Z 126 T

2. Airworthiness category: Utility (U)

Normal (N)
3. Type Certificate Holder:
Letiště 1578
765 81 Otrokovice
Czech Republic
4. Manufacturer: Moravan n.p.
Gottwaldov – Otrokovice
S/N: 780
5. Certification Application ---

6. CAA CZ Type Certificate February 10, 1977


7. EASA Type Certificate replaces CAA CZ Type Certificate No. 55.470 – 1957.

BII. Certification Basis

1. Reference Date for ---

determining the applicable

2. (Reserved)

3. (Reserved)

4. Airworthiness Requirements: Bauvorschriften für Flugzeuge, K4, K5

5. Requirements elected to None


6. EASA Special Conditions: None

7. EASA Exemptions: None

8. EASA Equivalent Safety None

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9. EASA Environmental
ICAO Annex 16, Volume I, Chapter 10

BIII. Technical Characteristics and Operational Limitations

1. Type Design Definition: The specification list of aircraft Z 126 T,

No. T-S 126.000.
2. Description: The Z-126 T aircraft is two-seat, low wing, single-
engine monoplane.
3. Equipment: Approved equipment list is stated in document
Maintenance Manual Z 126, Chapter 5.
4. Dimensions: Wing Span: 10.282 m
Length: 7.555 m
Height: 2.770 m
Wing Area: 14.900 m2
5. Engine:

5.1 Model: Walter Minor 4-III

5.2 Type Certificate: No. 19/4-IV A/3 a.i. 1946 Ministry of Transport, CZ

5.3 Limitations: Max. Continuous power

Max. Power 77 kW (105 HP)
Max. Engine speed 2 500 RPM
Max. Comsumption 35 l/h
Max. Cruising power
Max. Power 59 kW (80 HP)
Max. Engine speed 2 300 RPM
Max. Consumption 26 l/h
6. Load factors: For category Utility (U) +4.4 g, -1.8 g
For category Normal (N) +3.5 g, -1.0 g
7. Propellers:

7.1.1 Model: V-126

7.1.2 Type Certificate: ---

7.1.3 Number of blades: 2

7.1.4 Diameter: 2 000 mm

7.1.5 Sense of Rotation: Anticlockwise in flight direction


7.2.1 Model: L 26.1.8100.5

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7.2.2 Type Certificate: ---

7.2.3 Number of blades: 2

7.2.4 Diameter: 2 000 mm

7.2.5 Sense of Rotation: Anticlockwise in flight direction.

8. Fluids:

8.1 Fuel: Non-ethylated aviation gasoline, with min. 72

Application of ethylated fuels is only permitted in
case the T.E.L. content does not exceed the value
of 0.06 % vol.
LBZ 72
LBZ 78
LBE 80
LBE 87
Shell 80
8.2 Oil: For engine operation are recommended mineral
oils with min. kinematic viscosity of 20 cSt at
100°C, whose percentual carbon residue does not
exceed the value of 0.4.
Aeroshell W100
Aeroshell W120 (in tropical climates)
8.3 Coolant: None

9. Fluid capacities:

9.1 Fuel: Total: 80 litres

Usable: 78 litres
2 x 35 litres in main tanks
3 litres in connecting tank
7 litres in gravity tank
9.2 Oil: Minimum 7 litres – Maximum 11 litres

9.3 Coolant system

capacity: None

10. Air Speeds: Never exceed speed limit VNE 300 km/h IAS
Maximum speed limit near VH
the ground 205 km/h IAS
Maximum flaps extended VFE
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speed limit 160 km/h IAS

11. Maximum Operating
Altitude: 4 750 m

12. Allweather Operations

The aircraft is approved for VFR Day flights.

13. Maximum Weights: Max. Take-off and Landing weight: 815 kg

Max. Variable Load: 190 kg
14. Centre of Gravity Range: 18 % – 30.5 % M.A.C.
M.A.C. is 1 532 mm;
0 % M.A.C. is 621 mm aft reference datum.
15. Datum: The rear part of firewall; from it are measured, for
purpose of assignation of Gravity Centre, all lateral
16. Control surface deflections: Elevator deflection up 25° ± 2°
down 20° ± 2°
Elevator trim up 23° ± 2°
down 40° ± 2°
Rudder deflection left an right 30° ± 2°
Ailerons deflection up 108 mm (+5, -3) mm
down 98 mm (+5, -3) mm
Wing flaps position: retracted 0°
take-off 15°
landing 43° (+ 2°, - 3° )
17. Levelling Means: Levelling points on left and right side of airplane
fuselage to be levelled. Measurement plane to be
min. 850 mm below.
18. Minimum Flight Crew: 1 (Pilot)

19. Maximum Passenger

Seating Capacity: 2 (including crew)

20. (Reserved)

21. Baggage/Cargo
Compartments: Maximum 10 kg

22. Wheels and Tyres: The wheel K 420.00 of main gear with tyre BARUM
or MITAS 420x150-6.5 or MITAS 420x150-6.5 TL
with tube 420x150;
The wheel K 56-1100.00 of main gear with
tubeless tyre MITAS 420x150-6.5 TL;
The wheels K 34-990 or K 13-0000.00 of tail gear
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with tyre BARUM or MITAS 260x85-4 with tube


BIV. Operating and Service Instructions

1. Flight manual:
– In Czech language Směrnice pro pilota letounu Z 126

– In English language Instruction for Pilot on the use and Handling

of the Z 126 Aircraft

2. Flight manual supplement:

– In Czech language Dodatek k letové příručce Z 126 – modifikace T

3. Maintenance and operating manual:

– In Czech language Návod k obsluze a ošetřování letounu Z 126,
date of issue 1954

– In German language Flugzeug Z 126 Bedienungsanleitung,

date of issue 1956

4. Repair manual:
– In Czech language Opravárenská příručka Z 126, Z 226,
date of issue 1994

5. Illustrated parts catalogue:

– In Czech language Seznam náhradních součástí draku letounu Z 126
Trenér, date of issue 1954

Note: Revisions are issued in Czech and English languages only.

BV. Notes:

Following Z 126 aircraft has been converted to the model

Z 226 S/N: 780
by the aicraft manufacturer.

Z 126 T
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CI. General

1. a) Type: Z 26
b) Model: Z 226 B

2. Airworthiness category: Normal (N)

3. Type Certificate Holder:
Letiště 1578
765 81 Otrokovice
Czech Republic
4. Manufacturer: Moravan n.p.
Gottwaldov – Otrokovice
S/N: 06-08 – 41-09; 54-09; 246 – 285
5. Certification Application ---

6. CAA CZ Type Certificate October 25,1956


7. EASA Type Certificate replaces CAA CZ Type Certificate No. 4-5150-1956.

CII. Certification Basis

1. Reference Date for

determining the applicable ---

2. (Reserved)

3. (Reserved)

4. Airworthiness Requirements: Bauvorschriften für Flugzeuge, K4, P3

British Civil Airworthiness Requirements, Cat D-4
5. Requirements elected to
comply: None

6. EASA Special Conditions: None

7. EASA Exemptions: None

8. EASA Equivalent Safety

Findings: None

9. EASA Environmental ICAO Annex 16, Volume I, Chapter 10

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CIII. Technical Characteristics and Operational Limitations

1. Type Design Definition: The specification list of aircraft Z 226 B,

No. S-B 226.000.
2. Description: The Z 226 B aircraft is two-seat, single-engine
monoplane. Control system is installed in rear pilot
compartment only.
3. Equipment: Approved equipment list is stated in document
Maintenance Manual Z 226 B, Chapter V.
4. Dimensions: Wing Span: 10.280 m
Length: 7.800 m
Height: 2.778 m
Wing Area: 14.900 m2
5. Engine:

5.1 Model: Walter Minor 6-III

5.2 Type Certificate: No. 132/2-L/6A-a.i.-1947 Ministry of Transport, CZ

5.3 Limitations: Max. Continuous power

Max. Power 118 kW (160 HP)
Max. Engine speed 2 500 RPM
Max. Consumption 53 l/h
Max. Cruising power
Max. Power 92 kW (125 HP)
Max. Engine speed 2 300 RPM
Max. Consumption 38 l/h
6. Load factors: + 3.8 g, - 1.5 g

7. Propellers:

7.1.1 Model: V-226

7.1.2 Type Certificate: ---

7.1.3 Number of blades: 2

7.1.4 Diameter: 2 050 mm

7.1.5 Sense of Rotation: Anticlockwise in flight direction


7.2.1 Model: Z-226.640

7.2.2 Type Certificate: ---

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7.2.3 Number of blades: 2

7.2.4 Diameter: 2 050 mm

7.2.5 Sense of Rotation: Anticlockwise in flight direction

8. Fluids:

8.1 Fuel: Non-ethylated aviation gasoline, with min. 72

Application of ethylated fuels is only permitted in
case the T.E.L. content does not exceed the value
of 0.06 % vol.
LBZ 72
LBZ 78
LBE 80
LBE 87
Shell 80
8.2 Oil: For engine operation are recommended mineral
oils with min. kinematic viscosity of 20 cSt at
100°C, whose percentual carbon residue does not
exceed the value of 0.4.
Aeroshell W100
Aeroshell W120 (in tropical climates)
8.3 Coolant: None

9. Fluid capacities:

9.1 Fuel: Total: 125 litres

Usable: 123 litres
2 x 35 litres in main tanks
3 litres in connecting tank
7 litres in gravity tank
45 litres in auxiliary fuselage tank
9.2 Oil: Minimum 7 litres – Maximum 11 litres

9.3 Coolant system

capacity: None

10. Air Speeds: Never exceed speed limit VNE 300 km/h IAS
Maximum speed limit near VH
the ground 200 km/h IAS
Maximum flaps extended VFE
speed limit 130 km/h IAS

Z 226 B
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11. Maximum Operating 7 150 m


12. Allweather Operations The aircraft is approved for VFR Day flights.

13. Maximum Weights: Max. Take-off and Landing weight:

In towing 680 kg
In flight without towing 770 kg

Max. Variable Load:

In towing 103 kg
In flight without towing 193 kg
14. Centre of Gravity Range: 20.3 % – 24.4 % M.A.C.
M.A.C. is 1 532 mm;
0 % M.A.C. is 621 mm aft reference datum.
15. Datum: The rear part of firewall; from it are measured, for
purpose of assignation of Gravity Centre, all lateral
16. Control surface deflections: Elevator deflection up 25° ± 2°
down 20° ± 2°
Elevator trim up 23° ± 2°
down 40° ± 2°
Rudder deflection left an right 30° ± 2°
Ailerons deflection up 108 mm (+5, -3) mm
down 98 mm (+5, -3) mm
Wing flaps position: retracted 0°
take-off 15°
landing 43° (+ 2°, - 3°)
17. Levelling Means: Levelling points on left and right side of airplane
fuselage to be levelled. Measurement plane to be
min. 850 mm below.
18. Minimum Flight Crew: 1 (Pilot)

19. Maximum Passenger

Seating Capacity: 2 (including crew)

20. (Reserved)

21. Baggage/Cargo
Compartments: Maximum 23 kg (except for towing operation)

22. Wheels and Tyres: The wheel K 420.00 of main gear with tyre BARUM
or MITAS 420x150-6.5 or MITAS 420x150-6.5 TL
with tube 420x150;
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The wheel K 56-1100.00 of main gear with tubeless

tyre MITAS 420x150-6.5 TL;
The wheels K 34-990 or K 13-0000.00 of tail gear
with tyre BARUM or MITAS 260x85-4 with tube

CIV. Operating and Service Instructions

1. Flight manual
– In Czech language Směrnice pro pilota letounu Z 226 B, T

- In English language Instruction for Pilot on the Use and Handling of the
Z 226 Aircraft

– In German language Richtlinien Fuer den Flugzeugfuhrer des

Flugzeuges Z 226

2. Maintenance manual
– In Czech language Návod k obsluze letounu Z 226 B, date of issue

3. Overhaul manual
– In Czech language Opravárenská příručka Z 126, Z 226, date of
issue 1994

4. Catalog of spare parts:

– In Czech language Seznam náhradních součástí draku letounu Z 226 B, T

Note: Revisions are issued in Czech and English languages only.

CV. Notes

Following Z 226 B aircraft have been converted to the models:

Z 126 T S/N: 14-08, 15-08;

Z 226 T S/N: 12-08, 25-09;
Z 226 M S/N: 21-09, 28-09, 31-09, 37-09, 39-09, 40-09, 253;
Z 226 MS S/N: 07-08,10-08,11-08, 16-08, 17-08, 19-08, 22-09, 26-09, 29-09, 33-09, 34-
09, 36-09, 41-09, 246, 247, 250, 252, 256, 260, 261, 264, 265, 266, 268,
270, 273, 274, 275, 276, 279, 281, 282, 284, 285;
Z 226 LS S/N: 280

by the aircraft manufacturer.

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DI. General

1. a) Type: Z 26
b) Model: Z 226 T
Aerobatic (A)
2. Airworthiness category:
Utility (U)
Normal (N)
3. Type Certificate Holder:
Letiště 1578
765 81 Otrokovice
Czech Republic
4. Manufacturer: Moravan, n.p.
Gottwaldov – Otrokovice
S/N: 42 – 53; 55 – 245; 286 – 370
5. Certification Application ---

6. CAA CZ Type Certificate October 25, 1957


7. EASA Type Certificate replaces CAA CZ Type Certificate No. 55.470 – 1957.

DII. Certification Basis

1. Reference Date for

determining the applicable ---

2. (Reserved)

3. (Reserved)

4. Airworthiness Requirements: Bauvorschriften für Flugzeuge, K4, K5

5. Requirements elected to
comply: None

6. EASA Special Conditions: None

7. EASA Exemptions: None

8. EASA Equivalent Safety

Findings: None
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9. EASA Environmental
Standards: ICAO Annex 16, Vol. I, Chapter 10
DIII. Technical Characteristics and Operational Limitations

1. Type Design Definition: The specification list of aircraft Z 226 T

No. T-S 226.000.
2. Description: The Z-226 T aircraft is two-seat, low wing, single-
engine monoplane. Control system is installed in
both of pilot compartments.
3. Equipment: Approved equipment list is stated in document
Maintenance Manual Z 226 T, Chapter V.
4. Dimensions: Wing Span: 10.282 m
Length: 7.800 m
Height: 2.060 m
Wing Area: 14.900 m2
5. Engine:

5.1 Model: Walter Minor 6-III

5.2 Type Certificate: No. 132/2-L/6A-a.i.-1947 Ministry of Transport, CZ

5.3 Limitations: Max. Continuous power

Max. Power 118 kW (160 HP)
Max. Engine speed 2 500 RPM
Max. Consumption 53 l/h
Max. Cruising power
Max. Power 92 kW (125 HP)
Max. Engine speed 2 300 RPM
Max. Consumption 38 l/h
6. Load factors: For category Aerobatic (A) +6.0 g, -
3.0 g
For category Utility (U) +4.0 g, -2.0 g
For category Normal (N) +3.5 g, -1.0 g
7. Propellers:

7.1.1 Model: T-226

7.1.2 Type Certificate: ---

7.1.3 Number of blades: 2

7.1.4 Diameter: 2 050 mm

7.1.5 Sense of Rotation: Anticlockwise in flight direction.

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7.2.1 Model: Z-226.641

7.2.2 Type Certificate: ---

7.2.3 Number of blades: 2

7.2.4 Diameter: 2 000 mm

7.2.5 Sense of Rotation: Anticlockwise in flight direction.

8. Fluids:

8.1 Fuel: Non-ethylated aviation gasoline, with min. 72

octanes. Application of ethylated fuels is only
permitted in case the T.E.L. content does not
exceed the value of 0.06% vol.
LBZ 72
LBZ 78
LBE 80
LBE 87
Shell 80
8.2 Oil: For engine operation are recommended mineral
oils with min. kinematic viscosity of 20 cSt at
100°C, whose percentual carbon residue does not
exceed the value of 0.4.
MS 20
Aeroshell W100
Aeroshell W120 (in tropical climates)
8.3 Coolant: None

9. Fluid capacities:

9.1 Fuel: Total: 80 litres

Usable: 78 litres
2 x 35 litres in main tanks
3 litres in connecting tank
7 litres in gravity tank
9.2 Oil: Minimum 7 litres – Maximum 11 litres

9.3 Coolant system capacity: None

10. Air Speeds: Never exceed speed limit VNE

category A, U, N 300 km/h IAS
Maximum speed limit near the ground
category A, U, N VH 230 km/h IAS
Maximum flaps extended speed limit
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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013

category A, U, N VFE 130 km/h IAS

11. Maximum Operating Altitude: 5 300 m

12. Allweather Operations The aircraft is approved for VFR Day flights.

13. Maximum Weights: Max. Take-off and Landing weight:

- For category Aerobatic (A) 730 kg
- For category Utility (U) 820 kg
- For category Normal (N) 820 kg
Max. Variable Load:
- For category Aerobatic (A) 92 kg
- For category Utility (U) 182 kg
- For category Normal (N) 182 kg
14. Centre of Gravity Range: 18.6 % – 23.0 % M.A.C.
M.A.C. is 1 532 mm;
0 % M.A.C. is 621 mm aft reference datum.
15. Datum: The rear part of firewall; from it are measured, for
purpose of assignation of Gravity Centre, all lateral
16. Control surface deflections: Elevator deflection up 25° ± 2°
down 20° ± 2°
Elevator trim up 23° ± 2°
down 40° ± 2°
Rudder deflection left an right 30° ± 2°
Ailerons deflection up 108 mm (+5, -3) mm
down 98 mm (+5, -3) mm
Wing flaps position: retracted 0°
take-off 15°
landing 43° (+ 2°, - 3°)
17. Levelling Means: Levelling points on left and right side of airplane
fuselage to be levelled. Measurement plane to be
min. 850 mm below.
18. Minimum Flight Crew: 1 (Pilot)

19. Maximum Passenger 2 (including crew)

Seating Capacity:

20. (Reserved)

21. Baggage/Cargo None


22. Wheels and Tyres: The wheel K 420.00 of main gear with tyre
BARUM or MITAS 420x150-6.5 or MITAS
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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013

420x150-6.5 TL with tube 420x150;

The wheel K 56-1100.00 of main gear with
tubeless tyre MITAS 420x150-6.5 TL;
The wheels K 34-990 or K 13-0000.00 of tail gear
with tyre BARUM or MITAS 260x85-4 with tube

DIV. Operating and Service Instructions

1. Flight manual
- In Czech language Směrnice pro pilota letounu Z 226 B, T

- In English language Instruction for Pilot on the Use and Handling of the
Z 226 Aircraft

- In German language Richtlinien Fuer den Flugzeugfuhrer des

Flugzeuges Z 226
2. Maintenance manual
- In Czech language Návod k obsluze letounu Z 226 T, 1957

3. Overhaul manual
- In Czech language Opravárenská příručka Z 126, Z 226, 1994

4. List of spare parts

- In Czech language Seznam náhradních součástí draku letounu Z 226
B, T

Note: Revisions are issued in Czech and English versions languages only.

DV. Notes:

Following Z 226 T aircraft have been converted to the models:

Z 126 S/N: 163

Z 126 M S/N: 103;
Z 126 T S/N: 123, 169, 177, 179, 180;
Z 226 A S/N: 108, 164, 353;
Z 226 AS S/N: 154, 200;
Z 226 M S/N: 47, 0104, 120, 122, 127 – 129, 132, 134, 137, 140, 155,167, 188, 191,
192, 196;
Z 226 MS S/N: 104, 105, 0105,106, 107, 119, 121, 124, 130, 131, 133, 135, 138, 139,
149, 158,
159, 161, 168, 170, 175, 181 – 184, 186, 189, 190, 193, 194, 198, 202,
204, 243, 322, 350, 368, 370

by the aircraft manufacturer.

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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013

EI. General

1. a) Type: Z 26
b) Model: Z 226 A

2. Airworthiness category: Aerobatic (A)

Normal (N)
3. Type Certificate Holder:
Letiště 1578
765 81 Otrokovice
Czech Republic
4. Manufacturer: Moravan, n.p.
Gottwaldov – Otrokovice
S/N: 01-08 – 04-08;
5. Certification Application ---

6. CAA CZ Type Certificate April 27, 1963


7. EASA Type Certificate replaces CAA CZ Type Certificate No. 63 001 – Z 226 A.

EII. Certification Basis

1. Reference Date for ---

determining the applicable

2. (Reserved)

3. (Reserved)

4. Airworthiness Requirements: Bauvorschriften für Flugzeuge, K5

British Civil Airworthiness Requirements, Cat D
5. Requirements elected to None

6. EASA Special Conditions: None

7. EASA Exemptions: None

8. EASA Equivalent Safety None


9. EASA Environmental ICAO Annex 16, Volume I, Chapter 10

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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013


EIII. Technical Characteristics and Operational Limitations

1. Type Design Definition: The specification list of aircraft Z 226 A,

No. S-A 226.000.
2. Description: The Z 226 A aircraft is one-seat, low wing,
single-engine monoplane.
3. Equipment: Approved equipment list is stated in document
Flight manual.
4. Dimensions: Wing Span: 10.280 m
Length: 7.820 m
Height: 2.060 m
Wing Area: 14.900 m2
5. Engine:

5.1 Model: Walter Minor 6-III

5.2 Type Certificate: No. 132/2-L/6A-a.j.-1947, Issued by Czech Ministry

of Transport
5.3 Limitations: Max. Continuous power
Max. Power 118 kW (160 HP)
Max. Engine speed 2 500 RPM
Max. Consumption 53 l/h
Max. Cruising power
Max. Power 92 kW (125 HP)
Max. Engine speed 2 300 RPM
Max. Consumption 38 l/h
6. Load factors: For category Aerobatic (A) +6.0 g, -3.0 g
For category Normal (N) +3.5 g, -1.0 g
7. Propellers:

7.1.1 Model: Z-226.641.2

7.1.2 Type Certificate: ---

7.1.3 Number of blades: 2

7.1.4 Diameter: 2 050 mm

7.1.5 Sense of Rotation: Anticlockwise in flight direction.


7.2.1 Model: Z-326.641.1

7.2.2 Type Certificate: ---

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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013

7.2.3 Number of blades: 2

7.2.4 Diameter: 2 000 mm

7.2.5 Sense of Rotation: Anticlockwise in flight direction.

8. Fluids:

8.1 Fuel: Non-ethylated aviation gasoline, with min. 72

octanes. Application of ethylated fuels is only
permitted in case the T.E.L. content does not
exceed the value of 0.06 % vol.
LBZ 72
LBZ 78
LBE 80
LBE 87
Shell 80
8.2 Oil: For engine operation are recommended mineral
oils with min. kinematic viscosity of 20 cSt at
100°C, whose percentual carbon residue does not
exceed the value of 0.4.
MS 20
Aeroshell W100
Aeroshell W120 (in tropical climates)
8.3 Coolant: None

9. Fluid capacities:

9.1 Fuel: Total: for category A: 80 litres

for category N: 120 litres
Usable: for category A: 78 litres
for category N: 118 litres
2 x 35 litres in main tanks
3 litres in connecting tank
7 litres in gravity tank
40 litres in fuselage auxiliary tank
9.2 Oil: Minimum 7 litres – Maximum 11 litres

9.3 Coolant system None


10. Air Speeds: Never exceed speed limit VNE

(category A, N) 300 km/h IAS
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Maximum speed limit near the ground

(category A, N) VH 215 km/h IAS
Maximum flaps extended speed limit
(category A, N) VFE 130 km/h IAS
11. Maximum Operating 6 450 m
12. Allweather Operations The aircraft is approved for VFR Day flights.

13. Maximum Weights: Max. Take-off and Landing weight:

- For category Aerobatic (A) 715 kg
- For category Normal (N) 745 kg
Max. Variable Load:
- For category Aerobatic (A) 90 kg
- For category Normal (N) 187 kg

14. Centre of Gravity Range: 19 % - 26 % MAC

M.A.C. is 1 532 mm;
0 % M.A.C. is 621 mm aft reference datum.
The rear part of firewall; from it are measured, for
15. Datum: purpose of assignation of Gravity Centre, all lateral
16. Control surface deflections: Elevator deflection up 25° ± 2°
down 20° ± 2°
Elevator trim up 23° ± 2°
down 40° ± 2°
Rudder deflection left an right 30° ± 2°
Ailerons deflection up 108 mm (+5, -3) mm
down 98 mm (+5, -3) mm
Wing flaps position: retracted 0°
take-off 15°
landing 43° (+ 2°, - 3°)
17. Levelling Means: Levelling points on left and right side of airplane
fuselage to be levelled. Measurement plane to be
min. 850 mm below.
18. Minimum Flight Crew: 1 (Pilot)

19. Maximum Passenger 1 (including crew)

Seating Capacity:

20. (Reserved)
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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013

21. Baggage/Cargo 13 kg (for category Normal only)


22. Wheels and Tyres: The wheel K 420.00 of main gear with tyre BARUM
or MITAS 420x150-6.5 or MITAS 420x150-6.5 TL
with tube 420x150;
The wheel K 56-1100.00 of main gear with
tubeless tyre MITAS 420x150-6.5 TL;
The wheels K 34-990 or K 13-0000.00 of tail gear
with tyre BARUM or MITAS 260x85-4 with tube

EIV. Operating and Service Instructions

1. Flight manual:
- In Czech language Směrnice pro pilota o použití a technice pilotáže letounu
Z 226 B, T (upravené pro Z 226 A)

2. Maintenance and operating manual:

- In Czech language Návod k obsluze a ošetřování letounu Z – 226 T
(upravený pro Z 226 A)

EV. Notes

Following Z 226 A aircraft have been converted to the models:

Z 226 AS S/N: 01-08, 02-08

by the aircraft manufacturer.

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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013

FI. General

1. a) Type: Z 26
b) Model: Z 226 M

2. Airworthiness category: Normal (N)

3. Type Certificate Holder:
Letiště 1578
765 81 Otrokovice
Czech Republic
4. Manufacturer: Moravan, n.p.
Letiště 1578
765 81 Otrokovice
S/N: see Z 226 B, Z 226 T aircraft
5. Certification Application ---

6. CAA CZ Type Certificate November 8, 1979


7. The EASA Type Certificate replaces the CAA CZ Type Certificate No. 4 – 5150 –
1956, Supplement No. 1.

FII. Certification Basis

1. Reference Date for ---
determining the applicable

2. (Reserved)

3. (Reserved)

4. Airworthiness Requirements: Bauvorschriften für Flugzeuge, K4, P3

British Civil Airworthiness Requirements, Cat D-4
5. Requirements elected to None

6. EASA Special Conditions: None

7. EASA Exemptions: None

8. EASA Equivalent Safety None

9. EASA Environmental
ICAO Annex 16, Volume I, Chapter 10
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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013


FIII. Technical Characteristics and Operational Limitations

1. Type Design Definition: The specification list of aircraft Z 226 M –

Z 226 T to Z 226 M aircraft, No. S-M 226.000.
2. Description: The Z 226 M aircraft is two-seat, low wing, single-
engine monoplane. Control system is installed in
rear pilot compartment only.
3. Equipment: Approved minimum equipment list is stated in
document Maintenance Manual Z 226 MS (M),
Chapter 12.
4. Dimensions: Wing Span: 10.280 m
Length: 7.860 m
Height: 2.778 m
Wing Area: 14.900 m2
5. Engine:

5.1 Model: M 137 A

5.2 Type Certificate: 96-02 issued by CAA CZ

5.3 Limitations: Max. Take off power (max. 5 min.)

Max. Power 133 kW (180 HP)
Max. Engine speed 2 750 RPM
Max. Consumption 61 l/h
Max. Manifold pressure 100±2 kPa
Max. Continuous power
Max. Power 118 kW (160 HP)
Max. Engine speed 2 680 RPM
Max. Consumption 53 l/h
Max. Manifold pressure 95±2 kPa
Max. Cruising power
Max. Power 103 kW (140 HP)
Max. Engine speed 2 580 RPM
Max. Consumption 48 l/h
Max. Manifold pressure 87 kPa
6. Load factors: + 3.8 g; - 1.5 g

7. Propellers:

7.1.1 Model: Z 42.6411

7.1.2 Type Certificate: 70-06 issued by CAA CZ

7.1.3 Number of blades: 2

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7.1.4 Diameter: 2 000 mm

7.1.5 Sense of Rotation: Anticlockwise in flight direction


7.2.1 Model: Z 42.6413

7.2.2 Type Certificate: 70-07 issued by CAA CZ

7.2.3 Number of blades: 2

7.2.4 Diameter: 2 050 mm

7.2.5 Sense of Rotation: Anticlockwise in flight direction

8. Fluids:

8.1 Fuel: Non-ethylated aviation gasoline, with min. 72

octanes. Application of ethylated fuels is only
permitted in case the T.E.L. content does not
exceed the value of 0.06 % vol.
LBZ 72
LBZ 78
LBE 80
LBE 87
Shell 80
8.2 Oil: For engine operation are recommended mineral
oils with min. kinematic viscosity of 20 cSt at
100°C, whose percentual carbon residue does not
exceed the value of 0.4.
MS 20
Aeroshell W100
Aeroshell W120
8.3 Coolant: None

9. Fluid capacities:

9.1 Fuel: Total: 125 litres

Usable: 123 litres
2 x 35 litres in main tanks
3 litres in connecting tank
7 litres in gravity tank
45 litres in fuselage auxiliary tank
9.2 Oil: Minimum 9 litres – Maximum 11 litres
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9.3 Coolant system None


10. Air Speeds: Never exceed speed limit VNE 290 km/h IAS
Normal operating speed
limit VNO 216 km/h IAS
Design manoeuvring speed
limit VA 183 km/h IAS
Maximum flaps extended
speed limit VFE 130 km/h IAS
11. Maximum Operating 7 150 m
12. Allweather Operations The aircraft is approved for VFR Day flights.

13. Maximum Weights: Max. Take-off and Landing weight:

- at towing with Z 42.6411 propeller 780 kg
- at towing with Z 42.6413 propeller 860 kg
Max. Variable Load:
- at towing with Z 42.6411 propeller 106 kg
- at towing with Z 42.6413 propeller 186 kg
14. Centre of Gravity Range: 18.6 % - 24.4 % MAC
M.A.C. is 1 532 mm;
0 % M.A.C. is 621 mm aft reference datum.
15. Datum: The rear part of firewall; from it are measured, for
purpose of assignation of Gravity Centre, all lateral
16. Control surface deflections: Elevator deflection up 25° ± 1°
down 20° ± 1°
Elevator trim up 23° ± 2°
down 40° ± 2°
Rudder deflection left an right 30° ± 2°
Ailerons deflection up 108 mm (+5, -3) mm
down 98 mm (+5, -3) mm
Wing flaps position: retracted 0°
take-off 15°
landing 43° (+ 2°, - 3°)
17. Levelling Means: Levelling points on left and right side of airplane
fuselage to be levelled. Measurement plane to be
min. 850 mm below.
18. Minimum Flight Crew: 1 (Pilot)

19. Maximum Passenger 2 (including crew)

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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013

Seating Capacity:

20. (Reserved)

21. Baggage/Cargo Maximum 23 kg

22. Wheels and Tyres:
The wheel K 420.00 of main gear with tyre BARUM
or MITAS 420x150-6.5 or MITAS 420x150-6.5 TL
with tube 420x150;
The wheel K 56-1100.00 of main gear with
tubeless tyre MITAS 420x150-6.5 TL;
The wheels K 34-990 or K 13-0000.00 of tail gear
with tyre BARUM or MITAS 260x85-4 with tube

FIV. Operating and Service Instructions

1. Flight manual:
- In Czech language Směrnice pro pilota letounu Z 226 M,
date of issue 1978

2. Maintenance and operating manual:

- In Czech language Popis – obsluha – údržba ZLIN 226 MS (M),
date of issue 1992

3. Overhaul manual:
- In Czech language Opravárenská příručka Z 126, Z 226,
date of issue 1994

FV. Notes

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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013

GI. General

1. a) Type: Z 26
b) Model: Z 226 MS

2. Airworthiness category: Normal (N)

3. Type Certificate Holder:
Letiště 1578
765 81 Otrokovice
Czech Republic
4. Manufacturer: Moravan, n.p.
Letiště 1578
765 81 Otrokovice
S/N: see Z 226 B, Z 226 T aircraft
5. Certification Application ---

6. CAA CZ Type Certificate October 21, 1986


7. The EASA Type Certificate replaces the CAA CZ Type Certificate No. 4 – 5150 –
1956, Supplement No. 1, Modification.

GII. Certification Basis

1. Reference Date for ---

determining the applicable

2. (Reserved)

3. (Reserved)

4. Airworthiness Requirements: Bauvorschriften für Flugzeuge, K4, P3

British Civil Airworthiness Requirements, Cat D-4
5. Requirements elected to None

6. EASA Special Conditions: None

7. EASA Exemptions: None

8. EASA Equivalent Safety None

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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013

9. EASA Enviromental ICAO Annex 16, Volume I, Chapter 10


GIII. Technical Characteristics and Operational Limitations

1. Type Design Definition: The specification list of aircraft Z 226 MS,

No. MS 226.000.
2. Description: The Z 226 MS aircraft is two-seat, low wing, single-
engine, monoplane. Control system is installed in
rear pilot compartment only.
3. Equipment: Approved minimum equipment list is stated in
document Maintenance Manual Z 226 MS (M),
Chapter 12.
4. Dimensions: Wing Span: 10.280 m
Length: 7.860 m
Height: 2.778 m
Wing Area: 14.900 m2
5. Engine:

5.1 Model: M 137 A

5.2 Type Certificate: 96-02 issued by CAA CZ

5.3 Limitations: Max. Take off power (max. 5 min.)

Max. Power 133 kW (180 HP)
Max. Engine speed 2 750 RPM
Max. Consumption 61 l/h
Max. Manifold pressure 100±2 kPa
Max. Continuous power
Max. Power 118 kW (160 HP)
Max. Engine speed 2 680 RPM
Max. Consumption 53 l/h
Max. Manifold pressure 95±2 kPa
Max. Cruising power
Max. Power 103 kW (140 HP)
Max. Engine speed 2 580 RPM
Max. Consumption 48 l/h
Max. Manifold pressure 87 kPa
6. Load factors: + 3.8 g; - 1.5 g

7. Propeller:

7.1.1 Model: V 503

7.1.2 Type Certificate: 64 002 issued by CAA CZ

7.1.3 Number of blades: 2

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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013

7.1.4 Diameter: 1 950 mm

7.1.5 Sense of Rotation: Anticlockwise in flight direction


7.2.1 Model: V 503 A

7.2.2 Type Certificate: 69-02 issued by SLI CZ

7.2.3 Number of blades: 2

7.2.4 Diameter: 2 000 mm

7.2.5 Sense of Rotation: Anticlockwise in flight direction

8. Fluids:

8.1 Fuel: Non-ethylated aviation gasoline, with min. 72

octanes. Application of ethylated fuels is only
permitted in case the T.E.L. content does not
exceed the value of 0.06 % vol.
LBZ 72
LBZ 78
LBE 80
LBE 87
Shell 80
8.2 Oil: For engine operation are recommended mineral
oils with min. kinematic viscosity of 20 cSt at
100°C, whose percentual carbon residue does not
exceed the value of 0.4.
MS 20
Aeroshell W100
Aeroshell W120 (in tropical climates)
8.3 Coolant: None

9. Fluid capacities:

9.1 Fuel: Total: 125 litres

Usable: 123 litres
2 x 35 litres in main tanks
3 litres in connecting tank
7 litres in gravity tank
45 litres in fuselage auxiliary tank
9.2 Oil: Minimum 9 litres – Maximum 11 litres
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9.3 Coolant system None


10. Air Speeds: Never exceed speed limit VNE 290 km/h IAS
Normal operating speed
limit VNO 216 km/h IAS
Design manoeuvring
speed limit VA 183 km/h IAS
Maximum flaps extended
speed limit VFE 130 km/h IAS
11. Maximum Operating 6 000 m

12. Allweather Operations The aircraft is approved for VFR Day flights.

13. Maximum Weights: Max. Take-off and Landing weight: 890 kg

Max. Variable Load: 191 kg

14. Centre of Gravity Range: 17 % - 24.5 % MAC

M.A.C. is 1 532 mm;
0 % M.A.C. is 621 mm aft reference datum.
15. Datum: The rear part of firewall; from it are measured, for
purpose of assignation of Gravity Centre, all lateral
16. Control surface deflections: Elevator deflection up 25° ± 1°
down 20° ± 1°
Elevator trim up 23° ± 2°
down 40° ± 2°
Rudder deflection left an right 30° ± 2°
Ailerons deflection up 108 mm (+5, -3) mm
down 98 mm (+5, -3) mm
Wing flaps position: retracted 0°
take-off 15°
landing 43° (+ 2°, - 3°)
17. Levelling Means: Levelling points on left and right side of airplane
fuselage to be levelled. Measurement plane to be
min. 850 mm below.
18. Minimum Flight Crew: 1 (Pilot)

19. Maximum Passenger 2 (including crew)

Seating Capacity:

20. (Reserved)
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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013

21. Baggage/Cargo Maximum 23 kg


22. Wheels and Tyres: The wheel K 420.00 of main gear with tyre BARUM
or MITAS 420x150-6.5 or MITAS 420x150-6.5 TL
with tube 420x150;
The wheel K 56-1100.00 of main gear with
tubeless tyre MITAS 420x150-6.5 TL;
The wheels K 34-990 or K 13-0000.00 of tail gear
with tyre BARUM or MITAS 260x85-4 with tube

GIV. Operating and Service Instructions

1. Flight manual:
- In Czech language Letová příručka Z 226 MS, date of issue 1986

2. Maintenance and operating manual:

- In Czech language Popis – obsluha – údržba ZLIN 226 MS (M),
date of issue 1992

3. Overhaul manual:
- In Czech language Opravárenská příručka Z 126, Z 226,
date of issue 1994

GV. Notes

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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013


HI. General
1. a) Type: Z 26
b) Model: Z 326

2. Airworthiness category: Aerobatic (A)

Utility (U)
Normal (N)
3. Type Certificate Holder:
Letiště 1578
765 81 Otrokovice
Czech Republic
4. Manufacturer: Moravan, n. p.
Gottwaldov – Otrokovice
S/N: 301 – 304; 501 – 523
Strojírny první pětiletky, n. p.
Kunovice, závod Moravan Otrokovice
S/N: 524 – 530; 532 – 550; 556 – 580; 587 – 595;
600 – 907
Moravan, n. p.
S/N: 908 – 933
5. Certification Application ---

6. CAA CZ Type Certificate October 13, 1959


7. The EASA Type Certificate replaces the CAA CZ Type Certificate No. č.j.

HII. Certification Basis

1. Reference Date for ---

determining the applicable
2. (Reserved)

3. (Reserved)
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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013

4. Airworthiness Requirements: Bauvorschriften für Flugzeuge, Kat. K 5

British Civil Airworthiness Requirements, Cat. D
5. Requirements elected to None
6. EASA Special Conditions: None

7. EASA Exemptions: None

8. EASA Equivalent Safety None

9. EASA Environmental ICAO Annex 16, Volume I, Chapter 10

HIII. Technical Characteristics and Operational Limitations

1. Type Design Definition: The specification list of aircraft Z 326,
No. S-Z 326.000.

2. Description: The Z 326 aircraft is two-seat, low wing, single-

engine, monoplane

3. Equipment: Approved equipment list is stated in document

Flight Manual Z 326.
4. Dimensions: Wing 10.596 m without auxiliary tanks
Span: 10.845 m with auxiliary tanks
7.820 m
Length: 2.060 m
Height: 15.451 m2
Wing Area:
5. Engine:

5.1 Model: Walter Minor 6-III.

5.2 Type Certificate: č.j. 132/2-L/6A-a.i.-1947

5.3 Limitations: Max. Continuous power

Max. Power 118 kW (160 HP)
Max. Engine speed 2 500 RPM
Max. Consumption 54 l/h

Max. Cruising power

Max. Power 92 kW (125 HP)
Max. Engine speed 2 300 RPM
Max. Consumption 36 l/h
6. Load factors: For category Aerobatic (A) +6.0 g; -3.0 g
For category Utility (U) +4.5 g; -1.8 g
For category Normal (N) +3.5 g; -1.0 g
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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013

7. Propellers:

7.1.1 Model: Z – 326.641

7.1.2 Type Certificate: č.j. 2417/59 from date October 13, 1959

7.1.3 Number of blades: 2

7.1.4 Diameter: 2 000 mm

7.1.5 Sense of Rotation: Anticlockwise in flight direction


7.2.1 Model: Z – 226.640

7.2.2 Type Certificate: č.j. 6312/61 from date September 26, 1961

7.2.3 Number of blades: 2

7.2.4 Diameter: 2 050 mm

7.2.5 Sense of Rotation: Anticlockwise in flight direction


7.3.1 Model: Z – 326.641.1

7.3.2 Type Certificate: č.j. 2417/59 from date October 13, 1959

7.3.3 Number of blades: 2

7.3.4 Diameter: 2 000 mm

7.3.5 Sense of Rotation: Anticlockwise in flight direction


7.4.1 Model: Z – 42.6413

7.4.2 Type Certificate: No. 70-07 issued by CAA CZ

7.4.3 Number of blades: 2

7.4.4 Diameter: 2 050 mm

7.4.5 Sense of Rotation: Anticlockwise in flight direction

8. Fluids:

8.1 Fuel: Non-ethylated aviation gasoline with min. 72 ÷ 87

octanes. Application of ethylated fuels is only
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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013

permitted in case the T.E.L. content does not

exceed the value of 0.06 % vol.

Recommended kinds of fuel:

LBZ 72
LBZ 83

8.2 Oil: For engine operation are recommended mineral

oils with min. kinematic viscosity of 20 cSt at
100°C, whose percentual carbon residue does not
exceed the value of 0.4.
Recomended kinds of oil:
MS 20
AERO-SHELL W120 in tropical climates.

8.3 Coolant: None

9. Fluid capacities:

9.1 Fuel: Total: for category A, U: 100 litres

for category N: 170 litres
Usable: for category A, U: 98 litres
for category N: 168 litres
2 x 45 litres in main tanks
3 litres in connecting tank
7 litres in gravity tank
2 x 35 litres in auxiliary wing tip tanks
9.2 Oil: Minimum 7 litres – Maximum 11 litres

9.3 Coolant system None


10. Air Speeds: Never Exceed Speed Limit VNE 320 km/h IAS
Normal Operationg Speed
Limit VNO 212 km/h IAS
11. Maximum Operating 4 750 m

12. Allweather Operations The aircraft is approved for VFR Day flights.
13. Maximum Weights: Max. Take-off and Landing weight:
- For category Aerobatic (A) 910 kg
- For category Utility (U) 935 kg
- For category Normal (N) 975 kg
Maximum Variable Load:
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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013

- For category Aerobatic (A) 177 kg

- For category Utility (U) 202 kg
- For category Normal (N) 182 kg

14. Centre of Gravity Range: 18 ÷ 30 % MAC

M.A.C. is 1 545 mm;
0 % M.A.C. is 621 mm aft reference datum.
15. Datum: The rear part of firewall; from it are measured, for
purpose of assignation of Gravity Centre, all lateral
16. Control surface deflections: Elevator deflection up 25° ± 1°
down 20° ± 1°
Elevator trim up 25° ± 2°
down 40° ± 2°
Rudder deflection left an right 28° ± 2°
Rudder trim left 5° ± 1°
right 30° ± 2°
Ailerons deflection up 108 mm (+5, -3) mm
down 98 mm (+5, -3) mm
Wing flaps position: retracted 0°
take-off 15°
landing 40° (+ 5°, - 3°)

17. Leveling Means: Levelling points on left and right side of airplane
fuselage to be levelled. Measurement plane to be
min. 850 mm below.
18. Minimum Flight Crew: 1 (Pilot)

19. Maximum Passenger 2 (including crew)

Seating Capacity:
20. (Reserved)
21. Baggage/Cargo ---

22. Wheels and Tyres: The wheels K 12-0100.00 or K 420.1-00 of main

gear with tyre BARUM or MITAS 420x150-6,5 or
MITAS 420x150-6,5 TL with tube 420x150;
The wheels K 13-0000.00 or K 34-990 of tail gear
tyre BARUM or MITAS 260x85–4 with tube
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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013

HIV. Operating and Service Instructions

1. Flight Manual:
- In Czech language Letová příručka letounu s vrtulí Z 326, date of
issue 1964 Směrnice pro pilota letounu Z 326 s vrtulí V 503

- In English language Instruction for Pilot on the Use and Handling of the
Z 326 Aircraft

- In German language Anweisungen für den Flugzeug Führer über die

Verwendung und Technik des Fliegens mit dem
Flugzeug Z 326

2. Technical Manual:
In Czech language Technický popis a návod k obsluze letounu Z 326
– Speciál s vrtulí V 503

- In English language Description of Aircraft Z 326 and Direction for its


3. Repair Manual:
- In Czech language Příručka pro generální opravu letounu Z 326,
date of issue 1961

- In English language Instruction Manual for Major Overhaul of Z 326 Aircraft,

date of issue 1963 Instruction for Complete Overhauls
and Minor Repairs of the Z 326 Tail Landing Gear.

4. Catalogue of spare parts:

- In Czech language Trener Master Z 326 – Seznam náhradních součástí,
date of issue 1963

HV. Notes:

Following Z 326 aircraft have been converted to the models:

Z 326 M S/N: 301, 604, 606, 608 – 610, 612, 833;

Z 326 MF S/N: 605, 861, 893;
Z 526 S/N: 869, 886, 890, 901, 916, 930, 932;
Z 526 A S/N: 922;
Z 526 M S/N: 909;
Z 526 ML S/N: 921;
Z 526 F S/N: 838

by the aircraft manufacturer.

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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013


I.I. General

1. a) Type: Z 26
b) Model: Z 326 A

2. Airworthiness category: Aerobatic (A)

Normal (N)


3. Type Certificate Holder:
Letiště 1578
765 81 Otrokovice
Czech Republic
4. Manufacturer: Strojírny první pětiletky, n. p.
Kunovice, závod Moravan Otrokovice
S/N: 531, 551 – 555, 581 – 586, 596 – 599
5. Certification Application ---

6. CAA CZ Type Certificate December 30, 1960


7. The EASA Type Certificate replaces the CAA CZ Type Certificate No. č.j.

I.II. Certification Basis

1. Reference Date for ---

determining the applicable
2. (Reserved)
3. (Reserved)
4. Airworthiness Requirements: Bauvorschrifted für Flugzeuge, Kat. K 5
British Civil Airworthiness Requirements, Cat. D
5. Requirements elected to None
6. EASA Special Conditions: None
7. EASA Exemptions: None
8. EASA Equivalent Safety None
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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013

9. EASA Environmental ICAO Annex 16, Volume I, Chapter 10


I.III. Technical Characteristics and Operational Limitations

1. Type Design Definition: The specification list of aircraft Z 326 A,

No. S-A 326.000.

2. Description: The Z 326 A aircraft is one-seat, low wing,

single-engine monoplane.

3. Equipment: Approved equipment list is stated in document

Flight Manual Z 326 A.

4. Dimensions: Wing 10.596 m without auxiliary tanks

Span: 10.850 m with auxiliary tank
7.820 m
Length: 2.060 m
Height: 15.451 m2
Wing Area:
5. Engine:
5.1 Model: Walter Minor 6-III.
5.1 Type Certificate: č.j. 132/2-L/6A-a.i.-1947
5.1 Limitations: Max. Continuous power
Max. Power 118 kW (160
Max. Engine speed 2 500 RPM
Max. Consumption 54 l/h
Max. Cruising power
Max. Power 92 kW (125 HP)
Max. Engine speed 2 300 RPM
Max. Consumption 36 l/h
6. Load factors: For category Aerobatic (A) +6.0 g; -3.0 g
For category Normal (N) +3.5 g; -1.0 g
7. Propeller:
7.1 Model: Z – 326.641
7.2 Type Certificate: č.j. 8061/60, December 30, 1960
7.3 Number of blades: 2
7.4 Diameter: 2 000 mm
7.5 Sense of Rotation: Anticlockwise in flight direction
8. Fluids:
8.1 Fuel: Non-ethylated aviation gasoline with min. 72 ÷ 87
octanes. Application of ethylated fuels is only
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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013

permitted in case the T.E.L. content does not

exceed the value of 0.06 % vol.

8.2 Oil: For engine operation are recommended mineral

oils with min. kinematic viscosity of 20 cSt at
100°C, whose percentual carbon residue does not
exceed the value of 0.4.
Recomended kinds of oil:
MS 20
AERO-SHELL W120 in tropical climates.

8.3 Coolant: None

9. Fluid capacities:
9.1 Fuel: Total: 80 litres
Usable: 78 litres
2 x 35 litres in main tanks
3 litres in connecting tank
7 litres in gravity tank
9.2 Oil: Minimum 7 litres – Maximum 11 litres
9.3 Coolant system capacity: None
10. Air Speeds: Never Exceed Speed Limit VNE 320 km/h CAS
Normal Operationg Speed
Limit VNO 212 km/h CAS
11. Maximum Operating Altitude: 5 200 m

12. Allweather Oparations The aircraft is approved for VFR Day flights.
13. Maximum Weights: Max. Take-off and Landing weight:
- For category Aerobatic (A) 790 kg
- For category Normal (N) 850 kg
Maximum Variable Load:
- For category A, N 111 kg

14. Centre of Gravity Range: 18.6 ÷ 24.5 % MAC

M.A.C. is 1 545 mm;
0 % M.A.C. is 621 mm aft reference datum.
15. Datum: The rear part of firewall; from it are measured, for
purpose of assignation of Gravity Centre, all
lateral dimensions.
16. Control surface deflections: Elevator deflection up 25° ± 1°
TCDS EASA.A.353 Moravan Aviation Page 50 of 114
Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013

down 20° ± 1°
Elevator trim up 25° ± 2°
down 40° ± 2°
Rudder deflection left an right 28° ± 2°
Rudder trim left 5° ± 1°
right 30° ± 2°
Ailerons deflection up 108 mm (+5, -3) mm
down 98 mm (+5, -3) mm
Wing flaps position: retracted 0°
take-off 15°
landing 40° (+ 5°, - 3°)
17. Levelling Means: Levelling points on left and right side of airplane
fuselage to be levelled. Measurement plane to be
min. 850 mm below.
18. Minimum Flight Crew: 1 (Pilot)
19. Maximum Passenger Seating 1 (including crew)
20. (Reserved)
21. Baggage/Cargo Maximum is 34 kg

22. Wheels and Tyres: The wheels K 12-0100.00 or K 420.1-00 of main

gear with tyre BARUM or MITAS 420x150-6,5 or
MITAS 420x150-6,5 TL with tube 420x150;
The wheels K 13-0000.00 or K 34-990 of tail gear
with tyre BARUM or MITAS 260x85–4 with tube
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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013

I.IV. Operating and Service Instructions

1. Flight Manual:
- In Czech language Letová příručka letounu s vrtulí Z 326, date of
issue 1964 Směrnice pro pilota letounu Z 326
s vrtulí V 503

- In English language Instruction for Pilot on the Use and Handling of

the Z 326 Aircraft

- In German language Anweisungen für den Flugzeug Führer über die

Verwendung und Technik des Fliegens mit dem
Flugzeug Z 326

2. Technical Manual:
- In Czech language Technický popis a návod k obsluze letounu Z 326
– Speciál s vrtulí V 503

- In English language Description of Aircraft Z 326 and Direction for its


3. Repair Manual:
- In Czech language Příručka pro generální opravu letounu Z 326,
date of issue 1961

- In English language Instruction Manual for Major Overhaul of Z 326

Aircraft,date of issue 1963Instruction for
Complete Overhauls and Minor Repairs of the Z
326 Tail Landing Gear.

4. Catalogue of spare parts:

- In Czech language Trener Master Z 326 – Seznam náhradních
součástí, date of issue 1963

I.V. Notes:

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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013

JI. General

1. a) Type: Z 26
b) Model: Z 326 M
2. Airworthiness category: Utility (U)
Normal (N)
3. Type Certificate Holder:
Letiště 1578
765 81 Otrokovice
Czech Republic
4. Manufacturer: Moravan, n. p.
Gottwaldov – Otrokovice
S/N: see Z 326 aircraft
5. Certification Application ---

6. CAA CZ Type Certificate February 5, 1976


7. The EASA Type Certificate replaces the CAA CZ Type Certificate Supplement
No. 4 from date 13.10.1959 (č.j. 2417/59)

JII. Certification Basis

1. Reference Date for

determining the applicable ---
2. (Reserved)

3. (Reserved)

4. Airworthiness Requirements: Bauvorschrifted für Flugzeuge, Kat. K 5

British Civil Airworthiness Requirements, Cat. D
5. Requirements elected to None
6. EASA Special Conditions: None

7. EASA Exemptions: None

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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013

8. EASA Equivalent Safety None

9. EASA Environmental ICAO Annex 16, Volume I, Chapter 10

JIII. Technical Characteristics and Operational Limitations

1. Type Design Definition: The specification list of aircraft Z 326 M –

conversion Z 326 to Z 326 M aircraft, No. S-M

2. Description: The Z 326 M aircraft is two-seat, low wing,

single-engine monoplane.

3. Equipment: Approved equipment list is stated in document

Maintenance Manual ZLIN 326 M, MS.

4. Dimensions: Wing Span: 10.596 m

Length: 7.820 m
Height: 2.060 m
Wing Area: 15.451 m2

5. Engine:

5.1 Model: M 137 A

5.2 Type Certificate: No. 96-02 issued by CAA CZ

5.3 Limitations: Max. Take off power (max. 5 min.)

Max. Power 132 kW (180 HP)
Max. Engine speed 2 750 RPM
Max. Consumption 61 l/h
Max. Manifold pressure 100 ±2 kPa
Max. Continuous power
Max. Power 118 kW (160 HP)
Max. Engine speed 2 680 RPM
Max. Consumption 52 l/h
Max. Manifold pressure 95 kPa ±2 kPa
Max. Cruising power
Max. Power 103 kW (140 HP)
Max. Engine speed 2 580 RPM
Max. Consumption 45 l/h
Max. Manifold pressure 87 kPa
6. Load factors: For category Utility (U) +5.5 g; -3.0 g
For category Normal (N) +3.5 g; -1.0 g
7. Propellers:
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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013

7.1.1 Model: Z 42.6411

7.1.2 Type Certificate: No. 70-06 issued by CAA CZ

7.1.3 Number of blades: 2

7.1.4 Diameter: 2 050 mm

7.1.5 Sense of Rotation: Anticlockwise in flight direction


7.2.1 Model: Z 42.6413

7.2.2 Type Certificate: No. 70-07 issued by CAA CZ

7.2.3 Number of blades: 2

7.2.4 Diameter: 2 050 mm

7.2.5 Sense of Rotation: Anticlockwise in flight direction


7.3.1 Model: V 503

7.3.2 Type Certificate: No. 64 002 issued by CAA CZ

7.3.3 Number of blades: 2

7.3.4 Diameter: 1 950 mm

7.3.5 Sense of Rotation: Anticlockwise in flight direction


7.4.1 Model: V 503 A

7.4.2 Type Certificate: No. 69-02 issued by CAA CZ

7.4.3 Number of blades: 2

7.4.4 Diameter: 2 000 mm

7.4.5 Sense of Rotation: Anticlockwise in flight direction

8. Fluids:

8.1 Fuel: Non-ethylated aviation gasoline with min. 72

octanes. Application of ethylated fuels is only
permitted in case the T.E.L. content does not
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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013

exceed the value of 0.06 % vol.

Recommended kinds of fuel:
LBZ 72
LBZ 78
LBE 80
LBE 87
Grade 100/130.

8.2 Oil: For engine operation are recommended mineral

oils with min. kinematic viscosity of 20 cSt at
100°C, whose percentual carbon residue does not
exceed the value of 0.4.
Recomended kinds of oil:
MS 20
ELF AD-100.

8.3 Coolant: None

9. Fluid capacities:

9.1 Fuel: Total: for category U: 100 litres

for category N: 170 litres
Usable: for category U: 98 litres
for category N: 168 litres
2 x 45 litres in main tanks
3 litres in connecting tank
7 litres in gravity tank
2 x 35 litres in auxiliary wing tip tanks
9.2 Oil: Minimum 7 litres – Maximum 11 litres

9.3 Coolant system None

Never Exceed Speed Limit VNE
10. Air Speeds:
308 km/h IAS
Normal Operating Speed Limit VNO
222 km/h IAS
Design Manoeuvring Speed Limit VA
222 km/h IAS
Maximum Flaps Extended Speed Limit VFE
140 km/h IAS
11. Maximum Operating
Altitude: 4 750 m
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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013

12. Allweather Operations

Capability: The aircraft is approved for VFR Day flights.
Max. Take-off and Landing weight:
13. Maximum Weights:
- For category Utility (U) 910 kg
- For category Normal (N) 975 kg

Maximum Variable Load:

- For category Utility (U): pilot 77 kg
person, cargo 85 kg
- For category Normal (N): pilot 77 kg
person, cargo 90 kg

14. Centre of Gravity Range: 18 ÷ 30 % MAC

M.A.C. is 1 545 mm; 0 % M.A.C. is 616 mm aft
reference datum.
15. Datum: The rear part of firewall; from it are measured, for
purpose of assignation of Gravity Centre, all lateral
16. Control surface deflections: Elevator deflection up 25° ± 1°
down 20° ± 1°
Elevator trim up 25° ± 2°
down 40° ± 2°
Rudder deflection left an right 28° ± 2°
Rudder trim left 5° ± 1°
right 30° ± 2°
Ailerons deflection up 108 mm (+5, -3) mm
down 98 mm (+5, -3) mm
Wing flaps position: retracted 0°
take-off 15°
landing 40° (+ 5°, - 3°)

17. Levelling Means: Levelling points on left and right side of airplane
fuselage to be levelled. Measurement plane to be
min. 850 mm below.
18. Minimum Flight Crew: 1 (Pilot)

19. Maximum Passenger

2 (including crew)
Seating Capacity:
20. (Reserved)

21. Baggage/Cargo For category Utility (U): 85 kg

Compartments: For category Normal (N): 90 kg
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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013

22. Wheels and Tyres: The wheels K 12-0100.00 or K 420.1-00 of main

gear with tyre BARUM or MITAS 420x150-6,5 or
MITAS 420x150-6,5 TL with tube 420x150;
The wheels K 13-0000.00 or K 34-990 of tail gear
tyre BARUM or MITAS 260x85–4 with tube

JIV. Operating and Service Instructions

1. Flight Manual:
– In Czech language Z 326 Dodatek č. 1 k letové příručce – Z 326 M,
date of issue 1976

2. Technical Manual:
– In Czech language Popis – obsluha – údržba ZLIN 326 M, MS,
date of issue 1994

JV. Notes:

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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013


KI. General

1. a) Type: Z 26
b) Model: Z 526

2. Airworthiness category: Aerobatic (A)

Normal (N)
3. Type Certificate Holder:
Olivova 4/2096
110 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic

4. Manufacturer: Moravan, n. p.
S/N: 1006-1015, 1021-1025, 1031-1035,
1046-1066, 1068-1074, 1077-1088
5. Certification Application ---

6. CAA CZ Type Certificate April 26, 1966

7. The EASA Type Certificate replaces the CAA CZ Type Certificate No. 1617/66,
Supplement No. 2.

KII. Certification Basis

1. Reference Date for ---

determining the applicable
2. (Reserved)

3. (Reserved)

4. Airworthiness Requirements: Bauvorschriften für Flugzeuge, Kat. K;

British Civil Airworthiness Requirements, Cat. D,
AIR 2052, effective November 7, 1968
5. Requirements elected to None
6. EASA Special Conditions: None

7. EASA Exemptions: None

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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013

8. EASA Equivalent Safety None

9. EASA Environmental ICAO Annex 16, Volume I, Chapter 10

KIII. Technical Characteristics and Operational Limitations

1. Type Design Definition: The specification list of Z 526 aircraft,

No. S-Z 526.000.

2. Description: The Z 526 aircraft is two-seat, low wing, single-

engine, monoplane.

3. Equipment: Approved equipment list is stated in document

Technical Description, Operation Instruction for
Z 526 Aircraft.

4. Dimensions: Wing Span: 10.845 m with auxiliary tanks

10.596 m without auxiliary tanks
Length: 8.000 m
Height: 2.060 m
Wing Area: 15.450 m2

5. Engine:

5.1 Model: Walter Minor 6-III

5.2 Type Certificate: Č.j. 132/2-L/6A-a.i.-1947

5.3 Limitations: Max. Continuous power

Max. Power 118 kW (160 HP)
Max. Engine speed 2 500 RPM
Max. Consumption 53 l/h
Max. Cruising power
Max. Power 92 kW (125 HP)
Max. Engine speed 2 300 RPM
Max. Consumption 38 l/h
6. Load factors: For category Aerobatic (A) +6 g, -3 g
For category Normal (N) +3.5 g, -1 g
7. Propeller:

7.1 Model: V 503

7.2 Type Certificate: No. 64 002 issued by CAA CZ

7.3 Number of blades: 2

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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013

7.4 Diameter: 1 950 mm

7.5 Sense of Rotation: Anticlockwise in flight direction

8. Fluids:

8.1 Fuel: Non-ethylated aviation gasoline, with min. 72

octanes (for example LBE 72 or LBE 83).
Application of ethylated fuels is only permitted in
case the T.E.L. content does not exceed the value
of 0.06 % vol.

8.2 Oil: For engine operation are recommended mineral

oils with min. kinematic viscosity of 20 cSt at
100°C. Recommended kinds of oil:
MS20-GOST 1013-49
ELF AD-100

8.3 Coolant: None

9. Fluid capacities:

9.1 Fuel: Total: for category A: 100 litres

for category N: 170 litres
Usable: for category A: 98 litres
for category N: 168 litres
2 x 45 litres in main tanks
3 litres in connecting tank
7 litres in gravity tank
2 x 35 litres in auxiliary wing tip tanks

9.2 Oil: Minimum 9 litres – Maximum 11 litres

9.3 Coolant system None


Never Exceed Speed Limit VNE 292 km/h IAS

10. Air Speeds:
Normal Operating Speed VNO
Limit 234 km/h IAS
Design Manoeuvring VA
Speed Limit 230 km/h IAS
Maximum Flaps Extended VFE
Speed Limit 140 km/h IAS
11. Maximum Operating 5 000 m
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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013


12. Allweather Operations

Capability: The aircraft is approved for VFR Day flights.

13. Maximum Weights: Max. Take-off and Landing weight:

- For category Aerobatic (A) 940 kg
- For category Normal (N) 975 kg

Maximum Variable Load:

- For category Aerobatic (A) 192 kg
- For category Normal (N) 166 kg

14. Centre of Gravity Range: 17 % ÷ 27.4 % MAC

M.A.C. is 1 545 mm; 0 % M.A.C. is 616 mm aft
reference datum.
15. Datum: The rear part of fire wall; from it are measured, for
purpose of assignation of Gravity Centre, all lateral

16. Control surface deflections: Elevator deflection up 25° ± 1°

down 20° ± 1°
Elevator trim up 25° ± 2°
down 40° ± 2°
Rudder deflection left an right 28° ± 2°
Rudder trim left 5° ± 1°
right 30° ± 2°
Ailerons deflection up 108 mm (+5, -3) mm
down 98 mm (+5, -3) mm
Wing flaps position: retracted 0°
take-off 15°
landing 40° (+ 5°, - 3°)
17. Levelling Means: Levelling points on left and right side of airplane
fuselage to be levelled. Measurement plane to be
min. 850 mm below.
18. Minimum Flight Crew: 1 (Pilot)

19. Maximum Passenger

2 (including crew)
Seating Capacity:
20. (Reserved)

21. Baggage/Cargo Maximum 17 kg


22. Wheels and Tyres: The wheels K 12-0100.00 or K 420.1-00 of main

TCDS EASA.A.353 Moravan Aviation Page 62 of 114
Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013

gear with tyre BARUM or MITAS 420x150-6.5 or

MITAS 420x150-6.5 TL with tube 420x150;
The wheels K 13-0000.00 or K 34-990 of tail gear
with tyre BARUM or MITAS 260x85-4 with tube

KIV. Operating and Service Instructions

1. Flight manual:
− In Czech language Letová příručka školního a akrobatického letounu
Z 526 – Z 526 A.
Směrnice pro pilota. Použití a technika pilotáže letounů
TRENER typů Z 526 a Z 526 A.

– In English language Instruction for Pilot on the Use and Handling of the
Training and Acrobatic Z 526 and Z 526 A Aircraft,
date of issue 1966

− In German language Handbuch für den Flugzeugführer zum Schulungs

und kunstflugzeuges Z 526 – Z 526 A,
date of issue 1966

2. Descriprion – Operation – Maintenance:

− In Czech language Technický popis a návod k obsluze letounu
Z 526 – Z 526 A

− In English language Technical Description, Operation Instruction for

Z 526 – Z 526 A Aircrafts, date of issue 1966

− In German language Technische Beschreibung und Bedienungsanleitung

zum Flugzeug Z 526 – Z 526 A, date of issue 1966

3. Overhaul Manual:
− In English language Major Overhaul of Z 526 – Z 526 A Aircraft,
date of issue 1969

4. Catalogue of spare parts:

– In Czech, English, German language
Trener Master Z 526 Katalog, date of issue 1967
KV. Notes:

Following Z 526 aircraft have been converted to the model:

Z 326 S/N: 909, 1008
Z 526 F S/N: 1071
Z 526 M S/N: 1021, 1023, 1031-1033, 1053, 1068, 1077, 1088
Z 726 S/N: 1069
by the aircraft manufacturer.
Z 526
TCDS EASA.A.353 Moravan Aviation Page 63 of 114
Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013


LI. General

1. a) Type: Z 26
b) Model: Z 526 A
2. Airworthiness category: Aerobatic (A)
Normal (N)
3. Type Certificate Holder:
Letiště 1578
765 81 Otrokovice
Czech Republic
4. Manufacturer: Moravan, n. p.
S/N: 1001-1005, 1016-1020, 1036-1045, 1067
5. Certification Application ---

6. CAA CZ Type Certificate April 26, 1966


7. The EASA Type Certificate replaces the CAA CZ Type Certificate No. 1617/66,
Supplement No. 2.

LII. Certification Basis

1. Reference Date for

determining the applicable ---
2. (Reserved)

3. (Reserved)

4. Airworthiness Requirements: Bauvorschriften für Flugzeuge, Kat. K;

British Civil Airworthiness Requirements, Cat. D
5. Requirements elected to
6. EASA Special Conditions: None

7. EASA Exemptions: None

8. EASA Equivalent Safety None

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9. EASA Environmental ICAO Annex 16, Volume I, Chapter 10

LIII. Technical Characteristics and Operational Limitations

1. Type Design Definition: The specification list of Z 526 A aircraft,

No. S-A 526.000.

2. Description: The Z 526 A aircraft is one-seat, low wing,

single-engine, monoplane.

3. Equipment: Approved equipment list is stated in document

Technical Description, Operation Instruction for
Z 526 – Z 526 A Aircraft.

4. Dimensions: Wing Span: 10.845 m with auxiliary tanks

10.596 m without auxiliary tanks
Length: 8.000 m
Height: 1.950 m
Wing Area: 15.450 m2

5. Engine:

5.1 Model: Walter Minor 6-III

5.2 Type Certificate: Č.j. 132/2-L/6A-a.i.-1947

5.3 Limitations: Max. Continuous power

Max. Power 118 kW (160 HP)
Max. Engine speed 2 500 RPM
Max. Consumption 53 l/h
Max. Cruising power
Max. Power 92 kW (125 HP)
Max. Engine speed 2 300 RPM
Max. Consumption 38 l/h
6. Load factors: For category Aerobatic (A) + 6.0 g, - 3.0 g
For category Normal (N) + 3.5 g, - 1.0 g
7. Propeller:

7.1 Model: V 503

7.2 Type Certificate: No. 64002 issued by CAA CZ

7.3 Number of blades: 2

7.4 Diameter: 1 950 mm

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7.5 Sense of Rotation: Anticlockwise in flight direction

8. Fluids:

8.1 Fuel: Non-ethylated aviation gasoline, with min. 72

octanes (for example LBE 72 or LBE 83).
Application of ethylated fuels is only permitted in
case, the T.E.L. content does not exceed the
value of 0.06 % vol.
8.2 Oil: For engine operation are recommended mineral
oils with min. kinematic viscosity of 20 cSt at
100°C. Recommended kinds of oil:
MS20-GOST 1013-49
ELF AD-100

8.3 Coolant: None

9. Fluid capacities:

9.1 Fuel: Total: for category A: 80 litres

for category N: 150 litres
Usable: for category A: 78 litres
for category N: 148 litres
2 x 35 litres in main tanks
3 litres in connecting tank
7 litres in gravity tank
2 x 35 litres in auxiliary wing tip tanks

9.2 Oil: Minimum 9 litres – Maximum 11 litres

9.3 Coolant system None

10. Air Speeds: Never Exceed Speed Limit VNE 292 km/h IAS
Normal Operating Speed VNO
Limit 236 km/h IAS
Design Manoeuvring VA
Speed Limit 230 km/h IAS
Maximum Flaps Extended VFE
Speed Limit 140 km/h IAS
11. Maximum Operating
Altitude: 6 000 m

12. Allweather Operations

Capability: The aircraft is approved for VFR Day flights.
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13. Maximum Weights: Max. Take-off and Landing weight:

- For category Aerobatic (A) 850 kg
- For category Normal (N) 910 kg

Maximum Variable Load:

- For category Aerobatic (A) 142 kg
- For category Normal (N) 131 kg

14. Centre of Gravity Range: 17 % ÷ 29 % MAC

M.A.C. is 1 545 mm; 0 % M.A.C. is 621 mm aft
reference datum.
15. Datum: The rear part of fire wall; from it are measured, for
purpose of assignation of Gravity Centre, all lateral

16. Control surface deflections: Elevator deflection up 28° ± 1°

down 24° ± 1°
Elevator trim up 25° ± 2°
down 35° ± 2°
Rudder deflection left an right 30° ± 2°
Rudder trim left 5° ± 1°
right 30° ± 2°
Ailerons deflection up 112 mm (+5, -3) mm
down 108 mm (+5, -3) mm
Wing flaps position: retracted 0°
take-off 15°
landing 40° (+ 5°, - 3°)
17. Levelling Means: Levelling points on left and right side of airplane
fuselage to be levelled. Measurement plane to be
min. 850 mm below.
18. Minimum Flight Crew: 1 (Pilot)

19. Maximum Passenger

1 (including crew)
Seating Capacity:
20. (Reserved)

21. Baggage/Cargo Maximum 17 kg


22. Wheels and Tyres: The wheels K 12-0100.00 or K 420.1-00 of main

gear with tyre BARUM or MITAS 420x150-6.5 or
MITAS 420x150-6.5 TL with tube 420x150;
The wheels K 13-0000.00 or K 34-990 of tail gear
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with tyre BARUM or MITAS 260x85-4 with tube


LIV. Operating and Service Instructions

1. Flight manual:
− In Czech language Letová příručka školního a akrobatického letounu
Z 526 – Z 526 A
Směrnice pro pilota. Použití a technika pilotáže letounů
TRENER typů Z 526 a Z 526 A.

– In English language Instruction for Pilot on the Use and Handling of the
Training and Acrobatic Z 526 and Z 526 A Aircraft,
date of issue 1966

− In German language Handbuch für den Flugzeugführer zum Schulungs

und kunstflugzeuges Z 526 – Z 526 A,
date of issue 1966

2. Description – Operation – Maintenance:

− In Czech language Technický popis a návod k obsluze letounu
Z 526 – Z 526 A

− In English language Technical Description, Operation Instruction for

Z 526 – Z 526 A Aircrafts, date of issue 1966

− In German language Technische Beschreibung und Bedienungsanleitung

zum Flugzeug Z 526 – Z 526 A, date of issue 1966

3. Overhaul Manual:
− In English language Major Overhaul of Z 526 – Z 526 A Aircraft,
date of issue 1969

4. Catalogue of spare parts:

– In Czech, English, German language
Trener Master Z 526 Katalog, date of issue 1967

LV. Notes:

Following Z 526 A aircraft has been converted to the model:

Z 526 AM S/N: 1019

by the aircraft manufacturer.
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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013


MI. General

1. a) Type: Z 26
b) Model: Z 526 F

2. Airworthiness category: Aerobatic (A)

Normal (N)
3. Type Certificate Holder:
Letiště 1578
765 81 Otrokovice
Czech Republic
4. Manufacturer: Moravan, n. p.
S/N: 1075-1076, 1089-1100, 1102-1117, 1119,
1121-1124, 1128, 1146-1159, 1161-1185,
1231-1300, 1311-1325
5. Certification Application ---

6. CAA CZ Type Certificate October 14, 1969


7. The EASA Type Certificate replaces the CAA CZ Type Certificate No. 69-04.

MII. Certification Basis

1. Reference Date for

determining the applicable ---
2. (Reserved)

3. (Reserved)

4. Airworthiness Requirements: FAR PART 23 effective March 14, 1969

5. Requirements elected to None


6. EASA Special Conditions: None

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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013

7. EASA Exemptions: None

8. EASA Equivalent Safety § 23.177(a)(2), (3) – In aerobatic (without auxiliary

Findings: wing tip tanks) there is no tendency to raise the
low wing in a slip. This deviation is admitted with
regard to the purpose of the aircraft (aerobatic
flying) and to the operational experience. It is
possible to ensure the fulfilment of the requirement
by the installation of the spring device, which the
manufacturer delivers on request. In normal
category, there is no deviation the requirement is
§ 23.207 – The requirement of “clear and distinct
stall warning” is not met in aerobatic category in
case of wing stalling with power and in turning
flight stalls in normal category in all conditions.
The deviation is admitted with regard to the
operational experience.
§ 23.613(c) – In the design and the construction of
the airplane the Czechoslovak material standards
(ČSN) and the specifications being in force for the
Czechoslovak aircraft industry have been used.
The deviation is admitted because the intent of the
requirement is fulfilled.
§ 23.781 – The shape of the flaps and landing
gear control knobs does not meet the requirement.
The deviation is admitted with regard to the
location and the sense of movement of these
controls, which ensure the same level of safety.
§ 23.955 – The requirement of the fuel flow rate
delivered by the fuel pump system to the engine is
not met. The deviation is admitted with regard to
the fact that the fuel flow is throttled by the valve
LUN 7520.02 and is by 50 % higher than the take-
off consumption of the engine.
§ 23.991(b) – The aircraft is not equipped with
emergency pump for fuel supply resume into the
engine in case of main fuel pump failure. It is
admitted with regard to the fact that: The engine is
equipped with high-pressure injector, which is
joined with low-pressure supply fuel pump into one
aggregate. Any pertinent failure of this aggregate
would cause contemporaneous breakdown of
supply pump and injector. In that case, no
emergency pump could ensure fuel supply and
distribution to finish the flight without excessive
efforts and attention distraction of the pilot. No
failure of the low-pressure supply fuel pump has
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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013

occurred yet and its occurrence is extremely

§ 23.1145 – The requirement of means to prevent
the inadvertent operation of ignition switches is not
met. The deviation is admitted with regard to the
location and the shape of the switch.
§ 23.1183(a) – The requirement of the fire
resistancy of the lines (hoses) is not met.
§ 23.1191(g) – The requirement of the resistance
of fittings against the flame penetration is not met.
The deviation is admitted with regard to the
operation experience.
§ 23.1337(b) – The LUN 1600 indicator does not
meet the requirement of the calibration of the fuel
quantity indicator in gallons or pounds, where the
calibration in litres is used. The deviation is
admitted because the intent of the requirement is
fulfilled and safety level is not affected.
§ 23.1357(d) – The requirement of the battery
circuit braker resetting is not met. The deviation is
admitted with regard to the operational
§ 23.1389, § 23.1391, § 23.1393, § 23.1395 and
§23.1397 – Requirements concerning the location
and intensities of position lights are not met. This
is admitted because the airplane is certified for
VFR-DAY flights and the position lights are fitted
only for the facilitation of the manoeuvering the
plane on the ground.
9. EASA Environmental
ICAO Annex 16, Volume I, Chapter 10

MIII. Technical Characteristics and Operational Limitations

1. Type Design Definition: The specification list of aircraft Z 526 F

No. S-F 526.000 (up to 22nd series including)
No. S-F 526.000.1 (from 23rd series)
2. Description: The Z 526 F aircraft is two-seat, low wing,
single-engine, cantilever monoplane.
3. Equipment: Approved equipment list is stated in document
Description, Operation, Maintenance ZLIN 526 F,
Chapter 10.
4. Dimensions: Wing Span: 10.596 m
Length: 8.000 m
Height: 2.060 m
Wing Area: 15.450 m2
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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013

5. Engine:

5.1 Model: M 137 A

5.2 Type Certificate: No. 96-02 issued by CAA CZ

5.3 Limitations: Max. Take-off power

Max. Power 132 kW (180 k)
Max. Engine speed 2 750 RPM

Max. Consumption 59 l/h

Max. Manifold pressure 100 kPa
Max. Continuous power
Max. Power 118 kW (160 k)
Max. Engine speed 2 680 RPM
Max. Consumption 52 l/h
Max. Manifold pressure 95 kPa
Max. Cruising power
Max. Power 103 kW (140 k)
Max. Engine speed 2 580 RPM
Max. Consumption 44 l/h
Max. Manifold pressure 88 kPa
6. Load factors: For category Aerobatic (A) +6.0 g, -3.0 g
For category Normal (N) +3.8 g, -1.5 g
7. Propeller:

7.1 Model: V 503 A

7.2 Type Certificate: No. 69-02 issued by CAA CZ

7.3 Number of blades: 2

7.4 Diameter: 2 000 mm

7.5 Sense of Rotation: Anticlockwise in flight direction

8. Fluids:

8.1 Fuel: LBZ 78

ESSO 80 (TEO max. 0.06 % objemu)
Grade 100/130 (TEO max. 0.06% objemu)
(See service instruction of Engine manufacturer)
8.2 Oil: AEROSHELL Oil W 100
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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013

ELF Aviation AD 100

MOBIL Aero Oil 100

BP Aero D 100
TOTAL Aero D 100
8.3 Coolant: None

9. Fluid capacities:

9.1 Fuel: Total: for category A: 95.5 litres

for category N: 165.5 litres
Usable: for category A: 93 litres
for category N: 163 litres
2 x 45 litres in main tanks
5.5 litres in connecting tank
2 x 35 litres in auxiliary wing tip tanks
9.2 Oil: Minimum 9 litres – Maximum 14 litres

9.3 Coolant system None


10. Air Speeds: Never Exceed Speed Limit VNE

305 km/h IAS
Normal Operating Speed VNO
Limit 230 km/h IAS
Design Manoeuvring VA
Speed Limit 230 km/h IAS
Maximum Flaps Extended VFE
Speed Limit 152 km/h IAS
Maximum Landing Gear VLO
Operating Speed 140 km/h IAS
11. Maximum Operating 5 200 m

12. Allweather Operations

The aircraft is approved for VFR Day flights.
13. Maximum Weights: Max. Take-off and Landing weight:
- For category Aerobatic (A) 940 kg
- For category Normal (N) 975 kg
Max. Variable Load:
- For category Aerobatic (A) 192 kg
- For category Normal (N) 167 kg
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14. Centre of Gravity Range: 20.4 % ÷ 27.4 % MAC

M.A.C. is 1 545 mm; 0 % M.A.C. is 616 mm aft
reference datum.
15. Datum: The rear part of fire wall; from it are measured, for
purpose of assignation of Gravity Centre, all lateral

16. Control surface deflections: Elevator deflection up 25° ± 1°

down 20° ± 1°
Elevator trim up 25° ± 2°
down 40° ± 2°
Rudder deflection left an right 28° ± 2°
Rudder trim left 5° ± 1°
right 30° ± 2°
Ailerons deflection up 108 mm (+5, -3) mm
down 98 mm (+5, -3) mm
Wing flaps position: retracted 0°
take-off 15°
landing 40° (+ 5°, - 3°)
17. Levelling Means: Levelling points on left and right side of airplane
fuselage to be levelled. Measurement plane to be
min. 850 mm below.
18. Minimum Flight Crew: 1 (Pilot)

19. Maximum Passenger

2 (including crew)
Seating Capacity:
20. (Reserved)

21. Baggage/Cargo None


22. Wheels and Tyres: The wheels K 12-0100.00 or K 420.1-00 of main

gear with tyre BARUM or MITAS 420x150-6.5 or
MITAS 420x150-6.5 TL with tube 420x150;
The wheels K 13-0000.00 or K 34-990 of tail gear
with tyre BARUM or MITAS 260x85-4 with tube
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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013

MIV. Operating and Service Instructions

1. Flight manual:
− In Czech language Letová příručka ZLÍN 526 F, date of issue 1971

− In English language Pilot´s Handbook for the Z 526 F Aircraft,

date of issue 1971

− In German language Z 526 F Flughandbuch, date of issue 1969

2. Description – Operation – Maintenance:

− In Czech language Popis – obsluha – údržba ZLIN 526 F,
date of issue 1972

− In English language Description – Operation – Maintenance ZLIN 526 F,

date of issue November 1971

− In German language Beschreibung – Bedienung – Instalhaltung ZLIN 526 F,

date of issue 1972

3. Overhaul Manual:
− In Czech language Opravárenská příručka ZLIN 526 F, date of issue 1971

− In English language Overhaul Manual ZLIN 526 F, date of issue 1971

− In German language Reparatur Handbuch ZLIN 526 F, date of issue 1971

4. Catalogue of spare parts:

– In Czech, English, German language
Katalog ZLIN 526 F Trener, date of issue 1971
MV. Notes:

Note 1: Following Z 526 F aircraft have been converted to the model:

Z 526 L S/N: 1155-1159
Z 526 FI S/N: 1170-1173
Z 526 AFS-V S/N: 1119
Z 726 S/N: 1075
by the aircraft Manufacturer.

Note 2: S/N 1026 and S/N 1027 have been converted to Zlin Z 526 ASM (for
definition of Z 526 ASM see CAA Cz STC No. STC-001-97).
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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013

NI. General

1. a) Type: Z 26
b) Model: Z 526 L

2. Airworthiness category: Aerobatic (A)

Normal (N)
3. Type Certificate Holder:
Letiště 1578
765 81 Otrokovice
Czech Republic

4. Manufacturer: Moravan, n. p.
S/N: 1160
5. Certification Application Date: ---

6. CAA CZ Type Certificate May 10, 1971


7. The EASA Type Certificate replaces the CAA CZ Type Certificate No. 71-06.

NII. Certification Basis

1. Reference Date for

determining the applicable ---
2. (Reserved)

3. (Reserved)

4. Airworthiness Requirements: FAR PART 23 effective March 14, 1969

5. Requirements elected to None


6. EASA Special Conditions: None

7. EASA Exemptions: None

8. EASA Equivalent Safety § 23.177(a)(2)(3) – Good controllability of the

Findings: aircraft.
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§ 23.613(c), § 23.615 – The sense of requirement

is met.
§ 23.781 – The same safety level is ensured.
§ 23.1183(a) – Operation experience.
§ 23.1337(b) – Fuel marking in litres does not
affect the degree of safety.
§ 23.1357 – Good operation experience.

9. EASA Environmental
Standards: ICAO Annex 16, Volume I, Chapter 10

NIII. Technical Characteristics and Operational Limitations

1. Type Design Definition: The specification list of Z 526 L aircraft,

No. S-L 526.000.

2. Description: The Z 526 L aircraft is two-seat, low wing, single-

engine, monoplane.

3. Equipment: Approved equipment list is stated in document

Technical description and Maintenance instructions
Z 526 L aircraft, Chapter 10.

4. Dimensions: Wing 10.596 m

Span: 7.650 m
Length: 2.060 m
Height: 15.450 m2

5. Engine:

5.1 Model: TEXTRON Lycoming AIO – 360 – B1B

5.2 Type Certificate: No. 1E10 issued by FAA

5.3 Limitations: Max. Take-off power (MT)

Max. Power 149 kW (202 HP)
Max. Engine speed 2 750 RPM
Max. Consumption 61 l/h
Max. Manifold pressure 101 kPa
Max. Continuous Cruising power (75 % MC)
Max. Power 112 kW (152 HP)
Max. Engine speed 2 450 RPM
Max. Consumption 46 l/h
Max. Manifold pressure 82 kPa
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Max. Economic Cruising power (65 % MC)

Max. Power 97 kW (132 HP)
Max. Engine speed 2 350 RPM
Max. Consumption 36 l/h
Max. Manifold pressure 78 kP
6. Load factors: For category Aerobatic (A) +6.0 g, -3.0 g
For category Normal (N) +3.8 g, -1.5 g
7. Propeller:

7.1 Model: Hartzell HC-C2YK-4

7.2 Type Certificate: No. P-920 issued by FAA

7.3 Number of blades: 2

7.4 Diameter: 1 880 mm

7.5 Sense of Rotation: Clockwise in flight direction

8. Fluids:

8.1 Fuel: Aviation gasoline with min. 100/130 octanes.

8.2 Oil: For engine operation are recommended mineral

oils with min. kinematic viscosity of 20 cSt at
100°C, whose percentual carbon residue does not
exceed the value of 0.4.
Recommended kinds of oil:
MS20-GOST 1013-49
ELF AD-100

8.3 Coolant: None

9. Fluid capacities:

9.1 Fuel: Total: for category A: 95.5 litres

for category N: 165.5 litres
Usable: for category A: 93 litres
for category N: 163 litres
2 x 45 litres in main tanks
5.5 litres in connecting tank
2 x 35 litres in auxiliary wing tip tanks

9.2 Oil: Minimum 9 litres – Maximum 11 litres

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9.3 Coolant system None


10. Air Speeds: Never Exceed Speed Limit VNE

category A 305 km/h IAS
category N 269 km/h IAS
Normal Operating Speed Limit VNO
category A, N 230 km/h IAS

Design Manoeuvring Speed Limit VA

category A 230 km/h IAS
category N 189 km/h IAS
Maximum Flaps Extended Speed Limit VFE
category A, N 148 km/h IAS
11. Maximum Operating 6 500 m

12. Allweather Operations

Capability: The aircraft is approved for VFR Day flights.

13. Maximum Weights: Max. Take-off and Landing weight:

- For category Aerobatic (A) 940 kg
- For category Normal (N) 975 kg
Max. Variable Load:
- For category Aerobatic (A) 170 kg
- For category Normal (N) 144 kg

14. Centre of Gravity Range: 20.6 % ÷ 26.5 % MAC

M.A.C. is 1 545 mm; 0 % M.A.C. is 616 mm aft
reference datum.
15. Datum: The rear part of fire wall; from it are measured, for
purpose of assignation of Gravity Centre, all lateral

16. Control surface deflections: Elevator deflection up 25° ± 1°

down 20° ± 1°
Elevator trim tab up 25° ± 2°
down 40° ± 2°
Rudder deflection right and left 28° ± 2°
Rudder trim tab left 5° ± 1°
right 30° ± 2°
Ailerons deflection up 108 mm (+ 5/-3) mm
down 98 mm (+ 5/-3) mm
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Wing flaps positions retracted 0°

take-off 15°
landing 40° (+ 5°, -3°)

17. Levelling Means: Levelling points on left and right side of airplane
fuselage to be levelled. Measurement plane to be
min. 850 mm below.
18. Minimum Flight Crew: 1 (Pilot)

19. Maximum Passenger

2 (including crew)
Seating Capacity:
20. (Reserved)

21. Baggage/Cargo Maximum 25 kg


22. Wheels and Tyres: The wheels K 12-0100.00 or K 420.1-00 of main

gear with tyre BARUM or MITAS 420x150-6.5 or
MITAS 420x150-6.5 TL with tube 420x150;
The wheels K 13-0000.00 or K 34-990 of tail gear
with tyre BARUM or MITAS 260x85-4 with tube

NIV. Operating and Service Instructions

1. Flight manual:
− In English language Flight Manual Z 526 L

2. Description – Operation – Maintenance:

− In English language Technical Description and Maintenance Instruction,
ZLIN 526 L Aircraft, date of issue 1970

3. Overhaul Manual:
− In English language Overhaul Manual Z 526 L, date of issue 1972

4. Catalogue of spare parts:

– In Czech language Katalog ZLIN 526 L (Dodatek ke katalogu Z 526 F),
date of issue 1972
– English language Spare Parts Catalogue Z 526 L (Supplement of the
Z 526 F Aircraft Catalogue), date of issue 1972
– German language Ersatzeteilkatalog Z 526 L (Nachtrag zum Katalog des
Flugzeugs Z 526 F), date of issue 1972
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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013

NV. Notes:

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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013


OI. General

1. a) Type: Z 26
b) Model: Z 526 AFS

2. Airworthiness category: Aerobatic (A)

Normal (N)

3. Type Certificate Holder: ZLIN AIRCRAFT A.S.

Letiště 1578
765 81 Otrokovice
Czech Republic
4. Manufacturer: Moravan, n. p.
S/N: 1126, 1201-1230, 1301-1310, 1326-1330
5. Certification Application ---

6. CAA CZ Type Certificate June 30,1972


7. The EASA Type Certificate replaces the CAA CZ Type Certificate No. 72-04.

OII. Certification Basis

1. Reference Date for

determining the applicable ---

2. (Reserved)

3. (Reserved)

4. Airworthiness Requiremenst: FAR PART 23, Amdt. 23-9 included

5. Requirements elected to
comply: None

6. EASA Special Conditions: None

7. EASA Exemptions: None

§ 23.177 – Requirements are met with except for
8. EASA Equivalent Safety
flight characteristics at sideslips when aileron and
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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013

Findings: rudder control forces are inexpressive and, in

some cases, the tendency to raise the low wing is
not demonstrated according to regulation
requirement. It is admitted with regard to very good
aircraft controllability, to the fact that uncontrollable
tendencies do not occur and to the fact that the
aircraft is aerobatic for which higher
manoeuverability is required.
§ 23.207 – Stall warning is inexpressive. It is
admitted with regard to good flight characteristics
at stall, to very good aircraft controllability and to
the fact that dangerous tendencies do not occur.
§ 23.613(c), § 23.615 – Materials and design
values used for aircraft design and construction
comply with the Czechoslovak State Standard and
specifications valid for the Czechoslovak aviation
industry. It is admitted with regard to the fact that
the requirement sense is met.
§ 23.729(f)(1) – A warning device is not used. It is
admitted with regard to the fact that the aircraft is
intended for aerobatic flying only.
§ 23.991(b) – The aircraft is not equipped with
emergency pump for fuel supply recovery in case
of main fuel pump failure. It is admitted with regard
to these reasons:
- The engine is equipped with high-pressure pump,
which is joined with low-pressure pump to a single
aggregate. A failure of this aggregate could cause
contemporaneous break of fuel supply by both
supply and injection pumps. In such case no
emergency pump could ensure sufficient fuel
supply to finish the flight without abnormal pilot’s
skills or effort. A failure of low-pressure pump has
not been occurred yet and its occurrence is
extremely improbable.
§ 23.1183(a) – Requirement for hoses fire
resistance is not met.
§ 23.1357(d) – Requirement for battery circuit
breaker during flight is not met. It is admitted with
regard to operation experiences.
9. EASA Environmental
Standards: ICAO Annex 16, Volume I, Chapter 10
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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013

OIII. Technical Characteristics and Operational Limitations

1. Type Design Definition: The specification list of Z 526 AFS aircraft,

No. S-AFS 526.000
2. Description: The Z 526 AFS Aircraft is one-seat, low wing,
single-engine, cantilever monoplane.
3. Equipment: Approved equipment list is stated in document
Description, Operation, Maintenance ZLIN 526
AFS, Section 10.
4. Dimensions: Wing Span: 8.840 m
Length: 7.806 m
Height: 1.900 m
Wing Area: 13.810 m2
5. Engine:

5.1 Model: M 137 A

5.2 Type Certificate: No. 96-02 issued by CAA CZ

5.3 Limitations: Max. Take-off power

Max. Power 132 kW (180 HP)
Max. Engine speed 2 750 RPM
Max. Consumption 59 l/h
Max. Manifold pressure 100 kPa
Max. Continuous power
Max. Power 118 kW (160 HP)
Max. Engine speed 2 680 RPM
Max. Consumption 52 l/h
Max. Manifold pressure 95 kPa
Max. Cruising power
Max. Power 103 kW (140 HP)
Max. Engine speed 2 580 RPM
Max. Consumption 44 l/h
Max. Manifold pressure 88 kPa

6. Load factors: For category Aerobatic (A) + 7.0 g, - 4.5 g

For category Normal (N) + 3.8 g, - 1.5 g

7. Propeller:

7.1 Model: V 503 A

7.2 Type Certificate: No. 69-02 issued by CAA CZ

7.3 Number of blades: 2

7.4 Diameter: 2 000 mm

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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013

7.5 Sense of Rotation: Anticlockwise in flight direction

8. Fluids:

8.1 Fuel: Non-ethylated aviation gasoline with minimum 72

octanes. Application of ethylated fuels is only
permitted in case the T.E.L. content does not
exceed the value of 0.06% vol.
BL 78
BP 100L
8.2 Oil: For engine operation are recommended mineral
oils with minimal kinematic viscosity of 20 mm2 s-1
at 100°C, which percentual carbon residue does
not exceed the value of 0.29 %.
MS 20 – Running in
AEROSHELL Oil 100 – Running in
Aeroshell W100
Aeroshell W120 (in tropical climates)
ELF Aviation AD 100
BP Aero D 100
TOTAL Aero D 100
8.3 Coolant: None

9. Fluids capacities:

9.1 Fuel: Total: for category A: 75.5 litres

for category N: 145.5 litres
Usable: for category A: 73 litres
for category N: 143 litres
2 x 35 litres in main tanks
5.5 litres in connecting tank
2 x 35 litres in auxiliary wing tip tanks
9.2 Oil: Minimum 7 litres – Maximum 14 litres

9.3 Coolant system None

10. Air Speeds: Never Exceed Speed Limit VNE
305 km/h IAS
Normal Operating Speed VNO
Limit 230 km/h IAS
Design Manoeuvring VA
Speed Limit 238 km/h IAS
Maximum Open Landing VLE
Gear Speed 180 km/h IAS
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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013

Maximum Landing Gear VLO

Operating Speed 140 km/h IAS
Maximum Permissible Snap
Maneuver speed 160 km/h IAS
11. Maximum Operating 5 800 m

12. Allweather Operations

Capability: The aircraft is approved for VFR Day flights.

13. Maximum Weights: Max. Take-off and landing weight:

- For category Aerobatic (A) 740 kg
- For category Normal (N) 840 kg
Max. Variable Load:
- For category Aerobatic (A) 70 kg
- For category Normal (N) 83 kg

14. Centre of Gravity Range: 24.8 % – 31 % MAC

M.A.C. is 1 609 mm; 0 % M.A.C. is 380 mm aft
reference datum.
15. Datum: The rear part of fire wall; from it are measured, for
purpose of assignation of Gravity Centre, all lateral
16. Control surface deflections: Elevator deflection up 28° ± 2°
down 24° ± 1°
Elevator trim tab up 25° ± 2°
down 40° ± 2°
Rudder deflection right and left 30° ± 2°
Rudder trim tab left 5° ± 1°
right 30° ± 2°
Outside Aileron deflection
up 112 mm; (+ 5; - 3) mm
down 108 mm; (+ 5; - 3) mm
Inside aileron deflection
up 84 mm; (+ 5; - 3) mm
down 81 mm; (+ 5; - 3) mm
17. Levelling Means: Levelling points on left and right side of airplane
fuselage to be levelled. Measurement plane to be
min. 850 mm below.
18. Minimum Flight Crew: 1 (Pilot)

19. Maximum Passenger 1 (including crew)

Seating Capacity:
TCDS EASA.A.353 Moravan Aviation Page 86 of 114
Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013

20. (Reserved)

21. Baggage/Cargo None


22. Wheels and Tyres: The wheels K 12-0100.00 or K 420.1-00 of main

gear with tyre BARUM or MITAS 420x150-6.5 or
MITAS 420x150-6.5 TL with tube 420x150;
The wheels K 13-0000.00 or K 34-990 of tail gear
with tyre BARUM or MITAS 260x85-4 with tube

OIV. Operating and Service Instructions

1. Flight Manual:
− In Czech language Letová příručka ZLIN 526 AFS, date of issue 1971
− In English language Flight Manual ZLIN 526 AFS
− In German language Flugzeug – Betriebshandbuch ZLIN 526 AFS

2. Maintenance Manual:
− In Czech language Popis – obsluha – údržba ZLIN 526 AFS,
date of issue 1972
− In English language Description – Operation – Maintenance ZLIN 526 AFS,
date of issue 1972
− In Germany language Beschreibung – Bedienung – Instandhaltung ZLIN
526 AFS, date of issue 1972

3. Overhaul Manual:
− In Czech language Opravárenská příručka ZLIN 526 AFS (Dodatek
k Opravárenské příručce Z 526 F), date of issue 1972
− In English language Overhaul Manual ZLIN 526 AFS (Supplement to
Overhaul Manual of the Z 526 F Aircraft),
date of issue 1972
− In German language Reparaturhandbuch ZLIN 526 AFS (Nachtrag zum
Reparaturhanbuch Z 526 F), date of issue 1972

4. Illustrated Parts Catalogue:

− In Czech, German and English language, date of issue 1972
Katalog Z 526 AFS (Dodatek ke katalogu Z 526 F)
Ersatzteil Katalog (Nachtrag zum Katalog für das
Fugzeug Z 526 F)
Spare Parts Catalogue (Catalogue Supplement of the
Z 526 F Aircraft)
5. Catalogue Supplement:
− In Czech, German and English language, issued 1973
Dodatek ke katalogu pro Z 526 AFS
TCDS EASA.A.353 Moravan Aviation Page 87 of 114
Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013

Nachtrag zum Katalog für das Fugzeug Z 526 AFS

Supplement of the Z 526 AFS Catalogue

OV. Notes:

Following Z 526 AFS aircraft have been converted to the model:

Z 526 AFS-V S/N: 1213, 1218-1220, 1224, 1307
by the aircraft manufacturer.
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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013


PI. General

1. a) Type Z 26
b) Model: Z 526 AFS-V

2. Airworthiness category: Normal (N)

3. Type Certificate Holder:
Letiště 1578
765 81 Otrokovice
Czech Republic
4. Manufacturer: Moravan, n. p.
S/N: 1101
5. Certification Application ---

6. CAA CZ Type Certificate

Date: September 24, 1982

7. The EASA Type Certificate replaces the CAA CZ Type Certificate No. 72-04,
Supplement No. 2.

PII. Certification Basis

1. Reference Date for

determining the applicable ---

2. (Reserved)

3. (Reserved)

4. Airworthiness Requirements: FAR PART 23, Amdt. 23-9 included

5. Requirements elected to
comply: None

6. EASA Special Conditions: None

7. EASA Exemptions: None

8. EASA Equivalent Safety § 23.177 – Requirements are met with except for
Findings: flight characteristics at sideslips when aileron and
rudder control forces are inexpressive and, in
TCDS EASA.A.353 Moravan Aviation Page 89 of 114
Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013

some cases, the tendency to raise the low wing is

not demonstrated according to regulation
requirement. It is admitted with regard to a very
good aircraft controllability, to the fact that
uncontrollable tendencies do not occur and to the
fact that the aircraft is aerobatic, for which higher
manoeuverability is required.
§ 23.207 – Stall warning is inexpressive. It is
admitted with regard to good flight characteristics
at stall, to very good aircraft controllability and to
the fact that dangerous tendencies do not occur.
§ 23.613(c), § 23.615 – Materials and design
values used for aircraft design and construction
comply with the Czechoslovak State Standard and
specifications valid for the Czechoslovak aviation
industry. It is admitted with regard to the fact that
the requirement sense is met.
§ 23.991(b) – The aircraft is not equipped with
emergency pump for fuel supply recovery in case
of main fuel pump failure. It is admitted with regard
to these reasons:
- The engine is equipped with high-pressure pump,
which is joined with low-pressure pump to a single
aggregate. A failure of this aggregate could cause
contemporaneous break of fuel supply by both
supply and injection pumps. In such case, no
emergency pump could ensure sufficient fuel
supply to finish the flight without abnormal pilot’s
skills or effort. A failure of low-pressure pump has
not been occurred yet and its occurrence is
extremely improbable.
§ 23.1183(a) – Requirement for hoses fire
resistance is not met.
§ 23.1357(d) – Requirement for battery circuit
breaker during flight is not met. It is admitted with
regard to operation experiences.
9. EASA Environmental
Standards: ICAO Annex 16, Volume I, Chapter 10
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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013

PIII. Technical Characteristics and Operational Limitations

1. Type Design Definition: The specification list of Z 526 AFS-V aircraft,

No. S-AFS 526.000, AFN 526
2. Description: The Z 526 AFS-V aircraft is one-seat, low wing,
single-engine, cantilever monoplane.
3. Equipment: Approved equipment list is stated in document
Description, Operation, Maintenance ZLIN 526
AFS, Section 10.
4. Dimensions: Wing Span: 8.840 m
Length: 7.806 m
Height: 1.900 m
Wing Area: 13.810 m2
5. Engine:

5.1 Model: M 137 A

5.2 Type Certificate: No. 96-02 issued by CAA CZ

5.3 Limitations: Max. Take-off power

Max. Power 132 kW (180 HP)
Max. Engine speed 2 750 RPM
Max. Consumption 59 l/h
Max. Manifold pressure 100 kPa
Max. Continuous power
Max. Power 118 kW (160 HP)
Max. Engine speed 2 680 RPM
Max. Consumption 52 l/h
Max. Manifold pressure 95 kPa
Max. Cruising power
Max. Power 103 kW (140 HP)
Max. Engine speed 2 580 RPM
Max. Consumption 43 l/h
Max. Manifold pressure 87 kPa
6. Load factors: +3.8 g, -1.5 g

7. Propeller:

7.1 Model: V 503 A

7.2 Type Certificate: No. 69-02 issued by CAA CZ

7.3 Number of blades: 2

7.4 Diameter: 2 000 mm

7.5 Sense of Rotation: Anticlockwise in flight direction

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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013

8. Fluids:

8.1 Fuel: Non-ethylated aviation gasoline, with minimum

72 octanes. Application of ethylated fuels is only
permitted in case the T.E.L. content does not
exceed the value of 0.06% vol.
BL 78
BP 100L
8.2 Oil: For engine operation are recommended mineral
oils with minimal kinematic viscosity of 20 mm2 s-1
at 100°C, which percentual carbon residue does
not exceed the value of 0.29 %.
MS 20 – Running in
AEROSHELL Oil 100 – Running in
Aeroshell W100
Aeroshell W120 (in tropical climates)
ELF Aviation AD 100
BP Aero D 100
TOTAL Aero D 100
8.3 Coolant: None

9. Fluid capacities:

9.1 Fuel: Total: 145.5 litres

Usable: 143 litres
2 x 35 litres in main tanks
5.5 litres in connecting tank
2 x 35 litres in auxiliary wing tip tanks
9.2 Oil: Minimum 7 litres – Maximum 14 litres

9.3 Coolant system None


10. Air Speeds: Never Exceed Speed Limit VNE

305 km/h IAS
Normal Operating Speed VNO
Limit 230 km/h IAS
Design Manoeuvring Speed VA
Limit 238 km/h IAS
Maximum Open Landing VLE
Gear Speed 180 km/h IAS
Maximum Landing Gear VLO
Operating Speed 140 km/h IAS
11. Maximum Operating 5 800 m
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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013


12. Allweather Operations

Capability: The aircraft is approved for VFR Day flights.

13. Maximum Weights: Max. Take-off and Landing weight: 840 kg

Max. Variable Load: 83 kg

14. Centre of Gravity Range: 24.8 % – 31 % MAC

M.A.C. is 1 609 mm; 0 % M.A.C. is 380 mm aft
reference datum.
15. Datum: The rear part of fire wall; from it are measured, for
purpose of assignation of Gravity Centre, all lateral
16. Control surface deflections: Elevator deflection up 28° ± 2°
down 24° ± 1°
Elevator trim tab up 25° ± 2°
down 35° ± 2°
Rudder deflection right and left 30° ± 2°
Rudder trim tab left 5° ± 1°
right 30° ± 2°
Outside aileron deflection
up 112 mm; (+ 5; - 3) mm
down 108 mm; (+ 5; - 3) mm
Inside aileron deflection
up 84 mm; (+ 5; - 3) mm
down 81 mm; (+ 5; - 3) mm
Wing flaps position: retracted 0°
take-off 15°
landing 40° (+ 5°, - 3°)
17. Levelling Means: Levelling points on left and right side of airplane
fuselage to be levelled. Measurement plane to be
min. 850 mm below.
18. Minimum Flight Crew: 1 (Pilot)

19. Maximum Passenger

Seating Capacity: 1 (including crew)

20. (Reserved)

21. Baggage/Cargo None


22. Wheels and Tyres: The wheels K 12-0100.00 or K 420.1-00 of main

gear with tyre BARUM or MITAS 420x150-6.5 or
MITAS 420x150-6.5 TL with tube 420x150;
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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013

The wheels K 13-0000.00 or K 34-990 of tail gear

with tyre BARUM or MITAS 260x85-4 with tube

PIV. Operating and Service Instructions

1. Flight Manual:
− In Czech language Letová příručka ZLIN 526 AFS, date of issue 1971
- Dodatek k Letové příručce Z 526 AFS-V,
date of issue 1982
− In English language Flight Manual ZLIN 526 AFS
− In German language Flugzeug – Betriebshandbuch ZLIN 526 AFS

2. Maintenance Manual:
− In Czech language Popis – obsluha – údržba ZLIN 526 AFS,
date of issue 1972
− In English language Description – Operation – Maintenance ZLIN 526 AFS,
date of issue 1972
− In Germany language Beschreibung – Bedienung – Instandhaltung ZLIN
526 AFS, date of issue 1972

3. Overhaul Manual:
− In Czech language Opravárenská příručka ZLIN 526 AFS (Dodatek
k Opravárenské příručce Z 526 F), date of issue 1972
− In English language Overhaul Manual ZLIN 526 AFS (Supplement to
Overhaul Manual of the Z 526 F Aircraft),
date of issue 1972
− In German language Reparaturhandbuch ZLIN 526 AFS (Nachtrag zum
Reparaturhanbuch Z 526 F), date of issue 1972

4. Ilustrated Parts Catalogue:

− In Czech, German and English language, date of issue 1972
Katalog Z 526 AFS (Dodatek ke katalogu Z 526 F)
Ersatzteil Katalog (Nachtrag zum Katalog für das
Flugzeug Z 526 F)
Spare Parts Catalogue (Catalogue Supplement of the
Z 526 F Aircraft)
5. Catalogue Supplement:
− In Czech, German and English language, issued 1973
Dodatek ke katalogu pro Z 526 AFS
Nachtrag zum Katalog für das Flugzeug Z 526 AFS
Supplement of the Z 526 AFS Catalogue

PV. Notes Z 526 AFS-V

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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013

RI. General
1. a) Type: Z 26
b) Model: Z 526 M

2. Airworthiness category: Utility (U)

Normal (N)


3. Type Certificate Holder:
Letiště 1578
765 81 Otrokovice
Czech Republic
4. Manufacturer: Moravan, n. p.
S/N: see Z 526 aircraft
5. Certification Application ---

6. CAA CZ Type Certificate February 5, 1976


7. The EASA Type Certificate replaces the CAA CZ Type Certificate No. 2417/59,
Supplement No. 5

RII. Certification Basis

1. Reference Date for ---

determining the applicable
2. (Reserved)

3. (Reserved)

4. Airworthiness Requirements: Bauvorschriften für Flugzeuge, Kat. K;

British Civil Airworthiness Requirements, Cat. D

5. Requirements elected to None

6. EASA Special Conditions: None

7. EASA Exemptions: None

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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013

8. EASA Equivalent Safety None

9. EASA Environmental ICAO Annex 16, Volume I, Chapter 10

RIII. Technical Characteristics and Operational Limitations

1. Type Design Definition: The specification list of Z 526 M aircraft,

No. S-Z526.000.

2. Description: The Z 526 M aircraft is two-seat, low wing,

single-engine, monoplane.

3. Equipment: Approved equipment list is stated in document

Technical Description, Operation
Instructions,Chapter 9.

4. Dimensions: Wing Span: 10.845 m with auxiliary tanks

10.596 m without auxiliary tanks
Length: 7.820 m
Height: 2.060 m
Wing Area: 15.450 m2

5. Engine:

5.1 Model: M 137 A

5.2 Type Certificate: No. 96-02 issue by CAA CZ

5.3 Limitations: Max. Take-off power

Max. Power 132 kW (180 HP)
Max. Engine speed 2 750 RPM
Max. Consumption 59 l/h
Max. Manifold pressure 100 kPa
Max. Continuous power
Max. Power 118 kW (160 HP)
Max. Engine speed 2 680 RPM
Max. Consumption 52 l/h
Max. Manifold pressure 95 kPa
Max. Cruising power
Max. Power 103 kW (140 HP)
Max. Engine speed 2 580 RPM
Max. Consumption 43 l/h
Max. Manifold pressure 87 kPa
6. Load factors: For category Utility (U) +5.5 g, -3 g
For category Normal (N) +3.5 g, -1 g
7. Propellers:
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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013

7.1.1 Model: V 503

7.1.2 Type Certificate: No. 64 002 issued by CAA CZ

7.1.3 Number of blades: 2

7.1.4 Diameter: 1 950 mm

7.1.5 Sense of Rotation: Anticlockwise in flight direction


7.2.1 Model: V 503 A

7.2.2 Type Certificate: No. 96-02 issued by CAA CZ

7.2.3 Number of blades: 2

7.2.4 Diameter: 2 000 mm

7.2.5 Sense of Rotation: Anticlockwise in flight direction

8. Fluids:

8.1 Fuel: Non-ethylated aviation gasoline with min. 72÷87

octanes. Application of ethylated fuels is only
permitted in case, the T.E.L. content does not
exceed the value of 0.06 % vol.
Recommended kinds of fuel:
LBZ 72
LBZ 83
8.2 Oil: For engine operation are recommended mineral
oils with min. kinematic viscosity of 20 cSt at
100°C, whose percentual carbon residues does not
exceed the value of 0.4.
Recommended kinds of oil:
MS 20
AERO-SHELL W 120 in tropical climates.

8.3 Coolant: None

9. Fluid capacities:

9.1 Fuel: Total: for category U: 100 litres

for category N: 170 litres
Usable: for category U: 97.5 litres
for category N: 167.5 litres
2 x 45 litres in main tanks
3 litres in connecting tank
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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013

7 litres in gravity tank

2 x 35 litres in auxiliary wing tip tanks

9.2 Oil: Minimum 7 litres – Maximum 11 litres

9.3 Coolant system None


10. Air Speeds: Never Exceed Speed Limit VNE

292 km/h IAS
Normal Operating Speed Limit VNO
233 km/h IAS
Design Manoeuvring Speed VA
Limit 225 km/h IAS
Maximum Flaps Extended VFE
Speed Limit 140 km/h IAS
Maximum Open Landing Gear VLE
Speed 292 km/h
Maximum Landing Gear VLO
Operating 140 km/h IAS
Maximum permissible Snap
Maneuver Speed Limit for cat. A 160 km/h IAS
11. Maximum Operating 5 000 m

12. Allweather Operations

Capability: The aircraft is approved for VFR Day flights.

13. Maximum Weights: Max. Take-off and Landing weight:

- For category Utility (U) 940 kg
- For category Normal (N) 975 kg
Max. Variable Load:
- For category Utility (U) 195 kg
- For category Normal (N) 163 kg

14. Centre of Gravity Range: 17 % ÷ 27.4 % MAC

M.A.C. is 1 545 mm; 0 % M.A.C. is 616 mm aft
reference datum.
15. Datum: The rear part of fire wall; from it are measured, for
purpose of assignation of Gravity Centre, all lateral

16. Control surface deflections: Elevator deflection up 25° ± 1°

down 20° ± 1°
Elevator trim tab up 25° ± 2°
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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013

down 40° ± 2°
Rudder deflection right and left 28° ± 2°
Rudder trim tab left 5° ± 1°
right 30° ± 2°
Ailerons deflection up 108 mm (+5, -3) mm
down 98 mm (+5, -3) mm
Wing flaps position: retracted 0°
take-off 15°
landing 40° (+ 5°, - 3°)
17. Levelling Means: Levelling points on left and right side of airplane
fuselage to be levelled. Measurement plane to be
min. 850 mm below.
18. Minimum Flight Crew: 1 (Pilot)

19. Maximum Passenger

2 (including crew)
Seating Capacity:
20. (Reserved)

21. Baggage/Cargo Maximum 17 kg


22. Wheels and Tyres: The wheels K 12-0100.00 or K 420.1-00 of main

gear with tyre BARUM or MITAS 420x150-6.5 or
MITAS 420x150-6.5 TL with tube 420x150;
The wheels K 13-0000.00 or K 34-990 of tail gear
with tyre BARUM or MITAS 260x85-4 with tube
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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013

RIV. Operating and Service Instructions

1. Flight manual:
− In Czech language Letová příručka školního a akrobatického letounu
Z 526 – Z 526 A
- Dodatek č. 1 k Letové příručce Z 526 M,
date of issue 1978

– In English language Instruction for Pilot on the Use and Handling of the
Training and Acrobatic Z 526 and Z 526 A Aircraft,
date of issue 1966

− In German language Handbuch für den Flugzeugführer zum Schulungs

und kunstflugzeuges Z 526 – Z 526 A,
date of issue 1966
- Nachtrag Nr. 1 zum Flughandbuch Z 526 M,
date of issue 1978

2. Descriprion – Operation – Maintenance:

− In Czech language Technický popis a návod k obsluze letounu
Z 526 – Z 526 A

− In English language Technical Description, Operation Instruction for

Z 526 – Z 526 A Aircrafts, date of issue 1966

− In German language Technische Beschreibung und Bedienungsanleitung

zum Flugzeug Z 526 – Z 526 A, date of issue 1966

3. Overhaul Manual:
− In English language Major Overhaul of Z 526 – Z 526 A Aircraft,
date of issue 1969

4. Catalogue of spare parts:

– In Czech, English, German language
Trener Master Z 526 Katalog, date of issue 1967

RV. Notes:

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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013


SI. General

1. a) Type: Z 26
b) Model: Z 726

2. Airworthiness category: Utility (U)

Normal (N)
3. Type Certificate Holder:
Letiště 1578
765 81 Otrokovice
Czech Republic
4. Manufacturer: Moravan, n. p.
S/N: 1331, 1333-1360
5. Certification Application ---

6. CAA CZ Type Certificate June 10, 1974


7. The EASA Type Certificate replaces the CAA CZ Type Certificate No. 74-01.

SII. Certification Basis

1. Reference Date for

determining the applicable ---

2. (Reserved)

3. Reserved)

4. Airworthiness Requirements: FAR PART 23, Amdt. 23-13 included

5. Requirements elected to
comply: None

6. EASA Special Conditions: None

7. EASA Exemptions: None

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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013

8. EASA Equivalent Safety § 23.177(a)(2), (3) – Some requirements for

Findings: directional and lateral stability and aileron control
stick force curve in straight, steady slips are not
fully met. It is admitted with regard to very good
aircraft controllability and to the fact that dangerous
tendencies do not occur and abnormal pilot’s skills
or effort are not needed.
§ 23.613(c), § 23.615 – Materials and design
values used for aircraft design and construction
comply with the Czechoslovak State Standard and
specifications valid for the Czechoslovak aviation
industry. It is admitted with regard to the fact that
the requirement sense is met.
§ 23.955(c) – Requirement for flow rate of fuel
supplied by fuel pump to the engine is not met. It is
admitted with regard to the fact that fuel flow is
higher than engine consumption at maximum
§ 23.991(b) – The aircraft is not equipped with
emergency pump for fuel supply recovery in case
of main fuel pump failure. It is admitted with regard
to these reasons:
- The engine is equipped with high-pressure pump,
which is joined with low-pressure pump to a single
aggregate. A failure of this aggregate could cause
contemporaneous break of fuel supply by both
supply and injection pumps. In such case, no
emergency pump could ensure sufficient fuel
supply to finish the flight without abnormal pilot’s
skills or effort. A failure of low-pressure pump has
not been occurred yet and its occurrence is
extremely improbable.
§ 23.993(d), § 23.1183(a) – Requirement for hoses
fire resistance is not met. It is admitted with regard
to experiences from operation of the aircraft of
former type.
§ 23.1013(e), § 23.1019 – Oil tank outlet is
provided with the screen, which does not restrict oil
flow. A surface of the screen is multiple bigger than
cross section of the outlet fitting, thus safety level
is kept.
§ 23.1145(c) – Requirement for protection of
magnetos changeover switch against dangerous
change over is not met. It is admitted with regard to
the shape and location of the changeover switch.
§ 23.1381 to 23.1401 – The aircraft is not equipped
TCDS EASA.A.353 Moravan Aviation Page 102 of 114
Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013

with lighting for night operation.

§ 23.1545(a), (b) – Requirement for a scale for
CAS speed is not met. Airspeed indicator scale
and its colour markings are done in IAS.
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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013

9. EASA Environmental ICAO Annex 16, Volume I, Chapter 10


SIII. Technical Characteristics and Operational Limitations

1. Type Design Definition: The specification list of Z 726 aircraft,

No. S-Z 726.000.
2. Description: The Z 726 aircraft is two-seat, low wing, single-
engine, cantilever monoplane.
3. Equipment: Master equipment list is stated in document Flight
Manual Z 726, section 6.
4. Dimensions: Wing Span: 9.875 m
Length: 7.975 m
Height: 2.060 m
Wing Area: 14.890 m2
5. Engine:

5.1 Model: M 137 AZ

5.2 Type Certificate: No. 96-02 issued by CAA CZ

5.3 Limitations: Max. Take-off power

Max. Power 132 kW (180 HP)
Max. Engine speed 2 750 1/min
Max. Consumption 61 l/hod
Max. Manifold pressure 100 kPa
Max. Continuous power
Max. Power 118 kW (160 HP)
Max. Engine speed 2 680 1/min
Max. Consumption 52 l/hod
Max. Manifold pressure 95 kPa
Max. Cruising power
Max. Power 103 kW (140 HP)
Max. Engine speed 2 580 1/min
Max. Consumption 43 l/hod
Max. Manifold pressure 88 kPa
6. Load factors: For category Utility (U) +4.4 g, -2.2 g
For category Normal (N) +3.8 g, -
1.5 g
7. Propeller:

7.1 Model: V 503 A

7.2 Type Certificate: No. 69-02 issued by CAA CZ

7.3 Number of blades: 2

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7.4 Diameter: 2 000 mm

7.5 Sense of Rotation: Anticlockwise in flight direction

8. Fluids:

8.1 Fuel: Non-ethylated aviation gasoline, with minimum

72 octanes. Application of ethylated fuels is only
permitted in case the T.E.L. content does not
exceed the value of 0.06% vol.
BL 78
BP 100L
8.2 Oil: For engine operation are recommended mineral
oils with minimal kinematic viscosity of 20 mm2 s-1
at 100°C, which percentual carbon residue does
not exceed the value of 0.29 %.
MS 20 – Running in
AEROSHELL Oil 100 – Running in
Aeroshell W100
Aeroshell W120 (in tropical climates)
ELF Aviation AD 100
BP Aero D 100
TOTAL Aero D 100
8.3 Coolant: None

9. Fluid capacities:

9.1 Fuel: Total: for category U: 95.5 litres

for category N: 165.5 litres
Usable: for category U: 93 litres
for category N: 163 litres
2 x 45 litres in main fuel tanks
5.5 litres in connecting tank
2 x 35 litres in auxilitary wing tip tanks
9.2 Oil: Minimum 9 litres – Maximum 14 litres

9.3 Coolant system None


10. Air Speeds: Never Exceed Speed Limit VNE

300 km/h IAS
Normal Operating Speed VNO
Limit 220 km/h IAS
Design Manoeuvring Speed VA
Limit 203 km/h IAS
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Maximum Flaps Extended VFE

Speed Limit 152 km/h IAS
Maximum Open Landing VLE
Gear Speed 300 km/h IAS
Maximum Landing Gear VLO
Operating Speed 140 km/h IAS
Maximum Permissible Snap
Maneuver Speed 160 km/h IAS
11. Maximum Operating 4 500 m

12. Allweather Operations

Capability: The aircraft approved for VFR Day flights.

13. Maximum Weights: Max. Take-off weight:

- For category Aerobatic (U) 940 kg
- For category Normal (N) 1 000 kg
Max. Landing weight:
- For category Aerobatic (U) 940 kg
- For category Normal (N) 950 kg
Max. Variable Load:
- For category Aerobatic (U) 250 kg
- For category Normal (N) 300 kg
14. Centre of Gravity Range: 17.5 % – 28.5 % MAC
M.A.C. is 1 568 mm; 0 % is 602 mm aft reference
15. Datum: The rear part of fire wall; from it are measured, for
purpose of assignation of Gravity Centre, all lateral
16. Control surface deflections: Elevator deflection up 28° ± 1°
down 24° ± 1°
Elevator trim tab up 25° ± 2°
down 40° ± 2°
Rudder deflection right and left 28° ± 2°
Rudder trim tab left 5° +3°
right 30° ± 2°
Ailerons deflection up 108 mm (+ 5; - 3) mm
down 98 mm (+ 5; - 3) mm
Wing flaps positions retracted 0°
take-off 15° ± 2°
landing 40° (+ 5°, - 3°)
17. Levelling Means: Levelling points on left and right side of airplane
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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013

fuselage to be levelled. Measurement plane to be

min. 850 mm below.
18. Minimum Flight Crew: 1 (Pilot)

19. Maximum Passenger

Seating Capacity: 2 (including crew)

20. (Reserved)

21. Baggage/Cargo None


22. Wheels and Tyres: The wheels K 12-0100.00 or K 420.1-00 of main

gear with tyre BARUM or MITAS 420x150-6.5 or
MITAS 420x150-6.5 TL with tube 420x150;
The wheels K 13-0000.00 or K 34-990 of tail gear
with tyre BARUM or MITAS 260x85-4 with tube

SIV. Operating and Service Instructions

1. Flight manual:

− In Czech language Letová příručka Z 726, date of issue 1974

− In English language Flight Manual Z 726 ZLIN UNIVERSAL,

date of issue 1977

2. Maintenance Manual:
− In Czech language Technický popis a návod k obsluze Z 726,
Doc. No.: Do – Z 726 – 2011 date of issue 1974

− In English language Technical Manual Z 726 ZLIN UNIVERSAL,

Doc. No.: Do – Z 726 – 2011 date of issue 1974

3. Overhaul Mnual:
− In Czech language Opravárenská příručka Z 726 ZLIN
UNIVERSAL, issued 1978

4. Ilustrated parts catalogue:

– In Czech, German and English language, issued 1975

SV. Notes

TCDS EASA.A.353 Moravan Aviation Page 107 of 114
Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013

TI. General

1. a) Type: Z 26
b) Model: Z 726 K

2. Airworthiness category: Utility (U)

Normal (N)


3. Type Certificate Holder:
Letiště 1578
765 81 Otrokovice
Czech Republic
4. Manufacturer: Moravan, n. p.
S/N: 1332
5. Certification Application ---

6. CAA CZ Type Certificate June 17, 1974


7. The EASA Type Certificate replaces the CAA CZ Type Certificate No. 74-01.

TII. Certification Basis

1. Reference Date for ---

determining the applicable

2. (Reserved)

3. (Reserved)

4. Airworthiness Requirements: FAR PART 23, Amdt. 23-13 included

5. Requirements elected to None


6. EASA Special Conditions: None

7. EASA Exemtions: None

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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013

8. EASA Equivalent Safety § 23.177(a)(2), (3) – Some requirements for

Findings: directional and lateral stability and aileron control
stick force curve in straight, steady slips are not
fully met. It is admitted with regard to very good
aircraft controllability and to the fact that
dangerous tendencies do not occur and abnormal
pilot’s skills or effort are not needed.
§ 23.613(c), § 23.615 – Materials and design
values used for aircraft design and construction
comply with the Czechoslovak State Standard and
specifications valid for the Czechoslovak aviation
industry. It is admitted with regard to the fact that
the requirement sense is met.
§ 23.955(c) – Requirement for flow rate of fuel
supplied by fuel pump to the engine is not met. It
is admitted with regard to the fact that fuel flow is
higher than engine consumption at maximum
§ 23.991(b) – The aircraft is not equipped with
emergency pump for fuel supply recovery in case
of main fuel pump failure. It is admitted with regard
to these reasons:
The engine is equipped with high-pressure pump,
which is joined with low-pressure pump to a single
aggregate. A failure of this aggregate could cause
contemporaneous break of fuel supply by both
supply and injection pumps. In such case, no
emergency pump could ensure sufficient fuel
supply to finish the flight without abnormal pilot’s
skills or effort. A failure of low-pressure pump has
not been occurred yet and its occurrence is
extremely improbable.
§ 23.993(d), § 23.1183(a) – Requirement for
hoses fire resistance is not met. It is admitted with
regard to experiences from operation of the
aircraft of former type.
§ 23.1013(e), § 23.1019 – Oil tank outlet is
provided with the screen, which does not restrict
oil flow. A surface of the screen is multiple bigger
than cross section of the outlet fitting, thus safety
level is kept.
§ 23.1145(c) – Requirement for protection of
magnetos changeover switch against dangerous
change over is not met. It is admitted with regard
to the shape and location of the changeover
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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013

§ 23.1381 to 23.1401 – The aircraft is not

equipped with lighting for night operation.
§ 23.1545(a), (b) – Requirement for a scale for
CAS speed is not met. Airspeed indicator scale
and its colour markings are done in IAS.

9. EASA Environmental ICAO Annex 16, Volume I, Chapter 10


TIII. Technical Characteristics and Operational Limitations

1. Type Design Definition: The specification list of Z 726 aircraft,

No. S-K 726.000
2. Description: The Z 726 K aircraft is two-seat, low wing,
single-engine, cantilever monoplane.
3. Equipment: Master equipment list is stated in document Flight
Manual Z 726 K, section 6.
4. Dimensions: Wing Span: 9.875 m
Length: 7.975 m
Height: 2.060 m
Wing Area: 14.890 m2
5. Engine:

5.1. Model: M 337 AK

5.2. Type Certificate: No. 72-08 issue by CAA CZ

5.3. Limitations: Max. Take-off power

Max. Power 154 kW (210 HP)
Max. Engine speed 2 750 1/min
Max. Consumption 56 l/hod
Max. Manifold pressure 118 kPa
Max. Continuous power
Max. Power 125 kW (170 HP)
Max. Engine speed 2 600 1/min
Max. Consumption 52 l/hod
Max. Manifold pressure 98 kPa
Max. Cruising power
Max. Power 103 kW (140 HP)
Max. Engine speed 2 400 1/min
Max. Consumption 42 l/hod
Max. Manifold pressure 90 kPa
6. Load factors: For category Utility (U) +4.4 g, -
2.2 g
For category Normal (N) +3.8 g, -1.5 g
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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013

7. Propeller:

7.1 Model: V 500 A

7.2 Type Certificate: No 73-03 issued by CAA CZ

7.3 Number of blades: 2

7.4 Diameter: 2 000 mm

7.5 Sense of Rotation: Anticlockwise in flight direction

8. Fluids:

8.1 Fuel: Non-ethylated aviation gasoline, with minimum

72 octanes. Application of ethylated fuels is only
permitted in case the T.E.L. content does not
exceed the value of 0.06% vol.
BL 78
BP 100L
8.2 Oil: For engine operation are recommended mineral
oils with minimal kinematic viscosity of 20 mm2 s-1
at 100°C, which percentual carbon residue does
not exceed the value of 0.29 %.
MS 20 – Running in
AEROSHELL Oil 100 – Running in
Aeroshell W100
Aeroshell W120 (in tropical climates)
ELF Aviation AD 100
BP Aero D 100
TOTAL Aero D 100
8.3 Coolant: None

9. Fluid capacities:

9.1 Fuel: Total: for category U: 95.5 litres

for category N: 165.5 litres
Usable: for category U: 93 litres
for category N: 163 litres
2 x 45 litres in main fuel tanks
5.5 litres in connecting tank
2 x 35 litres in auxilitary wing tip tanks
9.2 Oil: Minimum 9 litres – Maximum 14 litres

9.3 Coolant system None

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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013

10. Air Speeds: Never Exceed Speed Limit VNE

315 km/h IAS
Normal Operating Speed VNO
Limit 227 km/h IAS
Design Manoeuvring Speed VA
Limit 200 km/h IAS
Maximum Flaps Extended VFE
Speed Limit 152 km/h IAS
Maximum Open Landing VLE
Gear Speed 300 km/h IAS
Maximum Landing Gear VLO
Operating Speed 140 km/h IAS
11. Maximum Operating 4 500 m

12. Allweather Operations

Capability: The aircraft is approved for VFR Day flights.

13. Maximum Weights: Max. Take-off weight:

- For category Utility (U) 940 kg
- For category Normal (N) 1 000 kg
Max. Landing weight:
- For category Utility (U) 940 kg
- For category Normal (N) 950 kg
Max. Variable Load:
- For category Utility (U) 250 kg ± 3 %
- For category Normal (N) 300 kg ± 3 %
14. Centre of Gravity Range: 17.5 % – 28.5 % MAC
M.A.C. is 1 568 mm; 0 % M.A.C. is 602 mm aft
reference datum.
15. Datum: The rear part of fire wall; from it are measured, for
purpose of assignation of Gravity Centre, all lateral
16. Control surface deflections: Elevator deflection up 28° ± 1°
down 24° ± 1°
Elevator trim tab up 25° ± 2°
down 40° ± 2°
Rudder deflection right and left 28° ± 2°
Rudder trim tab left 5° + 3°
right 30° ± 2°
Ailerons deflection up 108 mm (+ 5; - 3)
down 98 mm (+ 5; - 3)
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Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013

Wing flaps positions retracted 0°

take-off 15° ± 2°
landing 40° (+ 5°; - 3°)
17. Leveling Means: Levelling points on left and right side of airplane
fuselage to be levelled. Measurement plane to be
min. 850 mm below.
18. Minimum Flight Crew: 1 (Pilot)

19. Maximum Passenger 2 (including crew)

Seating Capacity:

20. (Reserved)

21. Baggage/Cargo None


22. Wheels and Tyres: The wheels K 12-0100.00 or K 420.1-00 of main

gear with tyre BARUM or MITAS 420x150-6.5 or
MITAS 420x150-6.5 TL with tube 420x150;
The wheels K 13-0000.00 or K 34-990 of tail gear
with tyre BARUM or MITAS 260x85-4 with tube

TIV. Operating and Service Instructions

1. Flight manual:

− In Czech language Letová příručka Z 726 K, Issue Ref.

No. 2264/704/74

− In English language Flight Manual Z 726 ZLIN UNIVERSAL,

date of issue 1977

2. Maintenance Manual:
− In Czech language Technický popis a návod k obsluze Z 726,
Doc. No.: Do – Z 726 – 2011 date of issue 1974
- Technický popis Z 726 K, date of issue 1983

− In English language Technical Manual Z 726 ZLIN UNIVERSAL,

Doc. No.: Do – Z 726 – 2011 date of issue 1974

3. Overhaul Mnual:
− In Czech language Opravárenská příručka Z 726 ZLIN
UNIVERSAL, issued 1978

4. Ilustrated parts catalogue:

TCDS EASA.A.353 Moravan Aviation Page 113 of 114
Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013

– In Czech, German and English language, issued 1975

TV. Notes



I Acronyms

II Type Certificate Holder Record

Letiště 1578
765 81 Otrokovice
Czech Republic
Moravan, n. p.
Gottwaldov – Otrokovice

Moravan, n.p.
Letiště 1578
765 81 Otrokovice
Moravan, k.p.
Letiště 1578, 765 81 Otrokovice
Moravan, a.s.
Letiště 1578, 765 81 Otrokovice


Letiště 1578
765 81 Otrokovice


Letiště 1578
765 81 Otrokovice
TCDS EASA.A.353 Moravan Aviation Page 114 of 114
Issue 5 Z 26 - Series 20 September 2013

III Change Record

Issue Date Changes

Issue 1 27-Mar-2007 Transfer of Z 26 - Series Type Design to EASA

Issue 2 14-Apr-2008 Page1: updated

Page 2: updated
Page 57, HIII. Tech. Charact. and Oper. Limitation, Item 10: value for vNO corrected
Page 92, MV. Notes: Note 2 added
Page 139, Change Record: updated
All: minor corrections of formatting, different page breake, total page number now

Issue 3 24-Aug-2009 Incorporation of changed company name

Issue 4 23 July 2010 Editorial corrections and revision into standard EASA TCDS format

Issue 5 20-Sep-2013 Editorial corrections of typo errors – correction of TC No. for M 137 A engines.

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