STARLINK PROJECT - Elon Musk Settles in France (03!13!21)
STARLINK PROJECT - Elon Musk Settles in France (03!13!21)
STARLINK PROJECT - Elon Musk Settles in France (03!13!21)
On February 9, 2021, ARCEP, in the greatest discretion, by decision 2021-0116, authorized the American company Starlink to use radio
frequencies, in the bands 10.7-12.75 GHz and 14-14 , 5 GHz 1 / 2 .
Starlink is a very high-speed Internet access service offered by the aerospace company SpaceX, owned by tycoon Elon Musk. This
service operates thanks to a constellation of satellites, of which a thousand have already been put into orbit. The system needs base
stations, which connect the satellites to the global network, with relay antennas, motorized radomes, ...
February 26, 2021, Children's Health Defense,The American Association for the Defense of Children's Health, has initiated a new
lawsuit against the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), to challenge the adoption of a rule that would allow individuals to
install transmission antennas without wire on their homes, without informing neighboring properties. These antennas would be
connected to 5G satellite services sold to individuals by Starlink. 3
And in France?
In France, SpaceX, which operates under the name Tibro 4 in many countries, has received authorization to build three base stations:
Gravelines (59-Nord), Villenave-d'Ornon (33-Gironde), already built, and Saint-Senier-de-Beuvron (50-Channel). 5 / 6 / 7 They
use the frequency bands 18 and 28 Ghz. For Villenave-d'Ornon (33), the frequency bands are 17.8-19.3 GHz and 27.5-30 Ghz!
However, the municipality of Saint-Senier-de-Beuvron refused the construction, a decision echoed by many media. 8 / 9 An example:
the proposed ground station SpaceX to Villenave-d'Ornon in Villenave-d'Ornon (33), this project presents with very high
criticality why ANFR should be explained, and that in upstream of any authorization, installation and commissioning. In particular :
1. With an EIRP (Instantaneous Equivalent Radiated Power) of 66.5 dBW per antenna and 8 active antennas (4 uplink, 4 downlink), the
power of each antenna is 4.47 Million Watts and the calculated electromagnetic field, at 100m in the beam axis, would be 115 V / m
These values are calculated at the output of the antenna, knowing that the beam is unidirectional and directed towards the sky.
But residents will experience EMFs due to the side lobes of the beam, because even if this beam is directional, it will cause leaks. (See
technical characteristics in appendix 1)
The bandwidth is 500 MHz ascending, per antenna, and 250 MHz descending.
These bandwidths are enormous, compared to those of 4G (20 MHz) or terrestrial 5G at 3.5 GHz: 70 MHz.
This is an unprecedented level of power, thousands of times greater than the power of an ordinary mobile telephone relay antenna, and
which already raises questions about the electromagnetic pollution it generates.
2. As these antennas are very directional, the power density is very focused: any insect or bird flying over the gangway a short
distance would be killed instantly.
3. According to the plan communicated, the gateway complies with the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
standards for occupational / controlled exposure. But in France, according to the standards in force for the general population /
uncontrolled exposure, the far field exposure at 129.65m is non-standard (21.1W / m²).
In addition, no reference to French regulations is given in the document (appendix 1). Therefore, the plan does not allow to judge the
legality of the implantation.
5. A house exists 130m from the footbridge. The antenna radiation pattern is not provided, so it is impossible to know what exposure
the inhabitants will be subjected to. 1/3
5/19/2021 STARLINK PROJECT - Elon Musk settles in France (03/13/21)
(See the exposure assessment requirements in Appendix 2)
Sanitary studies existed since 1980 on the frequencies used by 5G 10 / 11 , and the health of these frequency antennas risks> 18 GHz
are no different from those mentioned by our Association 12 .
We are once again confronted with a denial of democracy, in front of an industrial project negotiated in the greatest opacity, with
government agencies under orders (ARCEP, ANFR) and which play the facilitators of the challenges of the digital industry. All this
without the knowledge of local elected officials (some being sometimes accomplices) and populations, faced with a fait accompli.
It is important to remember that the Bee Law of 2015, which required the mayors of municipalities to inform and consult their fellow
citizens for any relay antenna project, was unraveled by the ELAN law of 2018, which removed this obligation.
However, no obligation does not mean prohibition, and proof of consideration and respect for residents by elected
officials would at least inform them upstream of any radio station project, considering the health effects incurred.
A simulation using the antenna radiation pattern in the worst case scenario is necessary to judge the conformity of the installation.
Without such a simulation, it is inconceivable to authorize an installation of such power next to a house.
- The garden of the house is only 68m from the footbridge. According to the plan, a large portion of the garden is in the transition
zone, an area in which the estimation of the exposure is very difficult. The electromagnetic fields in this area have a different physical
nature compared to the far field.
In this area, the regulatory far-field limits used in the plan are not adequate.
In addition, exposure is likely to be much more harmful to health.
How then to check if the real exposure in the transition zone is a problem?
- Putting into service a gateway of such power at such a short distance from a living area can put the ANFR in difficulty, if one relies on
the calculations of independent experts.
- The declared power density at the power supply outlet is 2,237,557 W / m². This is a stratospheric level of power, immediately lethal
to any living being in its vicinity. The irradiation of the food outlet poses very serious questions about the irradiation in the air by
reflection on the ground and also on the destruction of any living form in the ground under the gangway.
4. /pro/personnalites-e-business/elon-musk/actualite-17010-tibro-quand-starlink-avance-masquee-derriere-
5. https: //www.arcep. fr / uploads / tx_gsavis / 20-0744.pdf
7. 1452.pdf
9. /economie/entreprises/services/projet-starlink-un-village-normand-fait-de-la-resistance-face-a-space-x_AV-
10. relay / frequencies-5g-alert-in-rats 2/3
5/19/2021 STARLINK PROJECT - Elon Musk settles in France (03/13/21)
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