Introduction to Microwaves
T oday wireless technology is used in many applications well integrated into our
everyday life. Planning a good, stable and reliable microwave network can be
quite challenging. Careful planning and detailed analysis is required for a
microwave radio system before the equipment can be installed. A poorly designed
path can result in periodic system outages, resulting in increased system latency,
decreased throughput, or worst case, a complete failure of the system.
The term microwave refers to alternate current signals with frequencies between 300
MHz and 300 GHz with a corresponding electrical wavelength between λ = c/f = 1
m and λ = 1 mm respectively. Signals with wavelengths on the order of millimeters
are called millimeters waves. The relation between the frequency f and wavelength λ
being f λ = c, where c is velocity of propagation of the radio wave, which is equal to
that of light waves in frees pace 3x108 m/sec.
Any frequency within the electromagnetic spectrum associated with radio wave
propagation is referred as Radio Frequency (RF). When an RF current is supplied to
an antenna, an electromagnetic field is created that then is able to propagate through
space. Many wireless technologies are based on RF field propagation.
1.3 Historical Background
“In 1888 historically microwave signal was first introduced by Henrich Hertz at 66 cm
wavelength (454.5 MHz) while millimeter wave signal was first generated by Sir J. C. Bose
in 1895 at 5 mm wavelength (60 GHz). Subsequently in 1890s Sir J.C. Bose also generated
microwave signal at wavelengths up to 2.5 cm (12 GHz) wavelength. Besides Sir J. C. Bose
also developed the world’s first solid state point contact detector working at millimeter wave,
infrared and optical wavelengths use Galena crystal as the detector material. Bose also
developed world’s first horn antenna and waveguide radiator for microwave and millimeter
wave bands.
In 1899 Sir J. C. Bose developed a highly sensitive iron-mercury detector in which a U-tube,
made of glass, filled up with mercury, was used for a fine control of mercury contact pressure
to optimize the sensitivity of the detector. Subsequently in 1901 Marconi employed Sir J. C.
Bose’s technique of the highly sensitive iron-mercury detector.
Sir J. C. Bose also worked for the first time on the response of living and nonliving materials
to microwave and millimeter wave bands, a subject which has now grown to a high level for
the studies of microwave hazards to living beings animals and vegetation and also for
microwaves diathermy therapy of tumor and cancer. From the above history of Science about
Sir J. C. Bose who worked pioneering on a wide range of fields in Radio Science it seems that
Sir J. C. Bose may be called the father of Radio Science.
Investigations of the millimeter waves were continued and stimulated by scientific and
military developments. In 1930 the observation by L. A. Hyland of the Naval Research
Laboratory (NRL) about the reflection of radio signals from over flying aircrafts, stimulated
the investigation of radar techniques for detecting flying aircrafts in NRL.
During World War 2 J. H. Van Vleck predicated theoretically the Oxygen absorption band at
60 GHz. In 1950 Hughes Aircraft Company successfully extended the frequency range of
coupled cavity traveling wave tubes to millimeters waves.
In1960 intensive work in millimeter wave technology was done at BTL on the development of
solid state components required in the development of underground repeaters using low loss
over modes waveguides which was also first developed by Sir J. C. Bose.
In 1970s, Hughes began manufacturer a solid state sweep generator which apparently
triggered a chain of development in Hughes in the Millimeter wave Technology area of a full
range of device” [1].
1.4.1 Communication
The communication part concludes satellite and space systems, extensive distances,
wired telephone, naval, mobiles telephone, airbus, roads vehicle, personal, and
WLAN other than that there are also two significant subcategories of
communications should be considered which are optical communication and
television and radio broadcasting.
2. Global Positioning System - GPS used to find exact positioning or spot on
the globe.
replacing the data of cell sites to their mobile switching stations. They must have
taken microwave due to its consistency, speed of employment and cost payback
over fiber or leased wired line. Microwave radio is deeply deployed in the rising
2.5G and 3G mobile infrastructures to maintain data handling. The larger numbers
of cell sites required to support a new generation mobiles.
Kuwait, Iraq, Serbia, Afghanistan and Kosovo, where existing communications has
been mostly destroyed or damaged.
1.7 Microwave Disadvantages
Microwave radio offers various disadvantages as well over different circumstances.
Following are the disadvantages:
1. Microwave engages huge capital investment in start if there is no vendor
to finance it.
2. Microwave networks required maintenance because if a healthy
planned, correctly implement network with quality equipment are not
installed by good reputed vendor then maintenance required for longer
run [3].
3. Microwave faces trouble like signals loss.
4. Microwave subject to Radio Interference from different environmental factors
such as:
¾ Thermal Inversion – a setback of the normal reduction of air
temperature above sea level [4].
¾ Passing Airplanes, birds and rain
¾ Stellar Flare and Sunspots – stellar flare or solar flare is known as big
explosion in atmosphere of Sun which affects layers. They generate
electromagnetic radiations from radio waves to gamma rays to the
entire wavelengths. Whereas sunspot is dark sports on sun occurred
by severe magnetic action which earth temperature [5].
5. Microwave required a line-of-sight because signals travel in straight lines.
6. Microwave towers, repeaters and other equipment are very much
expensive as compare to fiber optic [6].
Chapter 2
Wireless Communication
B efore going into the details of the Microwave link in Wireless communications
one need to understand what is meant by communication. The communication
is when information such as voice, data, image and video is transferred to one place
and received at another place with some distance. The basic aim of a communication
system is to ensure the sharing of data information among people over some
The Transmitter converts the source message into an electrical signal. The
Transmitter is basically responsible for encoding the message and then this encoded
message is multiplied by carrier frequency i.e. modulate the signal and then
transmitted over the channel. At the receive end, the receiver demodulate the
received signal and decode it and generate the original message. Minimal distortion
at the receiver end is referred as a good communication property.
Figure 2.2 Communication System
2.2 Some Important Terms Used In Communication Systems
2.2.1 Multiplexing
access by frequency whereas Time Division Multiple Access separates
access through time, while CDMA deals with both frequency and time.
• Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access - OFDMA
In OFDMA, the carrier signal is separated into different smaller
subsets. For a single user this separated carrier signal subset is used to
send data. To get quality of service OFDMA may be used beside
2.3.3 Broadcasting
2.3.4 Simplex
When information is sent only in one direction then it’s called a simplex
mode of communication.
2.3.5 Half Duplex
In half duplex the data is transferred in both directions but at different time
break such as from sender side to receiver side at once then from receiver part
to sender part at other time then it’s known as half duplex communications.
Examples are walkie talkie sets.
2.4.1 Fading
Fading is define as the noise or distortion gained by a carrier-modulated signal
during transmission over certain propagation media such as multipath fading
[10, 11]. It can be characterized as follows:
• Rayleigh Fading
• Ricean Fading
• Frequency selective Fading
• Slow Fading
• Fast Fading
• Flat Fading Rayleigh Fading: In Rayleigh fading when there is no Line Of
Sight (LOS) path exists between transmitter and receiver which have
only indirect path than in result the received signal contains sum of all
scattered and reflected waves [9]. Ricean Fading: This type of fading present in a condition when
there exist a LOS and non LOS path between receiver and transmitter
i.e. received signal consist of scattered and direct multipath waves [9]. Frequency Selective Fading: Take place when signal
bandwidth and delay spread is larger than bandwidth of a channel
and symbol period respectively [9]. Slow Fading: exist in a condition when Doppler Spread
Spectrum is lower and coherence time is more than symbol period in
channel [9]. Fast Fading: It takes place in condition when Doppler Spread
Spectrum is higher and coherence time is smaller than symbol period
in channel [9].
Coherence Time: duration of time when channel impulse
response is invariant.
Symbol Time: time required to complete one symbol. Flat Fading: Is a type of fading in which ratio of rising and
falling of all parts of the received radio signal is same [9].
2.4.2 Noise
The data which is not used to transfer or transmit signal other than source is
known as noise. It can be classified into following sub categories:
• Inter Symbol Interference
• Impulse Noise
• Intermodulation
• Cross Talk
• Thermal Noise
2.4.3 Delay Distortion
When different components of frequency arrive at different times, which
deform the signal’s amplitude and delay the signals at receiver end then
delay distortion occurs. Following are the circumstances or factors involve in
channel’s delay distortion:
• Scattering
• Reflection
• Diffraction
2.4.4 Attenuation
Attenuation is defined as power loss of the propagated signal with respect to
time and distance. These Signals required to be strong sufficiently in a way
that receiver can distinguish and detect the required signals. There is
possibility that receiver may not be able to detect the signal at all if the
attenuation level is high. Therefore, for unswerving communication, delay
and attenuation must be stable [11]. Attenuation can be derived as signal
power Ps at transmitter and signal power Pd at receiver, then Ps > Pd. Power
attenuation Ap in dBs is:
A 10 Log P
fd = Doppler shift frequency
v = velocity of moving object,
λ = wavelength of signal
α = angle w.r.t reference point.
Chapter 3
Microwave Communication and Considerable Parameters
icrowaves describes the contemporary current signals between 300 MHz to 300
frequency ranges, microwaves have a resultant wavelength among λ =
c/f = 1m and λ = 1mm respectively. These are ideal for transmission of data from
one place to other because microwave power can infiltrate smog, rainfall, snow and
o Microwave link is flexible in the capacity that can be increase
effortlessly at negligible or even no cost. Moreover, microwave radio
link can be reinstalled depending on the customer requirement or if
network demands changes. Therefore, loosing clients does not make a
sense that assets are lost as in case of fiber optic.
o Microwave is easily crossable in terrain areas. Whereas, in various
metropolitan cities and authorities, road digging is totally banned to
deploy fiber optic or prohibited or even expensive.
o Microwave radio infrastructure is owned by operator therefore, no
dependence on competitors.
o Microwave radio infrastructure is already available for various
networks in the shape of rooftops, cellular poles and residing towers of
microwave radio transmission.
o Microwave radio systems are not inclined to common disastrous
breakdown of fiber cable systems occurred by cable cuts, it may be
fixed in no time rather than waiting for hours or days.
o It is controllable in the time of natural disasters for example flood,
o Operational cost is minimal recurring.
3.3.2 The Isotropic Antenna
Isotropic Antenna means is an antenna that transmits equally in all directions. It is
hard to achieve isotropic antenna in real life. Actually isotropic antennas do from a
very important functions are used as a standards by which can determine how
directional some other real life antennas are and what their antenna gain might be.
All antennas are therefore compared to the theoretical workings of an isotropic
antenna [13].
1. Input Impedance
2. Radiation Pattern
3. Directivity
4. Polarization
5. Gain
6. Efficiency
represented by polar plots. The graph must illustrate back and side lobes,
where the gain of the antenna is at maximum or minimum. [14]
When the energy is radiated both antenna should supply radio frequency
energy in same behavior and position. [14]
Ag/2 Ag/2
The simple answer is: Use the Free Space Path Loss model in determining
transmitter and receiver separation, and change the transmitter power to increase
separation distance.
The following definitions are referring to the equations (3.2) and (3.3):
Pt = Transmitter power in dBm
Gtot = (Ag - Cl) Total gain in dB
L = Transmission path loss in dB
R = Receiver sensitivity in dBm
d = Distance between transmitter and receiver in meters
Figure 3.2 shows the typical RF Transmission system. The received signal strength R
is equal to:
For a known receiver sensitivity value, the maximum path loss can be derived as:
Base Antenna
w hB
∆ hb = hb - hB ∆ hm = hB – hm
Mobile Station
Incident wave Directional
∆hm = hB-hm = Height of mobile antenna below rooftops in meters
b = Building separation in meters (20 to 50m if no data given)
w = Width of street (b/2 if no data given)
Ø = Angle of incident wave with respect to street (use 90º if no data)
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have done an excellent
job in documenting and comparing several realistic empirical propagation loss
models. Based on the NIST study, the remainder of this document examines the
following loss models [15]:
• Free Space Model
• CCIR Model
• Hata Models
FSPL Formula - The equation for free space path loss is pretty easy to
employ. In this case path loss is proportional to the square of distance
among the receiver and transmitter whereas, the signal level is
proportional too for the square of frequency in use. It is describe more
briefly below [15]:
4 4
d is the distance in meters for the receiver from the transmitter
f is the frequency in Hertz
λ is the wavelength in meters
c is the speed of light in meters per second
20 20 32.44 (3.6)
d is the distance in km from receiver to the transmitter
f is the signal frequency in MHz
a(hm) = [1.1log10(fMHz)-0.7]hm – [1.56log10(fMHz)-0.8]
B = 30 – 25log10 (% of area covered by buildings)
Substituting (3.7) into (3.2) and solving for distance yields the following CCIR
maximum distance equation:
Substituting (3.9) into (3.2) and solving for distance yields the following Hata
maximum distance equation:
Table 3.1 describes the working of equation (3.9) for different areas.
Type of Area A(h ) K
4.78[ ( )]2 – 18.33
[1.1 ( ) – 0.7] h – ( ) + 40.94
Suburban [1.56 ( ) – 0.8] 2[ ( /28)]2 + 5.4
Small City 0
Large City 3.2[log10911.75h )]2 – 4.97 0
3.4.2 Use of Path Loss Model
This section describes the best path loss model to use. The Following Table 3.2
shows the calculated distance value of different path loss model and from this table
our conclusion is that Hata model is best for different situations [15].
Path Loss Model Calculated Distance Value in Meters
Free Space 121,000
WIM Los 16,200
Hata Open 5,300
Hata Suburban 1,600
Hata Small/Large City 740
CCIR 550
Figure 3.3 shows the calculated path loss in different models based on our matlab
simulation result. Hata Model is widely used in Path loss prediction in wireless
systems and Hata present in urban area propagation losses. So, it is good to use this
model instead of other to predicts the total path loss along a link of terrestrial
microwave or other type of cellular communications.
3.5 Link Budget
Shaping and calculating all the power gain and loss in a transmission system is
known as link budget. It identifies the total of power form transmitter that is
required to broadcast a signal with a definite Signal to Noise Ratio - SNR and
satisfactory Bit Error Rate - BER. Path loss, distortion, failure by rain, connectors’
losses, cable losses and antenna gain are the aspects which are obligatory to be taken
into the consideration though estimation of link budget. Figure 3.5 illustrates the
link budgeting procedure [16].
Antenna Antenna
Gain Gain
Free Space
Output Power
The starting point of any Link Budget is the equipment parameters of the intended
microwave equipment to be used and these are; RF output power usually expressed
in dBm or Watts. Receiver sensitivity usually expressed as a Bit Error Rate (BER)
against a given RF signal level, for example BER 10-3 and -86 dBm. It is usually
stated as antenna gain which is for example 45 dBm. It should be noted that this gain
is Isotropic and not indicating any RF amplification.
The system Link Budget is then calculated using the following methodology [17]:
o The free space loss along the radio path is calculated (LFS)
o The effective power produced by the transmitter is calculated (EIRP)
o The effective gain of the receiving antenna is obtained (GRX)
o The losses of all components in the receiving chain is calculated (LRX)
o The signal arriving at the receiver is the algebraic sum of all the above
gains and losses can be calculated as follows:
Providing the received signal exceeds the RSL with sufficient fade margin then the
system is deemed satisfactory.
Chapter 4
Adaptive Modulation, Modeling and Simulation
A daptive modulation is a way to provide balance between Bit Error Rate (BER)
and spectral efficiency. It is possible to make effective use of adaptive
modulation in a slowly varying fading channel with noise based on SNR estimation.
Phase of high gain of power or lower fading, will improve the SNR, which allow the
higher modulation schemes to be worked with less probability of error. On the other
hand, phase of higher fading, will deteriorate the SNR and force us to work with
lower modulation schemes in order to make transmission more effective.
transmission boldly by exploiting the channel information, especially over fading
channels which represents the wireless broadcasting environments. In a result
adaptive modulation reveal enormous performance as compared to system which
does not exploit channel information at transmitter.
4.4 Adaptive Modulation
It is important to discuss about how to change the modulation scheme. In which our
system will make a way to decide best suitable modulation scheme for present,
future – delayed feedback conditions depending on different SNR level. Dunlop and
Pons [18] asserted that BER at receiver level can be good enough to decide switching
scheme. In this thesis the rejected metric of Pons and Dunlop is being used in order
to estimate the Link SNR. The adaption rate would be restricted because BER
estimation is complicated over short periods. Now, the question arises: How and
what ranges of SNR can be best to use for which modulation scheme? The answer
would be finding in performance of AWGN for each modulation scheme.
The received signal equation,
where, r(t) is a received signal, c(t) is a fading channel which is multiply with
transmitted signal s(t) with addition of noise n(t). Generally is the signal to noise
ratio decided by the noise since the signal power usually is restricted. To consider
this the transmitted power of the signal is multiplied by fading channel. In result,
the direct received signal power can be compare instantaneously with noise, which
allows us to put BER in fading or AWGN channel. Now, let’s take the BER
performance for three modulation schemes which are QPSK, 16 QAM and 64 QAM.
Modulation scheme 128 QAM is an ideal state which is not used practically [19].
In [22] the formula can find for the probability of error when using 4-QAM system,
this formula is extended for 16-QAM, 64-QAM and 128-QAM. By using, those
calculations for different schemes following graph is plotted.
Figure 4.1 Modulation Schemes for different SNR levels
Figure 4.1 illustrates the probability of error for different modulation schemes for
different SNR values. Now, consider that the minimum BER level is to be 10-3, and
dropped the 128-QAM as it is not practically used in normal situations. Now, the
system will try to maintain a BER less than 10-3 with the best possible spectrally
efficient scheme. In this way need to set the spectral efficiency as number of bits on a
fixed transmission symbols.
SNR Bits/Symbol
16-QAM 17≤SNR≤23 4
64-QAM SNR>23 6
Table 4.1 gives us two things, the level for which the modulation should be
switched, and the number of bits per symbol which will be used to calculate the
spectral efficiency for the adaptive modulation. While operating at BER of 10-3 no
modulation scheme will provide preferred SNR level below 10dB. So, it will be good
to select the more robust QPSK which gives us SNR performance between 10dB and
17dB. The 16QAM system can get the better spectral efficiency which includes
among 17dB and 23dB. For SNR greater than 23dB, 64QAM will provide maximum
spectral efficiency for required BER performance.
⁄ . , (4.3)
In equation 4.3 P is the channel BER, and is the BER in an AWGN channel. The
adaptive modulation for BER considerations [20]:
2 ⁄ . ,
| . 4 ⁄ . , (4.4)
6 ⁄ . ,
In equation 4.4 ‘B’, is average spectral efficiency. Here l1, l2, l3 & l4 are thresholds of
Signal to Noise Ration among modulation schemes. The values for l1, l2, l3 & l4 can
obtain from Table 4.1. B is calculated as:
2. , 4 , 6 , (4.5)
Following are the graphical representation of adaptive modulation after obtaining
the mathematical grounds. Figure 4.2, shows the spectral efficiency of adaptive
modulation against SNR in dB [20]. The proposed system classified the spectral
efficiency as per number of bits should be send for each modulation scheme. There
is no condition for the bits sending criteria either correct ones or not. This is because
the BER is implied to a point where system will adapt to maintain the required level
of performance.
When foremost QPSK is used, system gets 2 bits/symbol where SNR level is low.
Though, SNR level increases, gradually throughput improves, which shows that we
are ready to take spectrally efficient schemes.
When required SNR achieve, the system will be able to select the more capable
modulation schemes. When 64 QAM is used the curve reached up to the SNR level
of 30dB, where QPSK is not often used.
Figure 4.3 BER Performances versus SNR for a Fading Channel [21]
Let’s consider a transmission which is facing intensive fading and also consider
three modulation schemes QPSK, 16 and 64 QAM which are different in robustness
and spectral efficiency. If we are taking the fade effect extremely intensive there may
be a possibility that half of the bits would be in error. It can be advantage to send the
fewer bits because number of errors would be decreased, where capacity BER is
more than total number of bits sent. When the channel is fadeless it is possible to
send many bits, in this way BER level can be low by sending more bits because there
is less probability of errors. This is the amalgamation of two principles that consider
the adaptive modulation system performance for BER which is more useful than
static ones, which concurrently provide spectral efficiency for majority SNR ranges.
4.6 Proposed Adaptive Modulation Model
Every wireless communication system has the problem of a fading channel. In order
to reduce this problem different modulation techniques are implemented which
have different transmitted signal power, bandwidth efficiency and error probability.
The objective of our work is to study and evaluate BER along with the spectral
efficiency by using adaptive modulation technique.
Already defined wireless environment suffers from fading due to many reasons,
multipath fading, free space loss and others. However, in this thesis work the
proposed model shows the effect of the Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN)
channel and this thesis will study a dynamically changed modulation scheme based
on the channel status, mainly the SNR is to preserve the maximum throughput with
minimum error rate. The adaptive modulation technique uses M-level of Phase Shift
Keying (PSK) as well as M-level of Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM)
where M = {2, 4, 8….}.
SNR, BER and Bandwidth Efficiency are the main factors which are taken into
consideration. In wireless networks, the channel distorted due to the fading effect
and AWGN.
The modulation is build to be varying with the time depending on the channel
condition, thus a feed back is needed. New model figure 4.4 is proposed using
adaptive modulation and simulation is done based on the model.
Figure 4.4 illustrates the block diagram for the analysis, the main two important
components are the decision controller which will decide which modulation scheme
4-QAM, 16-QAM, 64-QAM to be used and the modulator which will change the
modulation based on the information received from the controller. This model will
provide results for the slowly varying fading channel with addition of AWGN noise.
Security and available bandwidth but high date rate is the main issue now for any
wireless communications system. Improving the spectral efficiency over wireless
fading channel adaptive modulation or link adaptation is powerful technique. With
adaptive modulation a high spectral efficiency is attainable at a given bit error rate
in favorable channel conditions [24] and [26].
From Figure 4.5 and figure 4.6 it is easy to conclude that by using AWGN channel
system can keep the threshold level when SNR level is 10dB. When system wants to
keep the same threshold level while fading channel is introduced then system needs
to increase the SNR level.
However, Figure 4.7 shows the joint advantage of this technique and reflects the
main advantage achieved when adaptive modulation is used, it can be noticed that
as the SNR is increased, the throughput is increased as compared to QPSK which
maintains a constant level although the SNR is increased. Shanon Capacity is the
theoretical capacity for error free system condition which cannot achieved in reality.
Chapter 5
M icrowave communication is playing the role of a key factor in the current time
of wireless communication. The performance and quality of service of all the
Mobile Communication Service Providers broadly depends on the quality and
availability of their Microwave Link. It requires a series of works to establish a
microwave link between two long distance and short distance points. All the steps
are performed by engineer as to establish a Microwave link. For establishing a
microwave link analyzing factors, first factor is Terrestrial factors that are Site
Survey, Condition of Terrain (Flat / Hilly /desert), and Presence of water body like
big river/lake/sea, presence of forest or big trees. Second factor is select the
modulation technique, environmental conditions and Link budget considering
required Fade margin using appropriate antennas, cables, wave-guides and
3. In areas with heavy precipitation, if possible, use frequency bands
below 10 GHz.
4. The activities of microwave path planning and frequency planning
preferably should performed in parallel with line of sight activities and
other network design activities for best efficiency.
5. To use updated maps that is not more than a year old. The terrain
itself can change drastically in a very short time period.