Morphological Process
Morphological Process
Morphological Process
Proceedings of the Twelfth Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Computational Morphology and Phonology (SIGMORPHON2012), pages 10–16,
Montre´al, Canada, June 7, 2012. Ⓧc 2012 Association for Computational Linguistics
of this language have been developed. There are by Niraj and Robert ex- tracts a set of suffix
derivational analyzers for other Indian languages replacement rules from a corpus and a dictionary.
like Marathi (Ashwini Vaidya, 2009) and Kannada The rules are applied to an inflected
(Bhuvaneshwari C Melinamath et al., 2011). The
Marathi morphological analyzer was built using a
Paradigm based approach whereas the Kannada ana-
lyzer was built using an FST based approach. As
far as English is concerned, there are some
important works (Woods, 2000; Hoeppner, 1982)
pertaining to the area of derivational
morphological analysis. However, both of these are
lexicon based works.
For our work, we employed a set of suffix replace-
ment rules and a dictionary in our derivational ana-
lyzer, having taken insights from the Porter’s stem-
mer (Porter, 1980) and the K-stemmer (R. Krovetz.
1993). They are amongst the most cited stemmers
in the literature. The primary goal of Porter’s stem-
mer is suffix stripping. So when a word is given as
input, the stemmer strips all the suffixes in the
word to produce a stem. It achieves the task in five
steps applying rules at each step. Given a word as
input, the Krovetz stemmer removes inflectional
suffixes present in the word in three steps. First it
converts the plural form of the word into a singular
form, then it converts past tense to present tense,
and fi- nally removes -ing. As the last step, the
stemmer checks the dictionary for any recoding
and returns the stem. Our algorithm uses the main
principles of both the Porters stemmer and Krovetz
stemmer. The suffix replacement rules of our
algorithm resemble that of the Porters and a
segment of the algorithm is analogous to the
dictionary based approach of the Krovetzs
3 Existing Inflectional
Hindi Morphological
analysis (by old Let there be 10 derivational 6 Conclusions
morph) of 50 words words which belong analyzer. As a
is perfectly equal. to Type-6. It means result of this We presented an
derivational improvement, the algorithm which
Table 5: Output analyzer. Finally overall Type-1 uses an exist- ing
analysis of old we compare the (Perfect output inflectional
morph analyzer
evaluations of the which is analyzer for
old morphological completely performing
analyzer and our matching with the derivational
Number of
derivational an- gold output) of analysis. The
instances % of
Type alyzer. This is our derivational algorithm uses the
Type1 evaluation analyzer is nearly main principles of
Type2 methodology. 5% more than that both the Porters
Type3 So a gold-data of the old stemmer and
Type4 consisting of the morphological Krovetz stemmer
Type5 analysis of 5000 analyzer. The data for achieving the
words was taken. size is small (only task. The algorithm
The linguistic 5000). A testing on achieves decent
experts of IIIT Hy- a larger gold-data precision and recall.
Table 6: Output derabad have built will show an even It also expands the
analysis of this data and it was better picture of the coverage of the
derivational acquired from that improvement that inflectional
analyzer analyzer. But it
institution. The can be achieved by
Type the derivational must be incorpo-
5000 words were
tested on both the analyzer. rated in applications
Number of
derivational like machine
instances % of
analyzer and the translators which
inflectional ana- use derivational
lyzer. analysis for
Both the understanding its
analyzers were real strengths and
tested on the gold- limitations.
Type6 data containing
5000 words. The References
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that the old that the Claudia Gdaniec,
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Michael C.
analyzer could not the new McCord. 2001.
an- alyze 10 words derivational Derivational
but there is gold analyzer is better morphology to the
analysis of those than the old rescue: how it can
words. In this way, morphological help resolve
each type forms an analyzer. The old unfound words in
important part of analyzer could not MT, pp.129–131.
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