Mosaic Traffic Management Strategies

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Traffic Management Strategies

What is it? Which Mosaic Categories

does the program
Traffic management strategies involve operational approaches to
improve traffic flows on freeways and arterials in locations with high support?
levels of congestion. System efficiency strategies are designed to
improve the operations of the existing transportation system, make
better use of existing capacity, and encourage more fuel-efficient
travel speeds. Example strategies include:
 Freeway Management/Arterial Management: The use of
techniques such as ramp metering and traffic signal coordination
to reduce congestion and improve traffic flow.
 Integrated Corridor Management: The strategic use of all possible
capacity in a transportation system to help provide optimal traffic flow throughout a network.
 Transportation Management Center (TMC): A facility that collects real-time traffic data and
provides coordinated transportation management on roadways. TMCs are integral to a variety of
management and operations strategies.
 Road Weather Management: Real-time monitoring of roadway conditions (including traffic
cameras) during inclement weather to provide advance warning to motorists or provide restrictions
on travel (such as requiring chains or snow tires on mountain passes). This strategy also includes
mobilizing snow plows during threats of extreme weather to ensure prompt snow removal.
 Traveler Information Systems: These systems can provide information about travel conditions on
roadways (accidents, weather, congestion, and delay) and travel options to allow travelers to make
efficient decisions about route and mode choice. This helps reduce travel time and optimizes the
use of the transportation network.
 Active Traffic Management: The use of automatic systems and human intervention to manage
traffic flow, reduce accidents, and reduce congestion using managed lanes or smart lanes. Sensor
loops are placed in roadways to monitor roadway activity and observe real-time traffic, while
computer systems, linked with variable message signs, are used to re-set speed limits on the
system in advance of accidents and bottleneck locations.

What are the benefits?
 Mobility: Improves travel time and travel time reliability; reduces
congestion and delay.
 Economic Vitality: Provides positive economic impacts in the form of
improved freight travel time and reliability while also improving access
to industrial and employment centers.
 Environmental: Reduces the emission of criteria air pollutants and
greenhouse gases (GHGs) that are harmful to the environment and
human health by encouraging more fuel-efficient travel speeds.
 Safety and Security: Reduces crash rates through smoothed traffic
flow and road weather management and provides a more resilient
transportation network through optimization of the system capacity. TripCheck, ODOT

Where is it being used?

Traffic management strategies are employed throughout the U.S.
Relevant west coast examples include:4
 TripCheck, Oregon Department of Transportation
 Active Transportation Management Signs,
Washington Department of Transportation
 Quickmap, California Department of Transportation Active Traffic Management, WSDOT

How effective is it?

This section describes what is known related to the effectiveness of traffic
management strategies. However, the reader should note that impacts in
specific locations will be highly contextual and accurate evaluation will likely
require more detailed analysis using various traffic modeling tools, in
addition to transportation demand models.
Traffic management and operations strategies can save travelers time and Variable Message Signs with Integrated
money by reducing congestion. By one measure, operational improvements Transit Information, Caltrans
nationwide resulted in a savings of 308 million annual hours of delay, with a value of $6.5 billion, in
2007.5 Findings related to the effectiveness of traffic management and operation strategies are below:

3 .
In this summary, the best available data on program effectiveness is used. Whenever possible, information is provided for the
referenced examples; however, that information was not always available.
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). The Role of Transportation Systems Management & Operations in Supporting Livability and
Sustainability. “Chapter 2: Potential Roles of M&O in Supporting Livability and Sustainability. The Role of Transportation Systems
Management & Operations in supporting Livability and Sustainability.” 2012.

 According to the OSTI Greenhouse Gas Toolkit, traffic management strategies could result in a
0.07% to 1.3% reduction in total transportation sector baseline GHG emissions in 2030.6
 A traffic management system in Espanola, New Mexico, developed in June 2006 integrated the
operations of eight signalized intersections through connections to a traffic operations center. The
project resulted in a 27.5% reduction in total crashes compared with previous years, and a
reduction in vehicle delay of 87.5%.7
 The installation of an advanced traffic management system in Fort Collins, Colorado, reduced travel
times up to 36%, while in Virginia, coordinated signal systems resulted in a 30% reduction in
corridor travel times versus isolated systems.8,9
 A variable speed limit system installed in St. Louis, Missouri, reduced the crash rate by 4.5% to 8%
as a result of a reduction in speed differentials during stop-and-go congestion.10

Additionally, providing pre-trip traveler information via the internet, wireless-enabled devices,
television, radio, and other services allows users to make more informed decisions for trip departure,
route choice, and mode of travel, which can lead to mode shift and vehicle miles traveled (VMT)
reduction. Example applications are below: 11
 In the San Francisco Bay Area, variable message signs provide integrated transit information to
allow motorists to compare the travel time between remaining on a highway versus taking a train
from a nearby transit station. This led to a modal shift to transit of 4% for travelers.
 In Japan, a personalized travel planning system provided commuters with geographic positioning
system- (GPS) equipped cell phones and internet access to help them analyze their daily travel
behavior and choose more environmentally friendly routes and modes. Survey data show shifts in
users’ travel behavior (primarily mode selection) reduced carbon dioxide emissions 20% during
their daily commutes.

How much does it cost to implement?

Costs for transportation management and operations strategies vary depending on the type of strategy
employed and the extent of implementation. Examples of capital and operating costs for various
strategy applications are provided below:
Traffic Management Centers (TMCs): The cost of TMCs can vary greatly due to the size of the facility,
the number of agencies present, and the number of functions performed by the facility. Capital costs
range from $1.8 million to $11 million per facility, while operations and maintenance costs range from
$50,000 up to $1.8 million per year.12

Oregon Greenhouse Gas Toolkit Report.
FHWA. NM 68, Riverside Drive City of Espanola, New Mexico ITS Project Final Evaluation Report. 2008.
FHWA. Intelligent Transportation Systems: Benefits, Costs, Deployment and Lessons Learned Desk Reference. 2011. p. 25.$File/Ben_Cost_Less_Depl_2011%20Update.pdf.
FHWA. Intelligent Transportation Systems: Benefits, Costs, Deployment and Lessons Learned Desk Reference. 2011. p. 26.
FHWA. Intelligent Transportation Systems: Benefits, Costs, Deployment and Lessons Learned Desk Reference. 2011. p. 43.
FHWA. Intelligent Transportation Systems: Benefits, Costs, Deployment and Lessons Learned Desk Reference. 2011. p. 147.
FHWA. Intelligent Transportation Systems: Benefits, Costs, Deployment and Lessons Learned Desk Reference. 2011. p. 102.

Freeway/Arterial Management: Optimizing signal timing is considered a low cost, effective approach
for reducing congestion. Based on data from numerous studies, average costs per signal update are
around $3,000. The cost of the traffic management system in Espanola, New Mexico, (which included
video detection equipment, a fiber optic communication system, a wireless communication system,
and traffic management system hardware and software) was $862,279 for full deployment.13
In Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, an optimized traffic signal timing project resulted in a benefit-cost
ratio of 57:1 along a corridor.14
Traveler Information Systems: The cost to implement a traveler information system depends on the
strategies used. For example, the average costs to design, implement, and operate a 511 system for
the first year can range from $1.8 million for a metropolitan system to $2.5 million for a statewide
system. This is much higher than the cost of using an internet website to disseminate traveler
information, which can range from $12,000 for a rural transit traveler information site to more than
$250,000 for a site that integrates TMC data and includes multimodal data for a regional or
metropolitan area.15
In Vancouver, Washington, a traveler information system was implemented at a cost of $511,300. The
system consisted of three variable message signs, two highway advisory radio stations, and one road
weather information system. Road weather information was also made available on the Washington
State Department of Transportation website. 16
Integrated Corridor Management: Integrated corridor management (ICM) strategies on I-15 in
San Diego, California, were estimated to have a benefit-cost ratio of 9.7:1 over a 10-year lifecycle.
Improvements in arterial and overall system performance were forecast to result in a reduction in
travel delay, vehicle-hours of travel, fuel consumption, and vehicular emissions.17
Road Weather Management: Studies of road weather management systems have resulted in positive
benefit-cost ratios. In Michigan, an analysis before deployment of the system estimated benefit-cost
ratios ranging from 2.8 to 7 due to reduced travel times, reduced crash rates, and lower operating
costs. Moreover, the use of weather information in Iowa, Nevada, and Michigan has reduced winter
maintenance costs by $272,000 to $814,000, resulting in benefit-cost ratios of 1.8 to 36.7.18

Implementation resources
The following resources may be helpful for jurisdictions wishing to implement traffic
management strategies:
 Freeway Operations and Traffic Management, Federal Highway Administration
 Traffic Incident Management, Federal Highway Administration
 Traffic Signal System Management, Federal Highway Administration
 Corridor Traffic Management, Federal Highway Administration
 Operations and Management: Managing Existing Road Systems for Efficiency and Economy,
Victoria Transport Policy Institute

FHWA. Intelligent Transportation Systems: Benefits, Costs, Deployment and Lessons Learned Desk Reference. 2011. p. 113.
FHWA. Intelligent Transportation Systems: Benefits, Costs, Deployment and Lessons Learned Desk Reference. 2011. p. 26.
FHWA. Intelligent Transportation Systems: Benefits, Costs, Deployment and Lessons Learned Desk Reference. 2011. p. 145.
FHWA. Intelligent Transportation Systems: Benefits, Costs, Deployment and Lessons Learned Desk Reference. 2011. p. 38.
FHWA. Intelligent Transportation Systems: Benefits, Costs, Deployment and Lessons Learned Desk Reference. 2011. p. 38.
FHWA. Intelligent Transportation Systems: Benefits, Costs, Deployment and Lessons Learned Desk Reference. 2011. p. 67.

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