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SRP Assurance Scheme V 1.3 (Final)

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Version 1.

August 2020

Sustainable Rice Platform
SRP Assurance Scheme Version 1.3 1

© Sustainable Rice Platform

This work is published by the Sustainable Rice Platform e.V. under a Creative Commons
Attribution - Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. It should be cited as follows:

SRP (2020). The SRP Assurance Scheme (Version 1.3), Sustainable Rice Platform. Bangkok: 2020.
Available at http://www.sustainablerice.org


This document has been prepared by the Sustainable Rice Platform (SRP) team led by
UN Environment, International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), and Deutsche Gesellschaft
für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ), and supported by the SRP Working Group
on Farmer Support, Performance Measurement, and Assurance, following extensive
consultation with SRP members, external stakeholders, and key contributions by


The views expressed in this document are those of the authors and may not in any
circumstance be regarded as representing an official position of the organizations

Transition rules

The SRP Assurance Scheme v 1.3 will come into force from 1 September 2020 and
replaces all previous versions.

About the Sustainable Rice Platform (SRP)

Replace with: ‘SRP is a global multi-stakeholder alliance launched in 2011 by UN

Environment Programme and the International Rice Research Institute, comprising over 100
institutional stakeholders, including public and private sector stakeholders, research,
financial institutions and NGOs. SRP promotes resource-use efficiency and climate change
resilience in rice systems (both on-farm and throughout value chains) and pursues voluntary
market transformation initiatives by developing sustainable production standards,
indicators, incentive mechanisms, and outreach mechanisms to boost wide-scale adoption
of sustainable best practices throughout rice value chains. SRP’s goal is to minimize
environmental impacts of rice production and consumption while enhancing smallholder
incomes and contributing to food security.

Contact details

Email: [email protected]
Web: www.sustainablerice.org


1.1. Background 5
1.2. Scope 5
1.3. Roles in the Assurance Scheme 5
1.4. Development and delivery 5
1.5. Parallel revision of the SRP Standard and Performance Indicators (PI) 5
1.6. A collaborative, consultative and consensus-based drafting process 6


2.1. Ownership 7
2.2. Costs and fees 7
2.3. Verification 8

3.1. Individual producers and producer groups 9
3.2. Requirements for Internal Management Systems (IMS) 9

4.1. Obligations of producers and producer groups 10


5.1. Overview 11


6.1. About Level 1 12
6.2. Scope 12
6.3. Assessment Frequency 12
6.4. Self-assessment in Producer Groups – Sampling rules 12


7.1. About Level 2 13
7.2. General rules 13
7.3. Self-assessments/internal inspections 13
7.4. Scope of second-party inspection 14
7.5. Inspection duration 14
7.6. Inspection timing and frequency 15


8.1. About Level 3 16
8.2. General rules 16
8.3. Self-assessments/internal inspections 16
8.4. Scope of third-party inspection 16
8.5. Inspection duration 17
8.6. Inspection timing and frequency 17
8.7. Unannounced inspections 17


9.1. Evaluation of Internal Management Systems (IMS) 19
9.2. Evaluation of a sample of producer group members 19



11.1. Verification decisions 21
11.2. Appeals procedure 21
SRP Assurance Scheme Version 1.3 3


12.1. Chain of custody models 22
12.2. Identity preservation (IP) 22
12.3. Product segregation 22
12.4. Mass balance 22


13.1. SRP name and logo 23



1. General rules 27
2. Basic information 27
3. Contact person (responsible for producer or group legal entity) 28
4. Information regarding production sites 28
5. Product information 28
6. Data management 29


1. Roles of the Assurance Service Provider (ASP) 31
2. Minimum requirements for Assurance Service Providers (ASP) 31


1. General requirements 33
2. Suspension or cancellation of Agreement 34
3. Second-Party Verification Bodies 34
4. Third-party Verification Bodies 34


1. General requirements 36
2. Additional requirements for inspectors and auditors working for 2nd party VBs 36
3. Additional requirements for inspectors and auditors working for 3rd party VBs 36
4. Main tasks for SRP inspectors and SRP auditors 37
5. Additional tasks for SRP auditors 37


1. Producer registration fees 38
2. Verification Body fees 38


1. Requirements for Assurance Levels 1, 2 and 3 39
2. Permitted communications (Claims, Logo and Label) 40
3. Prohibited 42


1. Standard data/Standard visibility 43
2. Producer/company data 43
3. Product and verification data 44

Figure 1: Responsibilities, fees and information flow among key actors 7
Figure 2: Relationship between SRP, ASP, VBs and auditors 8

Table 1: SRP Assurance Scheme - Three options for assurance 11
Table 2: On- and off-product use of SRP Claims, Logo and Label for Assurance Levels 1-3 23
Table 3: Summary of differences between requirements for Data Collectors,
Second-Party and Third-Party VBs 35
Table 4: Summary of inspector/auditor qualification requirements per assurance level 37

ASP Assurance Service Provider

GFN Global Farm Number

GIZ Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH

(German Agency for International Cooperation)

GLN Global Location Number

GLOBALG.A.P. Global good agricultural practices, global farm assurance program

IFA Integrated Farm Assessment (Standard used by GLOBALG.A.P.)

IFOAM International Federation of Organic Agriculture

ILO International Labour Organization

IMS Internal Management System

IRRI International Rice Research Institute

ISEAL International Social and Environmental and Labelling Alliance, a body that
represents the global movement of sustainability standards

PHU Produce Handling Unit

PI SRP Performance Indicators

RA Rainforest Alliance

SAN Sustainable Agriculture Network

SRP Sustainable Rice Platform

UTZ A sustainable farming certification scheme, now merged with RA

UNEP UN Environment Programme

VB Verification Body

1.1. Background

1.1.1. The Sustainable Rice Platform (SRP) is a global multi-stakeholder alliance with over 100 institutional
members led by UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI),
together with partners from the public and private sectors, research, nonprofit organizations and the
international development community.

1.1.2. Established in 2011, the SRP aims to secure adoption of sustainable farming practices among at least 1 million
rice farmers by 2023. In 2015 the SRP launched the world’s first global Standard for Sustainable Rice Cultivation,
which provides a working definition of sustainability in any rice system and allows sustainability scoring at farm
level. In addition, a linked set of SRP Performance Indicators (PI) enable collection of farm data to quantify and
verify improvements and impacts.

1.1.3. The SRP Assurance Scheme is based on the SRP Standard and Performance Indicators in order to
underpin verifiable sustainability claims for rice produced using proven, climate-smart sustainable best

1.2. Scope

1.2.1. This SRP Assurance Scheme defines rules for actors engaged in measuring compliance or demonstrating
improvements, providing demonstrable evidence of compliance with the SRP Standard and Performance
Indicators and the use of SRP trademarks (Claims, Logos or Label) upon achieving assurance. The SRP
Assurance Scheme focuses on verification, is built on a strong internal assessment and provides registration
and self-assessment as a starting point. The SRP Assurance Scheme encourages innovative remote/landscape
assessments, participatory schemes, individual producer assessments and producer group schemes using
Internal Management Systems (IMS).

1.3. Roles in the Assurance Scheme

1.3.1. Key actors and their roles in delivering the Assurance Scheme are introduced below:
• Producers: individuals or entities legally responsible for production of the rice sold by those
individuals or businesses and who ae eligible to apply for SRP evaluation under the Scheme.
• SRP Secretariat: responsible for managing SRP’s activities and programmes under the strategic
oversight of the SRP Executive Board.
• Assurance Service Provider (ASP): organization mandated by SRP to operate the SRP Assurance
Scheme. GLOBALG.A.P. serves as SRP’s only ASP.
• Data Collector: responsible for collecting registration and self-assessment data from producers
and uploading to the SRP database. A data collector may be a farm assurer, a research institute,
company, extension worker, project owner, group manager or miller
• Verification Body (VB): responsible for inspection of producers according to the SRP Standard. VBs may
have a relationship with the producer (Second party) or be fully independent (Third party) and must
operate only with ASP-approved inspectors according to the qualification requirements defined in this
document (Annex 4).

1.4. Development and delivery

1.4.1. The SRP Assurance Scheme is based on the outcomes of field pilots including test audits conducted by SRP
members in a number of rice-growing countries. SRP has authorized GLOBALG.AP. to manage the Scheme
as SRP’s authorized Assurance Service Provider (ASP).

1.5. Parallel revision of the SRP Standard and Performance Indicators (PI)

1.5.1. Revision of the SRP Standard and PIs was conducted in parallel to the development of the SRP Assurance
Scheme, in order to ensure close alignment and to maximize the complementarity of these tools in creating
economic benefits for farmers. Demonstrating these economic benefits will be fundamental to driving wide-
scale adoption of best practices beyond the scope of commercial assurance/verification.
SRP Assurance Scheme Version 1.3 6

1.6. A collaborative, consultative and consensus-based drafting process

1.6.1. The Assurance Scheme was developed with ISEAL Guidelines as a reference in line with ISEAL guidelines by
SRP’s Working Group on Standards, Assurance and Impact, as mandated by the SRP’s Advisory Committee.
The Working Group convened in February 2017 and brought together representatives from Control Union,
Ebro Foods, GIZ, GLOBALG.A.P., IRRI, NEPCon, Mars Food, PRIME Agri, Rikolto, Syngenta, UNEP, UTZ, VSR
Rice, WCS Cambodia, Winrock and WWF Pakistan. A workshop in May 2017 brought together Working Group
to discuss the broad framework and scope of the Scheme, including rules and processes for accreditation of
verification/certification bodies, auditor qualifications and group internal control systems. A first draft of the
assurance framework was shared with external stakeholders for review.

1.6.2. Following the recommendations of a SRP Strategic Visioning Workshop in May 2018 the focus of the
Assurance Scheme shifted from certification to verification.

1.6.3. GLOBALG.A.P. provided further technical specification in 2019, with an updated draft published for a 30-day
online public consultation on 23 March to 22 April 2020. Over 200 comments were received from Control
Union, Foodtech Solutions, NEPCon and Oxfam; responses are incorporated in the current document. All
comments and responses are documented and publicly accessible. The SRP Executive Board endorsed the
SRP Assurance Scheme Version 1.3 in August 2020
SRP Assurance Scheme Version 1.3 7


2.1. Ownership

2.1.1. The SRP retains ownership of the SRP Assurance Scheme, Standard, Performance Indicators and related
trademarks via its legal entity (Sustainable Rice Platform e.V., registered in Germany). The SRP has authorized
GLOBALG.A.P. as its Assurance Services Providers (ASP) to manage implementation of the Scheme. However,
SRP reserves the right to access data and to conduct integrity audits as well as the rights in its trademarks and

2.1.2. End-users of the SRP-Verified Label need not be SRP members, and may use the on-pack SRP-Verified
Label in accordance with the SRP Member Communication and Claim/Logo/Label Guidelines (Annex 7)
provided they can prove the rice was produced by an SRP member. Any use of the SRP name or
trademarks is strictly limited to the rights granted under section 13 and must comply in any case with
the SRP Member Communication and Claim/Logo/Label Guidelines (Annex 7).

2.2. Costs and fees

2.2.1. SRP’s costs related to the SRP Assurance Scheme are met through contributions from SRP annual membership
dues, SRP training fees and system fees defined in Annex 6. Verification Bodies (VBs) are free to negotiate their
own fees for inspections and other services. In addition, it should be noted that membership dues are waived
for farmer organizations.

2.2.2. Sharing of data and information are essential to the effective functioning of the SRP Assurance Scheme, as
illustrated below in Figure 1. This diagram highlights the responsibilities as well as fees that may be charged by
the respective actors. For details on fees please refer to Annex 6.

Reporting, Management fee, SRP VB / DC and producer fees

Information Membership fee Registration Information

Information, Approval, Registration, Integrity Audits Check Qualifictaion Agreement, Agreement Assessment / Data Gathering Verification
Check Verification Surveilance VB / Validation
/ DC

Figure 1: Responsibilities, fees and information flow among key actors

SRP Assurance Scheme Version 1.3 8

2.3. Verification

2.3.1. Verification can be carried out by second or third-party verification bodies whose auditors fulfill the
qualification requirements defined in this document.





Figure 2: Relationship between SRP, ASP, VBs and auditors

2.3.2. It is envisaged that third-party verification will best meet the needs of traders and retailers for a
transparent, credible and cost-efficient verification system, though larger producers and producer groups
requiring independent verification may also pursue this approach. Otherwise these fees may be covered by
traders or external entities. Third-party verification offers a higher degree of transparency and credibility
often sought by traders and retailers. Larger producers and producer groups requiring independent
verification will also pursue this approach. Fees derived from this type of verification may also be covered
by traders or external entities.
SRP Assurance Scheme Version 1.3 9


3.1. Individual producers and producer groups

3.1.1. Individual producers and producer groups may register to participate in the SRP Assurance
Scheme, as follows:
• Producer: an individual grower or single organization with several production sites that do not
function as separate legal or management entities. In the case of individual producers with
multiple sites who
have implemented an Internal Management System to cover all sites, the same sampling rules applicable
for producer groups apply also to them, i.e. it is not mandatory to inspect all producer’s sites. In this case
inspection is only required of the IMS and a sample of the sites under common management.
• Producer Group: Company with the legal right to carry out agricultural production and/or trading and to
represent a group of growers and their production. The group is, after the SRP verification, the holder of
the SRP verification letter which would cover all the group members in SRP. These may include
Farmer Organizations producing SRP rice, or a miller with contract farmers. Producer Groups participating
in the SRP Scheme must run Internal Management Systems (IMS) for the implementation of the SRP
Standard requirements.

3.2. Requirements for Internal Management Systems (IMS)

3.2.1. SRP has developed an Internal Management System (IMS) Standard as a separate normative
document. Compliance with the requirements defined for IMS is mandatory for all producer groups
and all multi-site operations which implement an IMS. These requirements are summarized below:
• Each farmer group member has received relevant training in implementing the SRP Standard. This
training may be provided internally by a competent person within the IMS. Training records with dates
and descriptions must be maintained.
• Each farmer group has assigned a responsible individual who defines and coordinates the
Internal Management System (IMS) protocol and related procedures.
• The person who has been assigned the responsibility for the IMS must ensure that all members are in
compliance with IMS requirements and the SRP Standard. This individual is also responsible for leading
the implementation of an improvement plan if needed.
• An IMS team is established with clear separation of roles (overall management, training, internal
audits, compliance decision taking, purchasing, etc.) Some of these roles may be carried out by the
same person provided there is no conflict of interest, whether actual or perceived (e.g. internal
auditing and purchasing).
• Each member of the group gives written consent to participate as a member of the group. Consent
declarations, including dates and descriptions, must be retained on file.
• Each member is aware of the benefits and responsibilities of group membership.
• The IMS team must guarantee that the IMS is internally evaluated and that all producer group
members receive internal inspections or conduct self-assessments according to the frequency
defined by the SRP Assurance Scheme.
• The producer group shall establish a clear and credible grievance procedure for members in case of
dispute. This procedure shall ensure that member complaints are received, registered, identified,
investigated, followed up and reviewed.
• Producers removed from group membership by decision of the IMS have the right to appeal the
decision, following the producer group’s stipulated grievance procedure.
• The IMS must be evaluated by Verification Body auditors using the SRP IMS checklist.
SRP Assurance Scheme Version 1.3 10

4.1. Obligations of producers and producer groups

4.1.1. Participation in the SRP Assurance Scheme begins with a public commitment by producers or producer
groups to work with the available SRP tools such as training, as well as the Standard or Performance

4.1.2. The applicant shall ensure that the Data Collector or VB selected is approved by the ASP for SRP
services. In case of Assurance Level 1 (Self-Assessment), the Data Collector registers the producer or
producer group in the SRP Database managed by the ASP. Data Collectors are also responsible for all
data updates. (See Data Collector definition in Chapter 1 for types of organization eligible to serve in
this role).

4.1.3. In case of Assurance Levels 2 and 3 the selected VB is responsible for registration of the applicant producer in
the SRP database, as well as for data updates. The VB may set its own fees for its services (e.g. inspection, file
management). Fees are paid annually.

4.1.4. All participating producers must be registered in the SRP database with their individual or aggregated data (as
preferred by the applicant) which reflects their participation in the program, irrespective of assurance level.
Confirmation of registration is provided to eliminate duplication.

4.1.5. An applicant producer/producer group may not register the same members/sites with different Data
Collectors/VBs or under different SRP levels. However, a multisite/producer group may register different
sites/ members under different levels (e.g. when some members are moving from level 2 to level 3) and/or
with different verification bodies (e.g. when one VB is only offering third-party verification and in the
group some members need second-party verification).

4.1.6. For registration to be completed, the applicant must satisfy all the following conditions:
(i) Submit the application to the Data Collector or VB, together with all required
documentation (see Annex 2).
(ii) Sign acceptance of the latest version of the SRP Registration (Sublicense)
Agreement (available at the GLOBALG.A.P. website).
(iii) Be assigned a SRP Assurance Number (SRP Global Farm Number, GFN).

4.1.7. The registration process must be finalized before inspection can proceed.
(i) For first registration, the Data Collector/VB must confirm the application and provide the
applicant with the SRP GLOBAL FARM NUMBER Number (SRP GFN) within 28 calendar days
of receiving the complete application.
(ii) Producer group members are not allowed to leave the group and register with another group
(for the products registered) if there is any pending sanction on the producer issued by the
group, or if there are any unresolved issues relevant to the producer raised by the VB. These
sanctions must be resolved before the producer may transfer to another group.
SRP Assurance Scheme Version 1.3 11


5.1. Overview

5.1.1. The SRP Assurance Scheme offers three levels of assurance to support a broad range of users (Table
1). Clients are free to opt for the level that best suits their needs and resources.

5.1.2. The Scheme does not currently offer certification, instead focusing on self-assessment and verification by
second and third parties, with verification offering broadly similar benefits to certification at lower cost.

5.1.3. The characteristics of the three available assurance levels (1-3) are summarized in Table 1 below.

Table 1: SRP Assurance Scheme - Three options for assurance


Self Assessment 2nd Party Verification 3rd Party Verification

Indiv. Producer Producer Group Indiv. Producer Producer Group Indiv. Producer Producer Group

Registration in Data Collector Verification Body Verification Body


Self-assessments Yes • IMS Yes • IMS Yes • IMS

or internal • Producer (N) • Producer self- • 100% Producers
inspections / self-assessment assessment undergo
year / internal / internal internal
inspection sample: inspection sample: inspections by
- First year: 100% - First year: 100% the IMS team.
- Subsequent years: - Subsequent years:
at least: 33% at least 33%
- All producers - All producers
internal inspection internal inspection
at least every at least every
3 years 3 years

External No No Yes Yes Yes Yes


Inspector NA NA 2nd party inspector 3rd party inspector


Scope of annual NA NA 100% production • IMS 100% production • IMS

external insp. sites • Producer (N) sites • Producer (N)
sample: sample:
- First year: - First year:
Square root of N Square root of N
- Subsequent - Subsequent
years: at years: at
least 50% of least 50% of
square root square root
of N of N
Duration of NA NA 1 day • 1 day for IMS 1 day • 1 day for IMS
external insp. • 1 day for around • 1 day for around
4 producers in 4 producers in
the sample the sample

Unannounced No No No No Yes Yes


Number of NA NA NA NA Additional 10% Additional 10%

SRP Assurance Scheme Version 1.3 12


6.1. About Level 1

6.1.1. Self-assessment offers an approach to facilitate assurance at low cost and large scale. Level 1
assurance allows producer groups or SRP members working with producers to conduct self-assessments
without external verification, as a means of internally monitoring performance and progress. No
external claims are permitted under Level 1.

6.1.2. Self-assessment is conducted by producer groups, producers themselves or an appointed individual.

Assurance Level 1 is intended for users such as national governments aiming to boost the overall rice
industry in their countries, or as a means of supporting national policy goals e.g. on food and water
security, or climate change.

6.1.3. Level 1 assurance is appropriate as a tool for development projects where farmer livelihoods, environmental
and climate benefits and support for SDGs, rather than market factors, are the principal drivers of change.

6.1.4. Level 1 relies upon careful self-assessments and the use of Information Communication Technology (ICT)
tools as available. In the case of groups of farmers, peer-to-peer assessments and internal audits as part
of an
Internal Management System (IMS) offer the key to efficient self-assessment. Adherence to the rules of the
IMS (also referred to as the IMS protocol) must be well documented.

6.2. Scope

6.2.1. All self-assessments must be conducted using a checklist covering all elements of the SRP Standard.

6.3. Assessment Frequency

6.3.1. Self-assessments must be conducted within the 12 months following date of registration in the SRP
system. Assessments are valid for 12 months from the day of inspection and must be renewed annually.

6.3.2. The Data Collector must upload the results of self-assessments (checklist) to the SRP database.

6.4. Self-assessment in Producer Groups – Sampling rules

6.4.1. Establishment of an Internal Management System (IMS) is key in producer groups conducting self-
assessments. In producer groups the self-assessment is conducted internally by the Group, as
i. Internal inspection of the IMS standard.
ii. Only in the first year of SRP verification for the producer group, internal inspection of
100% of members conducted either by the producer group’s IMS team, by producers’
peers or self-assessed by each producer member.
iii. During consecutive years the audit intensity may become more focused on members with a
higher risk of non-compliances or missed thresholds. Therefore, subsequent consecutive
audits may be conducted on less than 100% of the registered members. However, a minimum
33% of group members shall be assessed every year and all producers must be assessed
internally at least once every 3 years.

6.4.2. The producer group must maintain records of self-assessments/internal inspections with dates and

6.4.3. In the case of groups, the Data Collector must upload a Producer Group Checklist on the SRP
Database containing a summary of results of the member self-assessments.

6.4.4. Producers/producer groups may use the internal audits or self-assessment as a preparation for external
SRP Assurance Scheme Version 1.3 13


7.1. About Level 2

7.1.1. Second-party verification is an evaluation carried out by an external Verification Body linked to
producers or producer groups. These second-party VBs may be implementing partners such as farm
assurers also responsible for data collection or companies, research institutes, extension workers,
project owners, NGOs, traders or millers.

7.1.2. Third-party verification bodies may also conduct Level 2 verifications. These VBs could also conduct level
3 verification for that same producer/producer group as long as they do not provide consultancy services
to the producers and the impartiality of their verification is guaranteed.

7.1.3. Organizations acting as second-party VBs (e.g. a miller) may also act as Data Collectors (assurance level
1) for other producers/producer groups.

7.1.4. Level 2 assessment actors may play an advisory as well as a prescriptive role, i.e. apart from
evaluating compliance may also advise the producer on weaknesses and opportunities for

7.2. General rules

7.2.1. Second-party inspections may only be conducted by a VB inspector complying with the
qualification requirements set for second-party inspectors as specified in this Assurance Scheme
(see Annex 5).

7.2.2. During the application phase, the VB shall verify the information declared by the producer in the application
form, including any potential previous producer registration to avoid duplication on the SRP database.

7.2.3. The VB may conduct a remote review of compliance with certain SRP requirements that can be assessed
electronically using ICT tools or via document submission. In this case, evaluation must be performed by
the same SRP inspector who will conduct the onsite inspection.

7.2.4. Verification will be valid for 12 months from the date of the verification decision. This is the date of
approval by the VB reviewer.

7.3. Self-assessments/internal inspections

7.3.1. Individual producers shall conduct self-assessments/peer-to-peer assessments before the initial second-
party verification and thereafter every year always before the external inspection.

7.3.2. Producer groups shall conduct:

i. Internal audit of the IMS standard before the initial inspection and then annually always
before the external second-party inspection.
ii. Internal producer assessments:
a.Initial (first year) SRP verification: 100% of members registered for SRP verification;
b. Subsequent years: of a minimum of 33% of members registered for SRP verification

These internal assessments may be conducted by IMS internal inspectors, by producers’ peers or self-
assessments by the producers themselves.

7.3.3. The sample of internal producer assessments can be reduced below 100% in subsequent
verifications provided that:
• The results of the internal evaluation of the IMS do not flag significant violations or non-compliance
issues; and
• The previous results of the producers’ self-assessments demonstrate compliance with the essential
performance levels (mandatory thresholds) for requirements necessary to achieve the claim
“working toward sustainable rice cultivation” (see SRP Standard).
SRP Assurance Scheme Version 1.3 14

7.3.4. In the case that not all producers are internally assessed every year, the producer group shall take
measures to guarantee that all producer members receive an internal inspection/peer-to-peer
inspection/ self- assessmentat least every 3 years.

7.4. Scope of second-party inspection

7.4.1. All second-party Level 2 inspections must be performed using a SRP checklist covering all elements of
the SRP Standard.

7.4.2. For individual producers, verification must cover all production sites to verify compliance with the
requirements defined in the SRP Standard.

7.4.3. For producer groups, verification must consist of annual inspections of:
• The group’s Internal Management System (IMS)
• Inspection of a sample of group members and their production sites.

7.4.4. The minimum number of producers to be inspected in the initial external inspection is the square root of
the total number of SRP-registered producers in the group. This sampling intensity may be reduced or
intensified during subsequent external audits, based on the following factors, which must also be
considered by the VB when selecting producers to be inspected as part of the sampling:
• Results of previous assessments
• Farm size
• Change of farm location and/or management
• Non-compliance detected by the IMS
• Customer complaints related to compliance with the SRP Standard
• Significant differences between the results of internal and external assessments.
• Extraordinary climatic conditions
• Score of compliance with the SRP Standard
• Multiple rice harvests during a single calendar year
• Significant farm land/group member increases
• Structural changes or changes in product technology
• Producers who have not yet been externally assessed
• New producers joining the group.

7.4.5. In any case, the minimum number of group members to be inspected by a second party for the
verification of a producer group in subsequent years is 50% of the square root of the total registered
group membership.

7.5. Inspection duration

7.5.1. Sufficient time must be allocated to allow the auditor/inspector to inspect all applicable SRP
Standard requirements.

7.5.2. Typically, onsite inspections for individual producers require an average 1 day for large farms (above 10
hectares) in order to effectively assess an organization’s systems and premises and provide confidence in
the verification process. The actual duration will of course depend upon specific conditions (e.g. organisation,
preparation, access, weather, etc.).

7.5.3. In the case of a group of smallholder farmers (below 10 hectares, most commonly below 2 hectares) with
an internal management system (IMS), a minimum of 1 day is also typically required for an onsite audit to
assess the group management structure and IMS internal audit results. This shall be followed by a visit to a
sample of group members selected by priority according to risk of missed mandatory thresholds. In this
case inspections of group members will usually have a shorter duration than for individual producers
because some of the requirements will already have been assessed at IMS level and/or are common for all
group members. This can allow completion of 4 or more producer inspections per day.
7.6. Inspection timing and frequency

7.6.1. The verification inspection must be conducted at a moment when it is possible to assess compliance with all
requirements of the SRP Standard, either via documentation, visually or through interviews with the

7.6.2. Considering that the SRP Standard deals with the production of a mostly seasonal product and will therefore
require flexibility in audit timing, verification bodies may use the inspection window of 8 months around the
verification date to carry out the re-assessments. This 8-month inspection window corresponds to the 4
months before expiry of the previous verification and 4 months following it.

7.6.3. Producers under verification must apply every year to the VB in order to renew their verifications.
There shall be a minimum period of 8 months between 2 inspections for renewal.
SRP Assurance Scheme Version 1.3 16


8.1. About Level 3

8.1.1. Third-party verification is an evaluation carried out by an independent external VB with no link with the
producer or producer group. Level 3 is considered the highest level of SRP assurance in terms of

8.1.2. All reports from third party verification must be approved by a reviewer independent from the
inspector conducting the verification within 28 days following the date of inspection.

8.1.3. Third party verification may be done by inspection bodies and certification bodies approved as SRP
Verification Bodies (VBs) by the Assurance Service Provider (GLOBALG.A.P.).

8.1.4. Upon successful verification, the VB will issue a SRP Verification Statement that specifies the
performance of the producers including compliance score, compliance status, verified volume,
permitted claims and traceability level.

8.2. General rules

8.2.1. Level 3 inspections may only be carried out by a VB inspector complying with the qualification
requirements for third-party inspectors specified in Annex 4 of this SRP Assurance Scheme.

8.2.2. During the application phase, the VB shall verify the information declared by the producer in the application
form, including any potential previous producer registration to avoid duplication on the SRP database.

8.2.3. The VB may perform a remote review of compliance with certain SRP requirements that can be
assessed electronically using ICT tools or via document submission. In this case, evaluation must be
performed by the same SRP inspector who will conduct the onsite part of the inspection.

8.2.4. Level 3 verifications are valid for 12 months from the date of closure of the inspection report, which will
always be the date of approval by the VB reviewer.

8.3. Self-assessments/internal inspections

8.3.1. Individual producers shall conduct peer-to-peer inspections/self-assessments before the initial third-
party verification and thereafter every year, always before the external inspection.

8.3.2. Producers groups shall conduct:

i. Internal audit of the IMS standard before the initial inspection and thereafter annually
always before the external second-party inspection.
ii. Internal producer assessments on 100% of group members registered for SRP
verification irrespective of whether it is initial or subsequent verification. These
internal producer assessments may be conducted by IMS internal inspectors, by
producers’ peers or be self- assessments by perfomred by the producers themselves.

8.4. Scope of third-party inspection

8.4.1. All third-party level 3 inspections shall be conducted using a SRP checklist covering all elements of
the SRP Standard.

8.4.2. For individual producers without IMS, Level 3 verification must cover all production sites to verify
compliance with the requirements defined in the SRP Standard.

8.4.3. For producer groups, Level 3 verification consists of annual inspections of:
• The group’s Internal Management System (IMS).
• Inspection of the square root of group members registered for SRP and their production sites.
SRP Assurance Scheme Version 1.3 17

8.4.4. The size of the sample of group members to be inspected in subsequent verifications may be increased or
decreased based on the same factors identified for second-party verification (7.4.4.). However, the
minimum sample size must never be below 50% of the square root of the registered group membership.

8.4.5. In order to allow sampling size reduction, the minimum score in IMS audit shall be 75%.

8.4.6. A maximum of 2 days prior notification shall be given by the VB to the producer group identifying
the members selected.

8.5. Inspection duration

8.5.1. Estimated duration of inspections will be as for second-party verification (7.5).

8.6. Inspection timing and frequency

8.6.1. Estimated timing and frequency of inspections will be as for second-party verification (7.6).

8.6.2. Irrespective of the defined minimum audit frequency, the VB may undertake additional unannounced
surveillance audits if there is evidence or suspicion of missed thresholds within an organization (see
section 13), especially if this may affect the right to use SRP Claims or Label on product packaging.
The audit shall focus on assessment of any specific SRP requirements where mandatory thresholds may be
missed; i.e. full inspections of all control points will not normally be required. Audit costs will be charged to
the organization. Such audit process will refer to section 8.7 and will be treated as an unannounced inspection.

8.7. Unannounced inspections

8.7.1. In order to offer a greater degree of assurance during the validity of the verification, the VB must conduct
unannounced inspections amongst producers with a current verification. Every year, the VB must carry out
unannounced inspections of a minimum of 10% of all individual producers plus 10% of producer groups the
VB has verified during the 12 months of validity. If the VB has 10 or fewer individual verified producers, at
least one producer shall be inspected; if the VB has 10 or fewer producer groups, at least one shall be
audited annually.

Example 1: A VB which has verified 600 individual producers must conduct an additional 60 inspections
(10% of 600) selecting some of these producers for a second time during the year.

8.7.2. Unannounced inspections are additional to the regular inspections and must be conducted with at
least a 1-month interval between inspections.

8.7.3. Unannounced inspections of producer groups will only cover additional producer inspections, i.e. no IMS
audit. The size of the sample of producers to be inspected must correspond to half of the square root
(rounded up) of the total SRP-registered group members.

Example 2: A VB which has verified 50 producer groups must conduct additional 5 producer group inspections
(10% of 50) selecting some of these producers for a second time during the year.

Example 3: One of the groups selected for the unannounced inspection has 500 members, therefore the VB
must inspect 50% of the square root, i.e. 12 producers.

8.7.4. The VB shall base the selection of producers/producer groups to be subject to unannounced inspection
on a risk evaluation, considering factors such as continuous improvement, compliance history, changes
in the operation, be representative for all the regions/countries where the VB has verified producers,
8.7.5. VBs may notify producers ahead of the intended visit. However, no more than 2 days’ notice may be given
before the planned inspection date. In the exceptional case where for well-justified reasons it is impossible
for the producer to accept the proposed date, the producer will receive one more chance to be informed of
an unannounced inspection. The producer shall receive a written notification if the first proposed date has not
been accepted and will be given another 48-hour notification of a visit. If the visit cannot take place for non-
justifiable reasons, SRP may revoke the producer’s rights to use SRP-Verified Label and/or Claims.

8.7.6. Unannounced inspections must be performed using a complete SRP checklist containing all elements of
the SRP Standard.

8.7.7. Reports, verifications and scoring systems must clearly state whether inspections are announced or
SRP Assurance Scheme Version 1.3 19


The following rules apply to all producer groups and IMS evaluation irrespective of the assurance level:

9.1. Evaluation of Internal Management Systems (IMS)

9.1.1. The evaluation process is designed to establish that the IMS implemented by the SRP producer
group, including self-assessments and internal inspections, is effective in meeting the requirements
of the SRP Assurance Scheme.

9.1.2. The evaluation process requires sampling of IMS components, comprising documentation, sites, personnel
and operations declared by the group to be relevant to the operation and administration of the IMS for
implementation of the SRP Standard by the producer group.

9.1.3. IMS verification will normally be performed at the producer group’s central office/administrative center.

9.1.4. As part of the IMS verification, the results of the external and internal audits must be compared to assess
whether the applicant’s internal controls are appropriate.

9.2. Evaluation of a sample of producer group members

9.2.1. After determining the minimum number of producers to be assessed in a producer group, the VB must
select which producers are inspected according to a risk evaluation. This risk evaluation must be taken
into consideration as in 7.4.4.

9.2.2. Irrespective of the defined minimum audit frequency, the VB may undertake additional surveillance
audits if there is evidence or suspicion of missed mandatory thresholds within an organization,
especially if this may affect the right to use SRP Claims or Label product packaging. Verification costs
will be charged to the organization.
SRP Assurance Scheme Version 1.3 20


10.1.1. The audit report results in an overall score of compliance with the SRP Standard, and lists missed thresholds;
together these help to identify gaps and training needs.

10.1.2. The ASP must design and use a SRP-approved audit template, specifying all required information.

10.1.3. Audit reports may be written in any language for which an official translated SRP Standard is available.
Summaries of reports must be provided in English to the ASP and SRP to enable global data management
and reporting.

10.1.4. VB inspectors must provide detailed information in their SRP audit reports. Producers’ personal data may
be anonymized in order to comply with applicable data protection rules. The minimum reporting
requirements are:
(i) Version of the SRP Standard used
(ii) Date of inspection
(iii) Audit team and team member qualification
(iv) Farmer group name and office location
(v) Audit duration
(vi) List of audited sites
(vii) Number of producers audited
(viii)Yields and varieties for each site
(ix) List of group members indicating farm locations and farm areas
(x) Documentation of farmer group training history
(xi) Identification of offtakers (for traceability or Chain of Custody)
(xii) Audit score
(xiii)Audit decision, list of non-compliances (missed thresholds)
(xiv) Evaluation result of farmer group management system’s internal risk register (if applicable)
(xv) List of raised appeals and documented response.
(xvi) Signature of inspector and producer. The producer may sign the audit report after the
closing meeting in conformity with any observations raised by the VB inspector/auditor.

10.1.5. In the case of missed thresholds identified by the auditor, clear and concise details of the missed
thresholds must be recorded in the audit report.

10.1.6. A digital copy of the verification report (in any language for which an official SRP translation of the
Standard exists) must be made available to the ASP and to SRP on the SRP database. It may be used for
confidential integrity review. In any case the verification party shall be provided with a copy of the
verification report.

10.1.7. In the case of third-party verification, the VB must upload the audit report to the GLOBALG.A.P.-SRP
SRP Assurance Scheme Version 1.3 21


11.1. Verification decisions

11.1.1. VBs must comply with the following minimum SRP requirements relating to issue of verification decisions:

• A clearly defined system is in place for the granting, suspension and withdrawal of verification
services by VB for the scope of the SRP Standard.

• All producers wishing to prove compliance with missed thresholds or increase their score after the field
inspection and IMS audit must submit a corrective action plan and evidence of its implementation to the
VB for verification within 28 calendar days following the inspection closing meeting.

• The VB must verify the improvement plan via further on-site assessment or scrutiny of
submitted documentation including updated procedures, records and photographs assessed by a
technically competent member or group within the VB.

• All evidence of necessary improvement (passing all thresholds) must be returned, completed and
verified by the VB, within a timescale agreed with the VB, before verification of “SRP sustainably
cultivated rice” can be awarded (see Claims and Conditions in SRP Standard).

• Each Level 2 or Level 3 assessment report must be reviewed by a VB Reviewer prior to granting
verification. This person shall take the final decision to grant the verification. The VB Reviewer must
not be the same person who carries out the inspection/audit. This revision process cannot be

• The VB must inform the producer and enter the verification decision in the SRP/GLOBALG.A.P.
Database within the 28 calendar days following closing meeting of the inspection/audit or
submission of the corrective action plan by the producer or producer group.

• To ensure that a VB’s Verifier is able to conduct a transparent and comprehensive review of field
auditors’ reports, the following requirements must be fulfilled:
a. Verifiers are impartial and technically capable of understanding the content of reports.
b. Reviewers must comply at least with VB auditor requirements.
c. All applicable requirements of the SRP Standard have been fully covered.
d. The scope of the report covers the SRP Standard and additional requirements applied for
by the organization and the report provides satisfactory evidence that all areas within
the scope have been fully investigated.
e. All missed thresholds have been identified and an improvement plan has been agreed
with the VB to address all missed thresholds.

11.2. Appeals procedure

11.2.1. The VB must establish a clearly defined and publicly available appeals procedure and ensure its clients
are fully aware of the appeal process.

11.2.2. Any complaint or appeal against a VB must follow the respective VB’s own complaints and appeals

11.2.3. In case the VB does not respond adequately, the producer or producer group may elevate the complaint
to GLOBALG.A.P. as the ASP, following GLOBALG.A.P.’s own appeals procedure.
SRP Assurance Scheme Version 1.3 22


12.1. Chain of custody models

12.1.1. Supply chain organizations other than producers who at any point own SRP rice must be audited and certified
against the SRP Chain of Custody Standard in order to be allowed to use SRP Claim and SRP-Verified Label.
The SRP Chain of Custody Standard is available as a separate document (www.sustainablerice.org) and sets
out the rules and procedures for certification.

12.1.2. Chain of Custody inspections shall be conducted by the VB approved for the SRP Chain of Custody Standard.

12.1.3. The SRP recognizes three Chain of Custody models: Identity Preservation; Product Segregation and
Mass Balance. The three models are described in the following sections.

12.2. Identity preservation (IP)

12.2.1. The Chain of Custody model ensures that ‘Verified SRP Rice’ sourced from a verified site is stored separately
from rice sourced elsewhere. Identity preservation allows verified products to be uniquely traced from its origin at
farm and batch level (sustainability verification holder) to the last point of transformation or labelling of a
product (or use of a claim). In the case of SRP, rice products can be traced back to the originating farm. Each
link in the chain is audited and physical segregation is ensured at every stage. In this case, a strong claim such as:
‘SRP rice from Mr. Noah´s verified farm, practicing (or working towards) sustainable rice cultivation’ may be
made. Even specific statements about a producer’s individual level of compliance may be made. Detailed guidance is
provided in Annex 7.

12.2.2. The system offers major benefits in terms of quality control and food safety, as well as rewarding
individual farmers with market recognition. However, Chain of Custody costs based on identity
preservation are higher because in most cases the current rice processing infrastructure is not designed
to favour this approach.

12.3. Product segregation

12.3.1. This Chain of Custody model ensures that verified product is kept separate from non-verified sources
through each stage of the supply chain, enabling retailers to ensure that the ingredients contained in any
product originate from verified sources, though it may not be possible to identify which rice grain came
from which verified source. In the case of SRP the product segregation model ensures that rice from a SRP-
verified farm or farmer group does not get inter-mixed or co-mingled with produce from non-verified
farms. In this case SRP rice can be sold with a claim that the rice is ‘SRP rice from verified farms with (or
which are working towards) sustainable rice cultivation’. Detailed guidance is provided in Annex 7.

12.4. Mass balance

12.4.1. Mass balance is an overarching term covering various slightly different types of Chain of Custody which
involve balancing volume reconciliation. In the case of SRP, use of Mass Balance is restricted and specified
as follows:
• MB should be permitted under the Group Model, allowing sustainability reporting, on-pack and off-
pack claims, and in-store promotion.
• Specific on-pack claims are permitted only in compliance with the ISEAL Chain of Custody Guidance
(2016) and the SRP Communication & Claims/Logo/Label Guidelines (Annex 7 to the SRP Assurance
• No on-pack use of the ‘SRP-Verified’ Label is permitted; on-pack use of the ‘SRP-Verified’ Label is
reserved for IP and Segregation models.
• No physical blending of SRP-Verified with non-SRP rice is allowed when the SRP-Verified Label is used.
• Any claims must be ISEAL-compliant, auditable and subject to public scrutiny.
• In the case of Group-level Mass Balance, time-bound commitments must be provided by the claimant to
increase the percentage of SRP-Verified procurement as a proportion of the claimant’s total annual
SRP Assurance Scheme Version 1.3 22
Further guidance is provided in Annex 7 and the SRP Chain of Custody Standard.1
Available at http://www.sustainablerice.org

SRP Assurance Scheme Version 1.3 23


13.1. SRP name, Logo and Label

13.1.1. The SRP name, Logo and Label are registered trademarks of SRP. SRP reserves all rights to the SRP
name, Logo and Label not expressly granted under section 13.1.2 to the respective licensee.

13.1.2. SRP only grants the respective producer, producer group or supply chain partner (“Licensee”) the non-
transferable and non-sublicensable right to use the SRP Claims and/or SRP Logo and/or Label in
accordance with the relevant terms and provisions of the SRP Assurance Scheme and the SRP Member
Communication and Claims/Logo/Label Guidelines (Annex 7). The rights granted to the Licensee under
this section 13.1.2 are:
• subject to (i) verification of the Licensee’s compliance under the provisions of the SRP Assurance
Scheme (including Chain of Custody requirements) and (ii) Licensee’s SRP membership.
• strictly limited to (i) the level of assurance fulfilled by the Licensee (Level 1: self-assessment; Level 2:
2nd party verification; Level 3: 3rd party verification), (ii) – in case of Level 3 – the level of compliance
fulfilled by the Licensee (mass balance, product segregation and identity preservation) and (iii) the
specific forms
of usage as defined in the SRP Membership Communication and Claims/Logo/Label Guidelines (Annex 7)
and the SRP Brand Manual 2020 (accessible at www.sustainablerice.org) which is hereby incorporated by
reference to the SRP Assurance Scheme.

13.1.3. SRP is entitled to revoke the rights granted under this section 13.1.2 at any time in written form if the
Licensee’s use of the granted rights (i) violates legal requirements or rights of third parties or (ii) is likely to
have a negative impact on the reputation of SRP or the SRP Claims and/or Logos/Labels.

13.1.4. The Licensee is responsible for ensuring that Licensee’s use of the SRP Claims, Logo or Label does not
violate applicable laws and/or further applicable regulations. SRP assumes no responsibility in this

Table 2: On- and off-product use of SRP Claims, Logo and Label for Assurance Levels 1-3




2nd Party Verification

LEVEL 3 Only 2nd and 3rd-tier Assurance
3rd Party Verification Level 3 (“Product Segregation”
and “Identity Preservation”)

For details see the SRP Member Communication and Claim/Logo/Label Guidelines (Annex 7))

Accreditation: The process of evaluation and approval of a Verification Body by an Assurance Service
Provider with requirements for accreditation. In the case of SRP Proxy Accreditation is acceptable, a type
of oversight employed by an Assurance Service Provider, whereby recognition of another scheme’s
oversight mechanism is deemed sufficient to demonstrate assurance.
Appeal: Request by the client to the Verification Body or by the Verification Body to the Assurance Service
Provider or by the Assurance Service Provider to the SRP for reconsideration of their assessment decision.*

Assessment*: The combined processes of audit, review and decision on a client’s conformance with the
requirements of a standard or of a Verification Body´s conformance with requirements for accreditation.

Assurance*: Demonstrable evidence that specified requirements relating to a product, process,

system, person or body are fulfilled.

Assurance Service Provider: An entity which is approved and registered by the SRP to provide SRP-related
assurance services on its behalf.

Audit*: A component of an assessment. A systematic, documented process for obtaining records,

statements of fact or other relevant information and assessing them objectively to determine the extent
to which specified requirements are fulfilled.

Auditor*: Person who performs the audit.

Certificate*: Generic expression used to include all means of communicating that fulfilment of
specified requirements has been demonstrated.

Certification*: The issuance of a third-party statement (provided by a certification body) that fulfilment of
specified conformance requirements have been demonstrated.

Chain of Custody: The custodial sequence that occurs as ownership or control of the material supply is
transferred from one custodian to another in the supply chain.

Claim*: A message used to set apart and promote a product, process, business or service with reference to
one or more of the pillars of sustainability: social, economic and/or environmental.

Client*: The person or enterprise that is seeking assurance of their conformance with the requirements in a

Complaint*: Expression of dissatisfaction, other than appeal, by any person or organization to a standard/
scheme owner, assurance provider or certification/verification body relating to their respective activities, where
a response is expected.

Data Collector: Responsible for collecting the registration data and self-assessments from producers and
uploading them onto the SRP Database provided by the ASP GLOBALG.A.P. They must sign an agreement with
the ASP for these activities. A data collector may be a farm assurer, a research institute, company,
extension worker, project owner, group manager or miller.

Data Governance*: The overall management of the availability, usability, integrity, and security of the
data employed in an organization. A data governance programme includes a governing mechanism, a
defined set of procedures, and a plan to execute those procedures.

Facilitator: An entity, such as a consultant, training institute, NGO, governmental organization, VB or other
(interested) organization, selected and contracted by the Producer (Group) to guide, train and prepare them
for the inspection/verification/audit.
SRP Assurance Scheme Version 1.3 25

Identity Preservation: One of three Chain of Custody models, which ensures that certified product from a
certified site is kept separate from other sources. If used through the whole supply chain, it allows certified
products to be uniquely traced through the production process from a production site and batch (sustainability
certificate holder) to the last point of transformation or labelling of a product (or use of a claim).

Internal Audit*: An internal, systematic, documented process for obtaining records, statements of fact or
other relevant information and assessing them objectively to determine the extent to which specified
requirements are fulfilled to support the objectives of an assurance system.

Internal Inspection: The evaluation of a producer’s compliance with the SRP standard which peers (i.e. peer-
to-peer), members by the IMS Team or an appointed external party conducts on behalf of the producer.

Internal Management System (IMS)*: In group assurance, the documented set of procedures and processes
that a group will implement to ensure it can achieve its specified requirements. The existence of an Internal
Management System allows the certification/verification body to delegate inspection of individual group
members to an identified body within the group.

Logos: Both SRP-Verified Label and SRP Organizational Logo.

Mass Balance*: Mass balance is an overarching term for various slightly different types of Chain of
Custody which involve balancing volume reconciliation.

Non-compliance*: An identified occurrence of non-conformance with one requirement of a standard,

identified as part of an assessment. Synonym: non-conformity.

Peer review*: Assessment of a client against specified requirements by other clients in, or
candidates for, an organized group.

Producer Group: formed by individuals or businesses, either as a legal entity or informally. Such groups
may include rice production communities, cooperatives, farmer organizations or millers with contract farmers.
Producer groups without a legal entity are expected to follow the same processes as if they were a legal entity,
in particular with regard to governance structures to implement an Internal management System (IMS).
All individuals or businesses comprising a producer group are required to sign an agreement to comply
with the SRP Standard and IMS.

Product Handling Unit (PHU): Facility where products are handled, e.g. rice mills, packing houses, warehouses.

Product Segregation: A Chain of Custody model that ensures that certified product is kept separate
from non-certified sources through each stage of the supply chain, allowing assurance that the
ingredients within
a particular product originate from certified sources, though it may not be possible to identify which molecule
came from which certified source.

Producer (Syn. farmer): The legally responsible individual or business in terms of practices, processes
and sales of rice under the scope of verification.

Registration: Process for Assurance Service Providers to submit an application, be evaluated and receive
approval by the SRP as a registered SRP Assurance Service Provider.

Risk*: The chance of something happening that will have an impact on objectives. It is measured in
terms of a combination of the probability of an event and the severity of its consequences.

Risk Register*: Document containing the results of risk analyses and risk response planning. The risk register
details significant risks, potentially including description, category, cause, probability of occurring, impact(s)
on objectives, proposed responses, owners, and current status.

Self-assessment: Evaluation of compliance with the SRP standard which the producer conducts
SRP Assurance Scheme Version 1.3 25

SRP Assurance Scheme Version 1.3 26

Self-declaration: A statement issued by a client, on behalf of itself, and based on its own
determination, that declares its status against specified conformance requirements of a standard.

SRP Organizational Logo: The logo specified in the Brand Manual (approved by the SRP Executive Board in
May 2020, replacing the original version used since April 2014) aims to uphold SRP’s brand value and
recognition, and ensures consistent application across all of SRP’s programmes, tools and communication

SRP-Verified Label: The Label specified in the SRP Brand Manual representing the integrity of claims on
sustainable best practices according to the SRP Standard, as verified through the SRP Assurance Scheme,
symbolizing a seal of approval, illustrated through the interpretation of a rice plant as a check mark.

Standard Owner (Scheme Owner): In this case the Sustainable Rice Platform e.V. (SRP) owns the SRP
Standard as well as the SRP Assurance Scheme.

Third-party Assessment: Assessment activity that is performed by a person or body that is independent of
the person or organization that provides the object of assurance and of user interests in that object.

Traceability System*: The system that records and follows the trail as products, parts, and materials come
from suppliers and are processed and ultimately distributed as end products. Often when someone says
‘traceability system’ they mean an online traceability/tracking system, but this does not have to be the case.
Systems used to ensure traceability vary widely and are designed to be fit for purpose (e.g. could be paper
based or only go to a limited detail).

Verification: Issuance of a statement that fulfilment of specified conformance requirements has been

Verification Body: An entity that can issue a second- or third-party statement that fulfilment of specified
conformance requirements has been demonstrated.

Note: Definitions marked * are adapted from the ISEAL Assurance Code of Good Practice v 2.0 1

Available at https://www.isealalliance.org/get-involved/resources/iseal-assurance-code-good-practice-version-20

1. General rules

1) As the Assurance Service Provider (ASP) for SRP, GLOBALG.A.P. manages process of producer
registrations. Data collectors and verification bodies check the integrity of registration data provided
and enter the data in the SRP/GLOBALG.A.P. database. GLOBALG.A.P. will eliminate duplication before
public listing as registered producers. The ASP Database and SRP homepage identifies these producers as
“committed to implement the SRP Standard”.

2) Registered entities may make the off-product statement that they are “committed to implement
the SRP Standard” and in case of SRP membership further statements can be made according to
the SRP publication procedures and subject to SRP review and approval.

3) Producers who are only registered in the Database have no right to make off-pack or on-pack
claims related to the SRP. These rights are earned through the verification process.

4) The SRP reserves the right to remove registered entities from the ASP website and SRP
homepage at any point of time for example in case that there is:
a. Inaccurate data or such data left uncorrected.
b. A violation with the SRP publication procedures or SRP membership requirements or
such violations left uncorrected.

5) In the case of producer groups, the registration of producers personal data (name, address, phone
number, etc.) is not mandatory and shall be avoided when there is no explicit authorization from the
producer member to store them on ASP Database. Companies not registering producers individually
must declare aggregated data for registration, e.g. number of producers, total area produced. These
data must be checked by the verification body during the SRP assessment.

2. Basic information

1) By registering, the applicant producer commits to comply with the assessment level requirements at
all times, the communication of data updates to the Data Collector or Verification Body and the
payment of the applicable fees established.

2) Producers are required to provide at least the following information:

(i) Company name
(ii) Contact details: street address or information available to describe producer location
(iii) Contact details: postal address
(iv) Postal code or zip code
(v) City
(vi) State or province
(vii) Country
(viii)Phone number (if available)
(ix) Fax number (if available)
(x) E-mail address (if available)
(xi) Global Location Number (GLN) (if available)
(xii) Legal registration by country if requested by SRP National Interpretation Guidelines.
This number is only used for internal verification to avoid double registration (e.g., tax number,
VAT number, producer number etc.)
(xiii)Previous SRP Number (in case of changing Verification Body)
(xiv) Northern/Southern latitude and Eastern/Western longitude or other form of geospatial
coordinate information for the main field station. The minimum input accuracy level
must be
+/-10 m. If the producer decides to display this information, the display accuracy level will be
10 m for market participants and 1,000 m for the public.
SRP Assurance Scheme Version 1.3 28

3. Contact person (responsible for producer or group legal entity)

1) The following information is required to identify the person in the company who is legally responsible
for the legal entity:
(i) Title
(ii) First name
(iii) Last name
(iv) Phone number
(v) Fax number (if available)
(vi) E-mail address

4. Information regarding production sites

1) Information regarding production sites of the producer/company is required. In case of producers with
multiple production sites, the following information is required for all those registered for verification
under SRP:
(i) Company name of product handling facility (if subcontracted)/name of production site.
(ii) Contact details: Full street address or information available to describe production
site/product handling unit location
(iii) Contact details: Postal address
(iv) Postal code or zip code
(v) City
(vi) Country
(vii)Phone number (if available)
viii) Fax number (if available)
(ix) E-mail address (if available)
(x) Northern/Southern latitude and Eastern/Western longitude or other form of geospatial
coordinate information at field/facility level is obligatory, when available. The minimum
input accuracy level must be +/-10 m. If the producer decides to display this information
to market participants and the public, the display accuracy level will be 10 m.
(xi) Products produced at each production site or handled at each Produce Handling Unit
(PHU), as soon as available in the SRP/GLOBALG.A.P. database.

5. Product information

1) Product information provides more detail on the way rice is produced and on the outcomes of SRP
inspections. The following information must be updated if there are any changes detected during the
a) Product(s)
b) Parallel production/ownership
c) Annual area under production (ha),
d) Voluntary: estimated yield (tons).
e) Option 1 (Individual Verification)/Option 2 (Group Verification)
f) Scheme name: SRP
g) Name of Verification body/ Data Collector
6. Data management

1. While some data may remain confidential and in the control of the verification holder (e.g. detailed
findings of non-compliance, data on profitability or loss, data on grain quality, costs of audits), other
data must be made available to the ASP and SRP, in full compliance with applicable data protection
legislation. Requested data include as a minimum:
1) Version of the SRP Standard used
2) Date of inspection
3) Audit team and team member qualification
4) Farmer group name and office location
5) Audit duration
6) List of audited sites
7) Number of producers audited
8) Yields and varieties for each site
9) List of group members indicating farm locations and farm areas
10) Documentation of farmer group training history
11) Identification of offtakers (for traceability or Chain of Custody)
12) Audit score
13) Audit decision, list of non-compliances (missed thresholds)
14) Evaluation result of farmer group management system’s internal risk register (if applicable)
15) List of raised appeals and documented response.
16) Signature of inspector and producer. The producer may sign the audit report after the
closing meeting in conformity with any observations raised by the VB inspector/auditor.

2. Prior consent is required at producer or producer group level at the time of data collection by the
Data Collector or the Verification Body. During registration applicants give written permission to the ASP
and the data collectors/VB to use their registration data for internal processes and any sanctioning

3. Before any publication involving producer data, SRP will obtain prior consent by the ASP or other
respective data provider.

4. All data in the SRP/GLOBALG.A.P. database will be made available to SRP and the respective VB,
and can be used for internal processes and any sanctioning procedures.

5. The minimum and obligatory data release level, as well as additional information on
confidentiality and data use, are defined by the Data Access Rules (Annex 8).

6. Any applicant (company, individual producer or member of a group) who does not agree to the
minimum release cannot be registered and cannot belong to a producer group seeking SRP

7. No data other than that stated in the Data Access Rules can be released by the ASP or VBs to any third
party without the applicant’s prior written consent.

8. Details of the scope of data sharing are defined in the data access rules (Annex 8). SRP reserves the
right to request specific audit reports for quality control purposes.

9. The ASP must establish a secure data management system to protect farm data and document the
granting of informed consent by producers to use shared data. The ASP will hold and maintain data
for the effective management and operation of SRP-related services.

10. SRP will also establish a secure data storage system and demonstrate this to ASPs, and maintain
strict confidentiality of all data in its possession.
11. The ASP must ensure that its data management system can incorporate data in relation to the
requirements of the SRP Assurance Scheme and the annual SRP Assurance Scheme assessment
questionnaire that will allow SRP oversight of the operating VBs, auditors and verifications issued. While
data of VBs and auditors will be collected on an annual basis, data relating to verifications issued must
be provided to SRP on a monthly basis. Requested data include as a minimum:
i. Names of SRP-trained VBs.
ii. Names of VBs with an agreement with the ASP.
iii. Number and location of approved auditors.
iv. Number of verifications issued with details of scores, names of producer or producer groups,
number of producers, location, area, volume and type of rice.
v. Number of delisted sites.
vi. Copies of specific audit reports (submitted on request to the ASP and the SRP).

12. Data Protection: Within the SRP Scheme, only parties to the system, (i.e. SRP Secretariat, producer or group,
VB, and GLOBALG.A.P.) are authorized to view the data. In addition, the producer can offer personal data to
trading partners who have been previously authorized by the producer or group; the producer or group may
also instruct a third party to do so. This authorization can be revoked online at any time. Any further access
to the producer’s personal data will then be prohibited.

13. The ASP will keep the applicant’s/producer’s SRP history in its database for a minimum of 5 years.
SRP Assurance Scheme Version 1.3 31


1. Roles of the Assurance Service Provider (ASP)

1) Only the SRP has the right to approve Assurance Service Providers (ASPs) for SRP. The ASP serves
the following roles:
i. Work with VBs to assess compliance related to the SRP Standard.
ii. Ensure and protect the proper use of the SRP system by producers and VBs in compliance
with the prevailing versions of the SRP Standard, Assurance Scheme and other SRP
normative documents.
iii. Manage registration of farm data into a dedicated GLOBALG.A.P. database used exclusively
for the SRP system. Ownership of data will remain with the producers and the SRP, and its
use will follow prevailing EU data protection requirements.
iv. Assess and approve applications of verification bodies and monitor their performance.
Verifications can only be issued by Verification Bodies approved by GLOBALG.A.P. as the
ASP. A publicly available and regularly updated list of SRP-approved VBs will be posted on
the SRP website to ensure transparency.
v. Manage complaints and grievances related to SRP assessments.
vi. Establish a procedure to verify the SRP-specific competence of the VB’s auditors, as
indicated in Annex 5.
vii. Establish monitoring procedures to ensure that contracted VBs comply with defined audit
duration criteria and that appropriate actions including appropriate sanctions are taken in
case of non-compliance.

2) To provide a wide scope of professional services while facilitating competitiveness the SRP can
approve multiple ASPs. These ASPs must work directly with VBs and their trained auditors. In case of
multiple ASP, an interface between ASPs and the database provider will allow for up to date datasets
and will allow for a public statement on the SRP homepages of active verified producers.

2. Minimum requirements for Assurance Service Providers (ASP)

1) The SRP Assurance Scheme provides a framework for qualified service providers mandated by the SRP
to deliver assurance services under the SRP Standard.

2) SRP will assess the qualifications of candidate ASPs to meet the following requirements:
i. Established global experience and capacity in managing assurance schemes in food and
agriculture, including soft infrastructure, existing client relationships and reputation in the
food and agricultural sector
ii. Global reach, credible systems and processes for implementing and monitoring
iii. Clear policies for appeals and grievance management
iv. Current SRP membership with commitment to the SRP mission and vision
v. Defined scope and protocol for implementing the SRP Assurance Scheme
vi. Qualified to provide SRP-specific training towards Verification Bodies (VBs)
vii. Qualified to evaluate the qualifications of VBs and their auditors
viii. Qualified to engage in a contractual agreement with VBs
ix. Qualified to monitor performance of VBs
x. Qualified to manage appeals and grievances in relation to SRP-related audits
xi. Qualified to ensure that clients follow SRP requirements for publications, use of label, logo and
xii. Qualified to provide the SRP with client’s list of approved SRP Trademarks
xiii. Qualified to manage SRP data in compliance with relevant data protection legislation.

3) Upon confirmation that the ASP meets the above requirements, SRP and ASP will sign an agreement to
define the scope of the ASP´s mandate. The agreement will stipulate rights and responsibilities,
including revocation of such rights of ASP´s as well as appeals procedures. ASPs are required to undergo
an annual independent SRP Assurance Scheme compliance assessment. The cost of the assessment is
covered by the ASP.
SRP Assurance Scheme Version 1.3 32

4) SRP reserves the right to conduct integrity audits at the level of the ASP, VBs and/or verified entity. These
audits are aimed to ensure correct implementation of the SRP Assurance Scheme and uphold SRP´s
credibility and brand value. Integrity audits will be at low intensity and will not follow a regular
schedule. The costs of SRP integrity audits will be covered by SRP through its annual membership dues.

5) Concerns or complaints can be directed to the SRP Secretariat at any time and will be addressed together
with ASPs or VBs via their established complaint management procedures. If a stakeholder does not
accept the outcome of this process, the SRP may at its sole discretion decide to conduct an extraordinary
investigative audit, whose outcome shall be final.

6) Depending on the outcome of such an investigative audit (for example, if the VB or ASP is found to have
failed to follow mandatory procedures) the VB and/or ASP may be required to reimburse all related audit
costs incurred. Following its grievance policy and procedure, SRP reserves the right to request suspension
or cancellation of verifications in the event of serious violations.

7) The SRP is committed to providing full transparency of approved ASPs and will deal directly with
related public comments and complaints according to its Grievance Policy.
SRP Assurance Scheme Version 1.3 33


1. General requirements
1) VBs are responsible for independent verification of the compliance of any farm or group of farms with
the requirements of the SRP Standard.

2) Verification may be conducted by a second party e.g. a project value chain partner, or
independently via a third-party inspection body.

3) The VB enters into a commercial contract with the ASP, specifying the range of work (globally,
nationally, partner-specific) and the scope of work. Copies of all agreements with VBs will be shared with
the SRP Secretariat.

4) Before approval the ASP must evaluate the VB’s qualifications according to the following requirements:
i. VB’s in-house training qualifications and participation in required official SRP trainings.
ii. VB’ capacity in terms of SRP-trained in-house auditors/inspectors.
iii. For third-party VB, the validity of an ISO 17065 accreditation for another standard covering
primary production (e.g. GLOBALG.A.P. IFA, Rainforest Alliance, etc.).

5) VBs maintain a register of approved auditors, recording details of their competence (see details
below), education, relevant experience and scope(s) of activity. This register held by the VB must
contain at least:
i. Name and address
ii. Organizational affiliation and position
iii. Educational qualification and professional status
iv. Experience and training in relevant fields of competence relating to the SRP Standard.

6) Records of this evaluation must be updated regularly and made available to ASP and SRP on request.

7) The ASP must agree to freely exchange information relating to approval of VBs, inspectors and
auditors to avoid duplication

8) Before conducting any SRP inspection or audit, the applicant VB must complete the following steps:
1. Appoint a SRP Scheme Manager who will be the main responsible person for SRP at the
VB and the contact with the ASP.
2. Appoint an SRP In-house trainer who will be responsible for providing a mandatory
annual training for the VB inspectors/auditors and any other staff whose work is related
with SRP.
The In-house trainer must comply at least with inspector qualification requirements and
obtain SRP certificate of participation in a formal SRP trainings on the standard and the
auditor training. This person must be fluent in English. The VB must have at least one SRP
In-House trainer for every 5 inspectors/auditors in order to ensure adequate internal
knowledge-sharing and harmonized interpretation.
3. Receive database access from the ASP.
4. Register all SRP auditors and inspectors in the ASP database.
5. Pay the relevant fees for the operation of the ASP.

9) The VB is responsible for communicating to its SRP-registered clients all relevant updates, as
well as the date of first application and grace period for any new SRP versions of normative

10) The VB must clearly explain the Data Access Rules to the producer or producer group and obtain
their written consent.

11) The VB must use only auditors who fulfill SRP requirements. Only SRP auditors (SRP inspectors with
training and experience with Quality Management Systems) may audit the IMS of producer groups.
This requirement also applies to Level 2 auditors.

12) The VB must treat applicant information in confidence unless otherwise required by law. No
SRP Assurance Scheme Version 1.3 33
information must be released to third parties without the applicant’s prior consent.
SRP Assurance Scheme Version 1.3 34

13) The VB must have a system in place to evaluate conformance with the SRP Standard as well as a
system to take verification decisions, manage appeals and fully comply with other requirements of the

14) The VB must have a system in place to ensure they retain authority for decisions related with
their assessments and verification activities.

15) Oversight bodies and VBs shall take responsibility for ensuring the quality and integrity of SRP
assurance activities outsource to another body.

16) VBs shall employ interpreters or technical experts or oversight bodies who are independent of the
clients, unless this is not feasible due to logistical constraints. In all cases, the names and affiliations
of these experts shall be included in the audit report.

17) VB must notify the ASP and SRP of any withdrawal or suspension of a verification. This must be done
with the update of the producer data in the ASP Database as a minimum.

18) The VB must have a system in place to ensure that SRP and the ASP are notified immediately in the
event of any conflict or problem that could result in reputational damage and agree on appropriate
corrective action.

19) VBs must actively cooperate with the ASP during management of complaints related to the VB or to
the producers contracted by the VB.

20) The ASP must ensure that the VB and verification holder agree to be registered and undergo
potential integrity audits conducted by the SRP. Costs of integrity audits will be covered by the
SRP. However,
if during such routine integrity audits, incidents are found that lead to follow-up integrity audit visits, the
SRP reserves the right to charge the VB for these additional integrity audit visits.

21) The VBs shall conduct annual internal audits on SRP assurance scheme related performance and
share the results with the ASP.

22) VBs must be fully paid-up members of the Sustainable Rice Platform.

2. Suspension or cancellation of Agreement

1) In case a VB wishes to terminate its Agreement with the ASP, the following actions must be taken:
1. The VB must send a formal termination request to the ASP.
2. The VB must inform all clients that re-verification has to be carried out by another VB.
3. The termination will be fully effective after expiry of the last valid verification.

2) In the event that a VB has its agreement withdrawn or suspended by the ASP, the ASP must
immediately inform SRP of this action, including the reasons for the action.

3. Second-Party Verification Bodies

1) Second-party verification bodies are permitted to conduct SRP audits under Assurance Level 2. These
VBs may be implementing partners who are also responsible for data collection. An implementing
partner may be a research institute, NGO, company, extension worker, project owner, trader or

4. Third-party Verification Bodies

1) Third-party verification bodies must be independent from the producer/producer group inspected
to guarantee the impartiality of the assessment.
SRP Assurance Scheme Version 1.3 35

2) The VB must have a system in place to evaluate conformance with the SRP Standard as well as a
system to take verification decisions, manage appeals and fully comply with other requirements of the
3) The VB must appoint a SRP Reviewer with SRP Auditor qualification responsible for the verification

4) The quality system must be documented and used by all relevant VB staff.

5) The VB must be accredited for at least one other ISO 17065 standard or apply for accreditation at the
same time as applying for approval to be an SRP VB. The accreditation must be issued by an
accreditation body that is recognized by the ASP (GLOBALG.A.P.)

6) The VB must designate a staff member responsible for development, implementation and maintenance
of the quality system. This designated staff member will report to the organization’s executive and must
also be responsible for reporting on the performance of the quality system for the purposes of
management review and subsequent system improvement.

7) All VB personnel must operate to meet the highest levels of professional integrity and impartiality, be
free from commercial, financial or other pressures that might affect their judgment, and are expressly
forbidden from promoting any goods or services during evaluation activities.

8) The VB must establish measures and procedures to prevent bribery and corruption at all levels of
its organization.

9) The VB’s auditor or other VBs personnel are allowed to provide information on SRP’s normative
documents or other SRP guidance notes and the audit report to clients during assessment. However,
consultancy is never allowed.

10) The VB must provide the following information to the ASP:

• Authority under which the organization operates.
• A statement in relation to its verification system, including information on rules and procedures for
granting, maintaining, extending, suspending and withdrawing verification.
• Evaluation procedures and verification processes in relation to the verification scheme.
• Details of complaints, appeals and dispute procedures on request.

11) The VB must carry out a SRP witness assessment and/or re-inspection to each of its SRP
inspectors/ auditors at least once every 4 years to verify competence.

Table 3: Summary of differences between requirements for

Data Collectors, Second-Party and Third-Party VBs DATA COLLECTOR 2ND PARTY 3RD PARTY
(self-assessment) VB VB


Contract with ASP Yes Yes Yes

Access to ASP database Yes Yes Yes

Annual fee Yes Yes Yes

List of approved assessors No Yes Yes

Scheme manager No Yes Yes

In-house trainer No Yes Yes

Verification of SRP reports No Yes Yes

Obligation to communicate SRP news and updates to clients No Yes Yes

Implementation of documented SRP Quality System by VB No No Yes

Appointment of a responsible person for the internal Quality Management No Optional Yes
Upload of SRP inspection checklists No Optional Yes

Complaint and appeal procedure No Optional Yes

SRP Assurance Scheme Version 1.3 36


1. General requirements
1) There is no minimum qualification requirement for the person conducting a self-assessment. To
provide Level 2 and Level 3 assurance (verification), inspectors and auditors must be employed by a
qualified VB under a contractual agreement with an ASP.

2) The VB must have a system in place to guarantee that second- and third-party inspectors and
auditors comply with the following minimum set of requirements to assess compliance with the SRP
(i) Educated in an agricultural/crop-based discipline or, as a minimum, have successfully
completed an industry-recognized food-related education course or equivalent. A
background in sustainability, social and environmental concerns would also be an
(ii) A minimum 1 year of experience in crop production or quality assurance inspection /
enforcement or the equivalent. SRP accepts auditing experience with the following
standards/ platforms (GLOBALG.A.P., UTZ, Rainforest Alliance, SAN, SAI and IFOAM) to
account for auditing skills assessments.
(iii) SRP auditors auditing Internal Management Systems of Producer Groups must additionally
have attended an auditor training course based on ISO 19011 principles, with at least 2-day
(iv) They must have participated in a formal SRP training or been trained by the VB In-house
(v) They must have participated in a 1-day practical inspection course setting out the basic
principles of inspection (not applicable for auditors).
(vi) They must successfully complete the SRP online test before conducting SRP inspections.
The SRP in-house trainer(s) must monitor the genuineness and the completeness of the
(vii)When there are is any major revision to the SRP Standard or SRP Assurance Scheme,
the inspector/auditor must be retrained or requalified as needed.
(viii) They must have appropriate language skills for auditing (local working language) and report
writing skills that match at least one of the official translations of the SRP Standard.
(ix) They must possess the following personal attributes, which the VB must verify during
the witness inspection in the sign-off process:
• Ethical (fair, truthful, sincere, honest, tactful and discreet)
• Observant (continuously aware of physical surroundings and activities)
• Perceptive (instinctive, aware of and able to understand situations)
• Versatile (adjusts readily to different situations)
• Decisive (timely conclusions based on logical reasoning)
• Integrity (practices confidentiality and observes professional code of conduct).

2. Additional requirements for inspectors and auditors working for 2nd party VBs

1) Auditors working for 2nd party VBs are required to fulfil all eligibility criteria as specified above
under General Requirements. No additional requirements are specified.

3. Additional requirements for inspectors and auditors working for 3rd party VBs

1) The VBs must have a program for Auditing Skills Assessment so that inspectors/auditors can be
assessed on their performance. This program must include:
i. Before Approval:
1. The applicant inspector/auditor must participate as an observer in a
minimum of one individual producer or one producer group member inspection.
2.The VB must witness a minimum of one inspection of an individual producer or a
producer group member, conducted by a qualified SRP auditor.
ii. After Approval:
SRP Assurance Scheme Version 1.3 36
1. The inspector must undergo a minimum of one witness inspection every 4 years,
conducted by an In-house trainer or other inspector who has attended a formal SRP
training course.
SRP Assurance Scheme Version 1.3 37

2) SRP inspectors and auditors must inform the VB when their independence or impartiality may be
affected (or potentially perceived to be so) while carrying out any SRP-related activities. They are
prohibited from accepting bribes or other inducements and must not have carried out relevant
consultancy activities for the producers they are performing inspections on for the previous two years.

4. Main tasks for SRP inspectors and SRP auditors

1) Inspections of farms to assess compliance with the SRP Standard.
2) Write timely and accurate reports on such inspections.
3) To be up to date with SRP developments, issues and legislative changes when applicable.
4) Strictly observe the producer’s and VB’s procedures to maintain confidentiality of all records.

5. Additional tasks for SRP auditors

1) Audit Internal Management Systems (IMS) of producer groups.
2) Write timely and accurate reports according on the IMS audit results.

Table 4: Summary of inspector/auditor qualification requirements per assurance level


(self-assessment) VB VB


Minimum qualification requirements No Yes Yes

Internal training No Yes Yes

Online examination No Yes Yes

Program to monitor auditing competence No No Yes

Independence and impartiality No No Yes

SRP Assurance Scheme Version 1.3 38


1. Producer registration fees

1) The following fees apply to producers registered in the SRP system irrespective of their assurance level:


Size 1 ≤ 1,000 ha 5,5 EUR /ha

Size 2 1,000 - 5,000 ha 4,5 EUR /ha

Size 3 5,000 – 20,000 ha 3,5 EUR /ha

Size 4 20,000 – 50,000 ha 3 EUR /ha

Size 5 > 50,000 ha 2,5 EUR /ha

2) Fees will be charged to SRP sponsor organizations, e.g. buyers, millers, traders, etc. not to
producers or producer groups.

3) SRP sponsor organisations shall inform GLOBALG.A.P. about the area they intend to register under SRP
during a 12-month cycle (the validity of SRP verifications). This area will determine the size range
and the applicable fee per hectare. It is possible to aggregate areas from different projects and
different countries.

Example: A SRP sponsor decides to register 32,000 ha. The size range corresponding that area is Size 4,
and the applicable fee would be 32,000 ha x EUR 3/ha = EUR 96,000

4) If during the calendar year, the SRP sponsor organisation increases the registered area above the top
limit of the size range assigned, the additional area will be invoiced at the fee corresponding to the
next size range but it will not affect the fees charged to the area registered previously.

Example: An SRP sponsor decides to register 32,000 ha (size 3). However, during the year the total area
registered is 62,000 ha, exceeding by 12,000 the top limit of Size 3 range (50,000 ha). In this case the
first 50,000 ha will be invoiced at 3 EUR/ha (size 3 fee) and the additional 12,000 ha will be invoiced at
2,5 EUR/ha (size 4 fee).

5) SRP sponsors who register areas where, because of unforeseen circumstances like adverse climatic
scenarios, etc. harvest does not take place, can report this situation in order to avoid payment of
fees for these registered areas. These situations will be evaluated case by case.

2. Verification Body fees

1) The following fees apply to second- and third-party verification bodies conducting SRP verification


Evaluation of VB applications EUR 500 Verification body One-time upon application

Evaluation of additional In-house trainer EUR 250 Verification body One-time upon application

Inspector/Auditor fee EUR 50 Verification body Annually

VB License Administration fee (1) EUR 2,000 Verification body Annually

2-day IHT auditor training EUR 625 Trainees (min. 7-10) Upon registration
SRP Assurance Scheme Version 1.3 39



1. Requirements for Assurance Levels 1, 2 and 3


Self Assessment 2nd Party Verification 3rd Party Verification 3rd Party Verification 3rd Party Verification
(Mass Balance) (Product Segregation) (Identity Preservation)

1.1. Membership Except for on-pack Except for on-pack Except for on-pack use of the SRP-Verified Label (sec. 2.1.1 below)
use of the SRP- use of the and off pack Verification Claims (sec. 2.2.3 below), all permitted
Verified Label (see SRP-Verified Label communications (Logos and Claims) require full SRP membership of
2.1.1 below) and (sec. 2.1.1 below) the producer, producer group or supply chain partner.
off-pack Verification and the off-pack
Claims (sec. 2.2.3 Verification Claims
below), all permitted (sec. 2.2.3 below),
communications all permitted
(Logos and Claims) communications
require full SRP Logos and Claims)
membership of the require full SRP
producer or producer membership of the
group. 2nd party.

1.2. Assurance Level Self-assessment 2nd Party audit 3rd party audit 3rd party audit 3rd party audit
Requirement using the SRP
Standard Checklist

1.3. Chain of Custody Chain of Custody Mass balance Product segregation Identity preservation
(Group level)

1.4. Compliance • Minimum score • Minimum score of 90 points against the SRP Standard v 2.1, while
of 33/100 points meeting all essential compliance levels (thresholds) by individual
against the SRP producers and producer group members externally inspected.
Standard v 2.1.
• At least 75% compliance against the SRP IMS Standard while
• In subsequent meeting all essential compliance levels.
compliance level
from previous

• Meet essential
compliance level for
select health and
safety requirements.

1.5. Conditions If minimum score is not achieved in a given 12-month period:

• Producers have a maximum of 28 calendar days after audit closure to implement

corrective actions to allow them to improve their score

• VB shall also verify if the implementation of the corrective actions within the first 28 days
following audit closure. This verification may be done electronically or via farm visit depending on
the nature of the correction action implemented.

• If producers do not reach the minimum score after the period given to implement
corrective actions, the rules under communication of Level 2 Assurance shall apply.
SRP Assurance Scheme Version 1.3 40

2. Permitted communications (Claims, Logo and Label)


Self 2nd Party Verification 3rd Party Verification 3rd Party Verification 3rd Party Verification
Assessment (Mass Balance) (Product Segregation) (Identity Preservation)

2.1. ON-PACK On-pack communications are only permitted for products that comply with Assurance Level 2 or Assurance Level 3
Communications following the guidelines below.
Please note: On-pack communications in combination with other logos and/or claims (in particular logos/claims
representing sustainable rice production standards and resourceuse efficiency and climate change resilience in rice
systems) are not permitted insofar as there is a risk that the other logos/claims may be attributed to SRP and/or the
SRP Claims and/or Logos.

2.1.1 SRP-Verified No No No SRP-Verified Label

Label: See SRP (see SRP Brand Manual, available at
Brand Manual, www.sustainablerice.org)
available at www.

2.1.2. On-pack Claim No Option 1 Option 1 Option 1 Option 1

Long: “In Long: “We partner Long: “Our rice is Long: “Our rice is
partnership with the with the Sustainable grown in compliance grown in compliance
Sustainable Rice Rice Platform to with the SRP Standard with the SRP Standard
Platform, we are independently verify for Sustainable Rice for Sustainable Rice
working towards sustainable rice farming Cultivation, to protect Cultivation to protect
verified sustainable methods to protect nature nature and help small nature and help small
rice to support farmer and help small farmers. farmers. Learn more at farmers. Scan the QR
livelihoods and protect For more information, www.sustainablerice.org” code to learn more
the environment: visit about the farm of origin,
www.sustainablerice.org” www.sustainablerice.org” Short: “Our rice is or visit
grown in compliance www.sustainablerice.org”
Short: “Working towards Medium: “We partner with the SRP Standard
sustainable rice farming: with the Sustainable Rice for Sustainable Rice Short: “Our rice is grown
www.sustainablerice.org” Platform to ensure our Cultivation. Learn more at under the SRP Standard
rice complies with the www.sustainablerice.org” for Sustainable Rice
SRP Standard for Cultivation. Scan the
Sustainable Rice. Learn QR code to learn more
more at about the farm of
www.sustainablerice.org” origin, or visit
Short: “[Company
name] supports
sustainable rice farming:
Learn more at
No Option 2 Option 2 Option 2 Option 2

Long: “We work towards Long: “On average, X% of Long: “Our SRP-Verified Long: “Our SRP-Verified
verified sustainable content sourced for this rice is grown and rice is grown sustainably
rice in cooperation with product is verified under verified according to in partnership with the
the Sustainable Rice the Sustainable Rice the Sustainable Rice Sustainable Rice Platform
Platform, to protect Standard. Learn more at Platform Standard to protect nature and
people and planet: www.sustainablerice.org” for Sustainable Rice empower small farmers.
www.sustainablerice.org” Cultivation, to protect Scan the QR code to
Medium: “From farm nature and help rice learn more about the
Short: “Working towards to table, we support farmers. Learn more at farm of origin, or visit
sustainable rice farming: sustainable rice farming www.sustainablerice.org” www.sustainablerice.org”
www.sustainablerice.org” methods advocated by
the Sustainable Rice Short: “Our SRP- Short: “Our SRP-Verified
Platform. Learn more at Verified rice is grown rice complies with the
www.sustainablerice.org” in compliance with Sustainable Rice Platform
the SRP Standard Standard. Scan the QR
Short: “We support for Sustainable Rice code to learn more about
sustainable rice farming: Cultivation: visit the farm of origin, or
www.sustainablerice.org www.sustainablerice.org” visit
No No No No Option 3

“This rice was grown

sustainably at [name
of farm] in [country
SRP Assurance Scheme Version 1.3 40

origin]. Scan the QR code

to learn more, or visit
SRP Assurance Scheme Version 1.3 41


Self 2nd Party Verification 3rd Party Verification 3rd Party Verification 3rd Party Verification
Assessment (Mass Balance) (Product Segregation) (Identity Preservation)

2.2. OFF-PACK Off-pack communications via website, social media or print materials are allowed following the guidelines below.
For the avoidance of doubt, Sections 2.2.1 and 2.2.2. require full SRP membership and apply to all SRP members regardless
of their participation in the SRP Assurance Scheme. Section 2.2.3 only requires compliance with the respective requirements
under Assurance Level 2 or Assurance Level 3 as set forth in this document, with no requirement for full SRP membership.

Please note: Off-pack communications in combination with other labels, logos and/or claims (in particular labels/logos/
claims representing sustainable rice production standards and resourceuse efficiency and climate change resilience in rice
systems) are not permitted insofar as there is a risk that the other labels/logos/claims may be attributed to SRP and/or the
SRP Claims and/or Logos.

2.2.1. Logo SRP Organizational Logo (see SRP Brand Manual, available at www.sustainablerice.org)

2.2.2. Corporate Value • “We are a proud member of the Sustainable Rice Platform, a global alliance dedicated to helping rice farmers and
Statements protecting the environment: www.sustainablerice.org”

• “[Company name] is an active member of the Sustainable Rice Platform – a global alliance working to
promote eco-friendly rice farming, empower small farmers and reduce the environmental footprint of
rice. Learn more at www.sustainablerice.org”

• “Working with the Sustainable Rice Platform, [Company name] helps small farmers grow rice sustainably and increase
their resilience to climate change. Learn more at www.sustainablerice.org”

2.2.3. Verification Claim No The permitted The permitted The permitted The permitted
‘verification claims’ (as ‘verification claims’ (as ‘verification claims’ (as ‘verification claims’ (as
listed in 2.1.2) are also listed in 2.1.2) are also listed in 2.1.2) are also listed in 2.1.2) are also
permitted for off-pack permitted for off-pack permitted for off-pack permitted for off-pack
use in connection with use in connection with use in connection with use in connection with
a specific brand/sub- a specific brand/sub- a specific brand/sub- a specific brand/sub-
brand, provided all rice brand, provided all rice brand, provided all rice brand, provided all rice
of the respective brand/ of the respective brand/ of the respective brand/ of the respective brand/
sub-brand is produced sub-brand is produced sub-brand is produced sub-brand is produced
in compliance with SRP in compliance with SRP in compliance with in compliance with
Assurance Level 2. Assurance Level 3 (Mass SRP Assurance Level 3 SRP Assurance Level 3
balance, Group level). (Product segregation). (Identity preservation).
SRP Assurance Scheme Version 1.3 42

3. Prohibited


Self 2nd Party Verification 3rd Party Verification 3rd Party Verification 3rd Party Verification
Assessment (Mass Balance) (Product Segregation) (Identity Preservation)

3.1. ON-PACK The use of the SRP-Verified Label and Verification Claims for on-pack communications is also particularly
Communications guided by the conditions below.

3.1.1. Logo/Label Use of any Use of any SRP logo Use of any SRP logo • Use of the SRP Organizational Logo
SRP logo
• Use of any modifications of the SRP-Verified

• Use of the SRP-Verified Label in combination

with other logos or claims, insofar as there is a
risk that the other logos/claims may be
attributed to SRP and/or the SRP-Verified

3.1.2. Verification Claim • Use of any modifications of the verification claims listed in 2.1.2

• Use of the verification claims listed in 2.1.2 in combination with other logos or claims, insofar as there is a risk that
the other logos/claims may be attributed to SRP and/or the verification claims.

3.2. OFF-PACK Use of the SRP Organizational Logo, Corporate Value Statements and Verification Claims for off-pack
Communications communications is also particularly guided by the conditions below.

3.2.1. Logo/Label • Use of the SRP-Verified Label

• Use of any modifications of the SRP Organizational Logo

• Use of the SRP Organizational Logo in combination with other logos or claims, insofar as there is a risk that the
other logos/claims may be attributed to SRP and/or the SRP Organizational Logo.

3.2.2. Corporate Value • Use of any modifications of the Corporate Value Statements listed in 2.2.2
• Use of the Corporate Value Statements listed in 2.2.2 in combination with other logos/claims, insofar as there
is a risk that the other logos/claims may be attributed to SRP and/or the SRP Corporate Value Statements.

3.2.3. Verification • Use of any modifications of • Use of any modifications of the verification claims listed in 2.1.2
Claims the verification claims listed in
2.1.2 • Use of the verification claims listed 2.1.2 in combination with other logos or
claims, insofar as there is a risk that the other logos/claims may be
• Use of the verification claims listed attributed to SRP and/or the verification claims.
2.1.2 in combination with other
logos or claims, insofar as there
is a risk that the other logos/claims
may be attributed to SRP and/or the
verification claims.

• Use of any statement that

implies that the product marked
includes sustainably produced
rice or “SRP- Verified” rice
SRP Assurance Scheme Version 1.3 43


1. Standard data/Standard visibility

“Standard data” covers the general visibility of the SRP standard in the GLOBALG.A.P. Database.


SRP GLOBALG.A.P. Verification Market

Staff Body Participant

Standard visibility x x x
x x
[Sustainable Rice Platform]

[Data marked with “x” is visible to users assigned to the respective data access group]

2. Producer/company data

“Producer/company data” refers to the master data, contact information or location related to the company.


Mandatory/ Verification Market

Voluntary SRP Body Participant
Database Setting


M Company name x x x x x

Company address 1)
x x x

M Company city x x x x x

M Company country x x x x x

M Company contact information 2)

x x x

M SRP Number GFN/GLN x x x x x

V Previous SRP GFN x x x

V Legal registration per country x x x

M Location 3)
x x x x

V VB registration number 4)
x x x

Contact person (responsible for legal entity)

M Contact name 5)
x x x

V Contact information 2)
x x x

Site information

V Name of site x x x

V Site address 6)
x x x

V Site contact information 2)

x x x

V Sub-GLN(s) x x x

V Location 3)
x x x

V Products per PHU/site x x x

SRP Assurance Scheme Version 1.3 44

Company address: Street address (or information available to describe the producer/company location),
postal address (M), postal code (V), state/province (V).
Contact information: Phone number, fax number, email address (if available).
Location: Northern/Southern latitude + Western/Eastern longitude.
Number assigned by the Verification Body (VB) to the producer
Contact names: Title, first name and last name.
Site contact address: Street address (or information available to describe the PHU/site location), postal
address, postal code, city, and country.

3. Product and verification data

“Product and verification data” are data related to the verification or assessment such as the verification status,
quantity data, product attributes or checklist.


Mandatory/ Verification Market

Voluntary SRP Body Participant
Database Setting

M Product status x x x x x

M Standard version x x x x

Verification/assessment option including x x x

M x x
multisite information

For producer groups: number of producer x x
calculated x x
group members

M Certificate/conformance validity date x x x x x

M Verification body x x x x x

M GLOBALG.A.P. certificate/assessment number x x x x x

V Countries of destination x x x x x

M Quantity data 1)
x x x x

V Product attributes 2)
x x x x x

V Verification/assessment data 3)
x x x x

V/M Inspection/audit result 4)

x x x x

Product, product status, verification/assessment option, certificate/conformance option, certificate/

conformance validity date, verification/verification body, GLOBALG.A.P. certificate number, countries
of destination and product attributes.

Specify the quantity data under this note
Product attributes are additional information linked to a product in an active status and differ
according to specific requirements for standards, scopes, sub-scopes or products. All product attributes
shall be listed in the specific data access rules.
Examples: Parallel Production or Parallel Ownership
Data includes ‘valid from’ date of the verification/conformity and date of verification decision/approval date
Inspection/audit report details linked to the assessment including checklist and non-
conformities/non- compliances
SRP Assurance Scheme Version 1.3 45

Additional References

SRP Standard for Sustainable Rice Cultivation v 2.1

SRP Performance Indicators for Sustainable Rice Cultivation v 2.1

SRP Internal Management Standard v 1.3

SRP Chain of Custody Standard v 1.0

SRP Brand Manual 2020

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