Saep 36

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Engineering Procedure

SAEP-36 5 May 2019

Proving Systems Calibration Requirements
Document Responsibility: Custody Measurement Standards Committee

1 Scope ................................................................ 2
2 Conflicts and Deviations .................................... 2
3 Applicable Documents ....................................... 2
4 Definitions and Acronyms .................................. 3
5 General .............................................................. 5
6 Responsibilities.................................................. 7
Revision Summary................................................. 10

Attachment I - Activity Matrix ................................. 11

Attachment II - Required Information
on the Prover Certificate ............................ 14
Attachment III - Qualifications of the
Third Party Inspection Agency ................... 16

Previous Issue: 11 January 2017 Next Planned Update: 10 January 2022

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Contact: Bhatasana, Chandulal N (BHATASCN) on +966-13-880-1399

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Document Responsibility: Custody Measurement Standards Committee SAEP-36
Issue Date: 5 May 2019
Next Planned Update: 10 January 2022 Proving Systems Calibration Requirements

1 Scope

This procedure establishes the instructions and responsibilities for the calibration of the
following Proving Systems used in Saudi Aramco Royalty/Custody Metering Systems:
(1) Displacement Prover
(2) Master Meter
(3) Atmospheric Portable Tank Prover

This procedure delineates the responsibilities of the following organizations:

 The Proponent Organization
 Saudi Aramco Project Management Team (SAPMT)
 Process & Control Systems Department (P&CSD)

2 Conflicts and Deviations

2.1 Any conflicts between this procedure and other applicable Saudi Aramco
Engineering Standards (SAES’s), Materials System Specifications (SAMSS’s),
Saudi Aramco Standard Drawings (SASD’s), or industry standards, codes, and
forms shall be resolved in writing by the Manager, Process & Control Systems
Department of Saudi Aramco, Dhahran.

2.2 Direct all requests to deviate from this procedure in writing in accordance with
SAEP-302 to the Manager, Process & Control Systems Department of Saudi
Aramco, and Dhahran.

2.3 Direct all requests for interpretation of this procedure in writing to the chairman,
Custody Measurement Standards Committee for resolution. The Chairman,
Custody Measurement Standards Committee shall be solely responsible for
determining whether a proposed request meets the requirements of this

3 Applicable Documents

The procedures covered by this document shall comply with the latest edition of the
references listed below, unless otherwise noted:

3.1 Saudi Aramco References

Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedures

SAEP-21 Project Execution Requirements for Saudi Aramco

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Document Responsibility: Custody Measurement Standards Committee SAEP-36
Issue Date: 11 January 2017
Next Planned Update: 10 January 2022 Proving Systems Calibration Requirements

Royalty/Custody Metering Systems

SAEP-50 Project Execution for Third Party Royalty/Custody
Metering Systems
SAEP-302 Instructions for Obtaining a Waiver of a Mandatory
Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirement

3.2 Industry Codes and Standards

American Petroleum Institute (API) Manual of Petroleum Measurement

Standards (MPMS)
API MPMS 4.8 Proving Systems-Operations of proving Systems
API MPMS 4.9.1 Introduction to the Determination of the Volume of
Displacement and Tank Provers
API MPMS 4.9.2 Determination of the volume of Displacement and
Tank Provers by Waterdraw Method of
API MPMS 4.9.3 Determination of the Volume of Displacement and
Tank Provers by Master Meter Method of
API MPMS 12.2.4 Calculation of Petroleum Quantities using
Dynamics Measurements Methods and
Volumetric Correction Factors. Calculation of
Base Prover Volumes by the Waterdraw Method
API MPMS 12.2.5 Calculation of Petroleum Quantities using
Dynamics Measurements Methods and
Volumetric Correction Factors. Calculation of
Base Prover Volumes by Master Meter Method
API MPMS 13.1 Statistical Concepts and Procedure in Measurement
API MPMS 13.2 Statistical Methods of Evaluating Meter Proving

4 Definitions and Acronyms

4.1 Definitions

Approve: Review and formal acceptance characterized by the signature of a

final authorizing individual or organization.

Atmospheric Portable Tank Prover: An open volumetric measure that

generally has a graduated top neck and may have a graduated bottom neck.
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Document Responsibility: Custody Measurement Standards Committee SAEP-36
Issue Date: 5 May 2019
Next Planned Update: 10 January 2022 Proving Systems Calibration Requirements

Displacement Prover: A displacement meter Prover having a volume between

detectors that yields pulses from the meter. Displacement Prover may be of
either sphere Bidirectional, Uni-directional and piston type.

Custody Transfer Measurement: A specialized form of measurement that

provides quantity and quality information used for the physical and fiscal
documentation of a change in ownership and/or responsibility of hydrocarbon
commodities. This includes measurement of hydrocarbon liquid movements
(deliveries or receipts) between Saudi Aramco and its customers, suppliers, joint
ventures and transport contractors including Bhari-ships.

Customer: The outside party that takes ownership or responsibility of a

hydrocarbon commodity from Saudi Aramco.

Master Meter: A meter used as a reference for the proving of another meter.

Prover Calibrated Section: The section of a displacement Prover defined by

the upstream and downstream detector switches that establishes the calibrated

Proving System: A device used to generate a meter factor. Meters are proved
by passing a known volume of fluid through them at a known rate and
comparing this volume with a reference volume.

Royalty Measurement: A specialized form of measurement that is used as the

basis for paying Royalty to the Saudi Arabian Government.

Third Party Inspection Agency: An independent inspection agency whose

function is to conduct an unbiased inspection of certain Systems, equipment,
materials, etc., against a set of standards, guidelines or procedures. For purposes
of this SAEP, the Third Party Inspector has particular knowledge of and
experience in conducting proving systems calibration in accordance with
industry custody measurement standards and procedures.

4.2 Abbreviations
API American Petroleum Institute
BPV Base Prover Volume
CMU Custody Measurement Unit of Process & Control Systems
MEIM Ministry of Energy, Industry, and Mineral Resources
MPMS Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards
MM Master Meter
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Issue Date: 11 January 2017
Next Planned Update: 10 January 2022 Proving Systems Calibration Requirements

P&CSD Process & Control Systems Department

SA Saudi Aramco
SAEP Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedure
SAPMT Saudi Aramco Project Management Team
TPIA Third Party Inspection Agency

5 General

5.1 Reference Conditions

Item Metric (SI) U.S. Customary (USC)

Reference Temperature 15°C 60°F
Reference Pressure 101.325 kPa (abs) [0 kPa (ga)] 14.696 psia (0 psig)

5.2 Units of Measurement

Depending upon the facility and the application, either the U.S. Customary
(USC) or metric (SI) System of units shall be used.

Item Metric (SI) U.S. Customary (USC)

Mass Kilograms, Metric Tons Long Tons
Volume Cubic Meters, Liters Barrels, U.S. Gallons
Temperature Degrees Celsius (°C) Degrees Fahrenheit (°F)
Pressure Kilopascals Gauge [kPa (ga)] Pounds per Square Inch Gauge (psig)
Kilograms per Liter, Degrees API, Relative Density
Kilograms per Cubic Meter (Specific Gravity)

5.3 General Conditions

5.3.1 This procedure shall be used in conjunction with existing international

standards API Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards (MPMS), in
Section 3.2 of this document.

5.3.2 Calibration repeatability accepted tolerance/criteria for Displacement

Prover, Tank Prover and Master Meter shall not exceed 0.02%.

5.3.3 The calibration of the displacement Prover using Waterdraw Method

shall be performed in accordance with API MPMS 4.9.2 and API MPMS

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Issue Date: 5 May 2019
Next Planned Update: 10 January 2022 Proving Systems Calibration Requirements

5.3.4 Calibration using Master Meter method shall be a ‘Standard Proving

Method” procedure as per API MPMS 4.9.3, Section 6.2.

5.3.5 The calibration of the displacement Prover using Master Meter method
shall be performed in accordance with API MPMS 4.9.3 and API MPMS

5.3.6 The calibration of Master Meter using Tank Prover or displacement

Prover method shall be performed in accordance with API MPMS
12.2.3, Section 12.3.

5.4 Proving Systems Calibration Requirements

A Proving System shall be calibrated under the following circumstances:

5.4.1 Prior to shipment of a newly fabricated Proving System from a vendor’s


5.4.2 Following any modification or disassembly, reassembly of calibrated


5.4.3 After replacement or repair of a piston and/or shaft and/or adjustment of

detector switches.

5.4.4 Prior to initial use on site.

5.4.5 Permanently installed Proving System is relocated to another location.

5.4.6 Exceeding the calibration frequency as per Section 5.5 of this document.

5.5 Prover Calibration Frequency

5.5.1 All new Proving Systems must undergo a calibration at field site prior to
being put in service. The initial calibration for new Proving System shall
be by Waterdraw.

5.5.2 The maximum period shall not exceed the validity period depending on
the calibration method used as indicated in the table 1 below.

5.5.3 For all types of Proving System, the deviation between the previous BPV
to the new BPV shall not exceed 0.05% and subsequent calibration
frequency as per API MPMS 4.9.1, Appendix B.

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Issue Date: 11 January 2017
Next Planned Update: 10 January 2022 Proving Systems Calibration Requirements

Table 1 - Prover Calibration Method and frequency

Proving System Type Calibration Method Validity Period
Water Draw 5 years
Unidirectional/Bidirectional Prover
Master Meter 3 years
Unidirectional Piston Prover Water Draw 3 years
Atmospheric Portable Tank Prover Water Draw 3 years
Tank Prover or
Master Meter Prover 1Year
Displacement Prover

5.6 Calibration Witness Guidelines/ Procedures

5.6.1 The calibration procedure shall at the minimum meet the requirement of
API MPMS 4.9.1, Appendix A.

5.6.2 Displacement Prover calibration procedure shall be as API MPMS 4.9.2,

Section 7.

5.7 Documentation and Record Keeping

5.7.1 Documentation and record keeping shall be according to API MPMS

4.9.1, paragraph 7.

5.7.2 Prover calibration report shall be according to API MPMS 4.9.2,

Appendix C, API MPMS 12.2.4 and API MPMS 12.2.5.

6 Responsibilities

6.1 Saudi Aramco organizations with Proving System calibration responsibilities

shall ensure that their personnel become familiar with this SAEP.
The responsibility is summaried in Attachment I: Activity Matrix in this
document. Saudi Aramco Project Management Team (SAPMT)

6.1.1 SAPMT responsibility is limited to newly fabricated Proving Systems


6.1.2 Initiate request to the TPIA for calibrating the new Proving System at the
site in accordance with SAEP-21 or SAEP-50, as applicable.

6.1.3 In case of Royalty Measurement, inform CMU of the new Proving

System calibration at least a month in advance to invite MEIM to witness
the calibration process.

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Issue Date: 5 May 2019
Next Planned Update: 10 January 2022 Proving Systems Calibration Requirements

6.1.4 Provide Proving System data (type, capacity, material, pipe diameter,
wall thickness, etc.) to TPIA.

6.1.5 Inform the Proponent to witness the calibration process for new Proving

6.1.6 Submit the new calibration certificate with Proving System Base Volume
Calculation to Proponent for review and to CMU, in case of Royalty
Measurement to obtain MEIM approval.

6.1.7 Provide paper and electronic copy of the final calibration certificate to
Proponent & CMU in case of Royalty Measurement.

6.1.8 Upon CMU notification, inform the proponent of MEIM approval of the
Base Proving System Volume for Proving System used in Royalty

6.2 The Proponent Organization

The Proponent organization is responsible for the calibration of existing Proving

System; however, when the Proponent intends to assume responsibility for
project management (e.g., BI-1900 projects), then the Proponent shall be
responsible for the requirements specified in Section 6.1 above.

6.2.1 Initiate requests to TPIA for Proving service. This request must be
initiated as early as possible to allow sufficient time for preparation
before the calibration due time.

6.2.2 In case of Royalty Measurement of existing Proving System, inform

CMU of the calibration date at least a month in advance in order to invite
MEIM to witness the calibration activity.

6.2.3 Select the method of calibration according to Section 5.5 of this


6.2.4 Provide Proving System data (material, meter capacity, pipe diameter,
wall thickness, etc.) to TPIA.

6.2.5 Ensure all equipment used for calibration process have been currently
certified to traceable national or internationally recognized metrology

6.2.6 The proponent shall ensure that Saudi Aramco operation safety be
adhered to through the calibration process.

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Issue Date: 11 January 2017
Next Planned Update: 10 January 2022 Proving Systems Calibration Requirements

6.2.7 Ensure that all the necessary preparation of the site and minimum but not
limited Proving System verification as follows:
 Prover cleaning.
 4-way valve is in good working condition.
 The displacer shall be removed from the Proving System and
examined before Proving.
 Piston Prover displacer shall be subjected to leak test as prescribed
by API MPMS 4.9.2.
 The seals shall be inspected and replaced if there is any sign of
mechanical damage or of softening by chemical action.
 Spheres shall also be inspected for roundness and proper inflation as
per API MPMS 4.8.

6.2.8 Witness the field calibration process as per Section 5.6 of this document
and ensure that the TPIA is performing the Proving System calibration in
accordance API MPMS 4.8, API MPMS 4.9.1, API MPMS 4.9.2 and
API MPMS 4.9.3 when applicable and sign on the raw calibration data.

6.2.9 Consult with CMU if a technical inquiry about the calibration and/or
documentation process cannot be resolved in-house,

6.2.10 Ensure that the TPIA is performing the Proving System calibration
calculation in accordance API MPMS 12.2.4 and API MPMS 12.2.5
when applicable.

6.2.11 Review the draft calibration certificate. The Prover calibraiton certificate
shall contain the details as per Attachment-II. If the Proving System
results is not within the acceptance criterion, the operating organization
and Third Party Inspection Agencies (TPIA) shall inspect the Proving
System, rectify the problem, and recalibrate the system.

6.2.12 For Proving System used in Royalty Measurement, submit a new

calibration certificate with Proving System Base Volume calculation to
CMU for review and to obtain MEIM approval.

6.2.13 Upon CMU notification, inform the proponent of MEIM approval of the
Base Proving System Volume for Proving System used in Royalty

6.2.14 Update Flow Computer with the new approved Proving System Base
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Issue Date: 5 May 2019
Next Planned Update: 10 January 2022 Proving Systems Calibration Requirements

6.2.15 Inform SAPMT of the completion of the new Proving System calibration.

6.2.16 Put the Proving System back in service.

6.3 Custody Measurement Unit (CMU), Process & Control Systems Department

The Process & Control Systems Department/Custody Measurement Unit (CMU)

is responsible for providing technical assistance to the Proponent(s) & SAPMT
on matters pertaining to Proving System calibrations. Specific responsibilities
of CMU are summarized below:

6.3.1 If requested, review the qualifications of the TPIA per Attachment III.

6.3.2 For Royalty Proving System, inform the Ministry of Energy, Industry,
and Mines (MEIM) of the calibration date.

6.3.3 Upon request, review the prover calibration procedure submitted by


6.3.4 Upon request from the Proponent, provide consultation if a technical

inquiry about the calibration and/or documentation process cannot be
resolved in-house.

6.3.5 Upon request from Proponent, review the Proving System calibration
draft calculation & certificate and make sure they comply with all the
requirements as per Section 5.6 of this document.

6.3.6 In case of calibrating Proving Systems in Royalty Measurement, obtain

the approval of the Proving System certificate from Ministry of Energy,
Industry, and Mines (MEIM).

6.3.7 For Proving System used in Royalty Measurement, inform the Proponent
or SAPMT of MEIM approval of the Base Proving System Volume.

Revision Summary
2 January 2012 New Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedure.
12 December 2013 Editorial revision to change the primary contact.
11 January 2017 Major revision using revised API standards.
5 May 2019 Editorial revision as part of content confirmation assessment

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Document Responsibility: Custody Measurement Standards Committee SAEP-36
Issue Date: 11 January 2017
Next Planned Update: 10 January 2022 Proving Systems Calibration Requirements

Attachment I - Activity Matrix

The following matrix summarizes the general sequence of activities and corresponding
responsible organizations for calibrating Proving System. Detailed requirements for
each organization are specified in Section 6 of this document.


Review the qualifications of the Third Party Inspection Agencies and make
sure they meet all of the requirements as per Attachment III.

2 Maintain the list of Approved Third Party Inspection Agencies. CMU

3 Request a list of Approved TPIA from CMU.

4 Upon request from the Proponent or SAPMT, submit list of Approved TPIA. CMU

Initiate request to the approved TPIA for calibrating the new Proving System
5 SAPMT(1)
at the site in accordance with SAEP-21 or SAEP-50, as applicable.

Initiate requests to TPIA for Proving service. This request must be initiated as
6 early as possible to allow sufficient time for preparation before the calibration Proponent
due time.

7 Select the method of calibration according to Section 5.5 of this document. Proponent

In case of Royalty Measurement of new and existing Proving System, inform

CMU of the calibration date at least a month in advance in order to invite the Proponent(2) /
Ministry of Energy, Industry, and Mines (MEIM) to witness the calibration SAPMT

For Royalty Proving System, inform the Ministry Energy, Industry, and Mines
10 CMU(2)
(MEIM) of the calibration date.

Provide Proving System data (material, pipe diameter, wall thickness, etc.) SAPMT /
and station flow rate to TPIA. Proponent

Inform the Proponent to witness the calibration process for new Proving

Ensure all equipment used for calibration process have been currently certified
13 Proponent
to traceable national or internationally recognized metrology institution.

The proponent shall ensure that Saudi Aramco operation safety be adhered to
14 Proponent
through the calibration process.

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Next Planned Update: 10 January 2022 Proving Systems Calibration Requirements


Ensure that all the necessary preparation of the site and minimum but not
limited Proving System verification as follows:

 Prover cleaning.

 4-way valve is in good working condition.

 The displacer shall be removed from the Proving System and examined
before Proving.
15 Proponent
 Piston Prover displacer shall be subjected to a leak test as prescribed by
API MPMS 4.9.2.

 The seals shall be inspected and replaced if there is any sign of

mechanical damage or of softening by chemical action.

 Spheres shall also be inspected for roundness (Spare part shall be

available) and proper inflation as per API MPMS 4.8.

Witness the field calibration process as per Section 5.6 of this document and
Proponent /
16 ensure that the TPIA is performing the Proving System calibration as per
Section 5.6 of this document and sign on the raw data of the calibration results

Ensure that the TPIA is performing the Proving System calibration calculation
17 Proponent
in accordance API MPMS 12.2.4 and API MPMS 12.2.5 when applicable

Consult with CMU if a technical inquiry about the calibration and/or

18 Proponent
documentation process cannot be resolved in-house.

Upon request from the Proponent, provide consultation if a technical inquiry

19 CMU
about the calibration and/or documentation process cannot be resolved in-house.

Upon request from Proponent, review the Proving System calibration draft
20 calculation & certificate and make sure they comply with all the requirements CMU
as per Section 5.7 of this document.

Submit the new calibration certificate with Proving System Base Volume
21 Calculation to Proponent for review and to CMU, in case of Royalty SAPMT(2)
Measurement, for review and to obtain MEIM approval.

Provide paper and electronic copy of the final calibration certificate to

22 SAPMT(2)
Proponent & CMU in case of Royalty Measurement.

23 Review the draft calibration certificate. Proponent

For Proving System used in Royalty Measurement application, submit new

Proponent(2) /
24 calibration certificate with Proving System Base Volume calculation to CMU
for review and to obtain MEIM approval.

25 In case of calibrating Royalty Proving Systems, obtain the approval of the CMU(2)
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Proving System certificate from MEIM.

Upon CMU notification, inform the proponent of MEIM approval of the Base
26 SAPMT (2)
Proving System Volume for Proving System used in Royalty Measurement.

Inform SAPMT of the completion of the Proving System calibration for new
27 Proponent

For Royalty Proving System, inform the Proponent or SAPMT of MEIM approval
28 CMU(2)
of the Base Proving System Volume.

29 Update Flow Computer with the new approved Proving System Base Volume. Proponent

30 Put the Proving System back in service. Proponent


1) SAPMT initiates calibration request for new Proving System. The Proponent initiates calibration Request for
Proving System in-service as per the frequency requirements set forth in Section 5 above. For BI-1900, the
Proponent will assume the responsibilities of SAPMT.

2) MEIM involvement is only required for calibration of Royalty Measurement Proving System.

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Issue Date: 5 May 2019
Next Planned Update: 10 January 2022 Proving Systems Calibration Requirements

Attachment II - Required Information on the Prover Certificate

The final Proving System certificate shall contain the following minimum details as per
API MPMS 4.8. Units of calibration shall be as per Section 5.2.

1) Prover Identification

a) The site or installation Prover Serial number

b) The type of Prover in service

c) The name of the owner or operator

d) The name and address of the calibration authority or company which carried out the

2) Product Information

The product name and density of the liquid flowing in the Prover when in service shall be
used in the computation of the Prover Base Volume.

3) Operational Details

a) The standard temperature (60ºF for U.S. Customary, or 15ºC for metric tables) for
which the Base Volume has been calculated.

b) Operating temperature and pressure

4) Traceability and Tracking Details

a) The date a new Prover was first calibrated

b) The date an existing Prover was recalibrated

c) Deviation of new Base Volume to previous volume if existing Prover

d) Method of Calibration

e) The date of issue of the certificate

f) Reference to the standard and procedure on which the calibration is based

g) The Third Party Inspection Agency shall sign each page of the certificate.

h) Prover serial number shall be shown on each page of the certificate.

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5) Prover Dimensions

a) The nominal diameter of the Prover

b) Description of the Prover material

c) Prover wall thickness

d) Prover coefficient of expansion

e) Prover previous Base Volume to new Prover Base volume to meet 0.05% deviation

f) Type of sphere, sphere size, color & type of fluid used to fill sphere in a case of
conventional pipe Prover

g) In a case of multi-volume displacement Provers:

● A clear identification of the detectors.

● The physical location of each detector

h) A copy of the final calculation and summary documentation.

i) A copy of the handwritten observation documentation signed by all parties as

witness to the original observation data.

j) Copies of internationally recognized metrology institution reports of calibration for

all the field standards test measures used.

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Issue Date: 5 May 2019
Next Planned Update: 10 January 2022 Proving Systems Calibration Requirements

Attachment III - Qualifications of the Third Party Inspection Agency

The Third Party Inspection Agency shall meet all of the following requirements:

a) The agency has provided similar services for a minimum of 3 years. It shall submit a list of
companies for which it has provided similar calibration services over the preceding 3 years.

b) The agency's personnel performing the field measurements and calculations must have a
minimum of one year experience with the application of the Prover calibration standards.
Experience shall be documented by submittal of resume and verifiable work histories.

c) The agency shall have written procedures which meet the requirements of API MPMS 4.2:
It shall submit the written procedures for review.

d) The agency shall have equipment as specified in API MPMS 4.2 & API MPMS 4.8. It shall
submit a list of the equipment it intends to use along with corresponding valid calibration

e) The agency shall demonstrate it is ISO-certified and that it is actively administering a

quality assurance program. It shall submit a copy of its ISO certification and his quality
assurance program details for review.

f) The agency shall demonstrate that it is capable of performing the Prover calibration
calculations as per API MPMS 12.2, API MPMS 13.1 & API MPMS 13.2. It shall provide
a minimum of two samples of previous calibration results, including field data and all

g) The agency shall provide financial and insurance documentations as deemed necessary by
the Contracting Unit to ensure he has adequate liability coverage for damages done to Saudi
Aramco facilities.

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