National Cultural Values, Sustainability Beliefs, and Organizational Initiatives
National Cultural Values, Sustainability Beliefs, and Organizational Initiatives
National Cultural Values, Sustainability Beliefs, and Organizational Initiatives
National cultural values,
sustainability beliefs, and
organizational initiatives
278 Jasmine Tata
Received 1 March 2014
Quinlan School of Business, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, Illinois,
Revised 27 June 2014 USA, and
Accepted 24 July 2014
Sameer Prasad
Department of Management, College of Business & Economics,
University of Wisconsin – Whitewater, Whitewater, Wisconsin, USA
Purpose – Organizations are implementing sustainability initiatives in different countries with varied
socio-cultural systems. The literature on sustainability, however, does not present a clear picture of
how national culture can influence interpretations of the meaning of sustainability and how these
differences in interpretation can result in different sustainability practices. The purpose of this paper is
to build upon the current literature by identifying mechanisms (i.e. sustainability beliefs and perceptions)
that mediate the relationship between national cultural values and organizational sustainability
Design/methodology/approach – The authors examine the literature on culture and sustainability
practices, and develop a conceptual model that identifies how cultural values influence the
sustainability initiatives of organizations. Several propositions are identified that specify relationships
among the constructs, and guidelines are provided for testing the model in future research.
Findings – The model posits that national culture influences sustainability beliefs and perceptions,
which in turn influence the quantity and scope of sustainability initiatives. The relationship between
sustainability beliefs and organizational sustainability initiatives is moderated by sustainability
orientation and organizational capacity.
Originality/value – The model can help researchers and practitioners better understand the meaning
of sustainability in the context of international business by identifying the mechanisms that explain
the link between culture and sustainability. It can also help researchers generate hypotheses for future
research. Finally, the model can guide multinational corporations attempting to drive sustainability
programs through their subsidiaries as well as international developmental agencies trying to develop
programs in partnership with local non-governmental organizations (NGOs).
Keywords Culture, Sustainability, Environment
Paper type Conceptual paper
Sustainability has become an important issue for businesses today. Organizations
strive to implement sustainability initiatives as part of their corporate strategy by
adopting and implementing “activities that meet the needs of the enterprise and its
stakeholders today while protecting, sustaining, and enhancing the human, [social], and
natural resources that will be needed in the future” (Labuschagne et al., 2005, p. 374).
Implementing sustainability initiatives in different countries and regions of the world,
however, is not an easy task. Organizations need to be cognizant of the socio-cultural
Cross Cultural Management differences underpinning the interpretation and evaluation of sustainability initiatives
Vol. 22 No. 2, 2015
pp. 278-296
across countries. Socio-cultural values can influence how people utilize their natural
© Emerald Group Publishing Limited
resources as well as their willingness to pursue sustainability practices (Cohen and
DOI 10.1108/CCM-03-2014-0028 Nelson, 1994); “if people are more culturally conscious of [social and] environmental
conditions, a higher level of sustainability [results]” (Park et al., 2007, p. 105). Hence, National
sustainability may be context specific, with national culture playing a significant role cultural values
in influencing how a society expects organizations and businesses to implement social
and environmental issues (Ringov and Zollo, 2007). Given such cultural differences,
organizations need to tailor their sustainability initiatives to the local context.
The objectives of this research are to add to the emerging literature on sustainability
in organizations and to provide a prescription to multinationals implementing 279
cross-country sustainability initiatives. Our model fulfils these objectives by examining
mediating variables, such as sustainability beliefs and perceptions, that explain the
relationship between national cultural values and organizational sustainability
initiatives. Two sustainability beliefs and perceptions are examined in the model:
importance or the perceived benefits of sustainability and inconvenience or the
perceived costs of sustainability. The model also includes two moderating variables:
the sustainability orientation of organizations and organizational capacity to engage in
sustainability initiatives.
This model addresses three main limitations of the current literature. First, although
several articles (e.g. Jackson and Apostolakau, 2010; Mueller et al., 2007; Rao, 2000)
have conducted comparisons of sustainability practices between two or more countries,
most have not specifically examined the influence of national culture on those practices.
For example, Jackson and Apostolakau, (2010) compared sustainability practices
across 16 countries and Rao (2000) across four countries, but neither study specifically
included national culture in their analyses. The few studies that do include culture as a
variable show inconsistent findings; for example, some studies (Husted, 2005; Vachon,
2010) found that cultural values such as individualism positively influenced
sustainability, whereas others (Waldman et al., 2006) found that they negatively
influenced sustainability. The model developed in this paper can help clarify such
inconsistencies in the literature on national culture and sustainability. Second, the few
studies on culture and sustainability have only examined whether or not there is a link
between national culture and sustainability, they have not investigated how national
cultural values influence sustainability initiatives. Our model identifies explanatory
mechanisms that clarify how culture can influence sustainability through the
mediating influence of sustainability beliefs and perceptions and how these differences
in beliefs can result in different sustainability initiatives. Third, the studies on national
cultural values and sustainability have largely focussed on sustainability at the societal
level. It is important to also understand how national culture can influence sustainability
at the organizational level. Our model elucidates the factors that contribute to an
organization’s implementation of various sustainability initiatives. This is especially
important for multinational corporations that operate in different countries and regions of
the world because such organizations need to pay special attention to the environmental
and social impact of global operations and ensure that such issues are an integral part
of their strategic decision-making process. Overall, our model can help researchers and
managers better understand the meaning of sustainability in the context of international
business, and increase their understanding of potential antecedents of successful
sustainable development efforts across countries and cultures.
Conceptual model
The Brundtland Commission defined sustainability as “that which meets the needs of
the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own
CCM needs” (World Commission on Economic Development, 1987, p. 8). This definition
22,2 has been adapted by scholars for the organizational context. Sustainable organizations
can be considered those that “can sustain financial, human, social, and environmental
resources over the long-term” (Bradbury, 2003, p. 173); these organizations play a
significant role in sustainability in various ways: through the transfer of sustainability
technology, through the education and training of employees, and through the
280 development of local communities.
Our model proposes that national cultural values can influence sustainability beliefs
and perceptions, which in turn influence the sustainability initiatives implemented by
organizations. Thus, sustainability beliefs and perceptions can act as mediators in the
relationship between national culture and organizational sustainability initiatives, and
provide one possible explanation for how cultural values can influence sustainability
initiatives. In addition, the model suggests that the relationship between sustainability
beliefs and sustainability initiatives is moderated by the sustainability orientation
of organizations and by organizational capacity (i.e. the information and resources
available to the organization about sustainability issues and practices). The model goes
on to propose relationships between five dimensions of national cultural values (power
distance, individualism-collectivism, masculinity-femininity, uncertainty avoidance,
and long-term vs short-term orientation), sustainability beliefs (perceived importance
and perceived inconvenience of sustainability), and the scope, type, and number of
sustainability initiatives (see Figure 1 for the model).
The next section examines the various components of the model and describes the
literature relating to each component. In addition, it discusses the relationships among
the main constructs and formulates propositions that depict those relationships.
Organizational capacity
- knowledge
- information
- resources
Power distance
This dimension of national culture refers to the degree of inequality of power within an
organization or society; it is “the extent to which less powerful members” of institutions
and organizations within a country expect and accept that power is distributed
unequally” (Hofstede, 1997, p. 28). This is not only endorsed by followers, but also by
leaders. High power distance systems are hierarchical ones that are established through
the values of both parties who desire superiors to exert power and make decisions. In low
power distance cultures, people are less likely to tolerate such inequalities and more likely
to disagree with more powerful others.
This refers to the extent to which cultures focus on the self vs the group. Individualistic
cultures emphasize individual initiative, individual rights, and freedom of choice. In
such cultures, ties between individuals are loose and membership in groups can change
frequently. Collectivistic cultures emphasize group goals, sharing, duties, and obligations;
individuals in such cultures place the interests of the group over their own interests.
These values reference a focus on material success rather than quality of life (Hofstede,
1980); they are the social manifestation of the elements of individual personality and
behavior frequently associated with human gender (Park et al., 2007). In cultures high
in masculinity there is a focus on the pursuit of material goals and dominance.
In contrast, cultures high in femininity emphasize nurturance, affiliation, helpfulness,
and quality of life.
Sustainability orientation
This refers to the extent to which an organization demonstrates readiness to implement
sustainability initiatives. It is manifested through system alignment (i.e. the degree to
which the company’s structure, systems and processes are aligned around sustainability),
centrality of sustainability to business strategy, and the extent to which sustainability
forms a core part of organizational identity (Wirtenberg et al., 2009). Organizations differ
in the extent to which they have developed systems to deal with environmental and
social issues and have established technologies to use in implementing sustainability.
Some organizations may lack a coherent sustainability strategy and systematic thinking
about managing the social and environmental impact of their processes. Others may have
well-developed systems in place that enable them to examine the impact of their processes
and activities on sustainability. These organizations do not view sustainability narrowly
as an operations issue or human resources issue or legal issue; they look at it as a system-
wide design and alignment that needs to be implemented in the entire organization,
and engage in actions such as capital investments, life cycle analyses, social and
CCM environmental audits, employee training, labor practices, community outreach, supplier
22,2 certifications, public reporting, and risk management (Epstein, 2008).
An organization’s sustainability orientation is also manifested through the extent to
which sustainability is a core part of its identity. Organizational identity involves facets
that describe the enduring characteristics of an organization (Albert and Whetten, 1985)
and plays an important role in the success of the organization. For some organizations,
290 sustainability is a core characteristic of organizational identity and consists of key facets
of environmental, social, and human sustainability. Because sustainability orientation
can influence the ways in which sustainability issues and actions within organizations
are defined and interpreted, this can constrain or motivate organizational actions and
decision-making processes. Thus, a strong sustainability orientation, as manifested
through organizational systems alignment, and the centrality of sustainability to
organizational strategy and identity, can enhance the influence of the importance of
sustainability on organizational sustainability initiatives. Similarly, a weak sustainability
orientation can attenuate this relationship. Therefore, it was proposed:
P12. Sustainability orientation is likely to moderate the relationship between beliefs
and perceptions about the importance and inconvenience of sustainability and
the quantity and scope of environmental, social, and human sustainability
initiatives implemented by organizations.
Organizational capacity
Organizations also differ in the extent to which they have the ability to implement
sustainability initiatives. A number of factors are essential to be able to implement such
initiatives: human capacity, availability of information, cooperation, and collaboration from
the various groups and individuals who are essential to the initiative, as well as the
finances to implement the initiatives (Wirtenberg et al., 2009). Organizations need
to have management and employees knowledgeable in sustainability issues, suppliers
certified to sustainability standards, as well as funds available for developing and
implementing effective sustainability programs. Some organizations have the ability to
analyze the risks, costs, and benefits of environmental and social issues and make well-
informed decisions about current and future operations and current and future risks. Other
organizations struggle with developing measures and metrics of sustainability (Epstein,
2008). Added to this, the benefits of sustainability can often be only measured over a long
timeframe which makes it difficult for organizations to be able to measure the impact of
social and environmental programs and to quantify the benefits of such programs. Hence,
the degree to which an organization has the informational and analytical capacity to
evaluate these issues may influence the relationship between sustainability beliefs and
perceptions and implementation of sustainability initiatives. Thus, it was proposed:
P13. Organizational capacity is likely to moderate the relationship between beliefs
and perceptions about the importance and inconvenience of sustainability and
the quantity and scope of environmental, social, and human sustainability
initiatives implemented by organizations.
This paper presents a model of the relationships between national cultural values,
beliefs and perceptions about sustainability, and organizational sustainability
initiatives. The model suggests that cultures low in power distance and high in
collectivism, femininity, and long-term orientation are likely to hold stronger beliefs
about the importance of sustainability, and that cultures high in individualism, National
masculinity, short-term orientation, and uncertainty avoidance are likely to hold cultural values
stronger beliefs about the inconvenience of sustainability. Beliefs about the perceived
importance and inconvenience of sustainability are likely to influence the scope and
number of sustainability initiatives implemented by organizations, with beliefs about the
importance of sustainability having a positive impact and beliefs about the inconvenience
of sustainability having a negative impact. The model also suggests that the relationship 291
between sustainability beliefs and perceptions and organizational sustainability initiatives
is moderated by the sustainability orientation of the organization and by organizational
capacity, such that high levels of sustainability orientation and organizational capacity are
likely to strengthen the link between sustainability beliefs and organizational initiatives,
and low levels of sustainability orientation and organizational capacity are likely to
weaken the relationship between beliefs and initiatives.
As multinationals attempt to implement sustainability initiatives across countries and
cultures, they lack a prescriptive model to tap from the literature. The current literature
does not present a clear picture of the relationship between national culture and
organizational sustainability. Most studies have not yet investigated the specific
impact of culture on sustainability practices, nor have they identified mechanisms
that can explain how national cultural values influence sustainability initiatives.
Our research bridges this gap in the literature by developing a conceptual model that
explains the relationships between national culture and organizational sustainability
initiatives through the mediating influence of sustainability beliefs and perceptions.
In addition, the influence of organizational capacity and sustainability orientation
is included in the model. The model adds to the emerging literature on sustainability
and culture, helps researchers and organizations understand how socio-cultural values
can impact sustainability, and guides multinationals in the implementation of their
sustainability initiatives across the world.
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