Sustainability Course Syllabus
Sustainability Course Syllabus
Sustainability Course Syllabus
Second, to improve the communities, student’s and researcher’s ability and sophistication in
creating the necessary information links and feedback loops within the system to allow the
systems actors to possess wholesome understanding to develop sustainable solutions.This
would enable to visualise various factors that impact sustainability and propose a plan of action
for building sustainable communities.
2. Learning Outcomes
3. Syllabus
Introduction to Sustainable Development: Glimpse into History and Current practices -
Broad introduction to SD - its importance, need, impact and implications; definition coined;
evolution of SD perspectives (MDGs AND SDGs) over the years; recent debates; 1987
Brundtland Commission and outcome; later UN summits (Rio summit, etc.) and outcome.
Case Studies & Projects on Rural Sustainable Development (Indian village perspectives) -
Village resources (broad perspectives); current challenges and thematic areas; village social
hierarchy; village economy; needs of present and future generation; conflicts - sustainability and
rural culture & tradition; road to achieving sustainable development goals - bridging conflicts and
way forward