Drama Ande Ande Lumut

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Members Of The Group :

1. Bhismaraya Z.U. (IX-J / 07)
2. Dini Evi Salsa B. (IX-J / 09)
3. Eka Putri Aulia (IX-J / 10)
4. Ilham Achmad M. (IX-J / 14)
5. Ira Ulia Sari (IX-J / 15)
6. Nisrina Salwa Z. (IX-J / 24)
7. Zawilla D.B. (IX-J / 30)




Ande - Ande Lumut
Once upon a time, there were 2 kingdoms. They were Kediri and Jenggala. To avoid war
between the two kingdoms, the kings wanted their son and daughter got married. But the
mistress of Kediri Kingdom didn’t like it. Then, the mistress of Kediri Kingdom kidnapped the
princess of Jenggala, named by princess of Sekartaji and put curses on her. The prince of Kediri
got really angry that he went away to find her.

 One day nearby the forest, the prince and his guard boncel, was looking for princess of
Sekartaji. They were so confused at the time till it made them struck each other. And
unintentionally, the prince got shoot because boncel was bringing a gun,
Prince :”Boncel, where are you?”
Boncel :”My prince... where are you?”
Prince :”Aaargghhh….are you kidding me?”
Boncel :”Hehe. I’m sorry my prince. I didn’t know that you’re behind me”
Prince :”Gosh... look! I wanna ask you something”
Boncel :”What’s that?”
Prince :”Why are there no animals and houses here?”
Boncel :“You’re right. It’s so quiet right here. Where are we anyway?”
Prince :”Why do you ask me?! Like i know it.”
 Suddenly, it appeared a woman who was looking for woods.
Prince :”Who the hell is that?”
Boncel :”I don’t know, my prince.”

 Without further ado, the prince and boncel directly came to her
Prince :”Excuse me, maam”
 But the woman was too busy looking for something on the ground until it’s like no voice
around her.
Prince :”Excuse me, maam”
Ande’s Mom :“Oh my, sorry i didn’t hear you just now. Who are you anyway?”
Prince :”I’m a wanderer, maam. Anyway, what’s the name of this place?”
Ande’s Mom :”This is dadapan village, boy. What are you doing here?”
Prince :”Well, actually i’m lost.”
Ande’s Mom :“Oh my god... how about following me and staying in my house while recovering
your injury?”
Prince :”Oh yes mam, with my pleasure.”
 Then the woman brought them into her house and invited them staying there for a while
until the prince’s injury recovered because he needed more time for that. Also he hid his
identity as the prince of kediri kingdom.
Ande’s Mom :”Anyway, what’s your name?”
Prince :”Emmmm..”
Ande’s Mom :”I’m sorry, I know that it’s sick”
 Several weeks later. Due to that event, the woman whose named mrs. rodiyah consider
the prince as her own son and gave him a new name, named by Ande-andelumut.
Actually mrs.Rodiyah didn’t know that he was the prince of Kediri kingdom.
Ande’s Mom :”Well, because you have stayed here for a long time, let me give you a new
name, Ande-ande lumut”
Prince :”Wow that’s great name mom, thank you”
 Meanwhile, princess Sekartaji that was kidnapped and putin huts was found by mbok
Rondo, a widow who had 2 daughters. Then mbok Rondo adopted her and gave her a
name Klenting Kuning.
K. Merah :”Kuning! Hurry up! I’m starving here!”
K. Biru :“Gosh, why is it so long?”
K. Kuning :”I..i’m sorry. I just finished it.”
 Then K Kuning put the foods on the dining table
K. Merah :“Gosh, what the hell are you doing there?”
K. Kuning :”I’m extremely sorry about it”
K. Biru :”Cih, that’s really sucks”
K. Kuning :“Once again, i’m sorry”
Mbok Rondo :”Okay, it’s okay. Next time, cook faster. We’ve been very hungry”
K. Kuning :”Okay, mom”
 Then they ate together. A few minutes later, they went to the market.
Mbok Rondo : “K Kuning, go get household needs! I’m gonna get some dress with your
K. Kuning : “Okay mom. Can i get one too?”
Mbok rondo : “What?! No, no,no. Yours is still fine i think”
K. Merah :”Pffftt, what a day...”
K. Biru : “A beast no needs dresses, you fucker”
Mbok Rondo :”Okay stop. Let’s go”
 In other place, ande-andelumut was very anxious. He told her adopt mother that he really
wanted to find someone.
Prince : “Mom, i wanna tell you something”
Ande’s Mom : “What’s that, son?”
Prince : “Well, I really wanted to find someone”
Ande’s Mom : “Someone? You means girl, right? Or you wanna get married?”
Prince : “Emmm mom,,,”
Ande’s Mom : “Uhm, well, what if i tell boncel to announce about it to the public? Because,
rumour has it, you’ve been very famous among the girls”
Prince : “Butt….”
 The next day, Klenting Merah, Klenting Biru and their mother were ready for going to
Ande-Andelumut’s house.
K. Merah : “Mother, i’m pretty, right?”
Mbok rondo :”Wow, how pretty you are honey..”
K. Biru : “How about me, Mom?”
Mbok rondo : “Of course, dear. You too”
K. Kuning : “Mother, what about me? Can i go with you?”

Mbok rondo : “No! not. If you join too, who keeps this house? Who cleans this house? You
had better stay at home”
K. Kuning : “But, momm”
Mbok rondo : “There is no exception”
K. Merah :”Emm, so pity you are?”
K. Biru :”Heheheh just do your business!”
 The day after, mbok rondo and her daughters immediately went to ande-andelumut’s
house. But they were confused upon arriving at river in which the water flows very swift
because there are no any bridges, or boats that can take them across.
K. Merah :“Duh, how is this mam? How can we cross?”
 Suddenly it appeared a big creature in front of them namely YuyuKangkang.
Mbok rondo :”Haaaaa!!!!”
K. Merah, Biru, Mbok:”Yuyukangkang ?”
YuyuKangkang:”Hoahhaha, who are you beautiful girls?”
Mbok rondo :”We want to cross this river”
Yuyukangkang:”Oohh, you want to cross the river?”
K. Merah :”Yes yuyukangkang. But we do not know how? Would you like to take us to
across this river?”
YuyuKangkang:”Of course. It doesn’t matter”
K. Biru :”Thank you very much, yuyukangkang”
YuyuKangkang:”But there is one requirement”
K. Biru :”What? Requirement? Do you need money?”
YuyuKangkang:”Oh, no. I don’t. I just want to kiss your hand, please How? Hahaha”
K. Merah :”Oh mom, how is this? That’s so disgusting, right?” (berbisik)
K. Biru :”Yes, klenting. You are right!” (whispered)
Mbok rondo :”Please, just do what he wants. He only kisses your hand, right? Anyway ande-
ande will not know about that” (whispered)
K. Biru :”Okay, yuyukangkang. We want”
YuyuKangkang:”Hahaha, all right. Come on!”

 Then, YuyuKangkang crossed them to another side of the river. Arriving there,
yuyukangkang do not forget to ask their promise kissing their hand, klenting merah and
klenting biru.
 Meanwhile, klentingkuning was crying in front of her house. Actually, he was eager to
come to ande-andelumut’s house. But suddenly, it appeared a fairy in front of her
K. Kuning :”What? What is that?”
Peri :”Calm down klenting kuning! Do not be afraid. I will not hurt you”
K. Kuning :”Who are you?”
Peri :”I am a fairy”
K. Kuning :”Fairy? Then why are you here? What do you want?”
Peri :”I'm here to help you, klenting kuning”
K. Kuning :”Help?”
Peri :”Yes, you really want to go ande-andelumut’s house, right?”
K. Kuning :”Yes, I do”
Peri :”Now, let’s go there”
K. Kuning :”But what about my house?”
Peri :”Don’t worry. I will keep it. And I will give you this ?” (while giving a jug)
K. Kuning :”Stick? Why?”

Peri :”When you arrive in river, you will meet a big monster namely YuyuKangkang.
He could cross you in another side of the river. But u will be asked one requirement that is to
kiss your hand. In that time, you have stick this stick in his hand. Hopefully, you will be far from

K. Kuning :”Okay, Peri. Thank you very much”

 After that, klentingkuning went to ande-andelumut’s home with a cheerful heart. She
still remains confident though her appearance only wore a shabbily dress and her smell
was also not good. Finally, she arrived at the river.
Yuyukangkang :”Hi shabby girl? Where are you going?”
K. Kuning :”I want to cross this river, yuyukangkang. Will you take across me?”
Yuyukangkang :”Eemm..”
K. Kuning :”Please,yuyukangkang”
Yuyukangkang :”Okay, I will but there is one requisite. When you’ve crossed over, I have to kiss
your hand”
K. Kuning :”Okay, yuyukangkang”

 Yuyukangkang was take across Klenting Kuning. And after reached the other side, as
usual, yuyukangkang ask her promise.
Yuyukangkang :”Well, you have arrived. Now it is time for me to kiss your hand”

 But when yuyukangkang started approaching Klenting Kuning, she immediately took a
stick, given by the fairy, then directly poked it to yuyukangkang. Yuyukangkangwas
surprised, and then screamed while ran off klenting kuning.

 In the meantime, at ande-andelumut home, mbok rondo was introducing her children to
Mbok rondo :”So, my purpose here is to introduce my children to ande-andelumut. Maybe he
will interest my daughters that were very beautiful. On my left is KlentingMerah. She is my first
daughter. Her voices is very beautiful. (K. Merah stand up). And, on my right is Klenting Biru.
She is an expert in dancing” (K. Biru stand up)

Ande’s Mom :”Wow, that’s right. Your daughtersare so beautiful. So, how ande-andelumut?
You want to choose which of the two this beautiful girl?”
Prince :”Sorry before, mam. I will not choose one among them”
Mbok rondo :”Why, ande? My daughters are beautiful, right?”
Prince :”Sorry, mam. They are indeed beautiful. But I don’t want to marry
Mbok rondo :”Hah? Yuyukangkang sweatheart? My doughters are not yuyukangkang sweat
Ande’s Mom :”What do you mean,ande?”
Prince :’Look at her hands, mom! The black mark is a sign it means that they are
yuyukangkang sweat heart”
K. Merah :”No, I am not yuyukangkang sweatheart!” (shouted)

 In the middle of the commotion going on in the living room, klenting kuning arrived.
K. Kuning :”Excuse me?”
K. Biru :”Kuning?” (shocked)
(mother came near klenting kuning)
K. Kuning :”Excuse me, mam. I heard that your son was looking for a girl?”
Ande’s Mom :”Yes why?”
K. Kuning :”Emmm maybe..”
Ande’s Mom :”Are you sure about that? with this condition?” (She was very surprised by her

Prince :”Mother, let her come in. All the girls deserve a chance” (ande mother finally
allow her to come in)
K. Kuning :”So, how ande-ande lumut?”
Prince :”Eemmmm, I saw black mark in their hand, but I don’t see it to you”
All :”So?” (all in there shock)
Ande’s Mom :”But boy, are you sure?”
Prince :”Mother, she was the only girl who crossed the river without yuyukangkang's
help. She is the girl that I've been waiting for all this time”
Ande’s Mom :”What do you mean?”

 Had not had time to answer the question, suddenly came the fairy thatwas surprised
everyone. But, it was not for klenting kuning and ande-ande lumut.
Peri :”This is the time for you to happy princess Sekartaji” (while spitting out magic

 By magically, klenting kuning immediately changedto be a beautiful and graceful girl

with a very beautiful dress.
All :”Huh?” (all were surprised except ande-ande lumut)
K. Merah :”Who..who are you?”
Prince :”She is the princess Sekartaji of Kediri kingdom. And the fact is I was the prince
of the kingdom Jenggala,Raden Panji Asmara bangun. She is my fiance who had long
Mbok rondo, klenting M, B:”Huh? Prince?” (shocked)
K. Kuning :”Prince panji. Is this really you?”
Prince :”Yes, princessSekartaji. Finally we meet again” (holding hands)

 Finally Prince RadenPanji was brought princess Sekartaji and his adoptive mother to
Jenggala. PrincePanji and Princess Sekartaji got married. Kediri Kingdom and Jenggala
was reunited. And live in happiness and peace.

Moral Value = Don’t be arrogant people and you must work hard and sacrifice
if you want to achieve something.


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