MATH 324 Spring 2021 Su

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MATH 324 Spring 2021 Su

Practice Exam 1 file submission due 6:00pm Wednesday April 21 (before Exam 1)

Exam 1: Wednesday April 21, 7:00-8:10pm (70 minutes)

Exam Instruction:

• Please write your name AND your 7-digit UW ID number on the upper right corner of the first
page of your work. If you don’t know your 7-digit student number, please go to MyUW→Unofficial
Transcript (under the Academics block). Your student number appears in the upper left of the
Transcript page.

• This is a “open-book” exam. You may use any of our course materials, any notes made by yourself,
and a basic scientific calculator.

• You must finish the exam independently. Any of the following is considered as cheating, which
will result in a grade of zero on the exam.
Receive help from anyone else.
Share your work with your classmate.
Search or post the exam questions online to get help.
Use an online calculator/tool to graph or perform calculus calculation.

• During the exam, I will be holding a live zoom meeting (our regular class zoom link), joining the
zoom meeting is encouraged but is not mandatory. You do not have to turn your camera on during
the exam. The purpose of the zoom meeting is to provide an environment similar to an actual
exam, you may ask questions via chat, and I can try to help with any technical issues occurred
during the exam submission.

• No late submission will be accepted. Be prepared to stop working on the exam questions at least
10 minutes before the exam ending time so you have enough time to take pictures, convert them
to one single PDF file, and upload the file. If you encountered any technical difficulty uploading
your file, please contact me through zoom chat or email at least 5 minutes before the exam ending
time to receive permission to send me the PDF file right away.

Practice Exam 1

1. At a particular Covid testing site, the average waiting time to schedule a test is 3 days (time
from calling the site till the test being done). The average waiting time to receive the result is
5 days. Assume the two waiting times are independent and each can be modeled by exponential
probability density function
1 −x/λ
e , if x ≥ 0
f (x) = , λ is the average waiting time
0, if x < 0

If I call the testing site today to schedule an appointment, what’s the probability that it took
no more than 8 days to receive my result AND my waiting time for being tested was the same
or longer than my waiting time for the result. Setup a double integral but do NOT evaluate the

2. Consider the cone z = 2 x2 + y 2 and the paraboloid z = 8 − x2 − y 2 .
(a) Find the surface area of the part of the paraboloid that lies above the cone.
(b) Let E be√ the solid that lies below the paraboloid and above the cone, and is enclosed by the
planes y = 3x and x = 0 in the first octant. Setup a triple integral in cylindrical coordinates to
find the volume of E. Do NOT evaluate the integral.

Z 1 Z 1−y Z x2
3. Rewrite f (x, y, z)dzdxdy as an iterated integral in the following order of integration.
0 0 0
Do not evaluate the integral.
(a) firstly integrate with respect to y.
(b) firstly integrate with respect to x.

4. Let E be the solid that lies above the sphere x2 +y 2 +z 2 = 1 and below the sphere x2 +y 2 +z 2 = 2z.
Assume the density of E at any point is equal to its distance from the xy plane, setup a triple
integral in Spherical coordinates to find the mass of the solid. Evaluate the integral.

5. Evaluate the integral (y + x) sin(y − x)dA by making appropriate change of variables.
D is the region bounded by the lines y = x, y = x + 1, x = 1 − y, x = 2 − y.

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