Community Development: Definition

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 Community Development

 Definition:

“A group of peoples with a common characteristic or interest living together within a

larger society” or a “body of persons or nations having a common history or common
social, economic, and political interests”

“Community development is the participation of people in a mutual learning experience

involving themselves, their local resources, external change agents, and outside
resources. People cannot be developed. They can only develop themselves by
participating in activities which affect their well- being. People are not being developed
when they are herded like animals into new ventures.” Julius Nyerere,1968
 Community Development Top Ten
Common top ten principles widely used to community Development, details as follows :

 Community Participation
Everyone has a valuable contribution to make and communitymembers can join in
at any level. Volunteers and community members are integral to the decision-making,
evaluation, provision, participation and direction setting at all levels of the organization.

 Community Ownership
Members are actively involved in decision-making and have
ownershipof the centres activities. A voluntary management  committee Comprising
elected members who live, work or participate in the local community
governs each centre. The governance model is developmental, working co-operatively
and collaboratively with staff, volunteers, centre participants and the wider
community , thus generating a range of community benefits.

 Empowerment
A process that respects, values and enhances people’s ability to have control over their
over their lives is put into practice. This process encourages people to meet their needs
and aspirations in a self-aware and informed way which takes advantage of their skills,
experience and potential. Change and growth occurs through informing and
empowering individuals and communities.

 Lifelong Learning
Learning is integrated into all aspects of centre activities, thus building and supporting
the personal skills, knowledge, abilities and resilience of people. They develop the
health, wellbeing and connection of people and their families, through formal
and informal pathways in education, employment and self-development.
 Inclusion
The diverse contributions that people make are valued, no matter what their background
or varying abilities. Individual and local needs are
acknowledged and addressed, often through informal interaction.Identifying these need
s and issues through a range of methods isinstrumental to informing the planning and
development of activities and programs.

 Access and Equity
Centres are accessible and welcoming. They promote a fairer distribution of economic 
resources and power between people byaiming to improve the social, environmental, 
economic and cultural infrastructures within their communities.

 Social Action
Internal and external factors that impact on the local community are
analyzed and relationships between individuals, groups and Organizations and within
the community transformed through collective action.

 Advocacy
In meeting individual and group needs, Centre act with, or on behalf of, community

 Networking
Networking, forming alliances, collaborating and working with individuals,
groups, other agencies, government,and business are crucial, with interaction between 
formal and informal methods to achieve connections within the local communities.

 Self Help
Individuals are supported in coming together in a caring group environment to share
information, knowledge, skills and life experience in order that each participant can
reach their own personal goals.
 Community Development Practice

Community Development: Principles and Practices 


 To define regional economic development in the context of community development

principles and practices

 To analyze three models of organizational practice

 To provide an historic overview of early community development efforts in the province

 Community Development: Principles and Practices “Rural development is the

participation of people in a mutual learning experience involving themselves, their
local resources, external change agents, and outside resources. People cannot be
developed. They can only develop themselves by participating in activities which affect
their well-being. People are not being developed when they are herded like animals
into new ventures.” Julius Nyerere, 1968 .
 Practices of the Community
Development Projects towards NGOs in
Punjab Province, Pakistan
This paper focuses NGO (Non-government organization) registration
through the government run community development projects (CDPs),
post registration facilitations by these projects for NGOs, requirements
made by the NGOs and the CDPs’ dealings with registered NGOs.
Though, the CDPs facilitate NGOs registration, the registration process is noticed
lengthy and complicated. The funding role of the CDPs is quite low as compared to
other facilitations provided while NGOs mostly require funding assistance. These
development projects operate in participative and authoritative way while working with
the NGOs. The study discussion suggests that improvement in NGOs registration
process, funding increase for NGOs’ development projects and participative and
cooperative dealings of the CDPs could enhance performance of both NGOs and the

 Original language  English

 Pages (from-to)  237-248

 Number of pages  12

 Journal  Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences

 Volume  35

 Issue number 1

 Publication status  Published - 2015

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