CE C-15 1 and 2

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Board of Technical Examinations, Bengaluru
Course Code : 15CP01E
Semester : I / II Course Group : Core
Teaching Scheme (L:T:P) : 4:0:0 (in hours) Credits : 4 Credits
Type of course : Theory Total Contact Hours : 52
CIE : 25 Marks SEE : 100 Marks

 Basic Knowledge of Grammar
 Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing Skills as acquired in Secondary
Course Objectives:
The students shall be able to:

 Learn to apply the basic grammar in day to day communication in English

 Comprehend the given ideas in a passage and be able to effectively express the same in
written form
 Enrich their vocabulary through reading
 Face oral examinations and interviews
 Express their ideas creatively through (spoken/written) exercises

Course Delivery:

The Course will be delivered through lectures, class room interactions, exercises and case studies as
detailed below:

Sl. No. Description Teaching contact hours

1. Text 24
2. Grammar 18
3. Descriptive writing 5
4. Comprehension 5
Total 52

Text book: Communication Skills in English for Polytechnics – by ORIENT BLACKSWAN

publishers – published by NITTTR Chennai

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CP01E Page 1

Course Content:


Glossary; Comprehension Exercises; Vocabulary Exercises – Spelling; Grammar- Parts of Speech;

Newspaper Reading and Comprehension; Descriptive Writing – Describing Objects; Listening/
Speaking Exercise – Self Introduction.


Glossary; Comprehension Exercises; Vocabulary Exercises – Prefixes and Suffixes; Grammar

– Articles and Prepositions; Descriptive Writing – Describing People; Listening/ Speaking Exercises
– Listening to speeches and writing gist of it in one’s own words.


Glossary; Comprehension Exercises; Vocabulary Exercises – Synonyms and Antonyms;

Grammar – Auxiliaries, Question Tags and Short-form Answers; Descriptive Writing – Describing
Places; Listening/ Speaking Exercises – Narrating one’s own experiences of different situations in
their day- to-day life.


Glossary; Comprehension Exercises; Vocabulary Exercises – Homonyms, Homophones,

Homographs; Grammar – Subject-Verb Agreement; Descriptive Writing – Describing Processes;
Listening/ Speaking Exercises – A short presentation on a given topic ;Paraphrasing of Proverbs;
Different kinds of Interviews.


Glossary; Comprehension Exercises; Vocabulary Exercises – Compound words; Grammar –Tenses;

Descriptive Writing – Describing Events (Eg: College Day, National Festivals, Etc.); Comprehension
of a paragraph; Quiz – Questions on health and hygiene.


Glossary; Comprehension Exercises; Vocabulary Exercises – Formation of plurals;

Grammar – Active and Passive Voices; Descriptive Writing – Describing one’s goal and its
attainment; Developing hints into a paragraph; Comprehension of an unseen passage.

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Reference Books:











Course outcomes:
On successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:

1. Read their text, and respond to basic comprehension questions

2. Enhance the students’ English grammar skills by using the following grammatical
components in written and verbal communication

 Parts of speech
 Auxiliaries
 Articles
 Tenses
 Active and Passive voice
 Prepositions
 Question Tags and Short form answers
 Prefixes and Suffixes
 Subject-Verb Agreement
 Homonyms/Homophones/ Synonyms /Antonyms

3. Communicate an idea in series logically connected sentences by describing an event such as

objects, people, places, processes, expanding proverbs and also conducting activity such as
group discussion, presentation, reporting and documentation

4. Comprehend the given passage and able to answer the linked questions

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Mapping Course Outcomes with Program Outcomes:

CO –PO Mapping
marks on
CO Course Outcome PO Cognitive Theory cognitive
Mapped TOTAL
Level Sessions levels


CO1 Read their text, and respond to basic

comprehension questions
5, 6, 7,9 R/U 24 30 25 - 55

CO2 Enhance the student English grammar skills by

using the following grammatical components in
written and verbal communication

 Parts of speech
 Auxiliaries
 Articles
 Tenses
 Active and Passive voice
 Prepositions 9 U/A 18 - 16 25 41
 Question Tags and Short form
 Prefixes and Suffixes
 Subject-Verb Agreement
 Homonyms/Homophones/
Synonyms /Antonyms

CO3 Communicate an idea in series logically connected

sentences by describing an event such as objects,
people, places, processes, expanding proverbs and
also conducting activities such as group
discussion, presentation, reporting and 7,8,9,10 U/A 7 - - 15 15

CO4 Comprehend the given passage and able to answer

the linked questions
8,9,10 U/A 3 - 10 - 10

Total Hours of 52 Total 121

instruction marks

R-Remember; U-Understanding; A-Application

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Course outcomes –Program outcomes mapping strength

Course Program Outcomes

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
SKILLS IN - - - - 3 3 3 1 3 1

Level 3- Highly Addressed, Level 2-Moderately Addressed, Level 1-Low Addressed.

Method is to relate the level of PO with the number of hours devoted to the COs which address the given PO.
If >40% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is addressed at Level 3
If 25 to 40% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is addressed at Level 2
If 5 to 25% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is addressed at Level 1
If < 5% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is considered not-addressed.

Question Paper Blue Print:


Course code: 15CP 01E

Content Knowledge Comprehension Application
No. Total

1. TEXT 55
a Lesson 30 25
a Parts of speech 4 4
b Auxiliaries: Primary and Modals 3 3
c Articles 3 3
d Identification of tenses 4 4
e Active and Passive voice 4 4
f Prepositions 4 4
g Question tags 3 3
h Short form answers 2 2
i Prefixes and Suffixes 2 2
j Homonyms/Homophones/ 4 4
k Synonyms and Antonyms 4 4
l Agreement of the Verb with its Subject 4 4
a Descriptive writing – Describing
objects, people and places, Process 15
and Events

a Comprehension of an unseen

Total 48 35 38

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Question Paper Pattern:
Sl. Source Question Type Marks
1. Textual Units Answer any twelve of the 15 questions to be
following questions in one asked from 6 12 x 2 = 24
or two sentences each Textual Units
2. Textual Units Write short notes on any 5 questions to be
three of the following asked from 6 3 x 5 = 15
Textual Units
3. Grammar Identify the parts of speech 4 sentences are to
of the underlined words be given and
word to be 4 x 1= 4
identified is
4. Grammar Fill in the blanks using 3 sentences are to
suitable Auxiliaries be given. 3 x 1= 3
5. Grammar Fill in the blanks using 3 sentences are to
suitable Articles be given 3 x 1=3
6. Grammar Identification of Tenses 4 sentences are to
be given 4 x 1= 4
7. Grammar Active and Passive Voice: 4 sentences are to
Change the voice of the be given for 4 x 1= 4
verb in the following changing the
sentences voice of the verb

8. Grammar Prepositions: 4 sentences are to

Fill in the blanks with be given 4 x 1= 4
appropriate prepositions
9. Grammar Question Tags: 3 sentences are
Add question tags to be given 3 x 1= 3

10. Grammar Short form answers: 2 sentences are to

Give short form answers be given 2 x 1= 2

11. Grammar Prefixes and Suffixes: 2 stem words are

Add Prefixes/Suffixes to to be given 2 x 1= 2
the stem words
12. Grammar Homonyms, Homophones 4 words are to be
and Homographs: given
Use the following words in 4 x 1= 4
your own sentences.
13. Grammar Synonyms / Antonyms: 2 words each are
Give the to be given

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CP01E Page 6

Synonyms/Antonyms for 2 x 1= 2
the following words
14. Grammar Agreement of the Verb 4 sentences are to
with its Subject: be given
Fill in the blanks with 4 x 1= 4
verbs that agree with their
15. Composition Descriptive Writing: 3 questions are to
Describe objects, people, be given 2 x 5 = 10
places and processes
16. Composition Comprehension of an Questions to be
unseen passage: set for 10 marks
Read the following passage 10
and answer the questions
that follow
Total - - 100

Guidelines for Question Paper Setting:

1. The question paper must be prepared based on the blue print without changing the
weightage of marks fixed for each category. (As per model question paper)
2. The question paper pattern provided should be adhered to.
3. Care must be taken so that there is only one possible answer for all ‘fill in the blanks’

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CP01E Page 7

Course Assessment and Evaluation:

To Max Evidence Course

What Frequency
Whom Marks Collected Outcomes
Three tests
(average of
(Continuous Internal

I A Tests three tests 20 1 and 2

will be

Students computed)
Direct Assessment

Class room Any one Log of

05 3
Assignments Activity(*) Activity

(Semester End


End Of the
End Exam Students 100 Scripts at 1 to 4

1 to 3
Student Feedback on Middle Of
Indirect Assessment

Feedback forms delivery of

course The Course
the course

Students 1 to 4
End Of The of delivery of
End Of Course Survey Questionnaire
Course instructions
Note: I.A. test shall be conducted for 20 marks. Average marks of three tests shall be rounded off
to the next higher digit. Any decimals shall be rounded off to the next higher digit. Eg: 15.1
should be rounded of to 16.

* Class room Assignments: Evaluated for any ONE activity

Suggested list of Tutorial Exercises leading to the Development of Speaking Skills

1. Introducing oneself
2. Discussion about weather
3. Discussion about hobbies
4. Discussing holiday plans
5. Telephonic conversation
6. Talking about favorite sports, movie, TV shows etc.
7. Description about one’s goal and its attainment.
Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CP01E Page 8
8. Any other topic of your/students’ choice.



Unsatisfactory Developing Satisfactory Good Exemplary Student

1 2 3 4 5
Does not
Speaks on Performs very Performs Performs all
perform any Performs very Ex:
the given few duties but nearly all duties
duties assigned few duties
topic unreliable duties assigned
to them 4

Enunciation Enunciation Enunciation Enunciation

Students’ Does not
not up to the adequate above extremely 3
Enunciation enunciate clearly
mark average good

Presentation Poor Scope for Presentation Excellent
presentation 2
Skills presentation improvement effective Presentation

Does not collect

Submission Collects very Collects Collects a
any information Collects some
of limited much great deal of 5
relating to the information
Assignment information information information
Average / Total marks = (4+3+2+5) /4 = 14/4= 3.5 = 4 4

Note: This is only an example. Appropriate rubrics/criteria may be devised by the

concerned faculty (course coordinator) for assessing the given activity.

Composition of Educational Components:

Questions for CIE and SEE will be designed to evaluate the various educational components
(Bloom’s Taxonomy) such as:

Sl. Weightage
Educational Component
No. (%)
1. Remembering 42
2. Understanding the course 25
3. Applying the knowledge acquired from course 33

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CP01E Page 9

Test/ Date and Time Semester/ Year Course / Course Code Max. Marks


sem. 10-11 a.m.
Year: 2015-16 Course Code:15CP01E

Name of Course Coordinator : Units: 2 CO’s: 2

I Answer any five of the following in one or two sentences each: 5x 2 = 10 R/U 1 5,7,9

1. What do you mean by career?

2. Define ‘Career Planning’?
3. What should be the major focus of career planning?
4. What are the questions often asked by the young?
5. What are the three traits as identified by the author?
6. How have the content of our films changed?
7. What has startled global experts?

II Grammar: U /A 2 9
1. Identify the parts of speech of the underlined words:
a. All spoke in his favour.
b. Let us even the ground.
2 x 1 =2
2. Fill in the blanks with suitable articles:
a. Charlie is ___ European.
b. She is ____untidy girl.

3. Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions: 4x1=4

a. Caesar was killed ____Brutus____ a dagger.
b. We arrived____ Belagavi_____6 o’ clock.

4. Add Suffix and Prefix to the following: 2x1=2

_________ nation__________




Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CP01E Page 10


Government of Karnataka
Department of Technical Education, Bengaluru


Course code: 15CP 01E

Curriculum Drafting Committee 2015-16

Name Designation Institution

1. Mrs. Geetha K. Selection Grade Lecturer GRICP, Bengaluru

2. Mr. C.V. Inamdar Selection Grade Lecturer Govt. Polytechnic, Belagavi

3. Mrs. Bharathi Naik Selection Grade Lecturer Women’s Polytechnic, Mangaluru

4. Mrs. Rajyashree Srikant Selection Grade Lecturer Govt. Polytechnic, Bagepalli

5. Mrs. Sunitha M.N. Selection Grade Lecturer HMS Polytechnic, Tumakuru

Govt. Residential Women’s
6. Mr. Deepak Dongre Selection Grade Lecturer
Polytechnic, Shivamogga

Review committee

Name Designation Institution

1. Mrs. Rajyashree Srikant Selection Grade Lecturer Govt. Polytechnic, Bagepalli

2. Mrs. Shailaja D. Lecturer Women’s Polytechnic, Bengaluru

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CP01E Page 11

Model Question Paper:

Code: 15CP 01E

I / II Semester Diploma Examination
(Common to all Diploma programmes)
Time: 3 Hours] [Max. Marks: 100

(i) Answer all the questions as directed.
(ii) Spelling and grammatical errors shall be penalized.
(iii) Answers to Question No. I and II are based on the prescribed text.

I. Answer any TWELVE of the following in one or two sentences each: 2 x 12 = 24

1. What do you mean by career?

2. Define ‘Career Planning’?
3. What should be the major focus of career planning?
4. What are the questions often asked by the young?
5. What are the three traits as identified by the author?
6. How have the content of our films changed?
7. What is Global Warming?
8. How does Global Warming occur?
9. What are the major causes for Global Warming?
10. What was the usual talk when the parents of the children met?
11. What ambition did Nooyi’s mother have for her daughter?
12. Who is the sinner according to the poem?
13. Why did the farmer commit suicide?
14. Explain in your own words the reason for the farmer’s visit to the clinic.
15. Describe how the doctor fixed the bull’s tooth.

II. Write short notes on any THREE of the following: 5 x 3 = 15

1. How does career planning play a major role in making career choices?
2. How does our environment contribute to our numbness to injustice?
3. Explain in your own words the traditional and modern views of one or two facts
expressed in the interview?
4. Explain in your own words the reason for the farmer’s visit to the clinic.
5. Why does the farmer’s wife resolve to live?


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1. Identify the parts of speech of the underlined words: 4 x 1= 4
a. All spoke in his favour.
b. Let us even the ground.
c. I can shift for myself.
d. She lives in luxury.

2. Fill in the blanks with suitable auxiliaries: 3 x 1 =3

a. You _______ not use calculators in the exam hall.
b. _______I come in sir?
c. ______ you lend me your scooter?

3. Fill in the blanks with suitable articles: 3x1=3

a. Charlie is ___ European.
b. She is ____untidy girl.
c. What is ____matter?

4. Identify the tense of the verbs in the following sentences: 4x1=4

a. I am writing a letter.
b. Sun rises in the east.
c. I have done my homework.
d. She has been learning western music.

5. Change the voice of the verb in the following sentences: 4x1=4

a. Who did this?
b. The money was lost.
c. The cat is chasing the mouse.
d. He was made the king.

6. Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions: 4 x 1= 4

a. Caesar was killed ____Brutus____ a dagger.
b. We arrived____ Belagavi_____6 o’ clock.

7. Add suitable question tag: 3 x 1=3

a. You were late this morning,_______?
b. I did not hurt you, _________?
c. Your father is a doctor, ______?

8. Give short form answers for the following: 2 x 1=2

a. Does your father smoke? (Negative)
b. Have you read today’s newspaper? (Affirmative)

9. Add Suffix and Prefix to the following: 2 x 1= 2

a. _________ nation__________

10. Frame sentences using each word to bring out the difference in meaning clearly:
Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CP01E Page 13
a. (i) Sight (ii) Site
b. (i) Present (ii) Present

11. Give Synonyms to the following words: 2 x 1=2

a. Teach
b. Agree

12. Give Antonyms to the following words: 2x1=2

a. War
b. Happy

13. Fill in the blanks with verbs to agree with their subjects: 4x1=4
a. Twenty kilometers ______not a long distance.
b. Either you or I______ mistake.
c. Gold and Silver_______ precious metals
d. The captain with his team _____arrived.

IV. COMPOSITION: (Answer any two in 80 -100 words each) 5 x 2 = 10

1. Describe your favorite tourist place.
2. Describe the process of preparing tea.
3. Expand – Work is worship.

Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:

She was all of one-and-a-half years old. Two nurses were holding her
down while a third was trying to insert a syringe into a vein to get a blood sample.
She was crying loudly, but I was crying even louder. We had no option. It was the fifth
day and the fever had not broken; it was imperative that we run the test to rule out
typhoid. They finally asked me to leave the room, not just because they were
embarrassed at a grown-up crying, but because they thought it would be easier and
quicker for the child if the mother was not in the room. They got her out within a few
minutes. She jumped into my arms and gave a few more loud wails. Fresh tears
streamed down my eyes as we made our way out of the wretched pathology lab. Her
paediatrician was getting into the building just then. Between sobs I told him how my
daughter had flung the syringe and the lab had to have three attendants on her to
collect the sample. As I was talking, my voice broke. To my surprise, Dr. Patel handed
me his briefcase and stethoscope, took my girl in his arms and went to the store just a
few paces away. He bought her a Cadbury bar and my daughter’s face lit up like a
million bucks. Gone were the tears, the memory of the syringe, smell of antiseptic,
cotton …everything receded to the background as she un wrapped the big bar with her
tiny fingers and dug into it with all her heart. I smiled as the angelic doctor handed me
my princess.

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Meanings of difficult words:

1. Imperative: absolutely essential

2. Wretched: miserable; unpleasant
3. Pathology lab: where the causes and effects of diseases are studied
4. Receded: moved back gradually
5. Paediatrician: children’s doctor
6. Flung:(past tense of fling) an act of throwing violently
7. Attendants: one who attends


1. How old was the child? 1

2. What did the nurses have to do to get a blood sample? 2
3. Why was the mother asked to leave the room? 2
4. Why does the mother called the pathology lab ‘wretched’? 2
5. How did Dr. Patel calm down the little girl? 2
6. Suggest a suitable title for this passage. 1

Model Question Bank:



1. What do you mean by career?

2. Define ‘Career Planning’?
3. What should be the major focus of career planning?
4. List out the benefits of career planning?
5. Identify the guidelines for choosing a career?
6. What are the frequently asked questions about career fields?
7. How do connections help in searching for a suitable job?
8. What are the sample questions asked about a particular job title?
9. What is the role of a career counselor in charting out a career path?
10. List out the factors influencing career decisions?
11. What has startled global experts?
12. What are the questions often asked by the young?
13. What are the three traits as identified by the author?
14. How have the content of our films changed?
15. In what way have we been exposed to corruption from our childhood?
Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CP01E Page 15
16. How can we contribute to India’s progress?
17. What is global warming?
18. How does global warming occur?
19. What are the major causes for Global Warming?
20. What is the quantity of fossil fuel burnt each year?
21. How does the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air increase?
22. Define Greenhouse effect?
23. By burning forests around the world, how much carbon dioxide is added to the atmosphere?
24. What are the steps to be taken to save our environment?
25. What is the possible problem of global warming and its result?
26. What is the effect of global warming?
27. What was the usual talk when the parents of the children met?
28. What ambition did Nooyi’s mother have for her daughter?
29. How did Nooyi’s mother threaten Nooyi?
30. What good news did Indra Nooyi want to share with her mother?
31. What did Nooyi’s mother say when she was told the good news?
32. What lesson did Nooyi learn from her mother?
33. Why does Nooyi’s mother take full credit for Nooyi’s success?
34. What does Indra Nooyi discover about the language of business in the U.S?
35. What does Indra Nooyi think about herself as a mother?
36. What is the secret of Indra Nooyi’s success?
37. How does Indra Nooyi manage time?
38. What is Indra Nooyi’s passion?
39. Describe the farmer who visited the dentist’s clinic.
41. What was the curious act of the farmer?
42. What request did the farmer make?
43. Why did the doctor almost ‘faint in shock’?
44. What did the farmer say when he came back to the clinic?
45. Who do ‘you’ and ‘I’ in the poem refer to?
46. Who is the sinner according to the poem?
47. Why did the farmer commit suicide?
48. Explain the meaning of the phrase ‘you crossed over’.
49. What are the contrasts depicted by the writer between the farmer’s wife and her husband?
50. What memories of her husband trouble her now?


1. Write a short note on Guidelines for Choosing a Career.

2. How does career planning play a major role in making career choices?
3. Explain in your own words the first trait of our psyche.
4. How does our environment contribute to our numbness to injustice?
5. Describe the divisiveness that the author talks about.
6. What are the causes and effects of global warming?
7. How does deforestation affect our environment?

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8. What information do you gather about Indra Nooyi after going through the interview
with Nandan Nilekani?

9. How did Indra Nooyi’s mother try to teach her the role of a woman in a family? Do
you agree with her?
10. How do you think Indra Nooyi’s mother and her husband contribute to her success?
11. What does Indra Nooyi mean when she says “I have to decide every moment in time
whether I am going be a mother or a wife or an executive”?
12. Explain in your own words the traditional and modern views of one or two facts
expressed in the interview?
13. Explain in your own words the reason for the farmer’s visit to the clinic.
14. Describe how the doctor fixed the bull’s tooth.
15. Describe the lament of the farmer’s wife on her husband’s death?


1. Fill in the blanks with suitable articles:

a. Dr. Sanjay is ___ dentist.
b. My friend is ___ MLA.
c. Have you ever visited___ Himalayas?
d. Please bring me ___ cup of coffee.
e. He is ___untidy boy.
f. She is __backbone of her organization.
g. He is ___ honour to his profession.
h. Raghu is going to___ mall.
i. ____world is ___happy place.
j. I met___ European at ___ party in ___ friend’s house.

2. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions:

a. She works __ a big shop __ Jayanagar.
b. There is a book ___ the floor. Put it __ the table.
c. I often see Mrs. Dixit __ the station, waiting __ her train.
d. Mangalore is __ the coast __ the south __ India.
e. My daughter isn’t __ work today because she isn’t feeling well.
f. There were several people __ the bus stop.
g. Mr. and Mrs. Sharma were __ the shop talking __ the assistant.
h. Yesterday we spent the day __ the country.
i. We had lunch __ a pretty little village.
j. When I was __ the bus stop this morning; I saw two boys __ the church roof.

3. Add appropriate prefixes to form new words:

a. form b. regular c. literate d. accurate e. operate
f. pure g. fix h. technic i. tone j. national

4. Add appropriate suffixes to form new words:

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a. rich b. love c. start d. beauty e. differ
f. use g. cheer h. attract i. save j. slow

5. Give the synonyms of the following:

a. release b. arrive c. trap d. happinesse. e. large
f. teach g. change h. confusion i. discover j. charge

6. Give the antonyms for the following:

a. rise b. increase c. smiled. d. strict. e.sadness
f. full g. host h. success i. discover j. charge

7. Add the correct question tags to the following statements:

a. It is cold,_____?
b. But it isn’t as cold as yesterday, ____?
c. It was very cold yesterday,_____?
d. It hasn’t been so cold for a long time, ____?
e. It is snowing in the north, ____?
f. It often snows there, ____?

8. Give short form answers for the following:

a. Does Renu work hard?__________.____________.
b. Can you swim?______________._____________.
c. Are you angry with me?___________.________.
d. Do you like watching movies?__________.________.
e. Have you met our Prime Minister?_________._________.

9. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words from the brackets:

a. His father-in-law owns a ______ farm. (dairy/diary)
b. Diabetics must take extra care of their ______. (feat/feet)
c. Rekha is a popular ____ of Bollywood.(heroin/heroine)
d. The country was prosperous during the______of
e. You should be_____ in the class. (quite/quiet)

10. Differentiate between the following pairs of words by using each of them in a
sentence of your own:
a. Wrong, rung b. Principal, principle c. Hair, hare
d. Gate, gait. e. Sea, see f. Fair, fare
g. Some, sum. h. Sell, cell i. Weather, whether
j. Birth, berth k. Vacation, vocation l. Bear, bare

11. Fill in the blanks with verbs to agree with their subjects:
Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CP01E Page 18
a. Every seat in the bus ____ taken.
b. All the seats in this bus ____ reserved.
c. One of my friends _____ visiting me this week end.
d. Neither Gopal nor Deepak ____ come today.
e. The Captain of Indian team as well as his players ____ staying here.
f. Intelligence and hard work _____ required to get good marks.
g. Mathematics ____ my favourite subject.
h. _____ your father and mother at home?

12. Identify the tense of the verbs in the following in the sentences.

a. He was listening to her attentively.

b. Raghu denies stealing my purse.
c. She has bought a flat near my house.
d. Kiran fought bravely.
e. The teachers are discussing the details of the annual day function.
f. I am not trying to copy you.
g. Sushma was cooking pasta.
h. The students have been waiting eagerly for the results.
i. Risheeba speaks Tamil very fluently.
j. I have been waiting for her for over an hour.

13. Change the voice:

a. Ramu was making a kite. f. He was refused admission.

b. Close the door. g. Do not insult the poor.
c. Cable wires have been cut. h. Without effort nothing can be
d. We prohibit smoking. gained.
e. Everyone loves him. i. They made him captain.
e. My watch was lost.


Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CP01E Page 19

Government of Karnataka
Department of Technical Education
Board of Technical Examinations, Bengaluru

Course Title: ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS – I Course Code : 15SC01M

Semester :I Core / Elective : Core
Teaching Scheme in Hrs (L:T:P) : 4:0:0 Credits : 4 Credits
Type of course : Lecture + Assignments Total Contact Hours : 52
CIE : 25 Marks SEE : 100 Marks
Programmes: Common to all Engineering Diploma Programmes

Basics in Algebra, Trigonometry and Coordinate Geometry in Secondary Education.

Course Objectives:

1. Apply the concept of matrices and determinants and their applications to solve the
linear equation in engineering field.
2. Apply the vector algebra in solving the problems of statics and mechanics.
3. Analyse the civil engineering problems using concepts of probability.
4. Evaluate the advanced engineering mathematical problems using logarithms.
5. Apply and evaluate trigonometric concept in vector engineering field.
6. Create the basic concept of calculus.

Course Content:

Topic and Contents Hours Marks


(a) Matrices: Basic concepts of matrices: Definition, types

of matrices and mathematical operations on matrices 02
(addition, subtraction and multiplication of matrices).

(b) Determinant: Definition, problems on finding the

determinant value of 2nd and 3rd order. Problems on
finding unknown quantity in a 2nd and 3rd order 04
determinants using expansion. Solving simultaneous
linear equations using determinant method (Cramer’s rule
up to 3rd order).

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15SC01M Page 1

(c) Inverse and applications of matrices: Minors and
Cofactors of elements of matrix. Adjoint and Inverse of
matrices of order 2nd and 3rd order. Elementary row and
column operations on matrices. Characteristic equation
and characteristic roots (eigen values) of 2x2 matrix. 04
Statement of Cayley-Hamilton theorem and its
verification for 2x2 matrix. Solution of system of linear
equations using Gauss Elimination method (for 3
unknowns only).


Definition of vector. Representation of vector as a

directed line segment. Magnitude of a vector. Types of
vectors. Position vector. Expression of vector by means
of position vectors. Addition and subtraction of vectors in
terms of line segment. Vector in plane and vector in a
space in terms of unit vector i, j and k respectively.
Product of vectors. Scalar product and vector product of
two vectors. Geometrical meaning of scalar and vector
product. Applications of dot (scalar) and cross (vector)
products. Projection of a vector on another vector. Area
of parallelogram and area of triangle. Work done by force
and moment of force.


(a) Probability: Introduction. Random experiments:

outcomes and sample space. Event: Definition,
occurrence of an event, types of events. Algebra of
events- complementary event, the events A or B, A and 06
B, A but not B, mutually exclusive events, exhaustive
events, defining probability of an event. Addition rule of
probability. Conditional probability: definition, properties
of conditional probability, simple problems.

(b) Logarithms: Definition of common and natural

logarithms. Laws of logarithms (no proof). Simple 02
problems on laws of logarithms.

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(a)Recapitulation of angle measurement, trigonometric 02

ratios and standard angles.
Allied angles: Meaning of allied angle. Signs of
trigonometric ratios. Trigonometric ratios of allied angles 06
in terms of . Problems on allied angles.
(b) Compound angles: Geometrical proof of sin(A+B) and
cos(A+B) and hence deduce tan(A+B). Write the
formulae for sin(A-B), cos(A-B) and tan(A-B),
problems. Multiple and sub multiple angle formulae for
2A and 3A. Simple problems. Transformation formulae. 08
Expression for sum or difference of sine and cosine of
angles into product form. Expression for product of sine
and cosine of angles into sum or differences form.

Meaning of imaginary number i and its value.
Definition of complex number in the form of + .
Argand diagram of complex number + (Cartesian
system). Equality of complex numbers. Conjugate of
complex number. Algebra of complex numbers, modulus
of complex number, principal value of argument of
complex number, polar form: = ( + ) and
exponential form = of complex number, where r is
modulus and is principal value of argument of complex


Limits: Constants and variables. Definition of function.
Types of functions: Explicit and implicit function, odd
and even functions(definition with example). Concept of
→ .Definition of limit of a function. Indeterminate
forms. Evaluation of limit of functions by factorization,
rationalization. Algebraic limits. Statement of
lim = where n is any rational number.

Proof of lim =1 where is in radian. Related


Standard limit (statement only)

1. lim = log , 2. Lim =1

→ →
3. lim 1 + = , 4.lim (1 + ) =
→∞ →
Simple problems on standard limits.

TOTAL 52 145

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Course outcomes:
On successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:

1. Find the product of matrices, value of determinants, and inverse of matrix and solve the
simultaneous linear equation.
2. Find the product of vectors and their geometrical applications in finding moment of force,
work done.
3. Determine probability of various types of events.
4. Solve the problems related to logarithms.
5. Solve the problems on trigonometric functions with angle of any magnitude.
6. Evaluate the limiting value of algebraic and trigonometric functions.

Mapping Course Outcomes with Program Outcomes:

CO Course Outcome PO Cognitive Theory Allotted
Mapped Level Sessions marks on
cognitive TOTAL
CO1 Find the product of matrices, 1,2,3 R/U/A
value of determinants, and
10 9 10 12 31
inverse of matrix and solve the
simultaneous linear equation
CO2 Find the product of vectors and 1,2,3 R/U/A
their geometrical applications in
8 6 15 6 27
finding moment of force, work
CO3 Determine probability of various 1,2, R/U/A
8 3 5 6 14
types of events
CO4 Evaluate the integrations of 1,2,3,10 R/U/A
algebraic, trigonometric and 16 15 20 12 47
exponential function
CO5 Solve the problems related to 1,2 R/A
4 3 0 6 09
CO6 Evaluate the limiting value of 1,2,10 R/U/A
algebraic and trigonometric 6 6 5 6 17
Total Hours of 52 Total 145
instruction marks
R-Remember; U-Understanding; A-Application
Course outcomes –Program outcomes mapping strength
Course Programme Outcomes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
3 3 3 - - - - - - 3
Level 3- Highly Addressed, Level 2-Moderately Addressed, Level 1-Low Addressed.
Method is to relate the level of PO with the number of hours devoted to the COs which address the given PO.
If >40% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is addressed at Level 3
If 25 to 40% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is addressed at Level 2
If 5 to 25% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is addressed at Level 1
If < 5% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is considered not-addressed.

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15SC01M Page 4

1. NCERT Mathematics Text books of class XI and XII.
2. Karnataka State PUC mathematics Text Books of I & II PUC by H.K. Dass and
Dr.Ramaverma published by S.Chand & Co.Pvt.Ltd.
3. CBSE Class Xi & XII by Khattar&Khattar published PHI Learning Pvt. ltd.,
4. First and Second PUC mathematics Text Books of different authors.
5. www.freebookcentre.net/mathematics/introductory-mathematics -books.html

Course Assessment and Evaluation:

The Course will be delivered through lectures, class room interaction, exercises and self-
study cases.

Method What To When/where Max Evidence Contributing

whom (Frequency in Marks collected to course
the course) outcomes
Three tests
(Average of
Assessment 20 Blue books 1 to 6
Three tests will
be computed).
Two Assignments
based on CO’s
*CIE (Average marks of
Two Assignments 5 Log of record
Student 1 to 6
Assignments shall be rounded
off to the next
higher digit.)

Total 25
Semester Answer
*SEE End End of the course 100 scripts at 1 to 6
Examination BTE
Middle of the 1 to 3, delivery
Student feedback Feedback
course of the course
1 to 6,
Students -NA-
of delivery of
End of Course survey End of course Questionnaire instructions
*CIE – Continuous Internal Evaluation *SEE – Semester End Examination

Note: I.A. test shall be conducted for 20 marks. Average marks of three tests shall be rounded off to
the next higher digit.

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15SC01M Page 5

Composition of Educational Components:
Questions for CIE and SEE will be designed to evaluate the various educational components
(Bloom’s taxonomy) such as:
Sl. Weightage
Educational Component
No. (%)
1 Remembering 25
2 Understanding 40
3 Applying the knowledge acquired from the course 30
Analysis and Evaluation 5


Test/Date and Time Semester/year Course/Course Code Max Marks

Ex: I test/6 th weak of
sem 10-11 Am Course code: 15SC01M
Name of Course coordinator : Units:__ CO’s:____


Model Question Paper:

Code: 15SC01M
I Semester Diploma Examination

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15SC01M Page 6

(Common to All Engineering Diploma Programmes)

Time: 3 Hours.][Max marks: 100

(i) Answer any Ten questions from section-A, any Eight questions from section-B and
any Five questions from section-C.
(ii) Each question carries 3 marks in section-A.
(iii) Each question carries 5 marks in section-B.
(iv) Each question carries 6 marks in section-C.


2 3 1
1. Find the product of = and = −1
0 −1 3
2 −1 5 1
2. If = and = find adj(AB).
3 4 0 −3
3 −7 1 5
3. If + = , − = find A.
0 2 4 −6
4. If ⃗ = + 2 − 3 , ⃗ = 3 − 5 + 2 . Find the magnitude of 2 ⃗ + 3 ⃗.
5. If ⃗=(3,-4), ⃗= (-5,6) find position vector of A and B and also find ⃗

6. Three coins are tossed simultaneously. List the sample space for event.
7. If sin = − 8 17 and < < find the value of4 +3 .

8. Find the value of sin 75 using standard angles.

( ) ( )
9. Show that ( ) ( )

10. Prove thatsin( + ) sin( − ) = sin − sin .

11. Prove that − = 2.

12. Express the product (1 + )(1 + 2 ) in + form and hence find its modulus.

13. Evaluate : lim

14. Evaluate: lim


1 0
1. Find the value of x if 2 −1 3 = 0.
−2 1 4
Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15SC01M Page 7
1 2
2. Find the characteristic equation and its roots of a square matrix =
2 1
3. Find the of the angle between the vectors2 − + 3 −2 +2 .
4. If vector ⃗ = + + 2 , ⃗ = 2 − + show that ⃗ + ⃗perpendicular ⃗ − ⃗.
5. Find the projection of ⃗ = 2 + − on ⃗ = 2 − 3 + 4 .

6. Prove that + + =1

7. Find the numerical value ofsin . cos − − cos . sin −

8. Prove that sin( + ) = sin cos + cos sin geometrically

9. If + + = , prove that tan tan + tan tan + tan tan = 1.

10. Show that = cot 82

11. Evaluate:lim


1. Solve for x, y & z using determinant method

+ = 0, + = 1& + = 3.
2. Solve the equation + + = 6, 2 − 3 + = 1& + 3 − 2 = 7 using Gauss
elimination method.
3. A force ⃗ = 2 + + is acting at the point (-3,2,1). Find the magnitude of the
moment of force ⃗ about the point (2,1,2).
4. A die is thrown twice and the sum of the numbers appearing is absorbed tobe. What
is the conditional probability that the number 5 has appeared at least once?
( )
5. Prove that ( )
+ ( )

6. Prove that cos 80 cos 60 cos 40 cos 20 =

7. Find the modulus and argument of the complex number = −√3 + and hence
represent in argand diagram.

8. Prove that lim = 1 where is in radian.

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Question Paper Blue Print:


Each questions to be set for Each questions to be set for Each questions to be set for
UNIT NO HOURS 3 Marks 5 Marks 6 Marks Weightage of Marks
Section - A Section - B Section- C

a 2 2 - -

1 b 4 - 1 1 31
c 4 1 1 1

2 8 2 3 1 27
a 6 1 - 1
3 14
b 2 - 1 -
a 8 1 1 1
4 47
b 8 4 3 1

5 4 1 - 1 9

6 6 2 1 1 17
TOTAL 52 14 11 08 145
Questions to be
10 08 05 100

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15SC01M Page 9

Guidelines for Question Paper Setting:

1. The question paper must be prepared based on the blue print without changing the
weigh age of model fixed for each unit.
2. The question paper pattern provided should be adhered to
Section-A: 10 questions to be answered out of 14 questions each carrying 03 marks
Section-B: 08 questions to be answered out of 11 questions each carrying 05 marks.
Section-C: 05 questions to be answered out of 08 questions each carrying 06 marks.
3. Questions should not be set from the recapitulation topics.
4. Questions should not be set from the recapitulation topics.

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15SC01M Page 10

Model Question Bank:

Course Title: ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS – I Course Code: 15SC01M



3 −9
1. IfA = , find A + A′ .
−4 7
5 −2
2. If A = [2 −1 3] and = 3 1 , find AB matrix.
2 4
2 −1 3
3. If matrix A= 5 1 0 is a singular matrix, then find the value of x.
1 0
4 −5
4. Find the adjoint of the matrixA = .
3 −2
3 −1
5. If A = find the characteristic equation.
0 −2


1. Solve the equations + = 3, 2x + 3y = 8 by Cramer’s rule.

2. Solve for x, if

1 3
3. Verify Cayley-Hamilton theorem if A = .
2 −4
5 −2
4. VerifyA(AdjA) = |A|. I. if A = .
3 1
3 −1 2
5. Find the adjoint of the matrix = 2 −3 1
0 4 2

1. Solve for x &y from the equations 4 + = 7, 3 + 4z = 5, 5x + 3z = 2by

Cramer’s rule.
1 2 2
2. Find the inverse of the matrix −1 3 0
0 −2 1
−1 0 3 5
3. Prove that adj(AB)=(adjB).(adjA) if A = and B =
5 3 2 4

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15SC01M Page 11

1 −1
4. Find the characteristic roots of a matrix .
−6 −2
5. Solve the equations by Gauss elimination method 3 − + z = 0, x + 2y − 2z =
3, 3x + z = 4.



1. Find the magnitude of vector 2i +3j – 6k

2. If ⃗ = + 2 − 3 , ⃗ = 3 − 5 + 2 find magnitude of 3 ⃗ − 2 ⃗
3. Show that cos − sin is unit vector
4. Show that the vectors 2 + 5 − 6 ,and 7 + 2 + 4 orthogonal vectors.
5. If ⃗ = 5 + 2 − 4 , and ⃗ = 2 − 5 + 3 find ⃗ ⃗ .


1. Find cosine of the angle between the vectors 4 − 2 − 3 and 2 − 3 + 4 .

2. Find the projection of ⃗ on ⃗ if ⃗ = 5 + 2 − 4 and ⃗ = 2 − 5 + 6 .
3. If ⃗ = 3 + 2 − 4 and ⃗ = − 2 + 5 are two sides of a triangle, find its area.
4. Simplify ⃗ + ⃗ . ⃗ − ⃗ and ⃗ + ⃗ ⃗− ⃗ .
5. Find the magnitude of moment of force 4 − 2 + 5 about (2,5,-7) acting at (4,7,0)


1. If A=(2,5,7), B=(3,9,4) and C=(-2,5,7) are three vertices of parallelogram find its
2. If a force 4 + 6 + 2 acting on a body displaces it from (2,7,-8) to (3,9,4). Find the
work done by the force.
3. Find the sine of the angle between the vectors 4 − 2 − 3 and 2 − 3 + 4 .
4. Find the unit vector in the direction perpendicular to both vector 2 − 5 + and 5 +
+7 .
5. Show that the points whose position vectors are − 3 − 5 , 2 − + and 3 −
4 − 4 form a right angled triangle.



1. Define equally likely events, Independent event, and mutually exclusive event.
2. Define probability of an event.
3. A coin is tossed twice. What is the probability that at least one head occurs.
4. A die is thrown once, what is the probability an odd number appears.
5. If E and F are events such that P(E)=0.6, P(F)=0.3 and P(E∩F)= 0.2. Find P(E/F).

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15SC01M Page 12


1. Prove that + + =1
2. If = log ,= log , = log ,
Prove that = + + +2
3. If = log , = log 2 , = log 3 , prove that +1=2
4. If + =7 , prove that log = (log a + log b)
5. Solve for x given that (log ) + (log ) − 20 = 0


1. An integer is chosen at random from the numbers ranging from 1 to 50 . What is the
probability that the integer chosen is a multiple of 3 or 10 ?
2. Two unbiased dice are thrown once . Find the probability of getting the sum of the
numbers obtained on the two dice is neither a multiple of 2 nor a multiple of 4 .
3. One card is drawn from a well shuffled pack of 52 cards. If E is the event “the card
drawn is a king or an ace” and F is the event “ the card drawn is an ace or a jack “
then find the conditional probability of the event E, when the event F has already
occurred .
4. A pair of dice is thrown once. If the two numbers appearing on them are different,
find the probability that the sum of the numbers is 6.
5. A family has two children. What is the probability that both the children are boys
given that (i) the youngest is a boy. (ii) at least one is a boy ?



1. Find the value of

2. Find the value of

3. 3.If sin and , find cos

4. 4. If A+B+C =1800 Prove that cot

5. 5.find the value of tan

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15SC01M Page 13


1. Prove that =1

2. If secx = 13/5 and 2700 , Find the value of

3. Find the value of

4. Evaluate

5. Show that tan2250xcot4050+tan7650xcot6750+cosec1350xsec3150 = 0


1 .Evaluate tan3150xcot4050+tan7650xcot6750+cosec1350xsec3150

2. Find x if

3. If sin , find the value of

4. Evaluate

5. Show that tan



1. Find the value of sin150

2. Show that

3. Prove that

4. Using tan(A+B), prove that cot(A+B)=

5. Prove that

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15SC01M Page 14


1. Prove that cos(A-B) cos(A+B)= cos2A-sin2B

2. Show that

3. If sinA=

4. Prove that tan3

5. If A+B =



1 P.T

2 P.T

3 Show that
4 Show that
5 Show that


1 P.T

2 In and triangle ABC prove that tanA + tanB +tanC = tanA tanB tanC
3 Show that

4 Prove that

5 Prove that


1 Prove that cos200xcos400xcos800xcos600= 1/16

2 In any triangle ABC prove that sinA + sinB + sinC=4Cos(A/2)cos(B/2)cos(C/2)

3 Show that
4 If A+B+C = 1800 prove that

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5 If A+B+C = 1800 prove that sin2A-sin2B+sin2C=4cosAcosCsinB



1. Evaluate
2. Find the complex conjugate of (1 + 2 )(3 − 4)
3. Express (3 + 4 ) in the form a+ib
4. Find the real part and imaginary part of

5. + = cos + sin show that + = 2 cos


1. Evaluate +
2. Find the modulus and amplitude of 1 − √3
( )
3. Express in a + ib form: ( ).( )
4. Express the complex number 1 + i in the polar form.
5. Find the amplitude of √3 + and represent in Argand diagram.



1. Evaluate: lim

2. Evaluate: lim

3. Evaluate: lim .

4. Evaluate: lim
5. Evaluate: lim


1. Evaluate:lim .

√ √
2. Evaluate: lim

3. Evaluate: lim

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15SC01M Page 16

4. Evaluate: lim

5. Evaluate: lim .


1. Prove that = , if θ is in "radian".

2. Evaluate: lim

( )
3. Evaluate: lim .
→∞ ( )( )( )

4. Evaluate: lim .

5. Evaluate: lim
→ √ √

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Government of Karnataka
Department of Technical Education, Bengaluru


Course code: 15SC01M

Curriculum Drafting Committee 2015-16

Name Designation Institution

1 Dr. D.S. Prakash Asst. Director (LRDC) DTE, Bengaluru

Lecturer (Selection Grade Government Polytechnic,

2 Dr.MokaShekhu, ,
/Science) Channasandra, Bengaluru

Sri.Sathyanaraya Dixit, Lecturer (Selection Grade

3 PVP Polytechnic, Bengaluru
Sri. Guruprasad V Lecturer (Selection Grade
4 APS Polytechnic, Somanahalli
Dr.RajasekharHeera, Government Polytechnic,
5 Lecturer/Science,

Curriculum Review committee

Name Designation Institution

Lecturer (Selection Grade Government Polytechnic,
1 Dr.MokaShekhu, ,
/Science) Channasandra, Bengaluru

Sri.Sathyanaraya Dixit, Lecturer (Selection Grade

2 PVP Polytechnic, Bengaluru

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15SC01M Page 18

Government of Karnataka
Department of Technical Education
Board of Technical Examinations, Bengaluru

Scheme (L:T:P) : 4:0:0 Total Contact Hours: 52 Course Code: 15CE11T

Type of Course: Lectures, Self

Credit :04 Core/ Elective: Core
Study & Quiz
CIE- 25 Marks SEE- 100 Marks

Prerequisites: Knowledge of basic Science in Secondary Education.

Course Objectives:
1. Understand properties of various materials.
2. Select suitable materials for appropriate engineering applications.

On successful completion of the course, the students will be able to:

Course Outcome CL Linked PO Teaching Hrs

Identify the types, origin, properties,
manufacturing, qualities, uses of building element
CO1 R/U 1,2,3,4,5,7 21
(Stones, Bricks & blocks) as per IS code
Comprehend about timber and able to select
CO2 different market forms for appropriate field R/U 1,5 10
Explain about composition, functions,
CO3 manufacturing, tests, types, uses and storage of R/U 1,2,3,4,5 8
cement as per IS codes.
Summarize about paints, varnishes & distemper
CO4 R/U 1,5 4
and recognize its good qualities
Compare the types, properties, uses and market
CO5 forms of ferrous, nonferrous metals and their R/U 1,2,5 9
Total sessions 52

Legend- R; Remember U: Understand

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE11T

Programme outcome Attainment Matrix

Programme Outcome
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10

3 3 3 3 3 - 3 - - -

Level 3- Highly Addressed, Level 2-Moderately Addressed, Level 1-Low Addressed.

Method is to relate the level of PO with the number of hours devoted to the COs which address the given PO.
If >40% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is addressed at Level 3
If 25 to 40% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is addressed at Level 2
If 5 to 25% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is addressed at Level 1
If < 5% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is considered not-addressed.

Classification of rocks, Quarrying of stones by wedging & blasting, Tests on stone (Acid test,
Attrition, crushing, impact & water absorption), Characteristics of a good building stone,
Deterioration & Preservation of stones

Composition of good brick earth & harmful ingredients, Manufacture of bricks, Burning of
bricks by clamps-intermittent (down draught) and continuous kiln (Hoffman’s), Classification
of bricks as per I S, Test on bricks (Field tests, Crushing strength, absorption, shape & size,
efflorescence test), Requirements of good bricks, Substitutes for bricks – Cement concrete
blocks (solid), Production process of solid blocks. Fire clay/Refractory bricks, Calcium
Silicate Bricks (properties and uses).

Classification of timber based on mode of growth, Cross- section of an exogenous tree,
Properties of good timber, Defects in timber, Preservation of Timber, Seasoning of Timber,
Conversion of timber and Market forms(types and uses).

Composition of ordinary Portland cement, Functions of ingredient of cement, Manufacture of
OPC (Mixing of raw materials by dry process, Burning &Grinding), Storage of cement, Field
tests on cement, Types of cement and its uses.


Objects, characteristics &Ingredients of paints, varnishes & distemper

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE11T

FERROUS METALS: Properties & uses of Cast iron, Wrought iron, Mild steel Tor steel,
TMT, High tensile steel, Market forms of structural steel NONFERROUS METALS:-
Properties & uses of Copper, Aluminum, Zinc and Tin ALLOY: - Types, properties & uses -
aluminum alloy, copper alloy & steel alloy

1. Engineering Materials by SC Rangwala
2. Building Materials by S SBhavikatti
1. Engineering Materials by GJ Kulkarni
2. Engineering Materials by Sushil Kumar
3. Engineering Materials by Duggal
4. Engineering Materials by Gurucharan Singh
5. Materials of construction by TTTI Publication (Oxford university madras)
6. Building Materials by- P.C.Varghese (Prentice Hall)
7. Materials of construction -I byH.S.Vishwanath- Sapna Publications
8. Civil Engineering handbook byKhanna
Course content and blue print of marks for SEE

Questions to be set for SEE

Unit Major Topics A* B*
Cognitive Levels
50% 50%
1 STONES 10 28 19 2 2
14 14
50% 50%
2 BRICKS 11 31 21 2 2
15 15
65.0% 35.0%
3 TIMBER 10 28 19 1 2
18 10
65.0% 35.0%
4 CEMENT 8 15 8 22 15 1 2
PAINTS, 50.00% 50.00%

5 VARNISH & 4 11 8 2 -
FERROUS, 65.00% 35.00%

6 NONFERROUS 9 25 17 1 2
57.5% 42.5%
Total 52 145 100 9 10
83.79 61.21

Legend- R: Remember U: Understand

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE11T

A*-SEE questions to be set for ( 05 marks ) in Part – A
B*- SEE questions to be set for ( 10 marks) in Part – B
Questions for CIE and SEE will be designed to evaluate the various educational
components such as:
Sl. Bloom’s taxonomy % in Weightage
1 Remembering and Understanding 100

Course Delivery: The course will be delivered through lectures and Power point
presentations/ Videos

Course Assessment and Evaluation Scheme:

What To When/Where Max Evidence Course

whom (Frequency in the Mark collected outcomes
course) s
CIE* IA Three IA Test 1 CO1
tests(Average of Test 2 CO2, CO3
three tests will Test 3 20 Blue books
be computed) CO4, CO5

Written Quiz (MCQ) 05 Quiz Sheets 1,2,3,4,5

SEE* End End of the course Answer
Exam 100 scripts at 1,2,3,4,5
Student Middle of the course 1&2
Feedback on Delivery of
course course
End of Course End of the course 1,2,3,4,5
Survey Effectiveness
Questionnair of Delivery of
es instructions &
*CIE – Continuous Internal Evaluation *SEE – Semester End Examination
Note: I.A. test shall be conducted for 20 marks. Average marks of three tests shall be rounded off
to the next higher digit.

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE11T



Unsatisfactory Developing Satisfactory Good Exemplary Student

1 2 3 4 5
Collects very Collect much Collects Collects a Ex:
Does not collect
limited information; some basic great deal of
Collection any information
information; but very information; information; 4
of data relating to the
some relate to limited relate most refer to all refer to
the topic to the topic the topic the topic
Does not perform Performs all
Fulfil Performs very Performs
any duties Performs very duties of
team’s roles little duties but nearly all 5
assigned to the little duties assigned
& duties unreliable. duties
team role team roles

Rarely does Usually does Always does

Shares Always relies on the assigned the assigned the assigned 3
does the
work others to do the work; often work; rarely work without
equally work needs needs having to be
reminding reminding reminded.

Usually does Talks good;

Is always talking; Listens, but
Listen to most of the but never Listens and 2
never allows sometimes
other Team talking; rarely show interest speaks a fair
anyone else to talk too
mates allows others in listening amount
speak much
to speak others

Average / Total marks=(4+5+3+2)/4=14/4=3.5=4

Note: This is only an example. Appropriate rubrics/criteria may be devised by
the concerned faculty (Course Coordinator) for assessing the given activity.

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE11T

Test/Date and Time Semester/year Course/Course Code Max Marks

Ex: I test/6 th weak of I/II SEM

sem 10-11 Am
Name of Course coordinator : Units:__

Note: Internal choice may be given in each CO at the same cognitive level (CL).


Test/Date and
Semester/year Course/Course Code Max Marks
Ex: I test/6 th III SEM Materials Of Construction
weak of sem 20
10-11 Am Year: 2015-16 Course code:15ME3011
Name of Course coordinator : Units:1,2 Co: 1,2
Note: Answer all questions

Questions M CL CO PO
1 Discuss the geological classification of rocks? 5 R 1 1,2
Explain acid test & attrition test conducted on stone?
2 OR 5 U 1 1,2
Explain acid test & attrition test conducted on stone?
3 List the harmful ingredients of good brick earth? 5 R 1 1,2
Explain the IS test conducted on bricks
4 OR 5 U 1 1,2
Explain burning of bricks in clamp with a neat sketch?

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE11T


Code: 15CE11T

I- Semester Diploma Examination

Time: 3 Hours] [Max Marks: 100
Note: Answer any SIX from Part A and any SEVEN from Part B

PART-A 6x5=30 marks

1. What are the characteristics of good stone?

2. Write short notes on preservation of stones?
3. Explain the burning of bricks in a clamp with a neat sketch?
4. Give comparison between burning bricks in a kiln & clamp?
5. Explain the Cross- section of an exogenous tree with a neat sketch?
6. List market forms of timber?
7. List the functions of ingredient of cement?
8. Briefly explain the field tests conducted on cement?
9. Write the properties of cast iron?
PART-B 7x10=70 marks

10. Explain the process of quarrying by wedging?

11. Briefly explain the physical & chemical classification of rocks?
12. Explain the Crushing strength test & absorption test conducted on brick?
13. Explain burning of bricks in Hoffman’s kiln with a neat sketch?
14. Explain classification of timber based on mode of growth?
15. Explain the defects in timber due to natural forces?
16. Explain the burning process of ordinary Portland cement?
17. What are the characteristics of paints & varnish?
18. a) List the properties & uses of TMT bars?
b)List the properties & uses of Zinc?
19. Explain the alloy of copper & aluminium?

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE11T


Diploma in civil Engineering

1st Semester
Course title: Materials of Construction, Course Code:15CE11T

CO1 : Know the origin, types, properties, manufacturing, qualities, uses of building element
(Stones, Bricks & blocks) as per IS code requirements.


1. List the classification of stones?
2. List the characteristics of good stone?
3. Describe preservation of stones
4. List the useful & harmful ingredients of good brick earth
5. List the properties of good building bricks
6. State any five different Substitutes for bricks


1. Discuss the geological classification of rocks?

2. Explain the physical & chemical classification of rocks
3. Explain the method of quarrying by blasting?
4. Explain the process of quarrying by wedging?
5. Describe the deterioration of stones?
6. Explain acid test & attrition test conducted on stone?
7. Explain crushing strength & water absorption test conducted on stones?
8. Explain the process of manufacture of bricks
9. Explain the burning of bricks in a clamp with a neat sketch?
10. Explain burning of bricks in intermittent down draught kiln with neat sketch
11. Explain burning of bricks in Hoffman’s kiln with a neat sketch?
12. Explain with a neat sketch any method of burning bricks in continuous kiln?
13. Distinguish burning bricks in a kiln & clamp?
14. Explain the classification of bricks?
15. Explain the field test conducted on bricks?
16. Describe cement concrete blocks?
17. Explain production process of cement concrete blocks?
18. Explain the Crushing strength test & absorption test conducted on brick
19. Explain shape & size test & efflorescence test conducted on brick

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE11T

CO 2 : Comprehend about timber and able to select different market forms for appropriate
field application..


1. State the classification of timber based on mode of growth
2. List the properties of good timber
3. Describe the preservation of Timber
4. List the market forms of timber


1. Explain the Cross- section of an exogenous tree with a neat sketch

2. Explain the defects in timber due to natural forces
3. Explain the defects in timber due to Fungi
4. Discuss the defects in timber due to Seasoning
5. Explain the defects in timber due to conversion
6. Explain the defects in timber due to Insects
7. Explain the importance of Seasoning of Timber
8. Illustrate the conversion of timber

CO 3 : Know about composition, functions, manufacturing, tests, types, uses and storage of
cement as per IS codes


1. List the functions of ingredient of cement
2. List the varieties of cement
3. List the precautions to be taken in storing of cement
4. List field tests conducted on cement.


7. Explain the composition of ordinary Portland cement

8. With flow diagram explain Dry process of mixing the raw materials for
manufacture of ordinary Portland cement
9. With a neat sketch explain burning of cement in Rotary kiln.
10. Explain the grinding process of cement?

CO 4 : Know about paints, varnishes & distemper and recognize its good qualities


1. State the objects of paints
2. List the characteristics of good paint
3. State the objects of varnish
4. List the characteristics of varnish
5. State the objects of distemper

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE11T

6. List the characteristics of distemper


1. Explain the ingredients of paint?

2. Explain the ingredients of varnish?
3. Explain the ingredients of distemper?

CO 5 : Understand types, properties, uses and market forms of ferrous, nonferrous metals
and their alloys


1. List the types of cast iron
2. List the types of wrought iron
3. List the types of mild steel
4. State properties & uses of cast iron
5. List the properties & uses of wrought iron
6. List the properties & uses of mild steel
7. State the properties & uses of Tor steel
8. Tabulate the properties & uses of Tiscon steel
9. List the properties & uses of Tor steel &Tiscon steel
10. State the properties & uses of deformed bars
11. List the properties & uses of copper
12. List the properties & uses of zinc
13. State the types of aluminium alloy
14. List the types of steel alloy
15. List the properties & uses of steel alloy


1. Discuss the properties & uses of TMT bars?

1. Discuss the properties & uses of High tensile steel?
2. Describe the properties & uses of aluminium?
3. Discuss the properties & uses of tin?
4. Explain the types of copper alloy?
5. Explain the properties & uses of aluminium alloy?
6. Explain the properties & uses of copper alloy?


Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE11T

Government of Karnataka
Department of Technical Education
Board of Technical Examinations, Bengaluru

Credits (L:T:P) : 0:2:4 Total Contact Hours: 78 Course Code: 15CE12D

Type of Course: Tutorials

Credit :03 Core/ Elective: Core
and Drafting
CIE- 25 Marks SEE- 100 Marks

(Common to all Civil Engineering (GL) / Civil Engineering (Draughtsman)/ Civil Engineering (Environmental)/ Civil
Engineering (Public Health Engineering)/ Civil Engineering (Water Technology and Health Sciences) Programme)

Prerequisites: Basic Geometry in Secondary Education and zeal to learn the course.
Course Objectives:

1. The course is aimed at developing Basic Drawing skills.

2. Develop Skills in Preparation of Basic Drawings.
3. Skills in Reading and Interpretation of Engineering Drawings.

On successful completion of the course, the students will be able to:

Course Outcome CL Linked PO Teaching Hrs

Acquire Knowledge to use the drawing

CO1 instruments effectively and able to dimension the R/U/Ap 1,2,3,4,9 15
given figures and print letters
Appreciate the usage of engineering curves in
CO2 solving civil engineering drafting problems and R/U/Ap 1,2,3,4,9 15
develop attitude of lifelong learning.
Develop a scale for any map and able to read it 1,2,3,4
CO3 R/U/Ap 6
Discover the concept of projection and acquire
R/U/Ap/ 1,2,3,4
CO4 visualization skills related to projections of points, 42
Ay 5,6,8,9,10
Lines and Planes.

Total sessions 78
Legend- R: Remember U: Understand Ap: Application Ay: Analysis

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE12D 1

Programme outcome Attainment Matrix

Programme Outcome
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10


3 3 3 3 3 - - 3 3 3

Level 3- Highly Addressed, Level 2-Moderately Addressed, Level 1-Low Addressed.

Method is to relate the level of PO with the number of hours devoted to the COs which address the given PO.
If >40% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is addressed at Level 3
If 25 to 40% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is addressed at Level 2
If 5 to 25% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is addressed at Level 1
If < 5% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is considered not-addressed.


Drawing Instruments
Standard Sizes of Drawing sheets-Layout of drawing sheets
1 09
Types of lines and their applications
Different types of lettering as per I.S.I;
uppercase letters of vertical and slanting type as per I.S.I
Numerical figures of vertical and slanting type as per I.S.I.
Introduction to Dimensioning, Elements of Dimensioning, Systems of
2 Dimensioning, Methods of arrangements of Dimensioning 06
Dimensioning of common features like diameters, radii, arcs and chords.
Dimensioning of simple civil Engineering Objects.
Drawing of tangents to circles and arcs, Drawing a common tangent of
given arcs to circles of equal or unequal radii.
Inscribing a circle in a regular polygon -Inscribing circles touching each
3 side of a regular polygon and its two adjacent circles. 15
Inscribing circles touching two sides of polygon and two other circles -
graded exercises.
Division of a line into equal number of parts
Introduction to conic sections-Types of conic section

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE12D 2

Construction of ellipse by Intersecting lines method (Rectangular and
parallelogram methods) and Concentric circles method
Construction of parabola by rectangle method, parallelogram method and
tangential method.
Construction of plain and diagonal scales and marking distances on scales 06
constructed - exercises
Introduction to orthographic projection-Principal planes of projection-
5 12
Four Quadrants- Concept of First angle & Third angle projection methods-
Projection of points in all the four quadrant system.
angle projection)
Projection of lines – Line Parallel to both HP and VP, Line parallel to one
plane and Perpendicular to other-Line parallel to one plane and Inclined to
6 the other, Line inclined to both HP and VP. 30
Projection of plane Surfaces -Construction of polygons
Plane surface parallel to one plane and Perpendicular to other two – Plane
surface Perpendicular to one plane and inclined to the other- Plane surface
inclined to both HP and VP
Total Hours= 78 Hours
Note: Grade exercises Plan in each unit should be as per table provided below.

Course Delivery: The course will be delivered through lectures with classroom practices and
Power point presentations/ Video.

Course Assessment and Evaluation Scheme:

What To When/Where Max Evidence Course outcomes
whom (Frequency in Marks collected
the course)
CIE* IA Graded 25 Drawing 1,2,3,4
Exercises Sheets
(Average of
marks allotted
to each graded
SEE* End End of the 100 Answer 1,2,3,4
Exam course scripts at
Student Middle of the Feedback 1, 2 Delivery of course
Feedback on course forms
End of End of the Questionn 1,2,3,4,Effectiveness of
Course course aires Delivery of instructions
Survey & Assessment Methods
*CIE – Continuous Internal Evaluation *SEE – Semester End Examination

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE12D 3

Weightage of Marks and blue print of marks for SEE

Questions to be set for SEE

Cognitive Levels
Unit Major Topics R U Ap Ay A* B*
Introduction to 15% 45% 40.00% 0.00%
Engineering drawing
1 and lettering practice 9 3 8 7 0 18 12 1
20% 60% 20.00% 0.00%
2 practice 6 2 7 2 0 11 8 1
Geometrical 25.00% 55.00% 20.00% 0.00%
constructions and
3 conic sections 15 7 16 6 0 29 19 3
20.00% 40.00% 40.00% 0.00%
4 Scales 6 2 5 5 0 12 8 1
Orthographic 15.00% 30.00% 30.00% 20.00%
projection and
5 projection of points 12 3 7 7 5 22 15 1 1
15.00% 35.00% 30.00% 20.00%
Projection of lines
6 and plane surfaces 30 9 20 17 12 58 38 4
18.30% 44.20% 25.70% 5.70%
Total 78 26.54 62.31 43.85 16.15 150 100 6 6
Legend- R; Remember U: Understand Ap: Application Ay: Analysis

Questions for CIE and SEE will be designed to evaluate the various educational components
such as:
Sl. Bloom’s taxonomy % in Weightage
1 Remembering and Understanding 63
2 Applying the knowledge acquired from the course 26
3 Analysis 11

Graded Exercise Plan

I DRAWING AND instruments
2 Arc and line 12
2 Inscribing 10
III circles in
2 Ellipse and 10

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE12D 4

3 Plain and
Diagonal scales
V 10
3 Projection of
SURFACES 3 Projection of
TOTAL 24 128

1. K.R.Gopalakrishna“Fundamentals of Drawing” Subhas Publications, 2010.
2. K.R.Gopalakrishna“Engineering Drawing” (Vol. I & II), Subhas Publications, 2014.

1. R.K. Dhawan, “A text book of Engineering Drawing”, S.ChandPublishers, Delhi, 2010.
2. G.S. Phull and H.S.Sandhu, “Engineering Graphics”, Wiley Publications, 2014.
3. K.Venugopal and V.Prabhu Raja, “Engineering Graphics”, New Age International Private
Limited, 2008.
4. M.B.Shah and B.C.Rana, “Engineering Drawing”, Pearson Education, 2005.
5. DhananjayA.Jolhe, “Engineering Drawing with an Introduction to AutoCAD”, Tata
McGrawHill Publishing Company Limited, 2008.
6. BasantAgarwal and Agarwal.C.M., “Engineering Drawing”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing
Company Limited, New Delhi, 2008.
7. IS 962 (1989) Code of practice for Architectural and Building Drawings

Model Question Paper

I semester Diploma Examination

Time: 4 Hours][Max. Marks: 100

Note: Answer any UR questions from Section-A& B


1.Print the following Statement in single stroke vertical capital letters of height 22mm.
(10 Marks)
2. Draw the given sketch to 2:1 scale and dimension adopting aligned system with chain
dimensioning method
(10 Marks)

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE12D 5

3. Draw an arc of radius 90mm tangential internally to a circle of radius 30mm and externally to
another circle of radius 15 mm the center of the two circles are 80mm apart.
(10 Marks)

4. Inscribe 6 equal circles in a regular Hexagon of side 60 mm so as to touch one side and two
adjacent circles. (10 Marks)
5. A shot thrown from the ground level reaches a maximum of 45mt and falls on the ground at a
distance of 100mt from the point of projection. Trace the path of the stone in space, select scale
of 1:1000. (10 marks)

6. A point P is 40 mm in front of VP, 50 mm above HP and 30 mm in front of left PP. Draw the
three principal views of the point. (10 Marks)

(Turn over)


7. An ellipse has the major and minor axes in the ratio 3:2. Draw the ellipse when the major axis
is 120mm by concentric circles method.
8. The distance between Bangalore and Chennai is 352km. On a map, it is represented by a length
70.4mm. What is the R.F. on which the map has been drawn? Draw a diagonal scale of this
R.F. to read up to one km and long enough to measure 800km. Mark on the scale the distances
549km and 207km.
(15 Marks)
9. A line AB 80 mm long has one of its extremities 25 mm in front of VP and 30 mm above HP.
The line is inclined at 30° to HP and 45° to VP. Draw its top and front views.

10. A line AB 80 mm long is inclined at 45° to VP and parallel to HP. The end nearer to VP is
30mm in front of VP, 60 mm above HP and 100 mm in front of right PP. Draw the three

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE12D 6

principal views of the line.

11. An equilateral triangular lamina of side 50mm rests with one its sides on HP so that the
surface of the lamina is inclined at 40° to HP. The side on which the lamina rests is inclined
at 50° to VP. Draw the projections of the lamina.

12. A hexagonal lamina of sides 30mm rests on one of its sides on HP so that the surface of the
lamina is inclined at 30° to HP. The side on which the lamina rests is inclined at 45° to VP.
Draw the top and front views of the lamina.

Model Question Bank

1ST Semester Diploma in Civil Engineering


10 Marks Questions
1.Print the following title to a height of 20mm single stroke vertical capital letters.
2.Print the following Statement in single stroke vertical capital letters of height 22mm.
3.Print the following statement in single stroke inclined capital case letters of height 18mm.

4. Print the following statement in single stroke inclined capital letters of height 16 mm
5. Print the following Statement in single stroke vertical capital letters of height 22mm.
6. (a) List the standard sizes of drawing sheets.

(b)Mention the types of lines and their applications.

7.(a ) Illustrate the elements of dimensioning with the help of a sketch.

b) Illustrate the dimensioning of given common features: diameter, radius, chord, Arc
and angle.
8 ( a) Mention the uses of the following drawing instruments.
i) T-square ii) Set square iii) Bow compass iv) Clinograph v) Mini-drafter
b) Mention the uses of the following drawing instruments.
i) French curves ii) Protractor iii) Clips iv) Erasing Shield v) Drafting machine
9. Mention the types of lines and their applications

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE12D 7

(10 Marks questions)
10.Copy the given sketch to 1:1 scale and dimension adopting aligned system with parallel

Dimensioning method.

11. Copy the given sketch to 1:1 scale and dimension adopting aligned system with progressive
dimensioning method.

12. Copy the given sketch to 1:1 scale and dimension adopting unidirectional system with chain
dimensioning method.

13. Copy the given sketch to 1:1 scale and dimension adopting unidirectional system with
combined dimensioning method.

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE12D 8

14. Copy the given sketch to 1:1 scale and dimension adopting unidirectional system with parallel
dimensioning method.

15. Copy the given sketch to 1:1 scale and dimension adopting aligned system with chain
dimensioning method.

16. Copy the given sketch to 2:1 scale and dimension adopting aligned system with chain
dimensioning method

17. Copy the given sketch to 1:2 scale and dimension adopting aligned system with chain
dimensioning method

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE12D 9

18. Draw the given sketch to 1:2 scale and dimension adopting aligned system with chain
dimensioning method

19. Draw the given sketch to 1:2 scale and dimension adopting aligned system with chain
dimensioning method


(10 MARKS)

20. Draw an arc of radius 50mm tangential external to two circles of radii 30mm and 20mm and
having their centers 90mm apart.

21. Draw an arc of radius 80mm tangential internally to two circles of radii 35mm and 25mm and
having their centers 100mm apart.

22. Draw a common external tangent to two circles of radius 40mm and 20mm whose centers are
90 mm apart.

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE12D 10

23. Draw an arc of radius 90mm tangential internally to a circle of radius 30mm and externally to
another circle of radius 15 mm the center of the two circles are 80mm apart.

24. Draw a common external tangent to two circles of equal radii 30mm and having their centers
80mm apart.

25. Draw a common internal tangent to two circles of diameters 60mm and 40mm having their
centers 100mm apart.

26. Inscribe 5 equal circles in a regular Pentagon of side 60mm so as to touch each side and two
adjacent circles.

27. Inscribe 6 equal circles in a regular Hexagon of side 60 mm so as to touch one side and two
adjacent circles.

28. Inscribe 5 equal circles in a regular Pentagon of side 50 mm so as to touch two sides and two
adjacent circles.

29. Inscribe 6 equal circles in a regular Hexagon of side 50 mm so as to touch two side and two
adjacent circles.

30. Inscribe 3 equal circles in a regular Hexagon of side 60 mm so as to touch two side and two
adjacent circles.

31. Inscribe 3 equal circles in a regular Hexagon of side 60 mm so as to touch one side and two
adjacent circles.


(15 marks Questions )

32. Inscribe an ellipse in a rectangle of side 150mm and 120mm.

33. A parallelogram has sides 130 mm and 90mm at an included angle of 650. Inscribe an ellipse
in the parallelogram. Find the major axes and minor axes of the ellipse.

34. An ellipse has the major and minor axes in the ratio 3:2. Draw the ellipse when the major axis
is 120mm by concentric circles method.

35. Inscribe parabola in a rectangle of side 120mm and 80mm.

36. Inscribe parabola in a parallelogram of side 100mm and 70mm and having included angle 550.

37. A shot is discharged from the ground level at an inclination of 550 to the ground which is
assumed to be horizontal. The shot returns to the ground at a point 75m distance from the
point of discharge. Trace the path of the shot. Take scale 1:1000.

38. A shot thrown from the ground level reaches a maximum of 45mt and falls on the ground at a
distance of 100mt from the point of projection. Trace the path of the stone in space, select
scale of 1:1000.

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE12D 11

39. Construct a diagonal scale of RF to show kilometers and decimals of kilometer. Mark
on the scale a distance of 2.37 kilometer and 3.42 kilometer.

40. On building plan a line 10cm long represents a distance of 5m. Construct a diagonal scale for
the plan to read up to 6m. Show, meters, decimeters and centimeters indicate on the scale the
length 4.54m and 5.37m.

41. The distance between Bangalore and Chennai is 352km. On a map, it is represented by a
length 70.4mm. What is the R.F. on which the map has been drawn? Draw a diagonal scale of
this R.F. to read up to one km and long enough to measure 800km. Mark on the scale the
distances 549km and 207km.

42. Construct a plain scale to show kilometer and hectometer when R.F = 1:40000 and long
enough to measure 6 km. Mark on the scale 3.2km and 4.3 km on the scale.

43. Construct a plain scale to read centimeter and decimeter and long enough to measure 6
decimetre. RF=1/4. Show on it a distance of 4.9 decimetre.


(10 marks Questions )

44. A point P is 40 mm in front of VP, 50 mm above HP and 30 mm in front of left PP. Draw the
three principal views of the point.

45. A point P is 30 mm above HP, 50 mm behind VP and 45 mm in front of left PP. Draw the
three principal views of the point

46. Draw the three principal views of a point P lying 40 mm behind VP, 60 mm below HP and 30
mm behind the right PP.

47. Draw the three principal views of a point P lying 60 mm below HP, 50 mm in front of VP and
45 mm in front of the left PP.


(15 Marks questions)

48. Draw the three principal views of a line 90 mm long placed parallel to VP and perpendicular
to HP. The line is 60mm in front of VP and 50mm in front of right PP. The lower end of the
line is 40mm above HP.

49. Draw the three principal views of a line 90 mm long when it is placed parallel to both HP &
VP. One of the ends of the line is 60 mm above HP, 30 mm in front of VP and 40mm in front
of the right PP.

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE12D 12

50. A line AB 95 mm long is inclined at 40° to HP and parallel to VP. The line is 90 mm
in front of VP. The lower end A is 35 mm above HP, 110 mm in front of the right PP and is
away from it than the higher end. Draw the three principal views of the line.

51. A line AB 80 mm long is inclined at 45° to VP and parallel to HP. The end nearer to VP is
30mm in front of VP, 60 mm above HP and 100 mm in front of right PP. Draw the three
principal views of the line.

52. Draw the projections of a line AB, 80 mm long inclined at 30° to HP and parallel to VP. The
line is 40 mm in front of VP. The lower end A is 20 mm above HP.

53 The length of a line is 100 mm long and is inclined at 45° to VP and parallel to HP. The line is
15 mm above HP and one end of the line is 10 mm in front of VP. Draw the projections of the
line and measure top and front views.

54 A line AB 80 mm long has one of its extremities 25 mm in front of VP and 30 mm above HP.
The line is inclined at 30° to HP and 45° to VP. Draw its top and front views.

55. A line AB measuring 70 mm has its end A 15 mm in front of VP and 20 mm above HP. The
other end B is 60 mm in front of VP and 50 mm above HP. Draw the projections of the line
with HP & VP.

56. A line PQ has its end P 15 mm above HP and mm in front of VP. The end Q is 55 mm
above HP and the line is inclined at 30° to HP. The distance between the end projectors of the
line when measured parallel to the line of intersection of HP & VP is 50 mm. Draw the
projections of the line and find its inclinations with VP.

57. The distance between the end projectors passing through the end points of a line AB is 40
mm. The end A is 20 mm above HP and 15 mm in front of VP. The line AB appears as 65
mm long in the front view. Complete the projections. Find the true length of the line and its
inclinations with HP & VP.


(15 marks Questions)

58. An equilateral triangular lamina of side 50mm rests with one its sides on HP so that the
surface of the lamina is inclined at 40° to HP. The side on which the lamina rests is inclined
at 50° to VP. Draw the projections of the lamina.
59. An equilateral triangular lamina of sides 40mm is resting with one of its corners on HP, The
surface of the lamina is inclined at 50° to HP and the side opposite to the corner on which the
lamina rests is inclined at 40° to VP. Draw the projections of the lamina.

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE12D 13

60 A square lamina of 40mm side rests with one of its sides on HP so that the surface of the
lamina is inclined at 30° to HP. The side on which the lamina rests is inclined at 45° to VP.
Draw the top and front views of the square lamina in this position.
61. A square lamina of 40mm sides rests with one of its corner on HP. The diagonal passing
through this corner is inclined at 45° to VP and Lamina appears to be inclined at 35° to HP.
Draw its projections.
62. A square lamina of side 40mm rests with one of its corner on HP. The diagonal passing
through this corner is inclined at 55° to HP and 30° to VP. Draw its projections.
63..A hexagonal lamina of sides 30mm rests on one of its sides on HP so that the surface of the
lamina is inclined at 30° to HP. The side on which the lamina rests is inclined at 45° to VP.
Draw the top and front views of the lamina.
64. A hexagonal lamina of side 30mm is resting with one of its corner on HP so that the diagonal
passing through that corner is inclined at an angle of 45° and appears to be inclined at 30° to
VP. Draw the top and front views of the lamina.
65. A square lamina of ABCD of 40mm side rests on the corner C such that diagonal AC appears
as at 35° to the VP in the top view. The two sides BC and CD containing the corner C make
equal inclinations with the HP. The surface of the lamina makes 40° with HP. Draw its top
and front views.
66.A pentagonal plane lamina of edges 30mm is resting on HP with one of its corner touching it
such that plane surface makes an angle of 50° with HP. The two of the base edges containing
the corner on which the lamina rests make equal inclinations with HP. If the edge opposite to
this corner makes an angle of 40° with the VP, draw the top and front views of the plane
lamina in this position.
67.A hexagonal lamina of 40mm sides rests on HP on one of its sides. The side which is on HP is
perpendicular to VP and the surface of the lamina is inclined to HP at 45°.The lamina is then
rotated through 90° such that the side on HP is parallel to the VP, while the surface is still
inclined to HP at 45°. Draw the front view and the top view of the lamina in its final position.
68. A circular lamina of 65mm diameter rests on HP such that the surface of the lamina is
inclined at 40° to HP. The diameter through the point on which the lamina rests on HP
appears to be inclined at 50° to the VP in the top view. Obtain its projections.

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE12D 14

Government of Karnataka
Department of Technical Education

Course Title: Basic Computer Skills Lab

Scheme (L:T:P) : 0:2:4 Total Contact Hours: 78 Course Code:
Type of Course: Tutorial and Credit :03 Core/ Elective:
Practical’s Core
CIE- 25 Marks SEE- 50 Marks

Knowledge of English comprehension.

Course Objectives
Will learn and understand the Basics of Computers and apply the application tools like word
processor, spread sheet and presentation.

Course Outcome

On successful completion of the course, the students will be able to attain CO:
Course Outcome Experiment CL Linked PO Teaching
linked Hrs
CO1 Understand and identify the 1-7 U 1,2,3,4,8,10 15
models, components of a
computer along with its
connections, operating system
concepts along with internet
CO2 Demonstrate skills using word 8-13 A 1,2,3,4,8,9,10 24

CO3 Demonstrate skills using 14-18 A 1,2,3,4,8,9,10 24

spreadsheet presentation
CO4 Demonstrate skills using 19-21 A 1,2,3,4,8,9,10 15
Total sessions 78
Legends: R = Remember U= Understand; A= Apply and above levels (Bloom’s revised

Course-PO Attainment Matrix

Course Programme Outcomes

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Basic Computer Skills
3 3 3 3 - - - 3 3 3

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE13P Page 1

Level 3- Highly Addressed, Level 2-Moderately Addressed, Level 1-Low Addressed.
Method is to relate the level of PO with the number of hours devoted to the COs which address the given PO.
If >40% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is addressed at Level 3
If 25 to 40% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is addressed at Level 2
If 5 to 25% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is addressed at Level 1
If < 5% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is considered not-addressed.


Tutorials and Practice

Unit – I

Computer hardware and software

1. Identify and understand the models of Computers, Identify and understand front panel
switches and back panel connections of a Computer system, Identify and understand
the physical components of a Computer.
2. Conduct computer system connection and understand the booting process.
3. Study and Practice of Basic DOS Commands.
4. Familiarization of GUI based Operating System Environment.
5. Practice creating Icons and Folders, Creating/Opening of file, Editing and saving the
document, Copy, Cut and Paste operations, built-in utilities of OS like – Text Editors,
Paint, Calculator, etc.
6. Practice browsing of different sites using Search Engine.
7. Practice Creating E-Mail accounts, Sending, Receiving of E-Mails.

Unit –II
Word Processing
8. Create a Business Letter and Personal Letter.
9. Create a Company Letter head.
10. Create a Simple Newsletter with minimum three columns. Insert a Clip Art in the
11. Create a Resume for a Job Application.
12. Create the Cover Page of a Project Report (use Word Art, insert Picture Image).
13. Prepare the class time table of your class.

14. Create a worksheet with five columns. Enter ten records and find the sum of all
columns using auto sum feature.
15. You have a monthly income of Rs.11000. Your monthly expenditures are: Rent- Rs
3500, Food- Rs. 1500, Electricity- Rs.110, Phone- Rs. 160, and Cable TV-Rs. 300.
Prepare a worksheet with the Monthly Income, the Monthly Expenditures listed and
summed, monthly savings amount (what’s left over each month) calculated, and the
amount saved per day (assuming 30 days in a month).
16. Create a worksheet containing the Pay details (containing Basic pay, DA, HRA ,Other
Allowance , Deductions- PF, PT, Insurance, Gross and Net salary) of the Employees
using Formulas.
17. Create a Simple Bar Chart to highlight the sales of a company for three different
18. Create a Pie Chart for a sample data and give legends.

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE13P Page 2

19. Using presentation tool, Create a simple Presentation consisting of 4-5 slides about
Input and Output Devices.
20. Create a presentation about a Book containing Title, Author, Publisher and Contents.
21. Create an automated (with timings & animation) Presentation with five slides about
different Models of Computers. Use Presentation tool.
Mini-Project [CIE- 05 Marks]
Prepare a mini project of a minimum of 5 pages of report, using the above concepts of
Unit-I and/or Unit-II
1. Computer Fundamentals Concepts, Systems, Application, D.P.Nagapal, S.Chand
Publication, RP-2014, ISBN: 81-219-2388-3
2. http://www.tutorialsforopenoffice.org/
3. http://www.libreoffice.org/get-help/documentation/
Software Tools
Any open source tool or equivalent proprietary tools

Course Delivery
The course will be delivered through tutorials of two hours and four hours of hands on
practice per week.
Course Assessment and Evaluation Scheme

To Max Evidence Course
Method What (Frequency in
whom Marks collected outcomes
the course)
Two Tests
(Average of
10 Blue books 1,2,3,4
two tests will
be computed)
CIE Record
(Continuous Writing
Internal Tests (Average
10 Record Book 1,2,3,4
Evaluation) Students marks of each
exercise to be
Mini Project 05 Report 1,2,3,4
End End of the Answer scripts
(Semester End 50 1,2,3,4
Exam course at BTE
Student Feedback on Middle of the 1, 2 Delivery
Feedback forms
course course of course
1,2,3, 4
End of the of Delivery
End of Course Survey Questionnaires
course of instructions
& Assessment
Note: I.A. test shall be conducted as per SEE scheme of valuation. However obtained marks
shall be reduced to 10 marks. Average marks of two tests shall be rounded off to the next higher

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE13P Page 3

Questions for CIE and SEE will be designed to evaluate the various educational
components (Bloom’s taxonomy) such as:

Sl. No Bloom’s Category %

1 Remembrance 10
2 Understanding 20
3 Application 70

Format for Student Activity Assessment

DIMENSION Unsatisfactory Developing Satisfactory Good Exemplary Score

1 2 3 4 5

Collection of Does not Collects Collects Collects

Collects a 3
data collect any very limited some basic relevant
great deal of
information information; information; information;
relating to the some relate refer to the concerned
all refer to
topic to the topic topic to the topic
the topic
Fulfill team’s Does not Performs Performs Performs all
Performs all 4
roles & duties perform any very little nearly all duties
duties of
duties assigned duties duties assigned
to the team team roles
role with
Shares work Always relies Rarely does Usually Does the Always 3
equally on others to do the assigned does the assigned job does the
the work work; often assigned without assigned
needs work; rarely having to be work
reminding needs reminded. without
reminding having to be
and on
given time
Listen to Is always Usually Listens, but Listens and Listens and 3
other Team talking; never does most sometimes contributes contributes
mates allows anyone of the talk too to the precisely to
else to speak talking; much relevant the relevant
rarely topic topic and
allows exhibit
others to leadership
speak qualities
TOTAL 13/4=3.25=4
*All student activities should be done in a group of 4-5 students with a team leader.

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE13P Page 4

Scheme of Evaluation for End Exam

SN Scheme
1 Testing Skills/ Abilities from Unit - I 10
2 Writing steps on any one from Unit -II 10
3 Execution 10
4 Presentation of Result 10
5 Viva voce 10
Total 50
1. Candidate shall submit Lab Record for the Semester End Examination.
2. Student shall be allowed to execute directly even if he / she is unable to
write the procedure
3. In case of change in experiment or no write up, marks will not be awarded
for writing procedure/steps.

Resource Requirements for Basic Computer Skills Lab

(For an Intake of 60 Students [3 Batches])

Hardware requirement

Sl. No. Equipment Quantity

1 PC systems (latest configurations with speakers) 20
2 Laser Printers 03
3 Networking (Structured) with CAT 6e / Wireless 03
24 Port switches / Wireless Router
I/O Boxes for networking (as required)
4 Broad Band Connection 01

Software Requirement:
Linux, Libre Office/Open Office/Kingsoft Office/ any equivalent software.

Note: Student: Computer ratio in the Lab should be strictly 1:1 for a batch of twenty

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE13P Page 5


Course Title: Basic Computer Skills Lab Course Code: 15CE13P

Note: One Question from Unit-I and Unit-II


1. Identify Physical components of a Computer System.

2. Demonstrate Internal and External DOS Commands and differentiate between them.
3. Create and Rename the file using DOS Commands.
4. Create a directory and copy a file inside the directory using DOS Commands.
5. Demonstrate the basic formatting features in Text Editors.
6. Create two file in a folder and place the shortcut of these files on the desktop.
7. Demonstrate how search engine may be used in browsing Internet.
8. Create an E-mail account
9. Create and Send an E-mail with a picture attachment.
10. Demonstrate how documents can be downloaded using Internet.


11. Using Word Processor Application create a Business Letter.

12. Using Word Processor Application create a Personal Letter.
13. Using Word Processor Application create a letter head for company.
14. Using Word Processor Application create a Simple Newsletter with minimum of three
columns. Insert a Clip art in the newsletter.
15. Using Word Processor Application create a Resume for a Job application.
16. Using Word Processor Application create the cover page of a Project Report (use
Word Art, insert Picture Image).
17. Prepare the class time table for your class using Word Processor Application.
18. Using Spreadsheet Application, create a worksheet with five columns. Enter ten
records and find the sum of all columns using auto sum feature.
19. You have a monthly income of Rs.11000. Your monthly expenditures are Rent- Rs
3500, Food- Rs. 1500, Electricity- Rs.110, Phone- Rs. 160, and Cable TV-Rs. 300.
Prepare a worksheet with the Monthly Income, the Monthly Expenditures listed and
summed, monthly savings amount (what’s left over each month) calculated, and the
amount saved per day (assuming 30 days in a month). Use Spreadsheet Application.

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE13P Page 6

20. Using Spreadsheet Application, create a worksheet containing the pay details
(containing Basic pay, DA, HRA ,Other Allowance , Deductions- PF, PT, Insurance,
Gross and Net salary) of the employees using formulas.
21. Using Spreadsheet Application, create a Simple Bar Chart to highlight the sales of a
company for three different periods.
22. Using Spreadsheet Application, create a Pie Chart for a sample data and give legends.
23. Using presentation tool, Create a simple Presentation consisting of 4-5 slides about
Input and Output Devices.
24. Create a presentation about a book containing Title, Author, Publisher and Contents.
25. Create an automated (timings & animation) Presentation with five slides about
different Models of Computers. Use Presentation tool.

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE13P Page 7

Government of Karnataka
Department of Technical Education
Board of Technical Examinations, Bengaluru
Credits (L:T:P) : 0:2:4 Total Contact Hours: 78 Course Code: 15CE14P
Type of Course: Practical,
Credit :03 Core/ Elective: Core
Demo& Assignments
CIE- 25 Marks SEE- 50 Marks

Pre-requisites: Basic knowledge of science in secondary education.

Course Objectives: Identification & understanding the properties & uses of various
building materials.

Course Outcomes:

On successful completion of the course, the students will be able to:

Course Outcome Linked
CL Linked PO Teaching Hrs

Demonstrate the important properties and uses

CO1 1 R/U 1,2,5,6,8,9, 18
of various solid building materials.
Apply knowledge of building materials to
provide predictive capability to optimize
CO2 2,3,4,5 R/U 24
building performance & to minimize building 1,2,5,6,8,9,
failure. 10

Explain the important properties and uses of

CO3 6 R/U 1,2,5,6,8,9, 06
various types of Timber.

Illustrate the various types of plastic, glass and

CO4 7,8 R/U 1,2,5,6,8,9, 12
preservative materials used in the construction.
Recognize the need & to engage in
CO5 independent lifelong learning in identifying 9 R/U 1,2,5,6,8,9, 09
miscellaneous materials. 10
Apply the properties of materials in societal &
CO6 environmental context & demonstrate 10 1,2,5,6,8,9, 09
knowledge for sustainable development. 10

Total sessions 78

Legend- R; Remember U: Understand Ap: Application Ay: Analysis C:Creation

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE14P
Programme outcome Attainment Matrix

Programme Outcome
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10


Materials of construction
3 3 3 - 3 3 - 3 3 3

Level 3- Highly Addressed, Level 2-Moderately Addressed, Level 1-Low Addressed.

Method is to relate the level of PO with the number of hours devoted to the COs which address the given PO.
If >40% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is addressed at Level 3
If 25 to 40% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is addressed at Level 2
If 5 to 25% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is addressed at Level 1
If < 5% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is considered not-addressed.



i) Stones
Identification & understanding the properties & uses of the following stones:Granite,
Trap, Basalt, Sandstone, Limestone, Gneiss, Laterite, Marble, Quartzite, Slate.
Identification Properties Uses

ii) Bricks
Identification & understanding the properties& uses of the following bricks:
Ground moulded, Table moulded, Machine moulded(Wire cut), Soil stabilized blocks,
Concrete blocks (solid-hallow), Fly ash bricks, Fire bricks, Light weight blocks (clay
hallow blocks & autoclave aerated concrete blocks)
Specimen tabular column

Identification Standard size Properties Uses


Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE14P
Identification & understanding the properties & uses of the following flooring
materialsGranolithic, CC with red oxide finish, Shahabad, Vitrified, Marble, Granite,
Pressed Clay tiles, Interlocking pavers, Cobble stone, Wooden flooring

Identification Properties Uses


Identification & understanding the properties & uses of the following binding materials
Cement, White cement, Lime, Clay, Fly ash, Plaster of Paris, Lime putty, Water proofing
compound, and White cement based putty.
Specimen tabular column

Identification Properties Uses


Identification & understanding the properties & uses of the following Cladding material-
Exterior surface wall cladding material, Bath & kitchen wall cladding, Sloped roof
Roofing Material- Mangalore tiles, Country tiles, A C sheet, Plastic sheets, Non asbestos
Hi tech roofing sheet, Meta colour sheets, Alpha sheet, corrugated aluminium sheets, Puff-
sandwiched roofing sheets.

Identification Properties Uses


Identification & understanding the properties & uses of the following: Mortar plaster,
Stucco plaster, Designer tiles, Acoustic ceiling board, Gypsum ceiling board, Fibre board,
Pulp board, Straw board, Polystyrene, Thermocol, Hair felt.

Identification Properties Uses

Identification & understanding the properties & uses of the following timber Teak, Honne,
Sal, Casuarina, Deodar, Jackfruit, Mahogany, Mango, Neem, Silver oak, Bamboo.
Industrial timber- Veneers, Plywood, Fibre board, Hardboard, Block board, Laminated
Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE14P
Identification Properties Uses


Identification & uses of the following material

Glass panels- Plain, Dark cool, Brown cool, printed; Mesh glass, Wired glass, Glass
bricks, Structural glass, Ribbed glass, Perforated glass, Foam glass, Fibre glass, Float
glass, Toughened glass.
Plastics- Thermosetting plastic articles, Polycarbonate.

Identification Uses


Identification & understanding the uses of the following paints, primers, varnishes &
Paints- Exterior primer water based, Metal-wood & wall primer, emulsion paint, enamel
paint, cement paint (Snowcem), Texture paints, Interior paints
Varnish-French polish, Metallic paint (grills & all purpose)
Distemper- Water based & weather proof exterior emulsion.

Identification Uses


Identification & uses of the following material
Metal paste, Epoxy resin, Epoxy water proofing, Silicon paste, Glass fibre reinforced
polyesters, Synthetic rubber adhesives, Tile joint filler material, Sealants, PVC products,
Asphalt, Expanded metal strips for joints, FRP, Geo fabrics & Geogrids.

Identification Uses


Each Student should collect at least five different building materials & prepare the report.


Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE14P
1. Students should select any one of the above or other topics relevant to the subject
approved by the concerned faculty, individually or in a group of 3 to 5. Students should
mandatorily submit a written report and make a presentation on the topic. The task
should not be repeated among students. Report will be evaluated by the faculty as per
rubrics. Weightage for 5 marks Internal Assessment shall be as follows:
Unsatisfactory 1, Developing 2, Satisfactory 3, Good 4, Exemplary 5
2. Reports should be made available along with bluebooks to IA verification officer

Example of model of rubrics / criteria for assessing student activity

Students score
(Group of five students)


Rubric Scale
Unsatisfactory 1, Developing 2, Satisfactory 3, Good 4,
1.Organisation 3
2.Fulfill team’s roles 4
& duties
3.Conclusion 5
4.Convensions 5
Average=(Total /4) 17/4=4.25=5
Note: Concerned faculty (Course coordinator) must devise appropriate rubrics/criteria for
assessing Student activity for 5 marks One activity on any one CO (course outcome) may be
given to a group of FIVE students
Note: Dimension should be chosen related to activity and evaluated by the course
coordinator (faculty).

Course Delivery: The course will be delivered through Tutorials and Demonstration of

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE14P
Course Assessment and Evaluation Scheme:
Method What To When/Where Max Evidence Course
whom (Frequency in the Mark collected outcomes
course) s

Two IA Test 1 10 Blue books 1,2,3

Tests (Test
(average of Papers)
two tests Test2 4,5,6
will be
IA Record writing 10 Lab Record 1,2,3,4,5,6
(average of marks
allotted for each
Mini project 05 Report 1,2,3,4,5,6

Total 25

End End of the course 50 Answer CO1 to

SEE* Exam scripts at CO6
Student Middle of the course --- Feedback CO1,CO2,
Feedback on forms CO3
course Delivery
of course
End of Course End of the course --- Questionnai CO1 to
Survey res CO6
ess of
s &
*CIE – Continuous Internal Evaluation *SEE – Semester End Examination

Note: I.A. test shall be conducted as per SEE scheme of valuation. However obtained marks
shall be reduced to 10 marks. (Any decimals shall be rounded off to next higher digit).

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE14P
Questions for CIE and SEE will be designed to evaluate the various educational
components such as:
Sl. Bloom’s taxonomy % in Weightage
1 Remembering and Understanding 60
2 Applying the knowledge acquired from the course 25
3 Analysis 10
4 Synthesis ( Creating new knowledge) 3
5 Evaluation 2

1. Materials by SC Rangwala
2. Engineering Building materials by S SBhavikatti
3. Engineering Materials by GJ Kulkarni
4. Engineering Materials by Sushil Kumar
5. Market brochures

1. www.constructionmaterials.com/
2. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Building material
3. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_building_materials
4. www.exponent.com
5. http://www.tce.co.in/
6. www.prakruthibuilding.com
7. http://www.aboutcivil.org



Sl. no. Performance Max. Marks

Identify & list the properties & uses of given 7 material

Identification-1 mark 35
Properties-2 marks
Uses-2 marks
2 Viva-Voce 10

3 Mini-project report and graded exercise 5


Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE14P
List of equipment and materials

Sl Description Nos
1 Display table 4'X8' 8
2 Stools/ Chairs 40
3 Display Racks 10
4 Metal Trays 10
6 Granite, Trap, Basalt, Sandstone, Limestone, Gneiss, Laterite, Marble, 5Nos
Quartzite, Slate.

Ground moulded, Table moulded, Machine moulded (Wire cut), Soil Each
7 stabilized blocks, Concrete blocks (solid-hallow), Fly ash bricks, Fire 5Nos
bricks, Light weight blocks (clay hallow blocks & autoclave aerated
concrete blocks)
8 Granolithic, CC with red oxide finish, Shahabad, Vitrified, Marble, Granite, 5Nos
Pressed Clay tiles, Interlocking pavers, Cobble stone, Wooden flooring
9 Cement, White cement, Lime, Clay, Fly ash, Plaster of Paris, Lime putty, 5Nos
Water proofing compound, and White cement based putty.

Exterior surface wall cladding material, Bath & kitchen wall cladding,
10 Sloped roof cladding.
ROOFING MATERIAL- Mangalore tiles, Country tiles, A C sheet,
Plastic sheets, Non-asbestos Hi tech roofing sheet, Meta colour sheets,
Alpha sheet, corrugated aluminium sheets, Puff-sandwiched roofing sheets.


Mortar plaster, Stucco plaster, Designer tiles, Acoustic ceiling board, Each
Gypsum ceiling board, Fibre board, Pulp board, Straw board, Polystyrene, 5Nos
Thermocol, Hair felt

Teak, Honne, Sal, Casuarina, Deodar, Jackfruit, Mahogany, Mango, Neem, Each
12 Silver oak, Bamboo. 5Nos
Industrial timber- Veneers, Plywood, Fibre board, Hardboard, Block board,
Laminated sheets


Glass panels- Plain, Dark cool, Brown cool, printed; Mesh glass, Wired Each
13 glass, Glass bricks, Structural glass, Ribbed glass, Perforated glass, Foam 5Nos
glass, Fiber glass, Float glass, Toughened glass.
Plastics- Thermosetting plastic articles, Polycarbonate.

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE14P
Sl Description Nos
(Paint samples to be displayed on panels of size 30cm X 30cm)
Paints- Exterior primer water based, Metal-wood & wall primer, emulsion
14 paint, enamel paint, cement paint (Snowcem), Texture paints, Interior
Varnish-French polish, Metallic paint (grills & all purpose)
Distemper- Water based & weather proof exterior emulsion.

Metal paste, Epoxy resin, Epoxy water proofing, Silicon paste, Glass fibre Each
15 reinforced polyesters, Synthetic rubber adhesives, Tile joint filler material, 5Nos
Sealants, PVC products, Asphalt, Expanded metal strips for joints, FRP,
Geo fabrics & Geogrids

Note: Minimum Floor area required for establishing Material-testing Lab is 60 Sqm.

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE14P
Government of Karnataka
Department of Technical Education
Board of Technical Examinations, Bengaluru

Course Title: ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS – II Course Code : 15SC02M

Semester : II Course Group : Core
Teaching Scheme (L:T:P) : 4:0:0(in hours) Credits : 4 Credits
Type of course : Lecture + Assignments Total Contact Hours : 52
CIE : 25 Marks SEE : 100 Marks
Programmes: Common to all Engineering Diploma Programmes

Engineering Mathematics-I, in First Semester Diploma curriculum.

Course Objectives:

1. Apply the concept of straight line and conic section in engineering field.
2. Determine derivatives of functions involving two variables.
3. Apply the concepts of differentiation in physics and engineering courses.
4. Evaluate the integrals of functions of two variables.
5. Apply the concepts of definite integrals and its application over a region.
6. Solve the ODE of first degree, first order in engineering field.

Course Contents:

Topic and Contents Hours Marks

a. Straight lines: 04 hr
Different forms of equations of straight lines:
y = mx + c,
y − y = m(x − x ),
y−y = (x − x ).
General equation of a lineax + by + c = o (graphical representation
and statements) and problems on above equations. Equation of lines
through a point and parallel or perpendicular to a given line. Problems.
b. Conic Section:
Definition of conic section. Definition of axis, vertex, eccentricity, 04hr
focus and length of latus rectum. Geometrical representation of
parabola, ellipse and hyperbola:
Equations of parabolay = 4ax,

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15SC02M Page 1

Equation of ellipse + = 1and

Equation of hyperbola − = 1(without proof of above 3

equations). Equations of parabola, ellipse and hyperbola with respect
to x-axis as axis of conic.
Finding axes, vertices, eccentricity, foci and length of lattice rectum of
conics. Problems on finding the above said equations with direct


Definition of increment and increment ratio. Definition of derivative of
a function.
Derivatives of functions ofx , sin x, cos xand tan xwith respect to ‘x’
from first principle method. List of standard derivatives of
cosecx, secx, cotx, log x, a , e ......etc.
Rules of differentiation: Sum, product, quotient rule and problems on
rules. Derivatives of function of a function (Chain rule) and problems.
Inverse trigonometric functions and their derivatives.
Derivative of Hyperbolic functions, Implicit functions, Parametric
functions and problems.
Logarithmic differentiation of functions of the type u ,where u and v
are functions of x.Problems.
Successive differentiation up to second order and problems on all the
above types of functions.
Geometrical meaning of derivative. Derivative as slope. Equations of
tangent and normal to the curve y = f(x) at a given point- (statement
only). Derivative as a rate measure i.e.to find the rate of change of
displacement, velocity, radius, area, volume using differentiation.
Definition of increasing and decreasing function. Maxima and minima
of a function.

Definition of Integration. List of standard integrals. Rules of integration

(only statement)

1.Ú kf ( x)dx = k Ú f ( x)dx. 2. Ú {f(x) ± g(x)}dx = Ú f(x)dx ± Ú g(x)dx

problems. Integration by substitution method. Problems.
Standard integrals of the type

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15SC02M Page 2

dx 1 Ê xˆ dx Ê xˆ
1.Ú = tan -1 Á ˜ + c 2. Ú = sin -1 Á ˜ + c .
x +a
2 2
a Ëa¯ a -x
2 2

dx 1 Ê xˆ
3. Ú = sec-1 Á ˜ + c
x x -a 2 2 a Ëa¯ (1 to 3 with proof)
dx 1 Ê x-aˆ
4. Ú = log Á ˜+c if x > a > 0.
x 2 - a 2 2a Ëx+a¯
dx 1 Êa+ xˆ ( 4 & 5 without proof)
5. Ú = log Á ˜+c if a > x > 0.
a 2 - x 2 2a Ëa-x¯

and problems on above results Integration by parts of the type∫ x e dx

,∫ xsinxdx, ∫ xcosxdx, ∫ xlogxdx , ∫ logxdx,∫ tan x dx,
∫ x sin x dx , ∫ x cos x dxwhere n=1, 2. Rule of integration by parts. Problems


Definition of Definite integral. Problems on all types of integration

Area, volume, centres of gravity and moment of inertia by integration
method. Simple problems.


Definition, example, order and degree of differential equation with
examples. Formation of differential equation by eliminating arbitrary
constants up to second order. Solution of O. D. E of first degree and
first order by variable separable method. Linear differential equations
and its solution using integrating factor.

Total 52 145

Course Delivery:
The Course will be delivered through lectures, class room interaction, exercises, assignments
and self-study cases.

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15SC02M Page 3

Course outcome:
On successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Formulate the equation of straight lines and conic sections in different forms.
2. Determine the derivatives of different types of functions.
3. Evaluate the successive derivative of functions and its application in tangent, normal, rate
measure, maxima and minima.
4. Evaluate the integrations of algebraic, trigonometric and exponential function.
5. Calculate the area under the curve, volume by revolution, centre of gravity and radius of
gyration using definite integration.
6. Form and solve ordinary differential equations by variable separable method and linear
differential equations.

Mapping Course Outcomes with Program Outcomes:

CO Course Outcome PO Cognitive Theory Allotted

Mapped Level Sessions marks on
cognitive TOTAL
CO1 Formulate the equation of straight 1,2,3,10 R/U/A
lines and conic sections in different 08 6 5 12 23
CO2 Determine the derivatives of different 1,2,3,10 R/U/A
types of functions.
15 12 15 12 39
CO3 Evaluate the successive derivative of 1,2,3,10 R/U/A
functions and its application in
tangent, normal, rate measure,
07 6 5 6 17
maxima and minima.
CO4 Evaluate the integrations of algebraic, 1,2,3,10 R/U/A
trigonometric and exponential 12 9 15 6 30
CO5 Calculate the area under the curve, 1,2,3,10 R/U/A
volume by revolution, centre of
gravity and radius of gyration using
05 6 10 6 22
definite integration
CO6 Form and solve ordinary differential 1,2,3,10 R/U/A
equations by variable separable
method and linear differential
05 3 5 6 14
Total Hours of 52 Total 145
instruction marks
R-Remember; U-Understanding; A-Application
Course outcomes –Program outcomes mapping strength
Course Programme Outcomes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
3 3 3 - - - - - - 3
Level 3- Highly Addressed, Level 2-Moderately Addressed, Level 1-Low Addressed.
Method is to relate the level of PO with the number of hours devoted to the COs which address the given PO.
If >40% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is addressed at Level 3
If 25 to 40% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is addressed at Level 2
If 5 to 25% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is addressed at Level 1
If < 5% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is considered not-addressed.

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15SC02M Page 4

Reference Books:
1. NCERT Mathematics Text books of class XI and XII.
2. Higher Engineering Mathematics by B.S Grewal, Khanna publishers, New Delhi.
3. Karnataka State PUC mathematics Text Books of I & II PUC by H.K. Dass and Dr.
Ramaverma published by S.Chand & Co.Pvt. ltd.
4. CBSE Class Xi & XII by Khattar & Khattar published PHI Learning Pvt. ltd.,
5. First and Second PUC mathematics Text Books of different authors.
6. E-books:www.mathebook.net
7. www.freebookcentre.net/mathematics/ introductory-mathematics -books.html

Course Assessment and Evaluation:

Method What To When/where Max Evidence Contributing

whom (Frequency in Marks collected to course
the course) outcomes
Three tests
(Average of
Assessment 20 Blue books 1 to 6
Three tests to be

*CIE based on CO’s
(Average marks of 5 Log of record
Assignment Two Assignments 1 to 6
Student shall be rounded
off to the next
higher digit.)

Total 25
End End of the
*SEE 100 scripts at 1 to 6
Examinatio course
1 to 3,
Middle of the
Student feedback Feedback delivery
forms of the course

1 to 6,
Student -NA-
of delivery of
End of Course
End of course Questionnaire instructions
*CIE – Continuous Internal Evaluation *SEE – Semester End Examination
Note: I.A. test shall be conducted for 20 marks. Average marks of three tests shall be rounded off
to the next higher digit.

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15SC02M Page 5

Composition of Educational Components:
Questions for CIE and SEE will be designed to evaluate the various educational components
(Bloom’s taxonomy) such as:

Sl. Weightage
Educational Component
No. (%)
1 Remembering 31
2 Understanding 41
3 Applying the knowledge acquired from the course 25
Analysis Evaluation 3


Test/Date and Time Semester/year Course/Course Code Max Marks

Ex: I test/6 th weak of
sem 10-11 Am
Course code: 15SC02M

Name of Course coordinator : Units:__ CO’s:____


Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15SC02M Page 6

Model Question Paper:
Code: 15SC02M
II Semester Diploma Examination
(For All Engineering Diploma Programmes)
Time: 3 Hours][Max. Marks: 100

NOTE: i)Answer any 10 questions from section A, 8 questions from section B and 5 questions from
ii) Each question carries 3 marks in section A.
ii) Each question carries 5 marks in section B.
iii) Each question carries 6 marks in section C.


1. Find the equation of the line passing through the point (2,-3) with slope 1/3.
2. Find the equation of parabola with vertex (2,0) and focus (5,0)
3. Differentiate: (3x + 8) with respect to x.
4. If y = cos x show that = .

5. If y = x , find .
6. If y = find .
7. Find the equation to the tangent to the curve 2x + 5y − 4 = 0 at (-2,4).
8. The volume of the sphere is increasing at the rate of 6cc/sec. Find the rate of
change of radius when the radius is 3 cm.
9. Integrate: (2x + 1)(x + 5) with respect to x
10. Evaluate: ∫ tan xdx
11. Evaluate: ∫ dx

12. Evaluate: ∫ (sec x + 1)dx.

13. Find area bounded by the line x + 2y = 0 , x- axis, and ordinates x = 0, andx = 4 by
14. Form differential equation for curve y = 4ax


1. Find the equation of line passing through the point (2,5) and (-3,2).
2. Differentiate √x + logx + sin x + e − a with respect to x.
3. Differentiate tan x with respect to x using first principal method.
4. If y = sinh 3x cosh 2x then find .
5. If S = t − t + 9t + 8, where S is distance travelled by particle in t seconds. Find the
velocity and acceleration at t = 2 sec.
6. Integrate: − tanx + e + +5 with respect to x.
( )
7. Evaluate:∫ dx
8. Evaluate: ∫ xsinxdx

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15SC02M Page 7

9. Evaluate: ∫ cos 5x cos 3x dx
10. Evaluate: ∫ cos x dx
11. Solve the differential equation sin ydx − cos xdy =0


1. Find the equation of median through B in a triangle with vertices A(-1 ,3), B(-3, 5) and
2. Find the equation of hyperbola, given that vertices are (±7, 0) and eccentricity, е=4/3
3. If x = a , show that = .

4. If y = e then show that (1 + x ) + (2x − 1) = 0.

5. Find the maximum and minimum values of the function
f(x) = 2x − 21x + 36x − 20.
6. Evaluate: ∫ tan x dx
7. Find the volume of solid generated by revolving the curve
y = √x + 5x between x=1 & x=2.
8. Solve the differential equation x − 2y = 2x


Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15SC02M Page 8

Question Paper Blue Print:

Each questions to be Each questions to be Each questions to be

UNIT NO HOURS set for 3 Marks set for 5 Marks Weightage of Marks
set for 6 Marks
Section - A Section - B Section- C
1 a 4 01 01 01
b 4 01 -- 01
2 15 04 03 02 39
3 07 02 01 01 17

4 12 03 03 01 30
5 05 02 02 01 22
6 05 01 01 01 14
TOTAL 52 14 11 08 145

Questions to be 10 08 05 100

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15SC02M Page 9

Guidelines to Question Paper Setting:

1. The question paper must be prepared based on the blue print without changing the weight
age of model fixed for each unit.
2. The question paper pattern provided should be adhered to
Section-A: 10 questions to be answered out of 14 questions each carrying 03 marks.
Section-B: 08 questions to be answered out of 11 questions each carrying 05 marks.
Section-C: 05 questions to be answered out of 08 questions each carrying 06 marks.
3. Questions should not be set from the recapitulation topics.

Model Question Bank:

Course Title: ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS – II Course Code: 15SC02M



1. Find the equation of the straight line passing through (2,3) and having slope 5.
2. Find the slope and x-intercept and y-intercepts of the line 2x + 3y − 11 = 0.
3. Find the vertex and focus of the parabola (y − 2) = 8x.
4. Show that the lines 3x-2y+2=0, 2x+3y+7=0 are perpendicular.
5. Find the eccentricity of the ellipse + =1


1. Find the equation to the line passing through the point (6,-4) and perpendicular to the
line 7x-6y+3=0.
2. Find the equation to the line passing through the point (2,3) parallel to the line
joining the points (-8,-6) & (2,-4).
3. Find the equation of straight line inclined at 135o to the x-axis having y-intercept 2/3.
4. Find the equation of straight line joining the points (2,3) & (-4,6).
5. Find the equation of the line passes through (-3,-2) which is perpendicular to x-axis.


1. Find the equation to the median of the triangle through the vertex A with vertices A(-
1,3), B(-3,5) &C(7,-9).
2. The vertices of a quadrilateral taken in order are A(1,2), B(2,1),C(3,4) & D(-1,-2).
Find the equation to the diagonal BD.

Directorate Of Technical EducationKarnataka State 15SC02M Page 10

3. Obtain the equation of the hyperbola in the form + = 1, whose eccentricity is 8
and distance between the foci is 12.
4. Find the equation of the ellipse with length of major axis is 8 and minor axis is 3.
5. Find the equation to the line passing through point (3,-2) and perpendicular to the line joining
points (5,2) &(7,-6).



1. Find , if y = 2x − 3x + 1.

2. Differentiate xtanx with respect to x.

3. Find , if x + y = 25

4. Find if x = ct, y = ,

5. Ify = 4ax, find .


1. Differentiate the function x by method of first principle.

2. Find if y = 6x − 3 cos x + 4 cot x + 2e − .
3. Find if y =

4. Find if y = (cosx)

5. If y = tan x, provethat (1 + x )y + 2xy = 0


1. Find if y =

2. Find if x = a cos θ , y = a sin θ at θ = π 4.


3. Find if y = x .

4. Ify = tan , find .

5. If y = e , provethat(1 − x )y − xy − m y = 0

Directorate Of Technical EducationKarnataka State 15SC02M Page 11

1. Find the slope of the tangent to the curve x + 2y = 9 at a point (1, 2) on it.
2. Find the slope of the normal to the curve y = 2 − 3x + x at (1, 0).
3. The law of motion of a moving particle is S = 5t + 6t + 3 where ‘S’ is the
distance in metres and ‘t’ time in seconds. Find the velocity when t=2.
4. Find the rate of change of area of a circle with respect to its radius.
5. Show that the curve 2x − y = 0 is increasing at the point (1, 2).


1. For a moving body vertically upwards, the equation of motion is given by S =

98t − 4.9t . When does the velocity vanish?
2. Find the equation to the tangent to the curve y = 2x − 3x − 1 at (1,-2).
3. A circular patch of oil spreads on water and increases its area at the rate of 2
sq.cm/min. find the rate of change of radius when radius when radius is 4 cm.
4. The volume of the spherical ball is increasing at the rate of 36π cc/sec. Find the
rate at which the radius is increasing. When the radius of the ball is 2cm.
5. Find the max value of the function y = x − 3x + 4.


1. Find the max & min values of the function y = x − 5x + 5x − 1.

2. Find the equation of normal to the curve y = x + 2x + 1 at (1,1).
3. If S is the equation of motion where S = t − 2t find its acceleration when
velocity is 0.
4. The volume of sphere is increasing at 3c.c per second. Find the rate of increase of
the radius, when the radius is 2cm.
5. Water is flowing into a right circular cylindrical tank of radius 50 cms at the rate
of 500π cc/min. Find how fast is the level of water going up.


1. Evaluate:∫(x + x + 1) dx.
2. Evaluate: ∫ cot x dx
3. Evaluate: ∫ e dx

4. Evaluate: ∫ dx

5. Evaluate: ∫ sin x cos x dx

Directorate Of Technical EducationKarnataka State 15SC02M Page 12


1. Evaluate∫ x − + cosec x − e + cos x dx.

2. Evaluate: ∫ cos x dx
3. Evaluate: ∫ sin 6x cos 2x dx
4. Evaluate: ∫ log x dx

5. Evaluate: ∫ dx


1. Evaluate: ∫(tanx + cotx) dx.

2. Evaluate:∫(x + 1)(x − 2)(x − 3)dx
3. Evaluate: ∫ x cos x dx
dx 1 Ê xˆ
4. Prove that Úx 2
+a 2
= tan -1 Á ˜ + c
a Ëa¯

5. Evaluate:∫ dx



1. Evaluate: ∫ (2x + 1) dx.

2. Evaluate: ∫ sec x dx.
3. Evaluate:∫ e dx

4. Evaluate: ∫ dx.

5. Evaluate: ∫ cos x dx.

1. Evaluate: ∫ sin 3x cos x dx.
2. Evaluate: ∫ dx.

3. Evaluate: ∫ x(x − 1)(x − 2) dx.

4. Find the area bounded by the curve y = x + 1 the x-axis and ordinatesx =
1 , x = 3.
5. Find the volume of the solid generated by the revolving of the curve y = x + 5x
between the ordinates x=1, x=2 about x-axis.

Directorate Of Technical EducationKarnataka State 15SC02M Page 13

( )
1. Evaluate: ∫ dx.
2. Find the area between the curves y = x + 5 and y = 2x + 1.
3. Find the volume of ellipsoid generated by revolving + = 1 between the
ordinates x = ±a about x-axis.
4. Find the centre of gravity of a solid hemisphere.
5. Determine the moment of inertia of a uniform rod of length 2l,
Cross-sectional area “a” about an axis perpendicular to the rod and passing
through the mid-point of the rod.


1. Write the order and degree of the differential equation +3 − ye = 0.

2. Form the differential equation by eliminating arbitrary constants in y = m e .

3. Solve xdx + ydy = 0 .

4. Solve = .
5. Solve e dx + dy = 0 .


1. Form the differential equation by eliminating arbitrary constants A and B iny =

Ae + Be .
2. Form the differential equation by eliminating arbitrary constants iny =
a cos mx + b sin mx.
3. Solve (1 + y)dx + (1 + x)dy = 0 .

4. Solve + 3y = e .

5. Solve + y tan x = cos x


1. Solve x(1 + y )dx + y(1 + x )dy = 0 .

2. Solve sec x tan y dx + sec y tan x dy = 0 .

3. Solve x +y=x

4. Solve + 3y = e .

5. Solve + 2y cot x + sin 2x = 0

Directorate Of Technical EducationKarnataka State 15SC02M Page 14

Government of Karnataka
Department of Technical Education, Bengaluru


Course code: 15SC02M

Curriculum Drafting Committee 2015-16

Name Designation Institution

1 Dr. D.S. Prakash Asst. Director (LRDC) DTE, Bengaluru

Lecturer (Selection Grade Government Polytechnic,

2 Dr.MokaShekhu
/Science) Channasandra, Bengaluru

Sri.Sathyanaraya Dixit Lecturer (Selection Grade

3 PVP Polytechnic, Bengaluru
Sri. Guruprasad V Lecturer (Selection Grade
4 APS Polytechnic, Somanahalli
Dr.RajasekharHeera Government Polytechnic,
5 Lecturer/Science,

Curriculum Review committee

Name Designation Institution

Lecturer (Selection Grade Government Polytechnic,
1 Dr.MokaShekhu
/Science) Channasandra, Bengaluru

Sri.Sathyanaraya Dixit Lecturer (Selection Grade

2 PVP Polytechnic, Bengaluru

Directorate Of Technical EducationKarnataka State 15SC02M Page 15

Government of Karnataka
Department of Technical Education
Board of Technical Examinations, Bengaluru

Course Title :APPLIED SCIENCE Course Code : 15SC03S

Semester : I / II Course Group : Core
Teaching Scheme in Hrs (L:T:P) : 4:0:0 Credits : 4 Credits
Type of course : Lecture &Assignments Total Contact Hours : 52
CIE : 25 Marks SEE : 100 Marks
Programme: Common to all Engineering Diploma Programmes


Dynamics, Heat, Sound, Matter, recent trends in Physics, Basic chemistry in Secondary

Course Objective:

1. Learn concepts of Units, Laws of vectors, parallel forces, moment of force, couple.
2. Learn the fundamentals of properties and behavior of the materials
3. Learn the concepts of heat and thermodynamics.
4. Enhance theoretical and practical principles with applications of sound wave.
5. Understand different types of communication systems.
6. Develop awareness about corrosion, materials, and energy sources in engineering

Course Content:


Units and Measurements: Definition of unit, types of unit (fundamental and derived)
SI units: Definition, Basic and supplementary units, advantages.
Measuring Instruments: Vernier calipers, principle and least count, diagram of vernier
calipers with labeling the parts. Screw gauge(pitch, ZE, ZC), principle and least count,
diagram of screw gauge with labeling the parts, simple problems.

Scalars and Vectors: Definition of scalar and vector with examples, representation of a
vector, definition of resultant, equilibrium and equilibrant. Laws of vectors: Statement of law
of parallelogram of forces, Converse law of triangle of forces, Lami’s theorem. Deriving an
expression for magnitude and direction of resultant of two vectors acting at a point.
Resolution of vectors, mentioning rectangular component of resolution of vector.

Directorate Of Technical Education. Karnataka State15SC03S Page 1

Experimental verification of law of parallelogram of forces, Converse law of triangle of
forces, Lami’s theorem. Simple problems on laws of vectors
Parallel forces. Types of parallel forces, Moment of force: definition, S.I unit, types and
examples. Couple: definition with examples. Moment of a couple. Conditions of equilibrium
of coplanar parallel forces, applications. Experimental verification of Conditions of
equilibrium of coplanar parallel forces using moment bar and simple problems.


Properties of solids: Definitions of deforming force, elasticity and plasticity, examples for
elasticity and plasticity, definition of stress and its types with examples and its S.I unit,
definition of strain and its types with examples, elastic limit, Hooke’s law, stress - strain
graph with explanation. Modulie of elasticity and its types, derivation of an expression for
Young’s modulus of a material. Definition of Compressibility and factor of safety. Simple
problems on stress, strain and Young’s modulus.
Properties of liquids: Definition of thrust and pressure with S.I units. Derivation of
expression for pressure at a point inside the liquid at rest, simple problems.

Energy of liquid in motion: Kinetic, Potential energies and Pressure energy in moving liquid.
Bernoulli’s theorem: statement and expression (No derivation). Cohesive and adhesive forces,
angle of contact.

Surface Tension: Definition of surface tension and its S.I unit, factors affecting surface
tension, applications of surface tension, capillarity and its applications.

Viscosity: Types of flow of liquid, definition of stream line flow and turbulent flow,
definition of viscosity, expression for coefficient of viscosity, experimental determination of
coefficient of viscosity of water, effect of temperature on viscosity. List of applications of
viscosity. Simple problems.


Concept of heat & temperature: Definitions of heat and temperature with S.I units,
definition of Specific heat of substance with S I unit, equation for specific heat of a substance
(no derivation).

Transmission of heat: Definitions of conduction, convection and radiation with examples,

definition of thermal conductivity, derivation of co-efficient of thermal conductivity(K) and
its S.I unit. Applications of conduction, convection and radiation, simple problems on K.

Directorate Of Technical Education. Karnataka State15SC03S Page 2

Gas laws: Statement of Boyle’s law, Charle’s law, Gay-Lussac’s law, derive the relation
between them (PV=nRT), definition of Cp and Cv ,relation between them (Mayer’s equation
no derivation), simple problems on Boyle’s law and Charle’s law.

Thermodynamics: Definition of thermodynamics, Laws of thermo dynamics: Zeroth law,

Istlaw and IIndlaw (only statement), types of thermodynamics process: isothermal process,
adiabatic process.


Simple Harmonic Motion: Definition of periodic motion with example, definition of Simple
Harmonic Motion, representation of S.H.M with respect to particle in circular motion,
derivation of displacement of a particle executing S.H.M. Definitions of period, frequency,
amplitude, in case of vibrating particle.
Wave: Definition of wave, wave period(T), wave frequency (n or f), wave amplitude (a),
wave length(λ) and wave velocity (v) in case of wave motion. Derive the relation between v,
n and λ. simple problems.
Types of waves: Mechanical and Non mechanical waves with examples. Definition of
longitudinal and transverse waves, differences.
Propagation of sound waves in air: Newton’s formula for the velocity of sound in air and
Laplace’s correction to it, various factors affecting velocity of sound in air. Simple problems.
Vibrations: Free vibrations, Forced vibration, Damped vibrations and Un-damped vibrations
with examples. Resonance with examples. Laws of transverse vibrations of stretched string,
derivation of equation for fundamental frequency of vibrations of stretched string. Simple
Experiment to determine the unknown frequency of a given tuning fork by absolute and
comparison methods using sonometer.
Stationary waves: Formation of stationary waves and their characteristics. Experimental
determination of velocity of sound in air by using resonance air column apparatus.
Beats: Formation of Beats, definition of beat frequency, its applications.


Electromagnetic waves: Definition, generation of electromagnetic waves and their


Electromagnetic spectrum: Definition, classification and its applications.

Lasers: Principle and listing the types of Laser, properties of Laser, applications.
Nano-Technology: Definition of Nano-Technology, advantages and dis-advantages of nano-

Directorate Of Technical Education. Karnataka State15SC03S Page 3

Advance Communication Systems: Basic elements of communication systems with block
diagram, List commonly used terms in electronic communication systems.

Satellite communication: Introduction, advantages and disadvantages,

Optical fiber: principle and applications.


Electrolysis: Definition of electrolyte, types of electrolytes with examples, definition of

electrolysis. Arrhenius theory of electrolytic dissociation. Mechanism of Electrolysis.
Faradays laws of Electrolysis: state and explain.
Corrosion: Definition, necessary conditions for corrosion, electrochemical theory of
corrosion, list the preventive methods of corrosion.
Batteries: Basic concept, classification and applications of batteries.
Fuel cells: Definition, mentioning the types and advantages.
Metallurgy: Definitions of minerals, ore, flux, slag, alloys. Purpose of making alloys,
composition and uses of alloys.
Polymers: Definition and classification of polymers, methods of polymerization and
Composite materials: Definition, types, advantages and dis-advantages of composite
Solutions: Definition of solute, solvent, solutions. Saturated and unsaturated solutions,
concentration of solutions: normal, molar and molal solutions, simple problems on
concentration of solution.
pH Value: Hydrogen ion concentration and concept of pH, definition of pH of solution, pH
scale, applications of pH in different fields.

Course Delivery:

The Course will be delivered through lectures, class room interaction and exercises.

Course Outcome:

On successful completion of the course the student will be able to:

1. Determine the dimensions of objects using measuring instruments and analyze vector
in mechanics.
2. Create knowledge of properties of matter applicable to engineering.
3. Apply the concepts of thermal properties of matter and gas laws related to
4. Analyse the different concepts of waves and vibration in the field of engineering.
5. Analyse the recent trends in physics related to engineering.
6. Apply the basic concepts of chemistry in the field of engineering.

Directorate Of Technical Education. Karnataka State15SC03S Page 4

Mapping Course Outcomes with Program Outcomes:

CO –PO mapping
Course Outcome PO Cognitive Theory Allotted
Mapped Level Sessions marks on
cognitive TOTAL
CO1 Determine the dimensions of 1,2,3,4,9 R/U/A
objects using measuring
08 8 10 6 24
instruments and analyze
vector in mechanics
CO2 Create knowledge of 1,2 R/U/A
properties of matter applicable 10 6 15 6 27
to engineering.
CO3 Apply the concepts of thermal 1,2,3,9 R/U/A
properties of matter and gas 07 4 10 6 20
laws related to engineering
CO4 Apply the different concepts 1,2,3,9 R/U/A
of waves and vibration in the 10 4 10 18 32
field of engineering.
CO5 Apply the recent trends in 1,2,6 R/U/A 07 4 10 6 20
physics related to engineering.
CO6 Apply the basic concepts of 1,2,6 R/U/A
chemistry in the field of 10 4 20 6 30
Total Hours of Total 153
52 marks
R-Remember; U-Understanding; A-Application
Course outcomes –Program outcomes mapping strength
Course Programme Outcomes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
3 3 3 1 - 2 - - 2 -
Level 3- Highly Addressed, Level 2-Moderately Addressed, Level 1-Low Addressed.
Method is to relate the level of PO with the number of hours devoted to the COs which address the given PO.
If >40% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is addressed at Level 3
If 25 to 40% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is addressed at Level 2
If 5 to 25% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is addressed at Level 1
If < 5% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is considered not-addressed.

Reference Books:
1. Principle of physicsfor class XI and XII by V.K.Mehata and Rohit Mehta, as per
Karnataka state PUC syllabusS.Chand and Company, New Delhi
2. Engineering chemistry for Diploma by Ranjan Kumar Mahapatra
(PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi)
3. Basic Physics by Kongbam Chandramani Singh (PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi)
4. Principle of physics by P.V.Naik (PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi)

Directorate Of Technical Education. Karnataka State15SC03S Page 5


1. www.rsc.org/Education/Teachers/resources/Inspirational/…/4.3.1.pdf
2. www.nanogloss.com/nanotechnology/advantages and disadvantages
3. www.freebookcentre.net/physics/ introductory-physics-books.html

1. Introduction to physics – II, Robert P Johnson.
2. Lecture notes physics university of Rochester.
3. Text book of Physics poynting J.H Thomson sir J.J.

Course Assessment and Evaluation:

To Evidence Course
What Frequency Mark
Whom Collected Outcomes
Three tests
(Continuous Internal Evaluation)

(average of three
I A Tests 20 Blue Books 1 to 6
tests will be
Two Assignments
based on CO’s

(Average marks of
Direct Assessment

Class room Log of

Two Assignments 05 1 and 6
Assignments shall be rounded off Activity
to the next higher

(Semester End



End Exam End Of the Course 100 Scripts at 1 to 6


1 to 3
Student Feedback on Middle Of The
Indirect Assessment

Feedback forms delivery of the

course Course

1 to 6
of delivery of
End Of Course Survey End Of The Course Questionnaire
*CIE – Continuous Internal Evaluation *SEE – Semester End Examination
Note: I.A. test shall be conducted for 20 marks. Average marks of three tests shall be rounded off
to the next higher digit.

Directorate Of Technical Education. Karnataka State15SC03S Page 6


Test/Date and Time Semester/year Course/Course Code Max Marks

Ex: I test/6 th weak of I/II SEM APPLIED SCIENCE

sem 10-11 Am Year: Course code:15SC03S
Name of Course coordinator : Units:__ CO’s:____

Note: Internal Choice may be given for each CO at the same cognitive level (CL).

Directorate Of Technical Education. Karnataka State15SC03S Page 7

Question Paper Blue Print:

Course Title :APPLIED SCIENCE Course Code : 15SC03S

Questions Questions Questions

to be set for to be set for to be set for
Name and Allotted
(2marks ) (5marks) (6marks)
Unit No. Hours
08 04 02 01
Properties of Solids and
Liquids 10 03 03 01
Heat and properties of
gases 07 02 02 01
Wave motion
10 02 02 03

Modern Physics
07 02 02 01

Industrial chemistry
10 02 04 01

Total 52 15 15 8

Guidelines for Question Paper Setting:

1. The question paper must be prepared based on the blue print without changing the
weightage of model fixed for each unit.
2. The question paper pattern provided should be adhered to
Part – A: 10 questions to be answered out of 15 questions each carrying 02 marks
Part – B: 10 questions to be answered out of 15 questions each carrying 05 marks.
Part – C: 05 questions to be answered out of 08 questions each carrying 06 marks.

Directorate Of Technical Education. Karnataka State15SC03S Page 8

Model Question Paper:

I Semester Diploma Examination
(Common for All Engineering Programmes)

Time: 3 Hours][Max Marks: 100

Note: i) Answer any 10 questions from section A, each carry 02marks.

ii) Answer any 10 questions from section B, each carry 05 marks.
iii) Answer any 05 questions from section C, each carry 06 marks.


1. Define Unit.
2. Differentiate scalars and vectors.
3. Define Resultant of forces.
4. Define moment of couple.
5. Define plasticity.
6. Define compressibility.
7. Define viscosity of liquid.
8. Define specific heat of substance.
9. Define thermodynamics.
10. Define time period.
11. Define beats.
12. Define Electro-magnetic waves.
13. Define Nano-Technology.
14. Define electrolyte.
15. Define composite materials.


1. Draw a neat diagram of Vernier calipers and label its parts.

2. Write the condition for equilibrium of coplanar parallel forces with an example.
3. Explain stress-strain graph.
4. Define K.E of liquid in motion. State Bernoulli’s theorem.
5. Define capillarity? Write any three application of surface tension.
6. State 1st law of thermodynamics. Explain isothermal & adiabatic process.
7. State the three gas laws.( Boyle’s law, Charle’s law & Gay-Lussac law)

Directorate Of Technical Education. Karnataka State15SC03S Page 9

8. Explain mechanical &non- mechanical waves with examples.
9. Distinguish between longitudinal & transverse waves.
10. Write any three advantages and two disadvantages of F.M.
11. Write the principle of laser. Lists its properties.
12. Explain the mechanism of electrolysis of HCL.
13. Write the basic concepts of batteries. Mention any three applications of batteries.
14. Distinguish between minerals and ore. Write any three applications of pH.
15. Define composite materials. Write the advantages of composite materials.


1. Derive an expression for magnitude and direction of resultant of two forces acting at a
2. Describe an experiment to determine coefficient of viscosity of water by Poiseuille’s
3. 1.25cc volume of a gas at 150C &755mm of mercury pressure. Calculate volume at
4. Derive an expression for fundamental frequency of transverse vibrations of stretched
5. Describe an experiment to find the unknown frequency of the given tuning fork using
sonometer by comparison method.
6. Calculate the velocity of sound in air at 250C & 75cm of mercury pressure, if the
density of air at 00C & 76cm of mercury pressure is 1.29kgm-3. (given γ=1.41 for air).
7. Write the basic elements of communication system with block diagram.
8. Explain any two methods of polymerization.


Directorate Of Technical Education. Karnataka State15SC03S Page 10

Model Question Bank:

Course Title :APPLIED SCIENCE Course Code : 15SC03S



1. Define unit of a physical quantity.

2. Define fundamental and derived units.
3. List supplementary units in S.I systems.
4. Define S.I units give two eg of S.I, basic units.
5. Define least count of measuring instrument.
6. Write the principle of Vernier calipers and screw gauge.
7. Define least count of Vernier calipers?
8. Define pitch of a screw.
9. Define ZE and ZC in screw gauge.
10. Define scalar quantity & give its examples.
11. Define vector quantity & give its examples.
12. Write the relation between resultant and equilibrant.
13. State law of parallelogram of vectors.
14. State Converse law of triangle of forces.
15. State Lami’s theorem.
16. Define moment of force.
17. Write the two rectangular component of a vector.
18. Write how moment of force is measured.
19. Discus why the handles of the doors and windows are fixed at the end.
20. Define couple.
21. Define is moment of couple.
22. Write how you measure moment of couple.
23. Define equilibrium.
24. Write the conditions of equilibrium when number of co-planar parallel forces acting
on a body.
25. Define like & unlike parallel forces.


1. Mention seven basic units and two supplementary units of SI system.

2. Draw a neat diagram of Vernier calipers and label its parts.
3. Draw a neat diagram of Screw Gauge and label its parts.
4. Explain parallel forces with their types.

Directorate Of Technical Education. Karnataka State15SC03S Page 11

5. List two types of moment of force. Write any three applications of couple.
6. Write the advantages of S.I system.
7. Mention the difference between scalars and vectors.
8. State Converse law of triangle of forces; write the line diagram & equation of
Converse law of triangle of forces.
9. State Lami’s theorem, write the line diagram & equation of lami’s theorem
10. Define moment of force, write the equation to measure moment of force & give its


1. Derive an expression for magnitude and direction of resultant of two forces acting at a
2. Derive an expression for horizontal and vertical components of force acting at an
angle q with horizontal.
3. Write the conditions for equilibrium of coplanar parallel forces acting on a rigid body
with equations & diagram.
4. Describe an experiment to verify law of parallelogram of forces.
5. Describe an experiment to verify Converse law of triangle of forces.
6. Describe an experiment to verify Lami’s theorem.
7. Describe an experiment to verify the conditions of equilibrium of co-planar parallel
forces using moment bar.
8. A main scale is divided into 0.5 mm the length of vernier attached to it is 12mm and is
divided into 25equal parts. Calculate the value of 1vsd and L.C of vernier.
9. In Vernier calipers, main scale is divided into 1mm;9division of main scale is divided
into 10 equal parts on Vernier scale. In a setting zero of Vernier scale lies between
4.8cm and 4.9cm, and 7th division of vernier coincide with the main scale division.
What is the total reading?
10. A screw gauge has a pitch of 0.5mm and 50 divisions on head scale. The reading
when jaws touch is +5div. When gripping a wire the reading is 3 turns and 17 div.
What is the diameter of the wire?
11. The resultant of two equal forces acting at a right angle to each other is
1414N.Findthe magnitude of each force.
12. Two forces of 5kg wt. and 10kg wt. acts at right angles to one another. Find the
magnitude and direction of the resultant forces.
13. Two unlike parallel forces equal to 20N and 12N acts at two points A and B on a rigid
body. Find the magnitude and direction of their resultant and the point where it acts if
14. Two like parallel forces equal to 80N and 100N act on a body at two points A and B.
If AB=0.6m,find the magnitude and the point where there resultant acts.
15. Three forces P, Q and 100 N acting on a body in equilibrium. If the angles opposite to
P and Q are 1200 and 1500 respectively. Find the magnitude of P and Q.

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1. Define plasticity.
2. Define elasticity.
3. Define deforming force.
4. Define restoring force.
5. Define stress.
6. Write the types of stress.
7. Define strain.
8. Write the type of strain.
9. Define elastic limit.
10. State Hooke’s law.
11. Define Young’s modulus.
12. Define Bulk modulus.
13. Define Rigidity modulus.
14. Define compressibility? Write its S.I unit.
15. Write S.I units of stress and strain.
16. Define pressure of liquid.
17. Write equation for the pressure at a point inside the liquid at rest.
18. State Bernoulli’s theorem.
19. Define cohesive force.
20. Define Adhesive force.
21. Write reason why glue stick to paper?
22. Define angle of a contact.
23. Name the type of angle of a contact formed for water and glass, water and mercury.
24. Define surface tension.
25. List the factors affecting surface tension.
26. Define capillarity.
27. Write any four applications of capillarity.
28. List the applications of surface Tension.
29. Write the equation used to determine surface tension of water by capillary raise
30. Define viscous force.
31. Give two examples of viscous liquid.
32. Define co-efficient of viscosity. Write its S.I unit.
33. List the factors affecting viscosity of liquid.
34. Write the effect on viscosity of gas if temperature is increased.
35. Write any four applications of viscosity.
36. List the types of flow of liquid.

Directorate Of Technical Education. Karnataka State15SC03S Page 13


1. Explain elasticity with an example.

2. Define elasticity and list three types of modulei of elasticity.
3. Define strain. Write the types of strain. Give e.g. for each type of strain.
4. Define stress. Write the types of stress. Give e.g. for each type of stress.
5. Define elastic limit. State Hooke’s law? Write its mathematical form .
6. Explain stress-strain graph.
7. Define compressibility and factor of safety. Write the SI unit of stress.
8. Define thrust and pressure, write their SI units.
9. Define K.E and P.E of liquid. State the Bernoulli’s theorem.
10. Define cohesive and adhesive force with an example.
11. Define pressure energy and angle of contact.
12. Define two types of flow of liquid with an example.
13. Define angle of a contact. What type of angle of contact is formed for water and
glass, water and mercury? List the factors affecting surface tension.
14. Define capillarity. Write any four applications of capillarity.
15. Write the difference between stream line flow and turbulent flow of liquids.
16. Define viscosity and write the effect of temperature on viscosity of liquid & gas.
17. Define stress and explain the types of stress.
18. Define strain and explain the types of strain.
19. State Hooke’s law? List any three applications of viscosity.
20. Define surface tension. Mention any three factors affecting surface tension.


1. Derive an expression for young’s modulus of elasticity.

2. Derive an expression for pressure at any point inside the liquid at rest.
3. Derive an expression for co-efficient of viscosity of liquid.
4. Describe an experiment to determine the surface tension of water by capillary rise
5. Describe an experiment to determine coefficient of viscosity of water by Poiseuille’s
6. A uniform wire of length 0.5m and diameter 0.0006m when stretched by a mass of
5kgextends by 0.0004m. Calculate Young’s modulus of wire.
7. A wire of length 1m is fixed at one end and a mass of 1kg is hung from free end, the
area of cross section of the wire is 2.5 x 10-6 m2 and the Young’s modulus of the
material of the wire is 2 x 1011 Nm-2. Calculate stress, strain and extension of the
8. A spring 60cm long is stretched by 2cm by the application of a load 200g. What will
be the length when the load of 500g is applied (given g = 980cm/s2).

Directorate Of Technical Education. Karnataka State15SC03S Page 14

9. A rectangular tank is 3m long,2m wide and 1.5m in height, it contains water to a
depth of 1m,the density of water is 1000kg/m3. Calculate the pressure at the bottom of
the tank.
10. Calculate the pressure at the bottom of a swimming pool 10m wide if the water is 3m
deep, the density of water is 1000kg/m3.
11. A square plate of 6cm side moves parallel to another plate with a velocity of 10cm/s,
both the plates being immersed in water (η = 0.01poise). If the distance between the
plates 0.5mm.Calculate the viscous force.
12. In a certain experiment on the flow of water through a capillary tube, the following
data were obtained. Volume of water coming out per minute = 15cc; pressure head of
water = 30cm
Length of tube = 25cm; radius of tube = 0.05cm; calculate coefficient of viscosity of
water(g=980cm/s2, density=1gm/cc)
13. A castor oil of viscosity 98.6NS/ m2 fills the space between two horizontal
plates1cm apart. If the lower plate is stationary and upper plate is moving horizontally
with a velocity of 3m/s . Find the tangential force per unit area.



1. Define heat & write SI unit of heat.

2. Define temperature & write SI unit of temperature.
3. Define specific heat of substance & write its SI unit.
4. Define conduction of heat.
5. Define convection of heat.
6. Define Radiation of heat.
7. Define Thermal conductivity.
8. Define specific heat of a gas at constant volume.
9. Define specific heat of a gas at constant pressure.
10. State Boyle’s law.
11. State Charle’s law.
12. State Gay-Lussac’s law
13. Define isothermal process.
14. Define adiabatic process.
15. Define thermodynamics.
16. State zeroth law of thermodynamics.
17. State Ist law of Thermodynamics.
18. State IInd law of Thermodynamics
19. Write Mayer’s equation.


1. Write any five differences between heat & temperature.

Directorate Of Technical Education. Karnataka State15SC03S Page 15

2. Define heat, temperature & specific heat of Substance. Write Mayer’s equation for
3. Define conduction, convection, radiation and thermal conductivity.
4. Write any five applications of conduction.
5. Write any five applications of convection.
6. Write any five applications of radiation.
7. Define Cp & Cv , write the relation between them.
8. Define conduction, write applications of conduction.
9. Define convection, write applications of convection.
10. Define radiation, write applications of radiation..
11. State 1st law of thermodynamics, explain isothermal & adiabatic process.
12. Derive an expression for coefficient of thermal conductivity (K).
13. Compare the three modes of transfer of heat.
14. State the three gas laws. (Boyle’s law, Charle’s law & Gay-Lussac’s law).
15. State zeroth law, 1st law& 2nd law of thermodynamics.


1. With usual notations prove that pv = nRT

2. Define thermal conductivity. Derive an equation for co-efficient of thermal
conductivity (K).
3. Define specific heat of a substance. Derive an equation for specific heat of substance.
4. Describe an experiment to verify Boyle’s law.
5. The volume of a gas at 270c at2 atmospheric pressure is 2 liters.
If the pressure is double & absolute temperature is reduced to half.
What will be the new volume of gas?
6. A sealed glass bulb contains air at 300C at normal pressure. The bulb is immersed in
an oil bath &heated gradually. Find the temperature in degree centigrade at which the
bulb bursts if it can withstand a maximum pressure of 3.5atm.
7. The volume of certain mass of a gas at STP is 2x10-4 m3. Find its volume at 27 0C at
pressure 2.2x105 Pa.
8. The volume of a gas at 150C is1.25cc &755mm of mercury pressure. Calculate
volume at NTP.
9. How much heat is required to raise the temperature of 5kg of copper from 270C to its
melting point of 10630C? Given that specific heat of copper is 400 J/k0C.
10. A hot iron ball of mass 0.2kg is dropped into 0.5g of water at 100C. The resulting
temperature is 300C. Calculate the temperature of the hot ball. Specific heat of iron =
336J/kg0C and specific heat of water = 4200J/kg0C.
11. A silver rod 0.15m long has cross-sectional area of 0.0003m2. If one end is
maintained at 100C and other end at 750C. How much heat will flow through the rod
in 5 minutes? Given that co-efficient of thermal conductivity of silver = 406 J/ms0C.

Directorate Of Technical Education. Karnataka State15SC03S Page 16


1. Define frequency and amplitude of a vibrating particle.

2. Wrote the relation between frequency and time period.
3. Define periodic motion with example.
4. Define S.H.M with example.
5. Write the equation for displacement of the particle in S.H.M.
6. Define wave motion.
7. Define wave period, wave frequency.
8. Write the relation between wave velocity, wavelength & wave frequency
9. Define non mechanical wave. Give an example.
10. Define mechanical wave. Write two types of Mechanical wave
11. Define transverse wave & give an example.
12. Define longitudinal wave & give an example.
13. Write any two differences between transverse wave and longitudinal wave.
14. Write two characteristics of transverse wave.
15. Write two characteristics of longitudinal wave.
16. Write Newton’s equation for velocity of sound in a medium and name the terms
involved in the equation.
17. Write the Newton’s Laplace equation for velocity of sound in air
18. Write the effect of pressure on velocity of sound in air.
19. Write the effect of temp on velocity of sound in air.
20. Write the equation for velocity of sound in air at 0°c.
21. Write the effect of humidity on velocity of sound in air.
22. Define free and forced vibration.
23. Define natural frequency.
24. Define resonance.
25. Give any two practical examples of resonance.
26. Define how stationary waves are produced?
27. Write any two characteristics of stationary waves.
28. Define nodes and antinodes.
29. Write the difference between stationary waves and progressive waves.
30. Write the fundamental note in vibration of stretched string.
31. Write the formula for the fundamental frequency of vibration of stretched string.
32. State the law of tension as applied to the vibration of stretched string.
33. State the law of length as applied to the vibration of stretched string.
34. State the law of mass per unit length as applied to the vibration of stretched string.
35. Define beats.
36. Define beat frequency.
37. Write any two applications of beats.

Directorate Of Technical Education. Karnataka State15SC03S Page 17

38. Write how beat frequency can be calculated?


1. Define period, frequency & amplitude of vibrating particle.

2. Explain mechanical &non mechanical waves with examples.
3. Define longitudinal waves & transverse waves.
4. Define beat and beat frequency.
5. Obtain the relation between v, n and λ.
6. Define periodic motion & SHM with example in each.
7. Derive an expression for displacement of a particle executing SHM.
8. Define wave period, wave frequency, wave amplitude, wave length and wave velocity.
9. Distinguish between longitudinal & transverse waves.
10. Explain propagation of sound waves in air with practical example.
11. Describe Newton’s formula for velocity of sound in air.
12. Explain Newton’s formula for velocity of sound in air and hence Laplace correction to
13. Explain various factors affecting velocity of sound in air.
14. What is stationary wave? Mention the characteristics of stationary waves.
15. Why the soldiers are asked to break steps while marching across bridges.


1. Derive an expression for displacement of a particle executing SHM

2. Derive an expression for velocity of wave in terms of its frequency and wavelength.
3. Derive an expression for fundamental frequency of vibrations of stretched string.
4. Describe an experiment to determine the velocity of sound in air at room temperature
by resonance air column method.
5. Describe an experiment to find the unknown frequency of the given tuning fork using
sonometer by comparison method.
6. Describe an experiment to determine frequency of Turing fork by absolute method
using sonometer.
7. A wave of frequency 600MHZ travels at a speed of 3x108 m/s. Calculate its
wavelength &calculate the frequency of same type of wave whose wavelength is 40m.
8. If the frequency of tuning fork is 500Hz & velocity of sound is 300m/s. Find how
far sound travels while the fork completes 25 vibrations.
9. Calculate the velocity of sound in air at 250C & 75cm of mercury pressure, if the
density of air at 00C & 76cm of mercury pressure is 1.29kgm-3. (Given γ=1.41 for air).
10. Calculate the speed of sound at -500 C & at +1000C, given speed of sound at 00c is
332 m/s.
11. The density of air at NTP is 1.293 kgm-3&γ=1.402. Calculate the frequency of a
tuning fork which emits sound of wavelength 0.75m at 260 c.
12. A string of length 2m is stretched by a force of 3200N. If the frequency of vibration is

Directorate Of Technical Education. Karnataka State15SC03S Page 18

100Hz. Find the mass of the string.
13. A string has length of 0.3m & weight 2x10-3kg. What must be the tension in the string
so that when vibrating string transversely, it has a fundamental frequency 320 Hz?
14. A Sonometer wire of 0.5m long vibrates in two segments & is stretched by a force of
5kg wt. Calculate the frequency of the note emitted. (g=9.8m/s2 linear density of the
15. The frequency of Sonometer wire is doubled when the tension is increased by 12kg
wt. Find the original tension.



1. Define electromagnetic waves.

2. State two characteristics of electromagnetic waves.
3. Write how electromagnetic waves are produced?
4. Define electromagnetic spectrum.
5. Write any two uses of electromagnetic spectrum.
6. Write the principle of LASER.
7. List any two types of LASER.
8. Write any two principle of LASER.
9. Write any two applications of LASER.
10. Define nanotechnology.
11. Write two advantages of nanotechnology.
12. Write two disadvantages of nanotechnology.
13. Write what do you mean by communication?
14. Write the basic elements of communication system.
15. List any two commonly used terms in electronic communication system.
16. Write two advantages of communication satellite.
17. Write two disadvantages of communication satellite.
18. Define optical fiber.
19. Write the principle of optical fiber.
20.Write two advantages of optical fiber.


1. Describe the generation of electromagnetic waves.

2. Write any five properties of electromagnetic waves.
3. Explain how electromagnetic spectrum is classified?
4. Write any five applications of electromagnetic spectrum.
5. Explain the principle of LASER. List the properties of LASER.
6. Write any five advantages of LASER.
7. Write five advantages of nanotechnology.
8. Write advantages and disadvantages of nanotechnology.

Directorate Of Technical Education. Karnataka State15SC03S Page 19

9. Write the block diagram of communication system.
10. List any five commonly used terms in electronic communication system..
11. Write five advantages of satellite communication.
12. Write any five disadvantages of satellite communication.
13. Write any five advantages of optical fiber.
14. Explain satellite communication. List any two disadvantages of satellite
communication system.


1. Define electromagnetic waves. Write four properties of electromagnetic waves.

2. Define electromagnetic spectrum. Explain how electromagnetic spectrum is classified.
3. Write the applications of electromagnetic spectrum.
4. List six applications of LASER.
5. Write six advantages of nanotechnology.
6. Write what you mean by communication system. Write the block diagram of
communication system..
7. Define satellite communication system. Write four advantages of satellite
communication system.
8. Write the principle of optical fiber. Write four applications of optical fiber.



1.Define electrolysis.
2.Define electrolyte.
3.Write any four examples of electrolyte.
4.Define strong and weak electrolyte.
5.Write any two postulates of Arrhenius theory of electrolytic dissociation.
6.State Faradays Ist law of electrolysis.
7.State Faradays IInd law of electrolysis.
8.Define corrosion.
9.List any two preventive methods of corrosion.
10.Define batteries.
11.Write any two applications of batteries.
12.Define fuel cells.
13.Write any two types of fuel cells.
14.Write any two advantages of fuel cells.
15.Define minerals.
16.Define ore.
17.Define flux.
18.Define slag.
19.Define an alloy.
20.Write any two uses of alloys.

Directorate Of Technical Education. Karnataka State15SC03S Page 20

21.Define polymers.
22.Define polymerization.
23.Write any two applications of polymers.
24.List the methods of polymerization.
25. Define composite materials.
26.Write any two types of composite materials.
27.Write two advantages of composite materials.
28. Write two disadvantages of composite materials.
29.Define solute.
30.Define solvent.
31.Define solution.
32.Define saturated solution.
33.Define unsaturated solution.
34.Define concentration of a solution.
35.Define normal solution.
36. Define molar solution.
37.Define molal solution.
38.Define pH of a solution.
39.Write any two applications of pH.
40.Write hydrogen ion concentration in case of neutral solution.


1.Explain the mechanism of electrolysis of HCl.

2.Define corrosion. Write the necessary condition of corrosion.
3.Write any five postulates of Arrhenius theory of electrolytic dissociation.
4.State Ist and IInd Faradays laws of electrolysis.
5.Write any five preventive methods of corrosion.
6. Write the classification of batteries. Write two applications of batteries.
7. Write two types of fuel cells. List any three advantages of fuel cells.
8.Define alloys. Write the purpose of making alloys.
9. Write the classification of polymers. Write any three applications of polymers.
10.Define composite material. Write any two advantages of composite materials.
11. Calculate the concentration of solution when 110gmof copper sulphate is dissolved in
550gm of a solvent.
12. Define pH of a solution. Explain acid, base, and neutral solution on the basis of pH value.


1. State and explain Faradays laws of electrolysis?

2. Explain the mechanism of electrolysis of HCL.
3. Define corrosion. Write the necessary condition for corrosion.
4. Write any six preventive methods of corrosions.
5. Explain the electrochemical theory of corrosion.

Directorate Of Technical Education. Karnataka State15SC03S Page 21

6. Mention what is battery? Write the applications of batteries.
7. Define fuel cells. Mention the types of fuel cells.
8. Write the advantages of fuel cells.
9. Define minerals, ore, flux, slag and alloys?
10. Write the composition steel. List three uses of alloys.
11. Explain any two methods of polymerization.
12. Write the applications of polymers.
13. Write the advantages and disadvantages of composite materials.
14. Define molar and normal solution. What is concentration of a solution?
15 .Write any six applications of pH.


Government of Karnataka
Department of Technical Education, Bengaluru


Course code: 15SC03S

Curriculum Drafting Committee 2015-16

Name Designation Institution

1 Mr. R B Pawar Principal Govt. Polytechnic, Bijapur

2 Mr. K.Nazeer Ahmed Selection Grade Lecturer Govt. Polytechnic, Mulbagilu

3 Mr. Liyakhat Ali Khan Selection Grade Lecturer S.J. Govt. Polytechnic, Bengaluru

4 Dr. HanumanthaNayak Selection Grade Lecturer S.J. Govt. Polytechnic, Bengaluru

5 Ms. Bhagirathi B N Selection Grade Lecturer S.J. Govt. Polytechnic, Bengaluru

Curriculum Review Committee

Name Designation Institution

1 Mr. K.Nazeer Ahmed Selection Grade Lecturer Govt. Polytechnic, Mulbagilu

2 Mr. Liyakhat Ali Khan Selection Grade Lecturer S.J. Govt. Polytechnic, Bengaluru

3 Smt. Revathi Selection Grade Lecturer M.E.I. Polytechnic, Bengaluru

Directorate Of Technical Education. Karnataka State15SC03S Page 22

Government of Karnataka
Department of Technical Education
Board of Technical Examinations, Bengaluru
Course Title: SURVEYING - I
Credits (L:T:P) : 4:0:0 Total Contact Hours: 52 Course Code: 15CE21T
Type of Course: Lectures, Self
Credit :04 Core/ Elective: Core
Study & Quiz
CIE- 25 Marks SEE- 100 Marks

Prerequisites: Knowledge of Basic Science and Mathematics in Secondary Education.

Course Objective:

1. To provide knowledge of basic Principles of surveying.

2. To develop the techniques of taking measurements and plotting the details.
3. Interpretation of data collected analyze and evaluate for the purpose of design,

On successful completion of the course, the students will be able to:

CL Linked PO Teaching
Course Outcome
Interpret the basics in surveying and chain
CO1 R/U/Ap 1,2,3,4,8. 10
Explain the principles of compass
CO2 R/U/Ap 1,2,3,4,5,8. 10
surveying and its applications.
Illustrate the basics in levelling, types of
CO3 levelling instruments and methods of R/U/Ap 1,2,3,4,8. 10
Discover the types of levelling, errors and
CO4 U/Ap 1,2,3, 5,7,8,10 10
its applications.
Explain the concept of contour, its uses and
C05 R/U 1,2,3,5. 05
methods of contouring.
Compute area and volume of irregular
C06 U/Ap 1,2,3. 07
Perform suggested activity related to
C07 surveying, exploring in groups and able to U/Ap/Ay/C 1 to 10 *
present it.
Total sessions 52
Legend- R; Remember U: Understand Ap: Application Ay: Analysis C:Creation
* Related to Student activity beyond classroom hours.

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE21T Page 1

Programme outcome Attainment Matrix

Programme Outcome
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10


SURVEYING-I 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 1 2

Level 3- Highly Addressed, Level 2-Moderately Addressed, Level 1-Low Addressed.

Method is to relate the level of PO with the number of hours devoted to the COs which address the given PO.
If >40% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is addressed at Level 3
If 25 to 40% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is addressed at Level 2
If 5 to 25% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is addressed at Level 1
If < 5% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is considered not-addressed.

Course Contents


Definition and objectives of surveying, primary divisions,
classifications, and principle.
Purpose, Accessories, Principles of chain surveying, Different
operations, Ranging, Cross staff survey simple problems, Plotting the
chain survey, adopting suitable conventions, Errors & corrections in
chain surveying, (without numerical problems)
Introduction and purpose, Bearing & its type, Problems on bearings,
2 Compass and its type, Dip and declination, Simple problems, Local 10
attraction, Open and closed traverse, checks, Errors

Terms used in leveling, types of levels, Bench marks, Temporary
adjustments of level Concept of B.S, I.S, F.S, C.P, H.I and remarks,
3 Simple leveling and differential leveling Reduction of levels i) Plane 10
of collimation method ii) Rise and fall methods
Problems on reduction of levels.

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE21T Page 2

Different types of leveling - fly leveling, check leveling, profile
leveling, cross sectioning, Plotting of longitudinal and cross section,
4 Errors in leveling and precautions, Setting grade stakes and setting
out grades for sewers and problems on it.

Concepts of contour and terms used in contouring, characteristics of
5 contour, uses of contours, Methods of contouring, Interpolation by 05
arithmetical method, calculation of capacity of the reservoir.


Computation of Area of Irregular figures using Trapezoidal &
Simpson's rule - problems. Volumes of Irregular solids- using
6 Trapezoidal & Prismoidal Rule - Problems on Embankment &


Course Delivery: The course will be delivered through lectures and Power point
presentations/ Video

The topic should be related to the course in order to enhance his knowledge, practical skill
and lifelong learning, communication, modern tool usage.

1. Prepare a spread sheet(Microsoft Excel ) of Rise and fall method showing the
calculation by using formula bar and present it
2. Prepare a spread sheet (Microsoft Excel ) of Height of instrument method showing
the calculation by using formula bar and present it
3. Compute the area of Nehru ground or any area/agriculture field by cross staff survey
and present it
4. Compute the area of Nehru ground/ any area/agriculture field by Compass survey and
present it
5. Chain triangulation
6. Find the volume of excavation of a drainage
7. Conduct a experiment to overcome obstacles in chaining and ranging.
8. Conduct a open traverse in chain surveying and represent the sign conventions in the
field book.
9. Conduct a closed traverse in chain surveying and represent the sign conventions in the
field book calculate area.
10. New Road survey
11. Survey conducted for Widening of existing road
12. Compute the capacity of reservoir/pond near by your locality
13. Sensitivity of bubble used in levelling
Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE21T Page 3
14. Two Peg Test
15. Three Wire Levelling
16. Permanent Adjustments of a Dumpy Level
17. Block levelling for sloped ground level and compute the volume of earth work
excavation required to construct a building.
18. Layout Plan of Existing Campus
19. Contour Map of Existing Campus
20. Carryout reciprocal levelling and make a presentation
21. Presentation on Precise levelling, Digital levelling, Digital ground model, Data
logger, Triangular grid model, Units of measurements used in survey from history
22. Select an irregular area/hillock conduct a block levelling and calculate the volume of
earth and present it.
23. Explore and use surveying software’s and present it.
24. Select an irregular area/hillock conduct a direct contouring and calculate the volume
of earth and present it.

1. Students should select any one of the above or other topics relevant to the subject approved
by the concerned faculty, individually or in a group of 3 to 5. Students should mandatorily
submit a written report and make a presentation on the topic. The task should not be repeated
among students. Report will be evaluated by the faculty as per rubrics. Weightage for 5
marks Internal Assessment shall be as follows: (Unsatisfactory 1, Developing 2, Satisfactory
3, Good 4, Exemplary 5)

2. Reports should be made available along with bluebooks to IA verification officer

Example of model of rubrics / criteria for assessing student activity

Students score
(Group of five students)


Rubric Scale Unsatisfactory 1, Developing 2, Satisfactory 3, Good 4, Exemplary5

1.Literature 5
2.Fulfill team’s roles 2
& duties
3.Conclusion 3
4.Convensions 4
Total 14
Average=(Total /4) 14/4=3.5=4
Note: Concerned faculty (Course coordinator) must devise appropriate rubrics/criteria for
assessing Student activity for 5 marks One activity to attain last CO (course outcome) may be
given to a group of FIVE students
Note: Dimension should be chosen related to activity and evaluated by the course faculty

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE21T Page 4

Rubric Model- Example only:

Rubric Scale
Dimension 1 2 3 4 5
Unsatisfactory Developing Satisfactory Good Exemplary
1.Literature Has not Has Has Has included Has included
included included included many all relevant
relevant info few some relevant info info needed
relevant relevant
info info
2. Fulfill team’s
Does not Performs Performs Performs Performs all
roles & duties perform any very little partial nearly all duties of
duties duties duties duties assigned
assigned team roles
3.Communication Poor Less Partially Effective Most
Effective effective Effective
4.Convensions Frequent More Error Some Error Occasional No Error
Error Error

Course Assessment and Evaluation Scheme:

To Max ce Course
What (Frequency in
whom Marks collecte outcomes
the course)
Three test Test 1 1,2
Test 2 Blue
(average of 20 3,4
IA three tests) Test 3 5,6
Students Suggested activity 05 Reports 1 2 3 4,5,6,7

SEE* End of the course 100 scripts at 1,2,3,4,5,6

1, 2,3,
Student Feedback Feedback
Middle of the course Delivery of
on course forms

1,2,3, 4,5,6,7
Students Effectiveness
of Delivery of
End of Course Question
End of the course instructions
Survey naires
*CIE – Continuous Internal Evaluation *SEE – Semester End Examination
Note: I.A. test shall be conducted for 20 marks. Average marks of three tests shall be rounded off
to the next higher digit.

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE21T Page 5

Weightage of Marks and blue print of marks for SEE

Questions to be
set for SEE
Unit Major Topics A* B*
Cognitive Levels
R U Ap
30% 30% 40%
1 Introduction and chain surveying 10 28 19 1 2
8 8 12
30% 30% 40%
2 Compass surveying 10 8 8 12 28 19 1 2
35% 30% 35%
3 Leveling 10 10 8 10 28 19 2 2
18% 35% 47%
4 Leveling application 10 28 19 2 2
5 10 13
33% 33% 34%
5 Contouring 7 19 13 2 1
6 6 7
0% 65% 35%
6 Areas and volumes 5 14 10 1 1
0 9 5
Total 52 37 49 59 145 100 9 10


Questions for CIE and SEE will be designed to evaluate the various educational
components such as:
Sl. Bloom’s taxonomy % in Weightage
1 Remembering and Understanding 61
2 Applying the knowledge acquired from the course 39


Test/Date and Time Semester/year Course/Course Code Max Marks


Ex: I test/6 th weak of
sem 10-11 Am Course code:15CE21T
Name of Course coordinator : Units:__

Note: Internal choice may be given in each CO at the same cognitive level (CL).

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE21T Page 6

Test/Date and Max
Semester/year Course/Course Code
Time Marks
Ex: I test/6 th week II SEM SURVEYING-I
of sem 10-11 Am Year: 2015-16 Course code:15CE21T
Name of Course coordinator :
Units:1, CO: 1,2.
Note: Answer all questions
Question PO
1 Define surveying. State the objects of surveying. 4 R 1 1,2,3,4,8.
2 Explain the following terms : a) Base line b) Check line c) Tie line. 3 U 1 1,2,3,4,8.
3 What is meant by local attraction? How it is detected and eliminated? 5 R/ 2 1,2,3,4,5,
U 8.
4 Plot the following details of a field and calculate the area, all 1 1,2,3,4,8.
measurements being taken in metres.

8 5C
A4 15
18 3D
OR. 8 A 2 1,2,3,4,5,
The following bearings were observed with compass. Calculate the 8.
interior angles.
Line Fore bearing Back bearing
AB 60 30′ 2400 30’
BC 1220 0’ 3020 0’
CD 460 0’ 2260 0’
DE 205 30’ 250 30’
EA 3000 0’ 1200 0’

1. Surveying and Levelling Vol- I & II by B C Punmia
2. Surveying and Levelling by T P konetkar& S V Kulkarni
3. Plane Surveying by Dr.Alak De
4. Surveying and Levelling by S SBhavikatti
5. Surveying by Duggal
6. Surveying by R Agor
7. Fundamentals of Surveying by S K Roy
8. Surveying and Levelling by N NBasak

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE21T Page 7

1. www.elearning.com/survey
2. http://nptel.ac.in/video.php?subjectId=105104101
3. http://media.sakshat.ac.in/NPTEL-IIT-Videos/
4. http://nptel.iitk.ac.in/courses/Civil_Eng/IIT%20Roorkee/Surveying.htm
5. http://nptel.iitk.ac.in/

Model Question Paper

Code: 15CE21T
Second Semester Diploma Examination
Time: 3 hours ] [Max. Marks: 100

Note: 1. Answer any SIX questions from Section-I, Each question carries 5 marks
2. Answer any SEVEN questions from Section-II, Each question carries 10 marks

1. Define surveying. State the objects of surveying.
2. Draw a suitable convention signs of hill, chain line, stream, benchmark,.
3. Compare Prismatic compass with surveyors compass
4. At a place the bearing of sun is measured at local noon and found to be 1750 15’. What is
the magnitude and direction of magnetic declination of the place?
5. Define the following terms
i) Level line ii) Parallax iii) change point
6. Explain the temporary adjustments of a Dumpy level
7. What are the uses of taking L/S & C/S?
8. What are the different sources of errors in levelling?
9. What is Contour interval? List the factors affecting it.

1. a) What is Reconnaissance survey and state its importance?
b) Plot the following details of a field and calculate the area, all measurements being
taken in metres.

8 5
4 15
18 3

2. a) Differentiate between Check line and Tie line?

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE21T Page 8

b) What is Reconnaissance survey and state its importance?

3. a) Compare WCB system and R.B. system.

b) Convert the following W.C.B to R.B
i) 10 0 ii) 450 15’ iii) 1350 45’ iv) 3150 15’ v) 2150 15’

4. The following bearings were observed in running a closed traverse.

Line Fore bearing Back bearing
AB 75 05’ 2540 20’
BC 115 20’ 2960 35’
CD 1650 35’ 3450 35’
DE 224 50’ 440 05’
EA 3040 50’ 1250 05’
At what station do you suspect local attraction? Determine the corrected bearings
5. a) The following consecutive readings were taken with a dumpy level: 0.875, 1.235, 2.310,
1.385, 2.930, 3.125, 4.125, 0.120, 1.875, 2.030, 3.765. The first reading was taken with the
staff held upon a BM of elevation 132.135. Enter the readings in level book form and reduce
the levels. Apply the usual checks. Find also the difference in level between the first and the
last points
b) Explain the method of block levelling.

6. a) Compare Rise & fall Method with Collimation method.

b) Calculate the reduce level by Rise and Fall method on a continuous sloping ground
with four meter levelling staff at common interval of 30m.
0.855(onA),1.545,2.335,3.115,3.825,0.455,1.380,2.055,2.855,3.455,0.585,1.015, 1.850,
2.755,3.845 (on B);The reduced level of A was 380.500. Make the entries in a level book and
apply usual checks.

7.In running Fly levels from a BM. Of RL. 384.705m the following readings were obtained :
BS: 3.215, 1.030, 1.295, 1.855
FS: 1.225, 3.290, 2.085
From the last position of the instrument, Six pegs at 25.00m intervals are to be set out on a
uniformly falling gradient of 1 in 100, the first peg is to have RL of 384.500m. Work out
the staff readings required for setting the top of the pegs on the given gradient.

8. Four sight rails are to be erected over points A,B,C and D 50m apart in a straight line. The
invert level of sewer at d is 74.500m. The sewer is on a gradient of 1 in 200 rising from D to
A. The RL of pegs on the surface of ground are 76.300, 75.500, 74.850, and 75.650
respectively from A to D. The height of sight rail at d is 1.5m. find the suitable height of the
boning rod and height of the sight rail above the pegs at A, B, and C
9. a) Mention any three uses of contour.
b) The areas within the contour lines at the site of reservoir and face of the proposed dam
are as follows.
Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE21T Page 9
Contour (m) Area (m2 )
100 1000
103 128000
106 16600
109 18800
112 24400
115 30600
118 38400
If 100.00m is the bottom level and 118.00m is the maximum water level of the reservoir,
calculate the capacity of reservoir using trapezoidal formula and Prismoidal formula.

10.A road of constant RL 120.00m runs from North to South. The GL along the centre line of
the road are as follows:

0 117.50
30 116.25
60 115.95
90 116.65
120 117.20
150 117.85
180 115.70

Assuming no transverse slope, find the volume of earth work for a road of formation
width 8.00m with side slopes 1.5 :1 by;
i) Trapezoidal method ii) Prismoidal method

Model Question Bank

CO1: Able to understand the basics in surveying and chain surveying.


1. What are the principles of surveying

2. What is the Principles of chain surveying,
3. Draw a suitable convention signs of hill, chain line, stream, benchmark


1. Explain the principles of surveying.


1. Plot the following details of a field and calculate the area, all measurements being
taken in metres.

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE21T Page 10

8 5
4 15
18 3

CO2:. Understand the principles of compass surveying and its applications.


1. State any four instrumental and personnel errors in prismatic compass survey.

2. What are the sources of errors in compass survey and what precautions will you take to
eliminate them.


1. Explain the temporary adjustments of Compass.

2. Explain prismatic compass with a neat sketch
3. Explain i) True Bearing and Magnetic bearing ii) Dip and Declination
4. Compare Prismatic compass with surveyors compass
5. Differentiate between i) fore bearing and back bearing ii) closed traverse and open
6. What is meant by local attraction? How it is detected and eliminated?


1. Convert the following fore bearing to Back. Bearing

2. 125° 15’ b) N30° E c) 360° d) S45° 45’W e) N 25° 45’E
3. Compare WCB system and R.B. systems
4. Convert the following W.C.B to R.B
a. 10 0 ii) 450 15’ iii) 1350 45’ iv) 3150 15’ v) 2150 15’
5. Convert the following RB to WCB
6. i) N 30° 15’ W ii) N 45° 45’ E iii) S 15° 15’ W iv) S 2 5° 15’ E
7. The following bearings were observed in running a closed traverse.

8. Line 9. Fore bearing 10. Back bearing

11. AB 12. 750 05’ 13. 2540 20’
14. BC 15. 1150 20’ 16. 2960 35’
17. CD 18. 1650 35’ 19. 3450 35’
20. DE 21. 2240 50’ 22. 440 05’
23. EA 24. 3040 50’ 25. 1250 05’

a. At what station do you suspect the local attraction? Determine the corrected
8.The following bearings were observed with compass. Calculate the interior angles.

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE21T Page 11

7. Line 8. Fore bearing 9. Back bearing
10. AB 11. 60° 30′ 12. 2400 30’
13. BC 14. 1220 0’ 15. 3020 0’
16. CD 17. 460 0’ 18. 2260 0’
19. DE 20. 2050 30’ 21. 250 30’
22. EA 23. 3000 0’ 24. 1200 0’

9. At a place the bearing of sun is measured at local noon and found to be 1750 15’. What
is the magnitude and direction of magnetic declination of the place?
10. In an old survey made when the declination was 40W, the magnetic bearing of a given
line was 2100. The declination in the same locality is now100E. What is the true and
present magnetic bearing of the line?

CO3:. Able to understand the basics in levelling, types of levelling instruments and
methods of levelling


1. Define the following terms used levelling i) Level surface ii) level line iii) datum
2. What are the different types of levelling staff?


1. Explain the temporary adjustments of a dumpy level?

2. Comparison of HI method & Rise & Fall method of computing the levels?
3. Explain the special methods of spirit levelling.


1. The following consecutive readings were taken with a dumpy level: 0.875, 1.235, 2.310,
1.385, 2.930, 3.125, 4.125, 0.120, 1.875, 2.030, 3.765. The first reading was taken with
the staff held upon a BM of elevation 132.135. Enter the readings in level book form
and reduce the levels. Apply the usual checks. Find also the difference in level between
the first and the last points.
2. Calculate the reduce level by Rise and Fall method on a continuous sloping ground with
four meter levelling staff at common interval of 30m.
0.855(onA),1.545,2.335,3.115,3.825,0.455,1.380,2.055,2.855,3.455,0.585,1.015, 1.850,
2.755,3.845 (on B);The reduced level of A was 380.500. Make the entries in a level
book and apply usual checks.

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE21T Page 12

CO4:. Able to understand the types of levelling, errors and its applications.


What are the uses of taking L/S & C/S?


1. What are the different sources of errors in levelling? How are they eliminated?


1. During the fly levelling operation the following observations were made :
Back sight: 0.650, 2.155, 1.405, 2.655, 2.435
Fore sight: 2.455, 1.305, 0.5555, 2.405

The first back sight was taken on a BM of RL 100.500m. From the last back sight it is
required to set four pegs each at a distance of 30m on a falling gradient of 1 in 100.
Calculate the RL of these four pegs. Apply the check.
2. Four sight rails are to be erected over points A, B, C and D 50m apart in a straight
line. The invert level of sewer at d is 74.500m. The sewer is on a gradient of 1 in
200 rising from D to A. The RL of pegs on the surface of ground are 76.300,
75.500, 74.850, and 75.650 respectively from a to D. The height of sight rail at d
is 1.5m. find the suitable height of the boning rod and height of the sight rail
above the pegs at A, B, and C.

CO 5: Concept of contour, its uses and methods of contouring.

1. What is Contour? What are the uses of Contour maps?
2. What is Contour interval? List the factors affecting it.


1. Explain the characteristics of contours with sketches

2. Mention the methods of locating Contours. Explain the method of locating
contour by cross-sections
3. What is interpolation of contours? Explain arithmetical method of interpolating

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE21T Page 13

1. The areas within the contour lines at the site of reservoir and face of the proposed dam
are as follows.
Contour (m) Area (m2 )
100 1000
103 128000
106 16600
109 18800
112 24400
115 30600
118 38400
If 100.00m is the bottom level and 118.00m is the maximum water level of the
reservoir, calculate the capacity of reservoir using trapezoidal formula and Prismoidal
CO 6: Able to compute area and volume of irregular figures.
1.Write the formula to calculate the area of an irregular figure by
a. Trapezoidal Rule
b. Simpson’s Rule
2.Write the formula to calculate the volume of an irregular figure by
a. Trapezoidal Rule
b. Prismoidal Rule


1.Differentiate between Trapezoidal Rule and Simpson’s Rule.


1. A road of constant RL 120.00m runs from North to South. The GL along the
centre line of the road are as follows:

Chainage R.L.
0 117.50
30 116.25
60 115.95
90 116.65
120 117.20
150 117.85
180 115.70
Assuming no transverse slope, find the volume of earth work for a road of
formation width 8.00m with side slopes 1.5 :1 by;
ii) Trapezoidal method
iii) Prismoidal method.
Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE21T Page 14
Government of Karnataka
Department of Technical Education
Board of Technical Examinations, Bengaluru

Credits (L:T:P) : 0:2:4 Total Contact Hours: 78 Course Code: 15CE22D

Type of Course: Tutorial Core/ Elective: Core
and Drafting Credit :03

CIE- 25 Marks SEE- 100 Marks

(***(Common to all Civil Engineering /Civil (Draughtsman/Environmental/Public Health Engineering/Water Technology

and Health Sciences Programme)***

Prerequisites: Student should know Engineering Drawing-I

Course Objectives
1. The course is aimed at developing Basic Drawing skills.
2. Develop Skills in Preparation of Engineering Drawings.
3. Develop Skills In Preparation of Engineering Drawings, their Reading and Interpretation

Course Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, the students should be able to:

Course Outcome CL
Teaching Hrs
CO1 Draw Orthographic views of given Civil Engineering
R/U/Ap/Ay 1,2,3,4, 15
Objects. 5,8,9,10
CO2 Develop the ability to draw the isometric view from
the orthographic views of a given Building U/Ap/Ay 1,3,8,9 21
Components and vice versa.
CO3 Develop the perspective views for simple Civil
R/U/Ap/Ay 1,2,3,5, 12
Engineering components 8,9
CO4 Build up the concept of developing cross sections for
R/U/Ap/Ay 1,2,3,5, 09
Building components. 8,9,10
CO5 Develop Plan and Elevation for single and two room 1,2,3,4
Buildings for sustainable development as per codal R/U/Ap/Ay ,5,6,7,8, 21
provisions 9,10
Total sessions 78
Legend- R; Remember U: Understand Ap: Application Ay: Analysis C:Creation E: Evaluation

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE22D 1

Programme outcome Attainment Matrix

Programme Outcome
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10


DRAWING-II 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 3

Level 3- Highly Addressed, Level 2-Moderately Addressed, Level 1-Low Addressed.

Method is to relate the level of PO with the number of hours devoted to the COs which address the given PO.
If >40% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is addressed at Level 3
If 25 to 40% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is addressed at Level 2
If 5 to 25% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is addressed at Level 1
If < 5% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is considered not-addressed.
Course Contents


Introduction-Positioning of solids –Solid lying with base on HP- Solids
lying with base or axis inclined to HP- Solids lying with one of the lateral
1 15
faces on HP- Solids lying with one of their lateral edges on HP-Cylinder
lying with its axis or base inclined to HP- Cone lying with its axis or base
inclined to HP -Solid lying with their axis inclined to both HP and VP.
2 06
Introduction –Guidelines for conversion of pictorial views into
orthographic views-Illustrative problems.
Principles of isometric Views
Isometric views of simple solids – cube – prisms, pyramids, cylinder and
3 15
cone . Conversion of orthographic views into isometric View
Drawing of Isometric views of combination of solids , Civil Engineering
components i.e. column footing, carpentry joints
Technical terms used in perspective projection- one point Perspective
projection and two point perspective projection for simple objects like 12
Cube, Prism, Pyramids, combination of solids and simple civil engineering
Conventional Representation of Civil Engineering materials.
5 09
Cross section of Wall showing components of a Building from parapet to
foundation through door, window, wardrobe, wall, steps & columns.
6 Draw Plan, Elevation and Section for Single ,Double Room Building and 21
Three Room Building form the given line Diagram and Building details.
Total 78 Hrs

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE22D 2

Note: Grade exercises Plan in each unit should be as per table provided below.
Course Delivery: The course will be delivered through lectures with classroom practices and Power
point presentations/ Video.
Course Assessment and Evaluation Scheme:
Metho What To When/Where Max Evidence Course
d whom (Frequency Marks collected outcomes
in the course)
CIE IA Students Graded 25 Drawing 1,2,3,4,5
Exercises Sheets
(Average of
marks allotted
to each graded
SE End End of the 100 Answer scripts 1,2,3,4,5
E Exa course at BTE
Student Students Middle of the Feedback 1, 2,3 ,Delivery
Feedback course forms of course
on course
End of End of the Questionnaires 1,2,3,4,5Effecti
Course course veness of
Survey Delivery of
instructions &
Weightage of Marks and blue print of marks for SEE

Questions to be set for SEE

Unit Major Topics A* B* C*
Cognitive Levels
R U Ap Ay C E
Projection of 15% 35% 30.00% 20.00% 0.00% 0.00%
1 15 26 18 2
solids 4 10 7 5 0 0
Conversion of 0% 20% 40.00% 40.00% 0.00% 0.00%

pictorial views
2 into 6 12 8 1
views 0 2 5 5 0 0
Isometric 0.0% 20.0% 40.00% 40.00% 0.00% 0.00%
3 15 27 19 2
projections 0 5 11 11 0 0
Perspective 10.0% 40.0% 40.00% 20.00% 0.00% 0.00%
4 9 19 12 1
projections 2 7 7 3 0 0
Cross section of 15.00% 30.00% 30.00% 20.00% 0.00% 0.00%

5 building 9 16 12 2
components 3 5 5 3 0 0
Building 15.00% 25.00% 40.00% 20.00% 0.00% 0.00%
6 24 40 31 1
drawing 6 10 16 8 0 0
Total 78 140 100 3 5 1
Legend- R; Remember U: Understand Ap: Application Ay: Analysis C:Creation E: Evaluation

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE22D 3

A*-SEE QUESTIONS TO BE SET FOR (10MARKS ) in PART – A(any 2 out of 3)
B*- SEE QUESTIONS TO BE SET FOR (15MARKS) in PART – B(any 2 out of 5)

Questions for CIE and SEE will be designed to evaluate the various educational components
such as:
Sl. Bloom’s taxonomy % in Weightage
1 Remembering and Understanding 38
2 Applying the knowledge acquired from the course 31
3 Analysis 23
4 Synthesis ( Creating new knowledge) 0
5 Evaluation 0



I PROJECTION OF SOLIDS 5 Projection of solids 20

III 20
CROSS SECTION OF BUILDING 3 Cross section of 15
COMPONENTS components
VI BUILDING DRAWING 6 Building drawing 10
TOTAL 26 96


1. K.R.Gopalakrishna “Fundamentals of Drawing” Subhas Publications, 2010.

2. K.R.Gopalakrishna “Engineering Drawing” (Vol. I & II), Subhas Publications, 2014.


1. R.K. Dhawan, “A text book of Engineering Drawing”, S.ChandPublishers, Delhi, 2010.

2. G.S. Phull and H.S.Sandhu, “Engineering Graphics”, Wiley Publications, 2014.
3. K.Venugopal and V.Prabhu Raja, “Engineering Graphics”, New Age International Private
4. M.B.Shah and B.C.Rana, “Engineering Drawing”, Pearson Education, 2005.
5. DhananjayA.Jolhe, “Engineering Drawing with an Introduction to AutoCAD”, Tata McGraw
Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE22D 4
Hill Publishing Company Limited, 2008.
6. Basant Agarwal and Agarwal.C.M., “Engineering Drawing”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing
Company Limited, New Delhi, 2008.
7. IS 962 (1989) Code of practice for Architectural and Building Drawings

Model Question Paper

Code: 15CE22D
II semester Diploma Examination

Time: 4 Hours][Max. Marks: 100

Note: Answer Any Three full questions from Part-A, Any 3full Questions from Part B&Part C is

Part –A(Any Two)

1. Draw the three principal views of the component as shown in the figure 1 10 marks


2. Draw the three principal views of the component as shown in the figure2


3.Show the conventional representation of Building materials in Section (IS: 962)10 marks
(a) Brick Masonary (b) Stone Masonary (c) Steel works (d)Wood

PART-B(Any Three)
Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE22D 5
4. An equilateral triangular prism 30 mm side of base and 50mm long rests with one of its shorter
edge on HP such that rectangular face containing the edge on which the prism rests is inclined at
300 to HP. The edge on which the prism rests is inclined at 600 to VP. Draw its projections.

5. A cylinder of 40mm diameter and axis height 60mm is resting with its ends of the base diameter
on HP. The axis of the cylinder is inclined at 30° to the HP and appears to be inclined at 45° to
VP. Draw the projections of the solid in its final position.

6. Draw the isometric view of the following objects whose orthographic views are given Fig 3
15 marks


7. Draw the isometric view of the following objects whose orthographic views are given Fig 4



8. A Square based prism of 30mm side of base and height 50mm rests with its base and height 50mm
rests with its base on ground such that one of the rectangular faces is touching the picture plane.
The station point lies on the center line of the object, 60mm aboveground and 50mm in front of
the picture plane. Draw the perspective view of the square prism.
15 marks

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE22D 6

PART- C(Compulsory)
9.The Line Diagram of a Two room building is shown in Fig 5.The Details and specification are as
follows. 35 Marks

(a) Level of Plinth above ground - 0.5m

(b) Height of ceiling from the floor- 3m
(c) Burnt Brick Masonry wall Thickness of wall 0.3m
(d) Doors 1.0mX 2.1m
(e) Windows 1.2mX1.2m
(f) RCC Roof 0.15m thick
(g) Parapet wall of Burnt Brick Masonry 1m height of 0.2m thick.
(h) Provide suitable Foundation of Size Stone Masonry

Draw to a scale of 1:50

(i) Plan of the Building and 15Marks
(ii) Front Elevation of the Building. 10Marks
(iii) Section along xx 10 Marks

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE22D 7



UNIT-I (15 Marks)

1. A hexagonal pyramid, base 30mmside and axis 60mm long has one of its triangular face
containing the slant edge on which it rests are equally inclined to HP. The axis appears to be
inclined at 450 to VP. Draw its projections when its base is nearer to the observer than its apex.

2. Draw the projection of a pentagonal prism of base side 25mm and axis length 45mm resting on
a corner such that the two base edges passing through it make equal inclination with HP and its
base inclined at 60° to HP and the axis appears to be inclined at 30° to VP in the top view.

3. An equilateral triangular prism 30 mm side of base and 50mm long rests with one of its shorter
edge on HP such that rectangular face containing the edge on which the prism rests is inclined at
300 to HP. The edge on which the prism rests is inclined at 600 to VP. Draw its projections.

4. A cone of base diameter 50mm and altitude 70mm is lying with one of its generators on HP and
the axis appears to be inclined to VP at an angle of 400 in the top view. Draw its top and front

5. A Hexagonal prism of 30 mm side of base and axis 60mm long is placed with one of its base
edges on HP such that the axis is inclined at 350 to HP and 450 to VP. Draw its projections.

6. A Pentagonal pyramid 25mm side of base and 50mm altitude rests with one of its corners on
HP such that the two base edges passing through the corner on which rests make equal
inclinations with HP. The axis is inclined at 500 to VP and 300 to HP. Draw the top and front
views of the pyramid.

7. A cone of base 60mm diameter and axis 80mm long rests on HP with its axis inclined 450 to HP
and 300 to VP. Draw the top and front views of the cone.

8. Draw the top and front views of a right cylinder of base 50mm diameter and 70mm long when it
lies on HP, such that its axis is inclined at 300 to HP and axis appears to be perpendicular to VP
in the top view.

9. An equilateral triangular prism of base side 25mm and 50mm long rests with one of the its
shorter edges on HP so that the rectangular face containing the edge on which the prism rests
inclined at 30° to the HP. The edge on which the prism rests is inclined at 60° to the VP. Draw
its projections.

10. A pentagonal prism of base edge 30mm and 60mm long has its base edge on HP. The axis of
the prism is inclined at 30° to the HP and appears to be inclined at 45° to the VP. Draw the top
view and the front views of the prism.

11. A hexagonal prism of 30mm base edge and axis 60mm long is placed with one of its base edges
on HP so that the axis is inclined at 30° to HP and the axis appears to be inclined at 45° to VP.
Draw the projections when the base of the prism is nearer to the observer.

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE22D 8

12. A square prism of base edge 40mm and 60mm long rests with one of its corners of the base so
that the longer edge passing through this corner is inclined at 40° to the HP. Draw the
projections if the axis appears to be inclined at 45° to the VP in the top view.

13. A square pyramid of base edge 40mm and 60mm long has one of its shorter edges on HP. The
axis of the pyramid is inclined at 30° to the HP and appears to be inclined at 45° to the VP.
Draw the projections if the apex is near to the observer.

14. A cylinder of 40mm diameter and axis height 60mm is resting with its ends of the base diameter
on HP. The axis of the cylinder is inclined at 30° to the HP and appears to be inclined at 45° to
VP. Draw the projections.

15. A cone of base diameter 50mm and axis 80mm lies on HP with its axis inclined at 45° to HP and
appears to be inclined at 30° to the VP in the top view. Draw the top and front views of the

16. A right cylinder is 50mm diameter of base and height 70mm. It rests such that the axis is
inclined at 30° and 45° to HP and VP respectively. Draw the top and front views.

17. A cone of base 80mm diameter and height 100mm is lying with one of its generators on HP and
its axis appears to be inclined at 40° to VP in the top view. Draw its front and top views.

18. Draw the projections of a pentagonal prism 20mm side of base and axis 40mm long resting on a
corner such that two base edges passing through it make equal inclinations with HP and its base
is inclined at 60° to HP, and the axis appears to be inclined at 30° to VP in the top view.

19. Draw the top and front views of a rectangular pyramid of sides of base 20x25mm and height
35mm when it lies with one of its triangular faces containing the longer edge of the base on HP.
This longer edge of the base containing the triangular face lying on HP is inclined at 60° to VP
in the top view with the apex of the pyramid nearer to VP.

20. A pentagonal pyramid 20mm side of base of 35mm altitude rests with one of its corners on HP
such that the two base edges passing through the corner on which it rests make equal
inclinations with HP. The axis is inclined at 45° to VP and 30° to HP. Draw the top and front
views of the pyramid.

21. A hexagonal pyramid, base 30mm side and axis 60mm long has one of its slant edges on HP
such that two of its triangular faces containing the slant edge on which it rests are equally
inclined to HP. The top view of the axis appears to be inclined at 45° to VP. Draw its
projections when its base is nearer to the observer than its apex.
22. A cone of base 60mm diameter and axis 80mm long rests on HP with its axis inclined 45° and
30° with HP and VP respectively. Draw the top and front views of the cone.

23. Draw the top and front views of a right cylinder of base 45mm diameter and 60mm long when it
lies on HP, such that its axis is inclined at 30° to HP and the axis appears to be perpendicular to
the VP in the top view.

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE22D 9

1. Draw the three principal views of the component as shown in the figure.




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Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE22D 11

UNIT-3 (15 Marks)

1. Draw the isometric view of the following objects whose orthographic views are given below:

2. Draw the isometric view of the following objects whose orthographic views are given below:

3. Draw the isometric view of the following objects whose orthographic views are given below:

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE22D 12


4. Draw the isometric view of the following objects whose orthographic views are given below:


Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE22D 13



5. A Circular column of side 40mm and height 50mm is placed centrally on a square footing of
side 100mm and thickness 25mm. Draw the Isometric projections of the combination

6. A Cube of side 50mm is resting coaxially over a circular slab of diameter 100mm and
thickness 30mm.Draw the isometric view of the combination of the solid.
Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE22D 14
7. A cone having diameter of the base 60mm and height 70 mm is resting co- axially on the
square slab of side 100mm and thickness 40mm. Draw the isometric view of the combination
of the solid.

8. A cylinder of 50mm diameter and 50mm high is placed centrally on the rectangular footing
of sides 75mm and 100mm and thickness 25mm. Draw the isometric projections of the

9. A frustum of a cone 30mm top diameter and 60mm bottom diameter and 70mm long is
placed vertically on a square block of 80mm side and 30mm thick such that both the solids
have common axis. Draw the isometric of the combination of the solids.

10. A cylindrical slab 100mm diameter and 40mm thick is supporting a cube of 50mm edge. On
the top of the cube rests a square pyramid of altitude 55mm and side of base 30mm such that
the base edges of the pyramid are parallel to the edges of the top face. The axes of the solids
are in the same straight line. Draw the isometric projection of the combination of the solids.

11. A square pyramid of base edge 50 mm and height 80 mm rests on the top of the cube of side
100 mm. Two sides of the base of the pyramid are parallel to the top edges of the cube. Draw
the isometric view of the solid.

12. Three cubes of sides 60mm,40mm and 20mm are placed centrally one above the other. Draw
the isometric projections of the combination.

1. A Square based prism of 30mm side of base and height 50mm rests with its base and height
50mm rests with its base on ground such that one of the rectangular faces is touching the
picture plane. The station point lies on the center line of the object, 60mm aboveground and
50mm in front of the picture plane. Draw the perspective view of the square prism.

2. A Cube of side 50mm side rests with its base on ground such that one of the square face is 20
mm behind the picture plane. The station point lies on the centerline of the object, 80mm
above ground and 75mm in front of the picture plane.

3. A rectangular based pyramid of sides of base 30mm and 20mm, and height 35mm rests with
its base edges in parallel to the picture plane and 30mm behind it. The station point is 50mm
in front of the picture plane, 30mmto the left of the axis of the pyramid and 50mm above the
ground. Draw the perspective view of the pyramid.

4. A model of steps has three steps of 15mm tread and rise 10mm. The steps measure 60mm
widthwise. Draw the perspective view of the model when placed with its first step 25mm
behind the picture plane and longer edge being parallel to it. The station point is 95mm from
the picture plane, 60mm above ground and lies on the center line.

5. Draw one point parallel perspective view of the block shown below. The station point is
located at 80mm to the right of the centre of the block and 100mm from the picture plane.
The observers eyelevel is 60mm above the ground level.

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE22D 15


6. Draw the perspective view of a cube 25mm edge, resting on ground on one of its faces. It has
one of its vertical edges in the picture plane and all its vertical faces are equally inclined to
the picture plane. The station point is 55 mm in front of the picture plane. The station point is
55mm in front of the picture plane, 40mm above the ground and is in a central plane 9mm to
the left of the centre of the cube.

7. A Square prism of 30mm side of base and height 40mm rests with its base on ground such
that one of the rectangular faces is inclined at 300 to the picture plane. The nearest vertical
edge touches the picture plane. The station point is 45mm infront of the picture plane, 65mm
above ground and lies opposite to the nearest vertical edge that touches the picture plane.
Draw the perspective view.

8. A cube of 45mm side of base rests on ground such that one of the square face is inclined at
250 to the picture plane. The nearest vertical edge touches the picture plane. The station point
is 65mm in front of the picture plane, 85mm above ground and lies opposite to the nearest
vertical edge that touches the picture plane. Draw the perspective view.

9. Draw one point perspective view of the block shown below. The station point is located at
80mm to the right of the centre of the block and 100mm from the picture plane. The
observers eye level is 60mm above the ground level.

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE22D 16


10. Draw the two point perspective view of the model shown in fig3 when its right touches
picture plane and its longer side makes an angle of 300 with it. The station point is 100 mm in
front of the picture plane and exactly opposite to the vertical edge touching the picture plane
and the point of the sight is 120mm above the ground.

UNIT-V (10 Marks)

1. Show the conventional representation of Building materials in Section (IS: 962)

2. Draw the cross section of wall from foundation to parapet for the given details.

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE22D 17

UNIT-VI (35 Marks)

1. The Line Diagram of a Single room building is shown in Fig 1.The Details and specification
are as follows.
(a) Level of Plinth above ground - 0.5m
(b) Height of ceiling from the floor- 3m
(c) Burnt Brick Masonry wall Thickness of wall-0.3m
(d) Doors 1.0mX 2.1m
(e) Windows 1.2mX1.2m
(f) RCC Roof 0.15m thick
(g) Parapet wall of Burnt Brick Masonry 1m height of 0.2m thick.
(h) Provide suitable Foundation of Size Stone Masonary

All Dimensions in Metre

Draw to a scale of 1:50
(i) Plan of the Building and
(ii) Front Elevation of the Building.
(iii) Section along xx

2. The Line Diagram of a two room building is shown in Fig 2.The Details and specification are
as follows.

(a) Level of Plinth above ground - 0.5m

(b) Height of ceiling from the floor- 3m
(c) Burnt Brick Masonry wall Thickness of wall- 0.3m
(d) Doors 1.0mX 2.1m
(e) Windows 1.2mX1.2m
(f) RCC Roof 0.15m thick
(g) Parapet wall of Burnt Brick Masonry 1m height of 0.2m thick.
(h) Provide suitable Foundation of Size Stone Masonary

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE22D 18

All Dimensions in metre.

Draw to a scale of 1:50

(i) Plan of the Building and
(ii) Front Elevation of the Building.
(iii) Section along xx

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15CE22D 19

Government of Karnataka
Department of Technical Education
Board of Technical Examinations, Bengaluru

Course Title :APPLIED SCIENCE LAB Course Code : 15SC04P

Semester : I / II Course Group : Core
Teaching Scheme in Hrs (L:T:P) : 0:2:4 Credits : 3 Credits
Type of course : Tutorial & Practical Total Contact Hours : 78
CIE : 25 Marks SEE : 50 Marks
Programme : Common to all Engineering Diploma Programmes

Applied Science theory in the current semester.

Course objective:

1. Learn to measure different dimensions of objects accurately using measuring

2. Enhance the vectorial concepts of concurrent forces.
3. Learn the concepts of properties of fluids.
4. Enhance the practical concept of resonance.


1. Vernier Calipers:
a) To determine the dimensions of given solid cylinder and hence calculate its volume.
b) To determine the dimensions of given hollow cylinder and hence calculate its
Activity: To calculate the density of material of given solid/hollow cylinder knowing its
volume and mass.
2. Screw Gauge:
a) To determine the thickness of given metal and glass plate.
b) To determine the diameter of given thin wire and hence to calculate its volume.
c) To determine the diameter of given metallic sphere and hence to calculate its
Activity: 1.To calculate volume of such half meter length wire.
2. To calculate volume of such number (50 or 75 etc) of spheres.
3. Laws of concurrent forces:
a) Verify the law of parallelogram of forces.

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15SC04P Page 1

b) Verify the converse law of triangle of forces.
c) Verify Lami’s theorem.
Activity: To determine the weight of given body using law of parallelogram of forces.
4. Moment bar:
To verify the conditions of equilibrium of coplanar parallel forces acting on a body.
Activity: To determine the weight of given body using moment bar.


5. Viscosity:

a) To determine the co-efficient of viscosity of water by poiseuille’s method(for a given

radius of capillary tube)
Activity: To plot a graph of ht versus V and to find ht/V from slope.

6. Sonometer:
a) To determine the frequency of given tuning fork by comparison method.
b) To determine the frequency of given tuning fork by absolute method.

Activity: 1.Plot a graph of ‘n’ versus ‘l’ from the graph, find the frequency unknown
Tuning fork
2.Plot a graph of √ versus ‘l’ from the slope of graph find √ /l
3.To calculate linear density ‘m’ by knowing√ /l and ‘n’
7. Resonance:

a). To determine the velocity of sound in air at room temperature by using resonance air
column apparatus. (for single resonating length)
Activity:1. To calculate velocity of sound in air at 00 C.
2. To determine the unknown frequency of tuning fork.

8.Surface Tension:

a) To determine the Surface Tension of water by capillary rise method using

Travelling Microscope. (radius of capillary tube is given )
Activity: Calculate radius of the capillary tube by knowing the surface tension of the
liquid and height of liquid column in capillary tube.

9. Boyle’s law:

a) To verify Boyle’s law using Boyle’s law apparatus.

Activity:1.To plot a graph of pressure versus volume
2. To plot a graph of 1/pressure versus volume.
Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15SC04P Page 2
Course outcome:
On successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:

1. Measure the various dimensions of given objects using instruments.

2. Apply the vector concepts in engineering.
3. Apply the acquired knowledge of fluid dynamics in the field of engineering.
4. Apply the concepts of wave motion in engineering.

Mapping Course Outcomes with Program Outcomes:

CO –PO mapping
Course Outcome
Cognitive Lab
Experiment PO Level Sessions
linked Mapped
CO1 Measure the various dimensions of given 24
1,2 1,2,3,4,9 U/A
objects using instruments.

Apply the vector concepts in engineering. U

3,4 1,2,9 16

CO3 Apply the acquired knowledge of fluid

dynamics in the field of engineering. 1,2,3,9 A 24

CO4 Apply the concepts of wave motion in

engineering. 6,7 1,2,3,9 U

Total Hours of instruction 78

U-Understanding; A-Application;

Course outcomes –Program outcomes mapping strength

Course Programme Outcomes

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
3 3 3 1 - - - - 3 -
Science lab
Level 3- Highly Addressed, Level 2-Moderately Addressed, Level 1-Low Addressed.
Method is to relate the level of PO with the number of hours devoted to the COs which address the given PO.
If >40% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is addressed at Level 3
If 25 to 40% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is addressed at Level 2
If 5 to 25% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is addressed at Level 1
If < 5% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is considered not-addressed.

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15SC04P Page 3

Course Assessment and Evaluation:

To Max Evidence Course

What Frequency
Whom Marks Collected Outcomes

Two IA tests for

(Average of Blue
I A Tests 10 1 to 4
Two Test marks Books
(Continuous Internal Evaluation)

will be
Record Writing
Record (Average of Marks Record
10 1 to4
Writing allotted for each Book


Two Assignments
Direct Assessment

based on CO’s
Class room (Average marks of
Log of
Assignment Two Assignments 05 1 to 4
shall be rounded off Activity
to the next higher

(Semester End


End of the

End Exam 50 Scripts at All the CO’s


1 to 2
Student Feedback on Middle Of The
Indirect Assessment

Feedback forms delivery of

course Course
the course

1 to 4
End Of The Questionnaire of delivery of
End Of Course Survey
Course instructions
Note: I.A. test shall be conducted as per SEE scheme of valuation. However obtained marks
shall be reduced to 10 marks. Average marks of two tests shall be rounded off to the next higher digit.

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15SC04P Page 4

Composition of Educational Components:

Questions for CIE and SEE will be designed to evaluate the various educational components
(Bloom’s Taxonomy) such as:

Sl. Weightage
Educational Component
No. (%)
1 Remembering and Understanding 35
2 Applying the knowledge acquired from the course 45
3 Analysis 05
4 Evaluation 05
5 Creating new knowledge 10

Reference Books:

1. Practical physics by pro. J.D.Belani and N.J.Belani. Published by Nebhandas

2. Practical physics by C.L. Arora. Published by S. Chand and company.
3. www.jac production.co.za

Model Question Bank:

Course: APPLIED SCIENCE LAB Course Code: 15SC04P


1. Determine the dimensions of given Solid Cylinder using Vernier Caliper and hence
calculate its volume.
2. Determine the dimensions of given Hollow Cylinder using Vernier Caliper and hence
calculate its volume.
3. Determine the thickness of given metal and glass plate using screw gauge.
4. Determine the diameter of given thin wire using screw gauge and hence, to calculate its

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15SC04P Page 5

5. Determine the diameter of given metallic sphere using screw gauge and hence,
calculate its volume.
6. Verify the law of parallelogram of forces.
7. Verify the converse of triangle law of forces.
8. Verify lami’s theorem.
9. Verify the conditions of equilibrium of coplanar parallel forces using Moment bar.


10. Determine the coefficient of viscosity of water by Poiseuille’s method

(For a given radius of capillary tube)
11. Determine the frequency of given tuning fork by comparison method using sonometer.
12. Determine the frequency of given tuning fork by absolute method using sonometer.
13. Determine the velocity of sound in air at room temperature by using resonance Air
column Apparatus.
14. Determine the Surface Tension of water by capillary rise method.
(For a given radius of capillary tube)
15. Verify Boyle’s law using Boyle’s law apparatus.

Scheme of Valuation for SEE (Semester End Examination)

Sl. no. Performance Max. Marks

1 Writing Observation, Tabular column, 05x2=10
2 Conduction of experiment. 10x2=20
3 Calculation and Result. 05x2=10
4 Viva Voce. 10
TOTAL 50 Marks
Note: The students will submit record books at the time of semester end exam.

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15SC04P Page 6

Guidelines for Question Paper Setting

The question paper must be prepared by selecting ONE experiment from PART – A and
ONE question from PART – B.

Specification of the Apparatus Required for Applied Science Lab

The following are the specification of the apparatus required for science lab, and number of
apparatus required for the batch of 20 students.

Sl. Name of the

Specification Required Number
No. Apparatus

With L.C 0.01cm having

1 Vernier calipers Metallic scale marked in cm, with 10
objects :solid cylinder &hollow
U-Shaped metallic frame with L.C
2 Screw gauge 10
with objects :glass plate, metal plate,
thin wire and metallic sphere

Vertical Drawing Board fixed with

Law of concurrent
3 pulleys. Weights 50g each with 10
forces apparatus
weight hangers set

Having two vertical metallic stands,

4 Moment bar two spring balances measuring up to 10
500 g .horizontal bar.

Traveling microscope, having L.C

0.005cm, both horizontal and vertical
Surface tension
5 movement of telescope, eye piece 10
with fine cross-wire, slow moving
stand, beaker, with capillary tube

Aspiratory bottle, cork, capillary

6 Viscosity apparatus tube, stopwatch, measuring jar. With 10
stand to keep Aspiratory bottle

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15SC04P Page 7

Wide bore glass tube mounted
vertically in front of a scale graduated
0 to 60cm
Zero corresponds to the inside of the
closed (top) end of the tube
Air is confined in the tube by a
coloured oil contained in a metal
pressure chamber
Pressure chamber is fitted with a
Bourdon type gauge calibrated 0 to
Boyle’s law
7 3.5kg cm² (0 to 50 lb/in²) actual 05
apparatus pressure
A valve is fitted to the air inlet tube
from the pump
As the pressure in the oil chamber is
increased, oil level and its actual
(total) pressure are directly indicated
Tube is made of extra strong glass
and is securely covered with
transparent plastic on the front
Overall height of apparatus approx.
Wooden box fixed with meter scale,
8 Sonometer pulley, metallic string, weight with 10
weight hanger ( 500g each)

Consists of a resonance tube brass

N.P. 100cms, reservoir brass N.P.
250ml & meter scale both sides
9 Resonance air millimeters, which are mounted on 10
column apparatus wooden polished board. The reservoir
is caged in wooden block that has
sliding facility.

10 Electronic balance 0.1g accuracy 500g capacity 01

Set of eight tuning forks of different

11 Tuning fork set 06
frequency blue steel( Ragg’s type)


Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15SC04P Page 8

Government of Karnataka
Department of Technical Education, Bengaluru


Course code: 15SC04P

Curriculum Drafting Committee 2015-16

Name Designation Institution

1 Mr. R B Pawar Principal Govt. Polytechnic, Bijapur

2 Mr. K.Nazeer Ahmed Selection Grade Lecturer Govt. Polytechnic, Mulbagilu

3 Mr. Liyakhat Ali Khan Selection Grade Lecturer S.J. Govt. Polytechnic, Bengaluru

4 Dr. HanumanthaNayak Selection Grade Lecturer S.J. Govt. Polytechnic, Bengaluru

5 Ms. Bhagirathi B N Selection Grade Lecturer S.J. Govt. Polytechnic, Bengaluru

Curriculum Review Committee

Name Designation Institution

1 Mr. K.Nazeer Ahmed Selection Grade Lecturer Govt. Polytechnic, Mulbagilu

2 Mr. Liyakhat Ali Khan Selection Grade Lecturer S.J. Govt. Polytechnic, Bengaluru

3 Smt. Revathi Selection Grade Lecturer M.E.I. Polytechnic, Bengaluru

Directorate Of Technical Education Karnataka State 15SC04P Page 9

Government of Karnataka
Department of Technical Education
Board of Technical Examinations, Bengaluru
Credits (L:T:P) : 0:2:4 Total Contact Hours: 78 Course Code: 15CE23P
Type of Course: Practical
Credit : 03 Core/ Elective: Core
and Mini-Project
CIE- 25 Marks SEE- 50 Marks

Pre requisites: Practical knowledge of Basic Science and Mathematics in Secondary


Course Objective:
1. To provide knowledge of basic Principles of surveying.
2. Develop skills in using survey instruments, taking measurements and plotting the details

On successful completion of the course, the students will be able to:

Experiments CL Linked Teaching
Course Outcome linked PO Hrs

Use of instruments in chain surveying

CO1 1 to 9 U/Ap 1,2,3,4,8, 24
and conducting experiments.
Use of instruments in compass surveying
CO2 10 to 13 U/Ap 1,2,3,4,8 21
and conducting experiments.
Use of instruments in levelling and
CO3 conducting experiments on methods of 14 to 18 U/Ap 21
Conduct Longitudinal and cross
sectioning for the given alignment and 1,2,3,4,5,
CO4 19,20 U/Ap 12
analyze the data by Block levelling 8,9
(contours) prepare the drawings.
Perform suggested activity related to
Suggested U/Ap/
CO5 surveying, exploring in groups and able 1 to 10 *
activity Ay/C
to present it.

Total sessions 78
Legend- R; Remember U: Understand Ap: Application Ay: Analysis C:Creation E: Evaluation
* Related to Student activity beyond classroom hours.

Directorate Of Technical Education. Karnataka State 15CE23P Page 1

Programme outcome Attainment Matrix

Programme Outcome
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10


Surveying practice -I 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 3 1 2
Level 3- Highly Addressed, Level 2-Moderately Addressed, Level 1-Low Addressed.
Method is to relate the level of PO with the number of hours devoted to the COs which address the given PO.
If >40% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is addressed at Level 3
If 25 to 40% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is addressed at Level 2
If 5 to 25% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is addressed at Level 1
If < 5% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is considered not-addressed.

Experiments Hours
1 Study of instruments required for chain surveying. 02
2 Ranging and chaining a line 02
3. Prolongation of a survey line 02
4 Practice of reciprocal ranging 03
5 Practice of different methods of Setting out perpendiculars 03
6 Set out Regular Polygons and compute its area 03
7 Practice of cross staff survey 03
8 Conduct traversing and record the data in the Field book 03
9 Obstacles in chaining 03
10 Study of prismatic compass and surveyors compass 06
11 Taking bearings and finding the included angles by using prismatic 06
12 Set out regular and irregular Polygons using prismatic compass 06
13 Find the distance between two inaccessible points using Compass 03
14 Study of level and its temporary adjustments 03
15 Taking level of various points and recording it in a level book 03
16 Finding the difference in elevation between two points by Simple & 06
Differential Levelling
17 Conduct Fly leveling to establish a Temporary BM and check its accuracy 06
18 Finding RL of given point by taking Inverted Staff Reading 03
19 Conduct Longitudinal and cross sectioning for the given alignment and plot 06
20 Conduct Block Levelling for an area and plot Contours 06

Directorate Of Technical Education. Karnataka State 15CE23P Page 2

Course Delivery: The course will be delivered through lectures, Demonstration and practices


The topic should be related to the course in order to enhance his knowledge, practical skill &
and lifelong learning, communication, modern tool usage.

1. Prepare a spread sheet of Rise and fall method or height of instrument method showing
the calculation by using formula bar.
2. Layout Plan of Existing Campus
3. Contour Map of Existing Campus
4. Dividing the area into plots using town planning rules, and plot it
5. Carryout reciprocal levelling and make a presentation
6. Presentation on Precise levelling
7. Presentation on Digital levelling
8. Presentation on Digital ground model
9. Presentation on Data logger
10. Presentation on Triangular grid model
11. Presentation on Units of measurements used in survey from history
12. Sensitivity of bubble used in levelling
13. Two Peg Test
14. Three Wire Levelling
15. Permanent Adjustments of a Dumpy Level


1. Students should select any one of the above or other topics relevant to the subject
approved by the concerned faculty, individually or in a group of 3 to 5. Students
should mandatorily submit a written report and make a presentation on the topic. The
task should not be repeated among students. Report will be evaluated by the faculty as
per rubrics. Weightage for 5 marks Internal Assessment shall be as follows:
(Unsatisfactory 1, Developing 2, Satisfactory 3, Good 4, Exemplary 5)

2. Reports should be made available along with bluebooks to IA verification officer

Directorate Of Technical Education. Karnataka State 15CE23P Page 3

Example of model of rubrics / criteria for assessing student activity

Students score
(Group of five students)


Rubric Scale Unsatisfactory 1, Developing 2, Satisfactory 3, Good 4, Exemplary5

1.Literature 1

2.Fulfill team’s roles 4

& duties
3.Conclusion 3

4.Convensions 5

Average=(Total /4) 3.25=4

Note: Concerned faculty (Course coordinator) must devise appropriate rubrics/criteria for
assessing Student activity for 5 marks One activity to attain last CO (course outcome) may be
given to a group of FIVE students

Note: Dimension should be chosen related to activity and evaluated by the course faculty

Rubric Scale
Dimension 1 2 3 4 5
Unsatisfactory Developing Satisfactory Good Exemplary
1.Literature Has not Has Has Has included Has included
included included included many all relevant
relevant info few some relevant info info needed
relevant relevant
info info
2. Fulfill team’s
Does not Performs Performs Performs Performs all
roles & duties perform any very little partial nearly all duties of
duties duties duties duties assigned
assigned team roles
3.Communication Poor Less Partially Effective Most
Effective effective Effective
4.Convensions Frequent More Error Some Error Occasional No Error
Error Error

Directorate Of Technical Education. Karnataka State 15CE23P Page 4

Course Assessment and Evaluation Scheme:
To Max Evidence Course
Method What (Frequency in the
whom Marks collected outcomes
Two tests Test 1 1,2
(average of Blue
Two tests will Test 2 books 3,4
be computed)
Graded exercises
IA (average of marks
CIE* 10 Record 1234
allotted for each graded
Suggested activity 05 Report 1,2,3,4,5

Total 25
SEE* End of the course 50 scripts at 1,2,3,4
Student Feedback Feedback 1, 2 Delivery of
Middle of the course
on course forms course
Effectiveness of
End of Course Questionn Delivery of
End of the course
Survey aires instructions &
*CIE – Continuous Internal Evaluation *SEE – Semester End Examination

Note: I.A. test shall be conducted as per SEE scheme of valuation. However obtained marks
shall be reduced to 10 marks. Average marks of two tests shall be rounded off to the next higher

Questions for CIE and SEE will be designed to evaluate the various educational
components such as:
Sl. Bloom’s taxonomy % in Weightage
1 Remembering and Understanding 38
2 Applying the knowledge acquired from the course 30
3 Analysis 16
4 Synthesis ( Creating new knowledge) 10
5 Evaluation 5

Scheme of Valuation for End Examination

Sl No Description Marks
1 Writing procedure 05
2 Conducting & Performance 20
3 Calculation and results 10
4 Viva-voice 05
5 Record +suggested activity report 10
Total 50

Directorate Of Technical Education. Karnataka State 15CE23P Page 5

List of equipment:
1 Auto / quick setting / Dumpy level with accessories 05
2 Metric chains 30m 05
3 Arrows 50
4 Tape 15m 15
5 Tape 30 m 05
6 Ranging rods 25
Cross staff, French cross staff , open cross staff, line ranger,
7 05
optical square, prism square,
8 Prismatic compass 05
9 Surveyor compass 02

1. Surveying and Levelling Vol- I & II by B C Punmia
2. Surveying and Levelling by T P konetkar & S V Kulkarni
3. Plane Surveying by Dr. Alak De
4. Surveying and Levelling by S S Bhavikatti
5. Surveying by Duggal
6. Surveying by R Agor
7. Fundamentals of Surveying by S K Roy
8. Surveying and Levelling by N N Basak
9. Advanced Surveying by R Agor


1. www.elearning.com/survey
2. http://nptel.ac.in/video.php?subjectId=105104101
3. http://media.sakshat.ac.in/NPTEL-IIT-Videos/
4. http://nptel.iitk.ac.in/courses/Civil_Eng/IIT%20Roorkee/Surveying.htm
5. http://nptel.iitk.ac.in/

Directorate Of Technical Education. Karnataka State 15CE23P Page 6

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