Mary Grace Y. Paracha BSED-Filipino II EDUC 110 (Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across Curriculum)
Mary Grace Y. Paracha BSED-Filipino II EDUC 110 (Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across Curriculum)
Mary Grace Y. Paracha BSED-Filipino II EDUC 110 (Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across Curriculum)
Paracha BSED-Filipino II
EDUC 110 (Building and Enhancing New Literacies across Curriculum)
Module 4
Activity 1
Social literacy means the presence of social skills, knowledge and positive
human values that support ability in human beings to act positively and
responsibly in range of complex social settings and their ability to
successfully and deliberately mediate his/her world as family member,
worker, citizen and lifelong learner. Social literacy spans across interacting
with peers, family, coworkers, teachers, and even people we may not
have met face to face.
2. Are you more of a listener or a talker? Which social skill/s do you think you need
to develop? In what ways can you develop it/them?
I am more a listener. I can also be a talker but not all the time. The skill
that I think I need to develop is my speaking skills, because I have a stage
fright, I’m afraid to speak in front of a large crowd, so I need to develop
this skill because I am a future educator, and I shouldn’t be afraid to talk in
front of a crowd. To improve my speaking skill, I should practice talking
English in front of the mirror as if I’m facing the large crowd. And I should
communicate well to the people that surrounds me.
1. What are the different issues in teaching social literacy?