Complete Final
Complete Final
Complete Final
Dominique Carrouge
October 2002
I am indebted to TWI ltd, the DTI and the EPSRC for co-funding this project
which was carried out in the frame of the Postgraduate Training Partnership (PTP)
I would like to thanks Professors D. J. Fray and A. H. Windle for the provision
of laboratory facilities in the Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy at
the University of Cambridge. I am also very grateful to my supervisors Pr. Harry
Bhadeshia, Dr. Paul Woollin and the recently deceased Dr. Trevor Gooch for their
advice and encouragement.
Special thanks are due to Dr. Toshihiro Tsuchiyama and Dr. Yann de Carlan for
sharing with me their experiences and practical knowledge of martensitic stainless
steels. I am especially grateful to Doctors Peter Hart, Lee Smith, Andrew Leonard
and Andrea Gregori for their assistance and useful discussions at TWI.
I am also grateful to the present and past members of the Phase Transforma-
tions group; in particular, Franck Tancret, Miguel Yescas-Gonzalez, Pedro Rivera,
Dorothy Elder, Victoria Yardley, Daniel Gaude Fugarolas, Harsha Lalam, Gareth
Hopkins, Philippe Opdenacker, Carlos Garcia Mateo, Hiroshi Matsuda, Shingo Ya-
masaki, Matthew Peet and Thomas Sourmail.
Finally, I would like to thank my wife Angelique and my parents for their constant
love and support throughout the project.
Supermartensitic stainless steels have recently been introduced in the oil and
gas industries to substitute more expensive duplex stainless steels for onshore and
offshore tubing applications. Although easily joined by arc welding processes, the
service life of the supermartensitic welded joint in corrosive environments relies to a
large extent on the behaviour of the heat-affected zone (HAZ). The microstructure
of the HAZ in these new materials has, until now, received little attention.
The work presented in this thesis is concerned with the experimental study of
the microstructure developing in the HAZ of a range of supermartensitic stainless
steels, with particular attention to the retention of the potentially detrimental δ-
ferrite phase, and the development of a model to facilitate the choice of a suitable
post-weld heat-treatment temperature.
The microstructural examination of a variety of welds revealed the presence of
retained δ-ferrite in dual-phase and grain-coarsened HAZ regions. Under normal
welding conditions, δ-ferrite retention was more pronounced in dual-phase HAZ and
in molybdenum containing alloys. However, in multipass welds, δ-ferrite distribution
was non-uniform as a result of reheating effects.
A number of methods of estimating δ-ferrite retention have been employed. The
most corrosion-resistant alloys were successfully predicted to be more prone to δ-
ferrite retention.
Charpy impact toughness tests performed on simulated heat-affected zones re-
vealed a weak effect of δ-ferrite on the HAZ ductile to brittle transition temperature.
In fact, due to its larger grain size, the coarse-grained HAZ determined the impact
properties of the tested HAZ.
Finally, a neural network in a Bayesian framework has been created to estimate
the temperature of the onset of austenite formation as a function of the employed
heating rate. The model helps the determination of the appropriate tempering
temperature of welded joints to avoid partial austenitisation and can be applied to
martensitic stainless steels and low-alloy steels.
2.3.a Hardness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2.3.b Charpy toughness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.3.c Grain size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
2.3.d Corrosion resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
2.4 Ferrite prediction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
2.4.a Formation and decomposition of δ-ferrite . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
2.4.b Prediction of δ-ferrite retention in HAZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.4.c Prediction of δ-ferrite retention in weld metals . . . . . . . . . 38
2.5 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
3 Experimental techniques 44
3.1 Imaging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
3.1.a Optical microscopy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
3.1.b Scanning Electron Microscopy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
3.1.c Image analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
3.1.d Transmission Electron Microscopy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
3.2 Chemical analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
3.2.a EDX microanalysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
3.2.b X-ray analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
3.3 Mechanical properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
3.3.a Hardness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
3.3.b Charpy impact toughness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
3.4 Dilatometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
3.4.a Thermomechanical simulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
3.4.b Netzsch dilatometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
3.5 Weld heat-affected zone simulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
3.5.a Gleeble . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
4.2 Dilatometric measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
4.2.a Phase transformations on heating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
4.2.b Phase transformations on cooling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
4.2.c Thermecmastor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
4.3 Thermodynamic predictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
4.3.a Equilibrium calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
4.3.b Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
4.3.c Comparison with dilatometric measurements . . . . . . . . . . 69
4.3.d Effects of Ni and Mo on phase diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
4.3.e Paraequilibrium calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
4.3.f Results of paraequilibrium calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
4.3.g Comparison with equilibrium temperatures . . . . . . . . . . . 77
4.4 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
6.1.a Ferrite factor and Balmforth diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
6.1.b MAP-neural-ferrite-number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
6.2 Dual-phase HAZ width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
6.2.a Experimental data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
6.2.b Weld thermal cycle prediction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
6.2.c Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
6.3 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
8.3.d Training and testing of models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
8.3.e Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
8.4 Application of the model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
8.4.a Effect of chemical composition and heating rate . . . . . . . . 157
8.4.b Application to steel T91 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
8.4.c Application to supermartensitic steels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
8.4.d Effect of the microstructure and discussion . . . . . . . . . . . 164
8.5 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
Nomenclature and Abbreviations
a thermal diffusivity
Ac1 and Ac3 temperature of the onset and completion (respectively) of austenite
formation on heating
Ae1 and Ae3 equilibrium temperature of the onset and completion (respectively)
of austenite formation
Ac4 and Ac5 temperature of the onset and completion (respectively) of δ-ferrite
formation on heating
Ae4 and Ae5 equilibrium temperature of the onset and completion (respectively)
of δ-ferrite formation
dhkl interplanar spacing for plans (hkl)
hj expression of the tanh function for a neural network with j hidden
Iγ and Iα integrated intensity from a given plane from austenite and marten-
site respectively
k the boltzman constant
MS martensite-start temperature
MF martensite-finish temperature
q intensity of the heat source
R the gas constant
r radial distance from the weld center line
T the temperature
Tp and T0 peak and preheat temperatures of a weld thermal cycle
Tq quenching temperature
t time
Vγ and Vα volume fraction of austenite and martensite
v arc velocity
wij weight attributed to the input i in a model of j hidden units
y general expression of the function modelled in a neural network
α alpha-ferrite
δ delta-ferrite
γ austenite
γr retained austenite
σy yield stress
η arc efficiency
λ thermal conductivity
b.c.c. body-centred cubic
b.c.t. body-centred tetragonal
f.c.c. face-centred cubic
DBTT Ductile to Brittle Transition Temperature
EDX Energy Dispersive X-ray analysis
FF Ferrite Factor
FN Ferrite Number
FP Ferrite percentage
HAZ Heat-Affected Zone
HVN Hardness Vickers Number
LVDT Linear Velocity Displacement Transducer
MAP Materials Algorithms Project library
MT-DATA Metallurgical and Thermochemical Databank
PRE Pitting Resistance Equivalent
PWHT Post-Weld Heat-Treatment
SEM Scanning Electron Microscopy
SGTE Scientific Group Thermodata Europe
SSC Sulfide Stress Cracking
TEM Transmission Electron Microscopy
TWI The Welding Institute, Cambridge UK
UNS Unified Numbering System
WRC Welding Research Council
Chapter 1
Introduction to supermartensitic
stainless steels
The purpose of this chapter is to present the metallurgy and properties of recently
developed supermartensitic stainless steels.
1.1 Introduction
2. High yield strength (about 550 MPa) to allow the use of thinner pipes with a
saving in weight and cost.
C Cr Ni Mo Price
Table 1.1: Comparison of prices (in $ per tonne) of alloys used for flowlines applications. All
compositions given in wt% [5].
Grade C Mn Si Cr Ni Mo
Table 1.2: Part of the AISI 400 series. All chemical compositions given in wt% [6].
Table 1.3 lists some typical compositions developed to cover a range of corrosion
resistance and price. The best corrosion resistance is achieved with the richly alloyed
grades (i.e. 12 Cr 6.5 Ni 2.5 Mo wt%).
Alloy C N Si Mn Cr Ni Mo Cu Ti
11Cr 2.5Ni 0.011 0.006 0.10 1.77 10.6 2.4 0.06 0.48 0.006
12Cr 4.5Ni 1.5Mo 0.017 0.011 0.20 1.77 11.7 4.9 1.39 0.51 0.007
12Cr 6.5Ni 2.5Mo 0.018 0.011 0.09 1.72 12.6 6.5 2.32 0.49 0.008
Table 1.3: Typical compositions (in wt%) of supermartensitic stainless steels developed by CLI-
FAFER [8].
AISI 420
50 100 150 200
Temperature / C
Figure 1.1: Effect of temperature on corrosion rate, localised corrosion and sulfide stress-cracking
(SSC) of a conventional AISI 420 and a supermartensitic stainless steel (0.02 C 12 Cr 5.5 Ni 2 Mo
wt%) [7]. Experimental conditions : 0.001 MPa H2 S, 3 MPa CO2 , 5 % NaCl, 100 % yield stress,
immersed for 336 h.
i Chromium
Chromium is a ferrite stabiliser which has the property of being able to protect
itself with a passive oxide film and to contribute this property to other metals
with which it is alloyed. Stainless steels owe therefore their corrosion resistance to
chromium and a minimum of 10.5 wt% of this element is required to generate a thin,
adherent, continuous oxide film on the surface of the alloy. The exact composition of
such oxide films is difficult to determine, but they all contain chromium in (III), (IV)
and (VI) oxidation states in varying proportions [9]. Paradoxically, the oxide film
itself is formed by rapid corrosion of the steel surface. However, once established it
dramatically stifles the rate of further oxidation by acting as an insulating barrier
between the metal and the corrosive environment. The steel is thus said to be in a
state of passivity [10, 11].
1.1 Introduction 5
Table 1.4: Yield strength (Y.S.) and tensile strength (T.S.) at room temperature of steels pre-
sented in table 1.3 and two typical duplex stainless steels [8].
Figure 1.2 shows part of the Fe-Cr constitution diagram according to Bungardt
[12]. By analogy with iron and ordinary steels, the body-centered cubic (figure
1.3) ferrite precipitated from the melt is known as δ-ferrite, while ferrite resulting
from transformation of austenite during cooling is called α-ferrite. The two types of
ferrite show differing grain structures. δ-ferrite is often coarse when compared with
α-ferrite and its morphology retains features of the solidification microstructure.
Low carbon Fe-Cr stainless steels have either a ferritic or martensitic, possibly
semi-ferritic, microstructure depending on composition :
• Between the austenite phase field and the fully ferritic domain, there is a
narrow range of compositions which defines the semi-ferritic alloys, with a
1.1 Introduction 6
1500 δ +L
Temperature / C
γ +
900 α+γ
α α
Fe 5 10 15 20
Chromium / wt. %
Figure 1.2: Range of liquid, austenite and ferrite (α and δ) phase in the iron-chromium consti-
tution diagram with a carbon content below 0.01 wt%.
Considering that a minimum of 10.5 wt% Cr is required to obtain passivity and that
a chromium content above 12 wt% produces semi-ferritic microstructures, marten-
sitic stainless steels have their chromium content in the range 10.5-12 wt%. At this
concentration, hardenability is considerably improved making the steels air harden-
ii Molybdenum
To increase corrosion resistance for transportation of oil and gas, the addition
of molybdenum is essential. Alloying with molybdenum reduces the general cor-
rosion rate, improves the resistance to localised corrosion at elevated temperatures
and also reduces sulfide stress-corrosion cracking susceptibility (figure 1.4) [12-16].
However, being a strong ferrite stabilising element (figure 1.5), it must be balanced
by the addition of austenite stabilising elements such as carbon, nitrogen or nickel.
Depending on the corrosivity of the environment the amount of molybdenum used
ranges between 0-3 wt%.
PCO = 30 atm
4 Ni 1 Mo
0.3 2 4 Ni 2 Mo
20 % NaCl
0.1 Open : No failure
o Closed : Failure 5 Ni 1 Mo
180 C
Corrosion rate / mm year −1
5 Ni 2 Mo
P H S / MPa
0.2 0.01
2 % Mo 1 % Mo
0.1 0.001
3 3.5 4
4 Ni 4 Ni 5 Ni 5 Ni
(a) 1 Mo 2 Mo 1 Mo 2 Mo (b) pH
Figure 1.4: (a) Effect of molybdenum on CO2 corrosion resistance at 180 ◦ C for two different
nickel concentrations (specimens immersed for 7 days). (b) Effect of molybdenum on the resistance
to sulfide stress-corrosion cracking (applied stress: 100 % yield strength). Base composition 0.025 C
13 Cr 0.45 Mn wt% [13].
1300 γ+δ
Temperature / C
1100 γ
0 % Mo
α 1 % Mo
2 % Mo
Fe 5 10 15 20
Chromium / wt. %
Figure 1.5: Effect of molybdenum on the austenite phase stability field in the Fe-Cr phase
diagram [10].
hand, carbon and nitrogen in the presence of 11-13 wt% chromium and 0-3 wt%
molybdenum, can lead to the formation of a range of precipitates such as M23 C6
and M2 X, which diminish the effective chromium and molybdenum concentrations
in solid solution and therefore decrease corrosion resistance [11, 14, 15, 16].
iv Nickel
As both the carbon and nitrogen concentrations must be kept low, austenite
can be stabilised using substitutional solutes. Nickel has the strongest effect in this
respect (figure 1.7) and also a tendency to improve toughness.
Temperature / C
L +δ
1400 δ
L+ γ
δ +γ γ
γ +c 2
α γ +c
α +γ γ +c 1 1+ c2
800 +c 1
α+c 1 α+ c 1
600 2
Carbon / wt. %
Figure 1.6: Phase fields in the ternary iron-chromium-carbon at 13 wt% Cr, L, c1 and c2 refer
to liquid, M23 C6 and M7 C3 respectively [10].
γ δ+ γ
Temperature / C
0 wt% Ni
Fe 5 10 15 20 25
Chromium / wt. %
Figure 1.7: Influence of nickel on the range of the austenite phase field in the iron-chromium
system [10].
1.1 Introduction 10
diagram a 13 Cr, 2 Mo wt% steel, should have nickel concentration in the range
4 to 8 wt%. Above 8 wt%, increasing amount of austenite are retained in the
microstructure. This is because the martensite-start temperature (MS , equation
1.1, [17]) is depressed below room temperature and consequently the diffusionless
transformation of austenite into martensite cannot be completed unless cryogenic
treatments are employed.
Martensite Austenite
18 +
Chromium / wt%
δ −ferrite +
2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Nickel / wt%
Figure 1.8: Experimental diagram showing the boundaries of the austenite, ferrite and martensite
phases as a function of Cr, Ni and Mo concentration for 0.01 wt% C after austenitisation at 1050 ◦ C
and air cooling [14].
vi Other elements
Some other alloying elements are added to supermartensitic stainless steels to
facilitate their processing and modify their properties in one direction or another.
The effects are summarised below :
1.1 Introduction 11
Impurity elements such has sulfur and phosphorus are always kept as low as
possible, typically below 50 ppm and 200 ppm respectively, to maintain good hot
workability and reduce the susceptibility to sulfide stress-corrosion cracking [18].
1.2 Types of corrosion 12
The types of corrosion and stress-corrosion encountered in oil and gas wells can
be divided into three classes; corrosion by CO2 (so-called sweet-corrosion), cracking
in sour H2 S containing media (so-called sulfide stress-cracking or SSC, typically in
association with CO2 and Cl− ), and an intermediate regime of cracking in mod-
erately sour media (so-called mildly sour region). The tolerable concentration of
hydrogen sulfide in the corrosive fluid has yet to be clarified for safe use of super-
martensitic stainless steels but partial pressures as low as 0.1 bar (compared with
possibly 30 bar for CO2 ) lead to rapid failure. The most serious CO2 corrosion prob-
lems are encountered in deep wells (≥ 5000 m), where the increase in pressure and
temperature make the environment more aggressive. The causes and mechanism of
the most common forms of corrosion encountered in pipelines are introduced below.
1.2.b Pitting
Pitting is an insidious type of localised corrosion, often going undetected and
with very little material loss until failure occurs. Pits may be initiated at localised
inner-surface defects such as scratches or slight variations in composition [4]. They
ordinarily appear inside the linepipes and penetrate towards the outer surface. The
mechanism for pitting is probably due to oxidation within the pit itself, with com-
plementary reduction at the surface. The solution at the pit becomes more concen-
trated, acidic and dense as pit growth progresses.
The pitting resistance equivalent number (PRE) has been introduced to estimate
1.2 Types of corrosion 13
the relative pitting corrosion resistance in terms of the chromium, molybdenum and
nitrogen concentrations [21]. Although, originally derived for austenitic stainless
steels, the use of the PRE formula (equation 1.2) is commonly extended to duplex
and occasionally to martensitic stainless steels. Supermartensitic and duplex stain-
less steels have PRE numbers in the range 12 to 20 and 20 to 40 respectively. Table
1.5 lists the range of chemical composition over which the formula has been derived.
Cr 18.6 - 25.3
Mo 2.2 - 4.4
N 0.048 - 0.22
Table 1.5: Composition range of confidence for the pitting resistance equivalent formula [21].
+ −
Anode : Me Me + e
Me Embrittled
H zone
Crack +
+ −
Cathode : H + e H
the most favourable solution to improve sulfide stress cracking resistance consisted
of decreasing the steel hydrogen content by reducing the general corrosion rate. In-
deed, decreasing the corrosion rate results in a decrease of hydrogen generated on
the steel surface, which in turns reduces the hydrogen permeation rate and hence
decreases the steel hydrogen content [14].
Hardness criteria are generally used for ranking of steels with regard to sulfide
stress-corrosion cracking resistance. The maximum hardness limit to avoid the po-
tential for sulfide stress cracking in martensitic stainless steels in CO2 and H2 S is
23 HRC (about 240 HV) according to the requirement of the National Association
Corrosion Engineers (NACE) standard MR0175 [23].
1.3.a Martensite
Martensite is the desired predominant phase in martensitic stainless steels. Its
presence is a consequence of the diffusionless transformation of austenite during
cooling to room temperature. The carbon which was in solid solution in the octa-
hedral interstices in the austenite phase, becomes trapped in the martensite which
contains three times as many octahedral interstices arranged in three sublattices. If
the carbon atoms order into one of these sublattices then the martensite adopts a
body-centered tetragonal crystal system.
Prior austenite
grain boundary
nitrogen has been found to be 2.5 times less effective than carbon, but this effect is
not widely recognised [27].
Table 1.6: Effect of carbon content on martensite hardness in 12 Cr 0.25 Si 0.02 N (wt%) steels,
after quenching from 1050 ◦ C [11].
Absorbed Energy
Austenitic steels (f.c.c.)
Test Temperature
300 0.01 C, 11 Cr, 1.5 Ni (wt%)
Impact Energy / J
100 0.43
−200 −100 0 100 200
Temperature / C
intercritical annealing treatment i.e. carried out above the temperature of the onset
of austenite formation on heating (Ac1 ). In this case the stability of the reverted
austenite is dependent upon the heat-treatment duration and temperature. If Ac1
is exceeded by say 40 ◦ C, only a small quantity of austenite is formed. Because
the transformation is diffusional the austenite is enriched in elements such as nickel,
carbon and nitrogen. The latter enrichment strongly depresses MS temperature
and consequently austenite remains stable after cooling. At temperatures where
the equilibrium austenite content is large, the relative enrichment is reduced, and
cooling to room temperature leads to complete martensitic transformation [31].
100 100
13 Cr 4 Ni 0.5 Mo 13 Cr 6 Ni 1.5 Mo
80 80
Austenite / %
Austenite / %
and 13 Cr 6 Ni
60 60
Unstable γ Unstable γ
40 40
20 20
Stable γ Stable γ
0 0
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
3 3
P = T (20+log t) 10 P = T (20+log t) 10
0.01 0.01
Time / h
Time / h
0.1 0.1
0 0
10 10
100 100
Figure 1.14: Effect of various tempering conditions on austenite reformation and stability in
low carbon martensitic stainless steels [1]. P is the Larson Miller parameter. Temperature (T )
and time (t) are expressed in Kelvin and hours respectively.
The toughness improves in the presence of stable finely dispersed films of austen-
ite in low carbon martensitic stainless steels [39, 40, 41]. It has been argued that
when retained austenite is present near a propagating crack, the concentrated strain
field at the crack tip induces transformation into martensite. This mechanically-
induced transformation would absorb energy and thus increase the toughness. The
associated volumetric expansion of the martensitic transformation would tend to
close the crack and relieve stresses at its tip. The latter mechanism absorbs strain
energy during fracture and therefore limits crack extension [42].
13 Cr 6 Ni 1.5 Mo
Brinell Hardness
280 13 Cr 6 Ni (Mo)
12 Cr 4 Ni 0.5 Mo
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
P = T (20+log t) 10
Time / h
Figure 1.15: Effect of various tempering conditions on hardness of low carbon martensitic stain-
less steels [38].
denum carbo-nitrides in the favour of austenite. Since there was no chromium and
molybdenum loss in the matrix the corrosion resistance was improved.
Austenite has a higher solubility for hydrogen than martensite.
1.3 Phases present and mechanical properties 22
1.3.c Ferrite
In general the presence of δ-ferrite in the microstructure of martensitic stainless
steels is undesirable. The effects of its presence on the properties are presented
i Hardness
The hardness of ferrite in low carbon semi-ferritic and martensitic stainless steels
ranges between 150 and 200 HVN [43]. These values are typically 100-150 Vickers
lower than low carbon fresh martensite and therefore low carbon semi-ferritic stain-
less steels exhibit reduced yield and tensile strength compared with fully martensitic
steels [38, 44].
ii Impact toughness
Ferrite at low temperatures is notch sensitive and fails in a brittle manner. In
martensitic stainless steels, ferrite presence in excess of 10 % can result in an ap-
proximate 50 % reduction in impact values [11, 45].
The effect that δ-ferrite has on the sulfide stress cracking resistance of tempered
unstabilised supermartensitic stainless steel parent materials was also recently re-
ported. Cracking occurred at the δ-ferrite/martensite interface due to the chromium
depletion associated with the precipitation of chromium carbo-nitrides during tem-
pering [47].
1.4 Summary 23
1.4 Summary
The ability to weld supermartensitic stainless steels, both in land based and in
offshore constructions, is critical to their successful exploitation. However, welding
significantly affects the optimised microstructure in the region next to the weld
metal, the so-called heat-affected zone (HAZ). As a result, the HAZ is the critical
part of the weldment.
In this chapter, the welding processes employed to weld supermartensitic stainless
steel pipes are first introduced, the different HAZ regions and their properties are
then presented and finally the methods to estimate δ-ferrite retention in welded
joints are reviewed.
Welding in one of the most popular joining methods for steels. Fusion welding
involves the application of a heat source to melt the edges of two surfaces, with or
without the help of a filler wire. The mixing of molten material from the workpiece
and molten drops of filler material creates a weld pool, which when solidified forms
the joint between the two components. The method by which heat is generated in
order to fuse the base metal and filler wire defines the nature of the welding process.
The fusion welds of concern to this study are formed by arc welding which is now
described in some more detail.
2.1 Introduction to fusion welding 25
In any welding process, the weld thermal cycle is composed of rapid heating to a
high temperature followed by rapid cooling. The heating and cooling rate are both
governed by the amount of heat input, defined as :
Net heat input (J m−1 ) = (2.1)
where I is the current in Amperes, V is the voltage applied between the power
source terminal and electrode expressed in volts, υ is the travel speed of the heat
source in m s−1 and η the arc transfer efficiency. In most of arc welding processes
the efficiency is between 0.6 and 0.99 [49].
cause the liberation of molecular hydrogen at micro-defects in the HAZ or the weld
metal. This liberation in molecular form introduces high stresses that are liable to
initiate cracks at room temperature in hard and brittle structures [50].
Heat−affected zone
Figure 2.4: A fusion weld [52].
(i) Partially melted region, located adjacent to the fusion boundary. This is where
incipient melting of the newly formed δ-ferrite occurs on heating.
(ii) Region which transforms completely to δ-ferrite on heating with significant grain
growth, also called the coarse-grained HAZ (CG-HAZ).
However, as mentioned before, the HAZ represents the area where all phase
transformations occur in the solid state and therefore the partially melted region
should not be regarded as belonging to the HAZ. The other regions can be artifi-
cially classified into two categories depending on the maximum temperature they
experienced before cooling, the high temperature and the low temperature HAZ.
The high temperature HAZ (HT-HAZ) includes the prior δ-ferrite region and the
high temperature two-phase region while the low temperature HAZ (LT-HAZ) refers
2.3 HAZ properties 30
13 % Cr
Temperature / C
(iii) The high temperature 2 phase region
(iv) The austenite region γ δ+γ
(v) The low temperature
2 phase region 800
400 δ+γ+σ
10 20 30 40
Distance from fusion line Chromium \ wt%
2 4 6 8 10 12
Nickel \ wt%
Figure 2.5: Schematic diagram illustrating structural changes that occur within heat-affected
zone of single-pass supermartensitic stainless steel weld [53].
The work by Enerhaug et al. was published during the time scale of the present
project and is the only study where the presence of δ-ferrite is clearly shown in
the high temperature HAZ. Although the different HAZ regions were presented,
confusions were made between the partially melted and prior fully ferritic regions in
the discussion.
The welded joint service behaviour relies to a large extent on the response of
the HAZ to the external environment and stresses. Recently, catastrophic fractures
2.3 HAZ properties 31
2.3.a Hardness
There exists a hardness profile in HAZ caused by the different microstructures
that develop during welding [53]. As figure 2.6 illustrates, from the parent mate-
rial the hardness first increases to reach a maximum level of typically 350-375 HV
and then tends to slightly decrease as the high temperature regions of the HAZ
are reached. The initial hardness increase is attributed to the formation of fresh
martensite in regions heated up above Ac1 , while the reasons for the decrease are
not documented but might be caused by grain size effect or the presence of δ-ferrite.
The hardness level of 350 HV is not suitable for optimum sulfide stress cracking
resistance but can be reduced by the use of expensive and often unpractical post-
weld heat-treatment (PWHT).
Vickers micro-hardness (100 g)
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5
Distance from fusion line / mm
Figure 2.6: Micro-hardness distribution in single-pass TIG bead-in-groove weld HAZ in an un-
stabilised 12 Cr 6 Ni 2 Mo (wt%) alloy. Arc energy 0.35 kJ mm−1 [56].
When employed, PWHT are usually carried out at temperatures of the order of
2.3 HAZ properties 32
650 - 700 ◦ C for 5 to 10 minutes [44]. At those temperatures there is a risk of partial
austenitisation and subsequent transformation to hard martensite in some regions of
the HAZ. To avoid this problem, it is advisable to perform PWHT at temperatures
just below Ac1 .
i Effect of δ-ferrite
Since the presence of δ-ferrite in HAZ of supermartensitic stainless steels is not
established, its effect on impact toughness has never been published. However, the
reduced impact toughness of the HAZ of martensitic stainless steels containing sub-
stantial amount of δ-ferrite (semi-ferritic stainless steels) such as the one illustrated
in figure 2.7, is well documented.
The HAZ of semi-ferritic stainless steels can either be mainly ferritic with some
martensite or conversely mainly martensitic with some ferrite. When ferrite is the
major phase in HAZ, the presence of grain boundary martensite lowers the ductile to
brittle transition temperature. This is because austenite has higher solubility for car-
bon than ferrite and transforms to hard martensite during cooling. The martensite
then acts as an internal stress raiser and thus increases the probability of cleavage
of the surrounding ferrite [57, 58]. On the other hand, predominantly martensitic
HAZ have reduced toughness when ferrite is present even in small quantities [59].
ii Effect of austenite
The effect of the presence of austenite in HAZ of supermartensitic alloys on
impact properties is not yet established. However, in supermartensitic weld metals
the presence of finely dispersed films of austenite was shown to yield higher impact
values at subzero temperatures [60].
2.3 HAZ properties 33
Figure 2.7: Optical macrograph showing large amount of δ-ferrite in high temperature heat-
affected zone of a multipass weld performed on a semi-ferritic stainless steel (0.01 C 12 Cr 0.5 Ni
in wt%). Picture from this work.
σy = σi + ky d−1/2 (2.2)
where d is the grain diameter, σy is the yield stress, σi is the friction stress opposing
the movement of dislocations in the grains and ky is a constant.
2.3 HAZ properties 34
σG 115(L̄)−1 (2.3)
where L̄ is the mean linear intercept taken on random sections and at random angles
to the length of any lath section.
However, not all martensitic stainless steels have the capacity to become fully
ferritic. Indeed, a detailed study of δ-ferrite formation and dissolution has been
performed by Fenn on a relatively high carbon containing martensitic stainless steel
called HT9 (table 2.1) [63]. The microstructures of quenched thermally simulated
HAZ of this alloy were never found completely ferritic. Indeed, optical micrographs
showed prior austenite grain boundaries decorated with δ-ferrite in HAZ regions
close to the fusion line. The uncomplete ferritisation was apparently not due to
δ-ferrite dissolution since cooling rates slower than 2 ◦ C s−1 were required for ferrite
to decompose. As ferritisation is expected to be fast at elevated temperatures,
steel HT9 should have been fully ferritic before cooling. To check the latter point,
thermodynamic calculations have been performed using MT-DATA.
According to MT-DATA (figure 2.8), at temperatures above 1230 ◦ C δ-ferrite
nucleates and grows at the expense of austenite. At temperatures above 1410 ◦ C,
2.4 Ferrite prediction 36
the liquid phase appears and reacts with austenite to produce δ-ferrite (peritectic
reaction) and shortly after δ-ferrite dissolves in favour of the liquid phase. Conse-
quently, consistent with Fenn’s observations steel HT9 could never be fully ferritised.
Material C Si Mn Cr Mo Ni Nb V W
Sandvik HT9 0.21 0.37 0.48 11.20 1.00 0.52 0.01 0.30 0.02
Mass percentage of equilibrium phases
1200 1250 1300 1350 1400 1450 1500
Temperature / C
Figure 2.8: Results of MT-DATA equilibrium calculations performed on steel HT9.
The calculations were performed using plus and sub − sgte databases and by allowing
austenite, ferrite and liquid phases.
Due to the fast heating and cooling rates experienced during electron beam
welding, paraequilibrium1 was assumed in each part of the model. Thanks to the
large amount of literature published on the studied materials, the validity of the
model could be assessed and shown to compare well with experimental data. The
following conclusions could be drawn. Increasing nitrogen concentration raised the
temperature at which the microstructure was fully ferritic (Ac5 ) and thus led to
slower ferrite coarsening behaviour in HAZ. High Ac5 temperature combined with
smaller δ-ferrite grain size favoured austenite reformation during cooling.
Carbon and nitrogen diffuse more rapidly than substitutional elements hence under rapid
heating conditions, the latter elements are unable to partition during the time scale related to the
welding operation.
2.4 Ferrite prediction 38
F N = 1.7 × F P (2.4)
Generally, the various correlations agree that the F N overstates the ferrite per-
cent but they do not agree on the amount of overstatement.
The magnetic method of measuring ferrite content is, unfortunately not applica-
ble to martensitic stainless steels since both martensite and ferrite are ferromagnetic.
Therefore ferrite measurement in martensitic stainless steels is quantified using stan-
dard point counting methods as in ASTM E562-99 or image analysis.
ii Ferrite factor
The Kaltenhauser Ferrite Factor (F F ) is a compositional relationship which is
commonly employed to assess the tendency of stainless steels base metal to retain
ferrite [71] :
2.4 Ferrite prediction 39
The relationship advanced in the late sixties was initially developed to yield a
measure of the residual austenite content in ferritic stainless steel welds. The use of
this relationship has been extended to martensitic stainless steels. However, Hewitt
clearly showed the discrepancy associated with the use of the ferrite factor in the
case of low carbon martensitic stainless steels (figure 2.9) [72].
Martensite / %
5 10 15 20 25 30
The transition below the fully martensitic (F F ≤ 5) and the fully ferritic mi-
crostructure (F F ≥ 25) occur over a long ferrite factor range and show considerable
scatter. As far as heat-affected zones are concerned, it has been reported that the
transition occurs on a shorter ferrite factor range i.e. between 8 and 12 [73].
iii Diagrams
The Schaeffler diagram (Figure 2.10) developed in the fifties offers a convenient
way of representing the effect of alloy composition on room temperature weld metal
microstructure and phase volume fraction [74]. Phase boundaries of austenite, δ-
ferrite and martensite are plotted in terms of the chromium and nickel equivalents.
2.4 Ferrite prediction 40
The chromium equivalent has been empirically determined to take into account the
effect of the common ferrite forming elements. Similarly, the nickel equivalent does
the same for the austenite formers. The ratio between the two thus describes the
proportions of each phase present in an alloy.
Nickel equivalent (Ni)
20 20%
A+M 40%
A+F 80%
0 10 20 30 40
Figure 2.10: The Schaeffler diagram. F, M and A represent ferrite, martensite and austenite,
respectively [11].
6 A+M+F
Ni + 35 C + 20 N (in wt%)
5 M 10% 30% 50% 70% 90%
20%40% 60% 80%
8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Figure 2.11: The new ferritic-martensitic diagram with iso ferrite lines in volume % [75].
All diagrams offer a practical way of quantitatively estimating the room temper-
ature microstructure of weld metals, however the effect that cooling rates can have
on the phase balance are not accounted for.
iv Neural networks
Neural network models developed using both the WRC92 database and more
recent data are available since 2001. These models can be used to predict more
accurately the ferrite number of austenitic weld metals as a function of chemical
composition [78, 79, 80]. Although the databases contain information mostly on
austenitic steels, the use of the models can in principle be extended to martensitic
stainless steels. Chapter 6 will investigate the capacity of one of those models to
make predictions and comparisons between different supermartensitic stainless steels
2.4 Ferrite prediction 42
Table 2.2: Evolution of the chromium and nickel equivalent formulae [43].
Cr 11 - 30
Ni 0.1 - 3.0
Si 0.3 - 1.0
C 0.07 - 0.2
Mn 0.3 - 1.8
Mo 0 - 2.0
Al 0 - 0.3
Ti 0 - 0.5
N 0 - 0.25
Table 2.3: Composition range of confidence for the new ferrite plus martensite diagram [75].
2.5 Summary 43
2.5 Summary
Experimental techniques
In this chapter the different techniques and equipment that have been employed in
experiments are introduced.
3.1 Imaging
For the image analysis technique to be effective, pictures have to be taken under
the same conditions of brightness and contrast and the δ-ferrite should have the same
range of intensity throughout the image. Every effort was made to keep the lighting
condition constant but due to the different etching responses of the materials this
was not always achievable.
3.2 Chemical analysis 46
Iγ (hkl) Rγ (hkl) Vγ
= × (3.1)
Iα (hkl) Rα(hkl) Vα
where Iγ (hkl) and Iα (hkl) are the integrated intensity from a given plane (hkl) from
the austenite and martensite (or ferrite) phase respectively. Vγ and Vα are the
volume fractions of austenite and martensite respectively, and Rγ (hkl) and Rα (hkl)
are given for a specific peak by :
R= [|F |2 (p)(Lp )]e−2m (3.2)
where :
v = volume of unit cell,
F = structure factor,
p = multiplicity factor,
Lp = Lorentz-polarization factor,
e−2m = temperature factor.
Low carbon martensite and ferrite have similar structure.
3.2 Chemical analysis 48
martensite (table 3.2) were taken into account (equation 3.3 and 3.4).
Martensite 1 200
Martensite 2 211
Martensite 3 220
Austenite 1 200
Austenite 2 220
Austenite 3 311
Table 3.2: Diffracting hkl planes used for martensite and austenite.
1 Iiγ
= (3.3)
Rγ 3 i=1 Rγi
1 Iiα
= (3.4)
Rα 3 i=1 Rαi
The value of Vγ /Vα in equation 3.1 can be obtained from the measurement of
Iγ /Iα and the calculation of Rγ /Rα . Once Vγ /Vα is found, the value of Vγ can be
obtained from the additional relationship :
Vγ + Vα = 1 (3.5)
The 2θ values for three austenite peaks were used to calculate the d spacings with
Bragg’s law and then the lattice parameter a. These values were plotted against
sin2 θ. An accurate value of aγ was found by extrapolation to sin2 θ =1 [83].
3.3 Mechanical properties 49
3.3.a Hardness
Hardness measurements were made using a Vickers pyramidal hardness-testing
machine using a load of 10 kg. The indent had diagonals of typically 200 µm. When
the width of the observed region was smaller than the latter figure, micro hardness
was employed using a load of 100 g. Indents this time had diagonals of about 25 µm.
Ten measurements were taken over the metallographic specimen area regardless of
the technique employed to measure the hardness.
3.4 Dilatometry
Two dilatometers have been used during this project to attempt to measure
phase transformation temperatures over a range of heating rates.
The experiments were performed in a sealed chamber (figure 3.1) which is evac-
3.4 Dilatometry 50
uated (to a vacuum of ∼ 102 Pa) to prevent oxidation effects. The solid cylindrical
specimen with an 8 mm diameter and a length of 12 mm seats centrally between
two silicon nitride dies. The die holders are insulated from the dies by two mica
discs. The temperature is recorded using a platinum / platinum-10 % rhodium ther-
mocouple spot-welded in a central position to the specimen. The accuracy of the
temperature reading is ± 3 ◦ C whilst the variation along the specimen length is no
more than ± 10 ◦ C.
The heating of the sample is by a water cooled, high frequency induction coil
which surrounds the sample. The maximum heating rate that can be achieved is
around 50 ◦ C s−1 but is also dependent upon the material. The cooling of the sample
is controlled via helium jets.
The diametrical dilation of the sample is monitored using a He-Ne laser beam.
The beam is positioned at the same height as a thermocouple spot-welded onto the
sample to ensure that the temperature and dilation measurements are from the same
location. The accuracy of the dilation reading is ± 1 µm. Time, temperature and
dilation are recorded and are stored on a computer for subsequent analysis.
Si 3 N 4
heating coil
laser Laser
beam detector
Test Si 3 N 4
die Thermocouple
Figure 3.1: The arrangement of equipment within the Thermec-mastor thermomechanical sim-
external diameter and 5 mm internal diameter have been used. Tests were carried
out using a static argon atmosphere to prevent oxidation of the specimens.
3.5.a Gleeble
The Gleeble is a thermomechanical testing device that is used in a wide range of
applications including simulation and testing of weld heat-affected zones. A major
advantage of the Gleeble is that it generates large volumes of microstructure that
simulate small, hard to study region in actual weldments. A range of specimen ge-
ometries can be used, but by using bars, Charpy specimens can directly be machined
after simulation, thus enabling the toughness of any region of the heat-affected zone
to be measured.
Argon atmosphere
Figure 3.2: The arrangement of equipment within the Netzsch 402C dilatometer. LVDT : linear
velocity displacement transducer.
to provide reference signals for close loop control of the applied thermal cycle. Heat-
ing is accomplished by the flow of low-frequency alternating current in the specimen.
The current distribution is controlled by the cross section of the specimen and the
jaws used to mount it. The feedback signal necessary for closed-loop control is ob-
tained from a thermocouple welded to the specimen surface [85].
3.5 Weld heat-affected zone simulator 53
The aim of the work presented in this chapter was first to characterise the as-received
microstructure of the supermartensitic stainless steels studied in this thesis, then
determine their phase transformation temperatures and finally compare the latter
with equilibrium and paraequilibrium predictions made using MT-DATA software.
The details of manufacturers, designation and dimensions are listed in table 4.2.
No information could be gathered about the production route and the few data
obtained about heat-treatments are reported in table 4.3. Unfortunately, in most
cases the solution treatment times and temperatures were not specified.
4.1 Studied materials 55
Steel name C Si Mn Ni Cr Mo Cu Ti N
Table 4.2: Details of steels A, B and C. OD: outer diameter, WT: wall thickness.
Figure 4.1: Optical micrographs of the initial microstructures of steels A (a), B (b) and C (c),
electrolytically etched.
4.1 Studied materials 57
tests revealed that unlike steels B and C (figures 4.2 and 4.3), steel A contained a
significant amount of retained austenite (figure 4.4). The volume percentage of the
latter was 13 % within an error of ± 0.5 %.
α (211)
Square root of intensity
α (200)
α (220)
45 60 75 90 105
Figure 4.5 shows that this austenite remained stable after immersion in liquid
nitrogen for 30 minutes, but after reaustenitisation at 1000 ◦ C for 30 minutes and
water quenching no austenite could be detected. Those results indicated that the
presence of retained austenite in the as-received condition of steel A was the conse-
quence of the prior tempering treatment. In fact tempering must have been carried
4.1 Studied materials 58
α (211)
Square root of intensity 120
100 α (200)
α (220)
45 60 75 90 105
Square root of intensity
α (211)
80 α (200)
60 α (220)
γ (200)
γ (220) γ (310)
20 γ (222)
45 60 75 90 105
80 α (220)
60 γ (200)
γ (220) γ (310)
γ (222)
45 60 75 90 105
Figure 4.5: X-ray diffraction patterns of steel A after indicated thermal treatment (WQ: water
out few degrees above the steel Ac1 temperature. In this case, as introduced in chap-
ter 2, the new austenite is significantly enriched in carbon and nickel and remains
stable after cooling.
Within the limits of experimental error, neither carbides nor nitrides were de-
tected in the three alloys over the angular range investigated in the X-ray diffraction
experiments. A part from Ti(C,N) particles no other carbo-nitrides could be ob-
served during the TEM examination of steels A, B and C.
Figure 4.6: (a) Bright field image of a martensite plus retained austenite region. (b) Dark field
image of the same region as (a). (c) Selected area diffraction pattern of austenite corresponding
to the dark field image.
4.2 Dilatometric measurements 61
A 25 ± 4 296 ± 3
B 13 ± 3 219 ± 1
C 17 ± 4 252 ± 5
A 317 ± 8 + 21
B 323 ± 3 + 104
C 322 ± 6 + 70
Table 4.5: Hardness of steels A, B and C after 1000 ◦ C 30 minutes and water quench, and
hardness change compared with as-received condition (table 4.4).
Very few data have been published on the phase transformation temperatures
of supermartensitic stainless steels. In this regard, the temperatures of δ-ferrite
formation and completion as well as dissolution have never been measured experi-
mentally. However to understand the microstructures developing in HAZ it is useful
to determine those temperatures.
4.2 Dilatometric measurements 62
The phase transformation temperatures presented in this section have been ob-
tained using the Netzsch DIL 402 dilatometer presented in chapter 3, employing
slow heating and cooling rates of 10 ◦ C min−1 .
The heating part of the three dilation curves plotted versus temperature is re-
ported in figure 4.7 and the measured Ac1 and Ac3 temperatures are listed in table
Table 4.6: Measured Ac1 , Ac3 temperatures and Ac1 -Ac3 temperature intervals in (◦ C) of steels
A, B and C, using a heating rate of 10 ◦ C min−1.
Steel A (6.4 wt% Ni) had the lowest Ac1 temperature followed by steels C (3.1
wt% Ni) and B (1.5 wt% Ni). Nickel is well known to depress the Ac1 tempera-
ture and this was confirmed experimentally. Steel A also had the largest Ac1 -Ac3
temperature interval.
4.2 Dilatometric measurements 63
As Fenn reported, the Ac4 temperature is less sensitive to heating rate than Ac1
and Ac3 , therefore the temperatures determined under slow heating condition can
be expected to be close to the actual temperatures during welding [63]. As interest
is placed on the presence of δ-ferrite in HAZ, the short Ac4 -Ac5 temperature range
indicates that the HAZ region over which δ-ferrite forms is narrow compared with
the other HAZ regions.
4.2 Dilatometric measurements 64
Steel A Heating -->
Steel B
Steel C
dl/lo / %
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400
Temperature / o C
Figure 4.7: Heating part of the dilation curves obtained on steels A, B and C for a heating rate
of 10 ◦ C min−1 .
dl/lo / %
1200 1250 1300 1350 1400 1450
Temperature / C
Figure 4.8: Magnified representation of the high temperature part of figure 4.7.
4.2 Dilatometric measurements 65
A 1388 1350 38
B 1265 1205 60
C 1285 1225 60
dl/lo / %
1200 1250 1300 1350 1400 1450
Temperature / C
Figure 4.9: Cooling part of the dilation curves obtained on steel A, B and C for a cooling rate
of 10 ◦ C min−1 .
4.2 Dilatometric measurements 66
Finally the MS and MF temperatures of the three alloys (figure 4.10) are reported
in table 4.9. As could be expected from the X-ray results, all MF temperatures
were above room temperature. Consistent with its relatively large alloying content,
steel A, had the lowest MS and MF temperatures. Once again, molybdenum free,
steels B and C, had similar phase transformation temperatures. A summary of all
experimental phase transformation temperatures is presented in figure 4.11.
Steel name MS MF
A 205 105
B 410 230
C 420 250
Table 4.9: Measured MS and MF temperatures (in ◦ C) of steels A, B and C using a cooling rate
of 10 ◦ C min−1 .
4.2.c Thermecmastor
The thermecmastor was also employed to attempt to determine the Ac4 and Ac5
temperatures in the 5 - 50 ◦ C s−1 heating rate range. However due to unstability
problems of the machine at elevated temperatures many experiments failed, or when
the desired temperatures were reached the data were too noisy to allow the detection
of the expansion associated with δ-ferrite formation. Therefore, this dilatometer was
not suitable for our purpose.
4.2 Dilatometric measurements 67
dl/lo / %
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550
Temperature / o C
Figure 4.10: Low temperature cooling part of the dilation curves obtained on steels A, B and C
for a cooling rate of 10 ◦ C min−1.
Having measured the phase transformation temperatures of the three steels un-
der condition close to equilibrium, it is now possible to assess the predictions of
thermodynamic software such as MT-DATA (National Physical Laboratory) on the
system of concern.
Simpler systems are more accurately predicted by MT-DATA hence only the
elements in major quantities are taken into account in calculations. The latter were
made without silicon since MT-DATA has been found to give silicon an excessively
strong ferrite-forming tendency in the systems of concern. The most important
elements and phases and the most common carbides and nitrides have been allowed
and are listed in table 4.10.
Carbon and nitrogen diffuse more rapidly than substitutional elements hence under rapid
heating condition, the latter elements are unable to partition during the time scale related to the
welding operation.
4.3 Thermodynamic predictions 69
A Fe, C, Mn, Ni, Cr, Mo, Ti, N M23C6 , γ, δ, Fe3 C, M7 C3 , TiC, TiN, Liq
B Fe, C, Mn, Ni, Cr, Cu, Ti, N M23 C6 , γ, δ, Fe3 C, M7 C3 , TiC, TiN, Cu, Liq
C Fe, C, Mn, Ni, Cr, Cu, Mo, Ti, N M23 C6 , γ, δ, Fe3 C, M7 C3 , TiC, TiN, Cu, Liq
Table 4.10: List of elements and phases used for steels A, B and C in equilibrium calculations.
4.3.b Results
The mass fractions of the equilibrium phases of steels A, B and C are plotted
against temperature in figures 4.12 to 4.14 and the equilibrium phase transformation
temperatures are summarised in table 4.11.
Consistent with microstructural observations, all steels are predicted to have the
capacity to become fully austenitic. The materials are also expected to undergo
ferritisation at temperatures lower than 1300 ◦ C and become entirely ferritic before
melting starts (∼ 1500 ◦ C). On the other hand, it should be noted that Cu, M23 C6 ,
TiC and TiN were the only stable phases predicted by MT-DATA. Steel A was the
only alloy predicted to contain austenite down to 400 ◦ C, and to be free from M23 C6 .
The Ae4 -Ae5 and Ae5 -solidus temperature ranges corresponding to the regions
over which δ-ferrite forms and grows are listed in table 4.12. Steel A is predicted
to possess the largest Ae4 -Ae5 (159 ◦ C) and the smallest Ae5 -solidus temperature
interval (65 ◦ C). On the other hand, steels B and C are predicted to have comparable
Ae4 -Ae5 and also Ae5 -solidus temperature range.
400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
Temperature / C
Mass percentage of equilibrium phases
1 M23C6
400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
Temperature / C
10 Liquid
1 Cu
400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
Temperature / C
Figure 4.14: Results of MT-DATA equilibrium calculations performed on steel C.
Alloy Ae1 (5%) Ae3 (95%) Ae4 (5%) Ae5 (95%) Solidus (5%)
Table 4.11: Equilibrium phase transformation temperatures (in ◦C) obtained after calculations
performed on steels A, B and C. The Ae1 , Ae4 and solidus temperatures have been obtained by
taking the temperature at which 5 % of the growing phase have formed. Similarly, the Ae3 and
Ae5 temperatures have been obtained by taking the temperature at which 95 % of the growing
phase have formed.
4.3 Thermodynamic predictions 72
A 159 65
B 89 140
C 118 132
Table 4.12: Equilibrium interval temperatures (in ◦ C) between Ae4 -Ae5 and Ae5 -solidus, deduced
from table 4.11.
relatively well predicted by MT-DATA. However, poor agreement was found regard-
ing the Ae4 temperatures. The latter were between 70 to 135 ◦ C lower than the
actual temperatures. Although, there were significant differences between measured
and predicted temperatures, steel A was successfully predicted to have the longest
dual-phase field.
Unfortunately, the solidus temperatures could not be measured and consequently
no comparison can be made for the Ae5 -solidus temperature range.
Steel A
750 Steel B
Steel C
700 750 800 850
Measured Ac3 temperatures / oC
Predicted Ae4 temperatures / C
Steel B
1250 Steel A
Steel C
1200 1250 1300 1350 1400
Measured Ac4 temperatures / oC
Predicted Ae5 temperatures / C
1400 Steel A
Steel C
1350 Steel B
1300 1350 1400 1450
Measured Ac5 temperatures / C
Figure 4.15: Comparison between MT-DATA predicted Ae3 , Ae4 and Ae5 temperatures and
experimental temperatures measured by dilatometry.
4.3 Thermodynamic predictions 74
Figure 4.16: Calculated pseudo-binary phase diagram for a 0.01 C, 12.2 Cr, 0.5 Mn (wt%) with
two different levels of molybdenum. Black curve corresponds to 0 Mo (wt%) and red curve 2.5 Mo
(wt %). For clarity, the liquid + ferrite and liquid + ferrite + austenite fields have not been
0 wt% Mo
1.5 wt% Mo
Ae4-Ae5 temperature interval / C
2.5 wt% Mo
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Nickel / wt%
Figure 4.17: Equilibrium Ae4 -Ae5 temperature intervals as a function of nickel and molybdenum
concentrations. Calculations based on a simplified composition : 0.01 C, 12.2 Cr, 0.5 Mn (wt%).
4.3 Thermodynamic predictions 75
Figure 4.18 shows the effect of nickel and molybdenum on the Ae5 -solidus tem-
perature interval. The addition of nickel strongly reduces the extent of the fully
ferritic range. Molybdenum, is however seen to expand this range, but its effect is
less strongly marked compared with figure 4.17.
0 wt% Mo
Ae5-Solidus temperature interval / C
1.5 wt% Mo
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Nickel / wt%
Figure 4.18: Calculated equilibrium Ae5 -solidus temperature intervals as a function of nickel and
molybdenum concentrations. Calculations based on a simplified composition : 0.01 C, 12.2 Cr,
0.5 Mn (wt%).
elements remain unchanged and the phase transformation temperatures and mass
fractions are affected. Calculations under paraequilibrium conditions are therefore
required. In practice, those calculations are made by specifying that the ratio of iron
to substitutional atoms to be constant at all temperatures. Carbon and nitrogen,
on the other hand, are allowed to redistribute.
In this part, the components and phases allowed for are listed in table 4.13.
Under paraequilibrium condition, phases such as TiN, TiC or Cu cannot be allowed.
However at elevated temperatures, TiN and TiC can be found to be stable under
equilibrium condition. To account for the loss of carbon and nitrogen tied up in
Ti(C,N) when these phases were predicted to be present under equilibrium condition,
the stoichiometric amounts of C and N were removed from the bulk composition and
then paraequilibrium calculations were performed.
Table 4.13: List of elements and phases used for steels A, B and C for paraequilibrium calcula-
Table 4.14: Paraequilibrium phase transformation temperatures (in ◦ C) obtained after calcula-
tion performed on steels A, B and C.
A 1 154
B 8 190
C 27 174
Table 4.15: Paraequilibrium temperature ranges (in ◦ C) between Ap4 -Ap5 and Ap5 -solidus,
deduced from table 4.14.
Although the predicted temperature ranges of δ-ferrite formation (Ap4 -Ap5 ) were
closer to those determined using dilatometry, the comparisons are not valid. This is
because the dilatometric experiments were carried out under slow heating conditions
(10 ◦ C min−1 ) and therefore partitioning of substitutional elements had time to occur
at elevated temperatures, whereas under paraequilibrium condition redistribution of
such solutes is forbidden.
Figure 4.19: Comparison of the A4 -A5 and A5 -solidus temperature intervals between equilibrium
and paraequilibrium conditions for steels A, B and C.
4.4 Summary 79
4.4 Summary
In the three studied steels, austenite was only retained in the as-received mi-
crostructure of the richly alloyed steel. The presence of this phase was shown to be
caused by a tempering treatment carried out in the intercritical temperature range.
In the same alloy, the presence of titanium in concentration sufficient to bind all
available carbon and nitrogen, was seen to limit martensite hardness change be-
tween the tempered and as-quenched conditions.
Microstructure in high
temperature heat-affected zone
To examine the different HAZ regions and compare the high temperature HAZ
microstructure developments between the three studied materials, a series of single-
pass autogenous bead-on-plates have been produced.
welds were produced using an automated T.I.G. (Tungsten Inert Gas) welding pro-
cess and two heat inputs. To allow for direct microstructural comparison, steels A
and B, and steels A and C were welded together as illustrated on figure 5.1.
The welding conditions are summarised in table 5.1. Argon was used as the
shielding gas during the welding operation. After welding, a transverse section was
taken approximately in the middle of each weld for optical examination. In the
following, the welds produced with the higher heat input (∼ 0.7 kJ mm−1 ) are
referred to as WAB1 and WAC1, and WAB2 and WAC2 for the lower energy welds
(∼ 0.3 kJ mm−1 ).
T.I.G Torch
Plate B
100 mm
Plate A
5 mm
100 mm
Figure 5.1: Schematic illustration of the welding configuration for plates A and B.
5.1.b Results
The microstructures of weld WAB1 (side A and B) and WAC1 (side C) revealed
with Villela’s reagent and the electrolytic etchant are shown on figure 5.2. The
microstructure of weld WAC1 side A is not shown because it is identical to that of
WAB1 side A. The microstructures of welds performed with 0.3 kJ mm−1 (WAB2
and WAC2) are shown in figure 5.3.
The welds performed with the highest heat input showed the finger tip mor-
phology, whereas welds carried out with the lower heat input showed hemispherical
morphology. The microstructures of the HT-HAZ apparently consisted, from the
fusion line of a coarse-grained and a two-phase (ferrite and martensite) region. The
electrolytic etchant did not reveal martensite and thus proved very effective in show-
ing ferrite in both the grain coarsened and dual-phase regions. However, the fusion
lines and weld pools could not easily be observed. Specimens etched with Villela’s
reagent showed the martensite and outlined the fusion line so that the use of both
etchants was complementary.
Figure 5.2: Optical micrographs of the same area of weld WAB1 side A ((a) and (b)). Optical
micrographs of the same area of weld WAB1 side B ((c) and (d)). Optical micrographs of the same
area of weld WAC1 side C ((e) and (f)). Villela’s etchant was used for (a), (c) and (e). Electrolytic
etchant was employed for (b), (d) and (f). Plate thickness 5 mm, heat input 0.7 kJ mm−1 .
5.1 First series of single-pass welds 84
Figure 5.3: Optical micrographs of weld WAB2 and WAC2 electrolytically etched. The fusion
line has been underlined and regions labelled. Plate thickness 5 mm, heat input 0.3 kJ mm−1.
5.1 First series of single-pass welds 85
i Widmanstätten austenite
The Widmanstätten austenite structure is more common in austenitic stainless
steels solidifying as δ-ferrite [65, 86]. Like Widmanstätten ferrite found in car-
bon steels, the appearance of Widmanstätten austenite is one of narrow wedges
emanating either directly from a grain boundary, or from allotriomorphic ferrite (al-
lotriomorphic austenite in the case of Widmanstätten austenite). In carbon steels,
Widmanstätten ferrite forms on cooling from austenite in the temperature range ∼
750-650 ◦ C. The structure forms by a displacive mechanism in which the rate of
transformation is controlled by the rate at which the carbon can diffuse to the side
of the growing plate.
Figure 5.5: Ferrite (light blue color) trapped within the former
Widmanstätten austenite in the CG-HAZ of weld WAB1 side A. Sam-
ple etched with color etchant. Plate thickness 5 mm, heat input 0.7 kJ
mm−1 .
5.1 First series of single-pass welds 87
such a plate appears lenticular with sharply pointed ends. The rounded tips of the
Widmanstätten austenite are therefore inconsistent with a displacive transformation
1400 A δ δ
A c4 γ δ
Temperature / C
δ γ
1000 Aγ
800 A
Time /s
Figure 5.8: Schematic showing microstructure evolution in coarse-grained HAZ during welding.
Aγ : allotriomorphic austenite, Wγ : Widmanstätten austenite, Iγ : intragranular austenite.
Upon heating, austenite starts to transform into δ-ferrite at the Ac4 temperature,
and the reaction is completed at the Ac5 temperature. Once the δ-ferrite single-phase
field has been reached, grain growth occurs. At high temperatures (≥ 1300 ◦ C),
equilibrium establishes rapidly and therefore it is reasonable to assume that the
ferrite had a homogeneous composition. Upon cooling δ-ferrite decomposed into
allotriomorphic, intragranular and Widmanstätten austenite followed by austenite
5.1 First series of single-pass welds 89
Figure 5.9: Optical micrographs of : weld WAB1 side A ((a) and (b)), weld WAB1 side B ((c)
and (d)) and weld WAC1 side C ((d) and (e)). Villela’s etchant was used for (a), (c) and (e).
Electrolytic etchant was employed for (b), (d) and (e). Note the different DP-HAZ widths in (b),
(d) and (f). Plate thickness 5 mm, heat input 0.3 kJ mm−1 .
5.1 First series of single-pass welds 91
Phase Steel A
Cr Ni Mo
δ-ferrite 13.5 ± 0.9 4.8 ± 1.0 2.6 ± 0.4
Matrix 11.7 ± 0.3 7.0 ± 0.4 1.7 ± 0.2
Table 5.2: EDX microanalysis (wt%) of ferrite and martensite in dual-phase of steel A (weld
Cr Ni Cr Ni
δ-ferrite 13.2 ± 0.7 0.8 ± 0.3 14.1 ± 0.8 2.1 ± 0.4
Matrix 10.6 ± 0.3 1.5 ± 0.2 12.1 ± 0.3 3.0 ± 0.2
Table 5.3: EDX microanalysis (wt%) of ferrite and martensite in dual-phase HAZ of steels B
and C (weld WAB1 and WAC1).
5.1 First series of single-pass welds 92
Figure 5.11: Secondary electron SEM image and X-ray mapping of Cr, Mo and Ni, in dual-
phase HAZ of weld WAB1 side A. In each square the X-ray signal emitted by the element present
in the square is acquired. The intensity (brightness) of the signal is a function of the element
concentration at the location considered.
retention of both types of ferrite, while slow cooling rates allow dissolution of the
intragranular δ-ferrite.
1400 A
A c4 γ + δ
1200 δ
Temperature / C
800 A
c3 γ
600 δ
Time /s
Figure 5.12: Schematic of the dual-phase HAZ microstructure evolution during welding.
Figure 5.13 shows the actual positions of the thermocouples after the experiment.
Unfortunately during cutting the thermocouples moved or fell off the plate so that
it was not possible to confirm their actual positions in the holes.
5.2 Effect of cooling rate on δ-ferrite retention 94
The temperature versus time plots are reported in figure 5.14. The times required
to reach peak temperatures were surprisingly long i.e. about 9 s for each thermo-
couple. T1 and T2 reached almost the same peak temperature of about 1400 ◦ C
but T3 went only up to ∼ 1250 ◦ C. The most interesting comparison was therefore
between thermocouples 1 and 2. To determine the cooling rates, the cooling time
between 1400 and 1200 ◦ C (∆t14−12 ) was chosen. The ∆t14−12 was 1.7 s at the cap
of the HAZ and 4.4 s at the bottom of the plate. Those times correspond to cooling
rates of about 117 and 45 ◦ C s−1 respectively. This shows that the cap of the HAZ
cooled about 2.5 times faster than the bottom of the HAZ. It is the slower cooling
rate of the bottom of the HAZ that allowed the intragranular δ-ferrite to dissolve.
The aim of this section was to study the effect of a wide range of cooling rates
on the δ-ferrite retention in specimens quenched from the δ-ferrite single-phase field
and the δ-ferrite plus austenite region. As microstructures were best revealed in
steel A, only this steel has been selected for this part.
Figure 5.13: Macrograph showing the position of the three thermocouples in plate A. Plate
thickness 5 mm, heat input 0.7 kJ mm−1.
Thermocouple 1
Thermocouple 2
Thermocouple 3
Temperature /
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Time / s
Figure 5.14: Thermal cycles measured at three different positions in HAZ of steel A.
5.2 Effect of cooling rate on δ-ferrite retention 96
5.2.b Results
Figure 5.15 shows the microstructures obtained after water quenching, air cooling
and furnace cooling from 1375 ◦ C. The specimen was clearly cooled from the δ-ferrite
single-phase region as indicated by the large grain size. The volume fraction and
coarseness of Widmansttäten austenite were seen to increase with decreasing cooling
rate, as a result, increasingly thicker films of δ-ferrite remained trapped between
Widmansttäten austenite subunits (figure 5.15 (b), (d) and (f)).
Figure 5.16 illustrates the microstructures obtained after cooling from 1350 ◦ C.
δ-ferrite was observed intragranularly and also at grain boundaries, the material was
therefore quenched from the δ-ferrite + austenite phase field. Reducing the cooling
rate clearly led to the retention of less ferrite.
The volume fraction of δ-ferrite measured for each heat-treatment and cooling
method is plotted in figure 5.17. It can be seen that the quantity of retained δ-ferrite
is dependent upon the cooling rate and heat-treatment temperature. When cooling
occurs from the δ-ferrite single-phase field, fast cooling rates limit the formation
of Widmansttäten austenite but not that of the allotriomorphic and intragranular
austenite and consequently only small quantities of δ-ferrite are trapped. On the
other hand, when cooling occurs from the δ-ferrite + austenite phase field, the faster
the cooling rate the larger the δ-ferrite volume fraction. This is because solute
redistribution is limited during fast cooling. Consequently in weld heat-affected
zones fast cooling rates prevent δ-ferrite dissolution in dual-phase HAZ but limit its
volume fraction in coarse-grained HAZ.
According to the dilatometric results of chapter 4, ferritisation should not have
occurred at 1350 ◦ C (i.e. Ac4 was 1372 ◦ C). However, inside the furnace chamber
the temperature is not necessarily uniform and differences between the temperature
set on the furnace and actual temperature are not surprising. It should also be men-
tioned that since the dilatometer used in chapter 4 did not allow the thermocouple to
be attached to the specimen surface, a small error in the phase transformation tem-
peratures can be expected. However considering the slow heating rate used in the
dilatometric experiments, the extent of the error should be limited to few degrees.
5.2 Effect of cooling rate on δ-ferrite retention 97
Figure 5.15: Optical micrographs illustrating the microstructures of steel A, obtained after
isothermal transformation at 1375 ◦ C for 5 minutes and water quenched ((a) and (b)), air cooled
((c) and (d)) and furnace cooled ((e) and (f)). Micrographs (b), (d) and (f) are magnified pictures
of (a), (c) and (e) respectively. Electrolytically etched.
5.2 Effect of cooling rate on δ-ferrite retention 98
Figure 5.16: Optical micrographs illustrating the microstructures of steel A, obtained after
isothermal transformation at 1350 ◦ C for 5 minutes and water quenched ((a) and (b)), air cooled
((c) and (d)) and furnace cooled ((e) and (f)). Micrographs (b), (d) and (f) are magnified pictures
of (a), (c) and (e) respectively. Electrolytically etched.
5.3 Effect of heat input 99
Table 5.4: Welding parameters for the three single-pass welds carried out on steels A, B and C.
X is used to substitute A, B or C.
5.3.b Results
The microstructures of the welds performed on the three steels are reported in
figures 5.18 to 5.20. As expected, the volume of the weld pool and the size of the
HAZ increased with increasing heat input.
The volume percentages of retained δ-ferrite in dual-phase HAZ of the three steels
are plotted as a function of heat input in figure 5.21. Ferrite presence never exceeded
15 % and had the tendency to decrease with increasing heat input. Consistent with
the results of the observations made in the previous section, steel A contained larger
amount of δ-ferrite in its dual-phase HAZ compared to steels B and C.
The volume fraction of δ-ferrite trapped in the coarse-grained regions could not
be easily measured, because the distribution of Widmansttäten austenite was non
uniform in those regions. However, being closer to the fusion line, the cooling rate
of the coarse-grained HAZ is always faster than that of the dual-phase HAZ and
therefore according to figure 5.15 less δ-ferrite is to be expected in this region.
The work described in the previous sections established the effect of chemical
composition and heat input on δ-ferrite retention in single-pass welds, but neglected
reheating effects that occur during the deposition of subsequent passes. However,
5.4 Multipass welds 101
Figure 5.18: Optical micrographs of single-pass welds performed on steels A ((a) and (b)), B
((c) and (d)) and C ((e) and (f)) using a heat input of 0.3 kJ mm−1 (electrolytically etched).
Micrographs (b), (d) and (f) are magnified pictures of micrographs (a), (c) and (e) respectively.
Plate thickness 10 mm.
5.4 Multipass welds 102
Figure 5.19: Optical micrographs of single-pass welds performed on steels A (a), B (b) and C
(c) using a heat input of 0.7 kJ mm−1 (electrolytically etched). Plate thickness 10 mm.
5.4 Multipass welds 103
Figure 5.20: Optical micrographs of single-pass welds performed on steels A (a), B (b) and C
(c) using a heat input of 1 kJ mm−1 (electrolytically etched). Plate thickness 10 mm.
5.4 Multipass welds 104
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Heat input / kJ mm
Figure 5.21: Volume fraction of retained δ-ferrite in dual-phase HAZ as a function of heat input
for steels A, B and C. Plate thickness 10 mm.
actual welds are multipass and therefore the primary HAZ microstructure is sub-
ject to reheating. To check the effect of reheating on the high temperature HAZ
microstructure, actual multipass welds have been observed.
The multipass welds studied were provided by TWI. They all had similar joint
design i.e. 60◦ angle with no face root, and were welded using a duplex stainless
steel filler wire (Zeron 100, table 5.5) employing up to 14 passes with an interpass
temperature of 150 ◦ C. Tables 5.6 to 5.8 summarise the welding parameters em-
ployed. The first two passes are usually deposited using a higher heat input due to
heat loss through the gap between the workpieces.
5.4.a Observations
Details of the microstructure of multipass welds performed on steels A, B and
C are reported in figures 5.22 to 5.27. The features of the high temperature HAZ
were more difficult to observe in multipass welds due to various level of tempering.
5.4 Multipass welds 105
C Si Mn Ni Cr Mo Cu W N
Zeron 100 0.018 0.39 0.69 9.30 24.80 3.80 0.60 0.61 0.22
In each weld, attention was focussed to the cap and the root of the HAZ since it is
those regions that are in contact with the external and internal environments.
Figure 5.22: Optical macrograph showing continuous film of δ-ferrite (arrowed) in the high
temperature heat-affected zone of the multipass weld performed on steel A (electrolytically
etched). 7 passes were employed to complete the weld
Figure 5.23: Optical photographs illustrating the different morphology of δ-ferrite in heat-affected
zone (a) at the cap and (b) at the root (electrolytically etched).
5.4 Multipass welds 107
distribution in the whole dual-phase HAZ is far from homogenous and quantification
is therefore difficult. However, based on the results of the previous section, the
volume fraction of δ-ferrite at the cap of the HAZ can be estimated to be of the
order of 10 to 15 %.
Ferrite in dual-phase HAZ of steels B and C could not be revealed using the
electrolytic etchant, instead, Villela’s reagent was employed (figure 5.24 and 5.26).
The coarse-grained HAZs at the cap of steels B and C were clearly larger than
that of steel A, and showed the presence of some Widmansttäten austenite. Also,
consistent with the results obtained on the bead-on-plates, steels B and C showed
little or no evidence of δ-ferrite retention in dual-phase HAZ. Contrarily to steel A,
grain refinement was observed at the root of the HAZ of steels B and C. The latter
difference might be explained by the larger number of passes employed to perform
those welds.
5.4 Multipass welds 108
Figure 5.24: Optical macrograph showing the high temperature heat-affected zone (ar-
rowed) of the multipass weld performed on steel B (etched with Villela’s reagent). 11 passes
were employed to complete the weld.
Figure 5.25: Close-up of (a) the cap of the HT-HAZ and (b) the root of the HT-HAZ (etched
with Villela’s reagent).
5.4 Multipass welds 109
Figure 5.26: Optical macrograph showing the high temperature heat-affected zone (ar-
rowed) of the multipass weld performed on steel C (etched with Villela’s reagent). 14 passes
were employed to complete the weld.
Figure 5.27: Close-up of (a) the cap of the HT-HAZ and (b) the root of the HT-HAZ (etched
with Villela’s reagent).
5.5 Summary and conclusions 110
5.4.b Remarks
Compared with the high temperature HAZ of the semi-ferritic stainless steel
showed in figure 2.7, supermartensitic stainless steels retain significantly less δ-ferrite
and possess a more complex microstructure. Consequently, establishing the effect of
δ-ferrite on the properties is more difficult. However, since steels similar to steel A
are more likely to retain detectable amount of δ-ferrite in HAZ, it is advisable to use
those materials to establish the effect of δ-ferrite on impact and corrosion resistance
properties. On the other hand, assuming δ-ferrite to be undesirable, attention should
be drawn to the top surface of the weld HAZ, since the previous section revealed
δ-ferrite to be mainly concentrated at the cap of the HAZ.
The effect of the nature of the filler wire on δ-ferrite retention has not been
investigated. Nevertheless considering that the dual-phase HAZ is usually located
at around 100 µm from the fusion line, the migration of carbon or nitrogen from or
towards the weld metal is unlikely.
was quantified as a function of heat input. Larger heat inputs led to wider dual-
phase HAZ regions and lower δ-ferrite volume fractions. In all experiments, the most
corrosion resistant alloy (containing molybdenum) retained larger quantities of δ-
ferrite, and had a higher tendency to form Widmanstätten austenite when cooled
from the fully ferritic phase field.
Actual weldments, performed using arc welding techniques, show a non-uniform
distribution of δ-ferrite in dual-phase HAZ. Due to reheating effects δ-ferrite formed
during the deposition of the first layer, tend to dissolve and consequently δ-ferrite
is mainly located at the cap of the weld HAZ. This is, however, mainly noticeable
on molybdenum containing alloys.
Chapter 6
but as figure 2.9 shows, F F values below 5 lead to relatively small amounts of
retained δ-ferrite, typically less than 10 %. Experimentally, although the volume
fractions of HAZ retained δ-ferrite are of the same order of magnitude, steel A
contained more ferrite than the other alloys. Consequently, it is concluded that the
ferrite factor is not very helpful for making comparisons.
Steel name C Si Mn Ni Cr Mo Cu Ti N
On the other hand, the Balmforth diagram (figure 6.1) predicts steels B and C
to retain similar levels of ferrite (about 20 %), but less than steel A (50 %). In fact,
the larger volume percentage predicted for steel A is mainly due to the presence of
molybdenum. The coefficient 2 attributed to molybdenum significantly affects the
value of the Creq and consequently raises the expected level of retained ferrite. On
the other hand, the low levels of C and N in supermartensitic steels means that the
Nieq virtually equals the nickel concentration. Considering that Mo and Ni are the
elements whose concentrations vary the most in supermartensitic steels, it is the
balance between those elements that strongly influences ferrite retention.
Although the absolute levels of ferrite retention do not match with the experi-
mental values of chapter 5, Balmforth diagram correctly predicts that steel A has
the highest tendency to retain ferrite.
6.1.b MAP-neural-ferrite-number
There exist more advanced methods for estimating δ-ferrite retention in welds.
The methods based on empirical modelling such as neural networks1 can be very
useful when complex interactions between solutes are expected to affect the retained
An introduction to neural networks is given in chapter 8.
6.1 Assessment of existing methods of ferrite prediction 114
Steel A
6 A+M+F
8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Figure 6.1: Balmforth diagram and the position of steels A, B and C [43].
ferrite content. Some models designed to predict the ferrite number (F N as
opposed to ferrite percentage F P ) of austenitic weld metals have recently been
Because magnetic methods offer a convenient way of measuring the ferrite content
in an austenitic matrix, a large number of data of the kind essential to empirical
modelling can be produced. As mentioned in chapter 2, such magnetic methods
cannot be employed for martensitic steels because ferrite and martensite are both
ferromagnetic. However, neural networks are in principle capable of making extrap-
olations for compositions that are not covered in the data range used to create them,
assuming that relationships are recognised and that each predictions is accompanied
by an estimate of uncertainty.
Although the main interest here is on heat-affected zones and not weld metals,
It is possible to relate F N to F P by relationships such as F N = 1.7 × F P as introduced in
chapter 2
6.1 Assessment of existing methods of ferrite prediction 115
the aim of the following calculations is to compare the capacity of an alloy to retain
δ-ferrite regardless of its location within the weld.
Table 6.2: Input variables used in the model. Composition in wt% [80].
6.1 Assessment of existing methods of ferrite prediction 116
To check the capacity of the neural network model to make predictions on su-
permartensitic stainless steels, the effect of the major solute elements on the F N
has been investigated using steel A as a base composition. The results of these pre-
dictions are reported in figure 6.2 for the austenite stabilising elements and figure
6.3 for the ferrite stabilising elements.
The neural network model identified clear trends for the effects of nickel, chromium,
molybdenum and titanium on the ferrite number. Consistent with the nature of each
of these elements the F N values were predicted to decrease with Ni and to increase
with the addition of Cr, Mo and Ti.
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Copper / wt%
Figure 6.2: Predictions of ferrite number (F N ) as a function of chemical composition for austenite
stabilising elements (base composition steel A : 0.01 C, 0.46 Mn, 0.26 Si, 12.2 Cr, 6.46 Ni, 2.48
Mo, 0.007 N, 0.09 Ti wt%). The calculations were done using a published neural network model
6.1 Assessment of existing methods of ferrite prediction 118
35 35
30 30
25 25
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
Molybdenum wt% Titanium / wt%
Figure 6.3: Predictions of ferrite number (F N ) as a function of chemical composition for ferrite
stabilising elements (base composition steel A : 0.01 C, 0.46 Mn, 0.26 Si, 12.2 Cr, 6.46 Ni, 2.48
Mo, 0.007 N, 0.09 Ti wt%). The calculations were done using a published neural network model
Figure 6.4: Contour plots showing predicted F N and associated errors as a function of Cr and
Ni concentration for a ternary alloy with 0 wt% Mo.
Figure 6.5: Contour plots showing predicted F N and associated errors as a function of Cr and
Ni concentration for a ternary alloy with 2 wt% Mo.
6.1 Assessment of existing methods of ferrite prediction 120
Steel A Steel B Steel C
Predicted Ferrite Number
Steel A
Steel B ||
20 ||| v|
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Nickel / wt%
Predicted Ferrite Number
Steel B
40 |
|| Steel C
| |
20 | |
| |
| v
0 2 4 6 8 10
Nickel / wt%
Figure 6.6: Predicted ferrite number for steels A, B and C (a). Effect of nickel on F N in steels
A and B (b) and B and C (c). The arrows indicate the nickel content and corresponding predicted
F N positions of steels A, B and C.
6.2 Dual-phase HAZ width 121
The aim of the work presented in this section was to compare the extent of the
dual-phase HAZs of the welds performed in chapter 5 with values estimated using
Rosenthal’s heat-flow equations.
Steel A
Dual-phase HAZ width / micrometers
Steel B
175 Steel C
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Heat input / kJ mm
Figure 6.7: Measured widths of the dual-phase heat-affected zones as a function of heat input
for steels A, B and C. Plate thickness 10 mm.
6.2 Dual-phase HAZ width 122
a= (6.3)
where λ is the thermal conductivity in J s−1 m−1 K−1 and ρc specific heat per unit
volume in J m−3 K−1 .
where e= 2.718.
It should be noted that the latter equation does not depend upon thermal con-
6.2.c Application
The equilibrium and paraequilibrium phase transformation temperatures deter-
mined in chapter 4 (summarised in table 6.3) were used together with the expression
of the peak temperature distribution (equation 6.4) to determine the extent of the
dual-phase HAZ for a given heat input. To allow for more precise comparisons with
experimental data, calculations were only performed for a level of heat input of
0.3 kJ mm−1 , for which the high temperature isotherms were found to be almost
semi-circular (figure 5.18). The value of ρc was taken to be 4.60 106 J m−3 K−1
according to reference [89].
Table 6.3: Reminder of equilibrium and paraequilibrium phase transformation temperatures (in
C) calculated in chapter 4.
The results are presented in figure 6.8. The dual-phase HAZ widths calculated
using the paraequilibrium temperatures were, considering the error bars, in relatively
good agreement with the measured values except for steel A, where the Ap4 -Ap5
temperature interval is only 1 ◦ C. On the other hand, the dual-phase HAZ widths
calculated using the equilibrium temperatures overestimated the actual width by a
factor varying between 3 and 4.
For steels B and C, the satisfactory agreement between actual and calculated
6.2 Dual-phase HAZ width 124
Figure 6.8: Comparisons between measured and calculated widths of the dual-phase HAZ of
steels A, B and C for a heat input of 0.3 kJ mm−1 .
6.3 Summary 125
6.3 Summary
While the ferrite factor equation did not provide a useful means for making
comparisons between different supermartensitic alloys, the diagram proposed by
Balmforth correctly predicted the higher capacity of steel A to retain δ-ferrite. Be-
sides the expressions of the Creq and Nieq indicated that Ni and Mo play a major
role on the extent of δ-ferrite retention.
According to the neural network results, it is difficult to balance the ferrite
stabilising effect of molybdenum by only adding the minimum amount of nickel
required to obtain a fully austenitic steel at high temperature. Unfortunately, due
to the size of the error bars the predictions made using the neural network model did
not show steel A’s larger capacity to retain ferrite. Consequently, only Balmforth
diagram seems suitable for supermartensitic stainless steels.
6.3 Summary 126
Supermartensitic stainless steel components in the oil and gas industry usually op-
erate at temperatures of the order of 100 ◦ C. However, during the rapid closure of
a well-head in an emergency, the loss of pressure can result in a rapid decrease of
temperature to about -40 ◦ C. In this case, good low temperature impact toughness
of the welded joint is necessary. The work presented in this chapter had the aim
of determining whether δ-ferrite found in dual-phase heat-affected zones of super-
martensitic stainless steels significantly affects the impact properties.
7.1 Introduction
It is well established that coarse δ-ferrite grains reduce the Charpy impact tough-
ness of low carbon semi-ferritic and martensitic stainless steels [57, 58, 59]. However,
in supermartensitic stainless steel heat-affected zones (HAZ) there is as yet no evi-
dence to support the notion that δ-ferrite is a threat to impact properties.
In the heat-affected zones of supermartensitic alloys, δ-ferrite is present mainly
in the dual-phase region of the high temperature HAZ. As this region is narrow,
typically 50 to 100 µm wide, sampling in isolation is impossible even using sub-size
specimens. To avoid this problem, attempts have been made to reproduce on a
larger scale, the microstructure of the dual-phase HAZ using a furnace and a weld
HAZ simulator.
7.2 Furnace heat-treated specimens 128
Since steel A (table 7.1) was particularly prone to δ-ferrite retention in HAZ
(chapter 5) the work presented in this chapter focuses on this material.
C Si Mn Ni Cr Mo Cu Ti N
Steel A 0.01 0.26 0.46 6.46 12.2 2.48 0.03 0.09 0.0070
7.2.b Procedure
Specimens of 12 mm square section and 60 mm long were machined from the
pipe of steel A in the longitudinal direction as shown in figure 7.1. The samples
were then placed in a pre-heated furnace at the center of the bottom surface and
were let in for 15 minutes before water quenching.
i Microstructure
Figure 7.2 shows the microstructures of the fully martensitic, martensitic/ferritic
and annealed martensitic/ferritic specimens observed on the actual-size Charpy
specimens. Typical cuboid Ti(C,N) precipitates were the only observed non-metallic
particles. The latter were up to 10 µm long and occurred in random dispersion or
as small distinct clusters. There were no obvious differences in volume fractions and
distribution of those particles between the different microstructures.
In the martensitic/ferritic microstructure, δ-ferrite was located both at grain
boundaries and within the grains and its volume percentage measured by image
analysis was 14 % ± 2 %. This figure was comparable to the results obtained in
chapter 4.
Annealing of the mixed microstructure led to a reduction of the δ-ferrite content
to 2 % ± 0.5 % and spheroidisation of the remaining ferrite. The dissolution of
δ-ferrite took a long time despite the relatively elevated annealing temperature.
This is because significant partitioning of substitutional solutes occurred at elevated
temperature (chapter 4) and back diffusion takes time even at 1100 ◦ C.
Figure 7.2: Microstructures obtained after isothermal treatment at (a) 1100 ◦ C and (b) 1350 ◦ C
for 15 minutes and water quenched. (c) Microstructure obtained after treatment at 1350 ◦ C for
15 minutes and water quenched followed by annealing at 1100 ◦ C for 60 min and water quenched.
7.2 Furnace heat-treated specimens 132
α (211)
α (200)
α (220)
45 60 75 90 105
Martensite + ferrite
α (211)
α (200) α (220)
45 60 75 90 105
Annealed martensite + ferrite
α (211)
α (200)
α (220)
45 60 75 90 105
Figure 7.3: X-ray diffraction patterns of the fully martensitic, martensitic/ferritic and annealed
ferritic/martensitic microstructures.
7.2 Furnace heat-treated specimens 133
Table 7.2: Macro-hardness (HV10kg ) and grain size of the studied microstructures.
Microstructure DBTT (◦ C)
Table 7.3: Ductile to brittle transition temperatures obtained for each studied microstructure.
Figure 7.4 shows the impact transition curves obtained from the as-received, fully
martensitic and martensitic/ferritic microstructures. The fitted transition curves of
the as-received and fully martensitic microstructures were similar. Their DBTT
were also identical and far below 0 ◦ C. However, the as-received microstructure had
slightly higher failure energies at low temperatures. This is because austenite that
remains stable down to -196 ◦ C (chapter 4) tends to transform to martensite during
impact and thus absorbs some energy and raise the toughness as proposed by Bilmes
et al. [42]. At room temperature there was more scatter in the energy required to
7.2 Furnace heat-treated specimens 134
break the specimens but there was apparently no significant difference between the
two microstructures.
Similarly, there was no difference between the high temperature failure energies of
the fully martensitic and martensitic/ferritic microstructures (figure 7.4). However,
a significant shift in ductile to brittle transition temperature was observed. In fact,
the DBTT of the martensitic/ferritic microstructure was raised by about 52 ◦ C to
about -46 ◦ C. The origin of this increase could not be attributed directly to the
presence of δ-ferrite since there was a 20 µm difference in prior austenite grain size
between the two microstructures.
The observation of the transition curves of the martensitic/ferritic and annealed
martensitic/ferritic microstructures of identical grain size removed this uncertainty
(figure 7.5). In fact the microstructure containing a reduced amount of δ-ferrite had
significantly better DBTT (-86 ◦ C compared to -46 ◦ C). This consequently showed
that for a given prior austenite grain size the presence of δ-ferrite significantly affects
the transition temperature.
7.2.e Fractography
Observation of the fracture surfaces in the SEM revealed a variety of fracture
modes. In particular, ductile rupture, cleavage and quasi-cleavage could be identi-
fied. Mc Donald et al. summarise these fracture modes as follows [90, 91] :
Tempered martensite
Martensite + ferrite
Impact energy / J 200
-200 -180 -160 -140 -120 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20
Temperature / C
Figure 7.4: Charpy impact energy curves obtained on the tempered martensite + retained
austenite (as-received condition), fully martensitic and martensitic/ferritic microstructures.
Martensite + ferrite
Annealed martensite + ferrite
Impact energy / J
-200 -180 -160 -140 -120 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20
Temperature / C
Figure 7.5: Charpy impact energy curves obtained on the martensitic/ferritic and annealed
martensitic/ferritic microstructures. Note that both microstructures have identical prior austenite
grain size of 80 µm.
7.2 Furnace heat-treated specimens 136
Tempered martensite
Annealed martensite + ferrite
Impact energy / J
-200 -180 -160 -140 -120 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20
Temperature / C
Figure 7.6: Comparison of the Charpy impact energy curves between the as-received and annealed
martensitic/ferritic microstructures.
Examples of ductile rupture obtained from the fully martensitic and marten-
sitic/ferritic microstructures tested at 0 ◦ C are shown in figure 7.7. Most particles
associated with initiation were cracked. These particles were easily identified as
titanium carbo-nitride by EDX and also due to their typical cuboid shape.
Specimens tested at low temperatures fractured in a transgranular manner (fig-
ure 7.8). This indicated that the presence of grain boundaries δ-ferrite did not
embrittle the latter. In general, the cleavage facet sizes appeared similar but the
martensitic/ferritic microstructure showed more secondary cracks.
7.2 Furnace heat-treated specimens 137
Figure 7.7: Dimpled fracture surfaces of the fully martensitic (a), and martensitic/ferritic (b)
microstructures tested at 0 ◦ C.
Figure 7.8: Fracture surfaces of the fully martensitic (a) and martensitic/ferritic (b) microstruc-
tures tested at -150 and -100 ◦ C respectively.
7.3 Gleeble simulated HAZ 138
Titanium carbo-nitride particles were often seen to initiate cracks in all studied
microstructures. River markings on the cleavage facets of the specimens showed
evidence of both cleavage (figure 7.9) and quasi-cleavage fracture (figure 7.10) ini-
tiated by Ti(C,N) inclusions. The capacity of these particles to reduce toughness is
well known. Brittle fracture induced by the cleavage of TiN inclusions has recently
been investigated by Fairchild et al. [92, 93]. TiN particles are well bonded to the
matrix and thus allow high stresses in a notch tip plastic zone to act on inclusions
without debonding the interface. Once an inclusion cleaves, the strong bond allows
for transfer of the crack into the martensitic matrix.
The furnace heat-treated specimens allowed the impact properties of the marten-
sitic/ferritic microstructure to be studied. To investigate the effect of δ-ferrite on
HAZ toughness in a situation closer to actual welds, a Gleeble HAZ simulator (de-
scribed in chapter 3) has been used.
7.3.a Procedure
Ten specimens of dimension 11×11×100 mm were sent to Corus Swinden Tech-
nology Centre for HAZ simulation. The operation was performed at the maximum
temperature that the equipment could achieved i.e. 1350 ◦ C, using a fast cooling
7.3 Gleeble simulated HAZ 139
Figure 7.9: Fracture surfaces of the ferritic/martensitic microstructure tested at -100 ◦ C showing
Ti(C,N) initiated cleavage.
Figure 7.10: Fracture surfaces of the ferritic/martensitic microstructure tested at -100 ◦ C show-
ing Ti(C,N) initiated quasi-cleavage.
7.3 Gleeble simulated HAZ 140
Fracture surface
Observation plane
rate (cooling time between 800-500 ◦ C of 10 s). After simulation, all specimens were
polished and etched to reveal the microstructure and to decide the notch location
for the final machining to standard size Charpy specimens.
7.3.b Microstructure
The typical microstructure of the simulated specimens is shown in figure 7.14
(a). The central part of the specimens showed three high temperature HAZ regions
and therefore indicated the existence of a peak temperature gradient in the middle
of the specimens. The coarse grained region, figure 7.14 (b), had semi-circular shape
and depth of 2.5 mm. The martensite + δ-ferrite region, figure 7.14 (c), surrounded
the previous region and in turn was surrounded by the prior fully austenitic area.
The simulated specimens showed a range of grain size. The coarse-grained and
dual-phase regions had prior δ-ferrite grain size of about 160 µm and 30 µm, re-
spectively. Similar to the microstructure observed in the dual-phase HAZ of the low
heat input single-pass welds of chapter 5, δ-ferrite was present at grain boundaries
and as films within the prior austenite grains. It could be noted that the width of
the dual-phase region was significantly larger compared to actual weld HAZs. In
addition, the volume percentage of δ-ferrite measured by image analysis at a mag-
nification of 200 was also larger than that of single-pass weld HAZs i.e. 40 % ±
5 %.
7.3 Gleeble simulated HAZ 141
Figure 7.12: Cross section of the fracture surface of the martensitic/ferritic microstructure tested at
-100 ◦ C. Electrolytically etched to reveal δ-ferrite.
Figure 7.13: Cross section of the fracture surface of the annealed martensitic/ferritic microstructure
tested at -150 ◦ C. Electrolytically etched to reveal δ-ferrite.
7.3 Gleeble simulated HAZ 142
Figure 7.14: Microstructure of Gleeble simulated specimens. (a) Low magnification of the
central region, (b) close-up of the coarse-grained region and (c) close-up of the dual-phase region.
All specimens were electrolytically etched to reveal δ-ferrite.
7.3 Gleeble simulated HAZ 143
7.3.c Results
The transition curve obtained on the Gleeble simulated specimens is presented
on figure 7.15. For comparison the transition curves of the as-received and marten-
sitic/ferritic microstructures have been reported. The Gleeble specimens had the
lowest upper shelf energy of the three curves. The latter was probably due to the
combined action of large grain size and presence of δ-ferrite in the tested microstruc-
ture. More importantly, the simulated HAZ had a ductile to brittle transition tem-
perature comparable to that of the as-received material (-94 ◦ C and -98 ◦ C respec-
tively) although like the ferritic/martensitic microstructure the transition occurred
over a shorter temperature range. The behaviour of the Gleeble simulated specimens
at low temperatures was therefore significantly better than the ferritic/martensitic
microstructure studied in the first part.
Tempered martensite
Martensite + ferrite
Impact energy / J
-200 -180 -160 -140 -120 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20
Temperature / C
Figure 7.15: Charpy impact energy curves obtained using the Gleeble and comparison with real
weld HAZ.
7.4 Summary 144
7.3.d Fractography
All specimens tested at temperatures above -100 ◦ C showed ductile failure mode
while those broken at temperatures below -100 ◦ C showed completely brittle be-
haviour. Interestingly the Gleeble specimen tested at -100 ◦ C showed two fracture
modes (figure 7.16). Observation of a cross section revealed the coarse-grained re-
gion to fail by cleavage whilst the dual-phase region showed evidence of ductility
below the transition temperature (figure 7.17). The ductility of the dual-phase HAZ
indicates that the DBTT of this region is lower than -100 ◦ C. These results provide
evidence to support that the presence of δ-ferrite in dual-phase HAZ up to 40 %
does not significantly affect the impact properties of the whole high temperature
HAZ. Clearly the specimen transition temperature was strongly influenced by the
grain size of the coarse-grained HAZ.
7.4 Summary
Part I of the study revealed that for a similar strength, particle volume-fraction
and distribution, and a given prior austenite grain size, the ductile to brittle tran-
sition temperature was very sensitive to the volume fraction of δ-ferrite stringers in
the microstructure. On the other hand, the effect of prior austenite grain size in the
25 - 80 µm range on the transition temperature was small. It was therefore clear
that the presence of δ-ferrite up to 14 % had a greater influence on toughness than
austenite grain size variation in the 25 - 80 µm range.
On the other hand, the tests carried out on the Gleeble simulated specimens re-
vealed that the dual-phase HAZ does not play a major role in determining the DBTT
even when δ-ferrite is present up to 40 %. This is apparently because the small grain
size of the dual-phase region offers suitable obstacles to cracks propagation. With
a prior δ-ferrite grain size of 160 µm, the coarse-grained region strongly influences
the impact properties of the high temperature HAZ but the transition-temperature
was raised by only few degrees compared with the as-received microstructure. As
multipass welding contributes to the reduction of δ-ferrite content in HAZ the effect
7.4 Summary 145
Figure 7.16: Fracture surfaces of the coarse-grained (a) and dual-phase region (b) of the Gleeble
simulated specimen tested at -100 ◦ C.
Figure 7.17: Cross section of the fracture surface showed in figure 7.16. Coarse-grained (a) and dual-
phase region (b). This cross section was taken perpendicular to the examination plane shown in figure
7.4 Summary 146
of this phase on the transition temperature of actual welds should be even smaller.
It should be noted that no attempts have been made to evaluate the effect of
Widmanstätten austenite in coarse-grained region on the impact properties. How-
ever, due to its morphology and coarseness, Widmanstätten austenite might be
detrimental. As fast cooling rates minimise its volume fraction (chapter 4) it could
be advised to weld supermartensitic stainless steels using low heat inputs to generate
fast cooling rates and minimise grain growth.
The results presented in this work have been obtained on a highly alloyed
titanium-stabilised supermartensitic stainless steel. Medium and lean alloys are
less prone to δ-ferrite formation in dual-phase HAZ but might have larger coarse-
grained HAZ and harder martensite for a given C and N content (chapter 4). In
this case the high temperature HAZ impact properties are likely to be governed by
the coarse-grained HAZ grain size and the potential presence of Ti(C,N) particles.
Chapter 8
8.1 Introduction
Although efforts are being devoted to avoid the need for post-weld heat-treatments
(PWHT) in supermartensitic stainless steels, this operation is still often employed
to reduce martensite hardness and thus improve the heat-affected zone sulfide stress-
corrosion cracking resistance. The tempering operation should be carried out few
degrees below the steel Ac1 temperature in order to avoid the formation of austenite
which may subsequently transform into untempered martensite on cooling to room
In practice, when an estimation of the Ac1 temperature is required empirical
formulae are often employed [38]. However, such relationships often neglect poten-
tial interactions between elements and do not have a mechanism to indicate the
uncertainties of extrapolation.
A more general method of regression analysis involves neural networks within
a Bayesian framework. Gavard et al. employed neural networks to model Ac1 and
Ac3 temperatures of a wide range of steels as a function of their chemical compo-
sition and of the heating rate used to measure the temperatures [94]. Using this
approach, it was possible to satisfactorily predict phase transformation tempera-
tures and reproduce known metallurgical trends, although Ac1 temperatures were
harder to model than Ac3 . This is because of the lack of good data and also the
8.2 Introduction to neural network 148
y= wi xi + θ (8.1)
Equation 8.2 is an example of such linear regression used to estimate the Ac1
temperature of low carbon 13 wt% Cr steels as a function of chemical composition
(in wt%) [38].
The output y of the neural network model is then simply obtained by a linear
combination of the output of each hidden unit and by adding another constant θ(1)
as :
y= wij hj + θ(1) (8.4)
Figure 8.1 illustrates the structure of a three layers neural network consisting of
the inputs, the hidden units and the output. The existence of the hidden layer allows
the model to identify interaction between variables. Notice that the complexity of
the model is related to the number of hidden units. The weights and constants
used in the hidden units are adjusted during the training of the model. The latter
operation is made using an algorithm which implements a learning method based
on Bayesian statistics.
h2 y
Figure 8.1: Schematic illustration of the input, hidden and output layers of a neural network
model of n inputs and j hidden units. Each arrow represents a weight.
in adjacent regions which are rich in accurate data [95]. Instead of calculating the
best set of weights, the algorithm infers a probability distribution for the weights
from the data presented. When making predictions, the variety of model solutions
corresponding to different possible set of weights are averaged using the probability
of these sets of weights, a process called marginalising. It results that it is possible
to quantify the uncertainty of fitting. If the inferred distribution is sharply peaked
in the weight space, the most probable set will give by far the largest contribution to
the prediction and alternative solutions will have little importance. Consequently,
the prediction will be associated with a small uncertainty. If on the contrary, the
data are such that different sets of weights are equally probable, alternatives will
contribute in similar proportions and the error bars will be large. This is typically
the case in regions of the input space where data are scarce or exceptionally noisy
as illustrated in figure 8.2.
8.3 Analysis
Figure 8.2: Schematic illustration of the uncertainty in defining a fitting function in regions
where data are sparce (B) or where they are noisy (A). The thinner lines represent error bounds
due to uncertainties in determining the weigths [96].
heating rate, the original input variables consisted of the elements C, Si, Mn, Cu,
Ni, Cr, Mo, Nb, V, W and Co together with the trace elements S, P, Ti, Al, B, As,
Sn, Zr, N and O. A Gaussian process analysis by Bailer-Jones et al. revealed that
the dataset could be reduced to the 11 major elements without significantly affecting
the accuracy of the predictions [97]. Following these results, the set of inputs for the
present work (table 8.1) included the chemical composition of the first 11 elements
(in wt%), the heating rate (◦ C s−1 ) and measured Ac1 temperatures (◦ C). It is
emphasised that unlike linear regression analysis, the ranges stated in table 8.1
cannot be used to define the range of applicability of the neural network model.
This is because the inputs are in general expected to interact.
were from 9 - 13 wt% Cr steels. A visual impression of the spread of the data is
shown in figure 8.3.
Table 8.1: Input variables used to develop the new model. Composition in wt%, heating rate in
C s−1 and Ac1 in ◦ C.
8.3.b Normalisation
All the variables were normalised within a range ± 0.5 as follows :
(x − xmin )
xN = − 0.5 (8.5)
(xmax − xmin )
where xN is the normalised value of x, which has the minimum and maximum values
given by xmin and xmax , respectively. The normalisation operation facilitates the
subsequent comparison of the relative significance of the variables.
8.3 Analysis 153
Measured Ac1 / oC
900 900 900
Measured Ac1 /
Measured Ac1 /
800 800 800
900 900
Measured Ac1 / oC
Measured Ac1 /
Measured Ac1 /
800 800 800
600 600
500 500
400 400
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 400 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Copper / wt% Chromium / wt%
Nickel / wt%
Measured Ac1 / oC
900 900 900
Measured Ac1 /
Measured Ac1 /
800 800 800
Measured Ac1 /
Measured Ac1 /
Measured Ac1 /
Figure 8.3: The database values of each variable versus the Ac1 temperature.
8.3 Analysis 154
8.3.c Overfitting
Because of the great flexibility of the functions used in the neural network, there
is a possibility of overfitting data. This can occur when the generated models become
too complex for predicting a simple trend (figure 8.4). To avoid overfitting two
solutions are implemented. The first is contained in the algorithm due to MacKay
: complexity parameters α and β (see equation 8.6) are inferred from the data and
allow automatic control of the model complexity. The second consists of equally
dividing the experimental database into a training and a test dataset. The training
set is used to create a large number of models with different number of hidden units
(1 to 22) and different sets of initial weights (6 in this case). The test data set is used
to see how the trained models generalise on unseen data. The error on the testing
set decreases at first, as the fitting improves, but increases again when overfitting
occur (figure 8.5 (b)).
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Figure 8.4: A complicated model may overfit the data. In this case, a linear relationship is all
that is justified by the noise in the data.
8.3 Analysis 155
The perceived noise level during training tends to decrease as the model becomes
more complex figure 8.5 (a). The models are then tested on the unseen test data
and are subsequently ranked using either the test error (TE) as in figure 8.5 (b), or
the log predictive error (LPE) (figure 8.5 (c)). The TE and LPE are calculated as :
1 2
TE ∝ t(m) − y (m) (8.7)
1 (m)
(m) 2 (m) 2 (m)
LPE = t −y /σy + log 2π σy (8.8)
(m) 1
where σy (= β 1/2
) is related to the uncertainty of fitting for the set of inputs x(m) .
As predictions with error bars are preferred to simple scalar predictions, it is more
judicious to compare models in term of their predictive performance as measured by
the LPE. Under the LPE, as contrasted with the TE, the penalty of making a wild
prediction is much less if that wild prediction is accompanied by appropriately large
error bars [101]. The best models should have high LPE values. Figure 8.5 (e) and
(f) show normalised predicted values versus experimental values for the best model
possessing five hidden units.
8.3 Analysis 156
8.3.e Committee
Combining the output of several models, by building a committee often makes
optimum predictions. The predictions, ȳ, of a committee is the average of the
prediction of its members, and the associated error bar is calculated as :
1 (l)
ȳ = y
L l
1 (l) 2 1 (l) 2
σ2 = σy + y − ȳ (8.9)
l l
After selection, the models in the committee are retrained (weights adjusted) on
the entire database without changing the complexity of each model. The committee
of models is generally referred to as the “neural network model”. The predictions
of the latter on the complete database show few outliers as illustrated in figure 8.7.
Because the algorithm used to train the model includes an automatic relevance
determination, variables that are found not to influence the output are assigned small
weights. This therefore helps identify the most important variables in the analysis.
Figure 8.8 illustrates the significance of each of the input variables in the two best
models, as perceived by the neural network, in influencing the Ac1 temperature.
The magnitude of the significance reflects the extent to which a particular input
explains the variation of the output. As expected, the nickel and chromium content
8.4 Application of the model 157
as well as the heating rate feature prominently, on the other hand, niobium, cobalt
and tungsten are not seen to be influencial.
The neural network can capture interactions between the inputs because the
functions involved are non-linear. The nature of these interactions is implicit in the
values of the weights, but the weights are not always easy to interpret. For example,
there may exist more than just a pairwise interaction, in which case the problem
becomes difficult to perceive from an examination of the weights. A better method
is to actually use the network to make predictions and to see how these interactions
depend on various combinations of inputs.
It is emphasised that Ti and N are not taken into account in this analysis, but
as these elements combine to form very stable TiN particles the error associated
with their neglection is expected to be small. However, if Ti is present in quantities
greater than 4×N (stoichiometric ratio in wt%) then the appropriate amount of
carbon should be removed to allow TiC to form. Conversely, if nitrogen is in excess
it will combined with nitride forming elements such as Cr, Mo and V but considering
that the excess will be smaller than 0.01 wt% (in supermartensitic stainless steels),
its effect on Ac1 is probably negligible.
Figures 8.9 and 8.10 presents the results of all calculations. Some predictions
8.4 Application of the model 158
0.1 5
a) b)
0.08 4
Noise level
Test Error
0.06 3
0.04 2
0.02 1
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
Number of hidden units Number of hidden units
700 1.05
c) d)
Log Predictive Error
Figure 8.5: The perceived noise level (a), the test error (b), the log predictive error (c) of the
models with increasing number of hidden units, the combined test error (d) for an increasing
number of models in committee.
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0 0
-0.2 -0.2
-0.4 -0.4
-0.6 -0.6
-0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6
Database values, normalised Database values, normalised
Figure 8.6: Plots of the predicted Ac1 temperature against experimental values (normalised)
for the training and testing of the best model. The plotted error bars correspond to the fitting
8.4 Application of the model 159
Predicted Ac1 / oC
500 600 700 800 900 1000
Measured Ac1 / oC
Figure 8.7: Predicted against measured Ac1 temperatures performed on the complete database
using the optimum committee. The plotted error bars correspond to ± 1 σ as defined in equation
Figure 8.8: Perceived significance of input parameters in the best two models for each input
variable. H.R. stands for heating rate.
8.4 Application of the model 160
showed clear trends in the evolution of Ac1 as a function of the input data considered.
This was namely the case for manganese and nickel (figure 8.9 (c) and (e)). Those
solutes are both well-known austenite stabilising elements, and consistent with the
model predictions, their addition decrease Ac1 .
No clear trends could be observed on the remaining elements. However, the
model provides predictions with error bars that are dependent upon the input space
region and this represents a significant improvement compared with traditional lin-
ear regression equations. For example, there is little information in the database
for vanadium in concentration greater than 0.5 wt% (figure 8.10 (i)) and the model
recognises this by yielding increasingly large error bars. On the other hand, exam-
ination of the model inferred significance (figure 8.8) reveals that Nb, W and Co
have little influence on Ac1 and thus could be removed in a future analysis.
As can be seen from figure 8.12, the new neural network model shows small error
bars and good agreement with the experimental data except at 20 ◦ C s−1 . However
it should be noted that no experimental error bars were provided but assuming those
to be ± 10 ◦ C, all predictions become satisfactory.
8.4 Application of the model 161
900 900
a) b)
850 850
Predicted Ac1 /
Predicted Ac1 /
800 800
750 750
700 700
650 650
600 600
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Carbon / wt% Silicon / wt%
900 900
c) d)
800 850
Predicted Ac1 /
600 750
500 700
400 650
300 600
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Manganese / wt% Copper / wt%
900 900
e) f)
850 850
Predicted Ac1 /
Predicted Ac1 /
800 800
750 750
700 700
650 650
600 600
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Nickel / wt% Chromium / wt%
Figure 8.9: Predicted variation in Ac1 temperature as a function of chemical composition for C,
Si, Mn, Cu, Ni and Cr. Prediction made on steel C : 0.01 C, 0.19 Si, 0.24 Mn, 0.06 Cu, 3.12 Ni,
12.5 Cr, 0.02 Mo, 0.009 Nb, 0.03 V, 0.04 Co wt%. The neural network error bars correspond to ±
1 σ as defined in equation 8.9.
8.4 Application of the model 162
900 900
g) h)
850 850
Predicted Ac1 /
Predicted Ac1 /
800 800
750 750
700 700
650 650
600 600
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Molybdenum / wt% Niobium / wt%
1000 900
i) j)
950 850
Predicted Ac1 /
850 750
800 700
750 650
700 600
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Vanadium / wt% Tungsten / wt%
Predicted Ac1 /
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Cobalt / wt%
Figure 8.10: Predicted variation in Ac1 temperature as a function of chemical composition for
Mo, Nb, V, W and Co. Prediction made on steel C : 0.01 C, 0.19 Si, 0.24 Mn, 0.06 Cu, 3.12 Ni,
12.5 Cr, 0.02 Mo, 0.009 Nb, 0.03 V, 0.04 Co wt%. The neural network error bars correspond to ±
1 σ as defined in equation 8.9.
8.4 Application of the model 163
Predicted Ac1 /
0 10 20 30 40 50
o -1
Heating rate / C s
Figure 8.11: Effect of heating rate on Ac1 temperature for a medium alloyed supermartensitic
stainless steel of compositions (wt%): 0.01 C, 0.19 Si, 0.24 Mn, 0.06 Cu, 3.12 Ni, 12.5 Cr, 0.02 Mo,
0.009 Nb, 0.03 V, 0 W, 0.04 Co.
Predicted Ac1 /
0 10 20 30 40
o -1
Heating rate / C s
Figure 8.12: Predicted and experimental Ac1 temperatures as a function of heating rate for steel
8.4 Application of the model 164
Material C Si Mn Cr Mo Ni N Nb V
T91 0.105 0.43 0.37 8.20 0.97 0.13 0.051 0.075 0.2
Figure 8.13 (a) shows the results of all predicted Ac1 temperatures for a heating
rate of 1 ◦ C s−1 . As expected steels possessing a (Cr+Mo)/Ni ratio between 2
and 3 (high nickel alloys) had lower Ac1 temperatures compared with leaner alloys.
According to these predictions, tempering at the common temperature of 650 ◦ C
would lead to partial reaustenitisation in high alloy steels but it would not be so
at a heating rate of 10 ◦ C s−1 (figure 8.13 (b)). Faster heating rates allow therefore
the use of higher tempering temperatures and as a consequence of atoms higher
mobility, shorter tempering time. This illustrates the importance of taking heating
rate into account when tempering those steels.
Cr+M o
C Si Mn Cu Ni Cr Mo Nb V Co Ti N
2.27 0.01 0.26 0.46 0.03 6.46 12.2 2.48 0.01 0.03 0.03 0.09 0.007
2.30 0.009 0.20 0.43 0.03 6.40 12.2 2.51 0.009 0.03 0.03 0.12 0.005
2.47 0.012 0.18 0.27 0.03 5.90 12.4 2.19 0.009 0.03 0.01 0.024 0.012
2.70 0.017 0.20 1.77 0.51 4.87 11.7 1.39 0.005 0.02 0.0 0.007 0.011
2.71 0.013 0.12 0.54 0.04 5.10 11.8 2.03 0.009 0.04 0.06 0.004 0.009
2.80 0.013 0.16 0.65 0.03 5.10 13.5 0.78 0.009 0.04 0.03 0.088 0.006
2.93 0.021 0.17 1.79 0.47 4.40 11.5 1.39 0.009 0.02 0.03 0.008 0.012
3.12 0.02 0.30 0.46 1.24 3.98 11.3 1.12 0.04 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.008
3.52 0.02 0.22 0.39 0.01 3.91 12.8 0.97 0.009 0.02 0.03 0.009 0.051
4.01 0.01 0.19 0.24 0.06 3.12 12.5 0.02 0.009 0.03 0.04 0.01 0.012
4.23 0.011 0.19 0.30 0.08 2.91 12.3 0.02 0.009 0.04 0.02 0.013 0.009
4.34 0.011 0.10 1.77 0.48 2.45 10.6 0.06 0.006 0.02 0.0 0.006 0.006
4.67 0.011 0.11 1.83 0.50 2.26 10.5 0.06 0.009 0.02 0.01 0.004 0.006
7.04 0.01 0.18 1.14 0.49 1.55 10.9 ≤ 0.01 0.009 0.05 0.04 0.01 0.006
Table 8.3: Chemical composition of steels used to make predictions ranked as increasing
(Cr+Mo)/Ni ratio. All compositions in wt% [30, 102, 8].
ture of steel B was heated up to 1000 ◦ C using a heating rate of 1 ◦ C s−1 and was
held at temperature for 10 minutes before cooling (cycle 1). A second cycle on the
same specimen allowed the measurement of the Ac1 temperature of fresh martensite
(cycle 2).
As figure 8.14 (a) shows there is no significant differences between the two cycles
i.e. Ac1 is about 730 ◦ C. This result indicates that Ac1 is not greatly affected by
the level of tempering of the microstructure when retained austenite is absent. The
model prediction for steel B at a heating rate of 1 ◦ C s−1 is in good agreement with
the experimental values i.e. 751 ± 24 ◦ C.
8.4 Application of the model 166
900 900
Figure 8.13: Steels predicted Ac1 temperatures versus (Cr+Mo)/Ni ratio for heating rates of
1 ◦ C s−1 (a), and 10 ◦ C s−1 (b).
Nevertheless, the model can be used as a guide to estimate the post-weld heat-
treatment temperature in lean and medium alloyed supermartensitic welds. It should
also be remembered that in the case of multipass welds the situation is further
complicated by reheating effects and those have been neglected in this work.
8.5 Summary 167
1.4 1.4
1.2 1.2
1 First cycle 1
Second cycle
0.8 0.8
dl/lo / %
dl/lo / %
First cycle
0.6 0.6
Second cycle
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0 0
300 400 500 600 700 800 900 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
o o
Temperature / C Temperature / C
Figure 8.14: Dilation curves of the two cycles performed on steels B (a) and A (b). Heating rate
of 1 ◦ C s−1 and maximum temperature of 1000 ◦ C.
8.5 Summary
A new neural network model for predicting Ac1 as a function of chemistry and
heating rate has been developed focussing on martensitic stainless steels. Although
few metallurgical trends were identified, the model represents a significant improve-
ment compared with linear regression equations. The model can be used to estimate
the PWHT temperature of lean and medium supermartensitic stainless steels and
is available freely on the world wide web at
Future analysis should consider the level of retained austenite in the starting
microstructure as an input parameter.
Although not explored in this work, the new model can also be employed to
make predictions on low alloy steels since most of the data in the original database
have been obtained on those steels [94].
Chapter 9
The work presented in this thesis was concerned with the evolution of microstructure
in the high temperature HAZ of three recently designed supermartensitic stainless
steels, with particular attention to austenite and the often neglected δ-ferrite phase
which is potentially detrimental to the properties.
peratures above Ac5 . On the other hand, it was possible to correlate the δ-ferrite
volume fraction in dual-phase HAZ with the employed heat input. The volume per-
centage of δ-ferrite in dual-phase HAZ decreased with heat input and never exceeded
15 %. Furthermore, observations of actual multipass welds showed a non-uniform
distribution of δ-ferrite between the root and the cap of the HAZ. In fact reheating
effects contributed to δ-ferrite dissolution at the root of the HAZ.
The methods available to estimate the tendency of the steel to retain δ-ferrite
have been compared. The Balmforth diagram was found suitable to make compar-
isons between different supermartensitic alloys. The expressions of the Creq and Nieq
indicated that the balance between molybdenum and nickel plays a major role on
δ-ferrite retention. In fact, predictions made using a published neural network model
indicate that it is difficult to balance the ferrite stabilising effect of molybdenum by
only adding the minimum amount of nickel required to obtain a fully austenitic steel
at high temperature. Finally, based on the predicted phase transformation temper-
atures and Rosenthal’s equations, an attempt has been made to predict the extent
of the dual-phase HAZ. Unfortunately, due to the lack of accurate thermodynamic
data the agreement with experiments was poor. Improvement of the thermodynamic
databases is therefore required.
Finally, a neural network model has been proposed to predict the Ac1 tempera-
ture of steels and in particular martensitic stainless steels as a function of chemical
composition and the employed heating rate. Predictions made with this model have
The effect of the presence of HAZ δ-ferrite on corrosion resistance was not inves-
tigated in this work. However, work is being performed on the topic at TWI. So far
it has not been clearly demonstrated that δ-ferrite presence is responsible for crack
This appendix presents the model described in chapter 8 and associated documenta-
tion following the MAP format,
2 Purpose
A program for the prediction of the Ac1 temperatures of steels, including martensitic
stainless steels, as a function of chemical composition and heating rate.
3 Specification
Language: C
Product Form: Source Code (Unix version only)
Operating System: Tested on Solaris, Linux and PC.
Appendix One 172
4 Description
MAP STEEL AC1 TEMP contains the programs which enable the user to estimate
the Ac1 temperature of steels, including martensitic stainless steels, as a function of
chemical composition and heating rate. It makes use of a neural network program
called generate44, which was developed by David MacKay and is part of the bigback5
program. A total of eighty three experimental data relevant to 9-13 wt% Cr steels
were added to the original database from Gavard et al. work [1] and the updated
database “database ac1 martensitic.txt” is provided. Following a Gaussian process
analysis by Bailer-Jones et al. [2], the elements considered to affect the Ac1 temper-
ature in this neural network model are : C, Si, Mn, Cu, Ni, Cr, Mo, Nb, V, W and
Co. The model presented here combines the output of two different models which
had five hidden units and different initial weights. The programs automatically cal-
culate the result of each model and average those results to produce a prediction of
the Ac1 temperature and an error estimate.
A text file containing the minimum and maximum limits of each input and output
variable. This file is used to normalise and unnormalise the input and output data.
The input file that needs to be edited to make predictions. The variables should be
entered in line, separated by a single space and in the following order : C, Si, Mn,
Cu, Ni, Cr, Mo, Nb, V, W, Co and Heating rate.
Appendix One 173
This is a UNIX shell file containing the commands required to run the model. It
can be executed by typing ‘sh model.gen’ at the command prompt. This shell file
normalises the input data, executes the neural network program, unnormalises the
results and combine them to produce the final committee result.
Hidden executable file, to normalise the input data.
Hidden executable file, for the neural network program. It reads the normalised
input file and also uses a configuration file spec.t generated by .generate spec and
the weight files, located in the subdirectory c.
.generate spec
Hidden executable file, generates the configuration file read by .generate44.
Hidden executable file, combines the output of the different models in a committee
Unnormalise the results.
The weight files of the different models.
Files containing information for calculating the size of the error bars for the different
Appendix One 174
Files containing information about the perceived significance value [3] for each
Files containing information about the noise, test error and log predictive error [3]
for each model.
A normalised output file which was created during the building of the model. It is
accessed by .generate44.
The normalised output file containing the committee results. It is generated by
5 References
1. L. Gavard, H. K. D. H. Bhadeshia, D. J. C. MacKay and S. Suzuki, Bayesian
Neural Network Model for Austenite Formation in Steels, Materials Science and
Technology 12:453-463, 1996.
6 Input parameters
As mentioned before, the input variables are C, Si, Mn, Cu, Ni, Cr, Mo, Nb, V,
W, Co and Heating rate. The maximum and minimum values for each variable are
given in the file MINMAX.
7 Output parameters
The output is written in the file result in the Linux/Unix version and in
Model RESULT.dat for the PC version. This file contains the predicted Ac1 temper-
atures (in ◦ C), the error bar value, the predicted value - the error and the predicted
value + the error.
Program data
See sample file test.dat
Program results
See sample file result.txt
Neural networks, Ac1 temperature, heating rate, martensitic stainless steels, carbon
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