Fin 4150 Advanced Business Valuation Assignments Overview: Assignment 1: Class Preparation/Professionalism/Participation
Fin 4150 Advanced Business Valuation Assignments Overview: Assignment 1: Class Preparation/Professionalism/Participation
Fin 4150 Advanced Business Valuation Assignments Overview: Assignment 1: Class Preparation/Professionalism/Participation
All assignment due dates are in the class schedule in the syllabus, so short of major personal
emergencies there are no excuses, no extensions, and no exceptions. Please speak to the instructor
as early as possible about any major conflicts or schedule problems that you anticipate in order to
work something out if possible. Also, please refer to the assignment table in the syllabus for the
information about the maximum points for each assignment and whether it is a team or individual
Students often want to know how to succeed in a class or with a particular instructor. It usually comes
down to the three Ps—preparation, participation, and professionalism. Points are earned by
completing async work and case discussions, and engaging fully in live sessions.
Reading textbooks teaches the foundations of finance and valuation theory, and real-world
experience often demonstrates the challenges of putting those theories into practice. The lessons of
experience usually have the greatest impact because people tend to learn best by doing, not solely
by reading or hearing about other people’s experiences. Case writing is designed to provide an
opportunity to apply what you’ve learned and to learn by doing. For information on writing a case,
please refer to Ellet, W. (2018). The case study handbook a student’s guide. Boston, MA: Harvard
Business Review Press.
The case studies might be available on the web. We strongly urge you not to search for these. Using
even excellent information from the web without citing and quoting will most certainly reduce your
grade. We do not expect the use of web sources to solve the cases. You should instead rely on your
work on course content, the text, and the case to find the evidence you need to support your points.
Assignment 8: Presentation
Presentation on cases gives you and your team an opportunity to synthesize what we learn in the
course and share your ideas/punchline on business valuation with the class.
Attendance is critical to your success. Participation from each student is critical to the success of this
online course. An online course does not work unless you are an active contributor to this class. You
all have something to contribute to our success. You should be paying close attention in class as
evidenced by the video.
You are expected to be in the live sessions each week. Our class is different without you, and we lose
your perspective if you don’t attend.
Make evidence-based comments. That is, when you comment on something in class, back up your
comment with cited evidence supporting your opinion.
Missing live sessions: In line with the online MBA@Denver policy, a student can miss up to 2 live
sessions without penalty. To avoid penalty, the student must watch the live session video and submit
an e-mail with a brief summary of the live session lessons. The summary must also include anything
assigned from the async material to be presented at the live session. This must be received within 1
week of the missed live session.
Grading Rubric:
Appropriate points for the week will be posted in the gradebook immediately after each live session.
Asynchronous Expected Average
work 10 points 8 points
1 point
Fully completed 24 hours Fully completed by the Not fully completed by
prior to the live session start of the live session the start of the live
Contribution to Expected Average Needs
synchronous 5 points 6-8 points Improvement
class: 1 point
(1) Provides effective Presents opinion No participation;
evidence-based but no evidence for does not attend and
contributions to the opinions given; does not submit
discussion active participation summary
(2) All on-topic examples The majority of Examples are not
examples is related related to topic
to topic
(3) Solid questions that Questions asked are No questions asked
stimulate others in the generally related to topic
class to discuss
(4) Paying close attention to Most of the time paying Not looking at the
everyone in the class as attention to the class camera and paying
shown by the class video no attention
Assignment Overview: This case uses an M&A transaction in the telecommunication industry to
illustrate the business valuation process and financial modeling basics: The case is covered in a
sequence of three parts.
In Part II the case illustrates how to apply the “unlevering and relevering” process to estimate beta
and discount rate/cost of capital.
Total Point Value: 50 points
Anticipated Time to Complete: 2 hours
Type of Assignment: Group
Audience for Assignment: You are presenting your analysis and proposal to Robert
Zimmerman, the senior vice president of business development for American Cable
Communications (ACC), pitching the idea of buying out AirThread Connections.
Assignment Objective: This assignment relates to Course Learning Outcomes:
1. Understand how the capital structure changes affect the determination of the cost of capital.
2. Know how to apply the “unlevering and relevering” process to estimate beta.
- Live session: Read the case and come prepared to discuss the case questions in
the live session.
- Case report is due 72 hours after the live session. Include the answers to all the
case questions. Keep the report professional, to the point, and precise. Be clear and
concise; you may include the details as an appendix or in the Excel file. Make the
format and layout as uncluttered as you can.
- Case Questions
1. Discuss AirThread’s capability to service the debt and justify the estimated credit rating of
“BBB+” (discussion only, no calculation required).
2. Apple the “unlevering beta” technique to estimate the discount rate / cost of capital for the
forecasting/projection period:
o Use the data/information as presented in Exhibit 7, select the appropriate comparables
and justify your choices.
o Make your own assumptions on the comparables’ capital structure and justify.
o Select the appropriate formula to unlever the comparables’ beta. The formula sheet is
included in the case data Excel file. All the comps had the investment grade rating.
o Calculate the average unlevered beta of selected comparables, and use it as AirThread’s
unlevered beta or asset beta.
o Estimate the unlevered cost of capital
3. Estimate the discount rate / cost of capital for the steady-state stage:
o Assume that in the steady state, AirThread would keep a target capital structure and
bring the debt ratio to be in line with industry average. Estimate industry average as the
average debt ratio of all companies in Exhibit 7.
o Use industry average debt ratio and select the appropriate formula to relever AirThread’s
beta. Apply CAPM model and estimate its cost of equity.
o Apply the WACC model to estimate the cost of capital / discount rate in the steady state.
Assignment Overview: This case uses an M&A transaction in the telecommunication industry to
illustrate the business valuation process and financial modeling basics: The case is covered in a
sequence of three parts.
In Part III the case illustrates the financial forecasting “How to”, how to estimate free cash flows,
how to estimate values, and how to put together and present the valuation model in Excel.
Total Point Value: 100 points
Anticipated Time to Complete: 6 hours
Type of Assignment: Group
Audience for Assignment: You are presenting your analysis and proposal to Robert
Zimmerman, the senior vice president of business development for American Cable
Communications (ACC), pitching the idea of buying out AirThread Connections.
Assignment Objective: This assignment relates to Course Learning Outcomes:
1. Know how to put together the valuation time line.
2. Develop the understanding of financial metrics and financial forecasting process.
3. Develop the understanding of free cash flows and its role in valuation.
4. Know how to estimate the model inputs, including free cash flows, interest tax shields and
terminal value.
5. Hone the financial modeling skills.
6. Know how to estimate intrinsic value of a firm and finalize the valuation model.
- Live session: Read the case and come prepared to discuss the case questions in
the live session.
- Financial Forecasting: Please review the course content, exercises and solutions for
the “Financial Forecasting and Free Cash Flow” Module.
- Case report is due 72 hours after the live session. Include the answers to all the
case questions. Keep the report professional, to the point, and precise. Be clear and
concise; you may include the details as an appendix or in the Excel file. Make the
format and layout as uncluttered as you can.
- Case Questions
1. Discuss and justify the revenue projections as presented in the case.
3. Estimate AirThread’s free cash flow to firm (FCFF) and interest tax shields (ITS) for each
year in the forecasting period of 2008–2012.
4. The long-term growth rate (LT g) in the steady state is estimated for you as 2.87%. Apply
the constant growth model (also called growing perpetuity model) to estimate terminal value.
Note: The investment banking team decided to use the fundamental method to estimate LT
g. The estimate process is illustrated in the case data Excel file.
5. Construct the time line:
- indicating the valuation / deal year, the forecasting period and the steady state stage;
- reporting all the cash flows for each year and terminal value.
6. Apply the APV model to sstimate AirThread’s intrinsic value of operation and enterprise
value at the deal year. The valuation that you have completed so far is a base case
analysis, which has not considered the value/benefits of synergies.
What are the potential synergies in this M&A deal, as discussed in the case?
How would you adjust the valuation model to factor in the synergies?
(Discussion only)
7. What would be your recommendation to Mr. Zimmerman?
Should American Cable acquire AirThread? Justify your recommendation.
If recommending to acquire AirThread, how would you prepare Mr. Zimmerman for
negotiation? What are the key strategic issues and valuation issues to bring to the
negotiation table?
Assignment Overview: This case illustrates the model(s) and techniques to value a private
company, business with more complicated structure, and the application of business valuation in a
legal battle.
Total Point Value: 200 points
Anticipated Time to Complete: 7 hours
Type of Assignment: Group
Audience for Assignment: You are presenting your analysis and proposal to Herbert V.
Kohler, Chair and CEO of Kohler Co, one of the largest private companies in United States.
Your valuation and report would be important for developing the best strategy in winning the
legal battle with dissenting shareholders.
- Please closely follow the “Case Study General Guideline” posted on the online
campus to prepare for the case study and write the case report.
- Live session: Read the case and come prepared to discuss the case questions in
the live session.
Introduction/Executive Summary
1. Summarize the case (What happened? Who? Why? How?) and identify key strategic issue(s).
o Who were the key players (controlling shareholder vs. minority shareholders; defendant
vs. plaintiffs) and what were their motivations or major conflicts?
o Why did Herbert Kohler decide to do the recap and buy out the minority shareholders
when he already controlled about 89% of the company?
o What might be the rationale for including only two divisions in the portfolio? Use the
information presented in Exhibit 4 to justify the portfolio weights.
o Use the comparables data in Exhibit 7a, Determine which comparables belong to the
“Kitchen & Bath” group and which belong to the “Power System” group.
3. Calculate Kohler’s total beta and cost of undiversified equity.
o Use the data in Exhibit 7b (in particular footnote a) to estimate Kohler’s total beta.
o Use total beta to estimate the cost of undiversified equity. Market risk premium is 5%.
4. Estimate Kohler’s target debt ratio / target capital structure and cost of debt.
o The assumption is that Kohler keeps a target capital structure in line with the industry
average. Use the latest three years’ data and calculate average debt ratio (D/V) of
comparables in each group (KB vs. PS) and calculate D/V of the 80-20 portfolio.
o Use the financials in Exhibit 3a–c and Exhibit 6a–c to estimate the cost of debt as the
average interest rate over the historical and project period of 1995–2002.
Note: The final estimate of cost of capital or the discount rate = 10%, which is estimated for you.
Please use this discount rate to estimate the value.
The final estimate of discount rate is calculated as the average of the “conventional” cost of capital and
the cost of undiversified capital as estimated in Question 3.
The “conventional” cost of capital assumes that the investors are well diversified and hence the cost of
equity is estimated based on equity (or market) beta, which factors in the systematic risk only. The
cost of undiversified capital is intended for undiversified or under-diversified investors and the cost of
equity is estimated based on total beta, attempting to capture total risk. The average of the two
accounts for the fact that the minority shareholders of Kohler include both the institutional investor who
hold well-diversified portfolio and a small group of family members who hold undiversified portfolio.
6. The investment banking team decided to use the DCF model to value Kohler.
Discuss why DCF model might be a good model choice.
7. Use the projections in Exhibit 6a, b, and c to estimate FCFFs from 1998 to 2002.
8. Apply the midyear discount / convention
o Calculate present value of FCFFs as of midyear, or the midpoint of a valuation year, i.e.
June would be the midpoint for a calendar year ending in December.
o You may review “Module 6 Financial Modeling” exercise & solutions for the midyear
discount process.
Note: The standard application of the DCF model assumes that the entire value of cash
flow for a given year comes in at the very end of that year, and discount the CF
accordingly. However, a firm runs the operation the whole year and its CFs are generated
over the full time period. The value might be underestimated with the end-of-year
discounting. To address this potential problem, an alternative method is to discount the CFs
as of the midyear.
9. Use normalized financials in 2002 to estimate terminal value. Calculate the present value of
terminal value using midyear discount. Long-term growth rate is 3%.
Note: A practice in valuation is to normalize the last year of projected free cash flow in the
forecasting period, and then use normalized free cash flow to calculate terminal value via
the constant growth model (or growing perpetuity model). And a common normalization
adjustment is to set depreciation & amortization equal to a certain % of capital expenditure.
In this case study, the 2002 cash flow is normalized by assuming that depreciation equals
capital expenditure.
10. Apply the DCF model and Estimate Kohler’s enterprise value, intrinsic value of equity, and
intrinsic price per share.
13. Is your estimate consistent with Herbert Kohler’s offer to dissenting shareholders? If not, what
might cause the discrepancy?
14. What would be your recommendation to Herbert Kohler? Settle or go to trial? If to settle with
the dissenting shareholders, what is the maximum settling share price that you would
Assignment Overview: This case illustrates how to value a cross-border transaction and how to
value a stable cash-cow business along with a growth business. It also showcases the economics of
an LBO deal and the role of private equity investors.
Total Point Value: 200 points
Anticipated Time to Complete: 7 hours
Type of Assignment: Group
Audience for Assignment: You are presenting your analysis and proposal to the team in
private equity firms Apax Partners and Hicks, Muse, Tate & Furst to facilitate the Yell LBO
deal. Your report would be important for the PE firms to make the best decisions and ensure
the success of the deal.
Assignment Objective: This assignment relates to Course Learning Outcomes:
- Please closely follow the “Case Study General Guideline” posted on the online
campus to prepare for the case study and write the case report.
- Live session: Read the case and come prepared to discuss the case questions in
the live session.
- Case report is due 72 hours after the live session. Include the answers to all the
case questions. Keep the report professional, to the point, and precise. Be clear and
concise; you may include the details as an appendix or in the Excel file. Make the
format and layout as uncluttered as you can.
- Additional information and data are included in the Excel file “Case Data_Yell” as
posted on the online campus.
- Case Questions
1. Summarize the (What happened? Who? Why? How?) and identify key strategic issue(s).
o What are the opportunities and uncertainties in the Yell deal? For buyer? For seller?
o Discuss industry characteristics (i.e., cash flow predictability, capital requirements).
o What are the differences between Yell’s two directory businesses?
o Is it an advantage or a disadvantage for the proposed deal?
o Which one has better debt servicing potential?
Discount Rate
5. The PE’s analysis of comparable companies is presented in the COMPs worksheet.
o Justify PE’s selection of comps.
o The PE team decided to take the “integrated market” approach and estimated the
comparables’ beta using the world market portfolio. Do you agree with PE’s approach?
Justify the “integrated market” assumption.
o Estimate the unlevered beta of WorldPages and fill in the blank cell in the unlevered
beta WN column, assuming that the comparables do not keep a target capital structure.
o Estimate BT’s unlevered beta as the average of comparables’ unlevered beta WN.
o Estimate the unlevered cost of capital of BT Yellow Pages, assuming that market risk
premium is 7% and using the yield of long-term UK government bond as Rf.
12. Estimate the intrinsic enterprise value of Yellow Book USA in home currency.
o Make appropriate assumption on the long-term growth rate in the steady state.
o Apply CCF model.
o Apply the valuation approach of your choice (your answer to Question 11).
o Use the spot rate to convert the intrinsic value in US$ into home currency value.
14. If you were leading the Apax/Hicks Muse team, what would be your recommendation?
o Would you recommend to do the deal?
o Identify the key factors to make it a good LBO deal.
o What much would you recommend to bid?
o Justify your recommendation.
Problem or Objective Key issues are clearly Key points are Key points are not
stated, explained, and stated but not fully clear. Question not
well supported. supported. adequately
(20%) (12-14%) answered.
Financial Analysis Analysis is strong, Analysis is solid Analysis is partial
comprehensive and but incomplete. or incomplete.
thorough. Incorporates Provides some Does not provide
pertinent and detailed necessary necessary
information and provides evidence but less evidence, or does
needed evidence or thoroughly and/or so minimally and/or
justification. relevantly. irrelevantly.
(35%) (20-28%) (2%)
Financial Modeling The financial models are Minor inconsistencies There are significant
well built and consistent. in the financial models. problems and
All the information is Presents information inconsistencies with
presented clearly and fairly clearly and financial models.
concisely in an organized concisely, has minor Lacks any
manner in Excel; focused organization problems. recognizable
and easy to follow. (20-25%) organization; difficult
(30%) to follow.
Writing Style Document is written with Document is written Document is not
Clear and direct excellent attention to with some attention to well written.
Concise detail; extremely clear detail, can be more Confusing, difficult
Correct and direct, concise, clear and concise, is to follow and has
Logically ordered correct, logically ordered. not well structured; no structure.
Displays minimal has some grammar
grammar/spelling/etc. and/or spelling errors. (0.5%)
(10%) (6-8%)
Total points 100% of total points 60-80% of total points 10% of total points
assigned to the case assigned to the case assigned to the case
Reflective Thinking Clearly demonstrate the The explaination of Does’t address the
student’s own thinking and the student’s own student’s thinking
learning processes; thinking or learning is and/or learning.
vague and/or unclear.
(40%) (4%)
Total points 100% of total points 60-80% of total points 10% of total points
assigned to the case assigned to the case assigned to the case