Integrated Design Project 3 Handbook 2020-21 - Issue 1

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Integrated Design Project 3

Module Handbook

Academic Year 2020-2021

Issue 1, 01/02/2021
1. Staff and Students
1.1. Module Leaders

Overall co-ordination of the Integrated Design Project 3 (IDP3) is the responsibility of

Dr Marios Theofanous (e-mail: [email protected]). Your discipline specific
module leaders are:

Civil Engineering: Dr Marios Theofanous

(e-mail: [email protected])

Electronic Electrical and Systems Engineering: Dr Edd Stewart

(email: [email protected])

Mechanical Engineering: Dr Simon Blakey

(e-mail: [email protected])

Mechanical Engineering (Dubai): Dr Imran Qureshi

e-mail: [email protected])

1.2 Programmes
The programmes aligned with IDP3 are as follows:
BEng Mechanical Engineering BEng Civil Engineering
MEng Mechanical Engineering MEng Civil Engineering
BEng Mechanical Engineering (Automotive) MEng Civil and Energy Engineering
MEng Mechanical Engineering (Automotive) BEng Electronic and Electrical Engineering
BEng Mechanical and Materials Engineering MEng Electronic and Electrical Engineering
MEng Mechanical and Materials Engineering BEng Mechatronic and Robotic Engineering
MSc Advanced Mechanical Engineering MEng Mechatronic and Robotic Engineering
2) Module Aims and Organisation
2.1) Introduction
The aim of the module is to develop team working, design skills, creativity and innovation,
through an interdisciplinary team design project, with reference to and integration of a variety
of areas of engineering. The project aims to cover all aspects of a realistic product design
process, from identification of the potential market for a product, through to concept
generation and selection, including detailed product design and analysis, and manufacturing
requirements. A prototype and business plan is also required for MEng/MSc projects.

The module is predominately team-based and focussed on independent learning. In

the first half of the semester there will be timetabled seminars or workshops to teach you the
skills you need to start the project. However, the primary aim of the module is to integrate a
wide range of material taught elsewhere within the degree programme and to put into
practice many of the professional skills you have developed in the previous years.

This is a 20 credit module based on an integrated team project. You will be placed in a
discipline-specific Group of typically 4-7 people. Your Group will also be part of an integrated
Team with typically the following breakdown: 4 Groups of Mechanical engineering students,
1 Group of Civil engineering students and 1 Group of EESE students.

2.2) MEng/MSc/BEng Distinction:

There will be Groups of BEng, MEng and MSc students. The Mechanical Engineering
Automotive students will be within Groups containing members of that programme. Those
groups are expected to function as part of a Team with both MEng and BEng members to
address an automotive themed challenge. MSc students will work in exclusively MSc
groups, but in Teams including UG students from other disciplines. Please see the marking
schemes and learning outcomes for more detailed information on the differences in
• Prototypes
– MEng and MSc Groups in Mechanical and EESE are required to produce a
prototype representing some component of their project. Given the current
worldwide situation the precise form of these prototypes is under review.
• Commercialisation
– BEng, MEng and MSc must comment on the potential market;
– BEng, MEng and MSc Teams must produce a full costing of materials and
manufacturing processes.
– MEng and MSc must provide a more detailed business plan identifying
possible sources of investment and profitability. This business plan should
cover risk and uncertainty of information, and consider the appropriate legal
• BEng and MEng Teams are assessed against different learning outcomes.

3) The Integrated Design Project

3.1) Organisation and Supervision

Figure 1: Organisation of Groups and Teams

The breakdown of the Groups and Teams can be seen in Figure 1. Your discipline-specific
Groups and integrated Team will be uploaded to canvas at the start of the semester. At this
point you will not have been allocated a challenge for your design project, nor supervisors.
Once a challenge has been allocated to your Team, a supervision team consisting of
members of academic or research staff from across the three disciplines will also be
allocated to each Team. From within the supervision team, one member of staff will then act
as a supervisor for each Group according to their discipline, although a better description
might be a ‘to act as a consultant’. The member of staff is there to provide guidance and
advice related to your project and your progress, but you make the decisions. The wider
supervision team is there to help address any technical issues that you cannot resolve
through the Groups in the multi-disciplinary Team. It is up to the Groups to arrange meetings
as required with your supervisor.

Your department leaders will organise structured, small-group sessions to develop your
projects and to assess your integrated work, however between these activities, you will be
required to project manage within your Group and integrated Team. Throughout the
interdisciplinary design project, the onus is on the Group and Team to arrange meetings and
ensure that the work is progressing on time. Your team working and project management
skills within your discipline-specific Group and integrated Team form an important element of
this project. You should decide early on, how the lines of communication will operate
between your Groups and what tools you intend to use to develop the project. Remember,
that meetings are for decision making, not actually carrying out the work, and it is in your
interest to make these as short and as business-like as possible.

3.2) Challenges
The design project challenges for the integrated Teams and examples of projects for each
discipline-specific Group are outlined in Table 1. These challenges address global themes
and are linked to the research activities of the School of Engineering. You can interpret
solutions to the challenge, or a more specifically-defined scenario within the challenge area.
This module is designed to give you as much freedom in your project and thus creativity in
your design solutions as possible. You will choose your Challenge via a ranked
preference assignment due on the 12th February. This assignment will allow you to
undertake a challenge more closely aligned to your interests. Please see assignment details
on canvas.
Table 1: Design Project Challenges
Challenge Example of Design Projects

Number Title Brief Civil Mechanical EESE

This challenge is aimed at developing Structural design, sustainable Provision of sustainable Smart grids.
smart infrastructure systems by construction materials, novel energy and power for IOT.
1 Smart Infrastructure
applying sensors, monitoring and applications for advanced infrastructure, adaptive Sensing and control
control to the built environment materials movable components hardware and software.
Power deployment.
This challenge is aimed at developing Vehicle control.
Vehicle design, fleet sizes and
2 Smart Transport Systems and improving first to last mile Transport infrastructure Operations and route
deployment, energy saving
connected transport solutions planning.
Sensing for vehicles.
Devices which assist surgery:
This challenge is aimed at either the
Structure for medical facility, minimally invasive, patient- Robot-assisted surgery.
Biomedical Applications customisation of surgical equipment,
3 sustainable construction specific or automated surgical Sensorised instruments.
Surgical Assistance Devices or reducing the risk of human error
materials tools, surgeon or patient Surgeon training facilities.
during surgical procedures.
support equipment.
Diagnostic, trauma or
treatment equipment that Communications or power
This challenge is aimed at Structure for deployment,
Health Care Systems for can be transported, deployed support infrastructure.
4 transportable and/or adaptable health training facility, sustainable
Conflict Zones and administered rapidly and Portable data processing.
care systems for conflict zones. construction materials
accurately under various Automated triage systems.
external conditions.
Smart meters.
This challenge is aimed at improving Zero net carbon houses, Heat and air management,
Domestic Energy use and Intelligent appliances.
5 the energy efficiency of the UK housing micro-wind turbines for insulation materials, phase
waste reduction Nudge-feedback to the home
stock houses change materials.
Quality control inspection
This challenge is aimed at the design, Manufacture, transport or
Design of prefabricated Robotic assistance for
6 Prefabricated Buildings manufacture and quality requirements assembly of prefabricated
buildings manufacture or assembly.
of prefabricated buildings. buildings.
Deployable or integrated
Advanced Manufacturing This challenge is aimed at facilitating Systems to customise items
Structure for manufacturing Automated production lines.
7 The Customisation of High the rapid customisation of high volume such as toys, food and phone
facility Inspection for quality control.
Volume/Low Cost Products and low cost products. covers.
Waste Management This challenge is aimed at the Renewable energy systems
Waste management or
8 Systems for Developing operational requirements of waste Waste management centre for waste management
recycling systems.
Countries management systems in developing plants.
countries. Control systems.
Automated separation of
materials for recycling.
Manufacturing and testing Renewable energy
This challenge is aimed at the
facility, sustainable generation system design.
9 Sustainable Energy Systems operational requirements of renewable Sustainable energy systems
construction materials, wind Smart grids.
energy systems.
turbines. Energy storage.
Energy efficient subsystems.
This challenge is aimed at the Bus maintenance
Operational performance
Increasing the capacity manufacture or operational depot/production facility for Energy efficient automotive
10 and/or efficiency of public requirements of increased capacity bus components, sustainable systems, high capacity
transport (buses). and/or efficiency public transport, construction materials, smart systems.
Alternative fuels.
specifically buses. public transport.
Driver advisory system.
Energy efficient subsystems.
This challenge is aimed at the Operational performance
Railway Systems Increasing Train depots/production of
manufacture or operational Energy efficient train (scheduling).
the capacity and/or train infrastructure
11 requirements of increased capacity systems, high capacity Infrastructure.
efficiency of public components, sustainable
and/or efficiency public transport, systems. Alternative fuels.
transport (trains). construction materials.
specifically trains. Driver advisory system.
Route design / alignment.

This challenge is aimed at the design Sensors or control systems

Structure for manufacturing
BioGas replacements for and manufacture of systems for co- Automotive systems: engines, for vehicles, storage, or
12 facility, optimising transport
agricultural fuels fuelling agricultural vehicles with powertrain, manufacturing. refuelling structures.
systems, storage structures.
conventional fuels and fuel flexibility

Automotive Applications This challenge is aimed at the design Sensors.

Structure for manufacturing
High Speed or High and manufacture of systems for either Automotive systems: engines, Control systems.
13 facility, optimising transport
Efficiency Automotive high speed or high efficiency vehicles. powertrain, aerodynamics. Robotic assistance for
Vehicles This challenge is open to any team. manufacture.

This challenge is aimed at the design

and manufacture of systems for either
Automotive Applications Sensors.
high speed or high efficiency vehicles.
High Speed or High Structure for manufacturing Automotive systems: engines, Control systems.
14 This challenge is reserved for the Team
Efficiency Automotive facility powertrain, aerodynamics. Robotic assistance for
containing students enrolled on the
Vehicles manufacture.
Mechanical Engineering Automotive
3.3) Timetabled Activities

Figure 2: Timetabled Activities

Figure 2 shows a summary of the timetabled activities for the module, and the assessment
dates are listed in Table 2. Refinements to the timetable may be made during the module,
these will be announced during lecture slots and reiterated on canvas.

Table 2: Assessment Dates

Schedule Date / Time Assessment
S2 / W6 11-12/03/2021 Group presentation to Team – Design Week
S2 / W12 12/05/2021 @17:00 Team final report
S2 / W12 13-14/05/2021 Group prototype (MEng / MSc)
Group drawings

4) Assessment
Specific assignment details including suggested content and detailed assessment criteria
will be released through Canvas for each assessed activity. The following sections
summarise the assessment (which is slightly different for BEng and MEng/MSc level), and
the high-level (common) objectives and deliverables for each assignment.

4.1) MEng/ MSc

Team marks will be based on a Team integrated presentation and Q&A session (25%), and
the Team component of the final report which focuses on the overall project and integration
of design (10%). Group marks will be based on the Group component of the final report
which focuses on discipline specific design (55%), and a Group prototype (10%).

4.2) BEng
Team marks will be based on a Team integrated presentation and Q&A session (25%), and
the Team component of the final report which focuses on the overall project and integration
of design (10%). Group marks will be based on the Group component of the final report
which focuses on discipline specific design (65%).

4.3) Assessment Summary

Table 3: Assessment summary including distribution of marks between discipline-
specific Group and integrated Team assessment.
BEng MEng / MSc
Team presentation 1 25% Team presentation 1 25%
Team final report 75% Team final report 65%
- Discipline specific (65%) - Discipline specific (55%)
- Integration (10%) - Integration (10%)
Group prototype 10%

4.4) Team Presentation (25% of final mark)

During the design week (S2/W6), you will present on behalf of your discipline specific Group
to your integrated Team. The overarching theme during the design week is integration
between your discipline specific Groups. The mark scheme for this component is weighted
as such.

On the Thursday or Friday your Team will be rotated through an assessment centre,
involving a panel of two members of staff representing different disciplines. You will receive
feedback on the spot from the panel and your peers within your integrated Team. It is not
necessary for every Group member to present, but everyone is expected to contribute by
asking or responding to questions if they don’t lead a portion of the presentation. You will be
assessed on your engagement.

You will present to your panel and your Team for a maximum of 10 minutes (plus 5
minutes for questions). You may wish to use some of the remaining time of the session to
provide some Team level content. You should practice your presentation and if necessary
seek advice from your Group supervisor. Presentations should be given using pre-recorded
material or via Zoom and the Q&A activities will be conducted via Zoom. You must ensure
that you are familiar with the mechanisms for this prior to your presentation.

The presentation aims to simulate the real world scenario of pitching your integrated design
solution, at a conceptual level, to stakeholders. During the presentation you should
demonstrate that you have:
• Identified and defined the overall context in which you are working – i.e. the Team-
level challenge solution and the element of it that you are looking to address
• Identified the interfaces between your contribution to the Team-level challenge
solution and the other Groups in your Team
• Defined your requirements for the interfaces to the other Groups
• Produced high-level concept designs for potential solutions
• Developed a high-level project plan – e.g. Team roles, communication logistics, work
packages and Gantt chart

4.5) Team Final Report (65% or 75% of final mark depending on degree program)
The final report is designed to demonstrate a mix of both Team-level integration and Group-
level technical achievement. The report is delivered at a Team-level, but will contain
significant and clearly defined sections associated with each of the Groups. Each Group will
have a maximum of 5000 words (not including figures, tables or captions) which must be
clearly identifiable by the assessors for that Group. A further 1500 words will be available to
demonstrate integration on a Team-level. Again, this must be clearly designated to allow
identification by the assessors. A single submission is expected per Team. A standard cover
page for the Team and Group sections is provided on Canvas.

In addition to the main body of the report, you should include a cover page including a title
and list of authors (by Group), and an executive summary illustrating in no more than a page
how your solution addresses your challenge and highlighting the Team’s key technical
achievements. Each Group may also submit up to two appendices comprising of
engineering drawings and the minutes of meetings. A further appendix may be included
should the peer assessment process have been triggered (see section 4.7).

Note: An additional appendix needs to be submitted by the MEng Civil Engineering students
only and added at the end of the Civil Engineering group report. This appendix should
contain information relating to specific technical design elements as described in the final
report brief. This additional appendix carries 10% of the total mark for the MEng Civil
Engineering students.

The final report is used to assess the overall Team-level integration and the Group-level
technical achievement. As such, there are a number of different requirements for the content
and these will be presented in more detail in the assignment brief on Canvas.

The following lists are therefore not exhaustive, but in the Team-level integration section the
assessors would expect to see:
• The Team’s interpretation of the Challenge.
• The Team’s response to the Challenge.
• Details of any wider sustainability or ethical issues surrounding the Team’s response
to the Challenge.
• Consideration of any legal, ethical, or health and safety issues associated with the
Team’s response to the Challenge.
• How the work to support the Team’s response to the Challenge has been shared
across the Groups.
• How you have managed the interfaces between the Groups within your Team.
• Team-level project and time management strategies.

The Group-level components of the report will include discipline specific marking criteria,
however as a non-exhaustive list, the assessors would expect to see the following items
• Definition of the problem being addressed by your Group in the context of the wider
Team objectives.
• Definitions of the interfaces between your Group and the rest of the Team.
• Images (hand sketches, SolidWorks drawings, diagrams, etc) demonstrating at least
1 concept solution per 2 members of the Group (or part thereof).
• A critical evaluation of each concept.
• A selection of a final design based on the previous evaluation.
• A discussion of any variations to the interfaces between Groups throughout the
• An analytic approach to your design.
• Justified system design, including experimental or theoretical evaluation where
• A summary of system implementation (where appropriate – MEng / MSc).
• Consideration of sustainability and environmental Issues.
• Consideration of legal, ethical or health & safety issues.
• Product / system costs (all Teams) and a business plan (MEng / MSc only).
• Conclusions.

4.6) Group Prototype and Drawings (10% of final mark, where appropriate)
Mechanical and EESE MEng/MSc Teams must produce a prototype related to their design.
In view of the financial constraints under which the Teams operate, this is unlikely to be a
pre-production product. More usually, the prototype would be used to demonstrate some
aspect of the design, to assist the evaluation, or to demonstrate some aspect of the
functionality of the product. Given the current global situation, it is also unlikely that there will
be ready access to the usual level of facilities and equipment used to develop the Group
prototypes. It is therefore anticipated that prototypes will be largely simulation based or
virtual demonstrators this year. This will be reviewed as the ongoing situation develops.

The assessment of the prototype (or documented technical elements in the case of civil
engineering Groups) will be via a demonstration in which you will have the opportunity to
present your prototype / elements. It is expected that you will have considered how to best
use this opportunity and will lead the session rather than leaving it for the assessors to
explore your work. A formal presentation is not required, although it is expected that you will
introduce your prototype to the assessors. Assuming that in-person protype demonstrations
are not possible, presentation of the prototypes could be via video demonstration or over
Zoom. It is expected that in this case a Zoom based Q&A session is included to allow the
assessors to explore the prototypes with the Group. In presenting your prototypes you may
wish to consider:
• What aspect of your project does your prototype/drawing demonstrate?
• How does it demonstrate it?
• Does your prototype/drawing help you to evaluate your design, and if so how?
• What assumptions have you had to make about contributions from other Groups
when making your prototype/drawing?
• How would your prototype/drawing interact with the contributions from other Groups
within your Team?

The prototypes are being considered on a Group-level and it is not necessary for the
Groups’ prototypes to be integrated, although this would potentially support the integration
story in other aspects of the assessment.
Note: All civil engineering Groups will have to produce technical drawings reflecting their
design calculations, which will be assessed.

4.7) Peer Assessment

If for any reason, tension arises within a Team or Group due to the apparent unsatisfactory
contribution of a Group member, the Group should initially try and resolve the issues
amongst themselves. If this is not possible, you must raise the issue with your supervisor. If
mediation, between the Group and the supervisor is unsuccessful, then the peer review
process can be activated. The deadline for requested the activation of the peer view
process is 5pm Friday 19th March, although you are advised to address any problems as
early as possible.
The onus will be on you to provide evidence about the workload spilt in your Team
throughout the project, to justify the application of your peer review. You must compile an
additional appendix composing of evidence such as the spilt of tasks throughout, attendance
in meetings and engagement with the project. The final decision on which marks (if any)
shall be adjusted through peer review will lies with your supervisor.

5) Health & Safety

As described above, the current global situation limits access to campus resources and
therefore the feasibility for production and demonstration of physical prototypes. It is
anticipated that prototype development in this academic year will be restricted to virtual or
simulated systems. This will, however, be reviewed as the semester progresses and should
the production of physical prototypes become possible these activities will be subject to
standard university risk assessment and operational processes as follows.

Risk assessments must be completed, signed by academic supervisors and validated by

health & safety coordinators before any practical work takes place.

Table 4 indicates H&S responsibilities and actions and is taken from ‘Guidance for Academic
Supervisors and Others who may be supervising Academic Work: GUIDANCE/16/SAW/00’

Table 4: H&S Responsibilities and Actions

Person Responsibilities Action Additional Information
Head of School Ensure suitable Written arrangements UHSP/0/99 Health and
health and safety detailed in local health Safety Policy.
arrangements are in and safety policy. GUIDANCE/15/MHSBC/00
place for the General Guidance Management of Health
planning and (GUIDANCE/9/HSGG/98) and Safety within Budget
conduct of project leaflet distributed to Centres
work. students.

Project Supervisor At project When planning project

conception consider and resources required
possible health and consider health and
safety risks and safety.
Before project starts Assess and document GUIDANCE/17/RA/00 Risk
discuss risks and risks in conjunction with Assessment.
suitable control student(s). Sufficient UHSP/8/SSOHA/96 Out of
measures with practical detail of risks Hours Activities and
student(s) (and local and control measures Unattended Equipment
Safety Co-ordinator should be included in and Apparatus. School
and technicians if project details. documentation. May be
appropriate). Ensure part of the student(s)
risk assessments are project to identify risks
completed. and control measures
Ensure control Ensure students have
measures are information. Regularly
adhered to during monitor project work. If
project and students work is being carried
follow safety out in an unsafe manner
procedures. it is your duty to
suspend it.
Ensure additional Review and update
risks are identified project specific safety
and controlled. procedures throughout

Students Be familiar with Discuss and develop General Guidance

safety information. safety procedures with (GUIDANCE/9/HSGG/98)
Comply with agreed supervisor throughout leaflet.
procedure. Report if project.
anything goes wrong

Health and Safety advice is available from local Safety Co-ordinators/Technical Managers:
- Civil Engineering: Mark Carter, [email protected], T 45094
- EESE: Andy Dunn, [email protected], T 44353
- Mechanical Engineering: Katie Tyler, [email protected]

If further advice is required contact the University Safety Services.

6) Resources
Each Group will be provided with a supervisor and a supervision team, but in addition should
consider any appropriate academic within the School of Engineering to be a consultant to
their project.

Given the current global situation, meetings in person are not permitted and university
spaces and facilities are generally not available. This will be reviewed as the situation
In the absence of physical meetings, students are encouraged to adopt online collaborative
working practices. This is something that industry has recently had to adopt and being able
to demonstrate this capability will be valuable when seeking graduate positions.
Your university IT accounts provide you access to the MS Office 365 suite and OneDrive
which gives you a platform for collaborative document editing. Similar facilities are available,
for example via Google docs. Your university accounts also give you access to MS Teams
which is routinely being adopted as a collaboration and conferencing tool within industry.
You will be permitted to create and manage MS teams associated with your IDP projects;
and may wish to use multiple channels to coordinate the activities of the different Groups
within your Team. MS teams is integrated with SharePoint and a number of plugins that
allow you to plan time and manage files and resources. Again, other solutions are available
for this with popular 3rd party team management solutions such as Slack, Monday, and
Trello. For communication, many of the team management tools also provide conferencing
and messaging facilities, and again these are being adopted more widely within industry.
Within your cohort you may be more familiar with social media messaging applications and
such as Whatsapp, Telegram, and Messenger may also have some simple voting / polling
plugins. The drop-in and workshop sessions within the module will be conducted using
Zoom for the larger attendance capacity and breakout options. Industrially common a
alternatives include MS Teams, Skype4Business and Go2Meeting. Finally, as a design
project it is likely that some collaborative whiteboarding or other brainstorming space may be
useful to you. Solutions such as Mural, Lucid Notes, or Hoylu will likely be used in the
workshop sessions and may be helpful in your wider design activities.

6.1) MEng / MSc Prototypes

As described above, the current global situation limits access to campus resources and
therefore the feasibility for production and demonstration of physical prototypes. It is
anticipated that prototype development in this academic year will be restricted to virtual or
simulated systems. This will, however, be reviewed as the semester progresses and should
the production of physical prototypes become possible these activities will be subject to
standard university risk assessment and operational processes as described below.

MEng/MSc Teams must produce a prototype related to the design. In view of the financial
constraints under which the Teams operate, this is unlikely to be a pre-production product.
More usually, the prototype would be used to demonstrate some aspect of the design, to
assist the evaluation, or to demonstrate some aspect of functionality. You are advised to
plan your prototype requirements (including undertaking health and safety risk assessments)
as early as possible and discuss these initially with your supervisor.

There is a budget of £100 per Group to cover the costs of manufacturing prototypes.
Expense claims need to be agreed with your supervisor or department lead and signed off
by the Head of Education. All expense claims must be accompanied by VAT receipts (not
credit card receipts). Expense claims forms are available from:
Completed forms should be sent to the Education Support Office for the attention of
the module lead.

6.1.1) Mechanical
Prototype manufacture can be undertaken either in the workshop, the Design Centre (by use
of the 5-axis NC machine or Rapid Prototyping machine). Any work in the workshop must
be agreed in advance with Lee Gauntlett ([email protected]), who will assess the
requirements and health & safety issues and advise on the procedures for undertaking work.
Please bear in mind that Lee will advise on how to produce the parts required but only in
exceptional circumstances will work be performed on behalf of students. Also note that there
is no un-supervised work permitted in the workshops after 5.00 pm. If the 5-axis machine, or
the rapid prototype facility in the Design Centre, is more suitable for your requirements, their
use must be agreed in advance with Simon Payne-Rowan (S.M.Payne-
[email protected]). Please note that the latter part of the second semester is extremely
busy and prototype manufacture can be accommodated only on a first-come first-served
basis. If you wish to manufacture your prototype off-campus you must discuss the
requirements and associated health & safety issues with Katie Tyler ([email protected])
before any work commences.
6.1.2) EESE
All EESE students are invited to make use of the EESE project laboratory (GK/N216 or its
replacement in the the New SoE) and stock equipment available from the Engineering
technicians. BEng students may wish to use these facilities for component prototyping to
support their design work, but development of full prototypes is not required for these
Groups. MEng students are required to develop more substantial prototypes that
demonstrate the core functionality of their proposed designs, and hence have access to a
project budget. In addition to the School of Engineering processes for expenditure described
in section 6.1 above, EESE IDP3 students who have completed project risk assessments
and had them countersigned by their supervisor can use the EESE final year project
component procurement system. This may be more appropriate for the electronics suppliers
likely to be appropriate to the project. The system can be accessed via: Mechanical construction facilities are available in the
Mechanical Engineering and Metallurgy and Materials workshops. Details can be obtained
from the EESE technicians.

Risk assessments must be completed, signed by academic supervisors and validated by

health & safety coordinator, Andy Dunn, before any practical work takes place.

7) Enrichment Activities
Various enrichment activities and presentations will take place through the duration of IDP3.
Some of these will be considered core to the project and timetabled as part of the main
activity, others will be considered optional. It is likely that different optional activities will be
considered key to the different challenges.

7.1) Design Workshops and Industrial Support

During the first semester, a number of design workshops will take place to support the
formation of Teams and Groups, the development of working practices, the challenge
selection process, and initial design work. The workshops will introduce a range of tools that
can be used to explore and articulate Team and Group solutions to the challenges and to
map the wider context in which the Teams will be providing solutions.

In order to demonstrate the industrial relevance of the research led challenges being
considered within IDP3, industrial visitors will be invited to contribute to the commercial and
technical perspectives.
7.2) Visiting Industrial and Commercialisation Lecturers
A number of visiting lecture series will be identified and advertised to the IDP3 cohort
throughout the programme. These will include:
• Technical guest lectures from industry
• Commercialisation / business focused guest lectures
• The Railway Prestige lecture series
• The Beale lecture series

7.3) Design Week

A design week has been scheduled for week 6 of the semester. During the design week
your timetables have been cleared (as much as possible) to allow you to focus on your
group design work. Two days have been reserved at the end of the week for assessment
activities. In the remaining time, industrial visitors and the School’s Visiting Professors have
been invited to lead sessions to support the project management and commercially focused
aspects of the projects.
Appendix A - IDP3 Challenge and Supervisor Allocations
Challenge Team Mech EESE Civil

1 Smart Infrastructure

2 Smart Transport

3 Surgical Assistance

4 Conflict Zone Healthcare

5 Domestic Energy

6 Prefabricated Buildings

7 Manufacturing

8 Waste Management

9 Sustainable Energy

10 Transport - Busses

11 Transport - Trains

12 Agricultural BioGas

13 Automotive

14 Automotive (Reserved)
Appendix B - IDP3 Supervisor Contact Details
Simon Blakey [email protected]
Gerard Cummins [email protected]
Stefan Dimov [email protected]
Ziyun Ding [email protected]
Daniel Espino [email protected]
Khamis Essa [email protected]
Martin Herreros [email protected]
Richard Hood [email protected]
Mehdi Jangi [email protected]
Kyle Jiang [email protected]
Yueting Sun [email protected]
Andrew Tobias [email protected]
Thanos Tsolakis [email protected]
Hongming Xu [email protected]

Edd Stewart [email protected]
Lei Chen [email protected]
John Easton [email protected]
Mark Keene [email protected]
Mahvish Nazir [email protected]
Yi Wang [email protected]
Ying Xue [email protected]

Marios Theofanous [email protected]
Charalampos Baniotopoulos [email protected]
Nigel Cassidy [email protected]
David Chapman [email protected]
Samir Dirar [email protected]
Kamel Hawwash [email protected]
Sak Kaewunruen [email protected]
Nicole Metje [email protected]
Chris Rogers [email protected]
Konstantinos Skalomenos [email protected]
Mark Sterling [email protected]
Appendix C – Group Categorisations for Prototyping and Assessment
Challenge Team Civil EESE Mech 1 Mech 2 Mech 3 Mech 4

1 Infrastructure

2 Smart Transport

3 Assistance

Conflict Zone
4 Healthcare

5 Domestic Energy

6 Buildings

7 Manufacturing

8 Management

9 Energy

Transport -
10 Busses

Transport -
11 Trains

12 BioGas

13 Automotive

14 (Reserved)

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