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Activity— BOSS Model

Modeling the effect of resonance during an earthquake

Why do some buildings stand and smaller ones fall if they are architecturally equal?

Building Oscillation Seismic Simulation, or BOSS,

is an opportunity for students to explore the
phenomenon of resonance while performing a
scientific experiment that employs mathematical
skills. The students are intrigued by a discrepant
event involving the BOSS Model and are then
set to work experimenting with the natural
frequencies of structures. They experience
how structures behave dynamically during an

Use this block & dowel model or select one of two Science Standards (NGSS; pg. 287)
alternative methods that require less preparation. • From Molecules to Organisms—Structures and
Although it takes time to prepare, it is worth the effort. Processes: MS-LS1-8
• Motion and Stability­­—Forces and Interactions:
HS-PS2-1, MS-PS2-2
• Energy: MS-PS3-1, MS-PS3-2, HS-PS3-2,
• Waves and Their Applications in Technologies
for Information Transfer: MS-PS4-1, HS-PS4-1,
• Earth and Human Activity: HS-ESS3-1,

Additional Resources on this DVD & Internet

VIDEOS: The 3 demonstrations on page 2 of this activity are available on this DVD in the folder:
3. VIDEOS_Earthquake & Tsunami

They are also available on the Internet:

ANIMATIONS relevant to the BOSS Model are in the folders:

2. ANIMATIONS_Earthquake & Tsunami > Structural Design & EQ Damage

e-binder for 2014 CEETEP workshop 189

Links to VIDEOS are on the previous page

This is a demonstration of the BOSS model from

Seismic Sleuths and is described in the following
pages. DEMO_Resonance_BOSS

The simplest and most spontaneous way to demonstrate

the concept of resonance and building height uses
spaghetti and small weights (raisins or marshmallows.

Demonstration of a modified version of the

BOSS-Lite model that uses manilla folders.
Building Stability during Earthquakes**
The three highly effective activities address earthquake resonance on buildings.
We offer different styles and levels of the same basic processes using a variety of materials.

Time: 5-30 Minutes Watch the 3 videos on resonance to determine how
Target: Grade Level: 6-12 elaborate an activity you desire.
Content Objective: Students will predict how a Vocabulary:
structure will react to vibrations (oscillations) of different Amplitude, Frequency, Oscillation, Resonance.
frequencies, and describe the phenomenon of resonance. Student Worksheets:
“Swaying Buildings” student work pages follow the
Introduction description of the activity.
Why do buildings of different heights respond differently
in an earthquake? These activities show that how seismic
waves travel through the layers of the Earth can effect
how a building might wobble. Aside from architectural
constraints, i.e., how well built the structure is, the
instruments and the quality of sound produced by
particular resonance of an earthquake can knock down a
different recording techniques and players. The
small building and spare the skyscraper. The resonance is
phenomenon of resonance also accounts for laser light
the oscillation (up-and-down or back-and-forth motion)
and for the color of the sky.
caused by a seismic wave. During an earthquake,
buildings oscillate. If the frequency of this oscillation is
Third, review the terms and concepts introduced in this
close to the natural frequency of the building, resonance
lesson. Explain that seismic waves caused by earthquakes
may cause severe damage. These models allow students to
produce oscillations, or vibrations, in materials with
observe the phenomenon of resonance.
many different frequencies. Every object has a natural
rate of vibration that scientists call its natural frequency.
Teacher Preparation—Choice of Models The natural frequency of a building depends on its
physical characteristics, including the design and the
First, decide which oscillation model fits your class time,
building material. Resonance is a buildup of amplitude
as well as preparation time. FEMA’s Seismic Sleuth BOSS
in a physical system that occurs when the frequency
model has much background material. With all models,
of an applied oscillatory force is close to the natural
practice before using in class!! The BOSS model, though
frequency of the system. In the case of an earthquake,
most time consuming to construct, works best!
the ground shaking may be at the same frequency as the
1) The spaghetti-and-marshmallow (or raisin) model natural frequency of a building. Each vibration in the
is the quickest to assemble and is described in the ground may come at or dangerously close to the natural
movie, frequency of the structure.
2) The BossLite model has the advantage of looking
more like buildings; you could even draw windows Fourth, ask the class to hypothesize what would happen
on them. Because of the different weight of manilla when buildings of two different heights, standing next
folders, we found we had to experiment with to each other, resonate from an earthquake. (Remember
doubling up the files as they were too floppy. to practice a lot before demonstrating.)
Students invariably select the tallest building. Wiggle the
3) The BOSS model is the most elegant, and will be model so that the shorter building vibrates the greatest.
a permanent tool for the classroom. But it does If you have some images of this effect from actual
take some assembly time and must be stored. The earthquakes, show them now. The 1985 devastating
activity is in FEMA’s Seismic Sleuths Mexico City quake is a tragic example of mid-size
buildings falling preferentially.
Second, find out what students already know about the
concepts of amplitude, frequency, and resonance. If Fifth, entice students to further investigation by leaving
they are not familiar with these terms, introduce them them with the question: “How could you add structural
by building on what students already know from other elements to reduce resonance in a building?” Adding
areas. They may know, for example, that resonance and sheer structure keeps things from falling. See “Build A
frequency are used in describing the tone of musical Better Wall”.

e-binder for 2014 CEETEP workshop 191

The BOSS Model:
From “Seismic Sleuths” by AGU/FEMA

Building Oscillation Seismic Simulation


During an earthquake, buildings oscillate. If the frequency of this As noted in lesson 4.2,
you may want to have
oscillation is close to the natural frequency of the building, resonance one group of students
may cause severe damage. The BOSS model allows students to working with this model
observe the phenomenon of resonance. while another is working with the
model wall.
Why do buildings of different heights respond differently in an

Students will:
1. Predict how a structure will react to vibrations (oscillations) of
different frequencies.
2. Perform an experiment to establish the relationship between the
height of a structure and its natural frequency.
3. Describe the phenomenon of resonance.

for one BOSS Model
Q Master 4.3a, BOSS Model Assembly
Q 4 pieces of wood, 1 x 4, each 15 cm (6 in.) long
Q 1 piece of wood, 2 x 4, for a base, about 45 cm (18 in.) long Since the rods can
Q 2 threaded rods, 10 x 24, each 96 cm (36 in.) long break with rough
handling, you may want
Q 2 threaded rods, 10 x 24, each 61 cm (2 ft.) long to buy one or two extra.
Q Goggles for eye protection
Q Hacksaw or power saw with metal-cutting blade
Q Electric drill or hand drill with ¼-in. and ¾-in. wood bore bits
8 washers, #8 VOCABULARY
Q 8Awing
widenuts, 10 x 24 marker in any color that will contrast with
tee nuts, 10 x 24 Amplitude: a measure-
8 washers,
wood #8 ment of the energy of a
A wide permanent marker in any color that will contrast with the wood wave. Amplitude is the
 Poster paints: red, green, blue, black, and white, and 5 brushes displacement of the
Poster paints: red, green, blue, black, and white, and 5 brushes medium
(optional) A G U / F E M A 248 S E I S M I C S L E U T H Szero or the height of a
wave crest or trough from a zero
for each small group point. (In this activity it’s how far to
the side the block moves.)
 One copy of Master 4.3b, BOSS Worksheet Frequency: the rate at which a
 Pencils or pens motion repeats, or oscillates. The
frequency of a motion is directly
 Stopwatch related to the energy of oscillation.
In this context, frequency is the
 Meter stick number of oscillations in an
earthquake wave that occur each
P RO C EDURE second. In earthquake
192 engineering, frequency is the rate
Teacher Preparation at which the top of a building
 8 washers, #8 VOCABULARY
A wide permanent marker in any color that will contrast with
 the Amplitude: a measure-
wood ment of the energy of a
wave. Amplitude is the
 Poster paints: red, green, blue, black, and white, and 5 brushes displacement of the
medium from zero or the height of a
(optional) wave crest or trough from a zero
for each small group point. (In this activity it’s how far to
the side the block moves.)
 One copy of Master 4.3b, BOSS Worksheet Frequency: the rate at which a
 Pencils or pens motion repeats, or oscillates. The
frequency of a motion is directly
 Stopwatch related to the energy of oscillation.
In this context, frequency is the
 Meter stick number of oscillations in an
earthquake wave that occur each
P RO C EDURE second. In earthquake
engineering, frequency is the rate
Teacher Preparation at which the top of a building
Build the BOSS model by following the directions on Master 4.3a. sways.
Practice with your model until you’ve got a feel for each frequency Hertz (Hz): the unit of measurement
for frequency, as recorded in cycles
and you can get any of the rod assemblies to resonate. One per second. When these rates are
technique is to use a firm push first, then watch the number you very large, the prefixes kilo or mega
want and wiggle the base very lightly at its natural frequency to get are used. A kilohertz (kHz) is a
resonance. frequency of 1,000 cycles per
second and a megahertz (MHz) is a
A. Introduction frequency of 1,000,000 cycles per
Find out what students already know about the concepts of second.
amplitude, frequency, and resonance. If they are not familiar with Oscillation or vibration: the
these terms, introduce them by building on what students already repeating motion of a wave or a
know from other areas. They may know, for example, that material—one back and forth
movement. Earthquakes cause
resonance and frequency are used in describing the tone of musical seismic waves that produce
instruments and the quality of sound produced by different oscillations, or vibrations, in
recording techniques and players. The phenomenon of resonance materials with many different
also accounts for laser light and for the color of the sky. frequencies. Every object has a
natural rate of vibration that
B. Lesson Development scientists call its natural frequency.
The natural
The natural
The frequency
natural frequency
frequency of of
of aaa building
1. Direct
1. Direct students’
students’ attention
attention to to the
the BOSS
BOSS model,
model, andand explain
explain itsits depends on on its
its physical
name. Ask the students to predict which numbered
name. Ask the students to predict which numbered rod assembly rod assembly characteristics, including
characteristics, including the the design
will oscillate
will oscillate thethe most
most when
when you you wiggle
wiggle thethe base.
base. Have
Have them them hold
hold and the
and the building
building materials.
up 1, 2, 3, or 4 fingers to indicate their prediction.
up 1, 2, 3, or 4 fingers to indicate their prediction. (They will (They will Resonance: an
Resonance: an increase
increase in in the
probably say
probably say number
number 11 because
because itit isis the
the tallest.)
tallest.) amplitude (in
amplitude (in this
this case,
case, thethe
distance the
distance the top
top ofof aa building
2. Oscillate
2. Oscillate the the BOSS
BOSS model
model so so that
that some
some rodrod assembly
assembly resonates
resonates moves from
from its
its rest
rest position)
position) of of aa
other than the one most students predicted. This
other than the one most students predicted. This will baffle the will baffle the physical system
physical system (such(such as as aa building)
students, so let them predict again. Again make
students, so let them predict again. Again make the rod resonate the rod resonate that occurs
that occurs when
when the the frequency
frequency of of
for an
for an assembly
assembly they they did
did not
not predict.
predict. Finish
Finish this
this demonstration
demonstration the applied
the applied oscillatory
oscillatory forceforce (such
after several tries by making the rod
after several tries by making the rod resonate for theresonate for the assembly
assembly as earthquake
as earthquake shaking)
shaking) is is close
close to to
the natural
the natural frequency
frequency of of the
most of the students did predict, so that they get
most of the students did predict, so that they get it right. Invite it right. Invite system.
3. Relate
3. Relate the
the blocks
blocks andand rods
rods toto buildings
buildings of of various
various heights
heights inin an
earthquake. Ask
earthquake. Ask students
students ifif they
they think
think buildings
buildings would
would oscillate
oscillate like
this in
this in an
an earthquake.
earthquake. (They (They always
always do, do, and
and in
in some
some earthquakes
the effect
the effect isis especially
especially pronounced.
pronounced. In In the
the 1985
1985 Mexico
Mexico City City
earthquake, the
earthquake, the ground
ground shaking
shaking resonated
resonated withwith the
the natural
frequencies of
frequencies of 8-to-10-
8-to-10- A G U / F E M A 249 S E I S M I C S L E U T H S
cal characteristics, including the design and the building materials.
Resonance is a buildup of amplitude in a physical system that
occurs when the frequency of an applied oscillatory force is close
to the natural frequency of the system. In the case of an
earthquake, the ground shaking may be at the same frequency as
the natural frequency of a building. Each vibration in the ground
may come at or dangerously close to the natural frequency of the
Ask the class to hypothesize what would happen when buildings of
two different heights, standing next to each other, resonate from
an earthquake. Wiggle the BOSS model so that assemblies 2 and 3
vibrate greatly, and let students see how buildings hammer together
during powerful earthquakes. If you have some images of this effect
from actual earthquakes, show them now.
Entice students to further investigation by leaving them with the
question: “How could you add structural elements to reduce
resonance in a building?”

1. Tell students that one way to protect a building from resonating
with an earthquake is to isolate its foundation, or base, from the
ground with devices much like wheels. This technique is called base
isolation. Structural engineers are now developing the technology
to place buildings on devices that absorb energy, so that ground
shaking is not directly transferred to the building.
Invite students to add standard small wheels from a
hardware store to their models as an illustration of one
of the many base isolation technologies, or add wheels
to your own BOSS model, then shake the table. Better
yet, place the model in a low box or tray and shake it.
Then take out the model, fill the box with marbles or
BBs, and replace the model on this base. Now shake the
box. Challenge students to come up with other base
isolation techniques.
2. If any of your students have studied harmonic
motion in a physical science or physics class, challenge
them to explain how the BOSS model is an example of
an inverted pendulum.
3. To help students connect the numbered rod
assemblies to actual buildings, make paper sleeves and
decorate them to resemble buildings in your area. At
some point in the lesson, slide the sleeves over the rod
assemblies to show how buildings can collide, or hammer
against each other, during an earthquake. 

A G U / F E M A 252 S E I S M I C S L E U T H S

4.3a M A S T E R P A G E
BOSS Model Assembly

1. Cut one of the meter-long threaded rods

down to 75 cm, leaving the other full length.
2. Cut one of the 61-cm threaded rods down to
45 cm, leaving the other full length.
3. Drill a .63-cm (1/4 in.) hole through the
center of one of the short sides in each of the
15-cm pieces of wood. (See assembly diagram.)
4. Hammer a tee nut into the hole on one end
of each 15-cm piece.
5. Countersink four 3/4-in. holes about 1/8 in.
deep into the 45-cm 2 x 4 at 12-cm intervals,
as marked on the diagram. (This will allow you
to countersink the nuts so they don’t scratch
the surface where the model rests.)
6. Drill four 1/4-in. holes in the 45-cm 2 x 4 in
the countersunk holes.
7. Hammer a tee nut into each countersunk
hole. Turn the board over so the tee nuts are on
the bottom.
8. Assemble the rods and the base as shown on
the diagram.
9. Use the permanent marker to label the 15-
cm 1 x 4 blocks in order, 1, 2, 3, and 4.
Optional: Paint the four 15-cm pieces of
wood in four different colors. When they are
dry, number them, with the white paint.

A G U / F E M A 253 S E I S M I C S L E U T H S

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Teacher notes for Boss Model activity
“Swaying Buildings”

Student Worksheets are on the following pages for the Boss Model activity called Swaying Buildings.
These pages have been modified from the AGU/FEMA Seismic Sleuths work book.

Part IV: Relating your findings to earthquake scenarios uses the poster titled “Violence of Ground
Shaking Caused by 3 Types of Earthquakes” That poster is on this DVD in the folder called:
5. Maps & Posters
> EarthquakeScenarioPoster_SeattleNisqually.pdf

See also the EXTENSION activity in next Activity called:

“Types of Pacific NW Earthquakes & the BOSS Model”

Demonstration questions
In this model,
What does the wooden base represent?
What do the standing blocks represent?
What does the shaking back and forth of the model represent?

How is Energy: Moving through this system? (kinetic energy is transferring from your hand to the
base of the model and then transferring from the base to the rods and then again transferring from
the rods to the blocks causing the blocks to sway back and forth)

For each demonstration ask students to decide--

Which “building” has the greatest amplitude?

As you demonstrate several different frequencies, discuss --

Which “building” resonates at the greatest wavelength?
Which “building” resonates at the least wavelength?

Provide students with an experimental question to answer “How does changing the height of the rod
affect the natural frequency of the BOSS Model building?”

Have students write a hypothesis before beginning the activity. (If the height of the rod increases then
the natural frequency will also increase because ….)

Include a question identifying 2 controlled variables. (the materials the rods are made of, the number
of cycles measured, the stopwatch used etc.)

I would place the height of the rod data in the same table with the oscillation data

Students should write a conclusion— (state the question, answer the question, summarize the high and
low data and explain how the trend in the data answers the question)

Swaying Buildings: The BOSS Model Per: Date:

Background Information
Earthquakes generate energy in the form of seismic waves. These seismic waves travel for great
distances before finally losing most of their energy. At some time after their generation, these seismic
waves will reach the earth's surface, and set it in motion.

When an earthquake causes ground motion beneath a building and when it is strong enough, it sets the
building in motion, starting with the building's foundation, and transfers the motion throughout the rest of
the building in a very complex way. These motions in turn induce forces that can produce damage. The
variety of ways a building responds to earthquake ground motion is the most important cause of
earthquake-induced damage to buildings.

A closer look at ground motion and building response…

The characteristics of earthquake ground motions that have the greatest importance for buildings are the
duration, amplitude (of displacement, velocity and acceleration) and frequency of the ground motion.

Seismic waves caused by earthquakes produce oscillations, or vibrations, in materials with many
different frequencies. Remember, frequency is the rate at which a motion repeats, or oscillates. The
frequency of a motion is directly related to the energy of oscillation. In this context, frequency is the number
of oscillations in an earthquake wave that occur each second. Another way to look at this is that higher
the frequency, the more oscillations or the more vibrations. In earthquake engineering, frequency is
the rate at which the top of a building sways. Frequency is often measured in units called Hertz (Hz).
Thus, if two full waves pass in one second, the frequency is 2 hertz (abbreviated as 2 Hz).

Every object has a natural rate of vibration that scientists call its natural frequency. The natural
frequency of a building depends on its physical characteristics, including the design and the building
materials. How much a building moves or sways during shaking is
called its amplitude. Amplitude is a measurement of the energy of a
wave. Typically amplitude is defined as the displacement of the
medium from zero or the height of a wave crest or trough from a zero
point so in this activity it's how far to the side the block moves
from the vertical position.

When studying the effects of earthquakes on buildings, we have to

consider another concept. Resonance is a buildup of amplitude (in
this case, the distance the top of a building moves from its rest
position) of a physical system (such as a building) that occurs when
the frequency of the applied oscillatory force (such as earthquake
shaking) is close to the natural frequency of the system. In the case of
an earthquake, the ground shaking may be at the same frequency
as the natural frequency of a building. Each vibration in the ground
may come at or dangerously close to the natural frequency of the
structure. Buildings have a vibrational frequency
depending on their height. If the
vibrational frequency resonates with that
of the earthquake waves, shaking will be
amplified and damage will be more severe,
as was the case in the 1985 Mexico City
Earthquake. From Bolt (1999).

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1 workshop 197
Using the BOSS model
To develop an understanding of the affect of earthquake waves on buildings, you’ll first measure the
natural frequencies of the three buildings in the BOSS model.

SAFETY NOTE: Be careful when handling the “buildings” in the BOSS model. Be careful not
to break the dowel portions by pulling them too far from their vertical position.

Part I: Determining the natural frequency of different height buildings:

1. Measure the height (cm) of each “building” from the base to the top, and record it.
2. Hold the base stationary, pull the tallest “building” (wooden block) out several centimeters to the side,
and release it. Be sure it does not hit the adjoining blocks as it oscillates. As the “building” oscillates,
you will use a stopwatch to measure the time for 5 oscillations. Record this number in the correct
column below. Practice this until your times for 5 oscillations are fairly close to each other.
3. Practice until you have the same swing each time, then repeat the above measurement three more
times. Record your data in the correct column below.
4. Now calculate the natural frequency of the building by dividing 5 by the average oscillation time.
The frequency is measured in hertz, or cycles per second. Record this frequency in the “natural
frequency” column.
5. Repeat this procedure for the other two blocks.
6. Plot the building height versus natural frequency of each building on the graph provided. You
should have 3 data points. Label the graph correctly and include a best-fit line.

Data Table: Building Heights and Oscillation Times

Building Avg. Oscillation Natural
Oscillation Time (s/5 cycles)
Building Height 5 Times Frequency
(cm) Trial #1 Trial #2 Trial #3 Trial #4 (s/5 cycles) (Hz =cycles/s)




Dependent Variable:

Independent Variable:

Questions Use complete sentences for full credit.

1. From your graph, what is the shape of the line produced by plotting “building height” versus “natural

2. What relationship do you notice if any, between the height of the “buildings” and their natural
frequencies? Support this relationship with specific data from this activity.

3. Predict what would happen when buildings of two different heights, standing next to each other,
resonate from an earthquake.

4. Explain how resonance can increase the damage done to buildings during earthquakes.

Part II: Determining Building Period from its Natural Frequency

Another way to understand the behavior of buildings during earthquakes is to think of the building's
response in terms of another important quantity, the building's natural period. The building period is
simply the inverse of the natural frequency: Whereas the frequency is the number of times per
second that the building will vibrate back and forth, the period is the time it takes for the
building to make one complete vibration. The relationship between frequency (f) and period (T) is
thus very simple math:

Period = 1 divided by the frequency

T = 1/ f

When the frequency of the ground motion during earthquakes is near the building's natural
frequency, we say that the building and the ground motion are in resonance with one another.
Resonance tends to increase or amplify the building's response. Because of this, buildings suffer the
greatest damage from ground motion at a frequency close or equal to their own natural frequency.

e-binder for 2014 CEETEP workshop 199

The Mexico City earthquake of September 19, 1985 provides a striking illustration of this. A majority
of the many buildings which collapsed during this earthquake were around 20 stories tall--i.e., they
had a natural period of around 2.0 seconds. These 20 story buildings were in resonance with the
frequency of the 1985 earthquake waves. Other buildings, of different heights and with different
vibration characteristics, were often found undamaged even though they were located right next to
the damaged 20 story buildings.

Procedures for calculating the period

1. Copy the building heights and natural frequencies for each building from the table that you
completed in part I.
2. Next, calculate the natural period of each building by dividing 1 by the natural frequency. Fill
in the table below.
3. Plot the building height versus natural period of each building on the graph provided. You
should have 3 data points. Label the graph correctly and include a best-fit line.

Data Table: Building Heights and Natural Periods Building Natural Periods
Building Natural Number of
Natural period
Building heights Frequencies Natural period (s) stories
(cm) (Hz =cycles/s) 2 0.2
5 0.5
10 1.0
Medium 20 2.0
30 3.0
50 5.0

Dependent Variable:

Independent Variable:


Part III Relating ground motion to building motion
Based on your data above, you’ll predict and test the effect of different
ground motions on the different buildings.

The tallest building

Write a one-sentence prediction of which frequency of ground motion (high
frequency, short period; or intermediate frequency, intermediate period; or
low freq
1. uency, long period) is going to MOST affect the tall building. pro/seismic/seismic.html

Prediction: Tall buildings will be most affected by:

Testing: Begin gently moving the base of the model back and forth parallel to the long
dimension of the model. (Your instructor will demonstrate this for you.) Pay close attention to
the frequency of the back and forth motion. Through trial and error, find the frequency of the
motion of the base that moves ONLY the tall building.

Findings: The frequency of base motion that most affects the tall building is (circle one):
a. High frequency, short period waves
b. Intermediate frequency, intermediate period waves
c. Low frequency, long period waves

Now that you’ve figured out a little bit more about how ground motion affects
buildings, lets take a closer look at a variety of different height buildings.

The shortest building

2. Write a one-sentence prediction of which frequency of ground motion (high frequency, short
period; or intermediate frequency, intermediate period; or low frequency, long period) is going
to MOST affect the short building.

Prediction: Short buildings will be most affected by:

Testing: Begin gently moving the base of the model back and forth parallel to the long
dimension of the model. Pay close attention to the frequency of the back and forth motion.
Through trial and error, find the frequency of the motion of the base that moves ONLY the
short building.

Findings: The frequency of base motion that most affects the short building is (circle one):
a. High frequency, short period waves
b. Intermediate frequency, intermediate period waves
c. Low frequency, long period waves


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The intermediate height building
3. Write a one-sentence prediction of which frequency of ground motion is going to MOST affect
the intermediate height building.

Prediction: Intermediate height buildings will be most affected by:

Testing: Begin gently moving the base of the model back and forth parallel to the long
dimension of the model. Pay close attention to the frequency of the back and forth motion.
Through trial and error, find the frequency of the motion of the base that moves ONLY the
intermediate height building.

Findings: Describe in two sentences both the frequency and period of base motion that most
affects the intermediate height buildings.

Part IV: Relating your findings to earthquake scenarios

Using your findings above, and the “Violence of Ground Shaking Caused by 3 Types of Earthquakes”
poster, answer the following questions.

1. How is the frequency of ground shaking during a shallow earthquake going to be different than the
ground shaking during a subduction zone earthquake?

2. Explain why a large, subduction zone earthquake on the Cascadia subduction zone is unlikely to
cause extensive damage to single-story houses and buildings. (Hint: look at the ground motion
necessary to move the small building in Part III)

3. How will this duration of shaking likely affect the different height buildings?

4. Resonance occurs when a structure vibrates at its natural frequency. This may have devastating
effects because the displacement (the distance it moves) increases. If an earthquake sends out
waves at high frequency, which building would you prefer to be in and why?


5. One way to protect a building from resonating with an earthquake is to isolate its foundation, or
base, from the ground with devices much like wheels. This technique is called base isolation.
Propose two other methods of base isolation.

6. Suppose you added more weight to the top of each building. How does this change its natural
frequency? Would this help prevent damage in an earthquake (assume high frequency)? Try this by
attaching weights to the building and determining its new natural frequency.


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