Personalized Rahu-Ketu Transit Report

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The report provides an analysis of the user's birth chart and the impact of the upcoming Rahu-Ketu transit over the next 18 months. It also gives some astrological remedies to strengthen favorable planets.

Rahu and Ketu are the two lunar nodes and are not actual planets. Rahu is known as the dragon's head and Ketu as the dragon's tail. They have the power to overcome the sun and moon. Their conjunction with other planets can significantly impact one's life.

The transit period will bring mixed results and challenges that require a cautious approach. Mental stress, misunderstandings and risky periods are indicated. Financial investments may be favorable with the right planet placements.

Personalized Rahu - Ketu Transit Report

Report Prepared By

Team Cyber Astro

Dear XYZ

Please find our analysis for your Personalized Rahu-Ketu Transit Report 2020.

We thank you for giving us this opportunity to analyse your birth chart. The accuracy of the
predictions depends on the accuracy of the time of birth given to us by you. Kindly note that as per
Vedic Astrology the stars will control only 75% of your life and the critical 25% will be your own
efforts. We wish you luck and pray to God that you overcome all obstacles in your life.

With Warm Regards

Dr. J. N. Pandey
Chief Astrologer
Team Cyber Astro

Table of Content

Sr. No. Content Details. Page Nos.

1. Your Birth Details. 4

2. Your Vedic Birth Chart. 4

3. Brief Description of Your Vedic Birth Chart. 5

4. General Nature & Characteristics of Rahu & Ketu; 6-7

 Characteristics of Planet Rahu.

 Characteristics of Planet Ketu.

5. The Karmic Significance of Natal Rahu for you. 8

6. The Karmic Significance of Natal Ketu for you. 8

7. Relation between Natal and Transiting Rahu and its Impact on you. 9

8. Relation between Natal and Transiting Ketu and its Impact on you. 9

9. Effect of Current Rahu Transit in to Taurus by Your Moon sign. 10

10. Effect of Current Ketu Transit in to Scorpio by your Moon sign. 10

11. Impact of Rahu-Ketu transit with respect to Current Dasha Period. 11

12. Final Conclusion of Rahu-Ketu Transit for next 18 Months. 12

14. Special Comment of Astrologer on your Primary concern. 12

15. Recommendation of most suitable astrological remedies. 13

Your Birth Details

Name XYZ

Date Of Birth mm/dd/yyyy

Time Of Birth hh:mm:ss

Place of Birth City Name, Country Name

Your Vedic Birth Chart

Brief Description of Your Vedic Birth Chart

Ascendant (Lagna) Virgo

Ascendant Lord: Mercury
Moon Sign (Rashi): Aries
Birth Star (Nakshatra): Bharani
Strong Planets: Jupiter
Weak Planets: None
Exalted Planet(s): Jupiter
Debilitated Planet(s): None
Own House Planet(s): Mercury
Mooltrikon Planet(s): None
Retrograde Planet(s): None
Combust Planet(s): None

General Nature & Characteristics of Rahu & Ketu

Rahu and Ketu are strange and unique concepts in Vedic Astrology. They are not planets in the
Classical definition of planets. They have no mass. Rahu and Ketu are the two lunar nodes. Rahu is
known as the Dragon's Head and Ketu as the Dragon's tail. They are just two astronomical points.
Rahu is the point at which Moon crosses the ecliptic to the north. Ketu, the south or descending
Node, is where it crosses it to the south. Eclipses of Sun and Moon can occur in proximity to either
of the nodes. The nodes were regarded mythically as the demon, which swallows the luminary and
causes the eclipse.

As such, they have the power to overcome the Sun and Moon, and in that sense they can be
stronger than any of the planets. The subtle relationship between the Sun, the Moon and the Earth
plays a large part in the unfolding of each individual's consciousness. The conjunction of any
planet with either of the lunar nodes is regarded as the kind of eclipse of that planet wherein its
energy is in some way obstructed, negated or liberated. Thus Vedic Astrology regards these
shadowy ‘planets’ or the two nodes as among the most important factors in chart interpretation.
They possess the power not only to negate planetary influences, but because eclipses are points of
energy transformation, they have additional special properties to transfer or to augment planetary
influences for good or bad. It was necessary to introduce the concept of Rahu and Ketu in detail, as
they are usually alien to the western audience.

 Characteristics of Planet Rahu:

Rahu the north node is equated with Saturn the great malefic by Vedic Astrologers, while Western
Astrologers equate it with Jupiter the great natural benefic. But Vedic Astrology does recognize
that lunar nodes can function in a positive, Jupiterian manner when associated with a strong planet
or when in a strong position.

A strong Rahu gives the individual worldly powers and success. But Rahu always gives the
individual a feeling of dissatisfaction, as his worldly desires can never be fulfilled, however
successful the individual may be. In its positive aspect it shows the opening up of a new and
positive Karmic sphere. Well placed, it makes the individual strong but not necessarily sensitive to
others. It will provide all the outer success but it can get us trapped in the realm of the senses and
in the abnormal or unnatural use of the body. In the spiritual realm, Rahu can give psychic powers,
but also there may be danger from drugs and black magic. On the positive side, the influence of
Rahu can put us in harmony with collective trends and give popularity, prestige, fame and power. It
imparts an almost psychic sensitivity to mass trends, mass media and a capacity to use them.

But Rahu is the greatest consumer, it will drive us into frenzy to consume and consume and
consume - the mythological representation for Rahu is that after consuming everything, it starts
consuming its own blood. In its extreme affliction Rahu becomes the main planetary factor behind
insanity, neurosis, neurological disorders, possession by negative entities, and other such abnormal
sensitivities of the mind and nervous system particularly when it influences the Moon in the chart
especially by conjunction.

 Characteristics of Planet Ketu:

The South node or Ketu is regarded as a point of difficult Karma from a past life in which the
individual furthered his own selfish interest at the expense of others. The South node, on the
positive side, can develop strong concentration and mastery of obscure or arcane subjects.

Ketu, though regarded as less malefic than Saturn, is something like Mars in its malefic aspects.
Ketu creates doubt, disturbance, anger, ambition, willfulness and a critical and often narrow vision
in life, which may lead to conflict and argument.

On the positive side, Ketu means a flag. It has the power to boost up the effects of strong planets
with which it is conjoined. Ketu gives sudden and unexpected results for good or bad. On the
spiritual front Ketu gives perception, liberation, wisdom and psychic sensitivity in a more genuine
way but can give us a too limiting, critical view of things.

The Karmic significance of Natal Rahu for you
Planet Rahu is placed in the 8th house of your birth chart in the sign Aries along with planet Moon.
Therefore, this placement of Rahu in your natal chart cannot said to be very favorable position with
respect to your personal and professional life. This is because, as per the natural characteristic of
planet Rahu, it gives the result of the planet, which is the lord of its placement sign. Since 8th house
is the house of sexual relationship in a person life, hence this placement of Rahu could give
multiple partners in your life. More on this, Rahu is placed in the sign of Mars. So, in that case, a
person could take aggressive approach in physical relationship and could also give sharp reaction
in the situation of dissatisfaction.

More on above, placement of Rahu with planet Moon gives lots of mental stress to a person or can
give an agile mind to change his/her decisions frequently. Since 8th house in your birth chart is the
house of Mars, so this placement of Rahu also indicates to meet with vehicle accident. So, you
should be very careful while driving any vehicle etc. Especially, whenever Rahu would be
effective in Dasha period and it would make combination with Moon in sub period or in sub-sub
periods, then it could give mental stress to you. However, its combination with planet Moon in
Dasha periods may create the situation of accident and injury. So, you should be more careful
during those periods of life.

The Karmic significance of Natal Ketu for you

Planet Ketu is placed in the 2nd house of your birth chart in sign Libra, which is the sign of planet
Venus. Since, as per the natural characteristic of planet Ketu also, it gives the result of the planet,
which is the lord of its placement sign. Hence, in your case, it is placed in the sign of Venus, which
is placed in house of income. It would help you on financial front of life. Since, 2nd house is the
house of extended family, so placement of Rahu in the 2nd house creates confusion and
misunderstanding in family life.

The 2nd house in the birth chart represents the throat area in our body part and Ketu gives infection
related issues in the life. Hence, you should be very careful about infection with throat and do not
ignore the same if such issues arise. Especially, you should be careful with such infection, when
planet Ketu will be effective in Dasha periods.

Relation between Natal & Transiting Rahu & its Impact on you

Since your Natal Rahu is placed in sign Aries in the 8th house of your birth chart and planet Rahu is
going to transit in sign Taurus on 23rd September 2020 for next one and half years. Hence, there
would be 2/12 relationship between your Natal Rahu and transiting Rahu in Taurus, which cannot
said to be a favorable relationship. Therefore, as per relationship of Natal and transit Rahu, it is not
going to give you benefic results in financial aspect of life for upcoming one and half years.

The 2/12 relationship of Natal and transiting Rahu could bring challenges in financial aspect of
life, where your expenses might go on higher side or you may meet with unwanted expenses.

More on above, the upcoming transit of planet Rahu and its relationship with Natal Rahu for next
one and half years period cannot be said very supportive with respect to enjoyment of good
relationship with extended family.

Relation between Natal & Transiting Ketu & its Impact on you

Since your Natal Ketu is placed in sign Libra in the 2nd house of your birth chart and planet Ketu is
going to transit in sign Scorpio on 23rd September 2020 for next one and half years. Hence, there
would be 2/12 relationship between your Natal Ketu and transiting Ketu in Scorpio, which cannot
said to be a favorable relationship. Therefore, as per the relationship of Natal and transit Ketu, you
may face some misunderstandings in close family relationship where you could be a victim of
misconception or misperception. Hence, it would be better to try to clear the things as soon as you
feel about the same instead of leaving it for a longer period.

This 2/12 relationship of Natal Ketu and transiting Ketu could also not play a supportive role on
your health front, where you may face issues due to infection etc. Hence, whenever you face
infection be it related to throat, eye, ear, urine or stomach you should take proper care of the same
immediately. This relationship could also not said to be supportive for investment purpose. So, you
should not go for any big amount of investment during next one and half years.

Effect of Current Rahu Transit in Taurus by your Moon sign

In your birth chart, planet Moon is placed in sign Aries. So, your Moon sign is Aries, whereas
Rahu will transit in sign Taurus on 23rd September 2020, which will transit through the 2nd house
from your Moon sign. Hence, this transit of Rahu through the 2nd house from your Moon sign
cannot said to be a favorable transit for you and this one and half years period can be said a
stressful period for you. Since, planet Moon represents our mind and mental peace and Rahu
creates the situation of uncertainty and instability in life. Hence, during this transit period of Rahu
in sign Taurus for next one and half years, you may feel mentally unstable and stressful.
Especially, extended family related stress may harm your professional performance too.

There could be lots of thoughts and ideas in your mind at one point of time, but taking a firm
decision as well as sticking on the same for longer period could be a tough task for you. Hence,
during this period, you may also face certain issue in professional relationship or difference of
opinion with working partners.

Effect of Current Ketu Transit in to Scorpio by your Moon sign

Planet Ketu will transit in sign Scorpio on 23rd September 2020, which is the 8th house from your
Moon sign Aries. Since 8th house is the house of physical relationship, so this transit of Ketu may
create interest to go for any secret kind of relationship, but the same could harm your relationship
with your spouse. However, 8th house is the also the house of research. So, a person could be
interested for any kind of research work related to professional life or can go for the experiment
with own work.

Since, sign Scorpio is placed in your 3rd house, so transit of Ketu through 3rd house could create
confusion and misunderstandings with younger siblings, if you have any. It may also bring some
stress with close friends. So, you should try to maintain a balanced approach in close relationship.

Impact of Rahu-Ketu transit with respect to Current Dasha Period

According to Vimshottari Dasha system, during this transit period of planet Rahu in to sign Taurus
and transit of planet Ketu in to sign Scorpio from 23rd September 2020 to 12th April 2022, you
would be under the influence of the MAIN PERIOD OF RAHU only. In the main period of Rahu,
you would encounter two sub periods i.e. of sub period of Sun from 19th July 2020 to 13th June
2021 and after that the sub period of Moon till 13th December 2022.

The 1st sub period of Sun in the main period of Rahu during this transit of Rahu and Ketu till 13 th
June 2021 is going to play a better than mediocre level favorable and supportive role in your life.
This is because, planet Sun is the lord of your house of foreign land and it is placed in the house of
fortune. Thus, it is going to support you better professionally in any foreign country except your
country of birth Japan. Though during the sub period of Sun, your expenses might be on higher
side but it could give you better recognition on professional front and status enhancement in
professional circle. You should not try to make any big financial investment during this period but
you would get better support and cooperation from higher authorities and elders.

After this, the sub period of Moon would be effective in the main period of Rahu from 13 th June
2021 to 13th December 2022 and this transit of Rahu and Ketu will last till 12th April 2022 only.
Since, in your birth chart, the planet Moon and Rahu are placed together in your 8th house only, so
this period is going to give you some mental stress. Though the sub period of house of income lord
Moon is going you good flow of income, but again this period cannot be said supportive for major
financial decisions or investments. This period could also bring challenges in personal life by
giving attraction towards someone or inviting attraction of someone. Hence, you should take a
justified approach if such situations arise to maintain peace in personal life.

Final Conclusion of Rahu-Ketu Transit for next 18 Months

In conclusion, the upcoming transit of Rahu and Ketu in sign Taurus and Scorpio respectively
could bring mixed results for you where you have to maintain a cautious approach in different
aspects of life considering the above explanations. The transit of Rahu in to 2nd house from Moon
sign indicates facing of some mental stress due to extended family, but transit of Ketu may give
you interest towards any secret relationship.

Since, there is 2/12 relationship between Natal Rahu and transiting Rahu, so this one and half years
period can said to be very supportive for financial investments. However, transit of Ketu in to 8th
house from Moon sign can said to be an accident prone period for you. So you should drive vehicle
etc carefully. This transit of Rahu and Ketu may also bring misunderstandings and misconception
in personal and social life. So you should try to clear the things as soon as you sense for the same.

Special Comment on Your Primary Concern

 I’d like to find out if the time period between November 1, 2020, and October 31, 2021
is a good one for my career. There will be several ceramic competitions I’d like to send
my works to between these periods.

Answer: Regarding your above concerns, I would like to inform you that generally the above
mentioned period by you can be said a supportive period for your profession life. Though, the
upcoming transit of Rahu and Ketu does not indicate any significant achievement on professional
front, but transit of Ketu indicates to go for some experimental work with your career.

Regarding sending of your work for ceramic competitions during the period from November 2020
to October 2021, I would like to inform you that during the sub period of Sun till 13 th June 2021,
you should aggressively take part in such competitions. During this period, sending your work in
any country except your birth country Japan could make good results for you. However, after 13th
June 2021, during the sub period of Moon, you should go slow, which could give some stress
instead of bringing good results for you.

Recommendation of most suitable astrological remedies

Since planet Mercury is the lord of your house of profession as well as ascendant, so I would
suggest you to strengthen planet Mercury by wearing a 5 carats of Emerald lifelong to get better
success in your professional life and enjoyment of personal life. It must be set in a gold ring to be
worn on the little finger of right hand on a Wednesday.

I would also suggest you to wear 7 carats of Gomed in a silver ring in right hand’s middle finger
on a Saturday as soon as possible to get better support and advantage of the main period of Rahu
till December 2023.

You may have an idea about gemstone remedy here:


With Warm Regards

Dr. J N Pandey
Chief Astrologer

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