Quiz 4 ch4

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Managerial Economics Keti Tskhadadze

Quiz N4
Name and Surname Mohamed sobhy attia attia hagag

True/False (Each question is worth of 0.2 points):

1. Elasticity: the percentage change in one variable relative to a percentage change in another. True

2.An example of a nonlinear demand curves is one with constant elasticity. false

3. The price elasticity of demand is a measure of
A) the responsiveness of the quantity demanded to price changes.
B) the quantity demanded at a given price.
C) the shift in the demand curve when price changes.
D) the demand for a product holding price constant.

4. The minimum wage is an example of a government imposed

A) price control.
B) price ceiling.
C) price floor.
D) Both A and B
E) Both A and C

Tasks Solving:
5. Demand and supply in the wheat market are given by:

QD = 2000 - 1000 P and QS = -500 + 1000 P

2000-1000 p=--500+1000p
P = 1.25
qs= -500+1000(1)
P = 500

e Q is millions of bushels and P is price per bushel.

a. Find the equilibrium price and quantity.

2000-1000 p=--500+1000p
P = 1.25
Managerial Economics Keti Tskhadadze
Quiz N4
QD= 2000-1000X1.25
= 750

b. Suppose that the government wishes to support farm income and thus sets a price floor of $1.50/bushel.
Find the size of the farm surplus.

c. What is the cost of this program to the government?

6. The initial price of a cup of coffee is $1, and at that price, 400 cups are demanded. If the price falls to $0.90, the
quantity demanded will increase to 500.

a. Calculate the (arc) price elasticity of demand for coffee.

Price elasticity of demand= (400-500)/450) / ( .90- 1) /,95) =.22/ .1= 2.2
b. Based on your answer, is the demand for coffee elastic or inelastic? elastic
c. Based on your answer to a., if the price of coffee is increased by 10%, what will happen to the revenues from
coffee? Carefully explain how you know.

As the result of above If the price increase 10% the revenues will decrease by 22% because the demand of
market will decrease by 22%

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