Noviana Putri T1 EKO

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NIM    : 21113019

Tugas Halaman 61

10. In a disscusion of tuition rates, a university official argues that the demand for
admission is completely price inelastic. As evidence, she notes that while the university
has doubled its tuition (in real terms) over the past 15 years, neither the number nor
quality of students applying has decreased. Would you accept this argument? Explain
briefly. (Hint: The official makes an assertion about the demand for admission, but does
she actually observe a demand curve? What else could be going on?)

•10. Permintaan Inelastis

     Permintaan inelastis terjadi jika perubahan harga kurang

Kurva Permintaan Inelastis 
berpengaruh pada perubahan permintaan. Contohnya seperti yang
tertera disoal, meskipun harga biaya di Universitas tersebut naik,
tetapi orang-orang akan membutuhkan Universitas tersebut untuk
sarana pendidikan.
11. Suppose the demand curve for a product is given by

          Q = 10-2P+Ps

where P is the price of the product and Ps is the price of a

substitute good. The price of the substitute good is $2.00

a. Suppose P = $1.00. What is the price elasticity of demand? What

is the cross-price elasticity of demand?

b. Suppose the price of the good,P, goes to $2.00. Now what is the
price elasticity of demand? What is the cross-price elasticity of
11. A .Diketahui : 
                          Q = 10 – 2P + Ps
                          Ps = $2.00
                           P = $1.00

      Mencari Q = 10 – 2P + Ps
                          = 10 – 2($1.00) + $2.00
                          = 10 

     Ep = -2P/Q
           = -2(1)/10
           = -0,2

    Es = Ps/Q
         = 2/10
         = 0,2

Jadi, elastisitas harga adalah –0,2 dan elastisitas silang adalah 0,2

11. B.  Diketahui :
                                 Q = 10 – 2P + Ps
                                 Ps = $2.00
                                  P = $2.00

      Mencari Q = 10 – 2P + Ps
                          = 10 – 2($2.00) + $2.00

     Eh = -2P/Q
           = -2($2.00)/10
           = -0,5

     Es = Ps/Q
          = $2.00/10
          = 0,25

Jadi, elastisitas harga adalah  –0,5 dan elastisitas silang adalah 0,25
Tugas Halaman 1. Suppose the demand curve for a
product is given by
62         Q = 300 – 2P + 4I, where I is
average income measured in
thousands of dollars. The supply
curve is Q = 3P – 50

a) If I = 25, find the market-

clearing price and quantity for
the product

b) If I = 50, find the market-

clearing price and quantity for
the product

c) Draw a graph to illustrate your


A) Jika I = 25
• Mencari nilai P

                       Qd = Qs
     300 – 2P + 4I  = 3P – 50
300 – 2P + 4(25) = 3P – 50
           -2P –3P      = -50 –300 –100
                   -5P     = -450
                      P      = 90  

• Mencari nilai Q

          Q = 3P – 50
              = 3(90) - 50
              = 220
B)  JIka I = 50

• Mencari nilai P
                       Qd = Qs
     300 – 2P + 4I  = 3P – 50
300 – 2P + 4(50) = 3P – 50
           -2P –3P      = -50 –300 –200
                   -5P     = -550
                      P      = 110

• Mencari nilai Q
          Q = 3P – 50
              = 3(110) - 50
              = 280

2. Consider a competitive market for which
the quantities demanded and supplied (per
year) at various price are given as follows :

a. Calculate the price elasticity of demand when                   Price             Demand                Supply

               (Dollars)             (Millions)              (Miliions)
the price is $80 and when the price is $100
                   60                   22                   14
b. Calculate the price elasticity of supply when
the price is $80 and when the price is $100                    80                   20                   16

c. What are the equilibrium price and quantity?                  100                   18                   18

                 120                   16                   20
d. Suppose the government sets a price ceiling of
$80. Will there be a shortage, and if so, how
large will it be?
a. Elastisitas Harga Permintaan
          Ed = perubahan kuantitatif/perubahan harga
                = -2/10
                = -0,1
* Pada harga $80, permintaan 20
      Ed = (80/20) . (-0,1)
            = -0,40
* Pada harga $100, permintaan 18
       Ed = (100/18)  . (-0,1)
             = -0,56
b. Elastisitas Harga Penawaran
              Ed = 2/20
                    = 0,1
•* Pada harga $80, penawaran 16
              Ed = 80/16 . 0,1
                    = 0,5
•* Pada harga $100, penawaran 18
              Ed = 100/18 . 0,1
                  = 0,56

c. Harga dan kuantitas ekuilibrium ditemukan ketika kuantitas penawaran sama dengan
kuantitas permintaan pada harga yang sama. Dari tabel tersebut P = $100 dan Q = 18 juta

•d. Dengan harga maksimum sebesar $80, konsumen menginginkan 20 juta, tetapi produsen
hanya memasok 16 juta, sehingga kekurangan 4 juta

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