Saturday, May 15, 2021 11:42 AM

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Saturday, May 15, 2021

11:42 AM
Stress is known to be a normal reaction of the human body, especially
when facing challenges and changes. These challenges and changes can
be called stressors. It’s the stimulus for the body to react and undergo to
stress. One of the stressors is the Academic Stress which is defined to be
a response from academic-related demands that a student can't keep up
According to Lal (2014), academic stress is a mental distress that's
associated with frustration of an academic failure.
On the other hand, sleep habits pertain to time to bed, time to rise, and
such, which one often or always do.
This research, which is a Descriptive Study that uses Quantitative
method, aims to describe the Academic Stress in Sleeping Habits that
our chosen population has.


Stress is not new to us since almost every day, we are encountering

challenges and changes ourselves. It’s the same way with Academic
Stress to students, there’s an endless demands, deadlines, and workloads
to take care of. In the recent studies in this area, academic stress is
associated with sleeping difficulties, sleep disturbances, sleeping
problems, and sleep patterns. Meanwhile sleeping habits are associated
with words like, academic performance, classroom behavior, and
sleepiness. The Academic Stress and Sleeping habits, are only linked to
these words respectively. No study or publication to date has tackled
about describing Academic Stress in Sleeping Habits, therefore this
study is imperative to be studied for, especially in this situation that
academic stress have increased beyond maximum, and sleeping habits
are deemed to be unimportant and are practiced badly. This will be
based on the data that this research will generate through the use of

We are going to measure the majority of stress level though, first and
foremost, generating data through the use of survey. Surveys are used as
instruments, of course, but in this study, we are going to use a 51-item
arranged on a Likert scale format. It’s a scale from 1, which means never
true, up to 5 which means always true. It assesses the five categories of
academic stressors namely: frustrations, conflicts, pressures, changes.
And self-imposed. Then the four categories that describes reactions to
stressors, which are psychological, emotional, behavioral, and cognitive.

There’s no need to verify its reliability and validity because it’s been
reported earlier (Gadzella, 1991; Gadzella, Masten & Stacks, 1998). It’s
Gadzella’s Student-life stress Inventory (SLSI) (1991) Which is
designed to assess the students’ perceived stress and reaction to stress.
Hence, the level of stress I am pertaining to is when their result has a
higher total of “always true” in their survey.

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