A Correlational Study On The Impact of Perceived Sources of Stress On Academic Performance

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Volume: 6
Pages: 313-320
Document ID: 2022PEMJ434
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7452156
Manuscript Accepted: 2022-13-12
Psych Educ,2022, 6: 313-320, Document ID: PEMJ434, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7452156, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

A Correlational Study on the Impact of Perceived

Sources of Stress on AcademicPerformance
John Patrick L. Arcite*
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.

The main objective of this study was to determine the impact of perceived sources of stress on the academic
performance of college students in the new normal classes. It utilized the descriptive correlational method of
research and applied the following statistical treatment of data’s: Mean, Pearson–r, T-test, and ANOVA using
SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences). This investigation used researcher-made survey questionnaire
which undergoes validation and summative assessment tool for both general and professional education which
undergoes item analysis. Universal sampling technique was used with a total of 119 college students in Davao de
Oro, Philippines. The result of the study revealed that students in new- normal education have high stress on
academic factors, personal factors, relationship factors, and environmental factors. Moreover, there is a moderate
negative correlation on perceived sources of stress and academic performance which means that the higher the
stress level, the lower the academic performance will be. Age, Gender, and Ethnicity are examined to find
significant difference among the group, the result shows that there is no significant difference on both perceived
sources of stress and academic performance in relation to the stated moderating variables. As recommendations,
students must be more motivated and engaged in learning for them to easily find comfort and healthy relationship.
Teachers must be updated and well-trained with the new trends of teaching strategies to students see their fullest
potential and be honed holistically. Schools shall have program for students to be provided with counselling
sessions with a licensed professional counselor or psychometrician. This is to advocate on the Mental Health
Awareness and to intervene students who are struggling to build themselves as early as possible.

Keywords: perceived sources of stress, academic performance, academic factor, personal factor,
relationship factor, environmental factor, age, gender, ethnicity

Introduction notion that extremely high stress levels might impair

the effectiveness of studies and result in subpar
motivation and performance in the classroom. It comes
As someone tries to cope with or adjust to pressures, to the conclusion that students who had stressful life
stress develops as a negative emotional, cognitive, events also had the lowest health outcomes and lower
behavioral, and physiological process (Bernstein, et quality of life. According to a 2013 study by Amorte et
al., 2008). In the same way, researchers have defined al. at Misamis University in Ozamiz City, Philippines,
stress as the awareness of the paradox between the majority of respondents agreed that the factors
external stressors (burden) and a person's capacity to contributing to stress among second-year marine
meet these demands (Topper, 2007). Similar to this, engineering students are projects, requirements,
students are prone to stress due to their expectations to problems with instructors, paying tuition fees, issuing
succeed as well as those of their parents and permits on exam days, and
professors, which adds extra load to them. understanding/comprehension of the subjects enrolled.

Additionally, the variety of learning and development Richard Lazarus' study from 1984 on the transactional
opportunities available in the tertiary education theory of stress and coping (TTSC) describes stress as
environment may result in harmful stress levels, the result of a transaction between an individual and
impacting students' social skills and academic success. their complex environment, which may include
Understanding the causes of stress is important for interpersonal and personal issues. According to
making it from getting out of control or intolerable Lazarus, an individual's cognitive interpretation of
levels (Callahan, 2015). According to Liao et al. potentially stressful events and experiences that are
(2006), extreme stress can be source of physical and regarded as person-environment interactions that
mental health issues as well as lower self-esteem and depend on the influence of the stressor is what
have an adverse effect on students' academic determines how stress is perceived by the individual. It
performance (Robbins et al., 2006; Hofer, 2007). is typically viewed as a transaction between a person
and the stressors in his environment. This transaction
In the United States, a study on stress by Essel et al. is made up of two key p ro cesses, n am ely
(2016) at the University of New York supports the p sy cho log ical appraisal and coping.

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Psych Educ,2022, 6: 313-320, Document ID: PEMJ434, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7452156, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Stress may occur in our daily lives, according to Literature Review

Bernstein et al. (2008). He also believed that stress is a
harmful emotional, cognitive, behavioral, and
physiological process that develops as a result of a Understanding Stress
person's response to stimuli. He feels that stress is a
There are two different sorts of stress. Distress was the
part of life, regardless of how wealthy, powerful,
first and best-researched type of stress (O'Sullivan,
attractive, or happy a person may be. However, 2010). Eustress is a different type of stress that can
depending on the circumstances, stress can take on exist. Eustress is seen as the favorable cognitive
several forms. In this study, the researcher aims to assessment of the body's reaction to a current stressor.
contribute to Psychology and Education specifically in It can be felt when the outcome is positive and when
curriculum and instruction by finding the impact of the person's wellbeing is enhanced. Contrarily, distress
perceived sources of stress on college students' was a state of stress that resulted in an unpleasant
academic performance. emotional reaction and a negative physiological
reaction (Ridner, 2004). (Dyrbye et al., 2005).
Research Questions Students have reportedly reported having significant
levels of perceived stress and psychological suffering,
This study's primary purpose is to determine the according to various research (Saleh et al., 2017).
impact of self – concept, self – esteem, self – efficacy
Two types of stress can be distinguished. Distress was
on the academic performance of the undergraduate
the first and most extensively researched type of stress
students. Specifically, this study sought to answer the
(O'Sullivan, 2010). The term "eustress" refers to a
following questions: different type of stress. Eustress is thought to be a
positive cognitive assessment of the body's reaction to
1. What is the profile of undergraduate students in an ongoing stressor. When the result was positive and
terms of; the person's wellbeing was enhanced, it might be felt.
1.1.Age; Distress, on the other hand, was a condition of tension
1.2. Gender; and that resulted in an unfavorable emotional reaction and
1.3.Ethnicity. a harmful body reaction (Ridner, 2004). (Dyrbye et al.,
2. What is the level of stress when measured according 2005). Students have reported high levels of
to the following perceived sources of stress; psychological anguish and perceived stress, according
2.1.Academic Factor to many studies (Saleh et al., 2017).
2.2. Personal Factor
2.3.Relationship Factor Perceived Sources of Stress Among Students
2.4. Environmental Factor
According to Bernstein et al. (2008), every
3. What is the level of academic performance of
circumstance or event that poses a risk of interfering
undergraduate students when measured according to with people's ability to go about their regular lives
their test scores in; without making changes is a source of stress. Stressors
3.1 General Education are those things that cause stress. Undoubtedly,
3.2 Professional Education students are involved in a small number of demanding
4. Is there significant relationship between academic activities. Numerous factors can have an impact on
performance of undergraduate students and the students' academic outcomes. Similarly, Phinney and
following perceived sources of stress; Haas (2003) point out sources of stress as a specific
4.1.Academic Factor collection of stressful encounters that students face,
4.2.Personal Factor including: financial difficulties, household chores,
4.3.Relationship Factor commitments associated to working while attending
4.4. Environmental Factor school, and having a high academic load.
5. Is there significant difference in perceived sources
Olivo (2014) noted that there are two types of stress:
of stress of undergraduate students when grouped
stress fueled by anxiety and stress fueled by anger, as
according to; well as a much more substantial and rising stressor.
5.1. Age; Our stress and the associated issues resulted from
5.2. Gender; and moods that were ignored, denied, undervalued,
5.3. Ethnicity constrained, or simply dealt with ineffectively.

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Psych Educ,2022, 6: 313-320, Document ID: PEMJ434, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7452156, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Troubled emotions are at the root of the majority of academic success (von Stumm, Hell & Premuzic,
your most significant troubles, including splurging, 2011). Academic accomplishment is measured by
on going relatio n sh ip ch allen g es, money cumulative GPA and the completion of educational
mismanagement, substance abuse, and even most of requirements such secondary school diplomas and
the time-poor physical wellness, if they are not treated bachelor's degrees. Numerous studies demonstrate that
beneficially. Similarly, students' stress is brought on academic success has a key role in determining
by several academic challenges that outweigh their retention and graduation (Ball, Dyer, & Garton, 2002;
capacity for self-adaptation (Wilks, 2008). Garton, Dyer, & King, 2001; Kennett & Reed, 2009).
Additionally, these studies discovered that a strong
Busari (2012) discovered that stress contributed to predictor of academic success is typically found to be
depression in secondary school students and had an the grade point average.
impact on their academic performance. Precautionary
measures education, life skills instruction, and other One of the concerns of education students in higher
healing methods should all be seriously considered. If education institutions is their academic performance. It
it is severe and ignored, it may interfere with the is referred to be the end-term grades from the prior
student's academic progress and on-campus activities, semester that the general weighted average may
increasing the likelihood that they will engage in support (GWA). Abid (2006) asserts that students'
substance misuse and other risky behaviors (Richlin- study habits- their method of learning, whether
Klonsky & Hoe in Busari, 2012). methodical, well-organized, or ineffective-serve
primarily the objective of their academic efforts.
Coping with Stress
Stress has reportedly been a major concern in
According to Dimitrov's (2017) research, stress can be academic circles, according to Agolla (2009).
reduced by ensuring that students give their health and Numerous thinkers have backed extensive research on
wellness the utmost priority. Some of the elements to stress and come to the conclusion that this subject
pay attention to are food, exercise, effort, and requires additional consideration. In their 2003 study
recreation. Additionally, he found that the educational of the anticipated stress among fourth-year
system places more emphasis on academic learning undergraduate students, Radcliff and Lester found that
than on pupils' overall development. Sharma et al. the stress was exacerbated by assignments, poor
(2016) also mentioned the use of several techniques to guidance, social pressure, and the need to connect.
reduce stress. One physical activity performed each
day can help with the stress issue. One can also use a
variety of time management techniques and engage in
leisure pursuits that are advantageous for students.
Additionally, it was suggested that institutions should The descriptive-correlation method was employed in
have a relaxing atmosphere to reduce stress. Changes this study. According to Creswell (2012), in
in teaching methods on the part of the teachers and the descriptive-correlational design, the researcher is
availability of mentors can breathe new life into the concerned in the level to which two variables (or
classroom's instruction. more) co-vary, where changes in one variable are
reflected in changes in the other
According to Grandea (2006), he used a clarifying
research methodology that focused on the stress and Participants
methods of coping used by first-year students at
Southville International School and Colleges. There The participants of the study are 119 college students
were 201 understudy responders, who reported feeling from Davao de Oro, Philippines.
a lot of strain. Academics stood out as the main
stressor. The positive pressure technique was used by Instruments of the Study
the understudy respondents to reduce stress. The
understudy respondents' reported stress levels and The instrument used in this study was a researcher-
coping mechanisms were independent of their profiles. made questionnaire. The survey questionnaire is
composed of questions about perceived sources of
Academic Performance stress, including academic, personal, relationship, and
environmental factors. The instrument used in this
Assessing how much has been achieved over a specific study was validated by three internal and two external
amount of time allows for the measurement of experts. It was revised based on the comments and

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Psych Educ,2022, 6: 313-320, Document ID: PEMJ434, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7452156, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

suggestions of the validators ensuring that the Table 3. Profile of Respondents based on Ethnicity.
instrument assesses what it intends to assess. It was
pilot tested to the twenty respondents for item analysis
of the test questionnaire, and testing the reliability of
the instrument.


The researcher wrote a request letter to the Heads of

Higher Education Institution in Davao de Oro for the
study's approval. The data for the administration of the
Level of Perceived Sources of Stress
questionnaire was set through a google form. When
the date was set, the researcher did a brief orientation
This section presents the results to the second
with the students on the nature and scope of the study
statement of the problem that examines the level of
through google meet and after the orientation, the
perceived sources of stress in Academic Factor,
researcher conducted the data collection through Personal Factor, Relationship Factor, and
administering the survey and test questionnaire for Environmental Factor.
both general and professional education. The
researcher then, checked and saved the files in the Table 4. Academic Factor in terms of Increase
google drive for backup files. After collecting the data, Academic Workload and Study Habits
it was organized, tallied and analyzed using the
statistical analysis.


This section presents the findings according to the

study's research questions. Results obtained from the
collected data and the subsequent analyses and
interpretation based on the problems presented.

Respondents' profile in terms of Age, Gender, and


Table 1. Profile of Respondents based on Age

Table 2. Profile of Respondents based on Gender

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Psych Educ,2022, 6: 313-320, Document ID: PEMJ434, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7452156, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Table 5. Personal Factor in terms of Low Self-esteem Table 6. Relationship Factor in terms of Student-
and Lack of Motivation Teacher Relation and Peer Influence

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Psych Educ,2022, 6: 313-320, Document ID: PEMJ434, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7452156, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Table 10. Difference between perceived sources of

stress when grouped according to Age

Table 7. Relationship Factor in terms of ICT Problem

and Life Condition and Health Safety

Table 11. Difference between perceived sources of

stress when grouped according to Gender.

Table 12. Difference between perceived sources of

stress when grouped according to Ethnicity.


The research's principal goal is to evaluate the

perceived sources of stress in terms of academic,
personal, relationship, and environmental factor of
college students. The principal objectives of this
Table 8. Profile of the Respondents in Terms of Test
research is to explore the impact of perceived sources
Scores of stress on their academic performance. Thus, this
analysis used the descriptive-correlational analysis
approach to define the respondents' profile in terms of
perceived sources of stress and academic performance.
The research also established the magnitude of
difference that occur between and within the variables
in this study in terms of age, gender, and ethnicity.
Specifically, it established a substantial influence
between the respondents' perceived sources of stress
Table9 . Correlation analysis between perceived on their academic performance.
sources of stress and academic performance.
The result shows that there is a significant relationship
between the perceived sources of stress and academic
performance which shows a correlation value of -0.647
(p < .05) and p-value of 0.000. This means that there is
a moderate negative correlation. This implies that if
the perceived sources of stress in terms of academic,
personal, relationship, and environmental factors are
high the lower the academic performance will be.

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Research Article

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that students find the academic atmosphere to be stress to students and eventually leads to the decrease
particularly stressful due to the pressure to perform of their academic performance. Additionally, the new
well on tests and exams and the time constraints. The normal type of education has contributed also to
primary cause of stress for teenagers is school, which students’ pressure on information and communication
can also result in low self-esteem. Low self-esteem is a technology problems and their life condition which
major contributing factor to many psychological does not suit to the demands of online class. Moreover,
issues, including depression and suicide (Nikitha, et al, it is essential to boost the students drive and passion
2014). In the analysis of the difference of perceived on their journey to ensure academic success. Students
sources of stress when grouped according to age, the perceived sources of stress must be accordingly dealt
result shows that there is no significant difference with to avoid future issues in the education system and
between perceive sources of stress and age which the society.
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