Pneumatic Transport: J. Ruud Van Ommen

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Pneumatic transport

J. Ruud van Ommen

Department of Chemical Engineering
Delft University of Technology

JMBC course Particle Technology 2015

Based on M. Rhodes, Introduction to Particle Technology, 2nd edition, 2008,

and material from prof. Ehrman, Univ of Maryland
Pneumatic transport
• Basic definition – using gas to transport a
particulate solid through a pipeline
– Ex: grain, flour, plastic, pulverized coal
• Two modes
– Dilute phase – particles are fully suspended, like
entrainment in FB but deliberate, solids less than 1 %
by volume, lots of pumping req’d
– Dense phase – particles not suspended, loading > 30 %
by volume, lots of interparticle interactions
Phase diagram for dilute phase
vertical pneumatic transport
Static head of solids dominates

G = G2 > G1
Friction resistance
G = G1

B G=0
Uch for G1 Superficial gas velocity U
Uch, lowest velocity at which dilute phase transport line can be operated if solids
feed rate is G1
Phase diagram for dilute phase
horizontal pneumatic transport

Saltation, solids begin to settle out in the bottom of the pipe


G = G2 > G1

G = G1

Usalt for G1 Superficial gas velocity U

Phase diagram for dense phase
horizontal pneu. transport
• Superficial gas velocity Ufs =
Qf (gas volumetric flow) /A (cross sectional area of pipe)

• Superficial solids velocity Ups = Qp/A

(Qp = volumetric flow of solids)

• Actual gas velocity Uf = Qf/A (void fraction)

• Actual particle velocity Up = Qp/[A(1-)]

Important relationships
• Mass flow rate of particles
M p  AU p (1   )  p
• Mass flow of fluid
M f  AU f   f
• Solids loading = Mp/Mf
Pressure drop in pneumatic transport
Contributors to pressure drop
1. Gas acceleration (gas acting on gas)
2. Particle acceleration (gas acting on particles)
3. Gas/pipe friction wall friction
4. Solids/pipe friction “
5. Static head of solids fighting gravity
6. Static head of gas “
Not considered: interparticle forces
Force balance on pipe
Net force acting on
pipe contents =
rate of increase in
momentum of contents
Pressure - gas/wall - solids wall - gravity = rate of increase in
friction force friction force momentum of gas + rate
of increase in momentum

P1  P2   Ffw L  Fpw L   p L(1 )g sin   f L  g sin 

1 1
 fU f  (1 )  pU p 2

2 2
Ffw and Fpw are gas to wall and solids to wall friction force respectively,
L = pipe length,  = angle of pipe with horizontal
What happens for horizontal flow?
Terms and physical meaning
P1  P2  1. Total pressure drop
F fw L
2. Gas acceleration (gas acting on gas)
Fpw L
3. Particle acceleration (gas acting on particles)
 p L(1 )g sin
 f L  g sin 4. Gas/pipe friction wall friction

1 5. Solids/pipe friction wall friction

 fU f 2

2 6. Static head of solids fighting gravity

(1 )  pU p
7. Static head of gas fighting gravity
Tools to calculate pressure drop
Correlations for Fpw
For vertical transport [G = solids mass flux, mass particles/(area x time)]
Fpw L  0.057 G L
Horizontal transport
2fp G U pL
Fpw L 
where U p  U(1 0.0638 x 0.3  p )

3 f D 
U f  UP 

fp  CD  
8  p x  U p 
For gas/wall friction pressure drop, calculate with friction factor
assuming it is independent of presence of particles.
Simple method for s.s. horizontal flow
From Particle Technology by Orr (1966)

Ratio of total pressure loss R = mass of solid material
due to solids/air system
 1 mass of air
to total pressure loss due to
Pa k
only air flowing (Pa)
k as a function of superficial velocity

coefficient k,

k is an empirically 2.5
derived coefficient 2
2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
superficial velocity, ft/min
Generally problematic. Solids that may be in suspension in
vert/horiz transport may salt out as they go around bends. Worst
case: vertical going to horizontal

blinded tees recommended if

bends are unavoidable
No reliable correlations exist for bend pressure drops.
Only a rough rule of thumb:
Bend P = P for 7.5 m of vertical pipe under same flow conditions
Pneumatic conveying systems –
Typical designs

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