Multi-Functional Primary Test System For Substation Commissioning and Maintenance

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CPC 100

Multi-functional primary test system for

substation commissioning and maintenance
CPC 100 – The revolutionary all-in-one test system

The patented test system replaces numerous individual

testing devices and offers new, innovative testing
methods. This makes testing with the CPC 100 a time-
saving and cost-effective alternative for conventional
testing methods. Despite its expansive capabilities, the
CPC 100 is very simple to use.
Turns ratio meter for transformers,
The powerful testing device provides up to 800 A or 2 kV CTs and VTs
(2 kA or 12 kV with accessories) with up to 5 kVA over a
frequency range of 15 Hz to 400 Hz or 400 ADC.
Its compact design (29 kg / 64 lbs) makes it easy to
transport and ideal for on-site testing.
High-current injection
Using the CPC 100, electrical tests on various assets
can be performed:
>> Current transformers
>> Voltage transformers
>> Power transformers
>> Power lines Power meter (P, Q, S)
>> High-voltage (HV) cables
>> Grounding systems
>> Rotating machines
>> GIS systems
>> Switchgear and circuit breakers
>> IEC 61850 installations
2 kV
>> Protection relays curve tester

Quality & Experience 12 kV (with booster)

The usage of high-quality components & intensive routine
testing in our factory have made the CPC 100 a reliable
companion for for our customers worldwide.
The CPC 100 is being improved continuously in close Phase angle
cooperation with our customers. Its new accessories and meter
continuous updates guarantee a future proof concept.

Line impedance and

cable measurement

On load tap changer

test equipment

Ground Micro ohmmeter
resistance meter 400 ADC

Tester for Rogowski coils and other

unconventional CTs / VTs (IEC 61850)

29 kg / 64 lbs
single phase wall outlet
Winding resistance meter

Protection relay tester

(one phase V, I, f)

400 A DC Multimeter
(V, I, R, Z, ...)

800 AAC
2 kA (with booster)
Step up transformer
2 000 V

Complex impedance meter

(burdens, cables, lines and

15 Hz - 400 Hz transformers)

Vector group verification system

for power transformers

Polarity Power / dissipation factor

checker measurement set
9 good reasons for one system

>> Test several assets

(e.g. CT, VT, CB, power transformer)
>> Test different parts of an asset
(e.g. core, windings, bushing, insulation)
>> Perform numerous tests >> Voltage and current injection with variable frequency
(e.g. ratio, polarity, burden,
>> Suppression of mains-related interference and
excitation current)
>> Test results at different frequencies provide more
detailed information about an asset
>> Variable frequency testing is necessary for some
standardized and advanced diagnostic tests

>> Offline test preparation possibilities

(time-saving and less error-prone)
>> CPC 100 software automatically guides
the user through the test
>> Automated report generation >> Light-weight (29 kg / 64 lbs)
>> Customizable test reports >> Compact design
(e.g. different languages, customer logo)
>> Save costs on:
> Transport
> Handling
> Storage

>> CPC 100 fulfills highest safety requirements

>> CPC 100 is CE tested
>> CPC 100 tests according to IEEE and IEC standards
>> Measurements with the CPC 100 deliver reliable
and repeatable results due to high signal and
measure­ment accuracy

>> Durable case design for rough environments with
test field accuracy
>> Long lifetime due to high quality components
>> Premium quality cables and clamps
>> Comprehensive documentation (e.g. user manual
with connection diagrams, software help function,
videos, application notes)

>> Further applications can be covered by

adding additional hardware accessories
>> By upgrading the software:
> Additional tests can be performed
> Additional assets can be tested

>> Emergency switch-off button

>> Ground connection check
>> Overload detection
>> Multiple isolated outputs
>> Safety key lock
>> Discharge circuit to de-energize DC
test objects
>> Strobe light
>> 3-position safety switch
>> Grounding box

>> Unconventional assets can be tested

(e.g. Rogowski coils, low power CTs)
>> Testing according to IEC 61850-9-2
(e.g. Sample Values, Merging Unit testing)
>> Future applications areas will be covered
by newly developed accessories and software

CPC 100 product family – Extended range of applications

The CPC 100 covers a lot of different applications in and around substations as well as at the manufacturer’s production site.
Extended by a high number of valuable accessories the application range of the CPC 100 is further expanded.
Thus it is the ideal instrument for all major applications in the area of primary testing.

CPC 100

Current transformer testing

(page 8 – 9)

Voltage transformer testing

(page 10 – 11)

Power and distribution

transformer diagnosis (page 12 – 13)

Grounding system analysis

(page 16 – 17)

Switchgear / circuit breaker testing

(page 22 – 23)
Primary test system

Commissioning protection systems

(page 24 – 25)

Sampled Values testing

(page 26 – 27)

Extended range
with accessories

HV cable and power line analysis

(page 14 – 15)

Grounding box

Grounding system analysis

Coupling unit (page 16 – 17)

Handheld grounding tester

Remote control Power and distribution transformer
diagnosis (page 12 – 13)

Switchgear / circuit breaker testing

Switch box
(page 22 – 23)

Rotating machine diagnosis

(page 18 – 19) M/G

Compensation reactor

Voltage transformer testing

(page 10 – 11)
Tan Delta test set
(power factor)

Current transformer testing

(page 8 – 9)

Sampled Values testing

Current booster
(page 26 – 27)

Gas Insulated Switchgear testing

(page 20 – 21)

Resonance circuit
Current transformer (CT) testing

Why testing CTs? CT testing with the CPC 100

Testing current transformers helps to detect installation Supplied from a single phase wall outlet, the CPC 100
related and in-service related problems, such as: can generate up to 800 A AC (2 000 A with CP CB2 current
booster) for injecting into the CT‘s primary side and
Installation related testing its ratio, polarity and burden.
>> Transportation damages
Excitation curve measurement
>> Wiring errors
>> Manufacturing defects For excitation curve measurement, the CPC 100‘s output
is connected to the secondary terminals of the core. Within
an automatic test run, the CPC 100 measures the excitation
In-service related
curve and displays the knee point voltage and knee point
>> Degradation of accuracy class current at rated frequency (according to the relevant IEC
>> Shorted turns or IEEE / ANSI standard). The CPC 100 also automatically
>> Magnetized core demagnetizes the CT core after the test.
>> Burden failures in secondary circuit
>> Insulation material failures

With the CPC 100 many standard electrical tests for CTs
can be performed with one single device saving testing
time and labor costs. Additionally, unconventional CTs, like
Rogowski coils and IEC 61850 integrated systems, can also
be tested.

The CPOL2 can check the correct
polarity along the different
connection points in the secondary
wiring by analyzing the sawtooth
signal injected into the CT’s primary
Your benefits side using the CPC 100.

>> Mulifunctional CT tests

>> Primary injection up to 2 kA
>> Simple wiring test with handheld
polarity checker (CPOL2)
>> Voltage withstand test up to 2 kV

Winding resistance measurment
Using the winding resistance measurement function also Current transformer testing
allows the user to calculate the accuracy limiting factor (ALF) >> CT ratio (with burden)  
for protection circuits and the instrument security factor (FS) up to 800 A or 2 000 A with CP CB2, 5 kVA output power
for metering circuits.
>> CT burden  
up to 6 A AC | secondary
Power/dissipation factor (PF/DF) measurement
>> CT excitation curve
When combined with the CP TD1, the CPC 100 is also (knee point) up to 2 kVAC
capable of performing PF/DF measurements. This helps >> Polarity check with CPOL2 
to assess the insulation condition of the CT. up to 800 A or up to 2 000 A with CP CB2

>> Accuracy limiting factor (ALF) test

>> CT ratio with voltage 
up to 130 VAC | bushing CTs

> CT winding resistance 

up to 6 ADC

>> CT demagnetisation and remanence

>> CT voltage withstand test 
up to 2 kVAC

>> CT ratio Rogowski and CT ratio low power 

up to 800 A or up to 2 000 A with CP CB2, 5 kVA output power

>> Power/dissipation factor test 

up to 12 kV, 300 mA | with CP TD1

>> IEC 61850 Sampled Values testing

+ CP CB2 + CP TD1
With the CP CB2 primary injection of For high-voltage CTs, insulation material
current up to 2 kA can be realized for tests are very important and can be easily
CT testing. done with the CP TD1 accessory.

Voltage transformer (VT) / potential transformer testing

Why testing VTs? VT testing with the CPC 100

The majority of VT failures occur due to electrical stresses With a voltage output of up to 2 000 VAC the CPC 100 can
or manufacturing and installation errors. Typically electrical be used to test VT ratio, polarity and burden.
stresses are caused by: By injecting voltage into the primary side, ratio can be mea-
>> Thunderstorms sured. Thereby the phase angles of high-voltage output and
>> Ferro-resonances effects voltage measurement input are also measured. Thus the
>> Over-voltages correct VT polarity can be verified.
Applying voltage to the secondary VT circuits and measuring
the load current in amplitude and phase allows the actual
Especially in high-voltage and extra high-voltage burden to be measured, ensuring that it is within the VT´s
installations supervision of the VT insulation system is specification data.
important to ensure that its dielectric characteristics have
not degraded over time.
In case of (re-)commissioning of substations VT circuits
should also be checked. Verifying the VT´s nameplate data
helps to identify damages of the VT or wrong connections.

Your benefits

>> Ratio testing from 15 Hz - 400 Hz

>> Multi-functional VT testing
>> Simple wiring check with handheld
polarity checker (CPOL2)

Disturbance-free measurement
The VT‘s secondary signal may be difficult to measure if it Voltage/potential transformer testing
is small in amplitude – especially if neighboring parts of the >> VT ratio 
substation are in operation. In case of strong disturbances, up to 2 kVAC | polarity and burden
the user can select a frequency different to that of the >> VT burden 
power system and utilizes the “frequency selective mea- up to 130 VAC | secondary
surement” function. Thus only the VT‘s output signal with
>> VT secondary voltage withstand test 
this particular frequency is measured while all other signals
up to 2 kVAC
are filtered out.
>> Polarity check with CPOL2 
up to 2 kVAC

>> VT electronics 
up to 2 kVAC

>> IEC 61850 Sampled Values testing

>> Power/dissipation factor test 
up to 12 kV, 300 mA | with CP TD1

+ CPOL2 + CP TD1
The CPOL2 can check the correct polarity For high-voltage VTs, insulation material
along the different connection points in tests are very important and can be easily
the secondary wiring by analyzing the done with the CP TD1 accessory.
sawtooth signal injected into the VT’s
primary side using the CPC 100.

Power transformer testing

Testing power transformers – Most common Winding resistance measurement

electrical tests with one device The CPC 100 provides an easy and accurate (4-wire connection)
Testing to assess the health of power transformers and winding resistance measurement. Automatic measurement
to diagnose problems is of utmost importance to ensure for tapped windings (by using CP SB1 with the on load
the long-term and safe operation of these very expensive tap changer) speeds up the measurement. The CPC 100
power assets. automatically discharges the inductive energy, which makes
With the CPC 100 power transformers and their ancillary the measurement safe.
components can be tested:
>> Windings
>> Tap changer After switching off a transformer or after applying DC signals
to a transformer, the core remains magnetized. This can cause
>> Bushings
problems for further diagnostic measurements or can lead
>> Insulation to higher inrush currents. By using the CP SB1 switch box the
>> Core integrated algorithm in the CPC 100 completely demagnetizes
>> Connection leads the transformer core.

>> Surge arrestors

Ratio & excitation current measurement
For measuring ratio and excitation current, the CPC 100
provides a 2 kV output, delivering 2500 VA. The test voltage
is generated digitally and the current is automatically
measured within the CPC 100. This makes the measurement
highly accurate, easy to set up, fast and safe.

Your benefits

>> Most common power transformer

tests with one device
>> Fully automated testing with
switchbox CP SB1
>> Advanced tap changer diagnostics
using OLTC scan (DRM)
>> Effective core demagnetization

Power/dissipation factor (PF/DF) measurement
For PF/DF measurement on power transformers and Power transformer testing
bushings, the CPC 100 is combined with the CP TD1. >> DC winding resistance (up to 100 ADC)
Measuring this factor over a broad frequency range – in >> Transformer demagnetization (with CP SB1)
addition to mains frequency – helps to better assess the
>> Dynamic load tap changer diagnostics
insulation condition, for example detect whether the
(on load tap changer test) (up to 100 ADC | optionally with CP SB1)
cellulose or the oil is contaminated by moisture.
>> Transformer turns ratio (TTR) per tap 
up to 2 kVAC | including polarity and excitation current |
Dynamic resistance measurement (DRM)
IEC 61387-1 support for transformer with unconventional vector groups
The DRM can be performed as a supplementary
>> Automatically determination of the transformer’s
measurement in order to analyze the OLTC’s switching
vector group (with CP SB1)
process. The CPC 100 + CP SB1 injects a DC current in
the same way that it does for static winding resistance >> Leakage reactance / short circuit impedance (up to 6 A AC)
measurements with the the addition of recording the >> Transformer, bushing: power/dissipation factor
dynamic behaviour of the diverter switch. Based on this + insulation capacitance  
non-invasive testing method, failures can be detected up to 12 kV, 300 mA | frequency from 15 Hz to 400 Hz | with CP TD1
without opening the OLTC compartment. >> Insulating fluids: power/dissipation factor 
up to 12 kV, 300 mA | with CP TD1 and CP TC12

>> Excitation current per tap (up to 12 kV, 300 mA | with CP TD1)
>> Frequency response of stray losses (FRSL)
>> Surge arrestors: leakage current and watt losses 
up to 12 kV, 300 mA | with CP TD1

>> HV source for voltage withstand test 

up to 15 kVA | with 3 CPCs + TRC1

>> HV source for PD measurements 

up to 15 kVA | with 3 CPCs + TRC1

+ CP SB1 + TRC1 + CP TD1

The switchbox CP SB1 The triple remote control Insulation condition assessment
reduces wiring work at power TRC1 allows three CPCs to be of transformers, bushings and
transformers. Thereby, the synchronized safely. This allows insulation fluids (with the CP TC12).
time needed for testing the CPC 100 to be used as a
can be reduced and, at the powerful HV source. Matching
same time, safety can be transformers are provided in
significantly increased. order to match the rated voltage
on the LV side.

Line impedance measurement

X in Ω
Line parameters for distance protection
Correct line parameters are crucial for reliable and selective
distance protection. The set of parameters contains the

s m
positive and the zero sequence impedance (Z1, Z0) as well

30 0
as the k-factor (kL, RE/RL and XE/XL, k0).

t =
100 % of


Line length

These parameters are often calculated from software

e 2,

n ce
t1 =
tools, which do not provide actual line parameters due to

Zo n

e da
e 1,
unknown soil properties, such as different soil resistivities,

im p
Zo n

n c e l a te d
pipelines or other unknown conductors. This leads to

L in e

p e alc o u
under- or overreach of your distance protection relay

im l t : C - gr
resulting in outage and loss of grid stability.

Fau ase -t

Zone under- and overreach
The most frequent faults on power lines are ground faults. R in Ω
In particular, inaccuracies from software calculation effect
this kind of fault. The example on the right shows a zone
overreach for a ground fault due to an incorrect k-factor
setting. In this case the assumed k-factor is higher than the
actual one. Therefore, a ground fault at the remote end of
the line is seen incorrectly in the first zone.
Incorrect k-factor (tendancy to overreach)

Mutual coupling
With this unique testing equipment, the mutual coupling
impedance between parallel lines can also be determined
to consider coupling effects for correct parameterization.

Your benefits

>> Accurate distance protection relay

settings by performing a line impedance
>> Safe and quick determination of Z1, Z0
and k-factors
>> Mutual coupling impedance
measurement between parallel lines
Ground grid

Testing with the CPC 100
The main unit CPC 100 generates the frequency variable Cable and transmission line diagnosis
test current and measures current and voltage by applying >> Line impedance and k-factor 
digital filtering for high accuracy. The complex loop up to 100 A | with CP CU1
impedance is then calculated accordingly. >> Mutual coupling  
The CP CU1 provides galvanic isolation between the line up to 100 A | with CP CU1
under test and the CPC 100 as well as impedance matching >> Positive or zero sequence impedance
for short and long lines.
The CP GB1 protects the test equipment and the user
from any unexpected overvoltage on the line under test.
Furthermore it allows a direct connection to the power line
for a convenient execution of the test.
A dedicated test template provides the positive and
the zero sequence impedance as well as the k-factor in
commonly used formats. Furthermore it shows the actual
zone reach for each fault type based on the measured
values and relay parameters that are currently being used.

+ CP CU1
The CP CU1 allows the safe connection
of the CPC 100 to a power line or
HV cable. The impedance matching
transformer within the CP CU1 ensures
optimum power transfer from the
CPC 100 to the power line.

Ground grid
CP GB1 15
Grounding system testing

Personnel safety Fall-of-potential measurement (3-point test)

In the event of a ground fault hazardous step and touch The fall-of-potential measurement with the CPC 100
voltage can occur inside and outside of a substation. is performed according to EN 50522 or IEEE 81.
Ground tests prove the effectiveness of grounding systems For the fall-of-potential measurement the voltage
and guarantee safety of people inside and outside the between the ground grid and ground electrodes in
substation. different distances to the ground grid is measured
A fall-of-potential measurement is usually performed to until reference ground is reached. Dedicated software
determine the condition of the entire ground grid. On top transforms the test results into a voltage and impedance
of that, step and touch voltages are measured at exposed chart which allows the ground potential rise and the
locations in order to ensure human safety in select areas. ground impedance to be determined.

Your benefits

Ground grid
>> Determine true test values by
power line injection
>> Simple and accurate step and touch
voltage measurements with handheld
HGT1 device
>> Reduction factor measurement on
ground wires and cable shields

Step and touch voltage measurement
Step and touch voltage measurements according to Ground system analysis
EN 50522 and IEEE 81 are performed with the HGT1. >> Ground grid impedance for large systems 
This handheld device employs frequency selective up to 100 A | with CP CU1
measurements for effective noise suppression. >> Step and touch voltage 
Furthermore, tests can be executed quickly and easily since up to 100 A | with CP CU1 and HGT1
long test cables for connecting to the main device are no >> Ground grid impedance for small systems 
longer necessary. up to 6 A AC

Dedicated test templates assess measured step and touch >> Soil resistivity 
voltages according to EN 50522 and IEEE 80 automatically. up to 6 A AC

>> Integrity check of grounding connection 

up to 400 ADC

>> Reduction factor / current split factor

>> Measure multiple current paths with Rogowski coil

+ HGT1
Primary Test Manager (PTM) and
HGT1 enable you to quickly, simply
and conveniently measure ground
impedance as well as step and touch
voltage. Due to a new approach there
is no operational personal required at
the CPC 100 anymore. Together, the
test director and assistants perform all
measurements out in the field in order to
avoid miscommunication and selection of
inadequate test points.

Ground grid CP GB1

When testing large ground grids the potential of the ground grid under test and
the counter electrode must not overlap. This is done in order to ensure human
safety in a worst case scenario, which is always crucial. The CPC 100 + CP CU1
overcomes this problem by injecting the test current into a remote substation via
an existing power line.

Rotating machines diagnosis

Why test rotating machines? PF/DF measurement and PF/DF tip-up test
Rotating machines, such as motors and generators, are The PF/DF measurement is used as a maintenance tool for
highly important components in power generation and entire windings. The portable solution CPC 100 + CP TD1 +
industrial applications. Therefore machine reliability and CP CR500 allows PF/DF measurements to be carried out at
availability are in high demand. Motors and generators are nominal frequency.
exposed to high thermal, mechanical and electrical stress The measurement results can be compared with previous
that influences their reliability and life expectancy. measurements, factory acceptance tests or a phase-to-
Premature failure may lead to significant economical phase comparison can be made. An acceptable
losses, due to unexpected outages and possible damage to PF/DF offers assurance that the insulation condition allows
the asset itself. In order to plan maintenance effectively, it reliable operation.
is essential to have accurate condition information about Furthermore, a parallel partial discharge measurement
when components need to be repaired or replaced. allows for a more detailed diagnosis of the type of fault.
A variety of electrical tests can be performed with the The CPC 100 + CP TD1 can be used as HV source for the
CPC 100 over the complete life cycle of machines to partial discharge measurement.
increase their reliability, prevent premature failures and to The measurement complies with international standards
extend reliable service life. such as IEC 60894 and IEEE 286.

Your benefits

>> Portable HV source

>> High accurate PF/DF measurement
with reference capacitance for
maximum usability
>> Defined voltage steps for a combined
partial discharge and PF/DF
measurement enable reproducible
test conditions

DC winding resistance measurement
A DC resistance measurement is performed to detect Rotating machines diagnosis
possible contact problems in the stator and rotor winding >> Power/dissipation factor tip-up test
of a machine. at 50 Hz / 60 Hz 
up to 12 kV | 5 A| with CP TD1 and CP CR500
The CPC 100 offers an integrated micro ohmmeter with
a maximum output of 400 A. The 4-wire method is used >> Power/dissipation factor test with variable frequency 
to detect connection problems in the stator winding (bad up to 12 kV | frequency from 15 Hz to 400 Hz | with CP TD1
soldering contacts) as well as contact problems on the pole >> HV source for testing rotating machines  
connectors of the rotor winding. up to 12 kV | max. 2 µF | with CP TD1 and CP CR500

Both failures can be the root cause of a local hotspot and >> DC winding resistance measurement
potentially damage the machine. up to 400 A DC and 5 kVA down to the microohm range.

>> Pole drop test

Pole drop test
Mechanical stress in rotor windings cause inter turn faults
(short circuits), which can lead to a magnetic imbalance.
This causes higher shaft vibrations which puts more stress
on the bearings and can potentially damage them. The
CPC 100 provides the AC source and the accurate voltage
inputs nedded to perform the pole drop test.

+ CP CR500 + CP TD1
The CP CR500 compensator Insulation condition assessment of
reactor enables the CP TD1 to be motors and generators. The CPC 100
used with test objects with large + CP TD1 can provide up to 12 kV. It
capacitance such as large motors can be be used as HV source and
and generators. PF/DF measurement system at the
same time.

Gas-insulated switchgear testing

Testing gas-insulated switchgear to date Innovative GIS testing

Gas-insulated switchgears (GIS) are compact and are, With the CPC 100 + CP RC it is possible to perform GIS tests
therefore, used in applications where space is limited. For without the need of a big HV transformer. This is possible
commissioning of GIS a high-voltage (HV) withstand test is because the system directly makes use of a specially
required in accordance with standards (IEC 62271-203). designed “Power VT” for testing.
To date the test voltage needed for a withstand test has This Power VT is an integral part of the GIS and generates
been produced by a resonance circuit. This test system the required test voltage. CPC 100 injects power at the
consists of an HV test transformer, a coupling capacitor LV side of the VT, producing the necessary voltage on the
and a power control unit. The HV test transformer and the HV side. A direct connection of the measuring system to
coupling capacitor have to be connected directly to the GIS. the integrated VT of the GIS system eliminates the need
Weak points of this testing principle: for draining and refilling any SF6 gas.

>> The complete test system is difficult to transport, The CPC 100 + CP RC system comprises several small and
because it consists of very heavy and large light-weight components (< 21 kg / 46 lbs) which can
components. be transported by one person. With its modular design
GIS tests can even be accomplished at test sites with
>> It is difficult to use it at test sites with limited space,
limited space.
such as wind turbines.
>> The HV test lead must be connected to, and
disconnected from, the GIS system for testing. This
normally includes a time-consuming venting and
refilling process of the SF6 gas.

Your benefits

>> Small and light-weight test system

with high output power
>> Testing without gas venting and
refilling procedure
>> Automatic frequency tuning for
ideal load compensation

Powerful voltage withstand testing
When combined with the CP RC1, the CPC 100 allows GIS testing
withstand tests with a maximum test voltage of 200 kV >> Withstand test
to be carried out on GIS systems up to a rated voltage of up to 235 kV | max 1.6 nF | with CP RC2
123 kV. The CPC 100 + CP RC2 is appropriate for testing >> HV source for partial discharge measurements
GIS systems with a rated voltage of up to 145 kV and a up to 235 kV | max 1.6 nF | with CP RC2
maximum test voltage of 235 kV. This package is supplied
with the additional CP AT1 auto-transformer to guarantee
the necessary output power of the CPC 100 for higher loads.

HV source for partial discharge measurements

During production or maintenance, impurities can occur
in GIS. These can cause major problems in operation.
Therefore, it is recommended to perform a partial discharge
measurement during commissioning (acceptance tests).
While performing these measurements with our MPD series
the CPC 100 + CP RC can be used as the HV source.

+ CP CR + CP TR + CP AT1
With the compensating reactor The isolation transformer CP TR The auto-transformer CP AT1
4 mH CP CR4 or 6 mH CP CR6 provides a potential-free output allows to connect the mains
the CP CR compensates the signal and compensates the supply of the CPC 100 to a
capacitance in a modular fashion. capacitive load. three-phase 16 A power outlet,
and delivers the required power
for the test setup.

Switchgear and circuit breaker testing

Why test switchgear and circuit breaker? Contact resistance measurement

Switchgear consists of busbars, circuit breakers (CB), The CPC 100 can measure contact resistance by injecting a
disconnectors and earthing switches. There are various current of up to 400 ADC into the contacts and measuring
connections and contacts within the switchgear. Poorly the voltage drop (using the 4-wire method). The resistance
maintained or damaged contacts can cause arcing, single value can be compared to the value given by the manufac-
phasing or even fire which can lead to the total loss of turer as well as to previous records.
the asset.
Therefore, it is common practice to conduct contact resis-
tance measurements to ensure that the connections have
been made with the appropriate contact pressure.
Additionally, the insulation of CBs within the switchgear
has to be tested. These assets are frequently exposed to
HV stresses, switching currents and very high fault currents,
which heat up the circuit breakers and impact on the insu-
lation material.

Your benefits

>> Contact resistance testing with up to

400 A DC
>> Power/dissipation factor measurement
>> Testing of entire chain from the CT to
the CB's main contacts

Insulation testing of circuit breakers
For power/dissipation factor measurements on CBs, the Switchgear / circuit breaker testing
CPC 100 is combined with the CP TD1. Measuring this >> Contact resistance 
factor over a wide frequency range – in addition to mains up to 400 ADC
frequency – helps to better assess the insulation condition. >> Bushing: power/dissipation factor (tan δ)
+ insulation capacitance 
12 kV, 300 mA | frequency from 15 Hz to 400 Hz | with CP TD1

>> Circuit breaker: power/dissipation factor (tan δ)  

up to 12 kV, 300 mA | frequency from 15 Hz to 400 Hz | with CP TD1

>> Insulating fluids: power/dissipation factor (tan δ) 

up to 12 kV, 300 mA | with CP TD1 and CP TC12

+ CP TD1 CPC 100

Insulation condition assessment of μΩ measurement with the CPC 100‘s
circuit breakers and insulation fluids 400 ADC capabilities enables accurate
(with CP TC12). contact resistance measurements on
circuit breakers.

Commissioning and trouble shooting of protection systems

Commissioning protection systems CT & VT performance check

In order to work properly, protection and control systems The CPC 100 allows the verification of the ratio and polar-
have to be correctly integrated into the substation or ity of CTs and VTs – preventing wrong connections, espe-
power plant. Quantities from the primary system are trans- cially in the case of tapped CTs. Injecting current or voltage
formed at the VTs and CTs – using their different cores into individual CTs / VTs and checking the reading at the
– and so the voltage and current signals must be correctly relay ensures that phases are not mixed up and that the
connected to the protection relays, automation units and CT and VT ratio setting in the relay is correct.
meters. The CPC 100 can also measure the burden on the CTs
From these protection and control units, the trip signals and VTs and, by determining the CT’s excitation curve, it
are routed back to the primary apparatus, for example, ensures that the protection circuits are connected to the
the circuit breakers. A fault in any part of this system may appropriate CT cores.
result in a system failure – false tripping or a failure to trip.
To prevent such a failure, the system’s functionality can be Wiring check
verified by injecting into the primary side of the CT or VT The CPC 100 can help to verify that the secondary wiring
and checking the measured values at the relay or automa- is correct. By injecting a sawtooth signal into the CT or VT,
tion unit. Finally, injecting current at the magnitude of the operator verifies with a handheld device that the signal
a fault should result in the tripping of the circuit breaker, has the correct polarity at the connection points of the sec-
which allows the verification of the complete chain. ondary systems.



Your benefits

>> Testing of entire chain from the CT

to the CB's main contacts Wiring
>> Versatile due to high-current and Relay terminal
high-voltage outputs Wires

>> Wide range of applications covered

Control room

Timing of CBs with overcurrent elements
For testing of CBs or load breaker switches with integrated Protection installation testing
overcurrent elements, the CPC 100 can inject AC primary >> CT ratio (with burden)  
currents up to 800 A (or 2000 A together with the current up to 800 A or 2000 A with the CP CB2, 5 kVA output power
booster CP CB2), and measure the time from the start of >> CT burden  
the injection to the interruption of the current. up to 6 A AC | secondary

>> CT excitation curve (knee point) 

Primary injection up to 2 kVAC
With the CPC 100 primary faults can be simulated to check >> VT ratio 
if overcurrent, differential or distance relays operate cor- up to 2 kVAC | polarity and burden
rectly. The total trip time including the CB operating time
>> VT burden
can also be measured in this test.
up to 130 VAC | secondary

>> Overcurrent relays with primary injection (MV) 

up to 800 A or 2000 A with the CP CB2, 5 kVA output power

>> Polarity check with CPOL2 

up to 800 A or 2 kVAC , 5 kVA output power

>> Testing of the entire protection chain 

by primary fault current injection and live CB tripping


+ CPOL2 CPC 100

The CPOL2 can check the correct polarity The CPC 100 can inject up to 800 A (2 000 A
along the different connection points with the CP CB2) or up to 2 kV as well as a
in the secondary wiring by analyzing the sawtooth polarity check signal into CTs or
sawtooth signal injected into the VT’s VTs in the HV yard, hence performing testing
and CT´s primary side using the CPC 100. on the whole system.


HV yard

IEC 61850-9-2 Sampled Values testing

IEC 61850 Sampled Values

The standard for “Communication Networks and Systems A merging unit (MU) collects the measured current and
for Power Utility Automation”, IEC 61850, utilizes network voltage values from the current and voltage sensors. Then
technologies for all types of information exchange. it merges the digitized values, which are called “Sampled
Within IEC 61850, protocols for the transmission of Values” (SV), into a data stream published to the substation
instantaneous voltage and current values are specified. network.
The sensors used in the transmission process can be Using this method, measured values (for example, the
conventional CTs and VTs as well as unconventional bus voltage for a busbar protection scheme) can easily be
current and voltage sensors. distributed to multiple bay devices.


Your benefits CT
800 A

>> Ready for applications in digital 2 kV

>> Closed loop testing of merging units
>> Primary injection works independently
of the sensor technology used

Sampled Values testing with the CPC 100
The CPC 100 test system performs closed-loop testing Sampled Values testing
whereby a test signal is injected on the primary side >> SV CT ratio test and polarity check  
of the current / voltage sensors. The MU converts the up to 800 A or up to 2 000 A , 5 kVA output power | with the CP CB2
sensor output into a SV stream which is published to the >> SV VT ratio test and polarity check  
substation network. The CPC 100 then reads the data up to 2 kVAC
back from the network in order to perform a variety of
>> Automatic MU detection
different tests.
>> Automatic voltage / current channel detection
Automatic MU and channel detection is achieved by
>> Frequency selective voltage / current meter
injecting a test signal with a specific wave form. An
optimized and time-effective algorithm searches for the >> Noise level measurement
unique test pattern within all the available MUs on the >> Amplitude response of the signal processing chain
network to identify the correct channel for testing. up to 800 A or up to 2 kVAC | frequency from 15 Hz to 400 Hz

The CPC 100’s SV test card operates according to the

“Implementation Guideline for Digital Interface to
Instrumental Transformers using IEC 61850-9-2” published
by the UCA International User Group.

0001 CPC 100

The CPC 100 injects a sinusoidal test
Closed-loop testing signal to perform tests such as the ratio
test. Additionally, the CPC 100 generates
specific periodic wave shapes to identify
the correct MU and corresponding test

MU Substation

CTs, VTs and


Operation of CPC 100: front panel

Operating from the front panel The test template can be seen as a test plan. It tells the user
which measurements to make and provides the basis for
Selecting test cards directly the overall test report.

Operating the CPC 100 manually provides the quickest Test templates can be prepared in advance in the office on
results with minimal training and preparation – perfect for the PC – without the CPC 100 connected – and can then be
users who only operate the device occasionally. The user just executed on site, step by step. Users can also create their
selects the test card to be used, connects the CPC 100 to the own test templates and define, which test cards they want
asset and performs the test by pressing the start button. to include.
The settings and results of all manual tests can be stored
Using pre-defined test templates on a flash memory and transfered to a PC using a USB
memory stick or ethernet connection.
Additionally, pre-defined test templates help the user to
perform frequently used tests conveniently and efficiently.
A number of test cards (for example, power/dissipation
factor, winding resistance, ratio measurement, etc.) are
combined into one test template. An example is the
template containing all the recommended measurements
for testing a current transformer.

CPC 100 test card

Customized reporting: Microsoft Excel™
After transferring the test results to a PC, report templates Different ways to operate
in numerical and graphical form are available.
The CPC 100 offers different operating modes, to meet
The measurement data – including settings and results as the personal preferences of the user:
well as administrative information such as date and time, >> From the front panel:
filename, etc. – can also be imported to these templates Selecting test cards directly
for customized reporting, graphical result evaluation and
>> From the front panel:
further analyses.
Using pre-defined test templates
Microsoft Excel™ reports provide the basis for client-
>> Fully automated:
specific reporting and allow test reports to be adapted to
Using Primary Test Manager™ (see next page)
utility or manufacturer specific formats. Further content,
such as company logos, can also be added.
Test reports can then be printed in a variety of languages.

Test template with test cards

Test report

Step by step through the test procedure with Primary Test ManagerTM

Managing location, asset and test data

The Primary Test Manager (PTM) software
PTM provides a well-structured database for managing
solution makes it possible to perform a multitude test results and getting a comprehensive overview of the
of tests on power transformers, circuit breakers, asset's condition. Locations, assets, jobs and reports can
and current transformers. It provides active be defined and managed quickly and easily.
guidance for the user during the process of testing
with the CPC 100, making tests faster, easier, and Import and export functionality
PTM supports data exchange between different test
systems. Data can be imported easily in the PTM database.
In addition, they can be filtered or exported in common
formats (XML, PDF, Microsoft Word™, Microsoft Excel™).

Data synchronization and back-up

During on-site testing, data is often generated by multiple
testing teams. With the ‘PTM DataSync’ module all data
can be synchronized to a central database hosted on
premises or in the cloud. In doing so, data synchronization
and storage becomes safer and more convenient. The
relevant locations can be selected in order to keep the
local database small.

Easy management of location, asset and test data due to a structured database, PTM supports in the best possible
implemented search and filter functions and automatic data synchronization. wiring diagrams and asset-specific

Executing diagnostic tests Result analysis and reporting
PTM helps to define the test asset with specific nameplate A real-time overview of the test results is given during the
views. It indicates mandatory and recommended measurement and an instant “pass/fail” assessment of
parameters, making data entry fast and easy. the test results is displayed based on specified limit values.
Based on the nameplate values, PTM generates a PTM automatically generates reports including all asset-
customized test plan according to current standards and related information and the tests that have been performed.
guidelines for each asset. This way PTM is able to provide This gives a comprehensive overview of the test object, test
you with a comprehensive test plan for assessing the results and assessment.
condition of your asset thoroughly.
Comparison tools for detailed analysis
Easy connection due to wiring diagrams For a detailed analysis, different test results can be
Pre-configured wiring diagrams based on selected assets compared side-by-side or trended over time. Users can
help to set up the CPC 100 correctly. This minimizes the choose between a time- and type-based comparison
likelihood of measurement errors and speeds up the as well as a phase-based comparison.
testing process.
Customized, individual reports
User can adapt reports to their needs in PTM. Reports can
be generated in Microsoft Word™, Microsoft Excel™ and
as a PDF file.
They can be further adapted by e.g. compiling the included
parts, providing comments or incorporating a company logo.

way during execution of diagnostic tests via For a comprehensive analysis, PTM offers automatic result assessment
test plans according to international standards. and comparison as well as customized reporting.

Front panel and connection possibilities

1 4 5 9 11 15 16

2 19
12 13

6 7 8 10 14


1. Grounding terminal 9. 6 A or 130 V output

2. High AC voltage output 2 kV AC 10. Current output 6 A DC
3. External booster output 11. Current measuring input 10 A AC or DC
4. High DC current output 400 A DC 12. Voltage measuring input 300 V AC
5. High AC current output 800 A AC 13. Low level voltage measuring input 3 V AC
6. Mains power supply 14. Voltage measuring input 10 V DC
7. Overcurrent protection 15. Binary input for potential-free contacts or
8. Power switch voltages up to 300 V DC
16. Safety key lock
17. Signal lights
18. Emergency stop button


30 31 32

20 21 22


24 25 26 27

19. Keys for the quick selection of applications 29. Serial interface for devices such as CP TD1
20. Keys for the quick selection of the desired view 30. Plug to connect external safety functions
21. LCD monitor 31. Socket for the connection of the CPC 100
22. Soft-touch keys which change their function to a network or direct connection to a
according to the selected application PC’s network connector

23. Keys for selecting stacked test cards 32. USB memory stick connection
24. Numerical keyboard
25. Advanced jog-dial hand wheel with “click”
(Enter) function
26. Up / down keys for navigation and entering values
27. Test start / stop button
28. User manual

Technical data CPC 100

CPC 100

Generator / Outputs Inputs

Current outputs Measuring inputs (Accuracy6)
Range Amplitude t max
Vmax 2
Powermax 2
f Amplitude Amplitude Phase
800 A AC 3 0 ... 800 A 25 s 6.0 V 4 800 VA 15 Hz ... 400 Hz
Input Imped. Range Reading Full scale Full scale
0 ... 400 A 8 min. 6.4 V 2 560 VA 15 Hz ... 400 Hz Error Error Error
0 ... 200 A >2h 6.5 V 1 300 VA 15 Hz ... 400 Hz I AC / DC4, 7 < 0.1 Ω 10 A AC < 0.05 % < 0.05 % < 0.10°

6 A AC 10
0 ... 6 A >2h 55 V 330 VA 15 Hz ... 400 Hz 1 A AC < 0.05 % < 0.05 % < 0.15°

3 A AC10 0 ... 3 A >2h 110 V 330 VA 15 Hz ... 400 Hz 10 A DC < 0.03 % < 0.08 % –

400 A DC 0 ... 400 A 2 min. 6.5 V 2 600 VA DC 1 A DC < 0.03 % < 0.08 % –

0 ... 300 A 3 min. 6.5 V 1 950 VA DC V1 AC 8

500 kΩ 300 V < 0.05 % < 0.05 % < 0.10°

0 ... 200 A >2h 6.5 V 1 300 VA DC 30 V < 0.05 % < 0.05 % < 0.10°

6 A DC 4, 10
0 ... 6 A >2h 60 V 360 VA DC 3V < 0.10 % < 0.05 % < 0.10°

2 000 A AC 3 with an optional current booster (CP CB2) 300 mV < 0.15 % < 0.05 % < 0.10°

V2 AC 8, 11
10 MΩ 3V < 0.03 % < 0.08 % < 0.10°
300 mV < 0.08 % < 0.08 % < 0.10°
Voltage outputs
30 mV < 0.10 % < 0.25 % < 0.15°
Range Amplitude5 tmax Imax Powermax5 f
2 kV AC 3 0 ... 2 kV 1 min. 1.25 A 2 500 VA 15 Hz ... 400 Hz V DC4, 7 10 V < 0.03 % < 0.08 % –
0 ... 2 kV >2h 0.5 A 1 000 VA 15 Hz ... 400 Hz 1V < 0.03 % < 0.08 % –
1 kV AC 3 0 ... 1 kV 1 min. 2.5 A 2 500 VA 15 Hz ... 400 Hz 100 mV < 0.05 % < 0.10 % –
0 ... 1 kV >2h 1.0 A 1 000 VA 15 Hz ... 400 Hz 10 mV < 0.05 % < 0.15 % –
500 V AC 3 0 ... 500 V 1 min. 5.0 A 2 500 VA 15 Hz ... 400 Hz
Additional features of the measuring inputs
0 ... 500 V >2h 2.0 A 1 000 VA 15 Hz ... 400 Hz
Automatic range switching (except Amplifier test card)
130 V AC10 0 ... 130 V >2h 3.0 A 390 VA 15 Hz ... 400 Hz Galvanically separated potential groups: I AC/DC ; V1 & V2 ; V DC
AC frequency range: 15 Hz to 400 Hz (except Amplifier test card)
Protection of I AC/DC input: 10 A very fast acting (FF) fuse 4
Internal measurement of outputs (Accuracy6)
Binary input for dry contacts or voltages up to 300 V DC7
Amplitude Amplitude Phase Trigger criteria: Toggling with potential-free contacts or
Output Range Reading Full scale Full scale voltages of up to 300 V
Error Error Error Input impedance: > 100 kΩ
Response time: 1 ms
800 A AC – < 0.10 % < 0.10 % < 0.10°
400 A DC – < 0.20 % < 0.05 % – Output to input synchronization
2 kV AC 2 000 V < 0.05 % < 0.05 % < 0.10° Test cards Quick, Amplifier test card
1 000 V < 0.05 % < 0.05 % < 0.15° Sequencer, Ramping
Frequency range 48 Hz ... 62 Hz 48 Hz ... 62 Hz
500 V < 0.05 % < 0.05 % < 0.20°
Synchronization V1 AC V1 AC, V2 AC, I AC
5A < 0.20 % < 0.05 % < 0.10° inputs (automatic range switch) (fixed to maximum range)
500 mA < 0.05 % < 0.05 % < 0.10° Input 10 % of input range full scale
Output 5 % of output range full scale
Settling time 100 ms after 5 % of 1 000 ms after 5 % of
output range full scale output range full scale
is reached is reached
Signal changes All quantities must be No changes of frequency
ramped within 20 signal and phase. Magnitude
periods changes without limitation.
Output follows within
250 ms
Phase tolerance 0.5 ° within the limits as specified above
Resistance measurement
4-wire measurement with 400 A DC output and 10 V DC input All input / output values are guaranteed for one year within an
ambient temperature of 23 °C ± 5 °C / 73 °F ± 10 °F, a warm-up time
Current Resistance Voltage Accuracy (full scale)
longer than 25 min. and in a frequency range of 45 Hz to 60 Hz or DC.
400 A 10 μΩ 4 mV Error < 0.70 %
Accuracy values indicate that the error is smaller than ± (value read x
400 A 100 μΩ 40 mV Error < 0.55 % reading error + full scale of the range x full scale error).
400 A 1 mΩ 400 mV Error < 0.50 % 1. With a mains voltage of 230 V using a 2 × 6 m high-current cable
at an ambient temperature of 23 °C ± 5 °C / 73 °F ± 10 °F.
400 A 10 mΩ 4V Error < 0.50 %
2. The power and maximum voltage may be reduced above 60 Hz
4-wire measurement with 6 A DC output and 10 V VDC input or below 50 Hz.
Current Resistance Voltage Accuracy (full scale) 3. Output can be synchronized with V1 AC in Quick, Sequencer,
6A 100 mΩ 0.6 V Error < 0.35 % Ramping and Amplifier test cards.

6A 1Ω 6V Error < 0.35 % 4. The inputs and outputs are protected with lightning arrestors
between the connector and against the protective earth. In the
1A 10 Ω 10 V Error < 0.25 % event of application of energy exceeding a few hundred Joule the
2-wire measurement with 10 V VDC input lightning arrestors apply a permanent short-circuit to the input /
Current Resistance Voltage Accuracy (full scale)
5. The power and amplitude may be reduced above 200 Hz or
> 5 mA 100 Ω Error < 0.60 % below 50 Hz.
> 5 mA 1 kΩ Error < 0.51 % 6. 98 % of all units have an accuracy better than specified as “typical”.

> 5 mA 10 kΩ Error < 0.50 % 7. This input is galvanically separated from all other inputs.
8. V1 and V2 are galvanically coupled but separated from all other
Power supply and mechanical data inputs.
9. There are power restrictions for mains voltages below 190 VAC.
Single-phase, 100 VAC ... 240 VAC, 16 A
nominal9 10. Fuse-protected.

Single-phase, 85 VAC ... 264 VAC (L-N or L-L) 11. When using the CTRogowski test card, the 3 V V2 AC input uses
permissible an additional software based integration method. In the range of
50 Hz < f < 60 Hz, this results in a phase shift of 90 ° as well as an
Frequency, nominal 50 Hz / 60 Hz additional phase error of ± 0.1 ° and an additional amplitude er-
Power consumption < 3 500 VA (< 7 000 VA for a time < 10 s) ror of ± 0.01 %. For frequencies in the range of 15 Hz < f < 400 Hz,
the phase error is not specified, and the amplitude error can be
Connection IEC 320 / C20
up to ± 0.50 % higher.
Weight 29 kg / 64 lbs (case without protection cover)
Dimensions 468 × 394 × 233 mm (18.4 × 15.5 × 9.2 in),
(W × H × D) cover, without handles.

Equipment reliability
Shock IEC / EN 60068-2-27, 15 g / 11 ms,
half-sinusoid, each axis
Vibration IEC / EN 60068-2-6, frequency range from
10 Hz to 150 Hz, continuous acceleration 2 g
(20 m /s2 / 65 ft /s2), 10 cycles per axis

Environmental conditions for CPC 100 and CPC 100 accessories

Operating temperature -10 °C ... +55 °C /+14 °F ... +131 °F
Storage temperature -20 °C ... +70 °C / -4 °F ... +158 °F
Humidity range 5 % ... 95 % relative humidity, no condensation

Technical data CPC 100 accessories

CP TD1 – Tan-delta unit

Combined with the CPC 100, the CP TD1 measures the capacitance and dissipation factor (power factor)
with laboratory precision.

High-voltage output Impedance

U/f I S tmax f Range Resolution Typical accuracy Conditions
0 ...12 kV AC 300 mA 3 600 VA > 2 min. 15 Hz ... 400 Hz 1 kΩ ... 6 digits Error < 0.5 % V test =
1, 200 MΩ of reading 300 V ... 10 kV
0 ...12 kV AC 100 mA 1 200 VA > 60 min. 15 Hz ... 400 Hz

Internal measurement of voltage output / current inputs Phase angle

Range Resolution Typical accuracy Conditions Range Resolution Typical accuracy Conditions
0 ... 12 000 VAC 1V Error < 0.3 % of V > 2 000 V -90° ... +90° 4 digits Error < 0.01 ° V test = 300 V ... 10 kV
reading + 1 V
0 ... 5 A AC 5 digits Error < 0.3 % of Ix < 8 mA Quality factor
reading + 100 nA Range Resolution Typical accuracy
5 digits Error < 0.5 % of Ix > 8 mA 0 ... 1 000 5 digits Error < 0.5 % of reading + 0.2 %
reading > 1 000 5 digits Error < 5 % of reading

Capacitance Cp (equivalent parallel circuit) Inductance

Range Resolution Typical accuracy Conditions Range Resolution Typical accuracy
1 pF ... 3 μF 6 digits Error < 0.05 % of Ix < 8 mA, V test = 1 H ... 1 000 kH 6 digits Error < 0.3 % of reading
reading + 0.1 pF 300 V ... 10 kV
1 pF ... 3 μF 6 digits Error < 0.2 % of Ix > 8 mA, V test = Watts / power (P, Q, S)
reading 300 V ... 10 kV Range Resolution Typical accuracy
0 ... 3.6 kVA 5 digits Error < 0.5 % reading + 1 mVA
Power factor PF / dissipation factor DF
0 ... 3.6 kW/kVAr 6 digits Error < 0.5 % reading + 1 mW / mVAr
Range Resolution Typical accuracy Conditions
0 ... 10 % 5 digits Error < 0.1 % of f = 45 Hz ... 70 Hz, Mechanical data
(capacitive) reading + 0.005 % I < 8 mA, V test =
Dimensions (W × H × D) 450 × 330 × 220 mm / 17.7 × 13 × 8.7 in
300 V ... 10 kV
Weight 25 kg / 55.2 lbs
0 ... 100 % (PF) 5 digits Error < 0.5 % of V test =
0 ... 10 000 % (DF) reading + 0.02 % 300 V ... 10 kV

CP SB1 – Switch box CP TC12 – 12 kV oil test cell

The CP SB1 switch box enables fully automatic The CP TC12 oil test cell precisely determines the dielectric
testing of three-phase power transformers. constant, the dissipation factor (tan delta) and the power
factor of insulating liquids such as transformer oil.
AC input / V1 AC output Max. 300 Vrms
DC input Max. 6 ADC Cell type Three-electrode design
Transformer high and Max. 300 Vrms between all connectors with guard
low voltage connections and ground Test gap 11 mm / 0.43 in
Supply Via serial interface from CPC 100 (+15 V) Capacitance of empty cell (air) Approx. 65 pF ± 10 %
Dimensions (W × H × D) 357 × 235 × 111 mm / 14.1 × 9.2 × 4.4 in Sample volume 1.2 liters ... 2 liters / 41 ... 68 fl.oz.
Weight 3.5 kg / 7.7 lbs Max. RMS test voltage 12 kV
Inner dimensions (diameter × height) 172 mm × 180.8 mm / 6.8 × 7.1 in
Outer dimensions (W × H × D) 220 × 235.5 × 220 mm /
8.7 × 9.3 × 8.7 in
Weight Approx. 9.2 kg / 20 lbs

CP CU1 – Coupling unit
In combination with the CPC 100 the CP CU1 is used for line parameter measurements and ground testing.

Output ranges Inputs

Range Current Compliance voltage at > 45 Hz Characteristic Rating
10 A 0 ... 10 A rms 500 Vrms V SENSE Overvoltage CAT III (IEC 61010-1)
20 A 0 ... 20 A rms 250 Vrms category
50 A 0 ... 50 A rms 100 Vrms Voltage range 0 ... 600 Vrms
100 A 0 ... 100 A rms 50 Vrms BOOSTER Overvoltage CAT I
Output power Voltage range 0 ... 200 Vrms
Current range 0 ... 30 Arms
Characteristic Rating
Frequency range 15 Hz ... 400 Hz
Maximum 5 000 VA (45 Hz ... 70 Hz), cos φ < 1.0 for 8 s at 230 VAC
power 5 000 VA (45 Hz ... 70 Hz), cos φ < 0.4 for 8 s at 115 VAC Fuse 30 A fast acting,
automatic circuit breaker
Continuous 0 ... 1 600 VA

Measuring transformers Accuracy

Transformer Ratio Accuracy at 50 Hz / 60 Hz Range Accuracy Accuracy V SENSE I OUT Current
VT 600 V : 30 V Class 0.1 of absolute of phase voltage current range
CT 100 A : 2.5 A Class 0.1 value angle
0.05 ... 0.2 Ω 1.0 ... 0.5 % 1.5 ... 0.8° 5 ... 20 V 100 A 100 A
Mechanical data 0.2 ... 2 Ω 0.5 ...0.3 % 0.8 ...0.5° 20 ... 50 V 100 ... 25 A 100 A
Dimensions (W × H × D) 450 × 220 × 220 mm / 17.7 × 8.7 × 8.7 in 2 ... 5 Ω 0.3 % 0.5° 100 V 50 ... 20 A 50 A
Weight 28.5 kg / 62.78 lbs
5 ... 25 Ω 0.3 % 0.5° 100 ... 250 V 20 ... 10 A 20 A
25 ... 300 Ω 0.3 ... 1.0 % 0.5 ... 1.5° 250 ... 500 V 10 ... 1,5 A 10 A

CP GB1 – Grounding box HGT1 – Handheld grounding tester

The CP GB1 grounding box features high current The HGT1 handheld grounding tester can be combined with
surge arrestors to protect the CP CU1 and the CPC 100 the CPC 100 and CP CU1 to measure step and touch voltages.
from unexpected overvoltages on the line under test.
Voltage input Max. 25 Vrms
Nominal ac spark-over voltage < 1 000 Vrms Power supply 1 × 3.7 V lithium polymer
Impulse spark-over voltage < 2 000 Vpeak (Li-Po) battery
Short circuit proof with: Dimensions (W × H × D) 90 × 180 × 45 mm /
16 mm cylindrical or 20 mm ball studs 26.5 kA (< 100 ms) / 67 kApeak 3.5 × 7.1 × 1.8 in
25 mm ball studs 30 kA (< 100 ms) / 75 kApeak Weight (including battery) 0.48 kg / 1 lb
Torsional moment for changing > 15 Nm
Dimensions (Ø × H) 200 × 190 mm / 7.9 × 7.5 in
Weight 6.8 kg / 13.2 lbs
(including grounding cable)

Technical data CPC 100 accessories

CP DB1 – Discharge box CP CR500 – Compensation reactor

The CP DB1 transformer discharge box facilitates The CP CR500 compensating reactor allows to test the
fast discharging of power transformers during the test process. insulation quality of generators, motors, cables and other
systems with large capacitance.
6 A path Switch closed 6 A continuous
Switch open The discharge process is faster by a Inductors 2 × 40 H 2 × 80 H 1 × 40 H and 1 × 80 H
factor of 4 compared to the CPC 100 Current compensation
6 Apeak 50 Hz 2×1A 2 × 0.5 A 1 × 1 A + 1 × 0.5 A
Overtemperature protection:
60 Hz 2 × 0.8 A 2 × 0.4 A 1 × 0.8 A + 1 x 0.4 A
85 ºC / 185 ºF
Capacitance compensation
Overvoltage protection: 150 V / 5 kA
between connectors 50 Hz 2 × 250 nF 2 × 125 nF 1 × 250 nF + 1 × 125 nF
60 Hz 2 × 180 nF 2 × 90 nF 1 × 180 nF + 1 × 90 nF
100 A path Switch closed 100 A continuous
On/off times at 25 °C
Switch open The discharge process is faster by a 0.5 A on/off times: on/off times: on/off times:
factor of 10 compared to the CPC 100 6 min/6 min 6 min/6 min 6 min/6 min
100 Apeak 1A on/off times: - on/off times:
2 500 Jmax 2 min/6 min 2 min/6 min
Overvoltage protection: 200 V / 30 kA
Maximum test voltage 12 kVrms (≥ 50 Hz)
between connectors
Dimensions (W × H × D) 455 × 275 × 220 mm /
17.9 × 10.8 × 8.7 in
Mechanical data
Weight 36 kg / 79.4 lbs
Dimensions (W × H × D) 357 × 235 × 147 mm / 14.0 × 9.2 × 5.8 in
Weight 4 kg / 8.8 lbs

CP CB2 – Current booster CPOL2 – Polarity checker

The CP CB2 is an current booster for applications The CPOL2 can check the correct polarity along the
requiring currents up to 2000 A. different connection points in an instrument transformer's
secondary wiring.
Output current up to 2 000 A
Output power at 2 000 A 5 kVA Measuring range 250 μVrms ... 300 Vrms
Accuracy of current at 50 Hz / 60 Hz Error < ± 0.13 % (rd) ± 0.13 % (fs) Evaluated signal form Polarity test signal with slope ratio ≥ 3:1
Phase tolerance at full scale Error < ± 0.25 % Nominal frequency 52.6 Hz
Dimensions (W × H × D) 186 × 166 × 220 mm Power consumption Measurement active: < 100mW
7.3 × 6.5 × 8.7 in Standby: < 50 μW
Weight 16.0 kg / 35.3 lbs Input impedance > 300 kΩ
Batteries Type and number:
2 × 1,5 V Mignon LR6 AA AM4 MN1500
Dimensions (W × H × D) 180 × 55 × 35 mm / 7.1 × 2.2 × 1.4 in
CP RC – Compensating reactor Weight 150 g / 0.33 lb

The CP RC resonance circuit units in combination with

the CPC 100 can be used for voltage withstand testing
of gas-insulated switchgears (GIS).


Voltage output 180 V1/ 220 V 220 V 254 V - 278 V
Current output 60 A 150 A 16 A
Apparent power on 13.2 kVAr 33 kVAr 4.4 kVAr
secondary side
Frequency 80 Hz ... 120 Hz 80 Hz ... 120 Hz 50 Hz / 60 Hz
Insulation class F F F
Weight 19 kg / 42 lbs 20.5 kg / 45 lbs 15.5 kg / 34 lbs
Dimensions 262 × 277.5 × 222 mm / 10.31 × 10.9 × 8.74 in
(W × H × D)

Ordering information

CPC 100 Packages

Package Description Ordering No.

Package including CPC 100 and all accessories to perform basic

CPC 100 Basic Package VE000601
checks on primary assets.

CPC 100 Standard Package Package including CPC 100 and all accessories to perform
includes CPC 100 Basic Package common electrical tests on instrument and power transformers.

CPC 100 Enhanced Package In addition to the standard package powerful tools for
includes CPC 100 Standard Package substation comissioning are provided.

Package including CPC 100, CP TD1 and all accessories to

CPC 100 Transformer Test System perform common electrical tests and power/dissipation factor VE000645
measurements on power transformers.

Package including CPC 100, CP CU1, CP GB1 and all accessories

CPC 100 Line Impedance Test System to perform impedance measurements for determination of VE000602
distance protection relay settings.

Package including CPC 100, CP TD1, CP CR500 and all

CPC 100 Rotating Machines
accessories to perform common electrical tests and power/ VE000648
Test System
dissipation factor measurements on rotating machines.

Package including CPC 100, CP TD1 and all accessories to

CPC 100 PF/DF Test System VE000640
perform power/dissipation factor measurements on all assets.

CPC 100 Standard Package

Ordering information

CPC 100 Upgrade Options

Package Description Ordering No.

Upgrade option to expand your existing CPC 100

CP TD1 Upgrade Option VE000641
to a power/dissipation factor test system.

Upgrade option allowing test currents of up to 2000 A

CP CB2 Upgrade Option VEHZ0630
in conjunction with the CPC 100.

Upgrade option to expand your existing CPC 100 standard

CP SB1 Upgrade Option VEHZ0692
package to a fully automated transformer test system.

Upgrade option to expand your existing CPC 100

to a line impedance measurent test system.
CP CU1 and CP GB1 Upgrade Option VEHZ0671
Note: CP sequencer test card has to be ordered separately
(order no. VESM0635)

Package to measure ground impedance and step and touch

Ground Impedance and
voltages of substations. Including handheld grounding tester VEHZ0708
Step & Touch Voltage Set
HGT1 and accessories.

Upgrade option including the TRC1 which allows

CPC Sync Upgrade Option synchronizing up to three CPC in order to create VEHO0648
for existing CPC
a powerful source for HV applications.

Upgrade option including the TRC1 which allows

CPC Sync Upgrade Option synchronizing up to three CPC in order to create VEHO0649
for new CPC
a powerful source for HV applications.

Slave unit including accessories for synchronization of CPCs.

CPC 80 VE000649
Note: Only CPC 100 can be used as master and slave unit.

Upgrade option for high voltage testing on gas-insulated

CP RC1 Upgrade Option VEHZ0760
switchgear (GIS) up to 123 kV rated voltage.

Upgrade option for high voltage testing on gas-insulated

CP RC2 Upgrade Option VEHZ0770
switchgear (GIS) up to 145 kV rated voltage.

CPC 100 Upgrade Options

Package Description Ordering No.

Upgrade option to check polarity of a CT's or VT's

CPOL2 Upgrade Option VESM0645
secondary wiring.

Upgrade option for determination of power/dissipation factor

CP TC12 Upgrade Option and permittivity of insulaton liquids, e.g. transformer oil. VEHZ0601
It is used in conjuction with the CPC 100 and the CP TD1.

Upgrade option for faster discharging after a winding

CP DB1 Upgrade Option VEHZ0695
resistance measurement on a power transformer.

Upgrade option for power/dissipation factor measurements

CP CR500 Upgrade Option on rotating machines in conjuction with the CPC 100 and VEHZ0604
the CP TD1.

Upgrade option to operate your CPC using the guided

PTM advanced Upgrade Option VESM0671
workflow, depending on available software licences.

PTM advanced for HGT1 Upgrade option for the Ground Impedance and Step & Touch
Upgrade Option Voltage Set to use the guided PTM workflow with your HGT1.

Separate module for data synchronization and back-up:

For up to 3 users VESM0677
PTM DataSync "OnPremises"
For up to 10 users VESM0678
Upgrade Option
For up to 25 users VESM0679
Upgrade for 1 user VESM0680

Separate module for data synchronization and back-up:

For up to 3 users VESM0681
PTM DataSync "Cloud"
For up to 10 users VESM0682
Upgrade Option
For up to 25 users VESM0683
Upgrade for 1 user VESM0684

A strong and safe connection

Welcome to the team

At OMICRON you can always depend on an experienced team that actively
supports you and an infrastructure that you can rely on. We always listen
attentively in order to understand your needs so that we can offer you the best
possible solutions. We strive for lasting partnerships and ensure that you can
continue to rely on your product long after you've purchased it. In order to
do this, we focus on quality, the transfer of knowledge and unique customer
Don, Wenyu and Christoph are able to tell you about the services we have
available for you and why it pays to be part of the team.

Don Platts
Application Specialist

Solutions you can rely on...

... developed with experience, passion and an innovative approach that we use to
continually set groundbreaking standards in our industry sector.
We invest more than 15 % of the total turnover in research and development so
that we can even guarantee the reliable use of the latest technology and methods
in the future.
Our comprehensive product care concept also guarantees that your investment in
our solutions – like free software updates – pays off in the long term.

Wenyu Guo

We share our knowledge...

… by maintaining a constant dialogue with users and experts. Some examples
of this are our customer events and conferences that take place all over the
world and our collaboration with numerous standardization committees.
We also make our knowledge available to you in the customer section of our
website in the form of application reports, specialized articles and articles in
the discussion forum. With the OMICRON Academy, we also provide a wide
spectrum of training possibilities and assist you with Start-up training and free

Christoph Engelen
Technical Support

When rapid assistance is required...

… our excellent level of support is always appreciated. You can reach the highly-
qualified and committed technicians in our customer support department 24 hours
a day, seven days a week – and it's completely free. We deal with repair services and
service features in a fair and non-bureaucratic manner.
We can help minimize your downtime by lending you equipment from a readily
available plant at one of our service centers in your area. A comprehensive offer of
services for consulting, testing and diagnostics completes our range of services.

OMICRON is an international company serving the electrical power industry with
innovative testing and diagnostic solutions. The application of OMICRON products
allows users to assess the condition of the primary and secondary equipment on
their systems with complete confidence. Services offered in the area of consulting,
commissioning, testing, diagnosis and training make the product range complete.

Customers in more than 140 countries rely on the company’s ability to supply leading-
edge technology of excellent quality. Service centers on all continents provide a broad
base of knowledge and extraordinary customer support. All of this together with our
strong network of sales partners is what has made our company a market leader in the
electrical power industry.

The following publications provide further information on the solutions described in this

CP CU1 Primary Test Manager™ (PTM)

Coupling unit for line and ground testing Testing and management software for primary assets

Diagnostic Testing CP CU1 Brochure Primary Test Manager™

Solutions for Power (PTM) Brochure
Transformers Brochure

For more information, additional literature, and detailed contact information of our
worldwide offices please visit our website.

© OMICRON L2791, November 2017 Subject to change without notice.

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