Myths About Addiction

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Module 5:

When you hear the word “addiction”, what things come to your mind?

Learning Task: Myths About Addiction

Teacher Talking Points:

We are going to take a closer look at a few of the common myths about addiction and see if we can use
the information we learned to come up with responses to the misconceptions

What could you say to someone who says, “Addiction is just a lack of self control”?

(Take responses from the class)

What could you say to someone who says, “If I only use a drug occasionally then I can’t be addicted.”?

(Take responses from the class)

What could you say to someone who says, “It’s always easy to tell when someone is addicted to a

(Take responses from the class)


1. “Addiction is just a lack of self control”

2. “If I only use a drug occasionally then I can’t be addicted.”
3. “It’s always easy to tell when someone is addicted to a drug.”
4. Using drugs or alcohol is a choice, so if someone gets addicted, it’s their fault.
5. If someone just uses willpower, they should be able to stop.
6. Addiction mostly affects certain types of people.
7. If someone has a stable job and family life, they can’t be suffering from addiction.
8. People have to hit “rock bottom” before they can get well.
9. Going to treatment will fix the problem.
10. If someone relapses, they’re a lost cause.
11. People with addiction are bad and need to be punished.
12. Addiction is treated behaviorally so it must be a behavioral problem, not a disease.
13. Prescription drugs are not addictive like street drugs because they come from a doctor.

ommon myths about addiction

Almost everything we think we know about addiction is wrong. These myths hurt families
and friends – and they make it harder for people to get well.
Myth: Using drugs or alcohol is a choice, so if someone gets addicted, it’s their

Reality: No one would choose to get addiction, any more than they'd choose to get cancer.
Addiction is a consequence of many contributing factors, including genetics, upbringing, trauma
and other influences. People with addiction are usually living pretty miserable lives and wouldn't
choose to live that way if given the chance. 

Myth: If someone just uses willpower, they should be able to stop.

Reality: For people who are vulnerable to addiction, substance use can lead to profound
changes in the brain. These changes hijack the natural “reward pathway” of the brain. In nature,
rewards usually only come with effort and after a delay. But addictive substances shortcut this
process and flood the brain with chemicals that signal pleasure. 

When the disease takes hold, these changes in the brain erode a person’s self-control and ability
to make good decisions, while sending highly intense impulses to take drugs. These are the same
circuits linked to survival, driving powerful urges no different from those driving the need to eat
or drink water. 

These overwhelming impulses help explain the compulsive and often baffling behavior around
addiction. People will keep using even when terrible things happen to them.

Myth: Addiction mostly affects certain types of people.

Reality: This disease does not discriminate. Addiction can affect anyone. No matter your age or
income, ethnicity or religion, family or profession. Nationally, about one in eight people ages 12
and up are impacted.

Myth: If someone has a stable job and family life, they can’t be suffering from

Reality: Many people live in denial because they’re successful in their professional lives, or
because they don’t drink until after 5 p.m., or because they come from a “good” home. The
reality is that anyone can be vulnerable to addiction. Many people hide the severity of their
illness or don’t get help because of stigma and shame. If drinking or using drugs is causing any
kind of conflict or problem in your personal or professional life, it’s worth seeking support.

Myth: People have to hit “rock bottom” before they can get well.

Reality: This simply isn’t true, and it’s dangerous. The longer you wait, the sicker the person
gets, and this can have deadly consequences. Studies show that people forced into treatment have
an equal chance of success as people who decide to go on their own.

Also, people who get help before their illness is so severe have more resources to draw upon,
such as supportive family or a job, to help them successfully recover. So the sooner someone
gets help, the better.

Myth: Going to treatment will fix the problem.

Reality: Addiction is a chronic disease, which means it's a long-lasting condition that can be
controlled but not cured. Treatment can be the first step toward wellness, but it’s just the very
beginning. Many people need more than one treatment visit to get on a stable path to wellness.
More importantly, staying well requires a lifelong commitment to personally managing the

Myth: If someone relapses, they’re a lost cause.

Reality: Try not to be too discouraged by a relapse, which is a recurrence of symptoms.

Addiction is a chronic illness very similar to type II diabetes or hypertension, meaning it requires
lifelong management. Relapse is no more likely with addiction than it is for these other chronic

Getting well involves changing deeply embedded behaviors. This takes time and effort and
sometimes results in setbacks. This doesn’t mean previous treatments failed, because the person
with the disease still made progress overall in getting well.

A recurrence may be a sign that the treatment approach or other supports need to change, or that
other treatment methods are needed.

There is hope. Keep in mind that most people with addiction who suffer a recurrence will return
to recovery.

Myth: People with addiction are bad and need to be punished.

Reality: Sometimes, after prolonged substance use, people with addiction do horrible things.
These bad acts are often impossible to understand. They're due to profound changes in the brain
that compel them to lie, cheat, steal or worse in order to keep using. While this behavior can’t be
condoned, it’s important to understand they do it because they are deeply sick and need help.
Sick people need treatment, not punishment, to get well.

Myth: Addiction is treated behaviorally so it must be a behavioral problem, not a


Reality: Human behavior begins in the brain. Advanced brain studies show that different types
of treatments, such as psychotherapy and medication, can change brain function. This is true for
depression and other illnesses, including addiction. Sometimes behavioral treatments, like
counseling, are enough. Sometimes medication may be required as well. But the fact that
behavioral treatments can be effective does not mean addiction isn’t a real illness. 

Myth: Prescription drugs are not addictive like street drugs because they come
from a doctor.

Reality: Addiction to prescription medications, including painkillers, sedatives and stimulants,

is a serious and growing problem among all age groups. These drugs can be highly addictive and
have serious harmful effects. Even if these drugs are prescribed by your physician, you may be at

Myths in the workplace


NIDA, Prescription drug abuse research update

Myths of Addiction, Carlton K. Erickson, PhD, American Psychiatric Association

Clean, by David Sheff

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