Rough Framing Army FM5-426

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After the foundation is built and the batter boards are removed, the carpenter builds the

framework. The framework consists of beams, trusses, walls and partitions, flooring, ceilings,
sheathing and siding, stairways, roof framing and coverings (Chapter 7), and doors and
windows (Chapter 8). This chapter familiarizes the carpenter with materials, tools, and
techniques used to build the framework.

Framing consists of light, heavy, and expedient framing.


There are three principal types of framing for light structures: western, balloon, and braced.
Figure 6-1, page 6-2, illustrates these types of framing and specifies the nomenclature and
location of the various members.

Light framing is used in barracks, bathhouses, and administration buildings. Figure 6-2, page
6-3, shows some details of a 20-foot wide building (such as ground level, window openings,
braces, and splices) and labels the framing parts.

Much of light framing can be done in staging areas while staking out, squaring, and floor
framing is being done. Subflooring can begin when a portion of the floor joists has been laid.
The better-skilled men should construct the frame, and with good coordination, a large force of
men can be kept busy during framing.

Western Frame

The western or platform frame (Figure 6-1, 1) is used extensively in military construction. It is
similar to the braced frame, but has boxed-sill construction at each floor line. Also note that
cross bridging is used between the joists and bridging is used between the studs. The platform
frame is preferred for one-story structures since it permits both the bearing and nonbearing
walls (which are supported by the joist) to settle uniformly.

Balloon Frame

The balloon frame (Figure 6-1, 2) is a widely used type of light framing. The major difference
between balloon and braced framing in a multistory building is that in balloon framing the
studs run the full length, from sill to rafters. It is customary for second-floor joists to rest on a
1- x 4-inch ribbon that has been set into the studs. The balloon frame is less rigid than a braced
Braced Frame

A braced frame (Figure 6-1, 3) is much more rigid than a balloon frame. Exterior studs extend
only between floors and are topped by girts that form a sill for the joists of the succeeding floor.
Girts are usually 4 x 6 inches. With the exception of studs, braced frame members are heavier
than those in balloon framing. Sills and corner posts are customarily 4 x 6 inches. Unlike the
studs, corner posts extend from sill to plate. Knee braces, usually 2 x 4 inches, are placed
diagonally against each side of the corner posts. Interior studding for braced frames is the
same as for balloon-frame construction.


Heavy-frame buildings are more permanent, and are normally used for warehouses and shops.
Heavy framing is seldom used in TO construction. Figure 6-3, page 6-4, shows the details of
heavy framing. Heavy framing consists of framing members at least 6 inches in dimension
(timber construction). Long, unsupported areas between walls are spanned by built-up roof

Some field conditions require expedient framing techniques. For example—

• Light siding. Chicken wire and water-resistant bituminous paper can be sandwiched to
provide adequate temporary framing in temperate climates.
• Salvaged framing. Salvaged sheet metal, such as corrugated material or gasoline cans, can
be used as siding in the construction of emergency housing.
• Local timber. Poles trimmed from saplings or bamboo can be constructed into reasonably
sound framing and may be secured with native vines if necessary.
• Wood-substitute framing. Adobe (soil, straw, and water—mixed until spreadable) can be
used to form walls, floors, and foundations. A similar mixture may be used to form sun-
dried bricks.
• Excavations. Proper excavation and simple log cribbing may also be covered with sod and
carefully drained to give adequate shelter.

Weak points in a structure usually occur at the connections (joints and splices) between pieces
of lumber. However, these connections can be structurally sound if done correctly. Such weak
points are usually a sign of poor workmanship.


Joints are connections between two pieces of timber that come together at an angle. The types
of joints most commonly used in carpentry are butt joints and lap joints.

Butt Joints

A butt joint is formed by placing the end of one board against another board so that the boards
are at an angle (usually a right angle), forming a corner. The types of butt joints are shown in
Figure 6-4 and are described below.

Straight Butt Joint. This joint is formed by placing the square-cut end of one board against
the square face of another. The butt end of one board should be square and the face of the other
board smooth so that they fit perpendicular to each other. Select the right type of nails or
screws to hold such a joint securely. For framing, butt joints are secured by 8d or 10d nails that
are toenailed to strengthen the joint. The end grain is the weakest part of a piece of wood when
used in joints. A butt joint is made at either one or two end-
grain parts. It will be no stronger than the quality of those
parts. A butt joint is, therefore, the weakest type of joint.
This is especially true if the joint is made of two pieces of
wood only.

Oblique Butt Joint. This joint is formed by butting the

mitered end of one board against the face of another board.
Bracing is typically made with this joint. It should not be
used where great strength is required. The strength of the
oblique butt joint depends upon the nailing. The nail size
depends upon the timber size. Nails should be toenailed to strengthen the joint; not too many
nails should be used.

Miter Butt Joint. This joint is formed by bringing the

mitered ends of two boards together to form the desired
angle. This joint is normally used at corners where a
straight butt joint would not be satisfactory. To form a
right-angle miter joint (the most commonly used), cut each
piece at a 45° angle so that when the pieces are joined they
will form a 90° angle. The miter joint is used mostly in
framing. However, it is a very weak joint and should not be
used where strength is important.

Lap Joints

The lap joint is the strongest joint. Lap joints (Figure 6-5)
are formed in one of two ways: a plain lap joint or a half-lap
splice joint.

Plain Lap Joint. This joint is formed by laying one board

over another and fastening the two with screws or nails.
This is the simplest and most often used method of joining.
This joint is as strong as the fasteners and material used.

Half-Lap Splice Joint. This joint is formed by cutting

away equal-length portions (usually half) from the thickness
of two boards. The two are then joined so that they overlap
and form a corner. Overlapping surfaces must fit snugly and
smoothly. Overlaps should be sawed on the waste side of the
gauge line, to avoid cutting laps oversize by the thickness of
the cut. This joint is relatively strong and easy to make.

NOTE: Some useful variations of the half-lap joint are

the cross-lap, the middle-lap, and the mitered half-lap


Splices connect two or more pieces of material that extend in

the same line. The joint will be as strong as the unjoined
portions. The type of splice used depends on the type of
stress and strain that the spliced timber must withstand.

• Vertical supports (longitudinal stress) require splices

that resist compression.
• Trusses, braces, and joists (transverse and angular
stress) require splices that resist tension.
• Horizontal supports, such as girders or beams, require
splices that resist bending tension and compression.
For example, splices for resisting
compression are usually worthless
for resisting tension or bending.
Figure 6-6 shows splice types;
Figure 6-7 shows splice stresses.

Splices. Compression-resistant
splices support weight or exert
pressure and will resist
compression stress only. The most
common types of compression- Figure 6-7. Splice stresses
resistant splices are the butt splice
and the halved splice.

Butt Splice. This splice is constructed by butting the squared ends of two pieces of timber
together and securing them in this position with two wood or metal pieces fastened on opposite
sides of the timber. The two short supporting pieces keep the splice straight and prevent
buckling. Metal plates used as supports in a butt splice are called fishplates. Wood plates are
called scabs and are fastened in place with bolts or screws. Bolts, nails, or corrugated fasteners
may be used to secure scabs. If nails are used with scabs, they are staggered and driven at an
angle away from the splice. Too many nails, or nails that are too large, will weaken a splice.

Halved Splice. This splice is made by cutting away half the thickness of equal lengths from
the ends of two pieces of timber, then fitting the tongues (laps) together. The laps should be
long enough to provide adequate bearing surfaces. Nails or bolts may be used to fasten the
halved splice. Note: To give the halved splice resistance to tension as well as
compression, fishplates or scabs may be used.

Tension-Resistant Splices

In members such as trusses, braces, and joists, the joint undergoes stress in more than one
direction; this creates tension, buckling the member in a predictable direction. Tension-
resistant splices provide the greatest practical number of bearing surfaces and shoulders
within the splice.

Square Splice. This splice is a modification of the compression halved splice. Notches are cut
in the tongues or laps to provide an additional locking shoulder. The square splice may be
fastened with nails or bolts. Note: It may be greatly strengthened by using fishplates or

Long, Plain Splice. This splice is a hasty substitute for the square splice. A long overlap of
two pieces is desirable to provide adequate bearing surface and enough room for fasteners to
make up for the lack of shoulder lock.

Bend-Resistant Splices

Horizontal timbers supporting weight undergo stress at a splice that results in compression of
the upper part; this has a tendency to crush the fibers. Tension of the lower part also tends to
pull the fibers apart. Bend-resistant splices resist both compression and tension. Make a bend-
resistant splice as follows:

Step 1. Cut oblique, complementary laps in the end of two pieces of timber.

Step 2. Square the upper lap (bearing surface) to butt it against the square of the other lap.
This offers maximum resistance to crushing.

Step 3. Bevel the lower tongue.

Step 4. Fasten a scab or fishplate along the bottom of the splice to prevent separation of the

NOTE: When this splice cannot be done, a butt joint, halved splice, or square splice
secured by fishplates or scabs may be used.

There are four types of wood sill construction: platform construction, balloon-framed
construction, braced-framed construction, and the builtup sill. The sill is the foundation that
supports a building and is the first part of a building to be set in place. It rests directly on the
foundation posts or on the ground and is joined at the corners and spliced when necessary.
Figure 6-8, page 6-8, shows the most common sills. The type of sill used depends on the type of
construction used in the frame. To prevent air from entering into the building, spread a thin
bed of mortar on top of the foundation wall. This also provides a solid base for the sill. Another
technique is to use a sill sealer made of fiberglass. Place insulation material and a termite
shield under the sill if desired.


Box sills are commonly used with platform framing, which is the most common type of framing.
These may be used with or without the sill plate.

The sill or sill plate is anchored to the foundation wall for supporting and fastening joists with
a header at the end of the joists resting on the foundation wall. In this type of sill, the sill is
laid edgewise on the outside edge of the sill plate.


“T” sills are usually used in balloon framing. There are two types of T-sills: one for dry, warm
climates and one for colder climates. They are made the same, except that in the latter case the
joists are nailed directly to the studs and sills and headers are used between the floor joists.


Braced-framing sills (Figure 6-8) are usually used in braced-framing construction. The floor
joists are notched and nailed directly to the sill and studs.

If posts are used in the foundation, use either sills made of heavy, single timbers or built-up
sills. Built-up sills are made with two or more light timbers, such as 2 x 4s. A built-up sill is
used when heavy, single timbers are not available and lighter lumber (such as a 2 x 4) alone
would not support the building load. Figure 6-9 shows how to make a corner joint for a builtup

Whether heavy timber or built-up sills are used, the joints should be over posts. The size of the
sill depends on the load to be carried and the spacing of the posts. The sill plates are laid
directly on the post or, in expedient framing, directly on graded earth. When earth floors are
used, nail the studs directly to the sill.

The distance between two outside
walls is usually too great to be
spanned by a single joist. A girder
is used for intermediate support
when two or more joists are
needed to cover the span. A girder
is a large beam that supports
other smaller beams or joists. A
girder may be made of timber,
steel, reinforced concrete, or a
combination of these materials.

Wooden girders are more common

than steel in light-frame
buildings. Built-up and solid
girders should be of seasoned wood. Common types of wood girders include solid, built-up,
hollow, and glue-laminated. Hollow beams resemble a box made of 2 x 4s, with plywood webs.
They are often called box beams. Built-up girders are usually made of several pieces of framing
lumber (Figure 6-10). Built-up girders warp less easily than solid wooden girders and are less
likely to decay in the center.

Girders carry a large part of the building weight. They must be rigid and properly supported at
the foundation walls and on the columns. They must be installed properly to support joists. The
ends of wood girders should bear at least 4 inches on posts.

CAUTION Precautions must be taken to avoid or counteract any future settling or

shrinking, which would cause distortion of the building.

A girder with a ledger board is used where vertical space is limited. This provides more
headroom in basements and crawl spaces. A girder with joist hangers is used where there is
little headroom or where the joists must carry an extremely heavy load. These girders are
shown in Figure 6-11, page 6-10.


Carpenters should understand the effect of length, width, and depth on the strength of wood
girders before attempting to determine their size.

Principles that govern the size of a girder are the

• Distance between girder posts.

• Girder load area.
• Total floor load on the girder per square foot.
• Load on the girder per linear foot.
• Total load on the girder.
• Material to be used.
• Wood moisture content and types of wood used, since some woods are stronger than others.
A girder should be just large enough to support an ordinary load. Any size larger than that
wastes material. For greater carrying capacity, it is better to increase a girder's depth (within
limits) than its width. When the depth of a girder is doubled (the width of lumber, such as 2 x 8
or 2 x 6), the safe load increases four times. For example, a girder 3 inches wide and 12 inches
deep will carry four times as much weight as a girder 3 inches wide and 6 inches deep. Table 6-
1 gives the sizes of built up wood girders for various loads and spans.


A building load is carried by foundation walls and the girder. Because the ends of each joist
rest on the girder, there is more weight on the girder than on any of the walls. Before
considering the load on the girder, it may be well to consider a single joist.

Example 1. Suppose a 10-foot plank weighing 5 pounds per foot is lifted by two men. If the men
were at opposite ends of the plank, they would each support 25 pounds.

Now assume that one of these men lifts the end of another 10-foot plank of the same weight as
the first one. A third man lifts the opposite end of that plank. The two men on the outside are
each now supporting one-half of the weight of one plank (25 pounds apiece), but the man in the
center is supporting one-half of each of the two planks (50 pounds).

The two men on the outside represent the foundation walls. The center man represents the
girder. The girder carries one-half of the weight, and the other half is equally divided between
the outside walls. However, the girder may not always be located halfway between the outer

Example 2. Imagine the same three men lifting two planks that weigh 5 pounds per foot. One
of the planks is 8 feet long and the other is 12 feet long. The total length of these two planks is
the same as before. The weight per foot is the same, so the total weight in both cases is 100
One of the outside men is
supporting one-half of the 8-
foot plank) or 20 pounds. The
man on the opposite outside
end is supporting one-half of
the 12-foot plank, or 30
pounds. The man in the center
is supporting one-half of each
plank (50 pounds). This is the
same total weight he was
lifting before.

NOTE: To determine the

girder load area: a girder
will carry the weight of the
floor on each side to the
midpoint of the joists that
rest upon it.


After the girder load area is

known, the total floor load per
square foot must be
determined, for safety
purposes. Both dead and live
loads must be considered.

Dead Load

The dead load consists of all

building structure weight. The
dead load per square foot of
floor area is carried directly or
indirectly to the girder by
bearing partitions. The dead
load varies according to the
construction method and
building height. The structural
parts in the dead load are—

• Floor joists for all floor

• Flooring materials, including the attic if it is floored.
• Bearing partitions.
• Attic partitions.
• Attic joists for the top floor.
• Ceiling laths and plaster, including the basement ceiling if it is plastered.
The total dead load for a light-frame building similar to an ordinary frame house is the dead-
load allowance per square foot of all structural parts added together.

• The allowance for an average subfloor, finish floor, and joists without basement plaster
should be 10 pounds per square foot.
• If the basement ceiling is plastered, allow an additional 10 pounds per square foot.
• If the attic is unfloored, make a load allowance of 20 pounds for ceiling plaster and joists
when girders or bearing partitions support the first-floor partition.
• If the attic is floored and used for storage, allow an additional 10 pounds per square foot.

Live Load

The live load is the weight of furniture, persons, and other movable loads, not actually a part of
the building but still carried by the girder. The live load per square foot will vary according to
the building use and local weather conditions. Snow on the roof is also a part of the live load.

• Allowance for the live load on floors used for living purposes is 30 pounds per square foot.
• If the attic is floored and used for light storage, allow an additional 20 pounds per square
• The allowance per square foot for live loads is usually governed by local building
specifications and regulations.

The load per linear foot on the girder is easily figured when the total load per square foot of
floor area is known.

Example. Assume that the girder load area of the building shown in Figure 6-12 is sliced into
1-foot lengths across the girder. Each slice represents the weight supported by 1 foot of the
girder. If the slice is divided into 1-foot units, each unit will represent 1 square foot of the total
floor area. To determine the load per linear foot of girder, multiply the number of units by the
total load per square foot.

Note in Figure 6-12 that the girder is off-center. Remember that half of the load is supported
by the girder and half by the foundation walls. Therefore, the joist length to be supported on
one side of the girder is 7 feet (one half of 14 feet) and the other side is 5 feet (one half of 10
feet), for a total distance of 12 feet across the load area. Since each slice is 1 foot wide, it has a
total floor area of 12 square feet.

Assume that the total floor load for each square foot is 70 pounds. Multiply the length times
the width to get the total square feet supported by the girder (7 feet x 12 feet = 84 square feet).

84 square feet x 70 pounds per square feet (live and dead load) = 5,880 pounds total load on the


Figure 6-10, page 6-9, shows a built-up girder. Notice that the joists rest on top of the girder.
This type of girder is commonly used in frame building construction. To make a built-up girder,
select lumber that is as free from knots and other defects as possible.
Built-up girders are usually made
of three pieces of framing lumber
nailed together. (The pieces must
be nailed securely to prevent
individual buckling.) For proper
arrangement of the pieces of
lumber, the end grains should
match the example in Figure 6-
13. The nailing pattern should be
square across the ends of the
board (1 1/2 inches from each end)
and then diagonal every 16 inches
as shown in Figure 6-13. This
pattern increases the strength of
the girder. A typical two- or three-
piece girder of 2-inch lumber should be nailed on both sides with 16d common nails.


Methods for splicing girders differ according to whether the girder is built-up or solid-beam.

Built-Up Girders

The lumber for a built-up girder

should be long enough so that no
more than one joint will occur
over the span between footings.
The joints in the beam should be
staggered, and the planks must
be squared at each joint and
butted tightly together.

Solid-Beam Girders

To splice solid beams, use half-

lap joints or butt joints (Figure 6-
14.) See Splices on page 6-6.

Half-Lap. Sometimes a half-lap

joint is used to join solid beams (Figure 6-14). This is done by performing the following steps:

Step 1. Place the beam on one edge so that the annual rings run from top to bottom.

Step 2. Lay out the lines for the half-lap joint as shown in Figure 6-14.

Step 3. Make cuts along these lines, then check with a steel square to ensure a matching joint.

Step 4. Repeat the process on the other beam.

Step 5. Nail a temporary strap across the joint to hold it tightly together.
Step 6. Drill a hole through the joint with a drill bit about 1/16 inch larger than the bolt to be
used, and fasten the joint with a bolt, a washer, and a nut.

Butt Joints. When a strapped butt joint is used to join solid beams (Figure 6-14, page 6-13),
the ends of the beams should be cut square. The straps, which are generally 18 inches long, are
bolted to each side of the beams.


When building a small frame building, the carpenter should know how to determine the proper
size of girder supports (called
columns or posts).

A column or post is a vertical

member that supports the live
and dead loads placed upon it.
It may be made of wood,
metal, or masonry.

• Wooden columns may be

solid timbers or several
pieces of framing lumber
nailed together with 16d or
20d common nails.
• Metal columns are made of
heavy pipe, large steel
angles, or I-beams.

A column must have a bearing

plate at the top and bottom
which distributes the load evenly
across the column. Basement posts that support girders should be set on masonry footings. Columns
should be securely fastened at the top to the load-bearing member and at the bottom to the footing on
which they rest.

Figure 6-15 shows a solid wooden column with a metal bearing cap drilled to permit fastening
it to the girder. The bottom of this type of column may be fastened to the masonry footing by a
metal dowel. The dowel should be inserted in a hole drilled in the bottom of the column and in
the masonry footing. The base is coated with asphalt at the drilling point to prevent rust or rot.

A good arrangement of a girder and supporting columns for a 24- x 40-foot building is shown in
Figure 6-16.

• Column B will support one-half of the girder load between wall A and column C.
• Column C will support one-half of the girder load between columns B and D.
• Column D will share equally the girder loads with column C and wall E.


Forms for making concrete girders and beams are made from 2-inch-thick material dressed on
all sides. The bottom piece of material should be constructed in one piece to avoid using cleats.
The temporary cleats shown in Figure 6-17 are nailed on to prevent the form from collapsing
when handled.

After the foundation and deck framing of a building are completed, the floor is built.


Joists are the wooden members, usually 2 or 3 inches thick, that make up the body of the floor
frame (Figure 6-18, page 6-16). The flooring or subflooring is nailed to the joists. Joists as small
as 2 x 6 are sometimes used in light frame buildings. These are too small for floors with spans
over 10 feet, but are frequently used for ceiling joists.

Joists usually carry a uniform load

of materials and personnel; these
are live loads. The weight of joists
and floors is a dead load. The joists
carry the flooring load directly on
ends nearest the sills, girders,
bearing partitions, or bearing
walls. Joists are spaced 16 or 24
inches apart, center to center.
Sometimes the spacing is 12
inches, but where such spacing is
made necessary by the load,
heavier joists should be used.

To support heavily concentrated

loads or a partition wall, you may
need to double the joist or place
two joists together. Two typical
reinforced joists are shown in
Figure 6-19.

In joining joists to sills, be sure

that the connection can hold the
load that the joist will carry. The joist-connecting method in Figure 6-20, A, is used most often
because it provides the strongest joint. The methods shown in Figure 6-20, B and C, are used
when it is not desirable to use joists on top of the sill. The ledger plate should be securely
fastened. If the joist must be notched, it should not be notched to the sill and girder over one-
third of its depth to prevent splitting (Figure 6-20, D).

Joists must be level when framed to girders. If the girder is not the same height as the sill, the
joist must be notched as shown in Figure 6-20, C. If the girder and sill are the same height, the
joists must be framed to keep the joist level. The joist is always placed crown up. This
counteracts the weight on the joists. In most cases there will be no sag below a straight line.
The simplest way to carry joists on steel girders is to
rest them on top (as shown in Figure 6-20, E), provided
headroom is not restricted. If there is a lack of
headroom, use straps or hangers (iron stirrups) as
shown in Figure 6-20, F. These art among the strongest
joist supports.

In connecting joists to girders and sills where posts are

used, a 2 x 4 is nailed to the face of the sill or girder,
flush with the bottom edge. This is called a ledger.
These pieces should be nailed securely with 20d nails
spaced 12 inches apart. When 2 x 6 or 2 x 8 joists are
used, it is better to use 2 x 4 ledgers. This prevents
joists from splitting at the notch.

When joists are 10 inches or more deep, 2 x 4s may be

used as ledgers without reducing the strength of the
joists. If a notch is used, joist ties may be used to
overcome this loss of strength. These ties are short 1 x 4
boards nailed across the joists. Board ends are flush
with the top and bottom edges of the joists.

Overhead joists are joined to plates as shown in Figure

6-21, A and B. The inner end of the joist rests on the partition wall plates. If a joist is to rest on
plates or girders, the joist is cut long enough to extend the full width of the plate or girder.
Alternatively, the joists are cut to meet in the center of the plate or girder and connected with
a scab. When the ends of two
joists lie side by side on the
plate, they should be nailed
together. Joists may also be
joined to girders with ledgers
(Figure 6-21, C and D).



Check the plans to determine the

size and direction of the joists. If
the sizes for joists are not
specified on the plans, consult
Tables 6-2 and 6-3 to determine
the appropriate size.


Joists tend to twist from side to

side, especially when used over a
long span. Floor frames are
bridged for stiffening and to prevent unequal deflection of the joists. This stiffening also
enables an overloaded joist to receive some help from the joists on either side of it. A pattern
for the bridging stock is obtained by placing a piece of material between the joists, then
marking and sawing it. When sawed, the cut will form the correct angle.
The three kinds of bridging are:
solid (horizontal) bridging,
cross bridging, and compression
bridging (Figure 6-22, page 6-
20). Cross bridging is used most
often. It is very effective and
requires less time than
horizontal bridging. Cross
bridging looks like a cross and
is made of pieces of lumber,
usually diagonally cut 1 x 3 or 2
x 3 between the floor joists.
Each piece is nailed to the top
of each joist and forms a cross
(x) between the joists. Cross
bridging should be made so that
the two pieces of the cross are
against each other.
Compression is metal bridging
between joists.

Bridging should be nailed at

the tops with 8d or 11 Id nails,
and the bottoms should be left
free until the subfloor is laid. This allows the joists to adjust to their final position and keeps
the bridging from pushing up the joists and causing unevenness in the floor. The bottom ends
of the bridging may then be nailed, forming a continuous truss across the floor. This prevents
overloaded joists from sagging.

Cutting and fitting the bridging by hand is a slow process. A power saw should be used if it is
available. One line of bridging should be placed on joists more than 8 feet long. On joists more
than 16 feet long, two lines should be used.

Table 6 3. Group classification—nonstress-graded lumber

Species Minimum Grade

Group I

Douglas Fir and Larch Construction

Group II

Bald Cypress No. 2

Douglas Fir (South) Construction
Fir, White Construction
Hemlock, Eastern No. 1
Hemlock, West Coast and Western Construction
Pine, Red (Norway Pine) No. 1
Redwood, California Select Heart
Spruce, Eastern No. 1
Spruce, Sitka Construction
Spruce, White and Western White Construction
Group III

Cedar, Western Construction, West Coast Studs

Cedar, Western Red and Incense Construction
Douglas Fir and Larch Standard, West Coast Studs
Douglas Fir (South) Standard
Fir, Balsam No. 1, Standard
Fir, White West Coast Studs
Hemlock, Eastern No. 2, Standard
Hemlock, West Coast and Western West Coast Studs
Pine, Ponderosa, Lodgepole, Sugar, and Idaho White Construction
Redwood, California Construction
Redwood, California (studs only) Two Star
Spruce, Engelmann Construction, Standard
Spruce, Sitka West Coast Studs
Spruce, White and Western White Standard

Group IV

Cedar, Western Utility

Cedar, Western Red and Incense Utility
Douglas Fir and Larch Utility
Douglas Fir (South) Utility
Fir, White Utility
Hemlock, West Coast and Western Utility
Pine, Ponderosa, Lodgepole, Sugar, and Idaho White Utility
Redwood, California Merchantable
Redwood, California (studs only) One Star
Spruce, Engelmann Utility
Spruce, Sitka Utility
Spruce, White and Western White Utility


Floor openings for stairwells, ventilators, and chimneys are framed by a combination of
headers and trimmers. Headers run at right angles to the direction of the joists and are
doubled. Trimmers run parallel to the joists and are actually doubled joists. The joists are
framed at right angles to the headers of the opening frame. These shorter joists, framed to
headers, are called tail beams, tail joists, or header joists. The number of headers and trimmers
needed at any opening depends upon—

• The shape of the opening—whether it is a simple rectangle or contains additional angles.

• The direction in which the opening runs, in relation to the joist direction.
• The position of the opening, in relation to partitions or walls.

Figure 6-23, page 6-20, shows examples of openings. One runs parallel to the joist and requires
two headers and one trimmer. The other runs at right angles to the joists and requires one
header and two trimmers. The openings shown in Figure 6-24, page 6-21, are constructed with
corner angles supported in different ways. The cantilever method (shown on the right of Figure
6-24) requires that the angle be fairly close to a supporting partition with joists from an
adjacent span that run to the header.

To frame openings of the type shown in Figure 6-25—

Step 1. Headers 1 and 2 are nailed to trimmers A and C with three 20d nails.

Step 2. Headers 1 and 2 are nailed to short joists X and Y with three 20d nails.
Step 3. Headers 3 and 4 are
nailed to headers 1 and 2 with
16d nails spaced 6 inches

Step 4. Trimmers A and C are

nailed to headers 3 and 4 with
three 20d nails.

Step 5. Trimmers B and D are

nailed to trimmers A and C
with 16d nails spaced 12
inches apart.


The subfloor (Figure 6-26,

page 6-22), if included in the
plans, is laid diagonally on the
joist framework and nailed
with 8d to 10d nails.
Subflooring boards 8 inches
wide or more should have at least three nails per joist. Where the subfloor is more than 1 inch
thick, larger nails should be used. The subfloor is normally laid before the walls are framed so
that it can be walked on while walls are being framed.


A finish floor in the TO is normally of 3/4-inch material, square-edged or tongue-and-groove

(Figure 6-27, page 6-22). Finish flooring varies from 3 1/2 to 7 1/2 inches wide. It is laid directly
on floor joists or on a subfloor
and nailed with 8d common
nails in every joist. When a
subfloor exists, building paper
is used between it and the
finish floor to keep out
dampness and insects.

In warehouses, where heavy

loads are to be carried on the
floor, 2-inch material should be
used for the finish floor. Such
flooring is also face-nailed with
16d or 20d nails. It is not
tongue-and-groove, and it
ranges in width from 4 to 12
inches. The joints are made on
the center of the joist.

Wood Floors

Wood floors must be strong enough to carry the load. The type of building and its intended use
determine the arrangement of the floor system, the thickness of the sheathing, and the
approximate spacing of the joists.

Concrete Floors

Concrete floors may be

constructed for shops where
earthen or wood floors are not
suitable. These include aircraft
repair and assembly shops,
shops for heavy equipment, and
certain kinds of warehouses.

After the earth has been graded

and compacted, concrete is
placed on the ground. The floor
should be reinforced with steel
or wire mesh. The foundation
wall may be placed first and the
concrete floor placed after the
building is completed. This gives
protection to the concrete floor
while it sets.

Drainage is provided for the

floor area around the footing and
the area near the floor, to
prevent flooding after heavy
rains. A concrete floor is likely to be damp unless it is protected.

Miscellaneous Floors

These types of floors include earth, adobe brick, duckboard, or rushes. Miscellaneous flooring is
used when conventional materials are unavailable or where there is a need to save time or
labor. Such floors may be used if facilities are temporary or if required by the special nature of
a structure. Selection of material is usually determined by availability.

Duckboard is widely used for shower flooring. Earthen floors are common; they conserve both
materials and labor if the ground site is even without extensive grading. Rush or thatch floors
are primarily an insulating measure and must be replaced frequently.


Once the floor is in place, it is used to support the wall frame. Wall framing (Figure 6-28)
consists of studs, diagonal bracing, cripples, trimmers; headers, and fire blocks. It is supported
by the floor sole plate. The vertical members of the wall framing are the studs. They support
the top plates and the upper part of the building, or everything above the top plate line. Studs
support the lath, plaster, and insulation on the inside and wall sheathing on the outside.

Walls and partitions, which are classed as framed constructions, are composed of studs. Studs
are usually closely spaced, slender, 2 x 4 vertical members. They are arranged in a row with
their ends bearing on a long horizontal member called a bottom plate or sole plate, and their
tops are capped with another plate, called a top plate. Double top plates are used to tie walls
and partitions together. The bearing strength of stud walls is determined by the strength of the
studs. Figure 6-29, page 6-24, shows a typical wall construction.

Partition walls divide the inside space of a building. In most cases, these walls are framed as
part of the building. Where floors are to be installed, the partition walls are left unframed.
The two types of partition walls are bearing and nonbearing. The bearing type supports ceiling
joists; the nonbearing type supports only itself, and may be put in at any time after the other
framework is installed. Only one cap or plate is used. A sole plate should be used in every case,
as it helps distribute the load over a larger area.

Partition walls are framed the same as outside walls; door openings are framed as outside
openings. Where there are corners or where one partition wall joins another, corner posts or T-
posts are used as in the outside walls. These posts provide nailing surfaces for the inside wall
finish. Partition walls in a TO one-story building may or may not extend to the roof. The top of
the studs has a plate when the wall does not extend to the roof. If the wall extends to the roof,
the studs are joined to the rafters.


A corner post forms an inside corner and an outside corner which provides a good nailing base
for inside wall coverings. Figures 6-30, page 6-24, and 6-31, page 6-25, show two of the most
common types of corner posts as they would appear constructed. The studs used at the corners
of frame construction are usually built up from three or more ordinary studs to provide greater
strength. These built-up assemblies are called corner posts. They are set up, plumbed, and
temporarily braced. Corner posts may also be made in any of the following ways (Figure 6-32):

• A 4x 6 with a 2 x 4 nailed on the board side, flush with one edge (Figure 6-32, A). This type
of corner is for a 4-inch wall. Where walls are thicker, heavier timber is used.
• A 4 x 4 with a 2 x 4 nailed to each of two adjoining sides (Figure 6-32, B).
• Two 2 x 4s nailed together with blocks between them and a 2 x 4 flush with one edge
(Figure 6-32, C). This is the most common method.
• A 2 x 4 nailed to the edge of another 2 x 4, the edge of one flush with the side of the other
(Figure 6-32, D). This type is used extensively in the TO where no inside finish is needed.


There are two types of partition

posts—T-posts and double T-


Whenever a partition meets

another wall, a stud wide
enough to extend beyond the
partition on both sides is used.
This provides a solid nailing
base for the inside wall finish.
This type of stud is called a T-
post and is made in any of the following ways (Figure

• A 2 x 4 may be nailed and centered on the face side

of a 4 x 6 (Figure 6-33, A).
• A 2 x 4 may be nailed and centered on two 4 x 4s
nailed together (Figure 6-33, B).
• Two 2 x 4s may be nailed together with a block
between them and a 2 x 4 centered on the wide side
(Figure 6-33, C).
• A 2 x 4 may be nailed and centered on the face side
of a 2 x 6, with a horizontal bridging nailed behind
them to give support and stiffness (Figure 6-33, D).

Double T-Posts

When a partition is finished on one side only, the

partition post used is a simple stud, set in the outside
wall, in line with the side of the
partition wall, and finished as shown
in Figure 6-34, page 6-26. These posts
are nailed in place along with the
corner posts. The exact position of the
partition walls must be determined
before the posts are placed. When
walls are more than 4 inches thick,
wider timber is used.

In special cases (for example, where

partition walls cross), a double T-post
is used. It is made as described above,
and by nailing another 2 x 4 to the
opposite wide side, as shown in Figure
6-34, A, B, and C (C is the most


After the sills, plates, and braces are

in place and the window and door
openings are laid out, the studs are
placed and nailed with two 16d or 20d
nails through the plates. The
remaining studs are laid out on the
sills or soles by measuring, from one
corner, the distances the studs are to
be set apart. Studs are normally
spaced 12, 16, or 24 inches on center,
depending upon the outside and
inside finish material. If vertical
siding is used, studs are set wider apart since the horizontal girts between them provide a
nailing surface.

To double the post of the door opening, the outside studs are first placed into position and
nailed securely. Then short studs (or trimmers) the size of the vertical opening are cut and
nailed to the inside face of the outside studs as shown in Figure 6-35 on the sole plate.

The sill of a window opening must be framed. This sill is specified single or double. When it is
double, the top header is nailed to the opening studs at the correct height and the trimmer
next. The sill headers are toenailed to the trimmer. The door header is framed as shown in
Figure 6-35. The jack stud rests on the sole plate.


Girts are always the same width as the studs and are flush with the face of the stud, both
outside and inside. They are used in hasty construction when the outside walls are covered
with vertical siding. Studs are placed from 2 to 10 feet apart, with girts spaced about 4 feet
apart, running horizontally between them. The vertical siding acts in the same way as the
studs and helps carry the weight of the roof. This type of construction is used extensively in the


The top plate ties the studding together at the top and forms a finish for the walls. It supports
the lower ends of the roof rafters. The top plates serve as connecting links between the wall
and the roof, just as the sills and girders are connecting links between the floors and the walls.
The plate is made up of one or two pieces of framing lumber the same size as the studs.

If the studs at the end of the building extend to the rafters, no plate is used at the end of the
building. When used on top of partition walls, the plate is sometimes called the cap. Where the
plate is doubled, the first plate or bottom section is nailed with 16d or 20d nails to the top of
the corner posts and to the studs. The connection at the corner is made as shown in Figure 6-
36. After the single plate is nailed securely and the corner braces are nailed into place, the top
part of the plate is nailed to the bottom section with 10d nails. The plate may be nailed over
each stud or spaced with two nails every 2 feet. Care must be taken to make sure all joints are
staggered. The edges of the top section and the corner joints are lapped.

All partition walls and outside walls are finished either with a 2 x 4 or with a piece of lumber the same
thickness as the wall. This lumber is laid horizontally on the floor or joists. It carries the bottom end of
the studs, and is called the sole or sole plate. The sole should be nailed with two 16d or 20d nails at
each joist it crosses. If it is laid lengthwise on top of a girder or joist, it should be nailed with two nails
every 2 feet.


Frame walls are bridged, in most cases, to make them more sturdy. There are two methods of
bridging—horizontal or diagonal (Figure 6-37).

Horizontal bridging is nailed
between the studs horizontally
and halfway between the sole and
top plates. This bridging is cut to
lengths that correspond to the
distance between the studs at the
bottom. Such bridging not only
stiffens the wall but also helps
straighten studs.


Diagonal bridging is nailed

between the studs at an angle. It
is more effective than the
horizontal type since it forms a
continuous truss and keeps the
walls from sagging. Whenever
possible, interior partitions and
exterior walls should be bridged



After the corner post, T-post, and

intermediate wall studs have been
nailed to the plates or girts, the
walls must be plumbed and
straightened so that permanent
braces and rafters may be
installed. This is done by using a
level or plumb bob and a chalk

Plumbing Posts

There are two methods for plumbing posts.

Method 1. To plumb a corner with a plumb bob—

Step 1. Attach a string to the bob. The string should be long enough to extend to or below the
bottom of the post.

Step 2. Lay a rule on top of the post so that 2 inches of the rule extend over the post on the side
to be plumbed.

Step 3. Hang the bob line over the rule so that the line is 2 inches from the post and extends to
the bottom of it, as shown in Figure 6-38.
Step 4. With another rule, measure the distance from the post to the center of the line at the
bottom of the post. If it does not measure 2 inches, the post is not plumb.

Step 5. Move the post inward or outward until the distance from the post to the center of the
line is exactly 2 inches, then nail the temporary brace in place.

Step 6. Repeat this procedure from the other outside face of the post. The post is then plumb.

NOTE: This process is carried

out for each corner post of the
building. If a plumb bob or
level is not available, use a
rock, half-brick, or small piece
of metal.

Method 2. An alternative method

of plumbing a post is shown in the
inset in Figure 6-38. 1b use this

Step 1. Attach the plumb-bob

string securely to the top of the
post to be plumbed. Be sure that
the string is long enough to allow
the plumb bob to hang near the
bottom of the post.

Step 2. Use two blocks of wood,

identical in thickness, as gauge

Step 3. Tack one block near the top of the post between the plumb-bob string and the post
(gauge block 1).

Step 4. Insert the second block between the plumb-bob

string and the bottom of the post (gauge block 2).

Step 5. If the entire face of the second block makes contact

with the string, the post is plumb.

Straightening Walls

The following procedure is carried out for the entire

perimeter of the building. Inside partition walls should be
straightened the same way (Figure 6-39).

Step 1. Plumb one corner post with a level or a plumb bob.

Nail temporary braces to hold the post in place. Repeat
this procedure for all corner posts.

Step 2. Fasten a chalk line to the outside of one corner post

at the top and stretch the line to the corner post at the
opposite end of the building. Then fasten the line to this

Step 3. Place a 3/4-inch block under each end of the line for

Step 4. Place temporary braces at intervals small enough

to hold the wall straight.

Step 5. Nail the brace when the wall is far enough away from the line to permit a 3/4-inch
block to slide between the line and the plate.


Bracing is used to stiffen

framed construction and make
it rigid. Bracing may be used to
resist winds, storms, twists, or
strains. Good bracing keeps
corners square and plumb.
Bracing prevents warping,
sagging, and shifting that
could otherwise distort the
frame and cause badly fitting
doors and windows and
cracked plaster. The three
methods commonly used to
brace frame structures are let-
in, cut-in, and diagonal-
sheathing bracings (Figure 6-

Let-In Bracing

Let-in bracing is set into the

edges of studs, flush with the
surface. The studs are always
cut to let in the braces; the
braces are never cut. Usually 1
x 4s or 1 x 6s are used, set
diagonally from top plates to
sole plates, or between top or
sole plates and framing studs.

Cut-In Bracing

Cut-in bracing is toenailed

between studs. It usually
consists of 2 x 4s cut at an
angle to permit toenailing.
They are inserted in diagonal
progression between studs
running up and down from
corner posts to the sill or plates.

Diagonal-Sheathing Bracing

The strongest type of bracing is diagonal sheathing. Each board braces the wall. If plywood
sheathing 5/8 inch thick or more is used, other methods of bracing may be omitted.


The exterior surfaces of a building usually consist of vertical, horizontal, or diagonal sheathing
and composition, sheet metal, or corrugated roofing. However, in TOs, those materials are not
always available and substitutes must be provided. Concrete blocks, brick, stone rubble, metal,
or earth may be substituted for wood in treeless regions. In the tropics, improvised siding and
roofs can be made from bamboo and grasses. Roofing felt, sandwiched between two layers of
light wire mesh, may serve for wall and roof materials where the climate is suitable. Refer to
TMs 5-302-1 and 5-302-2 for details on substitute, expedient, and improvised construction.

The following paragraphs cover the types of sheathing, siding, and building paper that may be

Sheathing is nailed directly onto the framework of the building. It is used to strengthen the
building; provide a base wall onto which the finish siding can be nailed; act as insulation; and,
in some cases, be a base for further insulation. Some of the common types of sheathing are—
• Wood, 1 inch thick by 6, 8, 10, or 12 inches wide of No. 1 common square or matched-edge
• Gypsum board, 1/2 inch thick by 4 feet wide and 8 feet long.
• Fiberboard, 25/32 inch thick by 2 or 4 feet wide and 8, 9, 10, or 12 feet long.
• Plywood, 1/4, 3/8, 1/2, or 5/8 inches thick by 4 feet wide and 8, 9, 10, or 12 feet long.

Wood. Wood wall sheathing comes in almost all widths, lengths, and grades. However, it is
normally 6 to 12 inches wide and 3/4 inch thick. Lengths are selected for economical use and
the sheathing is either square- or matched-edge. Sheathing 6 or 8 inches wide should be nailed
with two 8d nails at each stud crossing. Wider boards should be nailed with three 8d nails. It is
laid on tight, with all joints made over the studs. It may be nailed on horizontally or diagonally
(Figure 6-41); however, diagonal application adds much greater strength to the structure. If the
sheathing is to be put on horizontally, start at the foundation and work toward the top. If it is
to be put on diagonally, start at a bottom corner of the building and work toward the opposite
Gypsum Board. This type of sheathing is made by casting a gypsum core into a heavy, water-
resistant, fibrous envelope. The long edges of the 4 x 8 boards are tongue and grooved. Each
board is 1/2 inch thick. Gypsum board is generally used with wood siding. Gypsum board
should be nailed with 13/4- or 2-inch galvanized roofing nails spaced 7 inches on center.
Gypsum board can be nailed (together with the wood siding) directly to the studs (Figure 6-42).
Gypsum sheathing is fireproof, water resistant, and windproof. It does not warp or absorb
water and does not require the use of building paper.

Plywood. Plywood is highly

recommended for wall sheathing
(Figure 6-42). It adds a lot more
strength to the frame than using
diagonally applied wood boards.
When this sheathing is used,
corner bracing can be omitted.
For this reason and because of
their large size, weight, and
stability, plywood panels are
faster and easier to apply.
Plywood provides a tight, draft-
free installation of high
insulation value.

The minimum thickness of

plywood wall sheathing should
be 1/4 inch for 16-inch stud
spacing, and 3/8 inch for 24-inch
stud spacing. The panels should
be installed with the face grain
parallel to the studs. A little
more stiffness can be gained by
installing them across the studs, but this requires more cutting and fitting. Use 6d common
nails for 1/4-, 3/8-, and 1/2-inch panels. At the edges of the panels, space the nails not more
than 6 inches on center; elsewhere, not more than 12 inches on center.


The siding for exterior walls should be decay-resistant, hold tight at the joints, and take and
hold paint well.

Wood Siding. Wood siding should be decay-resistant, well-seasoned lumber. It should hold
tight at the joints and take and hold paint well. It ranges from 1/2 to 3/4 inch thick by 12
inches wide.

Vertical Wood Siding. Vertical wood siding (Figure 6-43) is nailed securely to girts with 8d
or 10d nails. The cracks are covered with wood strips called battens. To make this type of wall
more weatherproof, some type of tar paper or light roll roofing may be applied between the
siding and the sheathing.

Horizontal Wood Siding Horizontal wood siding (Figure 6-43) is cut to various patterns and
sizes to be used as the finished outside surface of a structure. There are two types beveled
siding and drop siding (Figure 6-43).
Beveled. Beveled siding is made with beveled boards, thin at the top edge and thick at the
butt. It is the most common form of wood siding. It comes in 1 inch for narrow widths, and 2
inches and over for wide types. Beveled siding is usually nailed at the butt edge, through the
top edge of the board below. Very narrow siding is quite often nailed near its thin edge, like
shingles. It is nailed to solid sheathing over which building paper has been attached. Window
and door casings are first framed. The siding butts are put against the edges of these frames.
Corners may be mitered, or the corner boards may first be nailed to the sheathing. Siding is
then fitted against the edges.

Drop. Drop siding is used as a combination of sheathing and siding or with separate
sheathing. It comes in a wide variety of face profiles and is either shiplapped or tongue and
grooved. If used as a combined sheathing and siding material, tongue-and-groove lumber is
nailed directly to the studs with the tongue up. When sheathing is not used, the door and
window casings are set after the siding is up. If sheathing is first used and then building paper
is added, drop siding is applied with beveled siding, after the window and door casings are in

Corrugated-Metal Siding. Corrugated metal is often used as wall cover since it requires
little framing, time, and labor. It is applied vertically and nailed to girts. Nails are placed in
the ridges. Sheathing can be used behind the iron with or without building paper. Since tar
paper used behind metal will cause the metal to rust, a resin-sized paper should be used.
Vinyl and Aluminum Siding. Vinyl and aluminum sidings are popular, low-maintenance,
low-cost wall covering. They can be backed with polystyrene or other board reinforcement, both
to give the siding a strong base and an insulating R factor value.

Figure 6-44, page 6-34, shows the most common vinyl and aluminum sidings and installation
accessories. Some variations exist between manufacturers, but the basic rules for installation
are universal. They are

• Nail in the center of slots.

• Do not nail tightly, leave loose for contracting and expanding.
• Leave at least 1/4-inch clearance at all stops.
• Do not stretch tight.
• Strap and shim all uneven walls.

Step 1. Place outside and inside corners with the bottom of the trim even with the area to
weatherproof. Use a level or transit to maintain a constant horizontal line.

Step 2. Using a level, transit, or chalk line, place the bottom of the starter strip level with the
bottom of the corner trim. The starter strip will butt the edge of the trim.

Step 3. Snap the bottom of the siding onto the starter strip and slide it tight into the corner
trim, then out 1/4 inch to allow for expansion and contraction of materials in changing
temperatures. Nail with roofing nails, 16 inches on center, in the center of the slot, without
driving the nails home (leaving approximately 1/16 of an inch between the nailhead and the
wall sheathing).

Step 4. Attach additional pieces of siding in a like manner, except the additional pieces will be
placed on top of earlier placed pieces (as top end and bottom ends, like male and female ends in
tongue-and-groove materials). Lap tight, then pull away 1/4 inch.
NOTE: When ending a "run" into a corner or a J-channel, cut so that installation is
1/4 inch from butt to trim.

Step 5. Install J-channels on surfaces where the siding run breaks (as in a window or door).
The J-channel provides a weatherproof surface.

On vertical breaks, butt the siding as described in the previous paragraph. On horizontal
breaks, install the undersill trim inside the J-channel. The undersill trim is a fastening device.
On surfaces such as the top of the door or window trim, this channel will hold pieces of siding
that were cut (removing the part of siding that "snaps" onto the top of previous pieces) tight,
keeping them from flapping in the breeze. On surfaces such as where the siding butts into the
soffit or below windows, a slotting tool is used to pierce the part of the siding that slides into
the undersill trim. This pierce pushes out part of the siding and forms a catch. This is used
when siding is pushed into the undersill trim, providing fastening for the top of a section of
siding where nailing is not possible.

Building Paper

Building paper comes in several types. The most common type is resin-sized. It is generally red
or buff in color (sometimes black). It comes in rolls, usually 36 inches wide; each roll containing
500 square feet and weighing 18 to 50 pounds. Normally, this building paper is not waterproof.

Another type is heavy paper saturated with a coal-tar product, sometimes called sheathing
paper. This type is waterproof and insulates against heat and cold. In wood-frame buildings to
be covered with siding, shingles, or iron, building paper is
used to protect against heat, cold, or dampness. Building
paper is applied horizontally from the bottom of the wall, and
nailed with roofing nails at the laps. Overlapping the paper
helps water runoff. Care must be taken not to tear the paper.
The waterproof paper is also used in the built-up roof when
the roof is nearly flat. Several layers are used, with tar
between the layers.

Ceiling joists form the framework of the ceiling of the room.
They are usually lighter than floor joists but must be large
enough and strong enough to resist bending and buckling.

Ceiling joists are usually installed 16 inches or 24 inches on

center, starting at one side of the building and continuing
across, parallel to the rafters (Figures 6-45 and 6-46). Extra
joists, if needed, may be placed without affecting the spacing
of the prime joists.

Selecting and installing the ceiling joists are much the same as for floor joists. Ceiling joists
are nailed to both the plates and the rafters, if possible, and lapped and nailed over bearing
partitions. Joists that lie beside rafters on a plate are cut at the same pitch as the rafter, flush
with the top of the rafter. Joists are installed crown or camber up.

In addition to doors and
windows (Chapter 8), other wall
openings are needed.


Stovepipes may extend outside

a building through a side wall
to eliminate the need for
flashing and waterproofing
around the pipe (Figures 6-47
and 6-48). The opening should
be cut in an area selected to
avoid cutting studs, braces,
plates, or other structural
members. Sheathing must be
cut back in a radius 6 inches
greater than that of the pipe.
Safety thimbles or other
insulation must be used on the
inside and outside of the
sheathing. Sheet metal insulation may be constructed and used as a single insulator on the

Make the opening for the stovepipe as follows:

Step 1. Cut a hole through the sheet metal where the stovepipe will penetrate.

Step 2. Mark a circle on the metal 1/2 inch larger in diameter than the pipe. Then make
another circle within this circle, with a diameter 2 inches less than the diameter of the first.

Step 3. With a straightedge, draw lines through the center of the circle from the circumference.
These marks should be from 1/2 to 3/4 inch apart along the outer circumference.

Step 4. Cut out the center circle, then cut to the outside of the circle along the lines drawn.

Step 5. After the lines have been cut, bend the metal strips outward at a 45° angle.

Step 6. Force the pipe through the hole to the

desired position.

NOTE: Very little water will leak around

this joint.


Ventilation is necessary to prevent

condensation in buildings. Condensation may
occur in the walls, in the crawl space under
the structure, in the basement, on windows,
and in many other places. Condensation is
most likely to occur during the first six to
eight months after a building is built and in
extreme cold weather when interior humidity
is high. Proper ventilation under the roof allows moisture-laden air to escape during the winter
heating season and allows the hot, dry air of the summer season to escape. The upper areas of
a structure are usually ventilated by louvers or ventilators. (Types of ventilators are shown in
Figure 6-49.)

Upper Structure

One of the most common methods of ventilating is to use wood or metal louver frames. There
are many types, sizes, and shapes of louvers.

Determine the size and number of ventilators by the size of the area to be ventilated. One
square foot of vent should be placed for each 150 square feet of floor space without soffit vents
and for each 300 square feet of floor space with soffit vents. The minimum net open area
should be 1/4 square inch per square foot of ceiling area.

Louver frames are usually 5 inches wide. The back edge of the frame should be rabbeted out for
a screen, a door, or both. Louvers have ¾-inch slats, which are spaced about 1 3/4 inches apart.
The slats should have sufficient slant or slope to prevent rain from driving in. For the best
results, upper-structure louvers should be placed as near to the top of the gable as possible.
Crawl Spaces

Crawl spaces under foundations (of structures without basements) should be well ventilated.
Air circulation under the flooring prevents excessive condensation which causes warping,
swelling, twisting, and rotting of the lumber. The crawl space ventilators are usually called
foundation louvers. They are set into the foundation as it is built. A good foundation vent
should be equipped with a copper or bronze screen and adjustable shutters for opening and
closing the louver. Louver sizes should be figured on the same basis as upper-structure louvers
1/4 square inch for each square foot of under-floor space.

Stair work is made up of the framing on the sides, known as stringers (or carriages), and the
steps known as treads. Sometimes risers are framed into the stairs at the back of the treads.
The stringers (or carriages) are 2 to 3 inches thick and 8 or more inches wide. They are cut to
form the step of the stairs.

There are usually three

stringers to a stair if stairs are
more than 36 inches wide—one
at each of the two outer edges
and one at the center. Floor
joists must be properly framed
around the stairwell (or well
hole) to have enough space for
the stair framing and the
finished trim.

Step stringers are fastened at

the top and bottom as shown in
Figures 6-50 and 6-51. These
figures also show the
foundation and give the sizes of
the step treads, as well as
installation methods and post
construction. The types of steps
shown are the most common in
field construction.


To frame simple, straight, string stairs (Figure 6-52, )—

Step 1. Take a narrow piece of straight stock, called a story pole, and mark on it the distance
from the lower-floor to the upper-floor level. This is the lower-room height, plus the thickness
of the floor joists and the rough and finished flooring. It is also the total rise of the stairs. Keep
in mind that a flight of stairs forms a right triangle. The rise is the height of the triangle, the
run is the base, and the length of the stringers is the hypotenuse.
Step 2. Set dividers at 7 inches, the average distance from one step to another.

Step 3. Step off this distance on the story pole.

Step 4. Adjust the divider

span slightly if this distance
will not divide evenly into the
length of the story pole. Step
off this distance again.

Step 5. Continue this

adjusting and stepping off
until the story pole is marked
off evenly. 1he span of the
dividers must be near 7
inches. This represents the
rise of each step.

Step 6. Count the number of

spaces stepped off evenly by
the dividers on the story pole.
This will be the total number
of risers on the stairs.

Step 7. Measure the length of

the stairwell opening for the
length of the run of the stairs.
This length may also be
obtained from the plans. The
stairwell-opening length forms
the base of a right triangle.
The height and base of the
triangle have now been obtained.


To determine the width of each tread, divide the number of risers less onesince there is
always one more riser than tread—into the run of the stairs. This number is used on the steel
square in laying off the run and rise of each tread and riser on the stringer stock. These figures
will be about 7 and 10 inches, respectively, since the ideal run and rise totals 17 inches. Lay off
the run and rise of each step on the stringer stock equal to the number of risers previously
determined by dividing the story pole into equal spaces. The height, base, and hypotenuse of
the right triangle are now complete.

The following are two rules of thumb that may be used to check the dimensions of risers and

• Riser height + tread width = between 17 and 19 inches.

• Riser height x tread width = between 70 and 75 inches.

If the sum of the height of the riser and the width of the tread falls between 17 and 19 inches
and the product of the height of the riser and the width of the tread equals between 70 and 75
inches, the design is satisfactory

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