Buensuceso Es - 105902 - Learning Continuity Plan - Sy 2020-2021 - Complete
Buensuceso Es - 105902 - Learning Continuity Plan - Sy 2020-2021 - Complete
Buensuceso Es - 105902 - Learning Continuity Plan - Sy 2020-2021 - Complete
Region III
Schools Division Office of Pampanga
Arayat West District
School ID: 105902
School Year 2020-2021
“Commitment to the Mission of Providing Accessible, Quality, Relevant and Liberating Education to Kapampangan
Learners by Adapting to the New Normal Education”
Amidst the inevitable warm in the coronavirus disease (COVID- 19) that bought panic, uncertainty and even tantamount deaths to
humans around the globe still Philippine Basic Educational System has to move on and live the policy “No Learner Left Behind,” as mandated
by the Department of Education in the effect of making a child a learner through remote learning and modular modalities or what we call
“blended learning.”
Buensuceso Elementary School with its principle, “One Team, One Dream” in shaping the totality of our school children and no one
can stop in rendering our service even the pandemic itself.
And so we present to you our School Learning Continuity Plan which will be used in the new normal set-up which requires no face to
face interaction between the teacher and the learner. The Learning Continuity Plan (LCP) presents different measures of carrying out varied
objectives, strategies programs, projects, activities and resources to respond to the challenges brought about by the New Normal situation
so as for our school to contribute and to continue the departments’ mission- to continue education whatever it takes.
We hope this plan will open the walls for opportunities where we can lead our learners much safer and healthier for the continuous
development and progress of our school children.
We, teachers are committed to give our valuable time, skills, knowledge and the best effort for the greater good of everyone. With
the indubitable fact that through the continuous and increasing support by the stakeholders, the synergy present in the organization, the
commitment and dedication of everyone, nothing is impossible in this time of emergency.
Through the programs of SDO Pampanga in this time of emergency, BUENSUCESO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL also aims to sustain delivery of
quality, accessible, relevant and liberating basic education services for all school-aged Kapampangan learners in the midst of COVID-19
emergency via flexible learning options.
To respond to the needs in this time of emergency, BUENSUCESO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL would like to support the call to continue the
education without sacrificing the health of school faculty and learners, B.E.S. aims to:
1: Determine and ensure the readiness of school, personnel and learners on multiple teaching-learning
2: Map teaching and learning contexts based on the results of the school surveys.
3. Align available learning resources with curriculum standards and most essential learning competencies
4. Prepare learners to acquire and develop the most essential learning competencies for success in the next grade through varied
teaching-learning modalities based on the contexts of the learners, the school / learning center, and the locality.
5. Heighten the level of competence and commitment of Teachers by capacitating and preparing them for multiple learning delivery
modalities and instruction in the new platform
6. Maintain clear communication, consultation, and coordination with learners, teachers, parents, community leaders and other
7. Ensure a healthy, safe and conducive learning and working environment.
8: Strengthen partnership and widen linkages with stakeholders in education
9. Operationalize the Learning Continuity Plan through administrative, financial, and logistic support.
OBJECTIVE 1: Determine and ensure the readiness of school, personnel and learners on multiple
teaching-learning modalities
2. Conduct survey on the 1. Respond to online survey of School Head May 6 2020 May 22 Online survey Responded and
following: the Division on ICT competence, ICT Leader 2020 form submitted online
2.1 ICT Competencies availability of ICT devices, and Teacher survey
2.2 Availability of ICT internet connection at home of
devices at home learners, teachers, school head.
2.3 Access to internet at
2. Instruct teachers on the Pricipal's Office May 6 2020 May 6 Division Memo Communicate the
content of the Division Memo 2020 Division Memo to
requiring all teachers to respond School Letter teachers.
to the survey links.
Responded on the
survey links given.
3. Conduct survey on learners 1. Update and communicate the School Head June 1 June 1 Division Forwarded and
who will enroll on the home's Division Memo, Enrollment Teachers 2020 2020 Memorandum disseminated to
capacity to support learning Manual and DepEd Memo Parents teacher- advisers
delivery options (distance relative to the conduct of ICT Leader and Enrolment
learning - modular, online, TV enrollment (guidelines and Focal Persons the
or radio-based) protocols) to teachers for SY issued Division and
2020-2021 DepEd memo.
2. Coordinate with the local School June 1 June 30 Letters to MOOE for Letters sent to local
officials for the distribution of 2020 2020 Barangay Printed Survey officials;
learner Enrollment and Survey Barangay Captains; Forms
Forms (LESFs) if online facilities Enrollment and
are not availabale. *Establishing Printed survey forms
alternative enrollment enrolment and distributed to and
procedures (e.g. Drop Box survey forms retrieved from
Enrollment) (LESF) parents with
3. Consolidate schools' survey SchoolHead June 1 June 30 Google forms Results of school
results Teachers 2020 2020 Electronic LESF survey
School ICT Leader consolidated
OBJECTIVE 2: Map teaching and learning contexts based on the results of the division and school surveys.
3. Consolidate data at the Submit data for school and School May 2 May 20 Real time google Data consolidated
school levels division level consolidation 2020 2020 sheets at the school to
containing the division level
OBJECTIVE 3. Align available learning resources with curriculum standards and most essential learning competencies
5. Enrich / Enhance LIBRU 1. Upload / Download additonal Teachers July 2020 December Internet IMs uploaded and
portal IMS for online / offline learning ICT Unit 2020 IMs downloaded in the
LIBRU Portal LIBRU Portal
2. Reiterate the use of LIBRU School July 2020 July Internet Access Info. dissemination
Portal in the school level through Teachers 2020 conducted thru
a division memorandum school memo on
the LIBRU Portal
4. Request for support of the Prepare and submit project School Head LGUs 2020 June 2020 July Office supplies Special Request Letter
LGUs for funding of proposal for the funding of the Education Fund presented
instructional materials reproduction of printed learning
materials to the Municipal School Learning materials
Board printed
OBJECTIVE 4. Prepare learners to acquire and develop the most essential learning competencies for success in the next grade
through varied teaching-learning modalities based on the contexts of the learners, the school / learning center,
and the locality.
1. Determine the learning 1. Use the research findings and School June 1 June 30 Research Appropriate
delivery modalities which survey results in determining the Teachers 2020 2020 Findings and learning modalities
schools can adopt depending on appropriate learning delivery of schools
and learning centers. The following Survey Results identified by
the context of the learners in schools based on
may be adopted by the schools based
the school or locality taking in on the contexts of their learners and of contexts of learners
consideration the following the locality: and locality
factors: 1.1 Distance Learning
- Risk Severity Grading / IATF 1.1.1 Modular Distance
Policy Learning (MDL)
- School / Learning Center Instruction
Context 1.1.2 Online Distance
- Learners' Context Learning (ODL)
1.1.3 TV / Radio-Based
3. Ensure availability of 1. Distribute any of the following School Property August 3 August 17 Survey IMs distributed
learning resources needed in to learners based on survey data: Custodian 2020 2020 based on needs
the learning delivery modality 1.1. Textbooks
decided by the school and 1.2. Self-Learning Modules -
community. printed or digitized for offline
1.3 ADM and EiE Learning
2. Communicate links to Open School July 1 2020 July 31 Shareable links Links shared /
Educational Resources such as LRMDS School 2020 provided to gain
DepEd Commons, LR Portal, and Leader access to various
LIBRU Portal for easier access to educational
learning materials. resources
4. Monitor and evaluate 1.Remote Instructional CID - Instructional August 24 April 2021 Monitoring Implementation of
school's/teachers' Supervision -Monitoring of Supervision (IS) 2020 forms learning delivery
implementation of learning implementation of learning PSDS modalities
delivery modalities across delivery modalities School Online monitored
learning areas and grade Head monitoring
levels as basis for provision of 2. Provision of Technical Master Teachers TA provided
technical assistance. Assistance (TA)
OBJECTIVE 5. Heighten the level of competence and commitment of Teachers and School Leaders by capacitating and preparing
them for multiple learning delivery modalities and the Supervisors for management and supervision of instruction
in the new platform
3. Conduct upskilling and School Core Team July 6 2020 July 31 ICT Equipment MOOE Capacitated
reskilling of teachers on IT 2020 teachers and
system (on the use of Gsuite for school head on the
Educators) use of ICT
4. Encourage teachers to attend School Head June 2020 April 2021 ICT Equipment Teachers and
webinars initiatd by DepEd and Teachers school head
other training online for personal attended different
and professional growth. webinars
OBJECTIVE 6. Maintain clear communication, consultation, and coordination with learners, teachers, parents, community leaders
and other stakeholders
1. Prepare and implement a 1. Disseminate relevant School Head April 2020 August Covid-19 Important updates
communication plan to information to learners, Teachers 2020 Materials from disseminated for
ensure learners' Teachers', Teachers, parents, and DOH, information and
parents' and stakeholders' stakeholders using varied media Announcements guidance
awareness of the normal platforms such as social media and Issuances
education system (FB groups and pages, YouTube), from DepEd
TV and radio
1.1 COVID-19 updates
1.2 Prevention and safety
1.3 Mental Health
1.4 Physical Wellness
1.5 School Opening updates
and directions
3. Create infographics as School Head 2020 2021 April Infographics P5,000.00 Infographics
communication materials of the Teachers March (graphic visual (MOOE) created to present
school. representations relevant
of information, information
data, or
4. Conduct an orientation to School Head May 2020 August PPT Orientation to
learners, parents, and Teachers 2020 learners, parents,
stakeholders on the Stakeholders and stakeholders
implementation of the Learning conducted
Continuity Plan (LCP) particularly
the mulitple learning delivery
5. School prepare their own and School Head June 2020 July 2020 School LCP Schools LCP
contextualized Learning LCP team prepared and
Continuity Plan and communicate SGC communicated to
it with the stakeholders in the Stakeholders
municipality and barangay for during the
sdupport to its implementation orientation.
6. Prepare and implement School School Head June 15 June 19 School School
Communication Plan considering Teachers 2020 2020 Communication Communication
the teachers', learners' and Plan Plan prepared and
community's contexts implemented
A. Prevention and Mitigation / Safe Learning Facilities
1. Regular decontamination of School June 2020 April 2021 Disinfectant MOOE, LGU Schools and offices
school buildings and facilities supplies support, Fund decontaminated
2. Provision of disinfectants from donation every week
and/or alcohol at the school gate Thermal scanner of stakeholders
Lower chances of
3. Implementation of thermal infection and
scanning at the school gate disease spread.
(anyone found in the
temperature above 37.8 degrees
will be barred from entering)
4. Implement “No Face Mask, No School Guard June 2020 April 2021 Face masks Wearing of face
Entry” and Physical Distancing masks / face shields
policies by Teaching and
• Ensure wearing of appropriate personnel and
mask, gloves, and face shield (as learners ensured
needed) at all times of vulnerable
personnel during performance of
their duties
5. Repair and keep functional Education Facilities/ June 2020 April 2021 WASH facilities
WASH facilities Maintenance maintained
2. Post IEC materials and updated SDRRM Leader July 23, August 24 IEC materials
emergency hotlines in startegic 2020 2020
locations and in every rooms. Schools
2. IEC materials
and emergency
hotlines posted in
every classroom
and strategic
locations in schools
3. Teaching the importance of School Health August 24 December Soap, towels, Proper hand
personal hygiene and sanitation Leader 2020 2020 and poster, sanitizer washing and
and proper hand washing Teachers every week personnel hygiene
thereafter observed
5. Conduct orientation to Adopt- School Head June July Office Supplies School heads and
A-School (ASP) / Brigada Eskwela School BE Leader 2020 2020 teachers oriented
(BE) Leaders on the New Normal" School ASP Leader ASP Support on partnership
Funds engagement
activities for
Brigada Eskwela on
the new normal
6. Coordinate with the network School Head May May Communication NGO support
of Non-Governement School BE Leader 2020 2020 Tools coordinated
Organizations (NGOs) to solicit School ASP Leader
support in providing basic Mother PTA Office Supplies
education in times of Officer
emergencies, particularly in areas
where they operate and to the
type of learners they serve (e.g.
provision of resources
7. Engagement with the LGU School Head May July Communication LGU supported/
officials in the Municipal and Brgy School BE Leader 2020 2020 Tools engaged in the
Level for the support in the School ASP Leader implementation of
implementation of the School LCP Mother PTA Office Supplies the LCP
OBJECTIVE 9. Operationalize the Learning Continuity Plan through administrative, financial, and logistic support.
2. Recommend realignment 1. Coordinate with the Municipal Supervisor Principal June August Letter of Implementation of
of Special Education Funds School Board for request of SEF LGUs 2020 2020 Request LCP coordinated
(SEF) to fund the implementation of
the LCP Project
2. Request for realignment of SEF Supervisor Principal June August Letter of Realignment of
budget for procurement of ICT LGUs 2020 2020 Request funds requested /
equipment and reproduction of coordinated
Self-Learning Modules Project
3. Procure goods and services 1. Procure hygiene kits and Property Cutodian May June BAC and MOOE Hygiene kits and
that ensure safety and health sanitation supplies, materials, 2020 2021 accounting sanitation supplies,
of School personnel and equipment School Health documents materials, and
Leader equipment
Bids and Awards
Committee (BAC)
2. Procure disinfection / Property Cutodian May June BAC and MOOE Disinfection /
decontamination services for the 2020 2021 accounting Decontamination
office building and facilities School Health documents services procured
4. Provide ICT services to 1. Provide an online platform in School Head March June DepEd Email Online platforms
support curriculum delivery, the processing of DepEd Email ICT Leader 2020 2020 request for online services
training and development, accounts to minimize face-to-face created
and online services. transactions with clients.
4. Create an ICT Competency School Head April May ICT competency ICT Competency
Framework for Teachers as an aid ICT Leader 2020 2020 frameworl framework
in identifying the different skill developed
levels of the teaching personnel. Master Teacher
5. Provide technical assistance to School Head May July coaching and TA TA on different ICT-
the introduction of technologies ICT Leader 2020 2020 logs based platforms
and platforms to adapt to the provided
new normal Master Teacher
5. Monitor and report the 1. Prepare Individual Workweek PSDS June April ICT Equipment MOOE Up to date report
implementation of different Plan and Individual Workweek School Head 2020 2021 and
learning modalities Accomplishment accomplishment
5.1. Modular Distance Teachers
5.1.1. Online DL
5.1.2. Offline DL
5.2. TV
Based Instruction
5.3. Blended Learning
Prepared by: LCP Team
Principal I/ CHAIRMAN
JUNE 2020
1 Teachers
Observance start
of to begin&rendering
health services
wellness of schoolfor SY 2020-2021
faculty and utility
month long activity workkers
month long activity Adherence to CO, RO and DO Orders and Memo.
month long activity Brigada Eskwela - Oplan Balik Eskwela (BE - OBE)
month long activity Visiting LR Potals in reference to MELC
12 Independence Day
15-19 Attending webinars
22-26 Communicating LCP to stakeholders
JULY 2020
Observance of health & wellness of school faculty and utility
month long activity workkers
month long activity Adherence to CO, RO and DO Orders and Memo.
month long activity BE - OBE
month long activity Attending webinars
3rd to 4th week School prepartion for instructions
1st to 2nd week School prepartion
Observance for instructions
of health & wellness of school faculty and utility
month long activity workkers
month long activity Adherence to CO, RO and DO Orders and Memo.
17-20 School disinfecting activity
21 Ninoy Aquino Day
17-22 Mental Health & Psychological Support
24 Classes begins
31 National Heroes Day
month long activity Oplan Kalusugan sa DepEd
month long activity Adherence to CO, RO and DO Orders and Memo.
5 World Teachers' Day
2nd or 3rd week Schedule of 1st
Observance Quarterly
of health Test (wait
& welness for further
of school instruction)
faculty and utility
month long activity workkers
month long activity Adherence to CO, RO and DO Orders and Memo.
1 All Saints Day
2nd week of Nov. PT Conference
Observance (wait for
of health further instruction)
& welness of school faculty and utility
month long activity workkers
month long activity Adherence to CO, RO and DO Orders and Memo.
27 Araw ng Pagbasa
30 Bonifacio Day
Observance of health & welness of school faculty and utility
month long activity workkers
month long activity Adherence to CO, RO and DO Orders and Memo.
14-18 Mid-Year INSET
19 Christmas Break Begins
Observance of health & wellness of school faculty and utility
month long activity workkers
month long activity Adherence to CO, RO and DO Orders and Memo.
1 New Year's Day
4 Resumption of Classes
9 PT Conference
3rd week National Career Assessment Exam. if allowed under IATF Rules
30 Start of Early Registration
Observance of health & welness of school faculty and utility
month long activity workkers
month long activity Adherence to CO, RO and DO Orders and Memo.
1st week PEPT if allowed under IATF Rules
2nd week SPG Election
12 Chinese New Year
3rd week 3rd Quarterly Test
25 EDSA Day
MARCH 2021
Observance of health & welness of school faculty and utility
month long activity workkers
month long activity Adherence to CO, RO and DO Orders and Memo.
13 PT Conference
2nd week ELLNA if allowed under IATF Rules
APRIL 2021
1 Maundy Thursday
2 Good Friday of health & welness of school faculty and utility
month long activity workkers
month long activity Adherence to CO, RO and DO Orders and Memo.
3rd week 4th Quarter Exam. (wait for further instruction)
26 - 30 End of School Year Rites
MAY 2021
1 Labor Day
3 Summer Classes Begins
To be announced BRIGADA ESKWELA
Prepared by:
School Principal I
SY 2020-2021 C3. Emp
C.1 Father
NOTE: 1. These data do not represent final numbers and are subject to change after i
C.7 Mother
Self- oyed Self-
Employe due to Employe
Part Time d ECQ Not Working YES No Full TimePart Time d
7 4 15 8 7 44 53 10 3 3
8 3 10 6 1 25 49 9 4 1
6 1 6 2 4 16 20 1 45 19
11 7 23 5 5 55 58 6 7 4
9 5 23 10 15 38 48 8 3 2
15 10 15 5 4 56 61 11 6 12
17 1 9 16 1 36 50 9 6 1
4 33 9 44 8 1 0 0 0 7
6 27 0 26 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 36 5 27 2 47 5 3 6 5
11 30 8 50 3 0 0 2 0 1
7 28 14 37 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 25 9 52 2 0 0 0 1 1
16 18 5 16 29 0 3 0 9 17
Mother C16. Working from C18. a beneficiary of Mode of Transportation
home due to ECQ 4Ps
Commut Family
Walking e OwnedSchool Service
Kinder Grade 1
(Land/W Vehicle
YES No YES NO ater)
8 0 45 8 25 0 18 12 53 8
0 0 2 49 21 0 12 15 12 53
0 1 5 17 11 1 4 5 41 8
2 1 8 54 30 3 8 21 8 7
0 0 6 33 33 0 9 11 6 6
0 2 6 59 42 1 14 8 11 8
2 14 6 50 17 1 15 14 9 6
No of household members studying in School Year 2020-2021
Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11
4 8 5 8 10 3 4 3 2 3
2 3 5 6 9 5 2 0 2 2
23 5 2 3 4 16 14 25 6 4
7 62 0 12 5 5 8 6 3 6
5 1 50 6 9 9 10 6 2 5
9 9 3 63 10 8 7 7 11 8
1 5 7 18 56 2 9 4 3 2
Household members who can provide instructional support to the child's distance learning Devi
Extende Others
Elder Grandpa d Family (tutor,
Grade 12 SPED ALS guardia None Cable TV
siblings rents Member house
s helper)
3 0 0 49 2 4 5 0 0 7
1 0 1 48 3 6 2 0 0 13
3 6 9 20 33 15 19 11 0 1
1 0 0 49 10 7 7 0 1 4
3 0 0 47 9 2 3 1 1 8
4 4 0 58 16 4 10 0 1 6
4 10 4 22 11 7 10 0 6 8
Devices available at home the learner can use for learning Has a way to connect to internet
Basic Desktop
Non-cable TV
SmartphoneTablet Radio Comput Laptop None Others Yes
e er
14 16 26 6 5 2 4 9 0 26
16 21 29 11 7 2 3 2 0 34
25 15 10 34 6 17 18 24 1 14
21 13 27 4 5 1 2 12 0 18
15 10 26 5 0 1 4 3 0 21
26 16 39 5 9 5 5 10 0 38
20 5 21 1 1 3 1 8 0 20
a way to connect to internetWays ofOwn
connecting to internet
with Distance Learning modality/ies preferred toCombin
the child
broadba internet ation of
nd connecti face to
Own Modular
internet Comput on Online Televisi face
No mobile Radio Learnin
(DSL, er shop (library, learning on with
data g
wireless baranga other
fiber, y/ modaliti
satellite) municip es
27 25 12 0 1
al hall, 10 5 1 33 13
17 24 12 1 1
neighbo 18 16 5 35 11
18 6 7 0 r,
0 0 1 0 15 4
8 17 4 0 relatives
0 12 11 0 42 14
13 17 11 0 0 17 13 1 25 16
24 27 16 0 4 19 19 3 41 12
29 21 6 0 0 10 5 2 24 8
ons education
Challenges that may affect the child's learning process through distance learning
Conflict (i.e.
Lack of Unstabl No or
Insuffici Difficult with social
availabl e Existing lack of
ent load/ y in other media,
e mobile/ health availabl
data indepen activitie noise Others
gadgets/ internet conditio e space
allowan dent s (i.e. from
equipme connecti n/s for
ce learning house commun
nts on studying
chores) ity/
26 19 32 1 10 10 11 neighbo
11 2
26 22 17 3 10 8 2 r)
15 0
9 5 7 0 7 0 0 1 0
31 35 29 1 14 3 1 6 10
30 27 25 1 15 5 1 7 0
29 25 41 1 9 8 1 21 0
18 15 22 1 3 4 4 5 2