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Wazuh-Elastic Training

Lab-Guide - Session 5

Wazuh 4.1.5
Elastic Stack 7.10.0
OpenDistro 1.12.0
Table of Contents

CDB Lists
Lab Exercise 5a - Escalate sshd alerts about known attacker IPs
Lab Exercise 5b - Distinguish between different ssh-watch-list values

Active Response
Active Response
Creating custom Active Commands:
Creating custom Active Response:
Stateful vs stateless command:
Lab Exercise 5c - deploy and test Linux firewall active response

Hacking Wazuh
Tools for Troubleshooting and Debugging Wazuh
Monitoring network communications between the manager and agents using
Monitoring files that are in-use by ossec processes using lsof (lsof)
Monitoring process communications between the agent and manager using strace
(for ossec-remoted)
Monitoring open sockets of Wazuh processes using netstat (or ss)

Docker Lab

Copyright © 2020 Wazuh, Inc. All rights reserved. 1

CDB Lists

Copyright © 2020 Wazuh, Inc. All rights reserved. 2

CDB stands for “constant data base”. This acts as a high performance on-disk
associative array, mapping keys to values. They allow only two operations: creation and
reading. After the initial creation (compilation) of the CDB list, you can’t add any more data to
that file.

Use cases:

● Users (black or white lists)

● IP address lookups
● Indexing a list of bad domains

It’s also a convenient way to index databases and perform lookups on them.

CDB lists need to be stored in the directory /var/ossec/etc/lists/ and they need to
have a specific format. For example, file /var/ossec/etc/lists/suspicious could
contain entries like this:


Each key has to be unique and must be followed by a colon and an optional value. The
values between lines can be the same as long as the key is unique.

We need to define it in the ossec.conf file first by adding the following entry to the <rule>
section of the ossec.conf file.


The last thing to do is to create new rules to trigger alerts whenever an event matches one
of the entries in our new list.

<rule id="100001" level="10">

<if_sid>***SOME RULE***</if_sid>
<list field="srcip" lookup="address_match_key">lists/suspicious</list>
<description>Suspicious IP found</description>

Copyright © 2020 Wazuh, Inc. All rights reserved. 3

This rule will always trigger if the source IP is found in our CDB "suspicious" list.

Full documentation for all types of Wazuh CDB list lookups:


Lab Exercise 5a - Escalate sshd alerts about known attacker IPs

For sshd invalid user login attempts where the attacker's IP is in our custom ssh-watch-list
file, cause a higher priority rule to fire than the standard rule 5710.

Example log entries

Jan 19 04:17:54 agent sshd[2365]: Failed password for invalid user blabla from port
55969 ssh2
Jan 19 04:17:54 agent sshd[2365]: Failed password for invalid user root from
port 55969 ssh2
Jan 19 04:17:54 agent sshd[2365]: Failed password for invalid user admin from
port 55969 ssh2
Jan 19 04:17:54 agent sshd[2365]: Failed password for invalid user bill from
port 55969 ssh2

Initial Wazuh alert pattern for any of the above:

** Alert 1484799474.4188056: -
2017 Jan 19 04:17:54 (linux-agent)>/var/log/secure
Rule: 5710 (level 5) -> 'Attempt to login using a non-existent user'
Src IP:
Jan 19 04:17:54 agent sshd[2365]: Failed password for invalid user blabla
from port 55969 ssh2

We want to make a special rule of higher severity fire if this rule 5710 is tripped by an >
attacker on our special list of IPs of concern (ssh-watch-list)

Copyright © 2020 Wazuh, Inc. All rights reserved. 4

Create /var/ossec/etc/lists/ssh-watch-list file with this content:

Add to the <ruleset> section of /var/ossec/etc/ossec.conf on the manager:


Add this rule to /var/ossec/etc/rules/local_rules.xml

<rule id="100112" level="10">

<list field="srcip" lookup="address_match_key">etc/lists/ssh-watch-list</list>
<description>SSH attacker on ssh-watch-list attempted to login using a non-existent

Feed the example log entries into /var/ossec/bin/ossec-logtest and observe that those
involving a listed IP fire rule 100112 instead of rule 5710. The higher severity of this rule could
be used to trigger a more severe active response action.

Lab Exercise 5b - Distinguish between different ssh-watch-list values

Let's maintain an ssh-watch-list that classifies attacker IPs as "bad" or "terrible". Make sshd
invalid user login attempts where the attacker's IP is listed in our custom ssh-watch-list file
with a value of "terrible", cause an even higher priority rule to fire than the already escalated
rule 100112.

Replace /var/ossec/etc/lists/ssh-watch-list file with this content and recompile:

Copyright © 2020 Wazuh, Inc. All rights reserved. 5

Add this new rule to local_rules.xml, just previous to rule 100112.

<rule id="100111" level="15">

<list field="srcip" lookup="match_key_value" check_value="terrible">etc/lists/ssh-watch-list</list>
<description>A truly terrible SSH attacker on ssh-watch-list attempted to login using a non-existent

Feed the example log entries into ossec-logtest and observe that those involving a listed IP
fire rule 100112 instead of rule 5710, unless they have a value of "terrible", in which case they
fire the even more severe rule 100111.

Lastly, you might like to see how Wazuh is incorporating some lists of its own directly into
the Wazuh Ruleset to make Amazon and audit rules easier to work with. This will get you
started exploring:

find /var/ossec/etc/lists
grep -r "etc/lists" /var/ossec/ruleset/rules

Also, to see a great blog on importing the OSINT list of malicious IPs into a CDB:


Copyright © 2020 Wazuh, Inc. All rights reserved. 6

Active Response

Copyright © 2020 Wazuh, Inc. All rights reserved. 7

Active Response
In order to reduce risk and contain damage, we need in our system an automated
remediation to security violations and threats. A remediation solution can perform actions or
alerts configurations to prevent the access to the service or network where the threat came

This automated remediation is called “Active response” in Wazuh. Active response allows
you to execute a script whenever a rule is matched by the ruleset. Any number of responses
can be attached to any of the rules, but it is important to be careful.

A bad implementation of the rules and responses, can be dangerous. An attacker could use
the rules against you.

By default the following active response scripts are already implemented with a default
Wazuh installation:

● disable-account.sh: disables an account by setting “passwd -l” (Linux, Solaris, AIX

● firewall-drop.sh: adds an IP to the iptables deny list(Linux, Solaris, FreeBSD, AIX only)
● firewalld-drop.sh: adds an IP to firewalld drop list(Linux)
● host-deny.sh: adds an IP to the /etc/hosts.deny file (Linux, Solaris, FreeBSD, AIX only)
● ip-customblock.sh: Custom Wazuh block, easily modifiable for custom response
● ipfw_mac.sh: firewall-drop response script created for the Mac OS firewall
● ipfw.sh: firewall-drop response script created for ipfw, the FreeBSD IP packet filter
● pf.sh: firewall-drop response script created for pf, the BSD licensed stateful packet
● ossec-slack.sh: in order to post modifications
● restart-ossec.sh: automatically restarts Wazuh when ossec.conf has been changed
● route-null.sh: adds an IP to null route (only works on Linux and FreeBSD)
● route-null.cmd: adds an IP to null route (Windows Vista, Windows server 2008)
● route-null-2012.cmd: adds an IP to null route (Windows Server 2012)
● netsh.cmd: uses Windows "netsh ipsec" to block an IP - for Windows Server 2012
● netsh-win-2016.cmd: uses Windows "netsh advfirewall" to block an IP - for Windows
Server 2012 and 2016.

Copyright © 2020 Wazuh, Inc. All rights reserved. 8

When creating custom Active Response scripts one should be careful and should always
test them before deploying them to production environments. These scripts are run as the
root user, and thus perform any action an administrator can do.

Creating custom Active Commands:

The scripts need a way to be referenced by the ruleset to perform a particular active
response. A command needs to be defined for this. Any script that can receive parameters
from the command line can be used for Active Response.

Active response commands are defined in the ossec.conf file.

Command Values:

Tags Values Description

Any name to define Used to reference the command from

the command other sections of the configuration

Name of the script to Name of the script or binary that will

execute be in charge of the response. It must
exist in

Variables to be Comma-separated list of variables to

handed to the script be handed to the command line.
or executable Variables are in the order that is
expect specified here.

<expect /> means that the script

doesn’t expect any input

Yes / no If yes, the response will timeout

allowing an automated expiry of the
response. The executable must be
written to handle undoing its actions

Copyright © 2020 Wazuh, Inc. All rights reserved. 9


<expect />

In this example, the command is called “mail-test” and should execute the

mail-test.sh script located at /var/ossec/active-response/bin. It is not able to

timeout and the script doesn’t expect any input.

Let’s see another example:


In this case the command is called “host-deny”, and should execute the host-deny.sh,

the script needs the srcip and the command is able to timeout.

Creating custom Active Response:

Now we need to bind the command to one or more rules or a specific severity level, which

creates an active response. In the active response definition, it is declared when a

command is going to be executed and where, meaning on which environment (Agent,

Manager, Local, or everywhere).

Copyright © 2020 Wazuh, Inc. All rights reserved. 10

The following tags can be used for active responses:

Tags Values Description

yes /no If yes, Active response is disabled.

If no, Active response is enabled.

Must reference a Name of the command to be used in

command previously defined the response.

● local Define where the command is going to

● server be executed.
● defined-agent ● local: execute the command on
● all the agent that generated the
location event
● Server: execute the command
on the manager

Numeric identification Only used if the location is

of your Wazuh agent defined-agent

Numeric value of the Command is executed for any rule

level severity matched where the level is this
severity or higher

Numeric rule ID Command is executed for any event

rules_id number matching one of the IDs. Multiple IDs

Alphanumeric group Executed for any event matching a rule

rules_group names in one of these groups. Multiple groups
should be comma-separated.

Numeric value The duration in seconds , until the

action is reversed.

Copyright © 2020 Wazuh, Inc. All rights reserved. 11



In this case, the mail-test command will be executed on the ossec manager everytime rule
1002 is fired. The rule 1002 description is: “Unknown problem somewhere in the system” and
is matched when a “bad word” is in the logs.

Bad words, is an array that is defined in the syslog_rules.xml and can be one of the
followings: core_dumped, failure, error, attack, bad, illegal, denied, refused,
unauthorized, fatal, failed, Segmentation Fault or Corrupted
They usually indicate that something is seriously wrong on a system.

Another example:


In this example the host-deny command will be executed on the agent that reported the

rule-matching event, with rule levels equals or bigger than 7. This response has 600 seconds
for the timeout.

Copyright © 2020 Wazuh, Inc. All rights reserved. 12

Stateful vs stateless command:

It’s important to understand the difference between a command being stateful and a
command being stateless. In our examples we saw one of each.

A Stateful command is a command that has the capability to remove the applied action
after a certain period of time.

To configure a command like this, we need to set the timeout_allowed option in the
command to yes, and then configure a timeout value in the active response to indicate how
long to wait until the applied action is automatically reversed.

An example for a Stateless command is the mail-test command we created.

A Stateless command is that command that doesn’t have the capability of removing the
applied changes that the response applied.

An example for a Stateful command is the host-deny command from above.

Copyright © 2020 Wazuh, Inc. All rights reserved. 13

Lab Exercise 5c - deploy and test Linux firewall active response
Configure Wazuh to make you Linux agents firewall-block ssh brute force offenders..

1. On the manager, edit /var/ossec/etc/ossec.conf, inserting directly above the following

<!-- Files to monitor (localfiles) -->

with the following -- Make sure to get rid of the comments lines, too: <!-- and —>


The command "firewall-drop" referenced above is already defined in ossec.conf on the

manager here as seen here below. You do not need to add it in.


Copyright © 2020 Wazuh, Inc. All rights reserved. 14

When invoked by an active response, this command will call the
"/var/ossec/active-response/bin/firewall-drop.sh" script on the agent, passing an IP
number to it to be blocked via the local iptables firewall. Then after a timeout period it will
be called again to un-firewall the offending IP. If you wish, take a moment to locate and
examine this script. It can serve as an excellent template for you to build your own custom
active responses later.

2. Restart the Wazuh manager to apply this change:

systemctl restart wazuh-manager

3. From your linux-agent, perform an ssh dictionary attack against your elastic agent

sshpass -p wrongPassWord ssh badguy@elastic$LABSET.lab.wazuh.info &
sleep .5
sshpass -p wrongPassWord ssh badguy@elastic$LABSET.lab.wazuh.info &
sleep .5
sshpass -p wrongPassWord ssh badguy@elastic$LABSET.lab.wazuh.info &
sleep .5
sshpass -p wrongPassWord ssh badguy@elastic$LABSET.lab.wazuh.info &
sleep .5
sshpass -p wrongPassWord ssh badguy@elastic$LABSET.lab.wazuh.info &
sleep .5
sshpass -p wrongPassWord ssh badguy@elastic$LABSET.lab.wazuh.info &
sleep .5
sshpass -p wrongPassWord ssh badguy@elastic$LABSET.lab.wazuh.info &
sleep .5
sshpass -p wrongPassWord ssh badguy@elastic$LABSET.lab.wazuh.info &
sleep .5
sshpass -p wrongPassWord ssh badguy@elastic$LABSET.lab.wazuh.info &
sleep .5
sshpass -p wrongPassWord ssh badguy@elastic$LABSET.lab.wazuh.info &
sleep .5
sshpass -p wrongPassWord ssh badguy@elastic$LABSET.lab.wazuh.info &
sleep .5
sshpass -p wrongPassWord ssh badguy@elastic$LABSET.lab.wazuh.info &
sleep .5
sshpass -p wrongPassWord ssh badguy@elastic$LABSET.lab.wazuh.info &
sleep .5
sshpass -p wrongPassWord ssh badguy@elastic$LABSET.lab.wazuh.info &
sleep .5
sshpass -p wrongPassWord ssh badguy@elastic$LABSET.lab.wazuh.info &
sleep .5
sshpass -p wrongPassWord ssh badguy@elastic$LABSET.lab.wazuh.info &

Copyright © 2020 Wazuh, Inc. All rights reserved. 15

4. Notice that while initially there are multiple repetitions of "Permission denied, please try
again" in the output, that the last several sshpass attempts get no reply, because your elastic
system firewall started blocked your linux agent via its firewall. If you now run "ssh
[email protected]", it will just stall. Hit ctrl-c to cancel that attempt.

5. Clean up the stalled backgrounded sshpass sessions with "killall sshpass"

6. After the 120 second timeout passes, we should also be able to see the record of the
active response being performed and then later reversed on your linux-agent:
Inspect the AR log via Kibana with this search: decoder.name:"ar_log"

7. Confirm that your linux-agent is again able to reach your elastic system.

# ssh wazuh@elastic#.lab.wazuh.info
wazuh@elastic#.lab.wazuh.info's password:

8. Check Kibana later today for active response activity (see step 6) and you will probably
see real attackers in the wild being blocked by one or more of your Linux lab systems.

Copyright © 2020 Wazuh, Inc. All rights reserved. 16

Hacking Wazuh

Copyright © 2020 Wazuh, Inc. All rights reserved. 17

Tools for Troubleshooting and Debugging Wazuh

There are 4 power-tools on UNIX-based systems when it comes to troubleshooting or

debugging a problem. Be it either a faulty application that keeps throwing segfaults or
performance issues.

Those 4 tools are:

● tcpdump
● lsof
● strace
● netstat

tcpdump(1) is the swiss-army knife when it comes to troubleshooting all sorts of network
issues, e.g if for some reason an agent suddenly loses the connection to the manager and
wouldn’t connect. In a complex environment, with lots of firewalls or NIPS in between,
tcpdump is a very powerful tool. Below is a detailed example on how we can analyze
network traffic to localize a potential bottleneck in the network communication.

lsof(8) is another diagnostic tool that lists all files of processes running on a specific host that
are currently in use.

strace(1) is useful for monitoring system calls between the manager and agents. Since only
the network traffic between the devices is encrypted through the Wazuh message protocol,
we are able to use strace to read those syscalls and exchange messages in plaintext. Below
there is a detailed described example on how we can use strace to debug a problem on the
manager or on the agents.

netstat(8) lets you print open network connections and routing tables. In our case we will
use netstat to display the open sockets to the corresponding processes.

Copyright © 2020 Wazuh, Inc. All rights reserved. 18

Monitoring network communications between the manager and agents
using tcpdump

We are going to use the following options for debugging our network issue. With the flag
-nn we specify that we don’t want to resolve hostnames or ports, instead we want to use the
IP address.
The -i flag specifies the interface we want tcpdump to capture data from, in our case we
specify that only traffic from our interface eth0 should be captured. We also want to
configure tcpdump to only listen on the Wazuh port, 1514, by using the -p flag.
By using the -AA (must be all caps) we tell tcpdump to display the content in ASCII (often
used for capturing web pages).
Finally, we also want to specify the size of the whole packet, in our case we select 0 , we do
this by using the -s flag.

[root@manager ~]# tcpdump -nni eth0 port 1514 -AA -s 0

tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
listening on eth0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 65535 bytes
16:23:57.446537 IP > UDP, length 145
.X.T/..E.." ..E.....@[email protected]
..JFD&.#5..r..C..j.h......Bs...N.y.I.{'..I.+.7;....... \Z~.....r.n..2
..~.,..\.....6..c.48... kb.....3.......s.3T.....e$..&.|3..P..#;s.h..wf
[email protected]:....Z0

16:29:14.015574 IP > UDP, length 294

..#.~......!001!:!|. .].iM(j.l.T..>==54wVE[=`.c.......C......

We can see that pretty much the entire network communication is some gibberish output
due to the encryption, almost…. We can still extract some useful information. In order to

Copyright © 2020 Wazuh, Inc. All rights reserved. 19

understand what Wazuh is doing there, we need to take a quick look at the client.keys

[root@manager ~]# cat /var/ossec/etc/client.keys

001 indexer any 4d2a6189ac83b470793cfa3f4621057acd8720d077085a3e5bc5eaa08fadc767
003 windowsAgent
005 linuxAgent

Looking at the client.keys file, we can see that one agent (indexer) is on a dynamic ip
address (dhcp) therefore it is connected to the manager through “any” and for the Linux
Agent we have a dedicated static IP address,
This is essential, because the ossec-remoted process is looking for a key to decrypt the
message. The goal is to find the right corresponding key, therefore the remoted process
opens the client.key files and looks either for an IP address (if specified) or when only “any” is
used, it looks for the agent ID, which displayed between two exclamation marks !001!

The rest of the captured message is useless to us, because its content is encrypted. This
was just to demonstrate what the encrypted network communication between the manager
and the agents looks like.

Copyright © 2020 Wazuh, Inc. All rights reserved. 20

Monitoring files that are in-use by ossec processes using lsof (lsof)

lsof(8) can be performed on any regular file, directory, library, stream or network file (e.g
internet socket, nfs file, or UNIX domain socket).

In this particular case, we want to take a closer look at various log files which are configured
in our ossec.conf (for log analysis) that are in use by different processes.


[root@manager ~]# lsof /var/log/messages

rsyslogd 501 root 3w REG 202,1 16867 17126018 /var/log/messages
ossec-log 20146 root 5r REG 202,1 16867 17126018 /var/log/messages

This output shows that the rsyslog daemon, responsible for logging the main system/kernel
events on Linux systems, writes its log messages into the messages file. In the FD (file
descriptor) column this is shown as “w” for write access. Whereas the ossec-logcollector
process is only reading its log messages and sending the content through a unix domain
socket to the analysisd process for normalization and decoding.

Copyright © 2020 Wazuh, Inc. All rights reserved. 21

Monitoring process communications between the agent and manager
using strace (for ossec-remoted)

strace(1) can be used to trace system calls and signals when trying to diagnose and
troubleshoot problems in the communication between the manager and the agent. In this
particular case we want to take a closer look at the ossec-remoted process.

Each line in the trace contains the system call name, followed by its arguments in
parentheses and its return value. An example from stracing the command ``cat /dev/null”” is:

open("/dev/null", O_RDONLY) = 3

Errors (typically a return value of -1) have the errno symbol and error string appended.

open("/foo/bar", O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)

Signals are printed as a signal symbol and a signal string. An excerpt from stracing and
interrupting the command ``sleep 666'' is:

sigsuspend([] <unfinished ...>

--- SIGINT (Interrupt) ---

+++ killed by SIGINT +++

Now we want to trace the process ossec-remoted on the manager, by issuing the following

[root@manager# ~]# strace -ff -o log -s 20000 -p $(pidof ossec-remoted)

The flag -o filename will write the output of the trace into a file called log, rather than to

The flag -ff specifies that each process is written to filename.pid where pid is the numeric
process id of each process.

The flag -s specifies the maximum string size to print, the default value is 32.

The flag -p specifies the process id of the process that we want to trace.

Copyright © 2020 Wazuh, Inc. All rights reserved. 22

Since we write the output of the trace into a file, we need to take a closer look at the file
strace(1) is creating a separate file for each fork process that belongs to ossec-remoted,
therefore we have 3 separate files




Let’s take a closer look at the main process, log.30574

[root@manager# ~]# cat log.30574

@\nc\255\2J\252j\231\311", 6144, 0, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(38025),
sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, [16]) = 241
brk(0) = 0x1bc5000
brk(0x1bf5000) = 0x1bf5000
brk(0) = 0x1bf5000
brk(0) = 0x1bf5000
brk(0x1be5000) = 0x1be5000
brk(0) = 0x1be5000
brk(0) = 0x1be5000
brk(0) = 0x1be5000
brk(0x1bd5000) = 0x1bd5000
brk(0) = 0x1bd5000
brk(0) = 0x1bd5000
brk(0) = 0x1bd5000
brk(0x1bc5000) = 0x1bc5000
brk(0) = 0x1bc5000
write(10, "1:7313:", 7) = 7
lseek(10, 0, SEEK_SET) = 0

Copyright © 2020 Wazuh, Inc. All rights reserved. 23

f\347\275\215\277\21M]\n\371U\363\247\334\214+", 73, 0, {sa_family=AF_INET,
sin_port=htons(38025), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, 16) = 73
open("/queue/agent-info/linuxAgent-", O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0666) = 12
fstat(12, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=0, ...}) = 0
write(12, "Linux linuxagent 3.10.0-327.10.1.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Sat Jan 23 04:54:55
EST 2016 x86_64 - OSSEC HIDS v2.8 / f821fbaeeed8a954980540297cec7707\n", 140) = 140
close(12) = 0
munmap(0x7f59450d7000, 4096) = 0
futex(0x634484, FUTEX_WAKE_OP_PRIVATE, 1, 1, 0x634480, {FUTEX_OP_SET, 0,
FUTEX_OP_CMP_GT, 1}) = 1
futex(0x6344c0, FUTEX_WAKE_PRIVATE, 1) = 0
recvfrom(4, <detached ...>

In this trace we see that ossec-remoted is fetching the following information from the
connected agent

● ip address (in this case

● the output of uname -a, including hostname, kernel version, date,
architecture, Wazuh version and the md5sum of the agent.conf

Copyright © 2020 Wazuh, Inc. All rights reserved. 24

Monitoring open sockets of Wazuh processes using netstat (or ss)

netstat(8) or respectively the more modern ss(8) can be used to investigate sockets or
open network connections. We are going to focus on the open sockets, especially the UNIX
domain socket that is used as a message queue to exchange data between the respective
Wazuh processes.
The following commands can be used to display this, by setting the right flags.

[root@manager# ~]# netstat -nap |grep ossec


[root@manager# ~]# ss -nap |grep ossec

For those more comfortable with netstat, can of course use this, but it shall be noted that it’s
considered deprecated, meaning that it may be dropped by various Linux distributions at
some point. Let’s take a closer look at those flags.

-n shows numerical addresses instead of resolving service names

-a displays both listening and non-listening sockets (established
-p shows the PID and name of a program to which each socket belongs.

[root@manager ~]# netstat -nap |grep ossec

udp 0 0*


unix 7 [ ] DGRAM 1791185 20142/ossec-analysi


unix 3 [ ] DGRAM 1791208 20153/ossec-remoted


unix 3 [ ] DGRAM 1791174 20139/ossec-execd


unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 1791212 20142/ossec-analysi

unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 1791204 20153/ossec-remoted

Copyright © 2020 Wazuh, Inc. All rights reserved. 25

unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 1791214 20146/ossec-logcoll

unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 1791211 20142/ossec-analysi

unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 1791231 20162/ossec-monitor

unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 1791213 20156/ossec-syschec

unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 1791192 20156/ossec-syschec

[root@manager ~]# ss -nap |grep ossec

u_dgr UNCONN 0 0 /queue/ossec/queue 1791185 * 0


u_dgr UNCONN 0 0 /queue/alerts/ar 1791208 * 0


u_dgr UNCONN 0 0 /var/ossec/queue/alerts/execq 1791174

* 0 users:(("ossec-execd",pid=20139,fd=3))

u_dgr UNCONN 0 0 * 1791212 * 1791174


u_dgr UNCONN 0 0 * 1791204 * 1791185


u_dgr UNCONN 0 0 * 1791214 * 1791185


u_dgr UNCONN 0 0 * 1791211 * 1791208


u_dgr UNCONN 0 0 * 1791231 * 1791185


u_dgr UNCONN 0 0 * 1791213 * 1791185


u_dgr UNCONN 0 0 * 1791192 * 1791185


udp UNCONN 0 0 *:1514 *:*


Copyright © 2020 Wazuh, Inc. All rights reserved. 26

We particularly want to focus on the ossec-remoted process, as it is this process that
interacts with the individual processes on the manager and the agents. The remoted
process is receiving data through a message queue (socket) from the agentd process on the
client-side but it is also sending data by triggering remote actions like a syscheck and
rootcheck run triggered from the manager.

The socket / message queue is located in /var/ossec/queue/ossec/queue

The below graphic should illustrate this better:

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Docker Lab

On elastic instance

yum -y install docker

# install Python docker API module which in CentOS/RedHat7+ is better acquired via "yum install python-docker-py"
yum -y install python-pip
pip install docker
systemctl start docker

Add to mgr's linux group agent.conf

<agent_config name="elastic#">
<wodle name="docker-listener">

On elastic

docker pull nginx

docker run -d --name ngtest nginx
docker pause ngtest
docker unpause ngtest
docker exec -it ngtest /bin/bash
(then exit out)
docker stop ngtest
docker rm ngtest

Search Kibana to see history of Docker activity


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