14.3.4 Journal

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Jeannette Moriak

Here are the data for the hypothetical (or imagined) rabbit population.

Year (x) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Number of rabbits (y) 6 8 10 14 19 25 33 43 57 77 104

1. Looking at the data, does this rabbit growth look linear, quadratic, or exponential? Explain

your answer. (1 point) Exponential because the number of rabbits gets larger every year but not

by the same amount, making it exponential.

2. Make a scatterplot for the data. (2 points) https://www.desmos.com/calculator/cxfvrlff3e

3. Looking at the scatterplot, which regression model do you think fits the data? Explain your

answer. (1 point) Exponential again because of the same reason, the y gets larger every year but

by a different amount each time, making the scatter plot have a curve

4. Using a graphing calculator, find the quadratic regression equation for the rabbit data.

(2 points: 1 point for identifying constants, 1 for the equation)

5. Using the quadratic regression equation from question 4, predict the number of rabbits in

year 70.

(2 points: 1 point for setting up the correct equation, 1 for simplifying)

6. Using a graphing calculator, find the exponential regression equation for the rabbit data.

(2 points: 1 point for identifying the constants, 1 for the equation)

7. Using the exponential regression equation from question 6, predict the number of rabbits in

year 70.

(2 points: 1 point for setting up the correct equation, 1 for simplifying)

8. Compare the predicted number of rabbits for year 70 using the quadratic model (question 5)

with the predicted number using the exponential model (question 7). Which prediction is larger?

(1 point)

9. Is it reasonable to use this data set to predict the hypothetical number of rabbits for year 70?


(1 point)

Making a Decision

10. These graphs show the scatterplot with the quadratic regression equation and the

exponential regression equation.

a) Which do you think is a better fit? Why? (2 points: 1 point for choice, 1 point for

explanation) Exponential again, sorry I don’t have a graphing calculator and all of the

websites were super confusing so idk

b) How does your answer to part (a) compare with your guess about the best model in

question 1? Was your initial choice correct? (1 point)

Analyze Your Results

11. The video says there were an estimated 10 billion rabbits in Australia after 70 years.

a) How does your predicted number of rabbits for the hypothetical population compare with

the actual rabbit population in Australia in year 70? (1 point)

b) Why do you think the rabbit population in Australia can grow so large? (1 point)

c) What are some factors that might prevent a rabbit population from growing infinitely

large? (1 point)

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