Mirafuentes 3

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Chapter 3


This chapter presents the methodology employed I the study. It includes the

method used, the research environment, research respondents, instrument used,

data-gathering procedure and statistical treatment.

Research Method

This study used the descriptive type of method specifically the normative survey

type. This method is suitable because it tire to deal with the present situation.

This study measure he profile of the respondents specifically the age,

educational attainment, length of service, and the seminars attended. It also

measured the positive and negative factors that affect the knowledge management

of the teachers. The variables like structure, culture, process, practices, strategy,

communication, innovation, and technology also measured.

Research Environment

Knowledge management involves the gathering, sharing and analyzing all

the knowledge available for the development of an individual or organization. It

emphasizes the re-use of previous experiences and practices, but focuses on using

these to improve such practice. It assumes a constant vigilance, encourages

constant modification and innovations.


As knowledge management is increasingly the key to a good education in

the future, there is a need to develop a comprehensive understanding of the

different variables that can affect it.

The emergence of rapidly expanding technologies, strategies and

innovations has brought to focus the opportunities of how these can be used to

achieve of the quality in education particularly in Science and Technology.

Specifically in District 1 of Zamboanga del Norte, all over the country the

public schools including the schools in the Zamboanga del Norte are enhancing

the curriculum in order to meet the needs of the students and relate it to the present

situation that the country is facing.

Presently, a Revised Basic Education Curriculum is used for the Public

Secondary Schools with five major subject areas of concentration, namely:

Filipino, English Science, Math and Makabayan. This curriculum involves the

integrative mode of teaching, which is concerned with the development of a well-

rounded personality.

In the subject Science and Technology, it capitalizes on dynamic

experiences which serve as a basis of unit. It involves strategies that transform the

classroom into a democratic workshop where the teacher and learners work

together in solving problems. The integrative mode of teaching helps the students

develop sense of values by fostering an atmosphere in classroom that enables

learners to learn about Science and Technology and at the same time evolve

aesthetic standards, spiritual values, work standards, norm of group conduct and

appreciation for human work and individual dignity.

This study was conducted in the National High School of the City and

Municipalities of District 1.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study were the teaches in Science and Technology

coming from the National High Schools in the First District of Zamboanga del

Norte and student-respondents. The prescribed number of student-respondent was

obtained using the Slovin’s formula.

n = ----------------------
1 + N(e)2

n = sample size

N = population

e2 = desired margin of error which is equal to .05

n = ---------------------
1 + 1431 (.05)2

n = ---------------------
1 + 1431 (.0025)

n = ---------------------
1 + 3.58

n = ---------------------

n = 312

To get the sample size of each school, the researcher simply divide the

sample seize by the population universe to get the percentage, thus getting 22%.

The stratified proportionate sampling was used in this study using lottery


Respondents of the Study

Schools Science Students Total Percent

Teacher Population Sample

Research Instrument

To get the various information needed in this study, the researcher used the

questionnaire checklist, which was the main data-gathering tool. The questionnaire

incorporated all the necessary items in order for the researcher to answer the


The items on the questionnaire were taken from the literature and studies,

which the researcher has come across during the conduct of this study.

There were eight independent variables with which each variable had five

items each for a total of 40 items. For tacit and explicit knowledge, there were

eleven items each with a total of twenty two items.

Validation of the Research Instrument

The draft of the questionnaire was prepared by the researcher herself. The

items were taken from various reading materials relative to knowledge


After completing the fist draft of the questionnaire, it was submitted to the

adviser for some corrections and refinement. The second draft was then presented

to experts in research, particularly the chair of the panel, the dean of the graduate

school, one Ph. D. in research and evaluation and one from the Department of

Education. Corrections from the experts were then integrated and the final draft

was subjected to a dry-run of ten respondents to ensure clarity, understandability

and reliability of the results.

Scoring Procedure

The following procedure was followed in scoring the results: for every

score, a qualitative description was given, to wit:

5 - very much evident/very well-utilized/very well-managed

4 - Much evident/well-utilized/well-managed

3 - evident/utilized/managed

2 - less-evident/less utilized/less managed


1 - not evident/not utilized/not managed

Very much evident This is a rating given to a descriptor where the provision is

noticeable at all times.

Much evident This is a rating given to a descriptor where the provision is

noticeable form time to time.

Less Evident This is the rating given to a descriptor where the provision is

almost not noticeable.

Not Evident This sis the rating vein to a descriptor where the provision in

not noticeable at all.

Very Well-Utilized This is a rating given to a descriptor where the provision is

used at all times.

Utilized This is the rating given to a descriptor where the provision is

used fairly or from time to time.

Less Utilized This is the rating given to a descriptor where the provision is

used rarely.

Not Utilized This is the rating given to a descriptor where the provision is

not used at all.

Very Well-ManagedThis is a rating given to a descriptor where the provision is

managed all times.

Well-Managed This is the rating given to a descriptor where the descriptor is

managed most of the times.


Managed This is the rating given to a descriptor where the provision is

managed fairly or from time to time.

Less Managed This is the rating given to a descriptor where the provision is

managed rarely.

Not Managed This is the rating given to a descriptor where the provision is

not managed at all.

The means were interpreted as factors:

4.21 – 5.00 - Very Much Evident/Very Well-Utilized/Very Well-Managed

3.41 – 4.20 – Much Evident/Well-Utilized/Well-Managed

2.61-3.40 – Evident/Utilized/Managed

1.81 – 2.60 – Less evident/less Utilized/Less Managed

1.0 – 1.80 – Not evident/Not Utilized/Not Managed

Data-Gathering Procedure

The researcher asked permission from the Division Superintendent of both

City and Provincial School. With the Superintendent’s approval, the researcher

then asked the permission from the Principal of the school under study. Looking

into the records of the schools, the researcher chose the teachers who were

teaching the subjects in Science and Technology.

The respondents were chosen randomly in each school and a questionnaire

was given. The data gathered was interpreted and analyzed in order to know the

different findings of each variable and create a conclusion.


Statistical Treatment

Mean computation was used in order to arrive at a qualitative description of

the responses. The formula was used:

X = ∑fw

X = mean

f = frequency

w = weight

N = no. of cases

In testing significant differences between the perceptions of the

respondents, Chi-square was used:

X2 = ∑ (fo – fe) 2


X2 = Chi-square

fo = observed frequency

fe = expected frequency

∑ = summation of

In testing significant relationship, the Pearson r product Moment

Coefficient of Correlation was used with the formula:

xy - xy
rxy =
n1[(x2 – (x) 2) ( n2 y2 – (y)2)] [√1/n2 + √1/n2 ]

n1 = number of cases of the first group

n2 = number of cases of the second group

x = first variable

y = second variable

r = Pearson r Product Moment of Correlation

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