Research & Evidence For Sports Vision: by Steve Leslie Boptom, Leonard Press Od & Mark Overton December 2016

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Australasian College of Behavioural Optometrists

Research & Evidence for Sports Vision

By Steve Leslie BOptom, Leonard Press OD & Mark Overton

December 2016

At a primary care level, optometric sports vision involves comprehensive assessment of

a sports participant’s vision function and ocular health, in relation to their visual
activities in everyday life, at work or in study, and involvement in sport. In relation to
sport, the visual demands of the particular sport are analysed, and firstly prescriptive
aids (spectacles and contact lenses) are prescribed to ideally meet the sport’s visual
demands, for example in shooting, archery and snooker.

As well, it is incumbent on an optometrist to provide eye protection where indicated, for

participation in sports which are eye safety hazardous, particularly squash, cricket and
indoor cricket, hockey and basketball.

At the next level, an optometrist can detect visual dysfunctions which potentially can
interfere with a person’s ability to use their vision to perform in sport to their potential.
This may include deficiencies in binocular vison, such as high exophoria or esophoria,
and even subtle or overt strabismus, which can interfere with spatial localisation of a
target or ball, decrease depth perception, and cause delays in changing accommodation-
vergence from near to far to near, as in tennis, squash, cricket and baseball. These visual
dysfunctions can be treated, as detailed above, to remove visual dysfunctional
impediments to using vision optimally for sports performance.

At another level, a number of practitioners (non-behavioural and behavioural) in

Australia and overseas provide assessment of visual-spatial- motor abilities, (including
visual reaction times, eye hand coordination and speed, depth perception and tracking

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Research & Evidence for Sports Vision
By Steve Leslie BOptom, Leonard Press OD & Mark Overton
December 2016

eye movements), which can potentially impact on sports performance and an athlete’s
potential at an elite level. Deficient visual abilities which are correlated by the
optometrist, player and coach may be improved using vision therapy.

Kundson and Kluka reviewed how visual abilities affect sport performance and the
acquisition of motor skills, and can be improved with training. They summarize
important vision information related to performance in sport and show how vision
training improves performance 1.

In Germany, Schwab and Memmert conducted research demonstrating that certain

visual abilities of youth field hockey players, such as the peripheral perception or the
choice reaction time are trainable and can be improved by means of an appropriate
visual training 2.

Erickson authored a textbook on sports vision, applying an evidence-based approach to

assessment and treatment procedures as well as outcome expectations 3.

Maman, Gaurang, and Sandhu studied the effects of vision training on performance of
collegiate tennis players. This was a prospective, randomized clinical trial that included
a placebo and control group. The experimental group underwent eight weeks of vision
training three days a week for 30 minutes each. The placebo group was instructed to
watch televised tennis matches, while the control group was not given any training. At
the end of eight weeks’ training, the pre-training evaluation protocol was repeated. Pre-
and post-test results were obtained for reaction time, depth perception,
accommodation, saccadic eye movements and tennis performance. The statistical
analysis indicated significant improvement in all mentioned visual variables in the
experimental group (p<0.001) and the placebo group (p<0.01), and non-significant
results in the control group 4.

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Research & Evidence for Sports Vision
By Steve Leslie BOptom, Leonard Press OD & Mark Overton
December 2016

Clark and colleagues published research indicating that vision training can improve
batting performance as well as depth judgement of baseball players at the collegiate
level 5 6.

There is a significant body of work in the specific sports vision literature over the last 30
years, and there are studies suggesting additional work is justified, and considerable
work is being done by Professor Paul Harris at the Southern College of Optometry in the

Zwierko T (2015)7 in a study testing how binocular vision was influenced by an eye
training program that may be used to improve individual's oculomotor function, showed
that results of the retention testing conducted four weeks after the experiment
confirmed the effectiveness of the vision training program. The results of the study
suggest that binocular functions are trainable and can be improved by means of
appropriate visual training.

In summary, sports vision care is an integral part of everyday optometric care, involving
assessment of visual dysfunctions, and prescription of spectacles, contact lenses and
protective eyewear, where indicated. Deficient visual abilities may have an effect on
sports performance, and can be treated with vision therapy.


Knudson D. Kluka DA. The Impact of Vision and Vision Training on Sport Performance. J Phys Ed Recr
Dance 1997;68(4):17-24
Schwab S, Memmert D. The Impact of a Sports Vision Training Program in Youth Field Hockey Players. J
Sports Sci Med 2012;11(4):624-31.
Erickson G. Sports Vision: Vision Care for the Enhancement of Sports Performance. St. Louis:
Butterworth-Heinemann/Elsevier, 2007.
Maman P, Gaurang S, Sandhu JS. The effects of vision training on performance in tennis players. Serb J
Sport Sci 2011;5(1):11-16.

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Research & Evidence for Sports Vision
By Steve Leslie BOptom, Leonard Press OD & Mark Overton
December 2016

Clark JF, Ellis JK, Bench J, Khoury J, Graman P. High-Performance Vision Training Improves Batting
Statistics for University of Cincinnati Baseball Players. PLoS One
Clark JF, Graman P, Ellis JK. Depth perception improvement in collegiate baseball players with vision
training. Optom Vis Perf 2015;3(2):106-15.
Zwierko T, Puchalska-Niedbał L, Krzepota J, Markiewicz M, Woźniak J, Lubiński W. The Effects of
Sports Vision Training on Binocular Vision Function in Female University Athletes. J Hum Kinet. 2015 Dec
30;49:287-96. doi: 10.1515/hukin-2015-0131. eCollection 2015.

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