GB Construction Training Philippines Inc. Actual Work Acticity - Grading Skills

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Actual work acticity - Gr

The projects finish, and overall One of the following criteria One or more of the followin
appearance was excellent needs improvement. (finish or criteria needs improvemen
Finishing and overall appearance) (finish or overall appearanc

Student knows and is able to Student is able to identify and Student is unable to identify
identify and explain necessary explain necessary theories/ explain concepts without ma
Demonstrate theories/ task for completion of task for completion of the prompting. Requires adult
the project. Relies on own project with some assistance. assistance to get job done
Knowledge of memory skills to get task done. Uses own words to describe Uses very little vocabulary t
Process task. describe the task.

Time Management Routinely used time well

throughout the project to get
Used time fairly well
throughout the project.
Procrastinated somewhat b
did get the job done on tim
the job done on time.

Student followed most safety Student attempted to follow

Application of Safety Student followed all safety rules, may have forgotten one. safety rules but failed to me
rules. several.
All faces and edges have been Most, but not all edges have Some faces and edges hav
planed, joined and sanded if been planed, joined and been prepared properly, som
needed. All parts are a sanded if needed. Few table have not. Table saw marks a
consistent thickness saw and planer marks are visible. Parts are of various
Material Preparation visible. All parts are a thicknesses
consistent thickness.

Nails and screws are not visible. Nails and screws are not visible. Nails and screw were not
They have been properly They have been mostly plugged properly used. They are no
plugged or filled. There is or filled. There is symmetry in plugged or filled well. Som
symmetry in the layout of the layout of fasteners. Wood holes were not filled or plugg
Fasteners fasteners. Joints are tight. grain on plugs is in line with at all. Joints could be tighte
Wood grain on plug is in line grain on project. Joints are
with grain on Project mostly tight.
ork acticity - Grading Skills
One or more of the following The project was complete but Student did not complete
criteria needs improvement. had less then satisfactory on project in time period given,
(finish or overall appearance. finish or overall appearance. refused to start project or
abandoned project once

Student is unable to identify or Student is not able to both Student lacked interest in
explain concepts without major identify and explain major demonstrating knowledge of
prompting. Requires adult theories/task. Uses others project and/or process.
assistance to get job done. views to explain the task and
Uses very little vocabulary to doesn't complete task on own
describe the task. for any of steps.

Procrastinated somewhat but Was unable to adequately Student showed no interest in

did get the job done on time. meet timeline due to inability completing project on time.

Student attempted to follow Student failed to follow a Student was not safe enough
safety rules but failed to meet significant number of safety to enter/ participate in class
several. rules.

Some faces and edges have There are imperfections Student did not prepare their
been prepared properly, some everywhere. Finish was applied project.
have not. Table saw marks are haphazardly. Stain appears
visible. Parts are of various blotchy. There are multiple drip
thicknesses marks.

Nails and screw were not were not properly used. They Joints are loose
properly used. They are not are not plugged or filled. Nail
plugged or filled well. Some and screw hole patterns are
holes were not filled or plugged random and haphazard. Joints
at all. Joints could be tighter are not tight.



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