Composition Contest Regulations 2022

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III WASBE International Composition Contest

• The III Bi-Annual WASBE International Composition Contest is an open competition for
composers around the world.
• The primary goal is to encourage composers to write original works of high artistic merit
specifically for wind band instrumentation
• WASBE will promote, through its worldwide membership, compositions selected as
finalists in all three categories listed below.
• The International Composition Contest is an opportunity for WASBE to help better
connect composers, conductors, and performers throughout the world.

• Encourage composers to write new music for winds of high artistic merit;
• Create a closer connection between composers and conductors; and
• Promote a better understanding and appreciation for different cultures and traditions.

• Submitted pieces must be original and unpublished.
• If submitted piece is chosen as a finalist, it must remain unpublished for one additional
year. During the additional year, WASBE will promote the work to its membership at a
reduced price to encourage more performances throughout the world.
• The composer is free to write any type of composition, according to categories below.
• Submitted compositions may have participated in other contests but may not have
received first prize.
• Compositions may be multi-movement as long as the complete work does not exceed
length requirements listed in each category below.
• Submissions must have a separate written note of a maximum of 30 lines where
composer explains the musical material used, general ideas about the work, and grade
• All scores MUST be submitted with only the title of the composition for the jury.
Scores with composer’s, name or other distinguishing labels or remarks, will be
• Composers must understand how to accurately submit pieces for the category and follow
the guidelines for works of Serious Artistic Merit outlined below.

Competition Procedure The contest will have two phases:

• Preliminary: Contest submission deadline October 1, 2021.
o In this stage, a maximum of 3 pieces in each category will be selected for the finals.
• Finals: A list of the selected finalist compositions will be advertised on the WASBE
website. It is the responsibility of the composer to follow the instructions listed on the
o Selected Finalist compositions, where composers have followed the instructions for
part distribution etc., will be performed live at the 2022 WASBE Conference.
III WASBE International Composition Contest
Application Procedure
• Applications must be sent to Markus Mauderer, WASBE Executive Director – email
[email protected]
• Application Form with following Information:
o First and surname of composer
o Date and place of birth
o Nationality and passport
o Address, telephone number, and email
o Title and duration of composition
o Category of submission
o Brief summary of composition
o Composer’s CV and photo
o Declaration that submitted work is original and has not been previously or
currently published
o Proof of submission payment ($20.00 USD) to WASBE, per submission
• One (1) digital copy of the full score in PDF form. Manuscripts not accepted.
• PDF Copy of passport or related ID.
• A non-refundable $20.00 USD fee for each submitted composition. There is no limit to
the number of submissions by composer.
• A recording or high-quality digital representation MAY also be submitted, but is not

• Entering the competition means that each participant agrees to all procedures and rules.
• Scores not fulfilling requirements defined by these rules will not be accepted.
• Compositions selected as finalists must prepare and submit all performance materials in
PDF Format to Markus Mauderer at the competition email address by January 30, 2022.
• The Organizing Committee reserves the right to make necessary changes in the course of
the competition if unexpected circumstances or random incidents occur, or if it is
impossible to continue the competition in the established course of action.
• The Organizing Committee reserves the right to process personal data of participants in
connection with the organization of the competition.
• The contest is not responsible for any mistakes or misprints of the score and/or parts of
the submitted compositions.

• The Jury will consist of Members selected from of the WASBE Executive Board, former
WASBE presidents, and a group of highly qualified professionals.
• The WASBE President and Executive Director will oversee the procedures and will help
ensure the autonomy of the voting process.
• Additional Jury members will be added between the preliminary and finals rounds
utilizing the original jurors form the preliminary and adding professional musicians,
conductors, and/or conductors for the finals portion.
• All decisions of the Jury are final and unappealable.
III WASBE International Composition Contest
As a principal goal of this contest is to promote new repertoire of high artistic merit for the
wind band, the following rewards will be given to finalists and winning composition:

• Finalist compositions will be performed by qualified ensembles at the WASBE

Conference in Prague, July 2022.
• Promotion of finalist pieces through specially designated performances by WASBE
member ensembles.
• Interviews with winning composers for inclusion on the WASBE YouTube channel.
• Winning and finalist compositions will be made available for WASBE members for one
year following the 2022 WASBE Conference.
• WASBE will work to find publishers interested in promoting and publishing new
repertoire within the WASBE Competition Series and work to get all finalist pieces
included and published. Individual composer may choose to have their compositions
published elsewhere.
• For one year, WASBE will retain the exclusive distribution rights for all finalist
compositions and will make available and distribute to WASBE members for a symbolic
fee of $30.00 (USD). For each piece “sold” during the first year, WASBE will retain
$15.00 and will return $15.00 to the composer.
• For each submitted composition, the composer will receive a Certificate of Participation
with composer name and composition title.
• There will be no ties in the final’s competition.
• The jury reserves the right to not select a winner should they decide that there are no
pieces within the category that meet the levels of high artistic merit.

Grade Level and Serious Artistic Merit Guidelines

• Established guidelines for Grade levels can be found through the attached document:
“American Band College Music Grading Chart” by Dr. Cynthia Hutton
• Established guidelines for considering music of Serious Artistic Merit can be found
through the attached document: Acton Ostling Jr. “Works of Serious Artistic Merit,
1978”. Several follow up studies to the Ostling study may also be researched.
III WASBE International Composition Contest

1. Wind Band Grades 1-2:

Instrumentation: Instruments listed are minimum requirements.
Instruments listed as optional are not required but can be used.

Grade 1: (Length: 1-3 minutes)

Flute Trumpet 1
Oboe (optional/cross cued) F Horn
Clarinet Trombone
Bass Clarinet (optional/cross cued) Baritone Treble (Same as Euphonium)
Bassoon (optional/cross cued) Euphonium (Bass Clef)
Alto Saxophone Tuba
Tenor Saxophone (optional/cross cued)
Percussion – Pitched: Bells, Non-pitched: Snare/Bass Drum, Cymbals, Triangle,
Tambourine, Woodblock

Grade 2: (Length: 2-5 minutes)

Flute Trumpet 1
Oboe Trumpet 2
Clarinet 1 F Horn 1
Clarinet 2 F Horn 2
Bass Clarinet (optional/cross cued) Trombone 1
Bassoon (optional/cross cued) Trombone 2
Alto Saxophone Baritone Treble (Same as Euphonium)
Tenor Saxophone Euphonium (Bass Clef)
Baritone Saxophone (optional/cross cued) Tuba
Percussion – Pitched: Bells, Chimes, Xylophone, Non-pitched: Snare/Bass Drum,
Cymbals, Triangle, Tambourine, Woodblock, Special effects on Cymbals.
III WASBE International Composition Contest
2. Wind Band Grades 3-4:
Instrumentation: Instruments listed are minimum requirements.
Instruments listed as optional are not required but can be used.

Grade 3: (Length: 3-7 minutes)

Piccolo Trumpet 1
Flute 1 Trumpet 2
Flute 2 Trumpet 3
Oboe 1 F Horn 1
Oboe 2 (optional) F Horn 2
Eb Clarinet (optional) F Horn 3 (optional)
Clarinet 1 F Horn 4 (optional)
Clarinet 2 Trombone 1
Clarinet 3 Trombone 2
Alto Clarinet (optional) Trombone 3
Bass Clarinet Baritone Treble (Same as Euphonium)
Bassoon 1 Euphonium (Bass Clef)
Bassoon 2 - optional Tuba
Alto Saxophone 1 Double Bass (optional)
Alto Saxophone 2 Piano (optional)
Tenor Saxophone
Baritone Saxophone
Percussion – Snare/Bass Drum, Cymbals, Auxiliary Instruments, Timpani,
Mallets (at composer’s discretion)

Grade 4: (Length: 8-14 minutes)

Piccolo Tenor Saxophone
Flute 1 Baritone Saxophone
Flute 2 Trumpet/Cornet 1
Oboe 1 Trumpet/Cornet 2
Oboe 2 Trumpet/Cornet 3
English Horn (optional) Trumpet/Cornet 4
Eb Clarinet (optional) F Horn 1
Clarinet 1 F Horn 2
Clarinet 2 F Horn 3
Clarinet 3 F Horn 4
Alto Clarinet (optional) Trombone 1
Bass Clarinet Trombone 2
Contra Bass Clarinet (optional) Trombone 3
Bassoon 1 Euphonium
Bassoon 2 Tuba
Soprano Saxophone - optional Double Bass (optional)
Alto Saxophone 1 Piano (optional)
Alto Saxophone 2
Percussion – Snare/Bass Drum, Cymbals, Auxiliary Instruments, Timpani,
Mallets (at composer’s discretion)
III WASBE International Composition Contest
3. Wind Band Grades 5-6 Including Orchestral Winds:
Instrumentation: As listed below, instruments listed as optional are not required but
can be used.
Orchestral Winds are not a separate category but is included to give composers the
option of writing for a more flexible instrumentation.

Grade 5-6: (Length: Maximum of 25 minutes)

Piccolo Trumpet 1
Flute 1 Trumpet 2
Flute 2 Trumpet 3
Oboe 1 Trumpet 4
Oboe 2 Auxiliary Trumpets (Cornet, Fluegel – optional 6)
English Horn (optional 5, Required 6) F Horn 1
Eb Clarinet (optional 5, Required 6) F Horn 2
Clarinet 1 F Horn 3
Clarinet 2 F Horn 4
Clarinet 3 Trombone 1
Alto Clarinet (optional) Trombone 2
Bass Clarinet Trombone 3
Contra Bass Clarinet (optional) Bass Trombone (optional 5, Required 6)
Bassoon 1 Euphonium I
Bassoon 2 Euphonium II (optional)
Contra Bassoon (optional for grade 6) Tuba
Soprano Saxophone (optional) Double Bass (optional)
Alto Saxophone 1 Piano (optional)
Alto Saxophone 2 Harp (optional for grade 6)
Tenor Saxophone
Baritone Saxophone
Percussion – 4-6 Players at Composers Discretion

Orchestral Winds: Professional Level, Grade 6 (Length: Maximum 25 Minutes)

Instrumentation: Chosen ONLY from below at discretion of composer.
Only one (1) person on each instrument

Piccolo Trumpet 1
Flute 1 Trumpet 2
Flute 2 Trumpet 3
Oboe 1 Horn 1
Oboe 2 Horn 2
English Horn Horn 3
Eb Clarinet Horn 4
Clarinet 1 Trombone 1
Clarinet 2 Trombone 2
Bass Clarinet Bass Trombone
Bassoon 1 Tuba
Bassoon 2 Piano
Contra Bassoon Harp
Percussion (up to 6 players) Timpani plus additional percussion
III WASBE International Composition Contest

Guidelines for Works of Serious Artistic Merit as Established by Acton Ostling Jr. ,1978

An Evaluation of Compositions for Wind Band According to Specific Criteria of Serious Artistic

1. The composition has form—not ‘a form’ but form—and reflects a proper balance between
repetition and contrast.

2. The composition reflects shape and design, and creates the impression of conscious choice and
judicious arrangement on the part of the composer.

3. The composition reflects craftsmanship in orchestration, demonstrating a proper balance

between transparent and tutti scoring, and also between solo and group colors.

4. The composition is sufficiently unpredictable to preclude an immediate grasp of its musical


5. The route through which the composition travels in initiating its musical tendencies and
probable musical goals is not completely direct and obvious.

6. The composition is consistent in its quality throughout its length and in its various sections.

7. The composition is consistent in its style, reflecting a complete grasp of technical details,
clearly conceived ideas, and avoids lapses into trivial, futile, or unsuitable passages.

8. The composition reflects ingenuity in its development, given the stylistic context in which it

9. The composition is genuine in idiom and is not pretentious.

10. The composition reflects a musical validity which transcends factors of historical importance,
or factors of pedagogical usefulness.
American Band College Music Grading Chart
Grade 1 2 3 4 5
Meter Simple: 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, c , C 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, c, C, 6/8 (easy 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, c , C, 6/8, 9/8. Add: 3/8, 6/8, 9/8, asymmetrical Any meter or combination of
compound) easy changing/asymmetrical meter (5/8, 7/8), changing meter meter.
One to three flats None to four flats One sharp to six flats Any key
Key Signature (Key of C-end of year)
None to five flats

Tempo Andante–Moderato (72-120) Andante-Allegro (72-132) Largo-Allegro (56-144) Largo-Presto (44-168) Largo-Prestissimo (44-208)
ritard, accel. ritard, accel., rall. ritard, accel., rall. ritard, accel., rall.

w ˙. ˙ œ œ œ.
As in Grade 1 plus simple 16th All values in duple excluding All values in duple Complex duple and compound
Note/Rest Value note patterns and triplets complex syncopation plus easy All values in compound rhythms
compound rhythms.
Simple; mostly unison rhythm Add simple syncopation & well- Basic duple and triple syncopa- All rhythms except complex All rhythms
Rhythm (dotted rhythm end of year) prepared dotted rhythms. More tion, dotted rhythms. compound or complex 16th
use of non-unison rhythms. note syncopation.

p to f p, mp, mf, f ppp to fff ppp to fff, cross dynamics,

Dynamics short cresc, decresc.
pp to ff
cresc., decresc., sfz, fp broad cresc, decresc. broad cresc., decresc.
Attack, release, slurs, Attack, release, slurs, staccato, Attack, release, slurs, staccato, Two or more articulations simul- All forms of articulation.
Articulation staccato, accent accent, legato accent, legato, tenuto. taneous in the ensemble.

None Simple trills and single grace Trills with entry or exit grace Trills, turns, mordents Trills, turns, mordents
Ornaments notes. notes, double or triple grace
note figures.
Limited color combinations Independent contrapuntal Solos (fl, cl, sax, tpt, bar) Full range of instrumentation, Full range of instrumentation,
Scoring (clar-tpt, sax-tpt) Very limited lines, limited exposed parts, 1 Exposed woodwind or brass. exposed parts for any instrument. exposed parts for any instrument,
part division within sections (possibly 2) horn parts. 2-part horns. mutiple solo/contrapuntal lines.

Length 1 to 3 minutes 2 to 5 minutes 3 to 7 minutes 6 minutes + Any length

Exposed solos, divisi tbn or Frequent key changes, frequent Extreme low and high regis- Extremes of range Limited only by player ability.
horn parts, clarinet crossing meter changes, wide range for ters, technical playing for 3rd
Things to Avoid the break, frequent meter 3rd parts. players. Difficult oboe or bas-
changes, key changes, chang- soon solos.
ing syncopated rhythms.

Pitched: bells. Non-pitched: Add: Pitched: chimes, xylo- All common non-pitched All instruments. Wide range of All instruments. Wide range
triangle, tambourine, cymbals, phone. Non-pitched: timpani. special effects. of special effects with diverse
Percussion Usage woodblock, snare, bass drum. Special effects on cymbals.
Latin and traditional percus-
sion. Limit range of special requirements for each mem-
Limited use of special effects.
effects. ber of section.

˙ w ˙ b˙ ˙
Whole notes indicate end-
˙ ˙ ˙ ˙ ˙ ˙
˙ ˙ ˙ ˙
of-year, advanced range.
b˙ ˙ 5 5

Oboe ˙ b˙ b˙ b˙ b˙
w ˙ ˙ b˙ b˙
Bassoon ˙ 3 3

˙ ˙ b˙ b˙ b˙
Whole notes indicate end-

˙ w ˙ ˙ ˙
of-year, advanced range.
Clarinet b˙
w ˙ ˙
Whole notes indicate end-
˙ ˙ ˙
˙ w ˙ ˙ ˙
of-year, advanced range.



Alto/Bass Clarinet
Whole notes indicate end-
w ˙ ˙ ˙ ˙ ˙
of-year, advanced range.
w ˙ ˙ ˙ ˙
Saxophones ˙
Whole notes indicate end- ˙ ˙ ˙ b˙ ˙ b˙
˙ ˙ ˙
of-year, advanced range.

Trumpet ˙ w
Whole notes indicate end-
b˙ ˙ # #˙ #˙ #˙
˙ ˙ ˙ ˙
of-year, advanced range.
Horn ˙ bw ?
w ˙ ˙ ˙ &
˙ ˙
Whole notes indicate end-

˙ ˙
of-year, advanced range.
˙ b˙ b˙
Trombone/Baritone b˙ ˙ ˙ ˙ ˙
˙ ˙ ˙ b˙
Revised 3/1/00
b˙ ˙ ˙ ˙ ˙

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