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The report of basic Biology with the tittle “Muscle Tissue” which made

Name : Nia Anriyani

ID : 1714440005
Class : ICP of Biology Education
Group : VI (Six)
It has been examined and approved by an assistant and assistant coordinator.

Makassar, 14th April 2021

Assistant Coordinator Assistant

Suhardi Aldi, S.Pd Suhardi Aldi, S.Pd

Lecture of Responsibility

Dr. Adnan, M.S


A. Background
The bodies of animals and including other humans have a very unique
structure because they are composed of different basic tissues and have their
respective roles. The four basic types of tissue are epithelial tissue, connective
tissue, muscle, and also nerve tissue. Muscle tissue is very much found in the
human body. Where this network plays a role in movement, whether it is
conscious movement or unconscious movement that cannot be controlled by
humans. The types of muscles and their functions are very important in human
life, making us even more curious about the structure of the muscles. So in this
practicum we can observe more clearly the histological structure of muscle tissue
in animals or humans
Muscles are classified into three types namely striated muscles, smooth
muscles and cardiac muscles. Muscles cause the movement of an organism as well
as the movement of organs in that organism. In muscle tissue, the cells or muscle
fibers are usually joined in bundles, so that muscle tissue does not consist only of
muscle fibers. Having to do mechanical work, muscle fibers require large amounts
of blood capillaries, which carry food and oxygen, and carry out toxic waste
products. The blood vessels are contained in the fibrous connective tissue, which
is also useful for binding muscle fibers together and as a covering, protection so
that the pull can take place effectively.
Skeletal muscle is a type of muscle that is attached to the entire skeleton,
the way it works is realized (at will), its shape is elongated with many striations,
has many nuclei located at the edge of the cell. Examples of muscles in the arm.
Cardiac muscle is found only in the heart.
The Animal Structure Practicum this time is about the muscle tissue
that makes up the animal body. The muscle tissue itself has various forms and
locations, as well as functions for the body. Students can distinguish the
characteristics possessed by each type of muscle tissue, know the location of the
muscle tissue in the body, and understand the function of each muscle tissue.
Knowledge of the tissues that make up the animal body, especially muscle tissue,
is basic knowledge which will certainly help students themselves for the future.
B. Purpose
1. Identify and describe the structural features of striated muscle tissue, smooth
muscle and cardiac muscle through direct observation.
2. Comparing and contrasting the structural features of striated muscle tissue,
smooth muscle, and heart muscle as a result of direct observation.
3. Comparing the microscopic image of striated muscle tissue, smooth muscle,
and heart muscle with the photomicrograph of the tissue image.
C. Benefit
1. To know the identification and describe the structural features of striated
muscle tissue, smooth muscle and cardiac muscle through direct observation.
2. To know the comparison and contrasting the structural features of striated
muscle tissue, smooth muscle, and heart muscle as a result of direct
3. To know the comparison of the microscopic image of striated muscle tissue,
smooth muscle, and heart muscle with the photomicrograph of the tissue

There are 3 types of muscles in vertebrate animals, its relate on Urry

et al. (2017) said that there are 3 types of muscles in animals, namely those that
are attached to by tendons, skeletons muscles, or striated muscles, are responsible
for voluntary movement. Skeletal muscles consists of a long collection of cells
called muscle fibers. Whereas smooth muscle, which has no striated, found on the
walls of the digestive tract ducts, bladder, arteries and more the internal organs
and heart muscle last to form the contractile heart wall. Striated muscles like a
skeleton muscles and have similar contractile properties. Unlike skeletal muscle
where the heart muscle has branching fibers that are interconnected through the in
between, that forwards signal from one cell to another and aids synchronization
heart contractions at work.
Muscle tissue makes up 40-50% of total body weight. In general
function muscle tissue is for movement, stabilization of the body position, adjust
the volume organs and thermogenesis; estimated 85% body heat is generated by
muscle contraction. The nature of muscle tissue is excitability / irritability, can
contract, can stretched without damaging the tissue on certain limits, and elasticity
(Wangko, 2014). Same with Liu et al. (2018) says that Skeletal muscle is one of
the most abundant tissues in human body. It accounts for 40% -45% of the total
body mass and is needed to produce a force of motion.
Its also relate on Reece et al. (2009) The specialized and complex
organs of animals are constructed from a limited set of cell types and tissues. As
an example, the lungs and blood vessels have different functions but have lines by
networks that have the same basic type and hence share many properties.
To some extent, skeletal muscles have abilities regenerates tissue
lost during injury. Out of bounds, the remaining muscle tissue is unable to
completely regenerates its function. Muscle regeneration depends on a
heterogeneous population satellite cells, interstitial cells, and blood vessels and
especially controlled through. Regeneration by regression scarring and subsequent
functional recovery optimized with fat graphing. However, it reduces scars
insufficient formation to promote muscle tissue repair and regeneration. This is
invigorating clinical and research efforts directed at replacing or regenerating
larger volumes of muscle tissue (Liu, et al, 2018).
Skeletal muscle tissue is mainly attached on the bones and functions
to move skeleton parts. This muscle tissue classified as patterned muscle / striated
because on microscopic observations of this tissue shows that there are alternating
spiral lines / ribbons (Wangko, 2014). This is also supported by Lindsted (2018)
saying that skeletal muscle makes up 40% of the organism's body mass, almost all
the oxygen consumed by animals during maximum sustained power. Historically
considered consists of a genetically determined type of fiber, viz phenotypic
plasticity of skeletal muscle, responding to both the nature and magnitude of the
demands that produce strength, now appreciated. Muscles are not flexible because
they are active means of motion.
Muscles often experience prolonged contractions, generally in our
daily activities like shortening contraction. It doesn't just lengthen the contractions
destructive, but newish, high strength's elongation contraction may cause damage.
By tilting the workload slowly, it's possible even for the weakest of individuals to
benefit from chronic 'eccentrics' the training involves a group of individuals, all at
high risk of falling, to check if chronic eccentric training, negative work, can
serve as an intervention to limit or even reverse sarcopenia and related disorders
and functional limitations (Lindstet, 2018).
The motion of the skeletal muscles is almost entirely in under the
influence of our wills, its relate on Kalangi (2014) says that because of that
skeletal muscles are also called voluntary muscles. In contrast to heart muscle and
smooth muscle, both produce motion without realized, beyond our will, and called
unconscious. Motion of the heart muscle and smooth muscle can change the
rhythm automatically. 1-7 Muscle can be viewed as a motor that works by way of
changing chemical energy into mechanical power contraction and movement.
Special nature every muscle fiber to contract lies on the interactions of specific
proteins, actin, myosin and troponins, with a sarcoplasmic reticulum and calcium


A. Tools and Materials

1. Tools
a) Microscope 1 piece
b) Preparation glass 1 piece
c) Stationary
2. Materials
a) Mammalian muscle involuntery
b) Skeletal muscle preparations
c) Mammalian cardiac muscle microslide preparations
B. Work Procedure
a. Observe the tissue preparations from Activity Units 1 to 10.
b. Observe the photomicroscope results in each activity unit. The
photomicroscope shows the areas that you should observe.
c. Give a description of the photomicroscope results by choosing the answers
provided. Use this description to name the section in your observation.
d. Each activity unit is equipped with a question / object description. Answer
the question / description of the object to practice your ability to report

A. ObservationResult

Observation picture Comparison picture Notes

Smooth muscle 1. Ends of smooth
muscle cells
1 2. Nucleus
3. Smooth muscle
3 4. sarcoplasm

Skeletal muscle 1. Miofibril

2. Nucleus
1 3. Sarcolemma
4. Sarcoplasm

Heart muscle 1. Sarcolemma
2. Nucleus
1 3. Sarcoplasm
4. Discus
2 intercalaris

B. Discussion
1. Smooth cell preparation
The second observation was on smooth muscle preparations (non-
sriated teased muscle) visible to the cell nucleus (nucleus) which functions to
regulate the work of smooth muscle cells and the muscle fibers that function for
connecting heart muscle cells with one another and wrap or coat the entire surface
of the cell. This striated muscle is more active or contracted so that the essence is
on the edge. This cell nucleus has the same function as other cell nuclei in other
muscles, namely this cell nucleus functions as a coordinator of all cell activities,
or functions to regulate all cell activities or become the center of all cell activities.
2. Skeletal muscle preparation.
The first observation is the striated muscle preparations teased muscle)
looks like the nucleus (cell nucleus) has the same function as cell nuclei in other
muscles, namely the nucleus of this cell, functions as a coordinator of all cell
activities, or function to organize all cell activities and is the center of all cell
activities. This part of the striated muscle cell is shown in the figure at the top so
that generally this endomisium as wrapping the entire surface of the tissue so the
endomisium is serves to protect the underlying tissue, and myofibrils which
function causes the muscle fibers to have the ability to contract and respond to
stimuli. To observe the histological structure of striated muscles. This muscle is
visible striated so it is called striated muscle. this muscle is attached to the
skeleton so it is also referred to as skeletal muscle, like the muscles in the human
arm. The histological structure of the striated muscle is elongated and slightly
cylindrical, muscle this works under human consciousness or in other words its
activities controllable so that it has multiple cores at the edges, bottom line
slightly oval shaped. along this striated muscle lies a bright area and dark areas.
3. Heart muscle preparation
The heart muscle is the muscle that forms the wall of the heart. This
muscle tissue is found only in the middle layer of the heart wall. The heart muscle
tissue is cylindrical and elongated and has branches that differentiate it from other
muscles. there is an intercalaris disc which is a cell boundary in the form of
serrations between adjacent heart muscle cells. In the third observation, namely
the preparation of the heart muscle (cardiac muscle), it appears that the nucleus
(cell nucleus) functions the same as the cell nucleus in other muscles, namely the
nucleus of this cell functions as coordinator of all cell activities, or function to
organize all cell activity and is the center of all cell activity, its muscle fibers
serves to connect the heart muscle cells with one another other and envelops or
covers the entire surface of the cell, and exists Intercalary disc (intercalary disc),
this is also what makes the difference between the heart muscle and the rest.
Myofibrils, this is also one of the distinctive parts of this heart muscle
tissue, because indeed in other muscles there are also myofibrils but myofibrils in
other muscle tissue do not have actin and myeosin proteins while in myofibrils of
heart muscle tissue there are both proteins. This is what causes the contraction of
the heart muscle tissue. Myofibrils, smooth muscle tissue has homogeneous fibers
(fibrils) so that when observed under a microscope it looks plain or striped.
Discus Interkalaris, this is also what distinguishes the heart muscle
from others, Discus Interkalaris in the heart muscle is shaped like a ladder which
is a cell boundary in the form of serrations between adjacent heart muscle cells
that function to strengthen muscle attachment and allow electrical communication
between cells adjacent.

A. Conclussion
1. Muscles in the human body can be divided into three, namely smooth
muscle, skeletal muscle and heart muscle. Smooth muscle can be
found in all digestive organs and works unconsciously, skeletal muscle
can be found attached to the body skeleton and is used as a means of
movement to work consciously, and the heart muscle works
2. Spindle-shaped smooth muscle with a tapered tip, the cell nucleus is
one and is located in the middle, smooth muscle works unconsciously.
Skeletal muscle is called cylindrical striated muscle with many cell
nuclei located on the edge. Skeletal muscle has a light dark structure
because it consists of actin and myosin. The heart muscle is similar to
the skeletal muscle but the heart muscle branches and works
unconsciously. The heart muscle also has intercalary discs which
function to strengthen muscle adhesions.
3. Smooth muscle lacks light dark structures such as skeletal muscle and
cardiac muscle. what distinguishes between heart muscle and skeletal
muscle is that in the heart muscle there are intercalary discs
B. Suggestion
1. Laboratory
The advice I can give for a laboratory or laboratory assistant is that
laboratory staff can better equip all tools and materials that will be used
in practicum.
2. Asiasten
The assistant should pay more attention to the practitioner in
conducting the experiment so that all practitioners can be serious in
conducting the practice.
3. Practitioner
Practitioners in practicing should be serious and not playing so they can
get maximum results.

Kalangi, S. J. (2014). Perubahan otot rangka pada olahraga. Jurnal Biomedik:

JBM, 6(3).
Lindstedt, S. L. (2016). Skeletal muscle tissue in movement and health: positives
and negatives. Journal of Experimental Biology, 219(2), 183-188.
Liu, J., Saul, D., Böker, K. O., Ernst, J., Lehman, W., & Schilling, A. F. (2018).
Current methods for skeletal muscle tissue repair and
regeneration. BioMed research international.
Reece, J B., Lisa A U., Michael L C., Steven A W., Peter, V M., Robert B J. 2009.
Campbell Biology Ninth Edition. Pearson: USA.
Urry, L A., Chain, M L., Wasserman, S A., Minorsky, P V., Reece, J B. 2017.
Campbell Biologi Tenth Edition. USA: Pearson Higher Education.
Wangko, S. (2014). JARINGAN OTOT RANGKA Sistem membran dan struktur
halus unit kontraktil. Jurnal Biomedik: Jbm, 6(3).



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