A Short Title That Describes The Content: ISSN 2541-6332 - e-ISSN 2548-4281 Journal Homepage

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JEMMME (Journal of Energy, Mechanical, Material, and Manufacturing Engineering)

Vol.x, No. xx, Xxx xxxx

ISSN 2541-6332 | e-ISSN 2548-4281

Journal homepage: http://ejournal.umm.ac.id/index.php/JEMMME

A Short Title that Describes the Content

(Center, Bold, Arial 16, max 14 words)

First Authora, Second Authorb, Third Authorc

Address, city, country
Telephone/fax of institution/affiliation
Address, city, country
Telephone/fax of institution/affiliation
e-mail: [email protected], [email protected]


Abstract is written in English and should be presented briefly and accurately also
determine its relevance to its interest. It should be consisted of short presentation of
background, method, purpose, result and conclusion of the research. Abstract should
be informative and completely self-explanatory, provides clear statements on the
problems and proposed approach or solutions, and point out major findings and
deduction. Abstract should consist of 100 to 200 words and is written in past tense.
Use nomenclature standard and avoid abbreviation. Furthermore, keywords are
written to be used as indexing services. The use of keywords may increase the ease
with which interested parties to find our articles.
Keywords: keywords consists of 3 to 5 words or phrases separated by semi colon

In introduction, the author is expected to present the focus of research based on the scope
of JEMMME (Journal of Energy, Mechanical, Material, and Manufacturing Engineering). This
guideline is a template for writing the manuscript for JEMMME Journal submission and authors
are allowed to modify this template for submission. If the manuscript was really having high
originality, which proposed a new approach or algorithm, additional chapter is allowed to be
after the "Introduction" chapter before the "Methods" chapter to explain briefly on it.
This manuscript divided into four chapters where those are Introduction, Methods, Result
and Discussion, and the last chapter is Conclusion. The Introduction should provide clear
background and statements of the problem, review of related literature on the subject, proposed
approach and/or research design, and the new value of research which it is innovation. It should
be understandable to colleagues from a broad range of scientific disciplines. In Methods,
authors should present and describe the method used in research; presenting instruments and
objects of research with its explanation and time to conduct research. For Result and
Discussion chapter, authors should present their research finding and its description. It would be
more interesting manuscript when in this chapter, the author complete it with figures, tables and
equations. Last but not the least is Conclusion chapter. In this chapter, authors should present
their explanatory deductive reasoning based on research finding. The authors also allowed
giving suggestion for further research and researchers.

Manuscript should be submitted online in English via Journal website. Authors invited to
register on JEMMME website to get username and password for submission login. Registration
helps authors to have access to submit the article, track it and getting information on the
process of reviewing.

Last name of the first author | Title 1

JEMMME (Journal of Energy, Mechanical, Material, and Manufacturing Engineering)
Vol.x, No. xx, Xxx xxxx

2.1 Manuscript processing

The main text format should not be exceed 14 pages and is written in Microsoft Office
Word (.doc/.docx) format by attaching figures and table also equations (if available). The text
should be written orderly in single justified column on A4 paper by margin for left, right, top, and
bottom is 3 cm. It is no need to embed page number as it would be reordered at printing

2.2 Writing Format

A title of article should be the fewest possible words that accurately describe the content of
the paper. Indexing and abstracting services depend on the accuracy of the title, extracting
from it keywords useful in cross-referencing and computer searching. An improperly titled paper
may never reach the audience for which it was intended, so be specific.
Organization and citation of the bibliography are made in Vancouver style in sign (1), (2)
and so on. The terms in foreign languages are written italic.

2.3 Sub-title level 1

Sub-title should be presented only in three levels. The fourth would not be allowed. For
sub-title level 1, it is written in Arial font, bold, 10 pt and in single space. The number for sub-title
is written with two numbers and separated by dot.

2.3.1 Sub-title level 2

Sub-title level 2 is written in small caps title case with 10 pt Arial font in single space. It is
written in italic bold and numbered by three number separated by dot.
a) Sub-title level 3
Sub-title level 3 is written in small caps title case with 10 pt Arial font in single space. It
is written in italic bold and numbered by a letter in closed bracket.
b) Sub-title level 3
In every sub-title, they are written in left alignment.


The authors’ manuscripts should be completed with title, abstract, keywords and the main
text. Furthermore, the authors should present tables, figures, and equations in good order.

3.1 Title
Title of manuscript should be brief and informative. Avoid writing abbreviation and equation
(if it is possible). Academic title and rank are not allowed to be written behind the name of

3.2 Abstract
Write abstract in brief explanation and not exceed 200 words. It should be presented
purpose of research, prominent finding and deduction.

3.3 Keywords
Keywords consist of terms and multiple concepts in research. Avoid presenting
abbreviation in keywords, it is better for the authors to present phrases. They would be used for
indexing purposes. It is written before the main text with 3 to 5 words or phrases separated by
semi colon.

3.4 Main Text

Main text here is what had been mentioned in the previous parts, which consist of four

3.4.1 Introduction
As the initial of the main text, the authors must present explanatory reasoning of their
research, it is written in Introduction. In chapter of Introduction, the authors must present their
purpose, background and summary of research finding and explain how the author addressed
the problem.

Last name of the first author | Title 2

JEMMME (Journal of Energy, Mechanical, Material, and Manufacturing Engineering)
Vol.x, No. xx, Xxx xxxx

3.4.2 Methods
In methods, research chronological is explained including research design, research
procedure (in the form of algorithms, Pseudocode or other), how to test and data acquisition.
The description of research should be supported by references, so the explanation can be
accepted scientifically.

3.4.3 Result and Discussion

Research finding should be explained comprehensively here. Result or phenomenon
describe in scientific. In discussion, significance of work result must be explored. Prevent to
quote citations extensively and discussion of published literature. Results can be presented in
figures, graphs, tables and others that make the reader understand easily. The discussion can
be made in several sub-chapters.

3.4.3 Conclusion
Write your deductive explanation for conclusion. Authors should persuade the reader to
important matter of the article. Conclusion could be embedded with suggestion or
recommendation for further research or researchers.
Provide a statement on what is expected as stated in "Introduction" chapter. It can be
ultimately result in "Results and Discussion" chapter, so there is compatibility. Moreover, it can
also be added the prospect of the development of research finding and application prospects of
further research.

Tables or graphics should be presented in the center. For table, it should be colorized and
readable tables. Caption should be written above the table and numbered orderly based on the
chapter (i.e. Table 1.1, Table 1.2 if it is in the first chapter. The front number shows the chapter
and the second number after dot shows the order of table). It is written in 9 pt italic Arial font.
Write the source under the table (if it is available) with the same font with the caption. But it is in
regular font. For graphic, caption should be written under the graphic with 9 pt italic Arial font.
Number format for graphic resemblance to the table number.

Table 1. Write caption of the table here

Carbo Silicon Manganese(Mn) Phospho Sulfur
n (C) (Si) r (P) (S)
0,17% 0,36% 1,11% 0,011% 0,018%
0,17% 0,36% 1,11% 0,011% 0,018%
0,17% 0,36% 1,11% 0,011% 0,018%
0,17% 0,36% 1,11% 0,011% 0,018%
0,17% 0,36% 1,11% 0,011% 0,018%
0,17% 0,36% 1,11% 0,011% 0,018%
0,17% 0,36% 1,11% 0,011% 0,018%
0,17% 0,36% 1,11% 0,011% 0,018%
0,17% 0,36% 1,11% 0,011% 0,018%
0,17% 0,36% 1,11% 0,011% 0,018%
0,17% 0,36% 1,11% 0,011% 0,018%
0,17% 0,36% 1,11% 0,011% 0,018%
Source: Here is the
example of writing source

CHART TITLE for the table

380.000 100°c/4c
340.000 100°c/6c
Axis 260.000
220.000 Last name of the first author | Title 3
las las las ha
in in in
m m m
Axis Title ga ga ga
lo lo lo
JEMMME (Journal of Energy, Mechanical, Material, and Manufacturing Engineering)
Vol.x, No. xx, Xxx xxxx

Graphic 1. Write caption of the graphic here

Figures are presented in center as shown below. Caption for figures is as the tables’. But
there is difference between them. For figures, caption must be written under the figures. And
source is written under the caption.

Figure 1. Write caption of the figure here

Source: Here is the example of writing source for the figure

When the manuscript included mathematical equation, it should be written in order by

number and followed by information needed.

1 2 2 πDH 3 sin 2 ϕ P π 2 D 2 δ 3 tan 2 ϕ P

Q= π D NHsinϕcosϕ− . − . (1)
2 12 ηa l 12 ηa e l

Where Q is notation explanation, n is notation explanation, and D is also notation explanation,

The main references are international journals and proceeding. All references should be to
the most pertinent and up-to-date sources. References are written in Vancouver style. Please
use a consistent format for references – see examples below:

1. Author1 A, Author2 B. Title of Manuscript. Name of Journal or its Abbreviation. Year; Vol.
(Issue): pages.
2. Liu, X., Wang, M., Zhang, S., Pan, B. Application potential of carbon nanotubes in water
treatment: A review. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2013; 25: 1263–1280.

If the proceedings consist of several volumes:

Last name of the first author | Title 4

JEMMME (Journal of Energy, Mechanical, Material, and Manufacturing Engineering)
Vol.x, No. xx, Xxx xxxx

1. Author1 A, Author2 B. Title of Manuscript. Name of Conference of Seminar. City. Year;

volume: pages.
2. Sarma, P.K., Subramanyam, T., Kishore, P.S., Dharma Rao, V., Kakac, S, 2002, A new
method to predict convective heat transfer in a tube with twisted tape inserts for turbulent
flow, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 41, 955–960

If the proceedings in single volume

3. Author1 A, Author2 B. Title of Manuscript. Name of Conference or Seminar. City. Year:
4. Yamin L, Wanming C. Implementation of Single Precision Floating Point Square Root on
FPGAs. IEEE Symposium on FPGA for Custom Computing Machines. Napa. 2008: 226-

If the references are refer to specific page range in a book
1. Author1 A, Author2 B. The Title of the Book. Edition. City: Publisher. Year: pages.
2. Anderson, J. D., Wendt, J. Computational Fluid Dynamics. New York: McGraw-Hill. 1995:

Translated Books:
1. Original Author. Year. Title of the Translated Book. Translator. City: Publisher of the
translated book. Year of the translated book.
2. Pabla. 2004. Sistem Distribusi Tenaga Listik. Abdul Hadi. Jakarta: Erlangga. 2007.

1. Author. Title of Thesis/Dissertation. Thesis/Dissertation. City & Name of
University/Institute/College; Year.
2. Rusdi M. A Novel Fuzzy ARMA Model for Rain Prediction in Surabaya. PhD Thesis.
Surabaya: Postgraduate ITS; 2009.

1. Author1 A, Author2 B. Title (this should be in italics). Patent number (Patent). Year of
2. Ahmad LP, Hooper A. The Lower Switching Losses Method of Space Vector Modulation.
CN103045489 (Patent). 2007.

1. Name of Standard Body/Institution. Standard number. Title (this should be in italics). Place
of publication. Publisher. Year of publication.
2. IEEE Standards Association. 1076.3-2009. IEEE Standard VHDL Synthesis Packages. New
York: IEEE Press; 2009.

1. Author/Editor (if it is an editor/editors always put (ed./eds.) after the name). Title (this should
be in italics). Organization. Report number: (this should be followed by the actual number in
figures). Year of publication.
2. James S, Whales D. The Framework of Electronic Government. U.S. Dept. of Information
Technology. Report number: 63. 2005.

Last name of the first author | Title 5

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