Template Igj

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Indonesian Governance Journal

(Kajian Politik – Pemerintahan)
Volume: xx No: xx Month-2020

TITLE (Using BIG LETTERS and bolt)

Subtitles (using lowercase letters with the first letter uppercase and bolt)
First Author1
Second Author2
Third Author3
Fourth Author4
Fifth Author5

First Author Institution, Address and Country

Second Author Institution, Address and Country
Third Author Institution, Address and Country
Fourth Author Institution, Address and Country
Fifth Author Institution, Address and Country
Corresponding Author:
Article Info
Keyword: Abstract: Abstract written in english with single space (one). Abstract includes a
Keyword 1; description of the purpose, methods and result. Abstract written in brief,
Keyword 2; concience and written in one alinea (up to 200 words) that summarize
Keyword 3. tmportant research variable, purpose and methods (eg: sample and techniques
analysis used), and the answer to research problem and result. Abstract contain
of keywords of ideas aor basic concept in the fields of study. Abstract maximal 4

Kata Kunci: Abstrak: Abstrak ditulis dalam bahasa Indonesia dengan spasi tunggal (satu).
Kata kunci 1; Abstrak mencakup deskripsi tujuan, metode, dan hasil. Abstrak ditulis secara
Kata kunci 2; singkat, padat dan ditulis dalam satu alinea (hingga 200 kata) yang merangkum
Kata kunci 3. variabel penelitian penting, tujuan dan metode (misalnya: sampel dan teknik
analisis yang digunakan), dan jawaban untuk masalah dan hasil penelitian.
Abstrak berisi kata kunci gagasan atau konsep dasar dalam bidang studi.
Maksimal 4 kata abstrak.

Article History: Received date-month-year, Revised date-month-year, Accepted: date-month-year

This section contain the research background, purpose, contribution (the researc benefit
from teoritical and practical), researh result and implication (Practical advice based on research
result). The research result and implication in introduction section are only suggestion (not
This template provides all the necessary information to the author regarding the
formatting specifications needed for preparing electronic versions of their papers. We ask you to
make your manuscript look exactly like this document. The easiest ways to do this is simply
downloading the template, and replace (copy-paste) the content with your own material. All
manuscripts must be in English. This document includes complete descriptions of the fonts,
spacing, and related information for producing your proceedings manuscripts.

1 Author Name, IGJ Volume xx No xx ( Month) 2020

“Article Title”

Margins, column widths, line spacing, and type styles are built-in; examples of the type
styles are provided throughout this document and are identified in italic type, within
parentheses, following the example. Please do not re-adjust the margins.

This sectioncontain referred literature and linked to the research and hypothesis
development. This section contains about theory and literature referenced and linked to writing.
Highly recom-mended that literature referenced is published the last 10 years with the following
order: a reputed international journals, national journals accredited national journals,
international symposiums, national symposiums, textbooks, and daily repute.
For hypothesis test research, the hypothesis formulation is built by leaning into the
support teory, previous research, and logical argumentation. After the explanation is made, then
write your hypothesis with this following format:

H1: write the formulated hypothesis.

2 Author Name, IGJ Volume XX Issue( Month) 2020

“Article Title”

For qualitative research without hypothesis tes-ting, then presented in this section are
literature review (theory and previous research and argumen-tation focused on research review)
and research focus written in question form by following:

RM: mention the problem that represents the research focus.

This section contain the research design, subject/object/research sample, operational
definition and measurement variable, collecting data technique/ instrument and data analysis
also hypothesis testing. If the author want to represent picture/table in big size, so the
picture/table can presented in a single coloumn.


This section contain the data characteristic of subject/object/sample/ research
respondent, data analysis result, testing instrument and hypothesis (if any), answer of research
question, findings and findings interpretation. This section if possible, can be graphed for each
research variable. Furthermore the descriptive statistic value was presented (Eg; Mean, SD,
Maximum, Minimum) with its inter-pretation. In the end of thie section showed the hypothesis
research result and its discussion com-pletely.
A. Figures and Tables
Figures and tables must be centered in the column. Large figures and tables may span
across both columns. Any table or figure that takes up more than 1 column width must be
positioned either at the top or at the bottom of the page.
B. Figure Captions
Figures must be numbered using Arabic numerals. Figure captions must be in 8 pt
Regular font. Captions of a single line must be centered whereas multi-line captions must be
justified. Captions with figure numbers must be placed after their associated figures


C. Table Captions
Tables must be numbered using uppercase Roman numerals. Table captions must be
centred and in 8 pt Regular font with Small Caps. Every word in a table caption must be
capitalized except for short minor words as listed in Section III-B. Captions with table numbers
must be placed before their associated tables, as shown in Table

Table 1.
No content 1 content 2 content 3 ……

3 Author Name, IGJ Volume XX Issue( Month) 2020

“Article Title”


D. Page Numbers, Headers and Footers

Page numbers, headers and footers must not be used.
E. Links and Bookmarks
All hypertext links and section bookmarks will be removed from papers during the
processing of papers for publication. If you need to refer to an Internet email address or URL in
your paper, you must type out the address or URL fully in Regular font.

Presented the research conclusion, implication, limitation and advise sequently.
Implication is prac-tical advise from result research. Research limitation include things that can
be metor researchers do in conducting his research. While the research advuse is advise for next
research based on limitation that cannot be done by researcher in his research.

This section is provided for the author to express his gratitude either for the research
funders or the other parties who contribute into research realization.

Cite the main scientific publications on which your work is based. Please use reference
manager applications like EndNote, Mendeley, Zotero, etc. All publications cited in the text
should be included as a list or references. Please make sure that your manuscript is provide
comprehensive references (at least 30 articles with 80% of them are from ruputable journal)

Gronlund, N.E. & Linn, R.L. (1990). Measurement and evaluation in teaching. (6thed.). New York:
Effendi, S. (1982). Unsur-unsur penelitian ilmiah. Dalam Masri Singarimbun (Ed.). Metode
penelitian survei. Jakarta: LP3ES.
Clark, T., Woodley, R., De Halas, D., 1962. Gas-Graphite Systems, in “Nuclear Graphite” R.
Nightingale, Editor. Academic Press, New York, p. 387.
Deal, B., Grove, A., 1965. General Relationship for the Thermal Oxidation of Silicon, Journal of
Applied Physics 36, p. 3770.
Deep-Burn Project: Annual Report for 2009, Idaho National Laboratory, Sept. 2009.
Fachinger, J., den Exter, M., Grambow, B., Holgerson, S., Landesmann, C., Titov, M., Podruhzina,
T., 2004.“Behavior of spent HTR fuel elements in aquatic phases of repository host rock
formations,” 2nd International Topical Meeting on High Temperature Reactor Technology.
Beijing, China, paper #B08.
Fachinger, J., 2006. Behavior of HTR Fuel Elements in Aquatic Phases of Repository Host Rock
Formations. Nuclear Engineering & Design 236, p. 54.

4 Author Name, IGJ Volume XX Issue( Month) 2020

“Article Title”

5 Author Name, IGJ Volume XX Issue( Month) 2020

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