Criteria D

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Criteria D

1. What part of your artwork (perspective drawing) are you most happy with? WHY?
I was most happy with the 3rd perspective drawing I completed. This is due to us having freedom to
choose what we wanted to do. I enjoyed drawing the decorations and details of the drawing.

2. What do you think you should change about your artwork? WHY?
In my artwork, I think I should’ve changed the areas that I shaded in my artwork to make it seem
more realistic. I also should’ve added and put more of my focus towards the detail.

3. Do you think you managed to show the art element-Tone /perspective in your artwork?
Yes, I think I did manage to show the art elements tone and perspective in my artwork. I showed
tone by adding shadings of different gradients to my artwork. I also displayed 1 point perspective in
my drawing because I connected everything to the vanishing point.

4. What perspective drawing technique did you incorporate (use) into your artwork? Why?
Are you happy with this?
In my artwork I incorporated 1 perspective drawing technique. That 1 perspective drawing technique
that I incorporated in my artwork was the 1-point perspective drawing technique. I incorporated this
technique into my artwork because it was easier and if I had used 2-point perspective my artwork
wouldn’t have made sense and it also would’ve look weird.

5. What medium did you choose to use? Are you happy with the outcome? Why?
In this artwork the medium I chose to use was pencil. I was happy with the outcome of using pencil
as the medium of my artwork. I was happy with the outcome because the artwork looked as if it had
more detail to it and I also loved the textured look that the pencil had given my drawing.

6. How did your drafts and experimentation help you to complete your final drawing? Why?
The formative tasks that we had completed prior to the final drawing I had completed. This helped
me with my final drawing because it gave me experience so that I would draw it in a better manner.
The drafts also helped me with learning how to start and finish drawing my final drawing.
7. Identify your weakness and strength
In my final drawing I had some weaknesses and strengths. Some strengths I had while drawing my
final artwork were that I was really good at drawing the structure of the room, I was also found it
easy drawing the table, the windows and doors. My weaknesses were the shading part of my final
artwork, I had also struggled with drawing the book that was on the table.

8. What are you going to do for artwork 2, remember in artwork 2 you need to take screen
shot of artwork one and place it in any program and try to change artwork?
I was thinking of drawing another building using watercolour. However, I don’t have an exact idea of
what it is that I am going to draw. I was planning on using pixlr or Photoshop as a program to edit my
artwork and make it seem nicer and aesthetically pleasing.

9. Explain which program you will be using? what you will add
I will use Photoshop or Pixlr and I will add filters and edit its flaws to make it look better.

10-How can advancements in technology influence art making techniques?

Technology has become a very big influence in our human society. It has influenced the way that we
produce and value art. This is due to majority of humans using Photoshop and digital cameras as
opposed to hand made artworks to create and edit art. Artists are also using computers to connect
and gain inspiration from each other.

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