Assignment #1 Imagemaking

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2. My submission

3. Discussions

In this assignment I'd like you to experiment with a variety of imagemaking techniques to create a range
of images of a single household object. This assignment is graded, and it will also help you towards
completing the optional peer review assignment at the end of this week, Brief 1.2: Making Images,
Making Meaning.

Choose a household object. Choose something that comes in different varieties, something that isn’t too
visually complicated, or too simple, and something that is easily recognizable.

Make at least 10 images of your object. Make each image with different techniques, and in a different
way. Make them all approximately the same size, 5 x 5 inches, each in the middle of an 8.5 x 11” or A4
(vertical) sheet of paper. If you make your images by hand, please scan them at 300ppi at 100% of size.

Choose your 10 best images and bundle them into one PDF document for upload. Please submit 10 and
only 10.

Please include a title for your assignment, and submit! After submitting, you will be prompted to review
two of your peers’ assignments. Good luck!

Review criterialess

As mentioned, the goal of this assignment is to encourage you to make images, as many of them as
possible (though you are expected to submit 10). The result is for you to expose yourself to as many
different types and methods of imagemaking as possible–here you are learning through process.

For peer review, you will be assessed on whether you have met the required number of images (10!)
and the degree in which you have incorporated a variety of techniques/approaches/strategies in your
set of images. Specifically:

 Did you submit a single document comprised of 10 images? (4 pts)

 To what degree have you incorporated a variety of different techniques and/or approaches in
their imagemaking? (4 pts)

To pass this assignment, you must satisfactorily meet the required criteria as above and review two of
your classmates.

Tips for Completionless

You are encouraged to make more than 10 images, but please submit only 10!

There’s no right or wrong way to approach this assignment, the goal is to get you making images! You
can mix and match techniques, or invent your own techniques and aesthetics. You just need to end up
with 10 different images of the same object. Some may take you a few minutes to make, others might
take a lot longer. You can use this exercise as a way to investigate new techniques, or revisit familiar
ones. If you use this exercise as a way to surprise yourself you'll probably surprise your audience too!
To create your images, here are some materials you can consider:

 Pencil

 Crayon Charcoal

 Photograph

 Watercolor

 Colored pencil

 Marker

 Collage

 Flat

 Illustrator drawing

 Scanned objects

 Clay

 Chalk

 Sculpture

 Found trash

 Scraperboard

 Lino cut

 Monoprint

 Blind drawing

 Potato print

 3-d model

 Photoshop manipulation

 Ballpoint pen in one continuous line

Also think about what kind of imagemaking aesthetics or strategies you might employ:

 Any historical design or art movement

 Cartoon

 Realistic

 Surreal

 Symbol/icon
 Impressionistic

 Abstract

 Historical

 Complex

 Minimal

 Cubist

 Decorative

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