CE-501-CBGS: B.Tech., V Semester

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Total No. of Questions : 8] [1] [Total No.

of Printed Pages : 6

Roll No ..................................
B.Tech., V Semester
Examination, December 2020
Choice Based Grading System (CBGS)
Fluid Mechanics-I
Time : Three Hours
Maximum Marks : 70
Note: i) Attempt any five questions.
{H$Ýht nm±M àíZm| H$mo hb H$s{OE&
ii) All questions carry equal marks.
g^r àíZm| Ho$ g_mZ A§H$ h¢&
iii) In case of any doubt or dispute the English version
question should be treated as final.
{H$gr ^r àH$ma Ho$ g§Xho AWdm {ddmX H$s pñW{V ‘| A§JO
o« r ^mfm
Ho$ àíZ H$mo A§{V‘ ‘mZm Om¶oJm&

1. a) Explain the following terms in details:

i) Viscosity
ii) Compressibility
iii) Surface Tension
iv) Capillarity
{ZåZ H$m {dñVma go dU©Z H$a|&
i) í¶mZVm
ii) g§nrS>¶Vm
iii) n¥ï> VZmd
iv) Ho${eH$Ëd


b) An inverted differential manometer is connected to two

points A and B which convey water. The fluid in
manometer is oil of sp. gravity 0.8. For the manometer
readings shown in the figure, find the pressure difference
between A and B.
EH$ CëQ>r U-Zbr ^oXXeu Ðd ‘¡Zmo‘rQ>a Xmo {~ÝXþAm| A Am¡a B go
OwS‹ >m hþAm h¡ {Og‘| nmZr ^am h¡& ‘¡Zmo‘rQ>a ‘| ‘¡Zmo‘rQ>a Vab Vob h¡
{OgH$m {d{eï> Jwê$Ëd 0.8 h¡& AmH¥${V ‘o| {XImE JE ‘¡Zmo‘rQ>a arqS>J
Ho$ {bE, A Am¡a B Ho$ ~rM X~md A§Va kmV H$s{OE&

2. a) A rectangular plate which is 2m wide and 3 meter long is

immersed vertically in a fluid of relative density 1.6 in
such a way that its 2 meter side is kept horizontal. Plate is
kept 1.0 meter below the free surface of water. Find the
total pressure on the plate.
EH$ Am¶mVH$ma ßboQ> Omo H$s 2 ‘rQ>a Mm¡‹S>r Ed§ 3 ‘rQ>a bå~r h¡,
{H$gr Ðd {OgH$m Amno{jH$ KZËd 1.6 h¡, ‘| D$Üdm©Ya Sw>~moB© J¶r
h¡& ßboQ> H$s 2 ‘rQ>a gmBS> j¡{VO aIr h¡& ßboQ> Ðd Ho$ ‘w³V gVh
go 1.0 ‘rQ>a ZrMo aIr h¡& ßboQ> na Ðd Ho$ Hw$b Xm~ kmV H$s{O¶o&

CE-501-CBGS Contd...

b) The velocity potential for a two-dimensional flow is,

x(2y–1). Determine the velocity at the point P(4,5). Also
obtain the value of stream function at this point P.
EH$ {Û-Am¶m‘r àdmh Ho$ {bE doJ j‘Vm h¡, x(2y–1) {~ÝXþ P(4,5)
na doJ {ZYm©[aV H$a|& Bg {~ÝXþ P na Ymam ’$bZ (ñQ´>r‘ ’§§$³eZ)
H$m kmV H$a|&

3. a) With the help of a diagram explain Stream lines,

equipotential lines and flow net. Prove that equipotential
lines and stream lines intersect each other
ñdÀN> AmaoI H$s ghm¶Vm go Ymam aoIm, g‘{d^d aoIm Am¡a àdmh
ZoQ> H$s ì¶m»¶m H$a|& {gÕ H$a| {H$ g‘{d^d aoIm Am¡a Ymam aoIm EH$
Xÿgao H$mo Am°Wm}JmoZbr go H$mQ>Vr h¢&
b) Derive an expression for total pressure and center of
pressure on an inclined plane surface submerged in the
Vab ‘| Sy>~r EH$ PwH$s hþB© g‘Vb gVh na Hw$b X~md Am¡a X~md
Ho$ Ho$ÝÐ Ho$ {bE EH$ g‘rH$aU ì¶wËnÞ H$a|&

4. a) What should be the diameter of a droplet of water. If the

pressure inside is to be 0.0018 kg(f)/cm2 greater than the
outside? Given the value of surface tension of water in
contact with air at 20°C as 0.0075 kg(f)/m.
Ob H$s ~y§X H$m ì¶mg kmV H$a|& ¶{X AÝV… X~md go ~mø go
0.0018 kg(f)/cm2 A{YH$ h¡& hdm Ho$ g§nH©$ ‘| Ob Ho$ gVhr
VZmd Ho$ ‘mZ H$mo XoIVo hþE 20°C na 0.0075 kg(f)/m h¢&


b) For laminar flow of an oil having dynamic viscosity

u = 1.766 Pa.s in a 0.3m diameter pipe, the velocity
distribution is parabolic with a maximum point velocity
of 3 m/s at the center of the pipe. Calculate the shear
stresses at the pipe wall and within the fluid 50mm from
the pipe wall.
0.3 ‘rQ>a ì¶mg nmBn ‘| J{Verb í¶mZVm u = 1.766 Pa.s dmbo
Vob Ho$ ñVar¶ àdmh Ho$ {bE, doJ {dVaU nmBn Ho$ Ho$ÝÐ ‘| 3 m/s Ho$
A{YH$V‘ {~ÝXþ doJ Ho$ gmW n¡am~mo{bH$ h¡& nmBn H$s Xrdma na Am¡a
nmBn H$s Xrdma go Ðd nXmW© 50mm Ho$ ^rVa H$V©Zr VZmd H$s
JUZm H$a|&
5. a) Derive Euler’s equation of motion along a stream line
and hence derive the Bernoull’s theorem.
Ymam aoIm Ho$ {bE J{V Ho$ Euler’s g‘rH$aU H$mo Ed§ Bernoull’s
Ho$ à‘o¶ H$m ì¶wËnÞ H$a|&
b) Define the following:
i) Buoyancy and Center of buoyancy
ii) Meta Center and Meta centric Height
{ZåZ H$m {dñVma go dU©Z H$a|&
i) CËßbmd³Vm Ed§ CËßbmdZ Ho$ÝÐ
ii) ‘oQ>m g|Q>a Ed§ ‘oQ>m g|Q´>rH$ Ho$ÝÐr D±$MmB©
6. a) What is the relation between gauge pressure, absolute
pressure, vacuum pressure and atmospheric pressure.
JoO X~md, {Zanoj X~md, {Zdm©V X~md Am¡a dm¶w‘§S>br¶ X~md Ho$
~rM ³¶m g§~§Y h¡?
b) Define a fluid and distinguish between compressible and
incompressible fluids.
Ðd H$mo n[a^m{fV H$a| Am¡a g§nrS>ç Am¡a Ag§nrS>ç Ðd Ho$ ~rM A§Va
CE-501-CBGS Contd...

7. a) Differentiate between the following:

i) Newtonian and Non-Newtonian Fluid
ii) Ideal and Real Fluid
iii) Rotational and Irrotational flow
{ZåZ ‘| A§Va ñnï> H$a|&
i) ݶyQ>mo{Z¶Z Ed§ J¡a-ݶyQ>mo{Z¶Z Vab
ii) AmXe© Ed§ ì¶mdhm[aH$ Vab
iii) KyU© Ed§ AmKyU© àdmh
b) The pressure drop Δp, along a straight pipe of diameter D
has been experimentally studied, and it is observed that
for laminar flow of a given fluid and pipe, the pressure
drop varies directly with the distance I, between pressure
taps. Assume that Δp is a function of D, I, the velocity V,
and the fluid viscosity μ. Use dimensional analysis to
deduce how the pressure drop varies with pipe diameter.
EH$ grYm nmBn {OgH$m ì¶mg D h¡ Cg‘| à¶moJmË‘H$ ê$n go Xm~
(àoea) S´>mn Δp Aܶ¶Z H$s J¶r h¡, Am¡a ¶h XoIm J¶m h¡ {H$ {H$gr
{XE JE Ðd Am¡a nmBn Ho$ ñVar¶ àdmh Ho$ {bE, Xm~ (àoea) S´>mn
Xm~ (àoea) Zb Ho$ ~rM H$s Xÿar I na grYo {Z^©a H$aVm h¡& ¶{X ‘mZ
b| {H$ Δp (D, I doJ V VWm Ðd í¶mZVm μ) H$m ’$bZ h¡, Vmo Am¶m‘r
{díbofU Ho$ Ûmam kmV H$a| H$s H¡$go Xm~ (àoea) S´>mn nmBn Ho$ ì¶mg
Ho$ gmW H¡$go ~XbVm h¡&
8. a) A 40 cm diameter pipe, conveying water branches into
two pipes of diameters 20 cm and 25 cm respectively. If
the average velocity in the 40 cm diameter pipe is
20 m/s, find the discharge in this pipe. Also determine
the velocity in 25 cm pipe if the average velocity in 20 cm
diameter pipe is 15 m/s.


EH$ 40 g|Q>r‘rQ>a ì¶mg dmbm nmBn, {Og‘| nmZr H«$‘e… 20 go‘r.

Am¡a 25 go‘r. Ho$ Xmo nmBnm| ‘| ~Q>Vm h¡& ¶{X 40 go‘r. ì¶mg nmBn
‘| Am¡gV doJ 20 ‘rQ>a/goH$§ S> h¡, Vmo Bg nmBn ‘| {Zd©hZ kmV H$a|&
25 go‘r. nmBn ‘| doJ ^r {ZYm©[aV H$a| ¶{X 20 go‘r. ì¶mg nmBn ‘|
Am¡gV doJ 15 ‘rQ>a/goH§$S> h¡&
d 2 = 20c
= 15m/s
d1 = 40cm v2
v1 = 20m/s
d3 = 25c

b) What is venturimeter? Write the formula for calculation

the flow from venturimeter.
d|À¶yar‘rQ>a ³¶m h¡? d|Q>çyar‘rQ>a go àdmh H$s JUZm Ho$ {bE gyÌ



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