Passover: A Blueprint of The End Times: Scripture

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Passover: A Blueprint of the End Times

Passover 2015 is Sundown Friday, April 3-Sundown Saturday, April 11


• Rev. 11:3
And I will grant authority to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for twelve
hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth.”
These have the power to shut up the sky, so that rain will not fall during the days of their
prophesying; and they have power over the waters to turn them into blood, and to strike
the earth with every plague, as often as they desire.

Other Scriptures

• Mal.4:5
• Duet.18:15; Acts 3:22
• John 1:29
• Rev. 2:13
• John 14:3
• Exodus 7 through 12
• Ex.14:3-9,21-31
• Ex. 15:19
• Rev. 16:17-21
• Acts 14:22
• Rom. 8:38
• I Cor. 2:9

Main Points

• Passover is a blueprint for understanding the End Times.

• Eschatology is a study of the End Times.
• Passover is the Gospel in its primitive form.
• The Passover lamb was a symbol and a shadow of Jesus.
• Jesus is referred to as the lamb 29 times in the book of Revelation.
• Pharaoh is a shadow of Satan.
• Passover is a season of freedom and deliverance.
• Two witnesses will call down plagues in the End Times like Moses and Aaron did in
• The plagues, local to Egypt in Moses’ day, will be global in the end times.
o Hail-Exodus 9:18-35; Rev. 16:21
o Frogs- Ex. 8:1-15; Rev. 16:13

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Passover: A Blueprint of the End Times
o Darkness- Exodus 10:21-29; Rev. 6:12
o Death-Ex. 11:1-10; Rev. 6:7-8
• The parting of the Red Sea for Israel is a symbol of the Rapture.
o The Church will be on the earth during many of the plagues.
o The Church will not be on the earth for the seven bowls of wrath. The
equivalent of the drowning of Pharaoh’s army in the Red Sea.
o We need to be prepared to endure hard times.
o A greater dimension of God’s glory is going to be revealed during the End Times.
 We can celebrate this.
 We must be serious about living for our Lord in order to be prepared.
• As believers we need to be ready to endure hard times.
• Even as Pharaoh was the oppressor of Israel, Satan is the oppressor of God’s children.
• Israel was in a place of oppression in Egypt. The church lives in a place of oppression
because of the world’s darkness.
• As Israel was delivered by the blood of the lamb, we too are delivered by the blood of the
• Do not be afraid. God is with you.
• The church will come into greater unity during the end times.
• Chag Sameach- Happy Holidays

Discussion Questions

1. Passover is an invitation for Elijah to return a second time to announce the coming of the
deliverer. A seat is left open and a plate empty as an invitation to him to come. The
Gospel of Jesus helps us understand that He is the deliverer. Take a moment to thank God
for His coming as the Lamb of God and deliverer for us for our sins. As you get ready to
celebrate the Passover/Resurrection of our lamb/deliverer be sure to truly rejoice and
worship Him for the gift He has given.

2. How does understanding the story in Exodus, help you have greater understanding of the
End Time events? Does the teaching today help remove fear of the tribulation we may
experience in days to come? Are you challenged to pursue God more deliberately?

3. Can you trust God to give you what you need until the very end of your time on earth?
Supernatural protection and provision will be God’s gift to you during this time. What are
some things that you can do today to help you be prepared for these present days and
days to come? Who were some of the saints Rabbi listed as a pattern for us concerning
enduring hard times?

4. Israel saw God part the Red Sea for them. What kinds of things might God do to keep
you during the times at the end? Walk forward in unity with the banner of God in front of
you. You are more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus!

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