Are You One of God

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Pastor Adrian O Massiah Funeral of Late Elfina Letteen November 23, 2019

Are You One of God’s II. The Explanation vv. 14-16

Is God Unrighteous? How God could choose someone

Elect? like him? So you are fair? Man’s heart deceives him
every time. He does not know his own heart. {I will
Text: Romans 9 never do this and that, I don’t want this or that, and
Man changes his mind. God never changes. He is the
Intro: Not all who Say they are Christians are Christians.
Same, Yesterday…}
Roms. 9:1- 8 A. It exposes God’s Will v. 15
1. God’s Sovereignty v. 15, 18-23
 Paul Burden for His countrymen vv. 1-3
God does what He chooses without any
 The Belief that brings deception vv. 4-8
explanation to mankind or anyone.
2. Man’s Subjection vv. 22-23
Man is just mere creatures (vessels of
I. The Election vv. 9-13
wrath and vessels of mercy) in the hands of His
A. God’s Foreknowledge vv. 9-11 Creator God. That is why every knee would
God knows the works of man whether it bow… That is why he sets up and he brings
would be good and evil; how he would live his life down, he build up and he breaks down, he
and yet he chose him. In fear of or disobedience to gives life and he takes life, he delivers and he
God. He chose Abraham – Liar; David the Adulterer destroys and man must subject himself to the
and Murderer, Jonah the selfish prophet, Peter the will of Almighty God.
one who would deny him etc. B. It exposes Man’s Way v. 16a
1. His Righteousness –
B. God’ Favor vv. 12-13 God ways and thoughts are not like
This was extended to the one of God’s ours. He has all the facts). Our standards and
choosing who did not lived a sinless life but was ways are faulty but God’s perfect. In our flesh
God fearing. It was also about the lives and the dwelleth no good thing. Talk about people, but
path that their posterity would take. God loved if we look at ourselves we would understand
Jacob and hate Esau’s. there is so much to talk about. Even if we work
to obtain God’s favor it will never happened. All
Pastor Adrian O Massiah Funeral of Late Elfina Letteen November 23, 2019

our righteousness are as filthy rags… There is

none righteous… Not of works of righteousness
which we have done…
2. His Religiousness (that belief system) –
He is better than others and who
deserves to be elected. St. Vincent is not a
Christian nation but a religious nation.

III. The Example

A. God’s Purpose will be fulfilled v. 17, 22
God has a purpose and a plan for every
man. Before a man is born God knows all about
him and how he would be used on Planet earth.
Jeremiah was ordained to be a prophet. A
preacher of the word. Pharaoh was raised to
declare the very glory of God that the whole
earth would know and see the power of God.
B. God’s Power will be manifested v. 17, 22
God would demonstrate His power in
the life of men so men would realize that he
can’t run from God, he can’t hide from God,
and that the life we live, will always be used to
manifest the power of God negatively or

Conclusion: Which are you determines your election

 Vessels of Wrath v. 22
 Vessels of Mercy v. 23

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