Circles?: How Many

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How many circles?

Mark a point in your notebook and draw a circle passing

through it.

How many lines?

How many lines can you draw, passing

a specified point? Try!

The figure above is a circle passing through the point I .

We can draw other circles through I itself, can't we?

How? And how many such circles can we draw?

How many passingthrough two specified


Try drawing some circles through the point you have marked
in your notebook.

Two points

Mark hvo points in your notebook.

Can you draw a circle passing tlrough both these points?

For convenience, let's name these points I and B.

What can you say about the distances ofl and B flom the
centre ofthe circle to be drawn?

Both these distances are radii ofthe circle.

Which path?
So, the centre of the circle should be equidistant ftom A and
Think ofa pointP moving around a fixed
-8. Let's take it as 2 centimetres.
point C; the distance between C and P
should be 2 centimetres at all times. What
can you say about the path ofP?

A circle ofradius 2 centimetres, centred

at C, right?

Can you draw another circle ofthe same radius through I

and B?

Thus, any circle can be seen as the path How about a circle ofradius 3 centimetres instead?
of a moving point.

Ceneralll speaking- the path of a poinl.

moving according to some geometrical
conditions, is called a /ocus.

So, a circle can be described as the locus

of a point which moves at a specific
distance from a specific point.

When we draw a circle using a compass,

the tip of the pencil moves along this

We can draw many circles through I and B oflonger and

shorter radii, can't we?

. Mark two points, 4 centimetres apart, in the note-

book. Draw a circle ofradius 5 centimetres passing
tlrough these points.

' The distance beti,veen two points I and B is 5 centi-

metres. What is the radius of the smallest cilcle through
these points? Forthis circle, what is the speciality of
the linelB?

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Deeds and thoughts

We have drawn several circles passing through two fixed

points. How did we locate the centres ofsuch circles?

If we mark a point C equidistant from I and B, then with C

as centre, we can draw a circle passing through I and B.

Parallel path

We have seen that the locus of a point

moving at a fixed distance from a fixed
point is a circle.
What if we want to draw another circle through these points?
What abour lhe locLrs ofa point moving
We must mark another point D, again equidistant from I and at a fixed distance from a fixed line?

For example, think about a fixed line and

a point moving above it, at a distance of
2 centimetres.

The locus is also a straight line. What is

the relation between this line and the
Now suppose wejoin C and D and extend it.
original line?

What is the relation between the li nes AB and C D?

Remember how we drew perpendicular bisectors in Class

So, what can we say about the centres ofall the circles pass-
ing tlrough I and B?

Bisector as path

Look at this picture


...1.,: ,,.
..'.. '''..'' ',:'
'i::: "::::i'
A r',..: . .. .::'' I


Serveral points equidistant from two

fixed points A and B are marked. We What do we see from this?
have seen in Class 8 that byjoiningthese
points, we getthe perpendicular bisector
The centres ofall the circles passing through two

of the line 13. fixed points lie on the perpendicular bisector of

the line joining these two points.

Look at this picture:

This can be stated in another fashion:

the locus of a point which moves such
that its distances from,{ and B are equal.
is the perpendicular bisector ofthe line A circle passes tkough two points I and B. As seen just
now, the centre ofthe circle is on the perpendicular bisector
Suppose we mark two more points C and D on the circle.


What is the locus of a point which moves

such that the sum of its distances from
two fixed points remains the same?

To see this, mark two points I and B,

which are 4 centimetres apafi. Suppose
a point P moves such thatlP + PB is6
centimetres always. We want to trace the
The centre ofthe circle is on the perpendicular bisector ofC
locus ofP.
and D also.
For this. take a 6 cenlimerres long piece
ofstring and fix its ends atl and B using
.1 .. )j)

What ifwe take two more points on the circle? Now stretch the string with the tip of a
pencil. and keepingthe stringtaut. su ing
What do we see ffom this? the pencil completely around I and B
The perpendicular bisectors ofthe linejoining any pair of
points on a circle, passes through the centre ofthe circle.

We can shorten this a bit. For this, "a line j oining any pair of
points on a circle",we call achord ofthe circle.

Thus in the picture above, I B and CD are chords of the

circle. The lines in the figure below are also chords ofthe

So, what we have seen now can be stated thus: Did you get a curve like the one above?

perpendiculur bisectors ol all chordt ofa Such a curve is called an ellipse"

circle pass through the centre of the circle.
We can also state our frst theorem like this:

AII circles sharing a common chord have their

centres on the perpendicular bisector of this
Path of planets
Let's see how we can find the centre ofa circle using this
The early astronomers believed that the idea. Draw a circle using a bangle or a circular lid.
earth and other planets moved around
the sun along circular paths. When the
calculations based on this beliefdid not
match with the actual locations of the
planets observed, efforts to find the
correct paths began.

it was Johannes Kepler,a schoolteacher

ofmathematics (and also an astronomer) How do we find its centre?
in Germany during the seventeenth
century who found out that the orbits of Draw some chord ofthis circle.
the planets around the sun are actually

The centre ofthe circle is on the perpendicular bisector of

this chord, right? Draw it.

Kepler also formulated two more

mathematical principles about planetary
orbits. The three mathematical
principles, called Kepler's Laws, fom
the basis ofmodern astronomy.
This perpendicularbisector is a diameter ofthe circle. (Why?)
So, the centre ofthe circle is its mid point.

Is there any other method to locate the centre?

Now, instead of a full circle, suppose we get only a part of it
(such as a piece ofa bangle), then also can we find the centre

and thereby the lirll circle?

Look at this picture:

Circle and ellipse

How do we complete the circle?

In a sense, an ellipse is a stretched
circle. This statement can be made more
Join two pairs ofpoints on it as shown below: precise. An ellipse is made with two
reference points-

The centre ofthe circle is on the perpendicular bisectors of

both these lines. In other words, the centre is the point of
intersection of these perpendicular bisectors.

Asthe distance between these two points

is reduced, the ellipse becomes more and
more like a cirnle.

Now can't we complete the circle?

As described earlier, fix a piece ofstring
Take a bangle or a circular lid and trace only a part of it. between two points I and B and draw
Complete the circle as described above. Compare the draw- an ellipse. Reduce the distanse between
ing withthe original object. A and B and draw another ellipse. See
what happens as I and B get closer and
Back and fodh closer.

We have seen that the perpendicular bisector ofany chord What ifl and B coincide?

passes through the centreofthe circle. The perpendicular

bisector ofthe chord means the perpendicular through the
mid point ofthe chord.

So we can state our result a bit differently as follows:

The perpendicular through the midpoint of a

chord passes through the centre ofthe circle.
ti 1
On the other hand, let's think about this, starting from the
centre. Is it true that "the perpendicular to a chord from the
centre ofthe circle passes tlrough the midpoint ofthe chord"?
Let's investigate.
Chord and cord

What we call the "chord" of a circle in

English is called jya in Sanskrit, which
means the string of a bow. (The
Malayalam word eorcend which has the
same meaning is derived from this.) The
portion ofa circlejoining two points and
the chord together looks like a bow,
doesn't it?
C? is the perpendicular from the centre C ofthe circle to the
chord AB.

Is P the mid point oflB?

What kind ola triangle is l-BC?

And what we call the chord forms the

string of this bow. The English word
"chord" comes from the T,atin word
chorda, meaning" rope". The word now
used in English lorthin ropeorstring is
Since Cl
and CB are radii ofthe circle, we have CA = CB
and sol-BC is an isosceles triangle.

will you shor,r tue

We have seen that in an isosceles triangle, the perpendicular
from the vertex where the equal sides meet, bisects the op-
posite side. (See the section, Isosceles triangles ofthe les-
son, Congruent Triangles in the Class 8 textbook).

What do we see here?

.'v \1
Thn porprnclicular from th( centre ol a circlc to
., o chord, passer through the midpoint ofthe chord.
There is yet another question:

Ifwe join the centre ofa circle to the midpoint ofa chord,
would it be perpendicularto the chord?

In the figwe above, Cis the centre ofthe circle andMis the
midpoint of the chord AB.

Look at L4MC and LBMC. We have

Statements in reverse

We have seen the theorem :

if two sides of a triangle are equal,
Can you say why? then two rf ix angles are equal.

CMis a common side for both the triangles. Suppose we turn it around and say,

Since the sides A.4MC are equal to the sides of IBMC, these if two angles of a triangle are equal,
triangles are congruent. then two of its sides are equal.

So, L4MC and IBMC', which are opposite the equal sides This is also true.
AC and, BC, are also equal. Now look at this statement:

Also, ZAMC + IBMC = 1 80' (why?) if all the sides of a triangle are equal
to the sides of another triangle, Ihen
Thtts LAMC = IBMC =90" the angles of the fir:t triangle are
equal to the angles of the second.
In other words, the line CMis perpendicular tolB.
If we turn it around, it becomes,
The line joining the centre of a circle and the
midpoint ofa chord is perpendicular to the chord. if all angles of a triangle are equal to
the angles of another tliangle, then
Uses and applications the sides of the frst are equal to the
sides o;f the second.
Let's look at some applications ofthe theorems seen so far.
But we know that this is not true. (See
. In the circle shown below. the chords AB and AC are the section, Incorrect match ofthe lesson,

ofequal length: Congruent Triangles in the Class 8


We can prove that thebisector of IBAC is a diameter of the

Let's draw the bis ector of IBAC.

How it moves

We want to show that the line lE is a diameter; in other

words, we wantto showthatlE passes through the centre
of the circle. For that we need only prove that lE is the
perpendicular bisector ofthe chord BC.
ln the picture above, O is the centre of
the circle and AB is a chord. Think of a
pointP starting atl and moving towards
-8, alonglB. As the points moves fufther
away from l, the angle OPB becomes

In MBC, we AB : AC and so the bisector ofthe angle

hav e
BIC is also the perpendicular bisector ofthe side BC (see
the section, Bisectors ofthe lesson, Congruent Triangles
When it reaches the exact centre oflB, in the Class 8 textbook.)
the angle OPB becomes a right angle.
(We can also say thal. \'\hen IOPB Thus the linelE is the perpendicular bisector ofthe chord
becomes right, the point P is at the exact BC.
centre of lB.)
So, it passes through the centre ofthe circle.

Now in this probl em, AB utd AC ate chords of equal length.

And they meet at the pointl on the circle. Since the bisector
of IBAC is a diameter, the centre O of the circle is a point
on this bisector. So, the (perpendicular) distances from Oto
What happens as it moves furthei AB and AC are equal. (See the section of the lesson
towards B? Congruent Triangles in the Class 8 textbook.)

Another movement

This can be seen to be true for any pair ofequal chords.

. Prove that in a circle, chords ofequal lengths are at

equal distances from the centre.

In the figure below, AB and CD are chords ofequal length

and OP, OQ arc perpendrculars from the centre O ofthe
Consider a chord AB of a circle with
circle to these chords. We want to show that these perpen-
centre O. Let Mbe the midpoint of lB.
diculars have equal length.
Think of a point P starting at I and
moving towards B along the circle. As it
moves further away fromA, angle AMP
becomes larger.

Since the perpendicular from the centre bisects a chord, we


What happens when P is directly above

AP =: AB ana c'q = ) cn
Since lB = CD, we get The line MP passes through O and
AP - CQ. ZAMP becomes right. Or we can say
that, when IAMP becomes right, P is
Now from the right angled triangle s OAP and OCQ,we get directly above O.
OP') : OA2 - AP2 and OQ'z= OC - CQ'
Since OA--OC (why?) andlP= CQ,wegelOP2 =OQz.
and so OP = OQ.

We can also note another thing here. Suppose lB and CD

are not parallel. Since the perpendicular distance from Oto
the lines l-B and CD are equa1, the point O is on the bisector
ofthe angle formed by extending the lineslB and CD.

Circle within circle

Draw a circle of radius 3 centimetres

and draw some chords of length 4
centimetres within it.

Now tryyour hand at these problems:

. AB and AC aretwo chords ofacircle and the bisec-

tor of IBAC is a diameter ofthe circle. Prove that
AB = ACi

Prove that the lengths ofall chords at equal distances

from the centre ofa circle are equal.
We can draw more chords like thrs.
In the figure below,lB is a chord and CD is the diam-
eter perpendicular to it. Prove that IBC is an isosce-
lestriangle. C

The picture below shows hundred such

chords drawn by a computer.
In the figure beloq O is the centre ofthe circle and
AB, CD a:re chords, wlth lOAB = IOCD,

Why does a new circle appear? Prcve lhat AB = CD.

What is the radius of this circle? In the question above, instead of assuming
IOAB = IOCD, assume that lB = CD and then prove
thal IOAB - IOCD.
Length ofa chord
We can draw chords ofvarious lengths in the same circle.

Circles and quadrilaterals

Two equal chords of a circle may be


And the longest chords are diameters.

Chords get shorter as they move away from the celtre.

lf the ends of such chords are joined,

then we get a rectangle.

We also saw that chords equidistant from the centre are of

equal length.

lnstead ofgeneral observations like these, we can actually

What about non-parallel chords ofequal
compute the length ofa chord at a specific distance from the

ln the figure below, O is the centre ofthe circle andlB is a


What kind of quadrilaterals do we get

byjoining the ends?

OC is the perpendicular from O to AB. If we denote its

length by d and the radius ofthe circle by r, then by the
$'thagoras Theorem,

A(j = 12 - cP.

Now since OC is the perpendicular from the centre ofthe

circle to the chordlB. we have

I 47i
AC- ) AB
Thus we get

AB-2AC =2 -u,)
Let's look at some examples:

. What is the length of a chord which is 3 centimetres

away from the centre ofa circle ofradius 5 centime-

Geometry and algebra

We can also use algebra to prove that

chords equidistant from the centre of a
circle are ofequal length.
From the figure, we see that halfthe length ofthe chord is
We saw that the length of a chord at a
distance d from the centre of a circle of
radius r is 2,F'4'
. So, if we fix the
distance from the centre as d, then all So, the length ofthe chord is 2 x 4: 8 centimetres.
chords at this distance have the same
lengh. given b1 the above expression. . ln a circle ofradius 1 .7 centimetres, a chord oflength

Can you give an algebraic proof of the

3 centimetres is to be drawn. How far ilom the centre
fact that all chords of the same length is it?

are equidistant from the centre?

centre bisects the chord,

we get a figure like this :

So, by Plthagoras Theorem, the distance ftom the cente is

(r.7)'? (1.5)'? (1.7+1.5XI.7 1.5)

- 0.8 cm

. The distance between the ends ofa piece olbangle is Lotus problem
4 centimetres and its greatest height is centimetre.
Haven't you heard about
Bhaskaraachaarya' a Lilavati? One
sloka from it can be translated as follows:

4cm In a lake full of frolicking

What is the diameter ofthe firll bangle? chakravaka and krauncha birds, a
lotus bud slands erect, half a hand-
We can visualize the fi.rll bangle as shown below: span high. Swaying gently in the
breeze, it submerged, two hand-span
cmay. Quickly tell, Oh reckoner!, the
depth of the lake.

Denoting the radius ofthe circle by r, we get as in this figure,

a right angled triangle of hypotenuse r and perpendicular
sides r -1 and2 (Can you explain?). So,

12 - (r - 1)2= 22

Writing this as

(r + (r - 1))(r (r 1)) - 4
The original sloka is:
We get
2r-l-4 .olC"IO5.dSo rOrO-ucCcn

Fromthis, we get 2r = 5. Thus the radius of the bangle is 2.5 GtolccrlcoJdr:Dto a0eJ6 el'l€"c(oo
centimetres. otlom5o-rlg"rocemo

Now find the answers to the following problems: ocBo acBo oLpikot o n)] cet cnc

. In a circle ofradius 5 centimetres, hl/o chords oflengths "o

rrJ ot cor; c cra

6 centimetres and 8 centimetres are drawn parallelto ol rniol<u rmo oGTT)6, 610(0)
each other, on either side ofthe centre. What is the Ar9j'll"laore, l"lOoerno
distance between these chords?
In a circle, a chord 3 centimetres away from the
centre is 8 centimetres long. How long is a chord,
1.4 centimetres away from the centre in this circle?
Problem of proponion
In the figure below,lB is a diameter ofthe circle and
The figure below shows some chords Pp is a chord parallel to it.
drawn in a semicircle.

As the distance from the top increases,

the length ofthe chord also increases. Is
Compute the area of the qua&ilateralABQP.
this change proportional?

Let's look at an example: Find the radius of the circle shown below:

5cm Three points

The length of the chord in the figure We started the lesson by drawing circles thLrough one speci-
above can be easily computed as 6 fied point and then through two specified points. How many
centimetres. (Try it!)
circles can we draw through three specified points?
Now look at this figure.
Ifthe points are on a straight line as below, then no circle can
be drawn through them:


The lenglh ofthe chord is 8 centimetres. C

When the distance from the top is

doubled, the length of the chord is not What ifthey are not on the same line?
doubled. So, the change is not

' -:,
To draw a circle through I and B, we can take any point on
the perpendicular bisector oflB as centre.

lr' ------
Again to draw a circle through B and C, we can take any
point on the perpendicular bisector of BCas centre.

\- Freedom and control

To draw a circle through a specified

point, we can choose any point as the
centre. (The radius must be chosen
What about a circle through two
specified points? We can choose the
Look at the point O where the bisectors intersect.
centre only on a fixed line, namely the
perpendicuJar isector the line j oin ing
Sinceit is on the perpendicular bisector oflB, we have b of
these points.
OA = OB; and since it is on the perpendicular bisector of
BC, we have OB - OC. Thus, we get Ol = OB = OC Now what aboutthree points? Only one
point can be chosen as the centre. And
So, the circle with so, there is only one such circle.
cenfte at O and radius
Ol passes through I , B
and C.

Now if we joinlC also

in this picture, we get the
triangle lBC. The circle
passes through all the
three vertices of this ,

isr i
Such a circle as this, whichpasses through the three vertices
ofatriangle, is calledthe circumcircle ofthe triangle.

As we did just now, we can draw the circumcircle of any

triangle by drawing the perpendicular bisectors oftwo sides.

Here we can see another thing. In the figure below, the

circumcircle of MQR is drawn by finding the point of inter-
section O, where the perpendicular bisectors ofthe sides
PQ and, QR meeI.

Line and circle

Through one specified point, we can

draw as many lines as we wish; and
circles too.

Through two specified points, we can

draw only one line, right? But we can
draw as many circles as we want.

Through three specified points, it may not

be possible to draw a line. Ifa
line can Since the side PR ofthe triangle is also a chord ofthe circle,
be drawn through them, then a circle its perpendicular bisector also passes tluough the centre O.
cannot be drawn; if a line cannot be
drawn through these three points, then In other words, the perpendicular bisectors ofthe tluee sides
one (and only one) circle can be drawn ofa triangle intersect at a single point.
through them.
This point is calle clthe circumcentre ofthe triangle.
Can a line be drawn through four
specified points? How about a circle? Now here are some problems lor you:
. Draw atriangle with sides 4 centimetres, 5 centime-
tres and 6 centimetres. and draw its circumcircle.

. Draw triangle MBC with measurements as given be-

low and draw the circumcircle of each:

J AB : 4cm, AC = 5cm, lA = 60"

Q AB = 4cm, AC = 5cm, lA= \20"
J AB = 4cn, AC = 5cm, LA = 90.
Note the position ofthe circumcentre ofeach triangle. Draw
more triangles and see whether any general conclusion can
be formed.

. :;llr ,.i)

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