Math 7 Week 4

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Quarter 3 Week 4 Day 1

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of the key
concepts of geometry of shapes and sizes, and geometric
B. Performance The learner is able to create models of plane figures and
Standards formulate and solve accurately authentic problems
involving sides and angles of a polygon.
C. Learning The learner is able to use compass and straightedge to bisect
Competencies line segments.
II. CONTENT Using Compass and a Straightedge to Bisect Line Segments

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages

2. Learner’s Material
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional
Materials from
Resources (LR
5. Other Resources
A. Reviewing previous Activity 1: LOCATE – ME
lesson or presenting
the new lesson AVERAGE ADVANCE
Given LQ . Locate Construct a line segment
and locate a point on the
point C on LQ line that divides the
such that segment into two equal
LC ≅ CQ without part without using a
measuring tool.
using a measuring

B. Establishing a 1. How did you locate point C?

purpose for the
2. What did you do to see it that LC ≅ CQ ?

C. Presenting Activity 2: Constructing Bisector of a Segment

examples/instance s
of the new lesson Let the students work by pair and ask them to fill the
worksheets below. (Guided Activity)

Your work will look like

Step 1: Step 1:
Given line Given line
segment segment

(Photo taken by Loyd Quililan)

Step 2: Step 2:
Place the Place the
needle of needle of
the compass the compass
on point L on point L
and set the and set the
compass’ compass’
width to width to
more than more than
half the half the
length of length of
the the
(Photo taken by Loyd Quililan)
segment. segment.

Step 3: Step 3:
Without Without
changing changing the
the compass’
compass’ setting, draw
setting, an arc above
draw an (Photo taken by Loyd Quililan) and
arc above below LQ .
and below
LQ .
Step 4:
Step 4: Then,
Then, without
without changing the
changing compass’
the point on Q
compass’ of LQ .
point on Q
Draw an arc
of LQ . (Photo taken by Loyd Quililan) above and
Draw an below
arc above the line
and below segment so
the line that the arcs
segment so cross the
that the first
arcs cross

the first two. Mark
two. Mark these points
these as M and G.
points as
M and G.

Step 5: Using
Step 5: straightedge,
Using a draw a line
straightedge through points
, draw a line m and G.
points m and

(Photo taken by Loyd Quililan)

Guide Questions:

1. What can you say about line segment MG with

respect to line segment LQ?
2. Let D be the point of intersection of the two line
segments, what can you say about segment LQ and DQ?
Justify your answer.
3. What do we call line segment MG based from the

D. Discussing new AVERAGE ADVANCED

concepts and Follow the steps above to Follow the steps above to
practicing new bisect each segment bisect each segment
skills #1 below using only your below using only your
compass and compass and
straightedge. straightedge.

1. CD whose length is 1. CD whose length is

30 cm. 37 cm.

2. XY whose length is 2. XY whose length is

55 cm. 74 cm.

3. Divide the line 3. AB whose measure is

segment MN into 2 10 inches.
equal parts.
4. DE whose measure is
M N 21 inches.

E. Developing mastery AVERAGE ADVANCED
(Leads to 1. Locate the midpoint of Construct the line
Formative line segment QR. bisector of the following
Assessment) line segments whose
R corresponding lengths

1. AB, 10cm5mm
2. DE, 450mm
3. XY, 24 inches

2. Construct a line
segment bisector of the

F. Finding practical Pedro has built a ramp for the skateboard park in
applications of Embarcadero, Puro, Legazpi City. To make the ramp safer,
concepts and skills he decides to add a support that is the line
in daily living segment bisector of YZ . Construct the support so that it
extends from the top edge of the ramp to the bottom edge
using your compass and straightedge.

G. Making How do we construct line segment bisector using a
generalizations compass and a straightedge?
and abstractions
about the lesson
learning Construct the line Construct the line
bisector of the following bisector of the following
line segment whose line segment whose
corresponding lengths corresponding lengths
are: are:
1. DE , 26 cm 1. DE , 5 dm
2. QR , 16 in 2. QR , 650 mm
3. EF , 20 cm 3. EF , 47 cm

Divide the following into Divide the following into

4 equal parts 4 equal parts
4. AB , 10 in 4. AB , 19 in
5. RS , 44 cm 5. RS , 6.4 dm

I. Additional
activities for This pan balance is missing its perpendicular bisector
application or support. Copy the diagram and draw where the support
remediation should be. Label the top point of the support C and the
 Assignment/Agreemen t bottom point D. Label the length measures of AC and
( minutes).
BC. Label the angle measures of ∠ACD and ∠BCD.
Fill in below any of the
four purposes Given that AB is 30 cm.
Reinforcing/strengthenin g
the day’s lessons A B
Enriching/inspiring the
day’s lessons
Enhancing/improving the
day’s lessons
 Preparing the new



Quarter 3 Week 4 Day 2
A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of the key
Standards concepts of geometry of shapes and sizes, and geometric
B. Performance The learner is able to create models of plane figures and
Standards formulate and solve accurately authentic problems involving
sides and angles of a polygon.
C. Learning The learner is able to use compass and straightedge to bisect
Competencies angles
II. CONTENT Construction of Angle Bisector
A. References
1. Teacher’s
Guide pages
2. Learner’s
Material pages
3. Textbook pages Geometry by Dilao p. 210
4. Additional
Materials from
Resources (LR
5. Other
A. Reviewing previous In the previous lesson, you have learned that a point bisects a
lesson line segment. What geometric figure can bisect an angle?
or presenting the What do you call this figure that can bisect an
new lesson angle?
B. Establishing a How can we construct an angle bisector using a
purpose for the straightedge and a compass?
C. Presenting Average Learners Fast Learners
examples/instan ces
of the new lesson Given: Angle C in a plane 1. Draw an angle like angle C
Construct: the bisector of a on your paper.
given angle 2. Place the compass at point C
and draw a large arc that
1. Draw an angle like angle intersects both sides of angle
C on your paper. C. Label the points of
intersection as D and E.
3. Place the compass at point D
and draw an arc in the
interior of the angle.
4. Using the same compass
C setting, place the compass at
point E and draw a large arc
that intersects the arc

2. Place the compass at drawn in step 3. Label the
point C and draw a point of intersection as B.
large arc that intersects 5. Draw ⃗𝐶⃗⃗⃗𝐵⃗→.
both sides of angle C. By construction, 𝐶⃗⃗⃗⃗𝐵⃗→ is
Label the point of the bisector of angle DCE.
intersection as D and E. m_DCB=m_BCE, or
Guide Questions:
C 1. What relation exists
between 𝐶̅𝐸̅ and ̅𝐶̅𝐷̅?
2. Why do we set the same
compass width from point D
3. Place the compass at
to point B as well as from
point D and draw an
point E to B?
arc in the interior of the 3. What relation exists
between ̅𝐷̅𝐵̅ and 𝐸̅𝐵̅?
4. Does CB bisects angle
5. What are the three
conditions so that we can
say that ⃗𝐶⃗⃗⃗𝐵⃗→ is the
4. Using the same bisector of angle DCE?
compass setting, place
the compass at point E
and draw a large arc
that intersects the arc
drawn in step 3. Label
the point of intersection
as B.


5. Draw ⃗𝐶⃗⃗⃗𝐵⃗→.
By construction, ⃗𝐶⃗⃗⃗𝐵⃗→
is the bisector of angle
m_DCB=m_BCE, or


Guide Questions:
1. What relation exists
between ̅𝐶̅𝐸̅ and ̅𝐶̅𝐷̅?
2. Why do we set the
same compass width
from point D to point
B as well as from point
E to B?
3. What relation exists
between ̅𝐷̅𝐵̅ and ̅𝐸̅𝐵̅?
4. Does CB bisects
angle DCE?
5. What are the three
conditions so that we
can say that ⃗𝐶⃗⃗⃗𝐵⃗→ is
the bisector of angle

D. Discussing new Pair share: Given: Pair share: Given: Triangle

concepts and Triangle ABC, construct ABC, construct the angle
practicing new the angle bisectors of the bisectors of the three angles of the
skills #1 three angles of the triangle.

E. Developing 1. Given angle ABC, 1. Given angle ABC,

mastery (Leads construct the angle construct the angle
to Formative bisector 𝐵⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗𝐷⃗→ . bisector ⃗𝐵⃗⃗⃗⃗𝐷⃗→ .
Assessment) 2. Given angle PQR, 2. Given angle PQR,
construct the angle construct the angle
bisector 𝑄⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗𝑆→. bisector ⃗𝑄⃗⃗⃗⃗𝑆→.
F. Finding
practical In making a kite, we fold a square to make a diagonal from one
applications of vertex of the square to a non-consecutive vertex forming the
concepts and diagonal of the square. If this diagonal is replaced with a
skills in daily coconut midrib, this midrib is the skeleton of the kite. What do
living you think is the purpose of the midrib? Why should it serve as
an angle bisector?

G. Making How do we construct angle bisector using a compass and a

generalizations straightedge?
and abstractions
about the

H. Evaluating Given angle MNO, draw the angle bisector ⃗𝑁⃗⃗⃗⃗𝑃⃗→ .


I. Additional
activities for 1. Form a square on a long bond paper. Cut out the square.
application or Then, fold the square to make a diagonal crease. Can
remediation we call the crease as angle bisector? Why?

 Assignment/Agreem 2. Cut some pictures of the applications of the construction
ent of the angle bisector in real life. Paste it on a long bond
( minutes). paper and explain each. Some examples are as follows:
Fill in below any of
the four purposes
ing the day’s lessons
Enriching/inspiring the
day’s lessons
the day’s lessons
 Preparing the new



Quarter 3 Week 4 Day 3
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of key
concepts of geometry of shapes and sizes, and geometric
B. Performance The learner is able to create models of plane figures
Standards and formulate and solve accurately authentic
problems involving sides and angles of a polygon.
C. Learning The learner uses a compass and straightedge to bisect line
Competencies segments and angles and construct perpendiculars and
parallels. M7GE-IIId-e-1
 The learner uses a compass and straightedge to
construct perpendiculars.
II. CONTENT Construction of Perpendicular Lines
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages

2. Learner’s Material pages

3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resources (LR
5. Other Resources
A. Reviewing previous The teacher will stand straight in front of the students and
lesson or presenting ask them to describe the relationship between the floor
the new lesson and the teacher.
B. Establishing a How will you represent the teacher and the floor
purpose for the using lines?
C. Presenting Activity 1: Perpendicular Lines Try Out
examples/instances of
the new lesson Given a line m construct a line perpendicular to m name
it n ,using only your compass and straight edge.

Guide Questions:
1. How did you construct the line perpendicular to
line m ?
2. How sure are you that the constructed line n
is really perpendicular to line m ? Justify your
 The teacher will  The teacher will
post the step by divide the class
step procedure into 6 groups.
on the board.  Each group will
be given

The students will worksheets to be
perform the activities discuss and
guided by the teacher. perform by group
Group 1 and 2 – Activity 1
Group 3 and 4 – Activity 2
Group 5 and 6 – Activity 3
 After the allotted
time, any
representative will
present each
D. Discussing new concepts Activity 2: Construct Perpendicular Lines at a Point
practicing new skills Step 1: Draw a line DJ and a point C on that line.
Step 2: Set the compasses' width. (The actual
width does not matter.)

Step 3: Without changing the compasses' width, mark

a short arc on the line at each side of the point C,
forming the points S and Y. These two points are thus
the same distance from C.

Step 4: Increase the compasses to almost double the


Step 5: From S, mark off a short arc above C.

Step 6: Without changing the compasses' width repeat

from the point Y so that the two arcs cross each other,
creating the point F.

Step 7: Using the straight edge, draw a line from C to

where the arcs cross.

E. Discussing new Activity 3: Construct a Line Perpendicular to

concepts and another Line from an External Point
practicing new skills
#2 Step 1: Draw line AB and a point C just above or
below and which is not on the line.

Step 2: Place the compasses on point C.

Step 3: Set the compasses’ width to more than the

distance of the point to the line. The exact width does
not matter.

Step 4: Draw an arc across the line and label these

points D and E.

Step 5: Adjust the compasses’ width. From each points D

and E, draw an arc below the line so that
the arcs cross.

Step 6: Place a straightedge between F and the point
where the arcs intersect. Draw the perpendicular line
from F to the line.

F. Discussing new Activity 4: Constructing a Perpendicular Line at the End

concepts and of a Ray
practicing new skills
#3 Step 1: Given ray GH, construct a point X not on the ray.

Step 2: Set the compasses on point X and set its width to

the endpoint of the ray.

Step 3: Draw an arc that crosses the ray and extends

over and above the ray endpoint. (If you prefer, draw
a complete circle.)

Step 4: Draw a diameter through X from the point

where the arc crosses the ray.

Step 5: Draw a line from the ray’s endpoint to the

endpoint of the diameter.

Guide Questions:

1. What can you say about the angles formed by

perpendicular lines?
2. Name the angles that measure 90 .
3. Confirm if the constructed lines are
perpendicular lines, show that SCF and YCF are
both 90 . (Use the corner of a bond paper to
check if they are both measures 90 .)
G. Developing mastery Given line d , how do you construct line m perpendicular
(Leads to Formative to line d using a straight edge and a compass? Show your
Assessment) construction.

H. Finding practical Say you are a carpenter and you are building a
applications of house; in what situation or work will you utilize your
concepts and skills knowledge on construction of perpendicular lines?
in daily living
I. Making
generalizations and How do we construct perpendicular lines using a
abstractions about compass and a straightedge?
the lesson
J. Evaluating learning Using the compasses and straightedge, construct
perpendicular lines. Use the first letter of your first name
as the given line and the line perpendicular to it is the
first letter of your last name. If your first and
last name has the same first letter, use the next letter in
your last name.

K. Additional activities
for application or PerpendiculART
 Assignment/Agreement ( On a short bond paper, construct multiple perpendicular
minutes). Fill in below lines using a compass and a straightedge. Color the
any of the four perpendicular lines according to your preferences. Make
purposes your work creative.
the day’s lessons
Enriching/inspiring the
day’s lessons
Enhancing/improving the
day’s lessons
 Preparing the new


Quarter 3 Week 4 Day 4
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of key
concepts of geometry of shapes and sizes, and
geometric relationships.
B. Performance The learner is able to create models of plane figures and
Standards formulate and solve accurately authentic problems
involving sides and angles of a polygon.
C.Learning The learner is able to use a compass and
Competencies straightedge to perform basic constructions of parallel
/Objectives lines.
II. CONTENT Constructing Parallel Lines
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resources (LR Portal)
B. Other Resources
A. Reviewing previous Name objects in the classroom representing parallel lines.
lesson or presenting When do we say that lines are parallel?
the new lesson What are parallel lines?

B. Establishing a purpose
for the lesson How can we ensure that lines are parallel?
C.Presenting Given: line m
examples/instances of o construct line g parallel to line m using compass and
the new lesson straightedge.

Guide Questions:
1. How did you construct parallel lines?
2. How will you check if the lines m & g are really
parallel to each other?

D.Discussing new concepts Group Activity 1: Constructing Parallel Lines
and practicing new skills
#1 Guided Activity

Groups 1 and 2 (Angle Copy Method)

Average/Advance Your work will look like

Start with a line JS and a
point L not on the line.
1. Draw a transverse line
through L and across the
line JS at an angle, forming
the point D where it
intersects the line JS.
2. With the compasses’
width set to about half the
distance between L and D,
place the point on D, and
draw an arc across both the point of
intersection of the arc and
line JS as C and line LD
and arc as B.
3. Without adjusting the
compasses’ width move
the compasses to L and
draw a similar arc to the
in step 2. Name the
intersection of the arc and
line LD as A.
4. Set compasses’ width to
the distance where the
lower arc crosses the two
5. Move the compasses to
where the upper arc crosses
the transverse line and draw
an arc across the upper arc,
forming point Q.
6. Draw a straight line
through points L and Q.

Groups 3 and 4 (Rhombus Method)

Average/Advance Your work will look

like this
Start with a line segment
JS and a point L not on the
1. Place the compasses on
point L and set its width to
a little more than the
distance to the line JS. The
exact distance is not
2. Draw a wide arc from the
right of L around so it
crosses the line JS at points.
Label the left point D
3. Without adjusting the
compasses’ width move the
compasses to D and draw
an arc across the line JS.
Label this point C
4.Without adjusting the
compasses’ width, move
the compasses to C and
draw an arc across the large
arc to the right of L. Label
this point Q
5. Draw a straight line
through points L and Q.

Guide Question:
Average Advanced
a. Name the parallel What observations do
lines. you have for the two
b. Why lines JS and LQ lines constructed in
are parallel? activities 1 and 2?

E. Discussing new concepts

and practicing new skills
F. Developing mastery Given: line 𝑃 and point P not on 𝑃
(Leads to Formative Construct: line through P parallel to 𝑃

G.Finding practical Diana, Jolina and Patricia live in different places. The
applications of location of their houses are shown on the map below. Draw
concepts and skills in a road containing the location of Jolina that is parallel to
daily living the location of Diana and Patricia.

H.Making generalizations How do we construct parallel lines using compass and

and abstractions about starightedge?
the lesson
I. Evaluating learning 1. Construct a line parallel to AB through Q, and
another line Parallel to CD also through Q
2. What is the name of the resulting 4-sided

3. Additional activities for

application or On a short bond paper, create a 20 cm by 20 cm layout of
remediation your artwork. Construct multiple parallel lines inside the
 Assignment/Agreement ( layout and color it. Make your work creative.
minutes). Fill in below
any of the four
the day’s lessons
Enriching/inspiring the
day’s lessons
Enhancing/improving the
day’s lessons
 Preparing the new


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