Cambridge Guide To Making Entries: Cambridge O Level Cambridge International AS & A Level
Cambridge Guide To Making Entries: Cambridge O Level Cambridge International AS & A Level
Cambridge Guide To Making Entries: Cambridge O Level Cambridge International AS & A Level
Guide to
Making Entries
Including syllabus and option codes
November series 2019
June series 2018
Mauritius centres
(administrative zone 4)
Instructions for the submission of entries
1. Introduction
The Cambridge Guide to Making Entries contains instructions for the submission of all General Qualification
examinations for the November 2019 examination series. This document should be read in conjunction with the
November 2019 exam timetable to ensure that any timetable clashes are detected as early as possible.
2. Syllabus information
Syllabus information, including syllabus numbers, entry option codes and prohibited combinations, is contained in
the syllabus lists provided with these instructions.
Candidates are not permitted to enter for the same syllabus code at two centres in the same examination
3. Methods of entry
Centres should submit entries using the entry form INT/E.1 supplied with these instructions.
Centres are reminded of the importance of submitting accurate entry data. The materials supplied to
centres after the receipt of entries, including such items as question papers, coursework/internally-
assessed mark sheets and attendance registers, are dependent upon those entries, as is the subsequent
processing of candidates’ marks, grades and certificates.
Centres should submit their entries as soon as possible. Entries received after the above date will be subject
to late entry fees.
5. Private candidates
University of Cambridge International Examinations are designed primarily for candidates who follow courses of
study at schools and colleges that act as registered centres. It is recognised, however, that there are candidates
who may not attend schools or colleges but who may wish to enter for the examinations. Such individuals are
referred to as private candidates and their status is indicated by entering the letter ‘P’ in the appropriate column
on the entry form.
Individuals who have been entered as private candidates are identified separately in summaries of the centre’s
results. Statements of results and certificates will be sent to the centre.
6. Candidate numbering
Centres must allocate a candidate number to each candidate. For each candidate a unique number within the
range 1 to 9999 must be used. Candidate numbers need not be consecutive but must be listed in ascending
numerical order. All subsequent lists of candidates provided by Cambridge will be in candidate number order.
7. Entry details
Please complete the entry form according to the following instructions that are numbered 1-19 to correspond with
column numbers or boxes on the entry form.
2 0
Insert 19
Insert the name of your centre and, if appropriate, the name of the school.
This box should only be used when making entries for the November series.
Please tick this box if your form is being used solely to re-enter candidates in the November examination
series for syllabuses that they sat in the previous June series. Do not mix new and retake candidates on
the same form.
Enter for each candidate the number that you have allocated.
Enter each candidate’s name. Write the family name(s) first, then a colon and then the other name(s) or
On certificates, names will appear as, for example, DANIEL GUSTAVO ESTEBAN GARCIA. A colon
need not be used in the case of candidates where the family name appears as the first word(s) of the
name, such as in TANG PO HENG. If the colon is omitted, the candidate’s name will appear on all
documents, including results and certificates, in the same form as originally submitted.
Enter the date of birth of each candidate numerically, e.g. for 25 August 1994, enter:
2 5 0 8 9 4
This section should be completed for those candidates entered for a carry-forward component entry
CENTRE NUMBER: Enter the centre number used in the previous examination.
CANDIDATE NUMBER: Enter the candidate number used in the previous examination.
Ensure that each candidate is entered for the correct syllabus/options as follows:
SYLLABUS CODE: Enter the 4-figure syllabus code in the left hand side of the box.
OPTION CODE: Enter the one or two letter option code, where applicable, for the option
components required in the right hand side of the box. Entry details for
candidates making entries for more than eight syllabuses may be
continued on the following line, in which case columns 5-10 on the left
hand side of the form should be left blank (i.e. there is no need to repeat
the candidate details).
9700 AY for a candidate entering for components 12, 22, 33, 42 and 52
This box is for the centre’s own use and may be of assistance in calculating the fee payable.
The total number of candidates listed on the sheet should be entered in the upper box at the foot of the
‘Candidate Name’ column.
Enter, on the last form only, the total number of candidates on all the forms used.
The Head of centre must sign and date the declaration on each of the entry forms.
8. Despatch of entry forms
When the Entry Forms have been completed, the top two copies should be prepared for despatch. These should
be submitted to the Mauritius Examinations Syndicate. The third copy should be retained by the centre.
9. Entry amendments
Amendments for all entries must be submitted on the Candidate Entry Amendment Form (see page 14). This form
is to be photocopied as required.
Oral and practical assessment will be carried out in appropriate subjects. In addition, centres may offer
coursework (school-based assessment) in most subjects provided that Cambridge is satisfied that suitable and
reliable moderation can be achieved. Teachers must be trained by Cambridge in the appropriate subjects before
centres may undertake this internal assessment.
Some candidates who have entered for an A Level in a subject will be awarded an AS result rather than an A
Level result. This is because their performance, while not meeting the standards of the A Level examination,
successfully meets those required for the AS Level.
Candidates who have failed to reach the required standard in the A Level examination but who would have
passed at AS Level examination will receive a Statement of Results which shows the AS performance, graded
a(a)-e(e), providing a clear indication of their achievement.
Please note that compensatory AS results are not available for all subjects, as there are a few that are not
available at AS Level.
Not all examination boards adopt this practice. This service to candidates is part of Cambridge’s commitment to
ensuring accurate and reliable results which fully recognise the nature of a candidate’s achievement.
12. Entering for an Examination: a Notice to Candidates
Before your school submits its entries to Cambridge, you will be asked to check your entry and
confirm that it is correct.
A Are your first forename and family name correctly spelt? Are the initials of your
other forenames correctly shown? This is most important, because certificates show
the names given on the entry form. Centre and candidate details including the
spelling of name and date of birth must be checked when Statements of Entry (and
Statements of Result) are issued. Any inaccuracies must be reported to Cambridge
immediately upon discovery and prior to the issue of certificates. A fee will be
charged for issuing a replacement certificate due to incorrect candidate and/or
centre details. This service is available only within 18 months of the date of issue of
the original certificate.
B Are your date of birth and your sex code correctly shown?
C Have you been entered for all the syllabuses you are taking and for the correct
components within each syllabus? You should pay particular attention to your entry
for syllabuses where there are alternative syllabuses.
You must realise that in checking and signing for your entry, you are taking responsibility for its
accuracy. You will not be permitted to make changes later.
A copy of this notice should be displayed where candidates can read it, or it should otherwise be brought
to their attention before they check their entries.
Instructions for entering School Certificate group awards
13. Entry criteria for the School Certificate (SC)
The School Certificate (SC) is only available in the October/November examination series and to centres in
Mauritius only. The School Certificate is not available for private candidates even if they fulfil the entry criteria.
The School Certificate group award is based on the amalgamation of Cambridge International Ordinary Level
subjects. The SC can only be taken during one exam series and candidates are not allowed to carry forward
syllabus grades they may have obtained in previous series.
Candidates will not be required to identify that they wish to enter for the SC group award. In the course of
processing entries, Cambridge will identify any school candidates that meet the SC entry criteria and will enter
those candidates for the School Certificate group award.
Any school candidate wishing to enter for the School Certificate must meet the following requirements:
The Cambridge International O Level subjects to be considered towards the School Certificate group award are
grouped as follows:
(Subjects of examination for the School Certificate award - continued)
Subject Group Syllabus Code Syllabus Title
Group 5 5014 Environmental Management
Science 5016 Physical Education
5031 Science for All
5038 Agriculture
5054 Physics
5070 Chemistry
5090 Biology
5129 Combined Science
5180 Marine Science
Group 6 6005 Art & Design (Mauritius)
Arts & Crafts 6043 Design & Technology
6065 Food & Nutrition
6110 Music
6130 Fashion & Textiles
Group 7 2210 Computer Science
Technical & 4054 Enterprise (Mauritius)
Commercial 7048 CDT: Design & Communication
7096 Travel & Tourism
7100 Commerce
7110 Principles of Accounts
7115 Business Studies
The grade aggregate is based on the best six numeric grades, irrespective of those used to award the SC. To
obtain an SC award a candidate must obtain at least an aggregate of 45 and achieve one of the following
minimum requirements:
A* 1 (one) Credit
A 2 (two)
B 3 (three)
4 (four)
C 5 (five)
6 (six)
D 7 (seven) Pass
E 8 (eight)
U 9 (nine) Ungraded
No Result No Result No Result
All candidates who fulfil the entry requirements and obtain the minimum requirement as shown above will be
awarded a School Certificate (Unclassified).
14. Entry criteria for the Higher School Certificate (HSC)
The Higher School Certificate (HSC) is only available in the October/November examination series and to centres
in Mauritius only. The Higher School certificate is not available to private candidates even if they fulfil the entry
The Higher School Certificate group award is based on the amalgamation of General Certificate of Education
Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level subjects. The HSC can only be taken during one exam series and
candidates are not allowed to carry forward syllabus grades they may have obtained in previous series.
Candidates will not be required to identify that they wish to enter for the HSC group award. In the course of
processing entries, Cambridge will identify any school candidates that meet the HSC entry criteria and will enter
those candidates for the Higher School Certificate group award.
Any school candidate wishing to enter for the Higher School Certificate must meet the following requirements:
Candidates who satisfied the entry criteria must achieve one of the following combinations of results in order to
achieve an HSC Pass.
Candidates who enter for a Cambridge International A Level syllabus but are awarded a compensatory AS result
will be awarded an HSC pass provided that they meet the criteria in rules 2 or 3 above.
Cambridge International O Level syllabuses in alphabetical order:
Agriculture 5038
Candidates take Available to private Component
Option code Component title Duration Weighting
components candidates? code
AY 12, 02 - 12 Theory 12 1h45m 70%
BY 12, 82 - 02 Coursework - 30%
82 Coursework Mark Carried Forward - 30%
Arabic 3180
Candidates take Available to private Component
Option code Component title Duration Weighting
components candidates? code
A 01, 02 Yes 01 Composition 1h30m 45%
02 Translation & Reading Comprehension 1h30m 55%
Biology 5090
Candidates take Available to private Component
Option code Component title Duration Weighting
components candidates? code
BY 12, 22, 62 Yes 12 Multiple Choice 12 1h 25%
22 Theory 22 1h45m 50%
62 Alternative To Practical 62 1h 25%
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 5129.
CDT: Design & Communication 7048
Candidates take Available to private Component
Option code Component title Duration Weighting
components candidates? code
Leave Blank 01, 02 - 01 Paper 1 2h30m 60%
02 Paper 2 - 40%
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 6043.
Chemistry 5070
Candidates take Available to private Component
Option code Component title Duration Weighting
components candidates? code
BY 12, 22, 42 Yes 12 Multiple Choice 12 1h 27.6%
22 Theory 22 1h30m 51.7%
42 Alternative To Practical 42 1h 20.7%
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 5129.
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 5054, 5070 or 5090.
Commerce 7100
Candidates take Available to private Component
Option code Component title Duration Weighting
components candidates? code
Y 12, 22 Yes 12 Multiple Choice 12 1h 30%
22 Written 22 2h 70%
Candidates take Available to private Component
Option code Component title Duration Weighting
components candidates? code
AY 12, 22 Yes 12 Paper 12 Theory 1h45m 60%
22 Paper 22 Problem-Solving & Programming 1h45m 40%
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 7048 or 9705.
Economics 2281
Candidates take Available to private Component
Option code Component title Duration Weighting
components candidates? code
Y 12, 22 Yes 12 Multiple Choice 12 45m 30%
22 Structured Questions 22 2h15m 70%
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 1126.
English Language (Syllabus B) (Mauritius) 1126
Candidates take Available to private Component
Option code Component title Duration Weighting
components candidates? code
Leave Blank 01, 02, 03 Yes 01 Reading & Directed Writing 2h 53%
02 Continuous Writing 1h15m 35%
03 Oral 15m 12%
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 1125.
Option code Component title Duration Weighting
components candidates? code
AY 12, 02 - 12 Theory 12 2h 50%
02 Practical 2h30m 50%
Geography 2217
Candidates take Available to private Component
Option code Component title Duration Weighting
components candidates? code
Y 12, 22 Yes 12 Geographical Themes 12 1h45m 50%
22 Investigation & Skills 22 2h15m 50%
German 5025
Candidates take Available to private Component
Option code Component title Duration Weighting
components candidates? code
A 01, 02, 03, 04 Yes 01 Listening 45m 25%
02 Reading 1h 25%
03 Speaking 15m 25%
04 Writing 1h 25%
Hinduism 2055
Candidates take Available to private Component
Option code Component title Duration Weighting
components candidates? code
Leave Blank 01, 02 Yes 01 Hindu Gods & Festivals 1h30m 50%
02 Scriptures, Ethics & Hindu Life 1h30m 50%
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 8058 or 9014.
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 2134.
History (Modern World Affairs) 2134
Candidates take Available to private Component
Option code Component title Duration Weighting
components candidates? code
Leave Blank 01, 02 Yes 01 Modern World Affairs 2h ca. 66%
02 International Relations & Developments 1h15m ca. 33%
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 2162.
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 2058.
Islamiyat 2058
Candidates take Available to private Component
Option code Component title Duration Weighting
components candidates? code
AY 12, 22 Yes 12 Paper 12 1h30m 50%
22 Paper 22 1h30m 50%
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 2068, 8053 or 9013.
Candidates take Available to private Component
Option code Component title Duration Weighting
components candidates? code
Leave Blank 01 only Yes 01 Paper 1 2h30m 100%
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 4029.
Grades C - E are available.
Mathematics Syllabus D (Mauritius) 4029
Candidates take Available to private Component
Option code Component title Duration Weighting
components candidates? code
Leave Blank 01, 02 Yes 01 Paper 1 2h 50%
02 Paper 2 2h30m 50%
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 4021.
Music 6110
Candidates take Available to private Component
Option code Component title Duration Weighting
components candidates? code
A 01, 02, 03 - 01 Listening 1h15m 40%
02 Performing - 30%
03 Composing - 30%
Physics 5054
Candidates take Available to private Component
Option code Component title Duration Weighting
components candidates? code
BY 12, 22, 42 Yes 12 Multiple Choice 12 1h 27.6%
22 Theory 22 1h45m 51.7%
42 Alternative To Practical 42 1h 20.7%
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 5129.
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 8041 or 9011.
Candidates take Available to private Component
Option code Component title Duration Weighting
components candidates? code
Leave Blank 01, 02, 03, 04 - 01 Multiple Choice 1h 20%
02 Paper 2 1h30m 40%
03 Paper 3 1h30m 20%
04 Case Study - 20%
Sociology 2251
Candidates take Available to private Component
Option code Component title Duration Weighting
components candidates? code
Y 12, 22 Yes 12 Paper 12 2h 54%
22 Paper 22 1h45m 46%
Spanish 5030
Candidates take Available to private Component
Option code Component title Duration Weighting
components candidates? code
A 01, 02, 03, 04 Yes 01 Listening 45m 25%
02 Reading 1h 25%
03 Speaking 15m 25%
04 Writing 1h 25%
Statistics 4040
Candidates take Available to private Component
Option code Component title Duration Weighting
components candidates? code
Y 12, 22 Yes 12 Paper 12 2h15m 50%
22 Paper 22 2h15m 50%
Tamil 3206
Candidates take Available to private Component
Option code Component title Duration Weighting
components candidates? code
A 01, 02 Yes 01 Composition 1h30m 45%
02 Translation & Reading Comprehension 1h30m 55%
Mauritius (Zone 4) Cambridge International O Level
Cambridge International AS & A Level syllabuses in alphabetical order:
Accounting 9706
Candidates take Available to private Component Weighting
Option code Component title Duration
components candidates? code AS Level A Level
AY 12, 22, 32 Yes 12 AS Level Multiple Choice 12 1h 30% 15%
SY 12, 22 (AS Level) Yes 22 AS Level Structured Questions 22 1h30m 70% 35%
32 A Level Structured Questions 32 3h - 50%
Arabic 9680
Candidates take Available to private Component Weighting
Option code Component title Duration
components candidates? code AS Level A Level
AY 22, 32, 42, 52 Yes 22 Reading & Writing 22 1h45m - ca. 35%
32 Essay 32 1h30m - ca. 20%
42 Texts 42 2h30m - ca. 35%
52 Prose 52 45m - ca. 10%
Arabic Language 8680
Candidates take Available to private Component Weighting
Option code Component title Duration
components candidates? code AS Level A Level
AY 22, 32 Yes 22 Reading & Writing 22 1h45m 70% -
32 Essay 32 1h30m 30% -
Notes This syllabus is only available as an AS Level in 2019 and will be available as an A Level in 2020.
Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 9393.
F 01, 02, 84 - 84 Component 4 Mark Carried Forward - - 30%
G 01, 02, 85 - 85 Component 5 Mark Carried Forward - - 30%
H 01, 03, 84 -
I 01, 03, 85 -
SA 01, 02 (AS Level) Yes
SB 01, 03 (AS Level) Yes
SC 01, 04 (AS Level) -
SD 01, 05 (AS Level) -
Biology 9700
Candidates take Available to private Component Weighting
Option code Component title Duration
components candidates? code AS Level A Level
AY 12, 22, 33, 42, 52 Yes 12 Multiple Choice 12 1h 31% 15.5%
HY 12, 22, 34, 42, 52 Yes 22 AS Level Structured Questions 22 1h15m 46% 23%
S3 12, 22, 33 (AS Level) Yes 33 Advanced Practical Skills 33 2h 23% 11.5%
S4 12, 22, 34 (AS Level) Yes 34 Advanced Practical Skills 34 2h 23% 11.5%
42 A Level Structured Questions 42 2h - 38.5%
52 Planning, Analysis & Evaluation 52 1h15m - 11.5%
Business 9609
Candidates take Available to private Component Weighting
Option code Component title Duration
components candidates? code AS Level A Level
AY 12, 22, 32 Yes 12 Short Answer & Essay 12 1h15m 40% 20%
SY 12, 22 (AS Level) Yes 22 Data Response 22 1h30m 60% 30%
32 Case Study 32 3h - 50%
Chemistry 9701
Candidates take Available to private Component Weighting
Option code Component title Duration
components candidates? code AS Level A Level
AY 12, 22, 33, 42, 52 Yes 12 Multiple Choice 12 1h 31% 15.5%
HY 12, 22, 34, 42, 52 Yes 22 AS Level Structured Questions 22 1h15m 46% 23%
S3 12, 22, 33 (AS Level) Yes 33 Advanced Practical Skills 33 2h 23% 11.5%
S4 12, 22, 34 (AS Level) Yes 34 Advanced Practical Skills 34 2h 23% 11.5%
42 A Level Structured Questions 42 2h - 38.5%
52 Planning, Analysis & Evaluation 52 1h15m - 11.5%
Chinese 9715
Candidates take Available to private Component Weighting
Option code Component title Duration
components candidates? code AS Level A Level
BY 22, 32, 42, 05 Yes 22 Reading & Writing 22 1h45m - 34%
32 Essay 32 1h30m - 20%
42 Texts 42 2h30m - 36%
05 Prose 45m - 10%
Notes This syllabus is only available as an AS Level.
Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 9715.
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 9626.
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 6043.
03 Textile Applications & Technology (A/L written) 2h - 25%
04 A Level Coursework - - 25%
Notes This syllabus is only available as an AS Level in 2019 and will be available as an A Level in 2020.
Divinity 8041
Candidates take Available to private Component Weighting
Option code Component title Duration
components candidates? code AS Level A Level
Y 22 only Yes 22 The Four Gospels 22 3h 100% -
Divinity 9011
Candidates take Available to private Component Weighting
Option code Component title Duration
components candidates? code AS Level A Level
AY 12, 22 Yes 12 Prophets of the Old Testament 12 3h - 50%
BY 12, 32 Yes 22 The Four Gospels 22 3h - 50%
CY 22, 32 Yes 32 The Apostolic Age 32 3h - 50%
Economics 9708
Candidates take Available to private Component Weighting
Option code Component title Duration
components candidates? code AS Level A Level
AY 12, 22, 32, 42 Yes 12 AS Level Multiple Choice 12 1h 40% 20%
SY 12, 22 (AS Level) Yes 22 AS Level Data Response & Essay 22 1h30m 60% 30%
32 A Level Multiple Choice 32 1h15m - 15%
42 A Level Data Response & Essays 42 2h15m - 35%
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 8009.
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 8695.
Environmental Management 8291
Candidates take Available to private Component Weighting
Option code Component title Duration
components candidates? code AS Level A Level
AY 12, 22, 03 - 12 Paper 12 1h30m 40% -
BY 12, 22, 83 - 22 Paper 22 1h30m 40% -
03 Centre-based Assessment - 20% -
83 Coursework Mark Carried Forward - 20% -
Notes This syllabus is only available as an AS Level.
Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 9094.
Geography 9696
Candidates take Available to private Component Weighting
Option code Component title Duration
components candidates? code AS Level A Level
AY 12, 22, 32, 42 Yes 12 Core Physical Geography 12 1h30m 50% 25%
SY 12, 22 (AS Level) Yes 22 Core Human Geography 22 1h30m 50% 25%
32 Advanced Physical Geography Options 32 1h30m - 25%
42 Advanced Human Geography Options 42 1h30m - 25%
German 9717
Candidates take Available to private Component Weighting
Option code Component title Duration
components candidates? code AS Level A Level
AY 01, 22, 32, 42 Yes 01 Speaking 20m - 20%
22 Reading & Writing 22 1h45m - 35%
32 Essay 32 1h30m - 15%
42 Texts 42 2h30m - 30%
Notes This syllabus is only available as an AS Level.
Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 9717.
Hindi 9687
Candidates take Available to private Component Weighting
Option code Component title Duration
components candidates? code AS Level A Level
Leave Blank 02, 03, 04, 05 Yes 02 Reading & Writing 1h45m - ca. 35%
03 Essay 1h30m - ca. 20%
04 Texts 2h30m - ca. 35%
05 Prose 45m - ca. 10%
Hinduism 8058
Candidates take Available to private Component Weighting
Option code Component title Duration
components candidates? code AS Level A Level
Leave Blank 01 only Yes 01 Paper 1 3h 100% -
Hinduism 9014
Candidates take Available to private Component Weighting
Option code Component title Duration
components candidates? code AS Level A Level
Leave Blank 01, 02 Yes 01 Paper 1 3h - 50%
02 Paper 2 3h - 50%
History 9389
Candidates take Available to private Component Weighting
Option code Component title Duration
components candidates? code AS Level A Level
AY 12, 22, 32, 42 Yes 12 Document Question 12 1h 40% 20%
SY 12, 22 (AS Level) Yes 22 Outline Study 22 1h30m 60% 30%
32 Interpretations Question 32 1h - 20%
42 Depth Study 42 1h30m - 30%
Information Technology * 9626
Candidates take Available to private Component Weighting
Option code Component title Duration
components candidates? code AS Level A Level
AY 12, 02, 32, 04 Yes 12 Theory 12 1h45m 50% 25%
SY 12, 02 (AS Level) Yes 02 Practical 2h30m 50% 25%
32 Advanced Theory 32 1h45m - 25%
04 Advanced Practical 2h30m - 25%
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 9608.
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 2058 or 8053.
Language & Literature in English 8695
Candidates take Available to private Component Weighting
Option code Component title Duration
components candidates? code AS Level A Level
AY 22, 92 Yes 22 Writing 22 2h 50% -
92 Poetry, Prose, Drama 92 2h 50% -
Law 9084
Candidates take Available to private Component Weighting
Option code Component title Duration
components candidates? code AS Level A Level
AY 12, 22, 32, 42 Yes 12 Paper 12 1h30m 60% 30%
SY 12, 22 (AS Level) Yes 22 Paper 22 1h30m 40% 20%
32 Paper 32 1h30m - 25%
42 Paper 42 1h30m - 25%
Notes Component 8 is only available to centres that have submitted an Outline Proposal Form to Cambridge.
Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 8695.
Marathi 9688
Candidates take Available to private Component Weighting
Option code Component title Duration
components candidates? code AS Level A Level
Leave Blank 02, 03, 04, 05 Yes 02 Reading & Writing 1h45m - ca. 35%
03 Essay 1h30m - ca. 20%
04 Texts 2h30m - ca. 35%
05 Prose 45m - ca. 10%
Mathematics 9709
Candidates take Available to private Component Weighting
Option code Component title Duration
components candidates? code AS Level A Level
AY 12, 32, 42, 62 Yes 12 Pure Mathematics 12 1h45m 60% 30%
BY 12, 32, 42, 52 Yes 22 Pure Mathematics 22 1h15m 40% -
CY 12, 32, 62, 72 Yes 32 Pure Mathematics 32 1h45m - 30%
S4 12, 22 (AS Level) Yes 42 Mechanics 42 1h15m 40% 20%
S5 12, 42 (AS Level) Yes 52 Mechanics 52 1h15m - 20%
S6 12, 62 (AS Level) Yes 62 Probability & Statistics 62 1h15m 40% 20%
72 Probability & Statistics 72 1h15m - 20%
Music 9483
Candidates take Available to private Component Weighting
Option code Component title Duration
components candidates? code AS Level A Level
SY 12, 02 (AS Level) - 12 Listening 12 2h 60% 30%
02 Practical Music - 40% 20%
Notes This syllabus is only available as an AS Level in 2019 and will be available as an A Level in 2020.
Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 9703.
Music 9703
Candidates take Available to private Component Weighting
Option code Component title Duration
components candidates? code AS Level A Level
A 01, 02, 03, 04 - 01 Listening 01 2h 50% 25%
B 01, 02, 03, 05 - 02 Practical Musicianship - 50% 25%
C 01, 02, 04, 05 - 03 Performing - - 25%
S 01, 02 (AS Level) - 04 Composing - - 25%
05 Investigation & Report - - 25%
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 9483.
04 A Level Coursework - - 15%
Physics 9702
Candidates take Available to private Component Weighting
Option code Component title Duration
components candidates? code AS Level A Level
AY 12, 22, 33, 42, 52 Yes 12 Multiple Choice 12 1h15m 31% 15.5%
HY 12, 22, 34, 42, 52 Yes 22 AS Level Structured Questions 22 1h15m 46% 23%
S3 12, 22, 33 (AS Level) Yes 33 Advanced Practical Skills 33 2h 23% 11.5%
S4 12, 22, 34 (AS Level) Yes 34 Advanced Practical Skills 34 2h 23% 11.5%
42 A Level Structured Questions 42 2h - 38.5%
52 Planning, Analysis & Evaluation 52 1h15m - 11.5%
Psychology 9990
Candidates take Available to private Component Weighting
Option code Component title Duration
components candidates? code AS Level A Level
AY 12, 22, 32, 42 Yes 12 Approaches, Issues & Debates 12 1h30m 50% 25%
SY 12, 22 (AS Level) Yes 22 Research Methods 22 1h30m 50% 25%
32 Specialist Options: Theory 32 1h30m - 25%
42 Specialist Options: Application 42 1h30m - 25%
Sociology 9699
Candidates take Available to private Component Weighting
Option code Component title Duration
components candidates? code AS Level A Level
AY 12, 22, 32 Yes 12 The Family 12 1h30m 50% 25%
SY 12, 22 (AS Level) Yes 22 Theory & Methods 22 1h30m 50% 25%
32 Social Inequality & Opportunity 32 3h - 50%
Spanish 9719
Candidates take Available to private Component Weighting
Option code Component title Duration
components candidates? code AS Level A Level
AY 01, 22, 32, 42 Yes 01 Speaking 20m - 20%
22 Reading & Writing 22 1h45m - 35%
32 Essay 32 1h30m - 15%
42 Texts 42 2h30m - 30%
Tamil 9689
Candidates take Available to private Component Weighting
Option code Component title Duration
components candidates? code AS Level A Level
AY 22, 32, 42, 52 Yes 22 Reading & Writing 22 1h45m - ca. 35%
32 Essay 32 1h30m - ca. 20%
42 Texts 42 2h30m - ca. 35%
52 Prose 52 45m - ca. 10%
Notes This syllabus is only available as an A Level.
Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 8689.
Telugu 9690
Candidates take Available to private Component Weighting
Option code Component title Duration
components candidates? code AS Level A Level
Leave Blank 02, 03, 04, 05 Yes 02 Reading & Writing 1h45m - ca. 35%
03 Essay 1h30m - ca. 20%
04 Texts 2h30m - ca. 35%
05 Prose 45m - ca. 10%
Notes This syllabus is only available as an AS Level.
Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 9690.
Urdu 9676
Candidates take Available to private Component Weighting
Option code Component title Duration
components candidates? code AS Level A Level
Leave Blank 02, 03, 04, 05 Yes 02 Reading & Writing 1h45m - ca. 35%
03 Essay 1h30m - ca. 20%
04 Texts 2h30m - ca. 35%
05 Prose 45m - ca. 10%
Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 8686.
1 Examination Date Enter last two digits of year CENTRE NUMBER EXT SCHOOL NUMBER
Delete the inappropriate session JUNE / NOVEMBER e.g. ‘18’ for 2018
2 Candidate Details
Include the candidate’s number and then enter only the details that should be changed from those shown on the statement of entry.
Number Name Date of Birth DD/MM/YY Sex (M/F)
Previous Entry Detail Syllabus / Option – Enter Syllabus details in box and delete the two inappropriate instructions
Centre / Candidate Number Add / Remove / Option Add / Remove / Option Add / Remove / Option Add / Remove / Option
Previous Entry Detail Syllabus / Option – Enter Syllabus details in box and delete the two inappropriate instructions
Centre / Candidate Number Add / Remove / Option Add / Remove / Option Add / Remove / Option Add / Remove / Option
Number Name Date of Birth DD/MM/YY Sex (M/F)
Previous Entry Detail Syllabus / Option – Enter Syllabus details in box and delete the two inappropriate instructions
Centre / Candidate Number Add / Remove / Option Add / Remove / Option Add / Remove / Option Add / Remove / Option
Previous Entry Detail Syllabus / Option – Enter Syllabus details in box and delete the two inappropriate instructions
Centre / Candidate Number Add / Remove / Option Add / Remove / Option Add / Remove / Option Add / Remove / Option
In the following example candidate number 10 requires a change to the way his name is spelt. At the same time the candidate wishes to change the
option code for which he is entered for syllabus 9084, include an additional entry for 9609/AY and remove an entry for 9709/AY.
Previous Entry Detail Syllabus / Option – Enter Syllabus details in box and delete the two inappropriate instructions
Centre / Candidate Number Add / Remove / Option Add / Remove / Option Add / Remove / Option Add / Remove / Option
9 0 8 4 A Y 9 6 0 9 A Y 9 7 0 9 A Y
This form must only be used to change information for a candidate or group of candidates who have already been entered for the
examination - new candidate entries should be submitted using the Final Entry Form. Please refer to the Cambridge Guide to Making
Entries when completing this form.
a) Name Changes: All candidate names must be written in full, and should be entered as surname, followed by colon,
first forename and initials.
b) Syllabus/Option changes: Please refer to the example above. In order to add a syllabus, write the required
syllabus option code details in the box and cross out the Remove and Option tags. In order to remove a syllabus
entry, write the syllabus and option to be deleted in the box and cross out the Add and Option tags. In order to
change an option code, write the syllabus and new option code in the box and cross out the Add and Remove tags.
2. Completion of Boxes
Always complete the box that identifies your centre. For each candidate to be amended complete the box for their candidate number and
then only the details which need to be changed. There is no need to include the candidate’s name unless the spelling needs to be
This form must not be used for a candidate withdrawing from the whole examination. In such cases, application in writing should be
made to Cambridge International Examinations, stating that all entries for the candidate should be cancelled.
4. Return of Form
Return the form to Cambridge Assessment International Examinations at the address below, and photocopy for your records if
Cambridge Assessment, The Triangle Building, Shaftesbury Road, Cambridge, CB2 8EA, United Kingdom
Fax: +44 1223 553558
E-mail: [email protected]
School Certificate syllabuses in syllabus code order:
Code Syllabus Page
8686 Urdu Language 42
8687 Hindi Language 33
8688 Marathi Language 36
8689 Tamil Language 40
8690 Telugu Language 41
8695 Language & Literature in English 35
9011 Divinity 28
9013 Islamic Studies 35
9014 Hinduism 34
9084 Law 35
9093 English Language 29
9094 French (Mauritius) 30
9231 Further Mathematics 31
9336 Food Studies 30
9389 History 34
9393 Art & Design (Mauritius) 24
9395 Travel & Tourism 42
9396 Physical Education 38
9479 Art & Design 24
9481 Digital Media & Design 27
9483 Music 37
9608 Computer Science 26
9609 Business 25
9626 Information Technology 34
9631 Design & Textiles 27
9676 Urdu 42
9680 Arabic 23
9687 Hindi 32
9688 Marathi 36
9689 Tamil 40
9690 Telugu 41
9693 Marine Science 37
9694 Thinking Skills 41
9695 Literature in English 36
9696 Geography 31
9699 Sociology 39
9700 Biology 25
9701 Chemistry 25
9702 Physics 38
9703 Music 38
9705 Design & Technology 27
9706 Accounting 23
9708 Economics 28
9709 Mathematics 37
9715 Chinese 26
9717 German 32
9719 Spanish 39
9990 Psychology 39
Cambridge Assessment International Education Cambridge O Level
The Triangle Building, Shaftesbury Road
Cambridge, CB2 8EA, United Kingdom Cambridge International
t: +44 1223 553 554 AS & A Level
Copyright © UCLES 2019
Cambridge Guide to Making Entries
Guide to
Making Entries
Including syllabus and option codes
November series 2019
June series 2018
Mauritius centres
(administrative zone 4)